Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday News: Web Radio tonight, and Anniversaries to note -- July 15, 2013

Three items for you today...



We recently became aware of "KELLY'S COUCH," a web radio show that features performance-interviews, the same format as the Guide's staff used to do on broadcast radio in Los Angeles. Of course, learning that KELLY ZIRBES hosts the show? Well, Kelly had our attention right away.

Not only is she an exciting performer, belting-out roadhouse blues (originals and classics). She is the most vivacious bundle of energy we know. As in, who else runs a full marathon (26 miles, 385 yards), collects her medal, then runs to a stage where her band has the crowd going, and she joins them and sings, powerfully fronting the band for the next two hours? She's done it more than once!

Now that we have your attention...

Kelly's guests this evening are artists you should know.

TOMMY MALONE has been performing for over 30 years and has been the guitarist and singer for the SUBDUDES for over 20 years. He has performed with Rosanne Cash, Shawn Colvin, Andres Osborn and many others. His new album is entitled "Natural Born Days," and it is a collection of well-crafted rock and roll. Kelly says, "I will chat with Tommy and we will listen to songs from 'Natural Born Days.'"

COLIN JOHN has lived around the globe, learning his art at every stop. In Memphis, he played with the likes of Hank Ballard, James Cotton, Pinetop Perkins, and plenty of others. In London, he played and learned with musicians from Eric Clapton’s band and Procol Harem.

Guitar Player magazine has said of Colin, "This is what Jimi Hendrix might have sounded like if he [had] abandoned the rat race, moved to Hawaii, taken up surfing and let the sun and waves bestow their laid-back highs." Kelly will chat with Colin as the two "Check out tuneage" from his latest release, "Two Sides Of The Colin."

Colin came to "The Couch" by way of a previous guest on the show, an artist named Long Tall Deb. During her interview with Kelly, she mentioned her collaboration with Colin a few times. "After the show," said Kelly, "she suggested I bring him on. DONE!"

Kelly Zirbes began as a singer-songwriter, with rock and roll living in her heart. In 1995, she assembled her band as KELLY'S LOT to satisfy that urge. Through the years, she and the band have performed around the world and have done many charity affairs, giving of themselves, often for other artists in need of medical attention. In addition to being on stage, Kelly gets in front of the camera. She has done hundreds of interviews with musicians. On her show, one segment flips ends of The Couch, and the interviewer becomes the interviewee. Then we listen to music from her most recent albums, "Live In Brussels" and "Plain Simple Me."

You'll find the show at 7 pm (Pacific) at:


★ Happy Birthday, LINDA RONSTADT!

Her voice was the leading female folk-rock recording artist of an era. "Silver Threads and Golden Needles," "Desperado," and dozens of other songs -- before she reinvented herself singing the Spanish-language rancheras and canciones if her Arizona upbringing. We treasure you, Linda, and your rich musical legacy.



We all love Irish music, and often we are confronted with joyous melodies and lyrical content of struggle, pain and heartache. Today marks the anniversary of the death of a largely unknown woman leader in the long struggle for Irish independence. The following comes to us from the Glasnevin Museum:

"Today we mark the anniversary of Countess Constance Markievicz (1868-1927). A revolutionary and nationalist, Countess Constance Markievicz was the first women elected to Westminster and the first Irish and European Female Cabinet Minister. 

"Constance Gore-Booth was born on the 4th of February 1868 in London and was brought up at Lissadell House, County Sligo. She married Polish Count Casimir Dunin Markievicz in 1900. She entered politics in 1907, and in 1909 founded Na Fianna, an organization for boys who were taught military drills and the use of arms. During the Easter Rising of 1916, she was second-in-command at St. Stephen’s Green.

"Following the surrender she was arrested and although initially sentenced to death, this was commuted to life imprisonment.

"She was released in 1917. In the General Election of 1918 she was elected as MP [Member of Parliament] for the St. Patrick’s Division of Dublin. She was the first woman to be elected to the British Parliament. Constance was a member of the first Dáil Éireann when it met on the 21st January 1919.

"She was both the first Irish female Cabinet Minister and at the same time, the first female Cabinet Minister in Europe.

"Constance was against the Anglo-Irish Treaty of December 1921, and during the Civil War, she saw active service in Dublin. She was arrested again in 1923 and led a mass hunger strike. In 1926, she joined Eamon de Valera’s new party Fianna Fáil and was elected to the Dáil in 1927, but died a month later on the 15th of July, 1927."

Okay, songwriters. There is a very real person who can yet inspire contemporary struggles for women's rights.


The Guide will be along soon with a full edition. Meanwhile, enjoy your Monday!

Entire contents copyright (c) 2013,
Lawrence Wines and Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.

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