Thursday, November 24, 2016

A charming tale for Thanksgiving. November 24, 2016

After a rancorous political season, it's time to be civil with that loudmouthed relative that you'll inevitably encounter at your Thanksgiving feast. So we're offering a story you can read at your gathering, and put everyone in a different, safer, and more meaningful emotional and psychological place. Because wherever someone is emphatically entrenched, there are other worlds to sing in.

Information, Please

by Paul Villiard

When I was a young boy, my father had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. I remember the polished, old case fastened to the wall. The shiny receiver hung on the side of the box. I was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with fascination when my mother talked to it. Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person. Her name was "Information Please" and there was nothing she did not know. Information Please could supply anyone's number and the correct time.

My personal experience with the genie-in-a-bottle came one day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. Amusing myself at the tool bench in the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer. The pain was terrible, but there seemed no point in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy. I walked around the house sucking my throbbing finger, finally arriving at the stairway. The telephone! Quickly, I ran for the footstool in the parlor and dragged it to the landing. Climbing up, I unhooked the receiver in the parlor and held it to my ear. "Information, please," I said into the mouthpiece just above my head.

A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear. "Information."

"I hurt my finger..." I wailed into the phone, the tears came readily enough now that I had an audience..

"Isn't your mother home?" came the question.

"Nobody's home but me," I blubbered.

"Are you bleeding?" the voice asked.

"No, "I replied. "I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts."

"Can you open the icebox?" she asked.

I said I could.

"Then chip off a little bit of ice and hold it to your finger," said the voice.

After that, I called "Information Please" for everything. I asked her for help with my geography, and she told me where Philadelphia was. She helped me with my math. She told me my pet chipmunk, that I had caught in the park just the day before, would eat fruit and nuts.

Then, there was the time Petey, our pet canary, died. I called, "Information Please," and told her the sad story. She listened, and then said things grown-ups say to soothe a child. But I was not consoled. I asked her, "Why is it that birds should sing so beautifully and bring joy to all families, only to end up as a heap of feathers on the bottom of a cage?"

She must have sensed my deep concern, for she said quietly, "Wayne, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in." Somehow I felt better.

Another day I was on the telephone, "Information Please."

"Information," said in the now familiar voice.

"How do I spell fix?" I asked.

All this took place in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When I was nine years old, we moved across the country to Boston. I missed my friend very much.

"Information Please" belonged in that old wooden box back home and I somehow never thought of trying the shiny new phone that sat on the table in the hall. As I grew into my teens, the memories of those childhood conversations never really left me.

Often, in moments of doubt and perplexity I would recall the serene sense of security I had then. I appreciated now how patient, understanding, and kind she was to have spent her time on a little boy.

A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane put down in Seattle. I had about a half-hour or so between planes. I spent 15 minutes or so on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, "Information Please."

Miraculously, I heard the small, clear voice I knew so well. "Information." I hadn't planned this, but I heard myself saying, "Could you please tell me how to spell fix?"

There was a long pause. Then came the soft spoken answer, "I guess your finger must have healed by now."

I laughed, "So it's really you," I said. "I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during that time?"

"I wonder," she said, "if you know how much your calls meant to me. I never had any children and I used to look forward to your calls."

I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again when I came back to visit my sister. "Please do," she said. "Just ask for Sally."

Three months later I was back in Seattle. A different voice answered, "Information." I asked for Sally.

"Are you a friend?" she said. "Yes, a very old friend," I answered."I'm sorry to have to tell you this," She said. "Sally had been working part time the last few years because she was sick. She died five weeks ago."

Before I could hang up, she said, "Wait a minute, did you say your name was Wayne ?"

"Yes." I answered.

“Well, Sally left a message for you. She wrote it down in case you called. Let me read it to you.”

The note said, "Tell him there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean."

I thanked her and hung up. I knew what Sally meant.

Never underestimate the impression you may make on others.

"Information, Please," by Paul Villiard, first appeared in Reader's Digest in the June, 1966 edition (pp. 63-65).

Mr. Villiard's authorship has mostly been lost in the many internet incarnations of his story, and various anonymous persons have messed with and embellished it. the latest circulation has renamed the story "The Black Telephone" and omitted Mr. Villiard. Snopes, which dubs this kind of story as "glurge," ran a feature back in 2001 to sort it all out:

"...glurge has been circulating in its current form for decades, as evidenced by this current story about the friendship between a little boy and a telephone operator. 'Information, Please' was first published in 1966 in Reader's Digest, a magazine known for offering at least one of these "slice of life" heartwarming yarns in each issue.

"There are differences between the version circulated on the Internet (which is the text used as the example above) and the original as it appeared in Reader's Digest. For the most part, these differences amount to the dropping of a line here and there, the changing of one word into another (the 'tall, skinny new phone' becomes the 'tall, shiny new phone'), and the rendering of words from the original story with British rather than American spellings ('neighbor' instead of 'neighbour'; 'parlor' instead of 'parlour'). Perhaps whoever transcribed this story from the original was working with a hard-to-read photocopy.

"There are also two key departures: one of omission; the other of addition. Omitted is a lengthy anecdote that should have immediately followed the 'How do you spell "fix"?' line, about the author's having been given a fright by his sister that resulted in his pulling the telephone receiver from the wall-mounted unit and the quick appearance of a repairman to fix the phone and to inform 'Information Please' that the children were all right. (The phone conversation had been unexpectedly interrupted after a loud scream was heard in the background, so the operator had dispatched someone to check what happened.)

"Added are the two lines that now close the piece: 'Never underestimate the impression you may make on others. On that note I would like to ask you to remember how much difference one person can make in someone's life.' In the original, the story concluded with 'I thanked her and hung up. I did know what Sally meant.' Unlike whoever took it upon himself to edit the piece, Paul Villiard trusted his readers to understand the moral of his tale.

"Is this particular entry a true story? It (like many others) was presented as a 'first person tale,' but glurge-like stories are often full of embellishments and exaggerations — and are sometimes complete fabrications — despite their 'true story' labels, and tracking down the originator of a single 36-year-old piece is no easy task. As usual, the better approach to this type of narrative might be to ignore the issue of its literal truthfulness and consider the message: Does this wistful tale truly represent life as it was — a now-gone world in which even anonymous telephone operators took time out to comfort lonely children by helping them treat their injuries, assisting them with their homework, and offering them bits of philosophical advice — or does it represent a way of life we'd like to believe in, one that never really existed outside our imaginations?"

-- Barbara "norman rockwellfare" Mikkelson, Snopes.


Happee Turkee, or whatever you're doing. We'll be enjoying the companionship of friends.

But part of us will be 1500 miles away, with the "land defenders" and "water defenders" at Standing Rock, opposing the brutality of the rich and powerful and toxic forces who are assaulting the Earth in the name of DAPL -- the Dakota Access Pipeline -- and tearing into Indian land without their permission. "Mni Wiconi" is Lakota for "water is life." It is the message the Standing Rock Sioux have for all of us.

The Guide stands in solidarity with the protesters at Standing Rock. Mni Wiconi.



Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?

What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...

Pssst -- Hey, kid. Yeah, YOU: It won't be so "basic" when we add all the links for the global network of music news / music education sites that we're joining; THAT'LL be here very soon, as an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT of the Guide returning to being a MUSIC NEWS journal!

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Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS -- and views of interest to artists everywhere -- more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

News & Reviews; a time of remembrance: Nov. 22nd; Rhonda Vincent; Thanksgiving; New (Fall) Record Store Day & other new releases; Leon Russell -- Nov 22 edition 2016

This edition is a rich variety. Lots of history, fresh news of a major bluegrass star, a new annual day for special new releases, other news of just-released recorded music, and some events. Jump right in, before it's time to stuff the turkey.


Contents / in this edition...

1) We've lost a lot of people...

2) November 22nd—One of modern history's darkest days

3) Not what you expect: memories of Dallas on November 22nd, 1963—Geo. McCalip

4) RHONDA VINCENT's "All The Rage - Volume One" debuts at no. 1 on Billboard Bluegrass Albums Chart


6) "THE PILGRIMS," the excellent 2015 "American Experience" documentary, returns

7) The wartime Thanksgiving of 1950

8) Debut of "RECORD STORE DAY BLACK FRIDAY" for 2016

9) BEN FOLDS has new release on "RECORD STORE DAY BLACK FRIDAY" — Brady Brock

10) Remembering LEON RUSSELL

11) Stuff still ahead: tasty remnants from The Guide's music calendar

Let's get started!


# 1 news feature...


We always seek to do justice to a number of creative people. Some are highly influential individuals from our shared world of musical arts. Others aren't or weren't, but only because the breaks never went their way. It's difficult, under the best of circumstances, to keep that as a statement of purpose for The Guide. But these are not the best of circumstances, because, for the past few weeks, talented people keep dying. It seems we keep receiving word of the death of yet another uniquely talented human being who is gone. Someone whose individual gifts manifested musically in ways they shared with, and that influenced, all of us who knew them—or knew what they presented on the stage and brought to the world through microphones and pickups in the studio.

In this edition, we start something that necessity has mapped-out as a journey down a road of respect. It's the first in a series of remembrances and assessments of what someone, now suddenly gone, meant to us while they were here. More tributes, memoriums, and yes, here's that word—obituaries—will follow the one in this edition. Today, we remember Leon Russell, who influenced far more music in far more genres than you may know. In coming editions, we'll catch up and help you remember more folks we have lost. Perhaps we'll introduce you for the first time to someone whose gift still influences us now, and lives on through what they left—in the ears and hearts and minds of those they left behind.


