Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Special: Will federal funds ending = more bankruptcies? March 23 edition, 2023

The Guide's editor covers many topics for various outlets as a journalist and researcher. People in the arts -- and others who are self-employed -- should read this one, since something that just happened exposes all of us to financial ruin.


This is a one-topic special edition. The previous three editions are loaded with music news. Scroll down or use the sidebar at left to access those editions.


As COVID funding vanishes, it reveals a health system driven by debt collectors and bankruptcy 

U.S. banners portray images common in Europe, but aspirational, at best, here.

By Larry Wines
Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 4:55 pm

Funding ends today for the key mission of an agency you've never heard of. And wait 'til you hear what it's about. The agency is HRSA -- the federal Health Resources and Services Administration. It has been the source of funding for all the free COVID tests and vaccinations -- AND care, including long-term hospitalization -- for Americans with no other source of funded care or insufficiently funded coverage for those things.

Testing ends today. Hospital care ends today. Vaccinations end in about two weeks. We'll get to the amounts of money.

Over 30 million Americans -- a bit under 1/10 of the population -- have no other source of funded health care, whether for broken legs, pneumonia, falling off the roof, getting COVID, or anything else. That's because they live in deep red states where their GQP (not a typo) legislatures and/or governors refused to pass enabling legislation for their citizens to be covered by Obamacare. So those fellow citizens have nothing, unless they survived long enough to get Medicare, or are fortunate enough to be covered by an ever-harder-to-find employer-provided health care plan (which these days probably has paltry benefits), or are rich enough to buy their own "cadillac care" on the horrendously expensive open market.

Re: that use of "GQP": following the example of an astute reader, I've changed the "O" to a "Q" since that is now representative of the used-to-be Grand Old Party's values.

A quick point for fiscal perspective: Before Russia invaded Ukraine, our Congress added $29 billion more to this year's defense budget -- not a dime of which goes to Ukraine. But despite making that money magically appear for Big Weaponry?

Congress cut the entire $16 billion allocated for HRSA, budgeted specifically to enable every American to access COVID testing, vaccinations, AND medical care including hospitalization.

For the former -- the lavish military spending -- you can thank the majority of bipartisan Military-Industrial-Cybersecurity Complex Members of Congress and Senators owned by the militarists. Which is most of them (regardless of party) because the Defense Establishment spent decades spreading its tentacles with "quality employment" into literally every Congressional district in the nation.

But for the latter -- dumping care during a not-yet-over pandemic for the 10% of the population that's too poor or ineligible to get other health coverage?

That is, too poor to buy their own commercial health insurance, but too "rich" to get Medi-Cal in states that have it, and rendered ineligible by GQP austerity to access Obamacare? Let's be clear: Americans ineligible due to the austerity-loving (translate that to refuse-to-tax-the-rich) Republican power structure that runs their state. Well! Harumph! Go do your less-than-$15-an-hour-hour, 27-hour-a-week-job, and don't wear a mask so you can assert your symbol of freedom and defiance! But if you catch COVID, go ahead and die. If you're poor, you probably don't vote Republican, anyway.

Another quick perspective: it's the background as every hospital bed in Hong Kong is filled by patients with the latest COVID variant; as cases of the same thing are surging alarmingly in Britain and Scotland; and as a war is turning once-beautiful cities into ash and rubble and creating millions of refugees.

Refugees who are, of course, coming from places bombed to rubble, with no clean water, little or no safe food, unburied bodies everywhere, and huddled living conditions for those who can get to poorly ventilated basement bomb shelters. Conditions that are perfect breeding grounds for disease where people are as physically, emotionally, and psychologically stressed as anyone can imagine. Meaning their susceptibility to infections is exponentially higher. 

And in EACH of those overseas examples, damn near everybody was vaccinated against COVID, and had access to their nation's universal free health care. 

Unlike America, where anti-science zealotry, or being guided by internet/social media wackery, or misplaced devotion to creepy gray-and-white-"American"-flag "freedom" (aka Orange Imbecility) has kept a third of our population unvaxxed. In a land where no national health care keeps 10% of us from receiving any care of any kind for anything. And another 60+% of us are left with woefully inadequate care that often -- yes, often -- results in crushing medical bills that result in patients or their survivors losing their homes to the uniquely American phenomenon of medical-bill bankruptcy.

Q: How many people in Canada, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Finland, France, and dozens of other countries lost their homes to medical-bill bankruptcy last year? Zero. Or simply declared medical-bill bankruptcy? Zero.  How many Americans declared medical-bill bankruptcy last year? Half a million+, each year. 

How many of those bankruptcies resulted in filers losing their homes? That is hard to discern from available information.

A well-referenced January, 2022 story in The Balance, "Medical Bankruptcy and the Economy: Do Medical Bills Really Devastate America's Families?" examines numerous potential variables from the Great Recession, the implementation of Obamacare, and beyond.

It notes, with citations, "Reports from different entities are constantly published, such as the survey results of people with employer-sponsored insurance by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) / LA Times Survey in 2019. The study found that 1 in 5 people surveyed have been contacted by collection agencies, while 9% of those surveyed stated they had declared personal bankruptcy due to medical expenses."

The Balance continues, "It is hard to tell what the actual impact of medical expenses is with so many different interpretations of study results. What is known is that there are many people so affected by health care debts that they need to file for bankruptcy."

Finally it presents numbers: "In 2015, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that medical bills made 1 million adults declare bankruptcy. Its survey found that 26% of Americans age 18 to 64 struggled to pay medical bills. According to the U.S. Census, that's 52 million adults."

 MedAlertHelp, edited by Dr. Lina Velikova, MD, PhD, also published a January, 2022 examination. In "The Truths & Myths Behind Medical Bankruptcies," going so far as to claim presentation of "everything there is to know about the matter!"

It is a valuable read, and an especially good information source for anyone with crushing medical bills.

The piece includes this stunning base data: "According to the National Health Expenditure Accounts, the total healthcare spending in the United States has increased from $27.2 billion in 1960 to $3.8 trillion in 2019. In contrast, the cost per person rose from $146 to $11,582 per year. Even Obamacare failed to address rising healthcare costs adequately. By 2009, the increasing health care costs were consuming 19% of the total federal budget of $3.5 trillion."

