Sunday, September 30, 2012

FREE CONCERT in L.A. with Crosby, Stills & Nash; Tom Morello: The Nightwatchman; and Edward James Olmos – WEDNESDAY night!

Yep. FREE. Brought to you by the "Truth on Proposition 32" campaign – the NO side. The free concert is Wednesday night, October 3 at 7 pm, at Nokia Theatre L.A. LIVE, near the Grammy Museum and Staples Center.
To get your FREE tix – one or a pair – while they last, go to
The Los Angeles Times made it clear on August 19, 2012, in their exposé titled, "Proposition 32: A fraud to end all frauds." (Read the Time piece at )
Proposition 32, on the November statewide ballot in California, purports to be about political reform and disclosure. It is anything but that. It is a stealth attempt by powerful interests and corporations to dominate politics with neither disclosure nor accountability. The Guide and plenty of others who have researched it can tell you that, with no reservations, it must not pass.
. says, "Prop 32 has a great name — 'Stop Special Interest Money Now Act.' Problem is, it's completely misleading and isn't at all what it seems. Here's why: The people behind the measure added special loopholes giving billionaire CEOs, out-of-state land developers, Wall Street hedge fund managers, and other corporations the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns with no disclosure and no accountability."
They continue, "If Prop 32 passes it would create an unfair and unbalanced political system. That's why MoveOn and the people and organizations you trust have come out so strongly against it. Make our voices heard loud and clear, California doesn't need more Citizens United. And we don't need Prop 32."
It's the fraud of all frauds. The public must not be misled into voting for a Proposition based on its name, when its purpose is exactly the opposite. That's why prominent musicians are presenting the free concert Wednesday night -- help spread the word. They are joining with a vast assortment of reform-minded groups, including California MoveOn members, Working Californians, and others, to get the word out about the "No on Prop 32" campaign.
The tickets really are free. You are not required, or even prominently asked, to contribute to any No on 32 Campaign.
But act fast, because the tickets will go fast. But only get tix if you know you will go – it's rude to take tix and leave seats empty when someone else would love to have filled them. For your FREE tix, go to
For the weekend's CONCERTS and the weekend's FESTIVALS, see the separate editions that cover each. And the most recent long-range edition of the Acoustic Americana Music Guide's "Spotlight Events" was published September 14. All are available just below, or in the sidebar at left, depending on the site where you are reading this.
MUCH more soon!

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