# 2 news feature...


That year, it was a Friday. It had rained the night before, but the weather had turned bright, sunny, comfortably warm and beautiful. So the glass bubble top was ordered removed. It would be top-down on the convertible limo for the motorcade, on instructions from The Boss himself, who enjoyed working on his tan. The crowds everywhere in Texas had been visibly enthusiastic and friendly, thrilled to greet the President of the United States and the First Lady, reveling in the fact that she was there for them. That was something she never did—accompanying her husband on a political trip that wasn't an overseas diplomatic mission.

Being Texas, there were Texas-size egos to assuage. So, rather than driving from Fort Worth—where they spent the night and were guests at a breakfast filled with laughter and instantly-built good will—it required a ridiculously short hop on Air Force One to the Dallas airport so citizens there wouldn't feel like second choice for the prom. Indeed, Dallas would get a parade, with the whole city turning out to see the First Couple. A luncheon gala was set to follow, where the President had prepared an especially moving speech. Surely his words would capture plenty of column-inches in all the nation's Friday evening and Saturday morning newspapers.

But Friday's news wouldn't turn out that way. And that luncheon speech would be forgotten for years, and then relegated to a footnote that can still produce tears, even from those too young to have been there.

The Guide is bringing you this because the news of the last two weeks warrants it. And our editor, Larry Wines, wrote a newspaper piece published in 2013. It marked the 50th anniversary of that terrible day. Locally, the story appeared in the L.A. Progressive, where the boxed quote was, "It is certain that America lost its innocence and its faith in its leaders during the 1960s and 1970s. And it’s certain that began on November 22, 1963."

Here it is, in full, beginning with the 2013 title. Also note the art that ran with it, which is quite significant: it's an image of the famous Jamie Wyeth oil portrait of JFK. (Strangely enough, the author was once assigned to safeguard the original, but that's another story.)

(from 2013, on the 50th anniversary)

A Final Word on November 22: The Day We Lost the Future of the Future

By Larry Wines

We’ve just finished a week of television’s incongruous mixes of wallowing in horrific forensics juxtaposed with revealing tributes, of critical commentary and analysis mixed with half-century-old images and memories of genuine grief and hand-wringing angst.

A few more words beg to be said about John Fitzgerald Kennedy, because we don’t want questions of how he died to continue to overshadow the kind of leader he was. Sadly, even after five decades, society isn’t quite capable of separating those things.

It is certain that America lost its innocence and its faith in its leaders during the 1960s and 1970s. And it’s certain that began on November 22, 1963.

The 800,000 who lined JFK's funeral route, and the 75 million who watched on television, were processing the shock and the grief. Few, if any, could have understood the substance of what was lost. Even today, it’s almost overwhelming. And it is transcendent. We live in a time that looks nothing like the future we expected.

Would there have been a Watergate, a Vietnam quagmire, a preeminence of the Military-Industrial Complex, or even a Nixon Presidency, had there not been the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? Would America have seen the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act had JFK, instead of consummate political-arm-twister LBJ, been president?

Would there have been a Cuban Missile Crisis if Nixon had beat Kennedy in 1960? Would there have been global thermonuclear war in 1962 had anyone but Kennedy been president? Would we have gone to the Moon without a Kennedy Presidency, and would we have gone had he not been killed?

Would the spirit of unity and common effort — and asking what we can do for our country — have vanished in favor of high-tech narcissism? Would today’s politics of “I’ve got mine, you’re on your own,” have been possible had the culture of suspicion and cynicism and distrust not developed from the post-assassination / Vietnam war world?

At last, historians are focusing on questions like these, instead of the titillating and salacious boudoir gossip and the assassination theory du jour.

Enough facts are emerging to clarify all these questions, and more. And what is clear is that the man who founded the Peace Corps and the Green Berets; who faced-down the Russians over Cuba; the man who challenged us to “choose to go to the Moon and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard,” remains the most forward-looking American President since Woodrow Wilson.

After being one of only two men in history – the other was Nikita Kruschev – who looked into the face of hotter-than-the-sun destruction of human society and a radioactive wasteland for survivors, JFK was deeply committed to achieving lasting peace with the Soviet Union, three decades before it happened. After the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, he was in the middle of quiet negotiations with the Castro regime to normalize relations – something that still has not happened.

Conventional wisdom holds that the Apollo program and its lunar explorations were possible only because of the Cold War. Was it just an exercise of the national ego after Russia launched Sputnik as the first artificial satellite and Yuri Gagarin as the first human in space? We now know that JFK had taken his overture beyond his UN speech about the new frontier of space exploration, proposing that the US and the USSR go to the Moon together as a cooperative venture.

How many conflicts, uprisings, revolutions, refugee crises, flood and drought and famine deaths, and individual and collective cases of human mortality and suffering were prevented because JFK founded the Peace Corps?

He has been found wanting in historical speculations as someone with the savvy to convince Southern Democrats that Southern segregation – the American apartheid – needed to end. It became conventional wisdom that only Lyndon Baines Johnson, as a prominent leader from Texas—a state more Southern than Western, a state of the Confederacy—had the political skills to pass President Kennedy’s Civil Rights Act.

That may not be the case. JFK’s Texas trip, until the moment of the assassination, was a resounding success with the crowds. It was likewise a success with the warring factions of the Texas Democratic Party, who seemed to reconcile their differences with the visit by the President — and Jacqueline Kennedy, whose popularity and charm have never been exceeded by any other First Lady.

Internationally, President Kennedy had a proactive Latin America policy, a resounding success in the wake of Eisenhower’s Vice President Nixon getting stoned – it had a literal meaning then – in Latin America. No American president since JFK has understood the concerns of the Western Hemisphere south of Texas. And like the Europeans, the rest of the Americas loved him.

Not until George W. Bush took steps to fund AIDS prevention in Africa have we had a president that understood Kennedy’s “Africa for Africans” policy – and no president but JFK—including our current president—was proactively pro-African.

But we need not speculate simply on the basis of terrestrial perceptions. What enabled his global popularity was the largely intangible embodiment of one of JFK’s favorite words: vigor.

America was seen as a leader — happily, expectantly, peacefully and vigorously racing into a bright future, embracing it even before it was there, and inviting the rest of the world to come along.

Secretary of State Dean Rusk was on his way to Japan when the assassination turned his plane back home. Along with the many concerns of his trade delegation, Rusk had a personal mission: to arrange a reunion of mariners for 1964. It would have been a reunion of the crew of PT 109 with the crew of the Japanese destroyer that rammed and sunk them in the South Pacific during World War II in 1944—twenty years earlier.

Little things are often as important as big ones when they are characteristic of outlook. And so many things about the Kennedy Presidency reveal a thoughtful, forward-looking leader who couldn’t wait to get to a brighter future.

When the trips to the Moon were achieved, Nixon omitted the name of the man who started us on humanity’s greatest voyage. There are plaques affixed to the descent stages of the six Lunar Modules, still on the Moon where they will last for millenia, and each bears the signatures of the crew of that mission and the signature of Richard M. Nixon. With no mention of the man who had committed us to be bold and go there. And Nixon’s complex personality of paranoia, petty resentment and retribution was no doubt at work when he cancelled the final three Apollo missions and mandated the long starvation diet to suck the vigor out of the manned space program.

Had Kennedy lived, there is good reason to believe the American presence in Vietnam would not have escalated. There is reason to believe we would have achieved détente with the Soviet Union, beyond Kennedy’s Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Those things alone would have freed billions of dollars for human empowerment and scientific exploration, two things dear to the spirit John Kennedy embodied with his dual sense of noblese oblige and bold adventure.

Perhaps the twenty-first century that Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick portrayed in their 1968 epic, “2001: A Space Odyssey,” would have come to pass. Given the momentum that Nixon abruptly stopped, there is more reason to believe that we would have achieved the lost world of “2001” than not to believe it.

Without the assassinations and the personal threat of getting drafted into the pointless meat-grinder of Vietnam, could the hopeful vigor of the Kennedy years have soured into disillusioned cynicism, protest and riots?

And without the modern outlook of suspicion and mistrust, would we instead have presidents today who could challenge us to boldly go forth to explore and discover and take humanity to a realization of ever-increasing aspirations?

Barack Obama can’t even get enough congressional support to repair the infrastructure we inherited from the administrations of Roosevelt and Truman, or of Eisenhower and Kennedy. It is excruciatingly impossible to imagine President Obama challenging us to reinvigorate the human spirit by returning to the adventurous exploration of space.

Had Kennedy lived and completed a second term, I might be writing a column from a colony on Mars.

Just before we gather with family and friends to partake of a Thanksgiving feast, there is the annual return of the perennial disturbance when we read about that distant day. It will be forever disturbing, especially when we contemplate all that changed, and all that was lost.

November 22, 1963, was a singularity, one with implications so far-reaching we will never comprehend all that we lost: it was a specific moment in time when everything changed, when, transcending the shock and grief, the future of the future was forever stolen.


# 3 news feature..


Upon learning The Guide would re-publish the above piece from 2013, with new additions, Geo. McCalip sent us the piece he had written for his social media page for that same 50th anniversary. The Guide's editor recalled reading in an email what Geo. wrote, those three years ago. The first and immediately obvious difference is, Geo. was in Dallas. The second difference is shocking and not at all what you expect to see. This is what he wrote on November 22, 2013:

November 22, 1963 - Dallas, Texas - An Eyewitness Account

by Geo. McCalip

"I have promised to post my memories of what happened on November 22,1963, so here they are.

"I was living in Dallas, Texas on November 22,1963 and was in sixth grade at L.O. Donald Elementary School.

"My memories actually begin a few days before. The Dallas Independent School District announced that the only excused absences to go see the President would go to students who had a note, saying they were being accompanied by their parent. The announcement made it very clear that going to see the President with a legal guardian would not qualify as an excused absence. Even as a sixth grader, I found this suspicious. There was only one student from my class who went to the parade.