She also cites, "... 9% [of Americans] confirmed [in one study] they had declared personal bankruptcy due to medical bills at some point in their lives (involving 2% who did so in the last 12 months)." And she notes, "... some [health insurance] companies denied about 25% of the claims or even canceled the insurance."

She discusses people losing their homes and ways to keep your house from the debt collectors, something absent from all the base-data medical debt studies.

Dr. Velikova's projections of what's ahead are especially alarming: 

"Medical bankruptcies statistics reveal that the total US medical debt was $45 billion. Even though 58% of American retirees are in good health, the disturbing fact is that the average 65-year-old couple will face medical bills of about a quarter-million dollars during retirement, even with support from the national health insurance program of the US, Medicare. Here, the savings for retirement, such as a 401k plan, play a considerable role as a backup plan for covering otherwise unpayable medical bills and avoiding bankruptcy."

She adds, "The latest data shows that around 137.1 million Americans face financial challenges because of medical costs. Furthermore, nearly ten million adults who have health insurance coverage struggle with healthcare-related bills, so we can see that people file medical bankruptcies with insurance, too."

Most of the studies and data in that pair of 2022 features derive or come directly from published 2019 studies. So we need to look at those.

Even finance-focused NASDAQ is alarmed: "Medical Bankruptcy Is Killing The American Middle Class." They cite, "the 'financial toll of illness on American families' has perhaps gone far beyond the one-off anecdotes, such as the Nobel laureate who had to sell his medal to pay for medical bills, or 250,000 GoFundMe medical campaigns last year alone."

They continue, "... the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau report[s]... medical bills are by far the most common cause of unpaid bills sent to collection agencies in 2014."

The citations come from a February, 2019, pre-COVID study, also the subject of a CNBC report asserted, "This is the real reason most Americans file for bankruptcy." Two-thirds of Americans who file for bankruptcy cite medical issues as a key contributor to their financial downfall. The report cited the study published in the American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) 

The study's academic researchers found that 66.5% of all bankruptcies were tied to medical issues — either because of high costs for care or time out of work. An estimated 530,000 families turn to bankruptcy each year because of medical issues and bills, the research found.

The story emphasized "Health insurance is only very partial protection." And our research shows more: because Republicans refuse to enact a handfull of "fixes" to the original legislation, health insurance providers cobtinue to bilk consumers by selling them grossly inadequate, essentially "junk" insurance. 

"Private health insurance is a defective product, akin to an umbrella that melts in the rain," lead author Dr. David Himmelstein, associate professor of medicine at Harvard, told the Hartford Current.

In the 2019 CNBC piece, one of the AJPH study's authors used this analogy: "I liken it [commercially available health insurance] to a hospital gown that looks like coverage until you actually inspect it." The research included 910 Americans who filed for bankruptcy between 2013 and 2016.

The Guardian spent nine months investigating before they published their look at the same 2019 study. They found one out of every six Americans, pre-COVID, with an unpaid medical bill on their credit report. That amounted to $81 billion in debt nationwide, while about one in 12 Americans went without any medical insurance at all. 

Read their landmark piece, "'I live on the street now': how Americans fall into medical bankruptcy," at the link above. It gets into the factors most likely to cause medical-bill bankruptcy, like the grossly inflated cost of insulin that pads bloated corporate profits, and much more.

But while the 2019 AJPH study found no decrease in the number of medical-bill bankruptcies after Obamacare, induced poverty isn't the entire story. A 2009 Harvard Medical School study -- pre-Obamacare -- found 45,000 Americans were dying every year as a direct result of not having any medical coverage.

The GQP spent years campaigning on "repeal and replace" Obamacare, until a pivotal vote by the late Senator John McCain (R, AZ) prevented repeal, and a disgusted public finally discerned the Goppers had no plan for any replacement. So now that party's leaders openly talk of "sunsetting" Social Security and Medicare, even as they block funding to protect Americans from any coming wave of another COVID variant.

In fact, Senator Rick Scott, chairman of the national committee that elects Republicans to the U.S. Senate, has unveiled plans that made a lot of headlines. For one thing, he wants the GQP to "sunset" (set a date for the death of) Social Security and Medicare and other programs -- within five years: “26 things Rick Scott's 'rescue' plan for America would do,” CNN, Feb. 23, 2022. For another, he has unveiled an 11-point agenda that raises taxes on 100 million low- to middle-income Americans. And he wants the GQP to cut IRS funding by 50% ― allowing millionaires and billionaires, the richest 1%, to continue dodging $160 billion in taxes each year: “The top 1 percent are evading $163 billion a year in taxes, the Treasury finds,” New York Times, Sep. 8, 2021.

Sarah Christopherson, Legislative and Policy Director of Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund, warned today, "If Republicans take back the Senate, this [the Rick Scott plan] is the plan they intend to enact... an assault on working people and seniors ― and a massive handout to the rich and powerful."

So, now for the big perspective: if you want to say "Both parties do it" and you're talking about runaway defense spending, yes. 

But if you're talking about the things that genuinely protect Americans and are aimed at giving each of us, and coming generations, a future worth having? 

Things like medical care and, as an integral dimension, financial protection from global pandemics -- along with guaranteeing those protections for workplace injury, any other injury, disease acquired or developed from whatever exposure or source because you live here? Protection from medical-bill bankruptcy that results because of any of the above? 

If you're talking about family leave when someone at home is sick or injured and there is no provision for a professional care-giver? 

If you're talking about trying to eliminate or at least reduce industrial and agricultural and consumer-product toxins? 

And finally taking responsibility for human-caused climate change while time remains to reverse at least some of it? 

If you're talking about getting us off our societal fossil fuel addiction and providing sustainable power and modern transportation options like nearly everybody else has, from Europe to Japan to China? 

If you're talking about getting money out of politics, removing rich special interests and corporations as funders of carefully-crafted psychological warfare political messaging and disconnecting their pipelines to candidates who become their wholly-owned subsidiaries?

