Saturday, December 3, 2016

Single-item post: Let Us Entertain You (for a moment, anyway) - Dec 4 2016

Time for a laugh. Don't fret, or let your frets get out of alignment. The Guide has TWO current news editions. Just scroll a short ways down for the first one, or click to it at:

The other one is at:

NOW, to our single-item bit of entertainment.

Singers put lots of thought into putting just the right inflection on the right word to fixate an audience with their vocals. That's after a songwriter wrestles and takes tongs and anvil to each line and each word in lyrical composition. Because every word matters in the three-and-a-half minutes of a song -- far more than words matter in 'purt near any other context.

So, as artists and writers and songwriters and performers and lovers of song and editors, we are, all of us, wrapped up in words. Which brings us to this piece by the Guide's editor.

Must've been a re-translation

It began as something that seems to happen to me a lot. Just after I write about something, a brand new feature story appears on the web, addressing the same subject. Often, that's within minutes of hitting the "send" button. It instantly produces that "oh, shit" moment when I wonder if some up-to-the-minute game-changer is absent... some vital factoid or other. Or maybe a view of the train wreck from the opposite side of the tracks -- where you could see Snydley Whiplash press the TNT plunger. Even though you interviewed the engineer and the conductor and three passengers in the hospital and none of them saw it. Still, it's one of those dreaded, "Oh, had I only known" moments, and I am responsible for consuming the readers' time and not fully informing them.

Of course, when something appears too late, I must drop everything and go read whatever it is. It's the beginning of the self-flagellation process if I realize letters or email are forthcoming, calling me ignorant. Oh, the pain.

But then this happens.

The other new story turns out to be one from Pakistan. I am guessing at the sequence of events there, but it seems obvious. Somebody must have translated an interview that was done in English with two US university professors. Following which, the original write-up went the way of the dinosaur.

You'll see, in a moment, why I chose that metaphor. You will, that is, if you recognize the word "Chicxalub" as the key word for the asteroid impact that may have killed Cretaceous Park. Jurassic Park was already passé.

Back to the story. The only remaining version was in whatever language used in the Pakistani publication. That's in past tense because somebody then decided to translate the piece back into English, for posting on the web. Now we're caught-up.

Here's an example of the outcome:

"The high porosity of the Chicxulub shake could in like way clear up why the moon’s opening frustrated edge is fantastically permeable and illuminate other planetary problems moreover, says Ross Potter, a planetary researcher at Brown University."

It then purports to quote Prof. Potter, whose lectures really must be something:

"'Impact pits are revealing material from noteworthiness, so they’re amazing tests into inside planetary bodies,” he says. “You may be able to discover astoundingly enrapturing cases that show you a critical measure regarding the cooking framework itself, and inside the planet and how the planet limited.'"

Uh, yeah. Who says science isn't entertaining? You can subject yourself to the full monty at the link below. It maintains its unintentional comedic charm throughout the piece.



Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?

What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...

Pssst — Hey, kid. Yeah, YOU: It won't be so "basic" when we add all the links for the global network of music news / music education sites that we're joining; THAT'LL be here very soon, as an ESSENTIAL COMPONENT of the Guide returning to being a MUSIC NEWS journal!

Direct to the Guide's current editions /


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Contents copyright © 2016,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS — and views of interest to artists everywhere — more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.


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