"On the 22nd, I arrived at school as usual approximately a half hour before my first class. I was a flag monitor. That means that I had the responsibility of raising the flags (American and Texas) on the pole in front of the school each morning and lowering them each afternoon. It was the windiest day of the school year. Larry Howell, the other monitor and my good friend since before first grade, and I had no problem getting the flags to the top of the pole, but the wind was blowing so hard that we could not pull the rope down properly, enough to wrap around the cleat. We had to call Gary McFarland, a 7th grade Safety Patroller, over for help, and he only managed to get the rope around the cleat by employing the 2” long, 1” diameter, dowel that was the handle of his Safety Patrol flag.

"After lunch I went to my fourth period math class in the southwest corner of the second floor. Sitting in the front corner by the door, I could not see the flag, but the students in the far corner of the room could, and they started giving me a hard time about what a bad job we had done that morning putting the flag up, since it was at least a flag’s height from the top of the pole. I distinctly remembered otherwise, just how high and tight it was. After walking across to the window and seeing what they were talking about, I told Mr. Owens, the teacher that I needed to go down and fix the problem. He said that I should go the office first and ask them about it. I thought this was a little strange, but I did as I was told. The secretary in the office asked why I was there and then disappeared for about a minute into the Principal’s office. She came back out and told me I should go back to class.

"About five minutes before the end of class, I got called down to the office. I was taken into the principal’s office. Mr. Breeding, the Principal, told me that the problem with the flag was that they had attempted to lower it to half-mast because the President and the Governor had been shot.

"He then told me that the President was dead, but that, thankfully, the Governor was still alive. He went on to explain that this caused a certain dilemma. Since the Governor was still alive they could not fly the Texas flag at half-mast until he issued an order to do so, but they knew they could not fly the Texas flag over the American flag. They resolved the issue by ordering me to take down both flags. I protested that they should both be at half-mast or we should at least put the American flag back up at half-mast after pulling down the Texas flag. Each of those suggestions was met with an absolute no, so I agreed to take both flags down.

"Before I was dismissed to lower the flags I was asked not tell anyone about the shootings, as they did not want panic in the school. Mr. Breeding explained that the first graders had just left, the second graders would go home at the end of fifth period as usual, and he would make an announcement during sixth period for the third through seventh grades. After I took the flags down, folded them and put them safely away in their locker, I went to my fifth and sixth period classes, but did not tell anyone what had happened."

Now, brace yourself.

"Sixth period was Library, and our class was sitting reading when the PA came on with the announcement. Immediately after the announcement there were a few seconds of stunned silence. This was followed by an eruption of applause, whistles and cheers (e.g., 'Yeah! They got him!') from other rooms throughout the school. Yes, I was there and yes, that is exactly what happened. I remember the librarian crying. I’m sure part of it was hearing about the President’s death, but I have to believe an even greater part was in response to the reaction of the other students (those of us in the library simply sat there quietly – we were in the library).

"I mentioned that one classmate went to the parade. Steve Stacey was with his dad on Main Street, less than a block from Dealey Plaza. He was one of the last people to see the President alive. Less than 15 minutes after the shooting, his father drove through Dealey Plaza on the way back to Oak Cliff. Steve was in the pickup with him, and in their truck's rear window was a gun rack holding a 30.06 rifle in plain sight. No one even noticed, or if they did, they didn’t say a thing.

"I had suspicions before the shooting, and hearing Steve’s experience did nothing to reassure me. I give the Warren Commission Report even less credence than I give the 9/11 Commission Report. Inasmuch as Congress has disavowed the Warren Commission Report and a majority of the members of the 9/11 Commission, including its co-chairs, have disavowed their report, I would have to say the crazy conspiracy theorists are the ones who still believe either of those works to be anything but fiction."

- Geo. McCalip.


# 4 news feature...


By Kyle Watson

NASHVILLE, TENN. (November 22, 2016) - After being dubbed "The New Queen of Bluegrass" by The Wall Street Journal, winning multiple "Entertainer of the Year" honors, and becoming one of the most visible artists in bluegrass music, Rhonda Vincent continues to reach new heights. Her latest project, "All The Rage - Volume One," is off to a roaring start, debuting at No. 1 on the Billboard Bluegrass Albums chart. One of the tracks, "Missouri Moon," pays homage to Vincent's home state.

She gushes that she is "So thrilled to celebrate a #1 project that captures the fun, excitement, and authenticity of these world-class musicians." Rhonda shared that from a Nashville TV studio, continuing, "We love what we do, and we're very thankful to see the incredible sales of a project that captures exactly what we do! To debut at #1 is a perfect early Christmas present! Thank you so much for listening."

Accompanying the album is the live DVD, which also makes its chart entrance at No. 21 on the Billboard Music Video (DVD) chart. The invigorating collection was captured at Bethel University in McKenzie, Tennessee. During the 60-minute concert setting, Vincent is accompanied by her world-class band, THE RAGE, which includes HUNTER BERRY (fiddle), BRENT BURKE (resophonic guitar), MICKEY HARRIS (bass), AARON McDARIS (banjo), and JOSH WILLIAMS (guitar).

In addition to topping the charts, Vincent's return was met with high critical acclaim, securing features on, Wide Open Country, Country Music Pride, Bluegrass Today and more.

The IBMA winner's rigorous tour schedule concludes late in 2016 with select shows. The first-quarter of 2017 is jam-packed, with the touring sensation bringing her lively show to audiences nationwide. The vocal powerhouse will also be featured on the "Country's Family Reunion 20th Anniversary Caribbean Cruise," which also includes MARK WILLS, GENE WATSON, LEROY VAN DYKE, BILL ANDERSON, JEANNIE SEELY and more.

The next RHONDA VINCENT & THE RAGE tour is a big one. It launches Dec 16 in Augusta, Georgia and runs through Jan 21 in North East, Maryland before a short break for the big multi-artist cruise, Jan 29-Feb 4. Her terrestrial tour with the band resumes February 11 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, plays the South up to Washington DC, over to West Virginia, and across the Midwest, concluding May 27 in Maquoketa, Iowa. But no dates are planned on the Pacific coast.

The entire tour and much more are at:

Rhonda Vincent, dubbed "The New Queen of Bluegrass" by The Wall Street Journal, began her musical journey at the age of three, performing alongside her family members on what was called "The Sally Mountain Show." She sang bluegrass as a teenager, then recorded a couple of mainstream country albums in the 1990's, when makeup artists cared more about her looks than her sound. She was asked if she could "get the bluegrass out of her voice." Confused and heartbroken, she put together her first bluegrass band, and found the most natural approach to her music was in the bluegrass realm.

In addition to being the most award-winning band in Bluegrass music history, alongside her band THE RAGE, totaling over 100 awards, Vincent has also performed and recorded with the best of the best, including DOLLY PARTON, WILLIE NELSON, KEITH URBAN, ALAN JACKSON, FAITH HILL, MARTINA McBRIDE, DARYLE SINGLETARY, RICHARD MARX, HANK WILLIAMS, JR. and more. She is a 15-time "Entertainer of the Year," and through it all, Vincent has established herself as one of the most visible, best-selling artists in the genre, whose cross-over appeal stretches well into the mainstream media.


# 5 news feature...


We like to do full reviews. And we've got a stack of albums awaiting that. We like to think we're smart enough to mix that treatment with shorter heads-up sorta things, just to get the word out. Of course, if we really were smart enough, there'd be a lot more of the kinda thing that's below, and a lot shorter stack of albums awaiting full reviews.

Here's a nice assortment of what's new and interesting, as you plan your foray for "Record Store Day Black Friday."


JAKE SHIMABUKURO, "Nashville Sessions."

Jake’s new album is one of the most adventurous, multifaceted and engaging recordings yet from the man whose music has redefined the ukulele for the 21st century. In Shimabukuro’s gifted hands, the age-old Hawaiian instrument has become a medium for previously undreamed of levels of expressiveness and musicianship. Fans of Rodrigo y Gabriela, Bela Fleck, Jeff Beck, Tommy Emmanuel, Umphrey McGee will love this new record. Be sure to check him out on tour.

Meanwhile, enjoy this free seven song sampler of the album at:


ATHENA, "For Leonard."

Athena is a singer-songwriter who has worked with renowned producers and songwriters that include Eric Appapoulay (Natasha Bedingfield, Cat Stevens), Richard Causon (Ryan Adams, The Kings of Leon), Adam Levy (Norah Jones), & Ethan Allen (Ben Harper, Sheryl Crow).

She has sold out international shows, topped the Amazon Top 5 and Virgin UK Charts, and has been featured internationally on multiple television series, commercials, BBC radio stations, and movies.

Those who enjoy the musical vision that marks Ed Sheeran or Adele will love Adele. Her songwriting is paired with a fresh ambition to boldly stand out as “brave and original” (The Guardian). Athena not only touches people through her music, but her environmental concerns are at the core of her work. All her merchandise and album packaging is manufactured using plastic-free, environmentally-friendly, and recycled materials; she has written and performed songs inspired by environmental issues including the celebration of solar energy usage.

Sample and get free downloads of some of her music at:


BUTCH WALKER, "Bad Friends" - 2016 Sampler

Butch Walker: Americana musician, rocker, Georgia boy. Composer of dozens of songs that stick in your head; Architect of albums that have few boundaries, embracing hard rock and ballads, pop rock and Americana. Or, as Butch says, “I think it’s all just rock & roll.” Pick up his new album Stay Gold + the vinyl-exclusive Cassette Backs in independent record stores on Black Friday.

This sampler includes 5-songs of "just rock & roll" from Butch Walker's recent history - including one previously unreleased exclusive — “Bad Friends” — captured on a 1980’s TEAC 4-track cassette recorder for the limited edition vinyl release Cassette Backs available in stores on Black Friday.