Those movements exist, within the system. But let's be clear: Both parties do NOT do any of that

And as school board takeovers lead to book bans and emotional, fear-fomented, grievance-based fake populism leads to legislation to prohibit recognition of the diversity that is modern-day America? There is one party increasingly characterized by those things, and by attempting to circumvent the votes of those likely to disagree with them. It is the only party in American political history that produced no document of its goals, purposes, and agenda in a Party Platform, a heretofore essential outcome of its last national nominating convention. And those are integral reasons why the GOP is now the GQP.

The Democratic Party, despite its shrinking cadre of obstructionist "corporate Dems," is not characterized overall by any of those decidedly regressive, essentially medieval traits. Yes, it is spelled "Democratic," in name as well as character. It never dropped the last two letters of its name, despite the ubiquity of the Fox News campaign to refuse to say the name correctly. Which is all the license I need give you to adjust the other party's name, and brand Republicans as the GQP. Whether you choose to do that, if you go forth to reverse climate change, restore voting rights, civil rights, and the human right to health care, you will find one party is open to you. And you will find growing support among that party's elected officials, the staffers they hire, and within its power structure. 

Both parties will not do that. Even if evermore COVID variants decimate the intransigent ranks of the GQP's austerity-demanding zealots.

The immediate fact is, the austerity-loving GQP'ers just prevented HRSA from doing its job and continuing to fulfill its unique roll: keeping Americans from contracting and spreading COVID, and keeping those who get COVID able to get life-saving care and out of the dark pit of medical-bill bankruptcy. So if you know anyone who has intransigently refused to get vaxxed, tell them they've got two weeks to get at least one vax dose, while they still can do it at taxpayer expense. Or they should be prepared to reckon with increased chances of medical-bill bankruptcy for themselves or their surviving family members to pay if they need hospitalization, and especially if that becomes long term care, for COVID or "Long COVID."

Since Republicans usually focus on keeping money from public need and paying no taxes, perhaps you have here the hard numbers you need.



More'll be along directly, to assist you navigating Spring & Summer 2022. 

Music, arts, festivals, conferences, concerts, club gigs, coffee houses, new releases, who's in the studio doing what, it shows up here.

So remember to MERGE ONTO THIS LIL' CYBER VECTOR THROUGH SPACE/TIME. It's where the sounds of string instruments and melodic voices waft in at the sweet spots on the dial, between the droning streams of crazy static from Jupiter. (Seriously. That's what those squawks, squeals and pulses are over on AM radio. You know: the stuff that's more fun to listen to on AM than all those blathering talk-show wingnut conspiracy spreaders...)


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It's all there, since we first moved The Guide (with its former name) to Blogspot. 

Does that mean you need to find Marty and Doc's DeLorean time machine? 

Because, geez, THAT was back when Rin-Tin-Tin hadn't gotten his second "tin" from Tin Pan Alley

... and you watched TV on a big box that bombarded you with non-ionizing radiation from its cathode ray tube if you sat close to it, instead of like nowadays, getting your inescapable non-ionizing radiation from 5g, wherever you sit

... and 

... and "the pandemic" meant 1918

... and Rudy Giuliani was "America's Mayor" instead of a babbling portable meltdown of brown ooze

... and "trump" was something that only happened in a card game, instead of being garishly emblazoned on buildings that go bankrupt (before it became a synonym for grifter college, grifter steaks, cultist wackos, deadly violent attempted coups at the Capitol, and banishment from polite society)

... anyway, The Guide has been around a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time! So you can escape into the musical wonderments of this current edition, AND/OR you can go far enough back to escape whatever is the current lunacy du jour, and explore MANY THOUSANDS of feature stories, musical explorations, band and artist descriptions, and assorted fascinating items we have published through the years for your perusal and enjoyment.

HINT: We often get feedback like this regarding the archive:

"We were talking about how we first met. We disagreed about who was playing that night. We were pretty distracted by each other. So we deep dived in your archive and we found everything about that night!!! It even let us figure out a bunch of our important dates--most of them were musical and it sure was fun to relive those times!!!"


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Entire contents copyright © 2022

Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.

All rights reserved.

♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers -- and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from a masked safari to fetch your groceries, or get a hankerin' for a real or a virtual tuneful sojourn at (or from) a quality venue, or whatever version of hittin' the road for the festival circuit or a tuneful tour.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Hibernian interlude: St. Patrick's Day! Music for proximate dates, plus more. Thu, March 17 edition 2022


Irish proverb, for St. Patrick's Day ~

"May you have the hindsight to know where you've been
  The foresight to know where you're going
    And the insight to know when you've gone too far."


Sheep at Rock of Cashel, Ireland

The word of the day is Hibernian.

It is an adjective that means, "Of or concerning Ireland (now chiefly used in names)."

Part of speech: Adjective
Origin: Latin and Old Celtic, 17th century


Shows, concerts, gigs, at specific venues? Of course! But first, here's your Guide to what's Hibernian nearby

With Big Oil's opportunistic extortion, you may want a friendly tavern close to home to tip back your Guinness 

We consulted for their listings of all the Irish pubs within 50 miles of Los Angeles. We alphabetized the portion that wasn't, for ease of use. You'll need to check with those near you regarding live music and things like corned beef and cabbage for St. Patrick's Day:

Tom Bergin's Tavern
840 S Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
2.57 Miles

Blackwatch Pub
479 Central Ave
Upland, CA 91786
38.02 Miles

Blarney Stone
11761 Edinger Ave
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
34.47 Miles

Branagan's Irish Pub
213 N. Harbor Bivd
Fullerton, CA 92831
16.21 Miles

K.C. Branaghan's Irish Pub & Restaurant
5734 E 2nd St
Long Beach, CA 90803
26.14 Miles

Brennan's Pub
4089 Lincoln Blvd
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
11.29 Miles

Britannia Pub
318 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
11.18 Miles

Buchanan Arms
Burbank Blvd
Burbank, CA 91506
5.27 Miles

613 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90017
4.75 Miles

Cat N' Fiddle Pub & Restaurant
6530 W Sunset Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90028
0.00 Miles

Cock n' Bull
2947 Lincoln Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90405
10.33 Miles

Coronet Pub
370 N LaCienega Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90048
3.37 Miles

