Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Mid-Week Hot Stuff, May 10-May 14, plus two bits o' history, and FESTIVAL-FILLED weekends ahead -- May 10 edition 2017

LOTS of late additions made / many more concerts, shows, and events added since this edition was originally published (and there may be more coming, through Thursday evening)...


In professional bike racing, the Amgen Tour of California begins Thursday, May 11, and will conclude a week from Saturday, on May 20, with the final stage beginning at Mountain High in the San Gabriel Mountains, and finishing in Pasadena at the Pasadena Convention Center at 300 E Green Street. The home stretch comes down the Angeles Crest Highway, passes through La Canada, runs east on Woodbury Road and turns south on Los Robles Blvd. The riders then turn east on Colorado Boulevard, go one block and turn right on Madison, then right on Green Street to the finish line. The race is expected to end around 1:45 PM. If you like bike racing, it will be an exciting place to be, and if you don't, a good place to avoid. If you want to see the finish, arrive early and allow time to find parking. Thanks to our friends at the Pasadena Folk Music Society for the word.

While we're not going back into the daily music calendar bid'ness, there is an irresistible bridge of tunefulness between weekends of festivals. Evening performances this week include some wowsa globetrotting out-of-towners who don't get to Southern Cal very often (like maybe once a year if we're lucky). Plus... if you rely on corporate mainstream media for your supposed news, you'd not only miss that, but you wouldn't know about the two bits of history we mix-in.

So there's abundant reason to check out this lil' edition.

The FESTIVALS listed herein are some of those happening in the next few weeks -- and they are ONLY the ones happening in California. Complete info on them, PLUS dozens more festivals throughout North America, are all presented in detail in the Guide's yuge "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html


Here ya go, betwixt now and soon, day-by-day...

Through May 21, FESTIVAL: (began Apr 8)
"THE ORIGINAL RENAISSANCE PLEASURE FAIRE" at Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area, 15501 E Arrow Hwy, Irwindale, CA 91706.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Through May 19, FESTIVAL: (started Apr 22)
"WILD FOR THE PLANET" runs Earth Day through Endangered Species Day at the Los Angeles Zoo, 5333 Zoo Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2017

Musically, it's already passed. but we wanted you know about something special...

May 9th was "Victory Day" with its marches in 50 nations. It seems that US corporate mainstream media only reports on protest marches, so you prob'ly missed this global celebration. It began as a local observation to honor the dead and the veterans who freed the world from fascism in World War II. Now, in each of those many nations where it's observed, people march while holding a photo of an ancestor or other WW II veteran who may be living or dead. They are all considered to be part of "The Immortal Batallion," and that includes all the Rosie-the-Riviters, civilian populations in besieged and relentlessly bombed cities that refused to surrender, and members of guerilla resistance fighters, as well as the uniformed troops of the liberating forces. It's about three things: (1) awareness that we have a world where we are free to complain and live our lives, thanks to the sacrifices of the Greatest Generation (2) being aware of the millions of civilians, including innocent children, whose lives ended because ego-driven conquerors tried to take over the world; and (3) a resolve to never again allow ourselves to be subjugated by oppressors or tyranny, whether militaristic, political, or economic.


Happy "GOLDEN SPIKE DAY"-! Few events in 19th century America were as formative, or came close to having such a big role in defining the nation we would become, as the completion of the first transcontinental railroad. On May 10th, 1869, the "Wedding of the rails and uniting of the two great oceans" happened in the middle of nowhere, at a place that was immediately named Promontory Summit, in Utah Territory, north of the Great Salt Lake.

The "overland journey" of wagon trains from riverboat landings on the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, around the Rockies, across the deserts and over the High Sierra to reach California had taken months for all the pioneers who walked alongside their wagons (nobody rode in a wagon train 'cause your wagon was chockful of all your stuff). Or, it took months aboard a ship, beneath sails, around Cape Horn at the bottom tip of South America, where stormy Antarctica waters made the passage terrifying.

There is even a photograph of the very last Overland Trail wagon train being passed on May 8th by the steam train on its way to the ceremony at Promontory that completed the railroad on May 10th.

After May 10th, 1869, everything changed. Suddenly, you could board an enclosed wooden passenger car entrained behind a steam locomotive, and the great journey took four days.