Hear and get free downloads of some of his music at:


# 6 news feature..


We are raised from elementary school on cartoonesque imagery of Pilgrims eating turkey with Indians. There are elements of truth in the fantasy that are more compelling than all the embraceable falsehoods.

In the early 17th century, a small group of religious radicals emigrated from Europe to establish a separatist religious community across the Atlantic Ocean in the New World. In the months after their arrival in Plymouth Bay, while navigating a complex relationship with the indigenous population, the Pilgrims would face rampant starvation, disease and death. In this state-of-the-art project from the best techniques of the film documentarian style of storytelling that is true to history, you can rediscover the harrowing and brutal truths behind the Pilgrims' arrival in the New World and the myths of Thanksgiving.

1) Watch "The Pilgrims" in L.A. on "PBS+" Thanksgiving Thursday, 8-10 pm. Or,

2) watch on-demand online, at:

3) watch through the PBS app, at:

Also see the next news feature.


# 7 news feature...


A new 2016 episode of "The American Experience" premiered a week ago. It's available on-demand online for just a few more days. For most of us, there's plenty for which to be thankful on Thanksgiving, regardless of what we have and where we are. Seeing the challenges previous generations faced—things they didn't ask for—is one very solid way to do that.

On Thanksgiving Day 1950, American-led United Nations troops were on the march in North Korea. Holiday meals were distributed, and hopes were high that everyone would be home by Christmas. Days later, the American troops found themselves surrounded, outnumbered and at risk of annihilation at the Chosin Reservoir.

The Marines who survived call themselves "The Frozen Chosin." The low temperatures and terrible conditions were among the most severe any US troops have ever faced, and evoke images of Valley Forge and the Battle of the Bulge.

Free streaming for "The Battle of Chosin" ends this week. It's available to stream free, on-demand, on the PBS "American Experience" website FOR JUST ONE MORE WEEK. That's at:


# 8 news feature...


Alright, this gets confusing. We'll sort it out for you. There's the annual "Record Store Day" that you know and love, the day that brings many special release albums available only on that day. It's a day The Guide always supports, and it's in the spring. And there's that whole disgusting push-and-shove after waiting in line freezing all night to fight over a ridiculously small number of ridiculously underpriced and otherwise expensive items that are touted with idiotically cutesy monikers like "Doorbusters!" to entice people to behave disgracefully. Just after being on their best behavior to gather with family and friends to be thankfully reflective and strive for Zen-like peace on Thanksgiving. The Guide never supports Black Friday. And finally, there is the other thing The Guide does support, which is "Small Business Saturday," the antithesis of the greedy mega-giant corporate puppetering of Black Friday. The underadvertised celebration of Small Business Saturday and those struggling to make it and keep their customers happy? That happens on the day following the travesty of Black Friday. Got it so far?

Well, NOW there is this new thing. It's sort of a second coming of Record Store Day, in the fall. They're calling it "Record Store Day Black Friday," even though the record stores they're trying to promote are almost always small businesses that should be celebrated on Small Business Saturday. Can you say incongruity? I knew ya could.

Like the original day in the spring, there are a lot of independent stores that participate in Record Store Day / Black Friday. Not all of them will choose to participate in all promotions, or carry all releases. Just because a store is listed at the link below, that doesn't mean it will have the goodies or records you're looking for. That said, find a store near you and check with them directly. It's always a good idea to be BFFs with your neighborhood record store, anyway—year-round. They post notices of cool concerts that don't appear anywhere else, because the artists have no clue how to do any media. But they know the folks at the local record store, so something gets posted there. Along with limited and special release albums or EPs. And other great stuff.

Like, fr'instance, right around the time he released his latest album, "The Narrows," and before he headed back to Stars Hollow, GRANT-LEE PHILLIPS stopped into a record store (Schoolkids, in Durham, NC) and did a little talking about time spent in those spaces that propel his songs. Fun and informative video at:

And catch up with DRIVE BY TRUCKERS and their new album "AMERICAN BAND." It's out in record stores now with limited edition colored vinyl, while it lasts. Bonus 7" too.

Catch their video at:

Get the scoop on what's happening THIS WEEKEND at a record store near you at:

But don't take our word for it. Check out these great quotes from musicians you know, talking about exploring their local record shops and what that has meant to inspiring them and propelling their careers.

Then, see the next feature story for a specific release on Friday.

"I'd like to thank all the indie stores from Florida to California and all points in between for being so welcoming in 2007. I played Park Ave CDs, Waterloo, Shake It, Horizon, Amoeba (LA & SF), Criminal Records, Shangri-La, Grimey's, Vintage Vinyl, Ear X Tacy, Twist & Shout,Record Exchange, and a few more I can't recall. Thanks for your help with my Grammy-nominated Charlie Louvin album and Live At Shake It Records CD. Look for my new CD in late 2008. "
- Charlie Louvin

“It’s dreamlike... I’m walking around in a cool blue but sort of crowded place with great music playing and people really and then talking about music. Incredible; there is new vinyl, old vinyl, more CD titles than seem possible, old posters, new posters, turntables, sharp gear and graphics, news about every show around, amazing music I haven’t heard before, and the great vibe of a place so familiar that it feels home? ...Of course. It is home. It’s a record store."
- JD Souther

“It’s important to keep indie record stores alive because their unique environments introduce music lovers to things in a very personal way.”
- Norah Jones

Don't get me wrong. My day job pays me well for making records for those kinds of folks, but I don't wanna listen to it. I mean, would you wanna eat donuts for dinner, if you made them all day in a factory? Nope. Same with music. thanks Eric...."
- Butch Walker

"The physical act of picking up a recording (CD, vinyl, cassette), checking it out, finding something unavailable, etc.; is an experience you will NEVER get online. And now it's becoming common knowledge that CDs have more digital information than most files, so they sound better. A great or even good record store is like no other."
- John Doe

"The record store. Where true fandom begins. It's the soul of discovery, and the place where you can always return for that mighty buzz. The posters. The imports. The magazines. The discerning clerks, paid in vinyl, professors of the groove. Long live that first step inside, when the music envelopes you and you can't help it. You walk up to the counter and ask the question that begins the journey—"what is that you're playing?" Long live the record store, and the guys and girls who turn the key, and unlock those dreams, every day."
- Cameron Crowe
(one time Associate Editor of Rolling Stone, Screenwriter for films like “Fast Times At Ridgemont High,” and Director of films such as “Say Anything…,” “Jerry McGuire,” “Almost Famous,” “Vanilla Sky” and “Elizabeth Town.”)

"I was introduced to lots of great music through my local record store. It was a place where people knew music and they knew me, and could make great suggestions and discoveries. Whether it is in the physical world or on-line, the value of a great and knowledgeable record store has not gone away"
- Peter Gabriel


# 9 news feature...


"Record Store Day Black Friday" exclusive 10-inch "In Concert 2015-2016" on New West Records

By Brady Brock

Let's start with some quick bits of previous praise, accomplishments and recognition:

"So There Remained" in Top 20; on Classical Crossover Chart for an entire year.

“’Capable of Anything’ feels like a 5-Hour Energy drink on tightly wound strings — the arrangement is brilliant, with yMusic performing in deft ways where guitars and bass might fall into mediocrity and cliche.”— NPR Music.

“Folds has inherited some of Gershwin’s missionary zeal – and his fans are undoubtedly ready to follow.” — The Guardian (UK).

Now, let's get into this.

Multi-platinum selling singer-songwriter-producer BEN FOLDS will release "In Concert 2015-2016" this Friday on New West Records. This "Record Store Day Black Friday" exclusive 10” vinyl is a live snapshot capturing electrifying chamber rock performances by Ben Folds and New York-based classical sextet ensemble yMusic from their extensive North American tour surrounding the critically acclaimed LP So There. The album was released on September 11, 2015 and debuted at #1 on both Billboard's Classical and Classical Crossover charts – remaining in the Top 20 on the Classical Crossover chart for an entire year following its release. In Concert 2015-2016 includes “Capable Of Anything,” “Not A Fan,” and “Phone In A Pool” from So There, as well as previous pop hits “Erase Me” and “Steven’s Last Night In Town.” Each purchase also includes a digital download with three bonus tracks.

"In Concert 2015-2016" by Ben Folds w/ yMusic is available this Friday, November 25, at all indie retailers who participate in "Record Store Day Black Friday." Find participating stores at:

The new album's tracks will be released digitally to all DSPs on December 9.

What Else Is Up with Ben?

Folds has recently wrapped up a sold-out solo tour entitled “Ben Folds & A Piano,” reminiscent of his first solo tour in 2001 where he defied skeptics by delivering a high energy rock performance using the intimacy of just a piano. In addition to consistent touring over the past year in North America, Europe, and Australia, Folds has also expanded his resume to include multiple TV appearances. In October, he guest-starred in an episode of "You're The Worst" on FX, followed by an episode of "Comedy Bang Bang" on IFC this month. He will also guest star in an upcoming December episode of SHOWTIME’s new hit original series "Billions."

Folds first found fame with BEN FOLDS FIVE and has proceeded to have a very successful solo career, which includes writing and performing pop hits, recording multiple studio and live albums, collaborating with other renowned artists, and writing and recording for film and TV.

Additionally, Folds is an avid photographer and a member of the distinguished "Sony Artisans of Imagery." Folds is also an advocate for music education and music therapy as a member of "Artist Committee of Americans For The Arts," and he serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Nashville Symphony.