Crown and Anchor
2891 E Thousand Oaks Blvd
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
29.63 Miles

The Daily Pint
2310 Pico Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90045
10.59 Miles

Durty Nelly's Pub
2915 Redhill Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
37.61 Miles

Finn McCool's Irish Pub and Restaurant
2700 Main St
Santa Monica, CA 90405
10.33 Miles

Fox and Hounds
11100 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604
4.77 Miles

Gallagher's Irish Pub
300 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
34.49 Miles

Goat Hill Tavern
1830 Newport Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
39.04 Miles

Harp Inn
130 E 17th Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
39.04 Miles

Hennessey's Grill
143 Main St
Seal Beach, CA 90740
27.32 Miles

Hennessey's Tavern
34111 La Plaza
Dana Point, CA 92629
56.33 Miles

Hennessy's Tavern
8 Pier Ave
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
16.50 Miles

Hennessey's Tavern
213 Ocean Ave
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
49.56 Miles

Hennessey's Tavern
313 Manhattan Beach Blvd
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
15.05 Miles

Hennessey's Tavern
1712 S Catalina Ave
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
18.65 Miles

Ireland's 32
13723 Burbank Blvd
Van Nuys, CA 91401
7.85 Miles

Irish Mist
16655 Pacific Coast Highway
Sunset Beach, CA 92649
30.74 Miles

The Irish Times Pub & Restaurant
3267 Motor Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90034
6.41 Miles

Joxer Daily's Irish Pub
11168 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
6.99 Miles

Keegan's Pub
1434 Marcelina Ave
Torrance, CA 90501
18.61 Miles

Kelly's Pub
80 W Live Oak Ave
Arcadia, CA 91007
15.92 Miles

Killian's Pub & Grill
2944 Sepulveda Blvd
Torrance, CA 90505
20.06 Miles

Maggie's Pub
11900 Telegraph Rd
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
18.62 Miles

Matt Denny's
145 E Huntington Dr
Arcadia, CA 91006
17.52 Miles

McCabe's Bar & Grill
2455 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90404
9.53 Miles

McMurphy's Tavern and Restaurant
72 N Fair Oaks Ave
Pasadena, CA 91103
10.25 Miles

Michael's Pub
15192 Goldenwest St
Westminster, CA 92683
30.88 Miles

Patrick Molloy's Pub & Steakhouse
50 Pier Ave
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
16.50 Miles

Molly Bloom's Irish Bar & Restaurant
2391 S El Camino Real
San Clemente, CA 92672
61.07 Miles

Molly Malone's Irish Pub & Import Room
575 S Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
2.57 Miles

2000 Newport Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
39.04 Miles

Muldoon's, A Dublin Pub
202 Newport Center Dr
Newport Beach, CA 92660
41.77 Miles

Muldoon's Saloon
5646 N Paramount Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90805
18.26 Miles

The Mulligan
16153 Victory Blvd
Van Nuys, CA 91406
11.84 Miles

Murphy's Pub
4918 E 2nd St
Long Beach, CA 90803
26.14 Miles

Newport Beach Brewing Co
2920 Newport Blvd
Newport Beach, CA 92663
40.04 Miles

Timmy Nolan's
10111 Riverside Dr
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
4.34 Miles

O'Brien's On Main
2941 Main St
Santa Monica, CA 90405
10.33 Miles

O'Brien's Irish Pub & Restaurant
2226 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90402
10.97 Miles

O'Connell's Sports Pub
2746 E 4th St
Long Beach, CA 90814
24.82 Miles

O'Conner's Irish Pub
7561 Center Ave
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
32.04 Miles

The Olde Ship British Pub & Restaurant
709 N Harbor Blvd
Fullerton, CA 92832
27.96 Miles

The Olde Ship British Pub & Restaurant
1120 W 17th St
Santa Ana, CA 92706
34.03 Miles

O'Malley's on Main
140 Main St
Seal Beach, CA 90740
27.32 Miles

Paddy O's
20320 S Western Ave
Torrance, CA 90501
18.61 Miles

Patsy's Restaurant & Irish Pub
28971 Golden Lantern St
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
53.77 Miles

Robin Hood Pub
13640 Burbank Blvd
Van Nuys, CA 91401
7.85 Miles

Scotland Yard
22041 Sherman Way
Canoga Park, CA 91303
17.15 Miles

Shamrock Bar & Grill
2633 W Coast Highway
Newport Beach, CA 92663
40.04 Miles

(And one we HAD to add...)
The Shamrock Irish Pub & Eatery
339252 Winchester Rd, Ste 145, Murrieta, CA 92563
Phone: 951-696-5252

Silky Sullivan's Pub
10201 Slater Ave
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
34.47 Miles

Sonny McLean's Irish Pub
2615 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90403
10.53 Miles

St. Nick's Pub
8450 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90048
3.37 Miles

Tam O'Shanter Inn
2980 Los Feliz Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039
3.81 Miles

Tracy's Bar and Grill
5511 E Spring St
Long Beach, CA 90808
23.10 Miles

Whale n' Ale
327 W 7th St
San Pedro, CA 90731
24.92 Miles

The White Hart
22456 Ventura Blvd
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
16.21 Miles

Ye Olde King's Head
116 Santa Monica Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
11.18 Miles

Go forth and revel responsibly. And make your way home in safety, for you 'n yours AND EVERYONE ELSE who happens to be out there!


Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Folk Alley

Irish Music stream, Andy Irvine & Paul Brady, Karan Casey & John Doyle, more

Folk Alley Radio Show #220310

by Linda Fahey

This week on Folk Alley, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, it’s Irish music and songs to celebrate Ireland! Hear classics from Andy Irvine & Paul Brady, Planxty, The Irish Rovers, and the Clancy Brothers; contemporary Irish music from Niamh Regan, Elgin, Clare Sands, and Éilís Kennedy; plus, we honor the great Paddy Moloney with a set of Chieftains collaborations. All this plus much more!

Sláinte mhaith!