The driving of the Golden Spike -- which really is made of gold -- was the moonshot of the 19th century. And like President Kennedy challenging us to go to the Moon and being assassinated before he saw it happen, it was President Lincoln who signed the Pacific Railroad Act to connect California to the East. Lincoln did not live to see the trains meet or what else the Great Feat of The Age brought -- the birth of the Robber Barons in fraudulent schemes to collect money for themselves under the auspices of building the railroad. But the Wall Street banksters of today have their origins in the Credit Mobilier of the late 1860s.

Still, there was much that was beneficial. The unemployed veterans of the Union Army after the Civil War, along with Irish Potato Famine refugees who were reviled by everyone, found work building the Union Pacific from the East. At least they could go somewhere, when their bravery in war hadn't been enough to earn them a place in mainstream society. And the previously reviled Chinese immigrants who were persecuted and sometimes lynched in the California gold fields found good employment and gained respect building the Central Pacific from the West, over the "impossible" barrier of the Sierra.

It was the railroad that enabled the great cattle drives from Texas to deliver beef to the hungry, overcrowded cities of the East. And in so doing, it provided work for cowboys who, as often as they were white ex-Confederate veterans, were also dispossessed Mexican vaqueros and just-freed black slaves. And it was there that discrimination against persons of color first came into question, because a working cowboy -- like a railroad construction foreman -- only cares about what you can do, not what you look like.

It was the railroads that enabled development of underground mining in the Rocky Mountains by bringing the essential heavy machinery for the mines and rock crushers and smelters and the trappings needed for towns that could accommodate women and families and trappings of culture.

It was the railroad that brought immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe to new lives as farmers on the plains.

It was, in short, because of the transcontinental railroad that America first attained cultural and ethnic diversity, with a sense of place for all-comers.

That is, as long as we don't look at the devastation of the Native American cultures whose buffalo herds, in their millions, were erased, while access to waterways and nomadic subsistence lifeways were eliminated by farms and ranches and settlements and jealously-guarded ownership and exclusivity and the proclamations of "that's mine, keep out!"

Woody Guthrie's verse in "This Land Is Your Land," about the no trespassing sign that, "on the other side, didn't say nuthin', and THAT side was made for you and me," was too long in coming to help the Indian.

Native American tribes, often fragmented into bands that facilitated hunting but that comprised entire "First Nations" of culture and language over vast regions, were exterminated by broken treaties. It was inevitably for one reason -- evermore money could be made by running the Indian off "guaranteed" tribal lands because those lands could be sold to white immigrant farmers or to some interest that was inevitably exploitive or extractionist.

Is the transcontinental railroad, and the network of rails it enabled, responsible for dispossession and extermination of the Indian? As an actual mechanism, the rails accelerated it. But to paraphrase Shakespeare, the fault lay not in our rails, but in ourselves. The government-subsidized, privately-owned line of twin steel rails across the prairies need not have ended the Indians' way of life. But it was inevitable that something would. White ethnocentrism pushed for and believed in "Manifest Destiny," a God-given right to dominate everything -- to exploit anything from which a buck could be rendered, and to exterminate anyone standing in the way of the "brave pioneer" and his quest for riches. Thus, it is the white settler wearing the mantle of hard work that is, according to every Horatio Alger myth, always a guarantee of reward.

Not exactly the same as the "brave engineer" whose early steam locomotive might run as fast as his courage would take it, and who could be scalded to death by the steam when something went wrong. But certainly the bringing of the industrial age to the wild expanses of remote landscapes. And, continuing into our time, the thing that produced the mindset that technology will always provide an innovation, an invention, a machine, an app, or some solution to let somebody profit from every challenge.

It's an idea as fraught now, as it was then, with unintended consequences. While some people might seize the chance to break out of the box, others are stuck with consequences that bring ruination. In the most recurrent theme of American Exceptionalism, it's likewise engendered with opportunities for the correctly positioned few to exploit and suppress the aspirations of the many.

We are always passing that wagon train on our way to Promontory. And no one ever asks who those people are, walking alongside their wagons, on their way to confronting the dream -- or escaping the nightmare -- that sent them forth to seek a better life.