Side One
1. Not A Fan
2. Erase Me
3. Capable Of Anything

Side Two
1. Phone In A Pool
2. Steven’s Last Night In Town

More at:
and on the label's site,


# 10 news feature...


Think you can easily sort-out who performs in, and "owns" what musical genre? This'll derail THAT notion. We lost LEON RUSSELL just a few days ago. This YouTube video from 2011 is a tribute by Sir ELTON JOHN at LEON RUSSELL's induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2011—and it's so much more than that—bringing you the best of what happened that night. It'll thrill you as it increases your knowledge of a giant of music of our time—another star that will continue to shine on us from afar.

Then have a look at this Dec, 2010, feature from "CBS Sunday Morning" on the then-new album by Leon Russell and Elton John:

Don't expect melancholia at those links. You'll find your feet dancing the rest of the day.


# 11 news feature...


The Guide no longer adds to this, being that we're returning to concentrating on MUSIC NEWS. BUT there are still things queued-up -- THINGS THAT HAVEN'T HAPPENED YET. The Guide, for many years, published its trademark amazing annotated music calendar, L.A.'s best, hands-down. But we stopped, back on Oct. 28th. There were still events listed, and we continue to list them until the last one happens. Here they are.

Festivals, Concerts, whatever else that's appealing -- stuff we've already rounded-up for a look ahead

Continuing shows with multiple-performance dates are listed first. Following are the festivals, the concerts, and everything else, listed chronologically.

Fri, Sat, Sun, ongoing...
11 am-All day "LOS ANGELES FINE ART SHOW" is a new event running every Fri, Sat, & Sun, at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles 90015; 213-741-1151;
It brings Art Galleries - Art Museums - Arts & Culture. The Los Angeles Fine Art Show, a new art fair dedicated to historic and contemporary traditional works, has just launched in conjunction with the LA Art Show.
Tix: $20 at the door, or advance at:

...through Dec 11:
World premiere engagement of "HANSEL & GRETEL BLUEGRASS." Show runs Oct 29-Dec 11 at 24th St Theatre in L.A. It's Bluegrass as a classic fairy tale, narrated by distinguished actor BRADLEY WHITFORD ("The West Wing"), and features music of THE GET DOWN BOYS. Tix now available. Tix & info, 213-745-6516 or

Fri, Nov 25:
7:30 pm Monthly "SEA SHANTY SING" at The Whale & Ale, 327 W 7th St, San Pedro 90731; 310-832-0363.

Sat, Dec 3:
5-8 pm 6th annual “HOLIDAYS ON THE HOMESTEAD” brings Cowboy Songs, a Chili Cook-off, Crafters, and more, at the Antelope Valley Indian Museum, a California State Park, at 15701 East Avenue M; a Lancaster address that's 20 miles from that town, and near Lake Los Angeles. Info,; 661-946-3055.
Stay warm around the blazing bonfire while cowboy-singer MICHAEL TCHERKASSKY, “The Saddle Serenader”, croons the romantic poetry about life on the range that cattlemen composed by day during their journeys across the old west, and then shared around the campfire when the sun went down. Michael has performed traditional cowboy songs and poetry for many years at the Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival and other events around the country.
Featuring live acoustic music around a campfire, the museum, originally a 1930’s homestead, and its historic grounds, will be decorated in vintage holiday style. A chili cook-off, tours of the grounds, a country craft boutique, real cowboy coffee brewed over the fire, and hot chocolate or cider for the kids make for a nice evening. Explore the unique hand-built museum and whimsical grounds at night, with soft lighting and the smell of fresh greenery, and the wintery sky sparkling over the desert.
The country craft boutique features unique gift ideas, made by local artists. The crafters carry on the artistic tradition of Howard Arden Edwards, who built the Indian Museum to display his collection of American Indian artifacts. The Craftsman-style building is decorated with his colorful representations of Indian culture and creative hand-made furniture.
Rose Edwards was known for her tasty rib-sticking chili and cornbread feasts at their holiday celebrations. Try the chili cook-off entries and Rose’s original 1930 Christmas Chili recipe, complemented by delicious cornbread generously provided by The Lemon Leaf Café.
The Chili Cook-off is still open to competitor sign-ups, and vendors are still being accepted. Contact Jean Rhyne at 661-946-6900 or for information.
This event is a fundraiser for the non-profit Friends of the Antelope Valley Indian Museum, which provides funding to help keep the museum open. Event is rain or shine to support the museum!
Event admission is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6-12, and ages 5 and under are free.
Cell phones are iffy out there, so here are directions. From Fwy 14, take Avenue K east 17 miles, turn right on 150th Street East for two miles, then left on East Avenue M. The museum is on the left, at the foot of the big rocky butte.

Sat, Dec 3:
8 pm WITCHER, RECUPIDO, AND LEVITT, featuring the nucleus of the Witcher Brothers, Dennis Witcher and Tony Recupido, joined by the fine banjo of Dan Levitt, play the Pasadena Folk Music Society series at Caltech in Pasadena. Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan Av, S off Del Mar. Call the Caltech Ticket Office Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm, at 626-395-4652, or buy tickets online or at the door (if any remain).

Sat, Dec 3:
9 pm: THE COUNT BASIE SEPTET, presented by The World Stage Performance Gallery on The World Stage, 4321 Degnan, Leimert Park (Los Angeles). Tix $15-$20. The Count Basie Orchestra, founded over 80 years ago, is widely regarded as the greatest jazz orchestra in the world. The orchestra continues to tour the world spreading its unique brand of swing. In early December The Count Basie Orchestra will be in Los Angeles to record its latest collection of music. During their stint at Capitol Records several of the band members will break from the recording to "stretch out" at the venerable World Stage Performance Gallery co-founded by master drummer Billy Higgins and consummate poet Kamau Daaood. This is a historic, limited engagement. One night only. ** Presale tickets are $15, available before Nov 1.
** General Admission tix are $20 thru Dec 2, 2016. Tickets at the door, subject to availability.
** Because seating for this historic, limited engagement is limited, patrons are advised to purchase tickets in advance, at:

Sun, Dec 4:
ANDREA BOCELLI plays the Honda Center in Anaheim.

Tue, Dec 27:
3:30 & 7:30 pm TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA plays two Southern Cal shows during its annual national holiday tour, both at Citizens Business Bank Arena, Ontario. Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) is an American progressive rock band founded in 1996 by Paul O'Neill. The Washington Post has called them "an arena-rock juggernaut", describing their music as "Pink Floyd meets The Who and Andrew Lloyd Weber." 2014 marks the first time they will be touring their all new live rock opera “The Christmas Attic”. This new show features songs that have never been performed live as well as fan favorites including 'Wizards In Winter, 'Requiem' and 'Christmas Eve/ Sarajevo 12/24'". TSO has played more than 1,600 shows for more than 13 million fans, cementing itself as one of the world's biggest rock acts. Tix at:

Mar 7 & 8, 2017:

May 27, 2017:
2nd show added: "BRIAN WILSON PRESENTS PET SOUNDS: The Final Performances with special guests AL JARDINE and BLONDIE CHAPLIN," at the Hollywood Pantages."
Tix available now. You nay get some advantage by using the password: PETSOUNDS



Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?

What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...

Pssst -- Hey, kid. Yeah, YOU: It won't be so "basic" when we add all the links for the global network of music news / music education sites that we're joining; THAT'LL be here very soon, as an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT of the Guide returning to being a MUSIC NEWS journal!

Direct to the Guide's current editions /


editions load quickly at
CONTACT US at / send Questions / Comments to:

Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com
Contents copyright © 2016,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS -- and views of interest to artists everywhere -- more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.


Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Venue Closing Concert Evening & an Online Concert Afternoon -- both Saturday, Nov 19 -- in this edition for 11/19/2016

A short edition. Hundreds o' things coming soon. We're workin' on it...


Contents / In this Edition




Let's jump in!


Item # 1


Last show stars Celtic festival headliners THE BROWNE SISTERS & GEORGE CAVANAUGH, who have played all over the US and in Canada.

There are two regions that L.A. folks call "the High Desert," and those places are quite far apart. While one of them -- the other one -- is the Joshua Tree - 29 Palms - Pioneertown area, which is loaded with music venues and frequent music and art festivals. The other one -- this one, the one that's close to L.A. -- has had only ONE acoustic music venue for the past several years. And there weren't any venues in "the "AV" for a long time before that. Now, the Antelope Valley, the Palmdale-Lancaster area, is losing its only venue, and locals are about to face a great silence once again. For L.A. folks, after Saturday, it'll be a nod of reminiscence as they pass through on the way to the monthly Fiddler's Crossing concert series and the annual California State Old-Time Fiddlers Association fete, both farther north, in Tehachapi.

BUTLER'S COFFEE had relocated to Palmdale from its original home in Ventura County. The proprietors brought with them all the things they already knew how to do. In terms of entertainment, the centerpiece of that was presenting established acoustic artists and bands to an area with a reputation for, shall we say, neglecting the cultural tastes of its own local populace.

Oh, sure, there's the Lancaster Performing Arts Center, presenting big celebrity acts with ticket prices comparable to major L.A. venues. But that gild-plated venue has proven too expensive for local music presenters, festival sponsors, community theatre groups and others to rent, and rentals don't come with the theatre's publicity machine. The much smaller Palmdale Playhouse has offered more economically accessible offerings, including musical programs. Both places have pretty full schedules. But neither of those competing municipal theatres -- nor anyplace else in the western Mojave Desert -- has concentrated on presenting live acoustic music, except Butler's.

On top of that, Butler's was always been friendly and accessible to community musicians, hosting monthly events that include a Celic music session and the meeting and performance round of the Antelope Valley Guitar Society. Both of those groups include talented and established musicians, people who have toured globally and authored or edited brand-name music journals, and enjoyed laying low and jamming with fellow music-makers for intimate local crowds.