Listen to the Radio Show
Folk Alley's Irish Music Stream
"For your St. Patrick's Day soundtrack, we've assembled over 10 hours of music by some of our favorite Irish musicians and songs that celebrate Ireland," says Folk Alley. You'll hear a mix of familiar and new artists, including Karan Casey, I Draw Slow, Beoga, Dervish, Solas, Liz Carroll, The Henry Girls, Danu, John Doyle, Donal Lunny, Cathie Ryan, Heidi Talbot, Andy Irvine, Planxty, Grada, The Chieftains (of course) and much, much more


Album Re-Release and Review: 'Andy Irvine and Paul Brady'

By Kim Ruehl

Andy Irvine and Paul Brady gathered with bouzoukist Donal Lunny and fiddler Kevin Burke in 1976 to record this eponymous album, which has just recently been reissued by Compass Records. The label pressed the first round of vinyl for this recording in almost a half-century, after remastering it from the original recordings. 

There are few American folksingers who have not been touched by this recording at some point in their formative years. And it’s hard to think of what new to say about an album so influential and timeless, aside from this: Welcome back, old friend.

Read the Review
'Live from Folk Alley': Karan Casey & John Doyle
By Folk Alley

From the Folk Alley concert archives! This ‘Live from Folk Alley’ concert with Karan Casey and John Doyle was recorded on June 16, 2011 at Cain Park in Cleveland, Ohio. Enjoy!

Listen Now
Folk Alley Sessions - Karan Casey

By Folk Alley

From the Folk Alley Sessions archives! In 2010, Karan Casey and her band stopped in to Folk Alley’s studio for exclusive performances and an interview with Jim Blum.

Listen to the Session
* From Folk Alley's collaboration with No Depression *
ROOTS IN THE ARCHIVE: Two Irish American Women Who Carried Songs Across Time
by Stephen Winick

It’s Women’s History Month, as well as Irish American Heritage Month, so I thought we might delve into the American Folklife Center archive and look at two great and influential field recordings from Irish American women. I selected these two songs from a longer set that I put together a few years ago for an event at the Library of Congress. One day, we’ll get back to doing live events … but for now, we can share these recordings with you here!

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As a non-commercial, 501(c)3 nonprofit service of the FreshGrass Foundation, Folk Alley relies on generous tax-deductible donations by our listeners to provide special programming like the Irish Music stream!

Please donate to Folk Alley, and join the community of music lovers that makes their grassroots service possible for everyone to enjoy.

Donate to Folk Alley HERE!


The "festival desert" goes Irish...

Paddy's Pig plays the Coachella Valley for ST. PATRICK'S DAY

***** Thursday, March 17 - 11 am to 2pm

O'Caine's Irish Pub
36101 Bob Hope Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

***** Thursday, March 17 - 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm (approximate!)

a stealth Celtic attack on...
Margaritaville Resort

1600 N Indian Canyon Dr., Palm Springs, CA 92262

***** Thursday, March 17 - 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Big Rock Pub
79-940 Westward Ho Drive, Indio, CA 92201

then they're back two days later

***** Saturday, March 19 -  6 pm to 9 pm

O'Caine's Irish Pub
36101 Bob Hope Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA 92270


Andy & Renee: St. Pat's & beyond... to DYLANFEST

St. Patrick's Day
THU, MAR 17 @ 6 PM — 8 PM Pacific
Livestream #162-Happy St. Patrick's Day!
THU, MAR 17 @ 6 PM PDT (UTC-07)
* Watch live or
* anytime after at

Andy & Renee
FRI, MAR 18 @ 6 PM — 9 PM Pacific
Sister's Barn
1408 S Pacific Coast Hwy,
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Andy & Renee
Livestream #163
2-Year Anniversary of 1st COVID Livestream
SUN, MAR 20 @ 4 PM — 6 PM Pacific
Webcast from Torrance, CA 90277
* Contact them through their website ( if you'd like to attend in person.
* Watch live or
* anytime after at
      The Livestream shows are free to watch, but the option to contribute is there for those who are in a position to do so. You can see their song list to make requests and contribute at, PayPal ( or Venmo, (
      A portion of the proceeds go to the Los Angeles Midnight Mission. Andy & Renee tell us, "We are sustained by the generosity and support of the fans who love the music, and who donate as they are able. If you use funds from your bank vs. your credit card, we aren't charged a service fee, but either way, we appreciate your support!"

Andy & Renee - Livestream #164 - Happy Birthday, ANDY!
FRI, MAR 25 @ 6 PM — 8:15 PM Pacific
Live from Torrance, CA 90277
* Watch live or
* anytime after at

DYLANFEST 32 Tickets

Super Early Bird Tickets $30 til 4/15
SAVE $10 off door price!
Early Bird Tickets $35 4/16-6/3
Tickets at the door $40
VIP Tickets $100
Saturday, June 4th
Torrance Cultural Arts Center
Get tickets and info at


News quickie...

Grammy Awards: Good news about who's performing

The Recording Academy has begun naming performers for the 64th Annual Grammy Awards. For once, acoustic Americana fans have reason to watch. 

So far, the list includes Brothers Osborne, Brandi Carlile, and Billie Eilish. (Full story at Variety:

Here are excerpts:

"The Recording Academy has announced the first slate of artists to perform at this year’s show: Taking the stage on Music’s proverbial Biggest Night will be current nominees Brothers Osborne, BTS, Brandi Carlile, Billie Eilish, Lil Nas X with Jack Harlow, and Olivia Rodrigo.

"Taking place live from the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas and hosted by Trevor Noah, the 64th Annual Grammy Awards will be broadcast live on Sunday, April 3, 2022, at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on CBS and will be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.

"Brothers Osborne received two Grammy nominations this year for Best Country Duo/Group Performance (“Younger Me”) and Best Country Album (“Skeletons”).

"Six-time Grammy winner Brandi Carlile is nominated for Record of the Year (“Right On Time”), two nods for Song of the Year (“Right on Time” and “A Beautiful Noise,” with Alicia Keys), Best Pop Solo Performance (“Right On Time”), and Best American Roots Performance (“Same Devil”).

"Seven-time Grammy winner and current nominee Billie Eilish received seven nominations this year, Record of the Year (“Happier Than Ever”), Album of the Year (“Happier Than Ever”), Song of the Year (“Happier Than Ever”), Best Pop Solo Performance (“Happier Than Ever”), Best Pop Vocal Album (“Happier Than Ever”),  Best Music Video (“Happier Than Ever”), and Best Music Film (“Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter To Los Angeles”).