Plenty of places that sell coffee have offered free music since the Guide first introduced the term, "Acoustic Renaissance" in our old "Tied to the Tracks" days. And we've enjoyed the amenities and ambience of many of them. But when it came to sipping a hot beverage or a smoothie and chomping on a tasty snack while enjoying free music? Butler's was always special. In fact, only Bean Town in Sierra Madre -- where music is long gone -- was ever on par with Butler's weekly Saturday night music offerings and recurring monthly sessions. And that takes into consideration the quality of the acts and the sound reinforcement. Butler's featured a sound engineer and a full mixing console. they could have recorded in there, but for the beverage machinery and customers opening and closing the door.

Butler's Coffee tells us they have "loved hosting open mics, book signings, art shows and music nights that gave aspiring and established artists a chance to share their gift with others."

But they can't do it anymore. Officially, the venue is for sale. (Details are at: )

But in this economy... that's why they booked a farewell concert, Saturday evening.

Accordingly, we received this note "from Pam at Butler’s Coffee in Palmdale (Antelope Valley):"

"This is a difficult thing to write because we've made so many wonderful friends over the eight years Butler's has been open. Butler's Coffee is for sale at the moment. However, if Butler's doesn't find a buyer, we will be closing our doors December 9th.
"To those of you who have been loyal customers this announcement breaks our hearts. We hate to disappoint you, and we hope Butler's has always been as special to you as it's been to us. But it's time we opened a new chapter in our lives.

"We're excited and sad at the same time. We've tried very hard to truly be a community coffeehouse, and there aren't nearly enough of those anymore."

"But we can't leave you without a big bash. We're calling it a 'Butler's Wake,' because we want to celebrate how amazing our years at Butler's have been. The date we've picked is Saturday, November 19th and the music that night will be The Browne Sisters and George Cavanaugh. (Hopefully I can sing without crying.)

"Dave and I encourage you to please come in and use any Butler's gift cards you have. Spread the word to all your friends and family also, so that they too can redeem their cards.

"But in the meantime, it's business (and music) as usual. And we look forward to seeing you November 19 around 7:00 pm...

"-- Pam"

Butler’s Coffee is located at 40125 10th Street West, Palmdale, CA 93551; 661-272-9530;

Arrive plenty early to get a seat and order some tasty fare, as well as something from the extensive offerings of hot beverages. Or a real fruit smoothie. In fact, arrive early to be sure you can get in! They have the most spacious audience area, with tables, of just about any coffeehouse venue. But on this night, with this festival-headlining group, the place will be full to capacity.

Here's a sample of THE BROWNE SISTERS & GEORGE CAVANAUGH performing at a festival in Northern California. Those harmonies... wow!

We'll add our own adieu and sincere best wishes for the proprietors and employees who always made us feel welcome. 'Cause, y'know, this is a damn shame.


Item # 2


The Guide's staff are longtime fans and boosters of the lovely MARINA V, the singer-songwriter with a fusion of folk, classical, and pop elements. She's a naturalized American citizen born in Moscow, and while she knows a repertoire of Russian folk tunes, nearly all her writing and singing is in English. She and Nick, her husband and fellow perfomer, spend a whole lot of their time performing all over the world.

Catching her at home in Southern California isn't easy. But today, her pay-what-you-want online concert this Saturday, Nov 19, at 1:30 pm Pacific time.

It's streaming live from Marina's music room at:

Her new song "Born to the Stars" was nominated for the Hollywood Music Awards, and the awards show was this past Thursday. Marina says, "I didn't win. But at least I got to wear a cute dress."

Catch a sample of her performing -- fabulous vocal and keyboard:


Item # 3


The Guide no longer adds to this, being that we're returning to concentrating on MUSIC NEWS. BUT there are still things queued-up -- THINGS THAT HAVEN'T HAPPENED YET. The Guide, for many years, published its trademark amazing annotated music calendar, L.A.'s best, hands-down. But we stopped, back on Oct. 28th. There were still events listed, and we continue to list them until the last one happens. Here they are.

Festivals, Concerts, whatever else that's appealing -- stuff we've already rounded-up for a look ahead

Continuing shows with multiple-performance dates are listed first. Following are the festivals, the concerts, and everything else, listed chronologically.

Fri, Sat, Sun, ongoing...
11 am-All day "LOS ANGELES FINE ART SHOW" is a new event running every Fri, Sat, & Sun, at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles 90015; 213-741-1151;
It brings Art Galleries - Art Museums - Arts & Culture. The Los Angeles Fine Art Show, a new art fair dedicated to historic and contemporary traditional works, has just launched in conjunction with the LA Art Show.
Tix: $20 at the door, or advance at:

...through Dec 11:
World premiere engagement of "HANSEL & GRETEL BLUEGRASS." Show runs Oct 29-Dec 11 at 24th St Theatre in L.A. It's Bluegrass as a classic fairy tale, narrated by distinguished actor BRADLEY WHITFORD ("The West Wing"), and features music of THE GET DOWN BOYS. Tix now available. Tix & info, 213-745-6516 or

Sat, Nov 19:
8-10 pm "PETER FELDMANN & THE VERY LONESOME BOYS at the Grange" at the Santa Ynez Valley Grange Hall, 2374 Alamo Pintado Av, Los Olivos. Tix, $15 advance, at or at The Book Loft in Solvang. Traditional bluegrass from TBFC "Music Legend" Peter Feldmann, David West, Tom Lee, and Blaine Sprouse.

Sun, Nov 20:
7 pm "DYLANFEST LIVE" CD Release Concert at Saint Rocke, 142 Pacific Coast Hwy, Hermosa Beach 90254; 310-372-0035. The new CD features 14 live tracks performed by HARD RAIN at Dylanfests from 2015 and 2016. band co-leader Renee Safier says, "You can play this one in your car and rock out on the way to work!" CDs are $15 plus $4 shipping. If ordered in advance at:
Doors at 6 pm, opening act at 7 pm, Dylanfest host band HARD RAIN plays at 8 pm. Tix, $20, advance, at:

Fri, Nov 25:
7:30 pm Monthly "SEA SHANTY SING" at The Whale & Ale, 327 W 7th St, San Pedro 90731; 310-832-0363.

Sat, Dec 3:
5-8 pm 6th annual “HOLIDAYS ON THE HOMESTEAD” brings Cowboy Songs, a Chili Cook-off, Crafters, and more, at the Antelope Valley Indian Museum, a California State Park, at 15701 East Avenue M; a Lancaster address that's 20 miles from that town, and near Lake Los Angeles. Info,; 661-946-3055.
Stay warm around the blazing bonfire while cowboy-singer MICHAEL TCHERKASSKY, “The Saddle Serenader”, croons the romantic poetry about life on the range that cattlemen composed by day during their journeys across the old west, and then shared around the campfire when the sun went down. Michael has performed traditional cowboy songs and poetry for many years at the Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival and other events around the country.
Featuring live acoustic music around a campfire, the museum, originally a 1930’s homestead, and its historic grounds, will be decorated in vintage holiday style. A chili cook-off, tours of the grounds, a country craft boutique, real cowboy coffee brewed over the fire, and hot chocolate or cider for the kids make for a nice evening. Explore the unique hand-built museum and whimsical grounds at night, with soft lighting and the smell of fresh greenery, and the wintery sky sparkling over the desert.
The country craft boutique features unique gift ideas, made by local artists. The crafters carry on the artistic tradition of Howard Arden Edwards, who built the Indian Museum to display his collection of American Indian artifacts. The Craftsman-style building is decorated with his colorful representations of Indian culture and creative hand-made furniture.
Rose Edwards was known for her tasty rib-sticking chili and cornbread feasts at their holiday celebrations. Try the chili cook-off entries and Rose’s original 1930 Christmas Chili recipe, complemented by delicious cornbread generously provided by The Lemon Leaf Café.
The Chili Cook-off is still open to competitor sign-ups, and vendors are still being accepted. Contact Jean Rhyne at 661-946-6900 or for information.
This event is a fundraiser for the non-profit Friends of the Antelope Valley Indian Museum, which provides funding to help keep the museum open. Event is rain or shine to support the museum!
Event admission is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6-12, and ages 5 and under are free.
Cell phones are iffy out there, so here are directions. From Fwy 14, take Avenue K east 17 miles, turn right on 150th Street East for two miles, then left on East Avenue M. The museum is on the left, at the foot of the big rocky butte.

Sat, Dec 3:
8 pm WITCHER, RECUPIDO, AND LEVITT, featuring the nucleus of the Witcher Brothers, Dennis Witcher and Tony Recupido, joined by the fine banjo of Dan Levitt, play the Pasadena Folk Music Society series at Caltech in Pasadena. Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan Av, S off Del Mar. Call the Caltech Ticket Office Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm, at 626-395-4652, or buy tickets online or at the door (if any remain).

Sat, Dec 3:
9 pm: THE COUNT BASIE SEPTET, presented by The World Stage Performance Gallery on The World Stage, 4321 Degnan, Leimert Park (Los Angeles). Tix $15-$20. The Count Basie Orchestra, founded over 80 years ago, is widely regarded as the greatest jazz orchestra in the world. The orchestra continues to tour the world spreading its unique brand of swing. In early December The Count Basie Orchestra will be in Los Angeles to record its latest collection of music. During their stint at Capitol Records several of the band members will break from the recording to "stretch out" at the venerable World Stage Performance Gallery co-founded by master drummer Billy Higgins and consummate poet Kamau Daaood. This is a historic, limited engagement. One night only. ** Presale tickets are $15, available before Nov 1.
** General Admission tix are $20 thru Dec 2, 2016. Tickets at the door, subject to availability.
** Because seating for this historic, limited engagement is limited, patrons are advised to purchase tickets in advance, at:

Sun, Dec 4:
ANDREA BOCELLI plays the Honda Center in Anaheim.