"The 64th Annual Grammy Awards are produced by Fulwell 73 Productions for the Recording Academy. Raj Kapoor serves as showrunner and executive producer, alongside Ben Winston and Jesse Collins as executive producers, and Jeannae Rouzan-Clay as co-executive producer. Hamish Hamilton returns as director, and Eric Cook as supervising producer with Tabitha D’umo, Patrick Menton, Fatima Robinson, and David Wild as producers."

The 64th Annual Grammy Awards will be broadcast live on Sunday, April 3, 2022, at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on CBS and will be available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.


It's not a shamrock, but it's beautiful...

Tiny 'flower' formation spotted on Mars by Curiosity rover

The product of ancient water and minerals. Or otherworldly Leprechauns?

Read / watch the story by Ashley Strickland, on the CNN site: from Thu, March 3, 2022:


Music, musicians, art, and Ukraine

Top Violinists Perform Folk Tune for Ukraine

It's 94 accomplished violinists from 29 countries, thanks to an idea that came to British violinist Karenza Peacock, living and working in Los Angeles. Karenza said during her "BBC World" interview this past weekend, "Some of the world's top violinists literally dropped what they were doing to take part."

It became one of those blind parallel collaborative performances, the paradigm that took hold during the pandemic -- except some of them were in a nation under fire. Still, they play the hauntingly beautiful Ukrainian folk song "Verbovaya Doschechka" in support of Ukraine.

Listen and try to keep a dry eye.

Playing from a Kyiv basement bomb shelter, Ilya Bondarenko appears center square. Other musicians are added as the piece is played. To talk about it, Ilya joined Karenza live on the Beeb. The interview was supposed to end with the two performing from opposite sides of the globe. Like many live broadcasts, the music overloaded the mics, yielding fragmented silence.

So watch the produced video with all 94 violinists. We offer the link from Laurie Niles', where she features her longer story with comments from numerous participants.

When viewing, you have a button to contribute to help the people of Ukraine. Options include the United Nations Refuge Agency, which was part of Karenza's idea from the outset:

Then go listen to the choral "Prayer for Ukraine," from a festival 4 years ago:

And for musically accompanied views of the then-shimmering art, sculpture, architecture and culture that Russian munitions are destroying:

"Ukrainian Classical Music XVIII-XX"

-- which showcases, on-camera, the bandura, THE Ukrainian folk instrument --

Even Beethoven celebrated the culture of Ukraine in his compositions.

Here is the beginning of his "Ukrainian Folksong."

Orchestral (37 secs):

On traditional folk string instrument (58 secs):


For a sonic treat of traditional instrumental Ukrainian Folk Music melodies:

"Bandura - Ukrainian Instrumental Music / Bandurist Victor Mishalow"

If you know of more Ukrainian music we should share, please let us know.


"How To Compose On The Banjo" ~ online today, with Hank Smith

5-string banjoist Hank Smith returns to Deering Live this week to talk about the different aspects of composing music on the 5-string banjo that isn't in the bluegrass style.


Post-Patrick, by one day...

John Kraus & The Goers
St. Patrick's Day Party

Friday, March 18, 2022 

You'll recognize The Goers as a reconfiguration of (most of) Rose's Pawn Shop 
Free Sea Shanty Sing-along 7 pm
San Pedro Brew Co. Beer Tasting option 7:45 pm
($16 or free to GVF members Friend Level +)
CONCERT 8:30 pm

Tickets to the St. Patrick's Day Party!


Goodies from Gibson

This week watch a recently discovered Gibson factory tour documentary, and listen to some women who rock for International Women’s Month.
In the fall of 2020, Gibson unearthed an unmarked film reel while digging through vault archives. Intrigued by the discovery, Gibson TV producers took that reel and had it digitally remastered. The footage you are about to see was shot at Gibson’s factory in 1967. It has never been seen until now.

Spotify Playlists
It’s International Women’s Month! Gibson says, "We’re celebrating by listening to some of our favorite female artists from around the world. Celebrate with us by rocking out with two special International Women’s Month playlists from Gibson and Kramer."


A pair of art affairs -- from today's LA Weekly...

Art Battle at WISDOME LA

Art Battle is at WISDOME LA for the final event of the season, with 12 past Champions and All-Stars stepping to the easels for an incredible night of live art. In three rounds, artists will compete against the clock (20 minutes) and for audience votes and one winner will be crowned the LA CHAMPION, and win a spot at the ART BATTLE 2022 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in Texas. Tickets $20-50 at




Saturday night at the CGB...

Venue impresario Bob Stane says: "This looks to be a hot act. I will want to bring them back but that means I need you to be here this time. Right now. Please do so. Read the credits on the bottom. Spectacular. Look them up on Google and watch, and listen, to their YouTube. They have it all and they will do it all for you."

SIRSY is an indie pop/rock duo, from NY, with LOTS of heart, soul, & sass! The Boston Globe calls them "the little band with the BIG sound".

Sirsy is two multi-instrumentalists: singer-songwriter & drummer Melanie Krahmer and her cowriter/husband and guitarist Rich Libutti.

Mel also plays piano, flute, and bass on a keyboard with her drumstick. At live shows, Rich plays bass on a pedal board with his feet. So, these two manage to sound like a full band, and despite their multitasking, do it all with big smiles on their faces. It’s clear they love what they do. And that love is contagious when you see them live. Sirsy's fans have supported them through the pandemic (which was filled with free sirsy live streams), and their 8 records. It's clearly a labor of love for Sirsy and their fans. Their energetic show often includes stories from the road, laughter, dance parties, and even nerdy jokes. Come celebrate life with them!

Sirsy’s songs have been featured on the hit tv show “Shameless” on Showtime, MTV, HBO, and PBS. They've performed 250 shows/year nationally, for the past 16 years. They’ve warmed stages for Maroon 5, Grace Potter, Brandi Carlile, Train, Collective Soul, The Spindoctors, Cheap Trick, Blues Traveler, Joan Jett, to name a few. Mel has drum endorsements with Paiste and Vater and she’s also been featured in Modern Drummer. Sirsy's last 3 records, regaled by fans and critics alike, were produced by Grammy-Winner Paul Q Kolderie.