Tue, Dec 27:
3:30 & 7:30 pm TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA plays two Southern Cal shows during its annual national holiday tour, both at Citizens Business Bank Arena, Ontario. Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) is an American progressive rock band founded in 1996 by Paul O'Neill. The Washington Post has called them "an arena-rock juggernaut", describing their music as "Pink Floyd meets The Who and Andrew Lloyd Weber." 2014 marks the first time they will be touring their all new live rock opera “The Christmas Attic”. This new show features songs that have never been performed live as well as fan favorites including 'Wizards In Winter, 'Requiem' and 'Christmas Eve/ Sarajevo 12/24'". TSO has played more than 1,600 shows for more than 13 million fans, cementing itself as one of the world's biggest rock acts. Tix at:

Mar 7 & 8, 2017:

May 27, 2017:
2nd show added: "BRIAN WILSON PRESENTS PET SOUNDS: The Final Performances with special guests AL JARDINE and BLONDIE CHAPLIN," at the Hollywood Pantages."
Tix available now. You nay get some advantage by using the password: PETSOUNDS



Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?

What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...

Pssst -- Hey, kid. Yeah, YOU: It won't be so "basic" when we add all the links for the global network of music news / music education sites that we're joining; THAT'LL be here very soon, as an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT of the Guide returning to being a MUSIC NEWS journal!

Direct to the Guide's current editions /


editions load quickly at
CONTACT US at / send Questions / Comments to:

Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com
Contents copyright © 2016,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS -- and views of interest to artists everywhere -- more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day! A Music Festival aboard the Battleship Iowa in San Pedro, & More -- Nov 11 edition 2016

First, a late addition: RIP, Leonard Cohen...

Item # 1...

NEWS RELEASE from The Recording Academy®

Statement Re: Leonard Cohen
Nov. 10, 2016

"We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of GRAMMY® Award winner and 2010 Recording Academy Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Leonard Cohen. During an influential career that spanned more than five decades, Leonard became one of the most revered pop poets and a musical touchstone for many songwriters. His extraordinary talent had a profound impact on countless singers and songwriters, as well as the wider culture. We have lost a cherished artist and our sincerest condolences go out to Leonard’s family, friends, and collaborators. He will be missed terribly."

Neil Portnow
The Recording Academy

The Guide joins the Recording Academy in a shared sense of loss. Leonard Cohen was a true great, who influenced the American folk-rock stars of the '60s and onward to the present. If all he had done was write, he still would have been an icon. Leonard was a Canadian citizen, and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau also issued a statement early this morning lamenting his loss. Throughout the world, news broadcasts took note of his passing. France 24 ran a thorough and touching package. Unfortunately, US corporate mainstream media is still myopically focused on generating rancor from the smoldering wreckage of the Clinton-Trump Clump, so if they took note, we missed it. But they don't take note of much that's going on in the world, do they?


Item # 2


"I'm not going to get into politics. I will just say that we need to take good care of each other. Hug those near you and let them know you're there for them. I'm so glad that we have music to bring us together. Music that celebrates love and joy and the power of the human spirit is something that we all need right now." -- Kristin Korb, musician.


Item # 3


By Larry Wines

Today is Veterans Day. It's time to remember the sacrifices of far too many who have worn the uniform under rather horrible conditions. And it's time for all of us to remember that we share an identity as Americans who believe in some very important shared values.

When a soldier dies from a roadside bomb blast in some country where we have no business being, whoever who built the bomb is not interested in whether they killed a Republican or a Democrat or an independent or a member of a third party. When you walk through Arlington and find yourself becoming overwhelmed, as you will, by row after row after row of white marble tombstones placed there over the past 150 years; there is no indication what political party any of those departed military veterans claimed, if they ever had the luxury of choosing one at all.

There is far more that unites us, outside the gates of Arlington, than all the things that divide us. And now, in the rudely rancorous aftermath of an election awash in crudely disgraceful untruths -- about America, about each other, about ourselves -- it seems to be necessary for each of us to remind others that Americans have sacrificed and died so we can enjoy the promise of the American Experiment. And to reassess when we find ourselves in a society where we are watching things be trashed by our own thoughtless expressions.

"Veterans Day often follows a rigorous election campaign... but Veterans Day remains... in principles that are more enduring than transitory politics. We can never serve our veterans in the way they served us. But we can try. We can practice kindness. We can pay it forward." Those were among the words of President Obama, in his speech today at Arlington National Cemetery.

Yes, the President took the occasion to note the election. On Veterans Day. It could not have been more needed. The outcome of a free, fair, open election includes the outcome of the Electoral College, since WE never got around to replacing it after 2000. The outcome of the American election must be accepted as a basis for the society that we all want to have, the country where we all want to live, the land where the sacrifice of Soldiers and Sailors and Marines and Airmen and Coast Guardsmen and wartime Merchant Marine, of WAVES and WACS and MASH unit doctors and nurses, all buried in Arlington -- and forever lost in too many "elsewheres" -- can yet make some kind of sense. Especially in a world where we must strive for sustainable peace and sustainable living.

Too much doesn't make sense. Endless war doesn't make sense. More than twenty US veterans each day who act individually to take their own lives doesn't make sense. Whether from untreated, wholly disavowed, or insufficiently treated wounds inflicted by geographic or mental or emotional battlefields -- whether from hurts that show or invisible hurts that don't -- or because coming home failed to bring a sustained and adequate welcome with a decent job, decent housing, or enough basic understanding. Our failure to know the answer to that is our failure to take care of our veterans.

Those are not just challenges facing us. They are absolute necessities. And they grow daily with our continued deployment of men and women in uniform to more deadly places that don't make sense.

We have resiliency within us, and an ability to grow and learn and to make better choices. We have always been able to adapt and become more inclusive, and as result, better and even more resilient, capable, and adaptable.

Even Veterans Day was not envisioned as the inclusive thing it has become. It began only as an observance of the day that ended World War One on November 11, 1918 -- on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. And one year later, it became the American holiday of Armistice Day. Commemorating that first one, these words were spoken: "To us in America the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service, and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of nations." -- President Woodrow Wilson, November 11, 1919.

Wow. "...the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of nations." High ideals in 1919, still not realized today. But we have it within us.

So, today, acknowledge a veteran. Buy him or her a cup of coffee, or lunch. Shake their hand. Maybe hug them. Humans don't hug enough, and plenty of psychological studies show that. Drop by the VA Hospital with some flowers. Or go by the Veterans Home with your guitar and a box of chocolates. Forrest Gump -- a veteran -- showed us that with a box of chocolates, "You never know what you gonna get." Why not go find out?


Item # 4


1) RIP, Leonard Cohen (above)

2) Quotable Quote: musician Kristin Korb (above)

3) Perspective: post-election, Veterans Day, and going forward (above)

4) In this edition / contents

5) Veterans Day Music Events (three options, plus an "On TV" note)

6) FREE and notable theatre events, this weekend and Tuesday

7) Stuff still ahead: Remnants from the "old days" of the Guide doing a music calendar

Let's get started!


Item # 5

VETERANS DAY MUSIC EVENTS (three options...)

Veterans Day Event 5.1: (1st of 3 events)

Fri, Nov 11:
11 am-5 pm 1st Annual "VETERANS DAY MUSIC FESTIVAL" aboard the Battleship Iowa, docked as a museum at 250 S Harbor Bl, San Pedro (Los Angeles) 90731. This is FREE for Veterans and their accompanying families. and $11 standard "tour admission" tix are also good for festival admission and available for purchase by everyone else. What kind of music? A variety, including PURPLE SUGAR and the PORT POLICE DANGEROUS CARGO. So go, and tour the WWII battleship when bands are playing that are not your cup 'o tea. More at: (use the root url and you'll get a page with a $2 per ticket discount!)


"USS IOWA: HONORING THE AMERICAN SPIRIT" a documentary about the ship and those who have served aboard her, airs twice. First on PBS SoCal (aka KOCE) on Sat, 3-4 pm; then on "PBS+" on Sunday, 10-11 pm.


Veterans Day Event 5.2: (2nd of 3 events)

Fri, Nov 11:
7 pm "BLUEGRASS & COCKTAILS IN A HISTORIC PLACE" at the Sassafras Hollywood, 1233 N Vine St, Hollywood 90038. Free no-Host event, sponsored by the ART DECO SOCIETY OF LOS ANGELES, it's "A Bit of Southern Comfort." No, not an event based on the actual liqueur, but some good old-fashioned Southern hospitality. ADSLA tells us, "Imagine if you will, walking into a typical Southerner's home. From the bluegrass, to the food, and the quirky antique decor, this venue is one that you will not want to miss. Sassafras offers wonderful batch cocktails that rotate above your head on a dry-cleaning rack. There are, of course, wonderful areas at the bar and the surrounding rooms that you should explore. But you may be thinking, 'WHO or WHAT is a Sassafras?' Well, Sassafras is actually a tree whose bark was once used for home remedies in the Nineteenth Century. Cocktail selections vary from your average Sazerac made with Rittenhouse Rye, Cognac, Absinthe and cane sugar to a Jon Eugenio favorite, the Last Word. For those of you that prefer something of the non-alcoholic variety, the Housemade Ginger Beer will whet your whistle. Food selections are Southern in variety and are available on a separate menu."

ADSLA continues, "Sassafras Hollywood is from the 1933 Group, the fine folks that brought us the likes of Oldfield's, Bigfoot Bar and Highland Park Bowl."

The bar is on the west side of Vine between Fountain Av and Lexington Av. Parking is available via Valet and you can park on the surrounding streets of La Mirada, Vine and Cahuenga. Do not park at the lot across the street as they tow. An ADSLA Membership and Events person will be there to greet you. More at:

Veterans Day Event 5.3: (3rd of 3 events)


The "SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIONÓL" is a multifaceted Celtic music event in OC. The Guide brought you info on it weeks ago. Details and schedule are at:

Tonight (Friday, Nov 11) at 7 pm is the opening meet & greet with ELIOT GRASSO and K PÁDRAIG O'KANE at Gabriel McKeagney's home in San Juan Capistrano.