“Songs with more hooks than tackle box. Melanie has one of the most powerful and flexible voices you’ll ever hear.” ~ The Times Union, NY

“SIRSY is NOT simply a two piece, they are a head scratching, WOW! This is the complete package in a fun sized, rock and roll, smiling laughing, have a good goddamn time with your friends, band! The guitarist is flawless and just edgy enough to make you grin. The lead singer/drummer is stunning.”
 ~ SXSW Music Blog.

SIRSY: Saturday, March 19. Show @ 7 pm. Tickets: $20

Click here for all the shows at The Coffee Gallery Backstage
● "Vaccination cards, paper or on your phone are required.
No exceptions. MASKS OPTIONAL, I will be wearing a mask. Let us be overly cautious and live to tell about it. - Bob"

The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N. Lake Av, Altadena, CA.
Phone For Reservations: 626-798-6236


Americana Music honors & awards: Thursday & Sunday TV shows

Tune In:
Experience highlights from Americana music's biggest night this Sunday 

Sunday, March 20 at 5 pm Pacific, the 2021 Americana Honors & Awards airs on Circle TV.
Catch must-see performances by your favorites, including Artist of the Year Brandi Carlile, Emerging Act of the Year Charley Crockett, Lifetime Achievement for Performance honoree Keb' Mo', Trailblazer Award honoree The Mavericks and many more.

How to Tune In: Circle is available across the United States on many cable providers' channel line-ups or you can use your TV’s digital antenna. Circle is also available on many streaming platforms including Peacock, the Roku Channel, XUMO and more. Check your local listings and discover more streaming options here.

THURSDAY: (yep, tonight)

"Circle Sessions: Behind the Curtain - Americana Honors"
6:30 - 7 pm Pacific | Circle TV

Want to get a behind-the-scenes look at the show? Tonight at 8:30 pm CT on Circle TV, go backstage with the artists, performers and all-star band of the 2021 Americana Honors & Awards as they prepare for the celebration and reflect on the past, present and future of Americana music at the legendary Ryman Auditorium. Learn how to watch Circle here.


Phil Ward explodes onto your stage and screen this weekend

This guy is a fabulously talented comedic songwriter. Not that his other creative and performing endeavors lack anything. He can purt near do it all.


Phil Ward's first concert appearance in two years

Phil writes, "Hello, friends! I'm about to do my first live concert in Southern CA since the shutdown. Woooooot! I and several other musicians will do a bunch of animal-related songs this Saturday, March 19, 7 pm Pacific, at the charming Verdugo HUUT (pronounced hoot) acoustic series, at the Universalist Unitarian Verdugo Church, 4451 Dunsmore Ave, Glendale 91214. I've played here before and it's a great, fun, relaxed, affordable (around 12 bucks), non-religious vibe. The show's at 7pm; click here for info and advance tickets. You can score tix at the door too. For a map, click here.  I sure would like to see your face Saturday night!"
"There will be music and lively talk with a group of funny acoustic musicians, all way better than me. See the list of participant!"
Click here for the Facebook event page
"It's live! It's free! You can't beat the lineup! You can post your questions and comments on YouTube as we're live-streaming, and we'll pay attention to you! It's all brought to you by FAR-West, your folk-music-promoting buddies in the western US and Canada. Join us and see what some well-known folkies have to say."
Click here for the YouTube channel, at 7pm on Monday

Phil closes, "I hope you're hanging in there through these not-very-funny times. Please support Ukraine however you can and stay safe and healthy.
I miss you."


"Water & War" Virtual Film Festival is this week

Sponsored by "World BEYOND War," a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations "advocating for the abolition of the institution of war."

Still time to get tickets for Day 2, this Saturday, plus the festival finale on World Water Day, March 22.

Day 2 of the festival, this Saturday, March 19 at 12 pm Pacific Daylight Time / 3 pm Eastern Daylight Time / 7 pm GMT, features an online screening of the film The Crossing. A rare, firsthand account of one of the most dangerous journeys of our time, this timely, nail-biting documentary follows the grueling plight of a group of Syrian refugees as they cross the Mediterranean Sea and travel across Europe. The panel discussion will feature director George Kurian and Niamh Ní Bhriain, coordinator of the Transnational Institute’s War and Pacification Programme. Our discussion will explore the intersections of the "war economy" and the "wall economy" — and how the same companies profit off of both fueling violent conflict and then militarizing borders against the refugees fleeing war zones.

The "Water & War" festival finale on #WorldWaterDay (Tuesday, March 22 at 4 pm Pacific Daylight Time / 7 pm Eastern Daylight Time / 11 pm GMT) features Berta Didn’t Die, She Multiplied!, a celebration of the life and legacy of Honduran Indigenous, feminist, and environmental activist Berta Cáceres. The film tells the story of the Honduran military coup, the assassination of Berta, and the victory in the Indigenous struggle to protect the Gualcarque River. The insidious agents of the local oligarchy, the World Bank, and North American corporations continue to kill but that will not stop the social movements. From Flint to Standing Rock to Honduras, the water is sacred and the power is in the people. The post-film discussion will feature producer Melissa Cox and other special guests to be announced.

Learn more and get tickets: Tickets are priced on a sliding scale, starting at $5 USD for the entire film festival. With your ticket you will get the Zoom link to access the virtual festival. Ticket proceeds go to support World BEYOND War's international war abolition work.


"World of Bluegrass" -- Initial Lineup and Ticket Announcement

The Infamous Stringdusters, The Jerry Douglas Band,
Sierra Hull and Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band are among the featured acts.
Tickets go on sale to IBMA members April 5.

The International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) has announced the initial lineup of artists and ticket information for IBMA Bluegrass Live!® powered by PNC, a two-day festival at the 2022 IBMA World of Bluegrass®. Tickets will go on sale to IBMA members April 5 and the general public April 19.

The live weekend performances will take place at Red Hat Amphitheater and on additional stages in downtown Raleigh. Tickets for the Red Hat performances start at just $50 for IBMA members.