Item # 6


Saturday, there are THREE free events as the annual "NEW PLAY FESTIVAL" concludes at the Theatre at Boston Court in Pasadena. All are readings of new plays -- three different plays -- separate FREE tix for each, at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm. Info and FREE tix at:

Tue, Nov 15:
8 pm "AFTER ORLANDO" is FREE, and "An International Theatre Action" happening locally at the Boston Court Theatre in Pasadena. This is an international theatre action in response to the shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. After Orlando International Theatre Action is an international playwright driven theatre action including over 70 playwrights from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Africa. Plays have been specifically written and curated in response to this tragic event and will be performed across the US and in the UK throughout the autumn including readings in New York City (Rattlestick Theatre, LGBT Center, Abingdon Theatre, and HERE Arts Center); Los Angeles (The Theatre @ Boston Court, The Road Theatre, East West Players, and EST-LA); Seattle (Forward Flux Productions and Cornish College); Portland, Oregon (Artists Repertory Theatre and Boom Arts): Washington, DC (Round House Theatre and Olney Theatre Center); Philadelphia (Philadelphia Theatre Company); Boston (Brandeis University) and many more theatres and universities across the United States and internationally. This Community event is free, but reservations are recommended. Please join us as we come together in response to a horrible tragedy. "After Orlando" was created and curated by Zac Kline and Blair Baker from Missing Bolts Productions and Caridad Svich of NoPassport Press: “As theatremakers, we have the ability to bring together many singular unique voices toward a common goal. We have invited some of the most admired theatre artists worldwide to participate; to share our grief, our anger, our hope and our desire to combat the violence we are now living with on a daily basis.” Zac Kline and Blair Baker, Missing Bolts Productions. “Making some healing art, some fiery art, some work that just says we can rise up from and through collective mourning.” Caridad Svich.

The FREE tix will likely go quickly, at:


Item # 7


The Guide no longer does its amazing annotated music calendar, BUT there were still things in queued-up when we stopped, back on Oct. 28th. We will continue to list those events until the last one happens. Here they are.

Festivals, Concerts, whatever else that's appealing -- stuff we've already rounded-up for a look ahead

Continuing shows with multiple-performance dates are listed first. Following are the festivals, the concerts, and everything else, listed chronologically.

Fri, Sat, Sun, ongoing...
11 am-All day "LOS ANGELES FINE ART SHOW" is a new event running every Fri, Sat, & Sun, at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles 90015; 213-741-1151;
It brings Art Galleries - Art Museums - Arts & Culture. The Los Angeles Fine Art Show, a new art fair dedicated to historic and contemporary traditional works, has just launched in conjunction with the LA Art Show.
Tix: $20 at the door, or advance at:

...through Dec 11:
World premiere engagement of "HANSEL & GRETEL BLUEGRASS." Show runs Oct 29-Dec 11 at 24th St Theatre in L.A. It's Bluegrass as a classic fairy tale, narrated by distinguished actor BRADLEY WHITFORD ("The West Wing"), and features music of THE GET DOWN BOYS. Tix now available. Tix & info, 213-745-6516 or

Sat, Nov 19:
8-10 pm "PETER FELDMANN & THE VERY LONESOME BOYS at the Grange" at the Santa Ynez Valley Grange Hall, 2374 Alamo Pintado Av, Los Olivos. Tix, $15 advance, at or at The Book Loft in Solvang. Traditional bluegrass from TBFC "Music Legend" Peter Feldmann, David West, Tom Lee, and Blaine Sprouse.

Sun, Nov 20:
7 pm "DYLANFEST LIVE" CD Release Concert at Saint Rocke, 142 Pacific Coast Hwy, Hermosa Beach 90254; 310-372-0035. The new CD features 14 live tracks performed by HARD RAIN at Dylanfests from 2015 and 2016. band co-leader Renee Safier says, "You can play this one in your car and rock out on the way to work!" CDs are $15 plus $4 shipping. If ordered in advance at:
Doors at 6 pm, opening act at 7 pm, Dylanfest host band HARD RAIN plays at 8 pm. Tix, $20, advance, at:

Fri, Nov 25:
7:30 pm Monthly "SEA SHANTY SING" at The Whale & Ale, 327 W 7th St, San Pedro 90731; 310-832-0363.

Sat, Dec 3:
5-8 pm 6th annual “HOLIDAYS ON THE HOMESTEAD” brings Cowboy Songs, a Chili Cook-off, Crafters, and more, at the Antelope Valley Indian Museum, a California State Park, at 15701 East Avenue M; a Lancaster address that's 20 miles from that town, and near Lake Los Angeles. Info,; 661-946-3055.
Stay warm around the blazing bonfire while cowboy-singer MICHAEL TCHERKASSKY, “The Saddle Serenader”, croons the romantic poetry about life on the range that cattlemen composed by day during their journeys across the old west, and then shared around the campfire when the sun went down. Michael has performed traditional cowboy songs and poetry for many years at the Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival and other events around the country.
Featuring live acoustic music around a campfire, the museum, originally a 1930’s homestead, and its historic grounds, will be decorated in vintage holiday style. A chili cook-off, tours of the grounds, a country craft boutique, real cowboy coffee brewed over the fire, and hot chocolate or cider for the kids make for a nice evening. Explore the unique hand-built museum and whimsical grounds at night, with soft lighting and the smell of fresh greenery, and the wintery sky sparkling over the desert.
The country craft boutique features unique gift ideas, made by local artists. The crafters carry on the artistic tradition of Howard Arden Edwards, who built the Indian Museum to display his collection of American Indian artifacts. The Craftsman-style building is decorated with his colorful representations of Indian culture and creative hand-made furniture.
Rose Edwards was known for her tasty rib-sticking chili and cornbread feasts at their holiday celebrations. Try the chili cook-off entries and Rose’s original 1930 Christmas Chili recipe, complemented by delicious cornbread generously provided by The Lemon Leaf Café.
The Chili Cook-off is still open to competitor sign-ups, and vendors are still being accepted. Contact Jean Rhyne at 661-946-6900 or for information.
This event is a fundraiser for the non-profit Friends of the Antelope Valley Indian Museum, which provides funding to help keep the museum open. Event is rain or shine to support the museum!
Event admission is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6-12, and ages 5 and under are free.
Cell phones are iffy out there, so here are directions. From Fwy 14, take Avenue K east 17 miles, turn right on 150th Street East for two miles, then left on East Avenue M. The museum is on the left, at the foot of the big rocky butte.

Sat, Dec 3:
8 pm WITCHER, RECUPIDO, AND LEVITT, featuring the nucleus of the Witcher Brothers, Dennis Witcher and Tony Recupido, joined by the fine banjo of Dan Levitt, play the Pasadena Folk Music Society series at Caltech in Pasadena. Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan Av, S off Del Mar. Call the Caltech Ticket Office Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm, at 626-395-4652, or buy tickets online or at the door (if any remain).

Sat, Dec 3:
9 pm: THE COUNT BASIE SEPTET, presented by The World Stage Performance Gallery on The World Stage, 4321 Degnan, Leimert Park (Los Angeles). Tix $15-$20. The Count Basie Orchestra, founded over 80 years ago, is widely regarded as the greatest jazz orchestra in the world. The orchestra continues to tour the world spreading its unique brand of swing. In early December The Count Basie Orchestra will be in Los Angeles to record its latest collection of music. During their stint at Capitol Records several of the band members will break from the recording to "stretch out" at the venerable World Stage Performance Gallery co-founded by master drummer Billy Higgins and consummate poet Kamau Daaood. This is a historic, limited engagement. One night only. ** Presale tickets are $15, available before Nov 1.
** General Admission tix are $20 thru Dec 2, 2016. Tickets at the door, subject to availability.
** Because seating for this historic, limited engagement is limited, patrons are advised to purchase tickets in advance, at:

Sun, Dec 4:
ANDREA BOCELLI plays the Honda Center in Anaheim.

Tue, Dec 27:
3:30 & 7:30 pm TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA plays two Southern Cal shows during its annual national holiday tour, both at Citizens Business Bank Arena, Ontario. Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO) is an American progressive rock band founded in 1996 by Paul O'Neill. The Washington Post has called them "an arena-rock juggernaut", describing their music as "Pink Floyd meets The Who and Andrew Lloyd Weber." 2014 marks the first time they will be touring their all new live rock opera “The Christmas Attic”. This new show features songs that have never been performed live as well as fan favorites including 'Wizards In Winter, 'Requiem' and 'Christmas Eve/ Sarajevo 12/24'". TSO has played more than 1,600 shows for more than 13 million fans, cementing itself as one of the world's biggest rock acts. Tix at:

Mar 7 & 8, 2017:

May 27, 2017:
2nd show added: "BRIAN WILSON PRESENTS PET SOUNDS: The Final Performances with special guests AL JARDINE and BLONDIE CHAPLIN," at the Hollywood Pantages."
Tix available now. You nay get some advantage by using the password: PETSOUNDS



Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?

What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...

Pssst -- Hey, kid. Yeah, YOU: It won't be so "basic" when we add all the links for the global network of music news / music education sites that we're joining; THAT'LL be here very soon, as an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT of the Guide returning to being a MUSIC NEWS journal!

Direct to the Guide's current editions /


editions load quickly at
CONTACT US at / send Questions / Comments to:

Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com
Contents copyright © 2016,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS -- and views of interest to artists everywhere -- more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The porch'll be here when you get back off the road.