The initial lineup of performers at Red Hat for IBMA Bluegrass Live! powered by PNC includes The Infamous StringdustersThe Jerry Douglas Band (with special guests), Peter Rowan Bluegrass BandSierra HullBalsam RangeDom Flemons & Shultz’s Dream (with Brian Farrow, Dante' Pope and Tray Wellington), Della Mae, and Twisted Pine. Additional main stage acts will be announced at a later date.

IBMA Bluegrass Live! powered by PNC is part of the five-day IBMA World of Bluegrass event, billed “The Most Important Week in Bluegrass,” which also includes the IBMA Business Conference, the IBMA Bluegrass Ramble showcase series and the 33rd Annual IBMA Bluegrass Music Awards, Sept. 27-Oct. 1. Tickets and hotel reservations will open for IBMA members April 5. More information is available at the IBMA World of Bluegrass website,

Don't miss out on the chance for IBMA member pre-sale and discount; join IBMA today at


Ticket alert... password presale TODAY

Jackson Browne

Jackson Browne

September 4

The Greek Theatre

PRESALE: Thursday, 10 am - 10 pm



Freebo in Southern Cal...

SATURDAY  3/19 HOTEL CAFE, 623 N. Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood, Ca.
           7PM  $15
MONDAY   3/21
     Maui Sugar Mill, 18389 Ventura Blvd, Tarzana, Ca.
     9:00 show, 8:00 opener
           Freebo (acoustic guitar & bass),
           M.B. Gordy (drums),
           Fuzzbee Morse (guitar),
           J.T, Thomas (keys),
           Chad Watson (bass),
           Special Guest singer, Alice Howe,
           Plus more surprises
          $10 donation please
      Res/info: 323-377-5291 for VIP seats!
    FREEBO & ALICE HOWE with Maitland Ward and Eddie Tuduri
WEDNESDAY  3/23   Soho, Santa Barbara,
         1221 State St. #205,
         Santa Barbara, Ca. 93101
         $15   7:30 Show
         Reservations:   805-962-7776
    FREEBO & ALICE HOWE (acoustic)
THUR.   3/24   Lost Chord Guitar Shop,
                        1576 Copenhagen Dr.
                        Solvang, CA. 93436
                        $10   7:30 show


Late addition...

Contemporary Music Ensemble BRIDGE TO EVERYWHERE presents "a Musical Sandbox" on Saturday

March 19, 8 pm
Boston Court Pasadena, 70 N Mentor Av, Pasadena CA 91106
Box office: 626-683-6801, 11 am-5 pm, Tue- Fri

Los Angeles-based chamber ensemble Bridge to Everywhere returns for an in-person concert at Boston Court Pasadena. They will present "a cross-cultural program of contemporary music that reflects our interconnected world."

This intimate concert consists entirely of original pieces by Bridge to Everywhere ensemble members, written within the last two years.

The ensemble envisions this special program as "a musical sandbox," where the group delves into new experimentations of electro-acoustics, novel instrumentations, and theatrical elements, together with their cross-cultural sounds.


 So many venues, so many artists, so many shows...

UPCOMING CONCERTS at McCabe's and a BUNCH of other fine venues (including the Hollywood Bowl!) are extensively covered in previous issues.

That includes delightful things like the current virtual series hosted by folk legend John McCutcheon, produced by the Pasadena Folk Music Society.

Scroll down for the earlier March issue, and use THIS LINK for the still very current event listings we published in February.


More'll be along directly, to assist you navigatin' Spring & Summer 2022. 

So remember to MERGE ONTO THIS LIL' CYBER VECTOR THROUGH SPACE/TIME. It's where the sounds of string instruments and melodic voices waft in at the sweet spots on the dial, between the crazy static from Jupiter. (Seriously. That's what those squawks, squeals and pulses are over on AM radio. You know: the stuff that's more fun to listen to on AM than all those blathering talk-show wingnut conspiracy spreaders...)


Resources / Navigation / Contacting us / finding what you want in current, recent, or archived Guide editions 


editions load quickly at

Or at

On mobile devices, click "view web edition" to bring-up the left side bar with navigation tools. That gives you direct access to click your way to all recent editions. It's easy to bring-up month-by-month archives to everything -- last year, a decade ago, so far this year, and each previous year.

It's all there, since we first moved The Guide (with its former name) to Blogspot. 

Does that mean you need to find Marty and Doc's DeLorean time machine? 

Because, geez, THAT was back when Rin-Tin-Tin hadn't gotten his second "tin" from Tin Pan Alley

... and you watched TV on a big box that bombarded you with non-ionizing radiation from its cathode ray tube if you sat close to it, instead of like nowadays, getting your inescapable non-ionizing radiation from 5g, wherever you sit

... and 

... and "the pandemic" meant 1918

... and Rudy Giuliani was "America's Mayor" instead of a babbling portable meltdown of brown ooze

... and "trump" was something that only happened in a card game, instead of being garishly emblazoned on buildings that go bankrupt (before it became a synonym for grifter college, grifter steaks, cultist wackos, deadly violent attempted coups at the Capitol, and banishment from polite society)

... anyway, The Guide has been around a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time! So you can escape into the musical wonderments of this current edition, AND/OR you can go far enough back to escape whatever is the current lunacy du jour, and explore MANY THOUSANDS of feature stories, musical explorations, band and artist descriptions, and assorted fascinating items we have published through the years for your perusal and enjoyment.

HINT: We often get feedback like this regarding the archive:

"We were talking about how we first met. We disagreed about who was playing that night. We were pretty distracted by each other. So we deep dived in your archive and we found everything about that night!!! It even let us figure out a bunch of our important dates--most of them were musical and it sure was fun to relive those times!!!"


CONTACT US -- Post Comments / Send Questions / say Howdy at:

Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com

OR USE THE COMMENTS FUNCTION on the Blogspot site.


Entire contents copyright © 2022

Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.

All rights reserved.

♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers -- and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from a masked safari to fetch your groceries, or get a hankerin' for a real or a virtual tuneful sojourn at (or from) a quality venue, or whatever version of hittin' the road for the festival circuit or a tuneful tour.