Recently, A&E produced a cable series called "Hell on Wheels" that was an utter bastardization of transcontinental railroad building history. it was simply in the vein of so much of television's pathetic parade of history porn populated by comic book villains.

We're recommending something else that has the right feel. Though it's about the far shorter building of the first major railway in England, if you didn't know that, you'd accept it as the saga of the Golden Spike. So pause and partake of the Genesis song, "Driving the Last Spike."

It's at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHGqGmzzQaY

In it, Phil Collins and his fellow songwriters reveal the essence of things far better in eleven minutes than TV did in four seasons. One comment on YouTube expresses the continuing relevancy: "This song should be considered an anthem for all blue collar workers -- people who are the backbone of our economy, but who seldom get credit for the central role they play in maintaining our quality of life."

For a song written and performed during the 19th century's age of railroad construction, we choose this one for its accompanying slide show, with wonderful imagery of 150 years of American railroading. The vintage photos let you look into the eyes of the people of the time, and it reaches to some of today's "rails to trails" repurposing of abandoned tracks. It includes still-used tunnels originally blasted-out by charges of black powder placed in holes drilled in the rock. The holes were banged-in by hand using nothing but iron rods with star-shaped cutting ends, struck repeatedly with a hammer by "tarriers." It's the classic American railroad song "Drill Ye Tarriers Drill" performed by Trip McCool.

It's at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9dOrghwDE0


Here are the music events of May 10 and beyond.


Wed, May 10:
1 pm & 7 pm "MASTER CLASS & SHOWCASE" presented by "prominent composers and lyricists with deep roots in songwriting and social change music," who "offer a live coaching session to emerging artists" at the Rubicon Theater, 1006 E Main St, Ventura, CA 93001; 805-667-2900.

Wed, May 10:
8 pm TISH HINOJOSA, belle of the Austin folk scene and festival headliner worldwide, plays ONE local show at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 92675; reservations are an absolute necessity because this will sell-out (10 am-10 pm, 7 days) 626-798-6236.
* If you read this at the last minute, go anyway, because Bob stane does well with getting his waiting list peeps in the door.

THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017

May 11-14, FESTIVAL:
16th annual "GATOR BY THE BAY ZYDECO, BLUES & CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" at Spanish Landing Park in San Diego, CA. It's obviously LOADED with Cajun-zydeco-Creole and blues.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 11-14, FESTIVAL:
5th annual "L.A. DANCE FESTIVAL" at Theatre Raymond Kabbaz, 10361 W. Pico Bl, Los Angeles CA 90064; www.theatreraymondkabbaz.com/2016/02/28/la-dance-festival-2017 ; class schedule and LADF Fringe performances at: www.ladancefest.org
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 11-14, FESTIVAL:
"PARKFIELD BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" at 1st St & Oak St, Parkfield, CA 93451.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Thu, May 11:
6:30-8:30 pm ANDY & RENEE, fresh from hosting/producing the 27th annual "Dylanfest," play the Bottle Inn Riviera, 1700 S Catalina Av (entrance on Avenue I), Redondo Beach, CA 90277; 310-543-6800
* Catch 'em now before they go, next week, to Italy to perform.
* They have a new weekly podcast, "TALKIN' BOB DYLAN." Subscribe, download, listen and share all the "Talkin' Bob Dylan" podcasts at http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheDylanPodcast

Thu, May 11:
7 pm FREEBO & His FABULOUS FRIENDS play Bogie's, 32001 Agoura Rd, Westlake, CA 91361; 818-889-2394; bogies@wvinn.com
* Tix $18 by phone or email.

Thu, May 11:
7 pm BROOKLYN RIDER with KAYHAN KALHOR play UC Santa Barbara's Campbell Hall, 574 Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; 805-893-3535.

Thu, May 11:
7 pm "SONGWRITING FINALIST CONCERT" completes the Monday-through-Wednesday series at the Rubicon Theater, 1006 E Main St, Ventura, CA 93001; 805-667-2900.

Thu, May 11: Not music, but cool...
7 pm "THE CONSCIENTIOUS PROJECTOR" is a FREE series, and this month's screening is the film "A SIMPLER WAY: A CRISIS IN OPPORTUNITY," at Armory Center for the Arts, 145 N Raymond Av, Pasadena. (It's across the street from memorial Park, which has a Gold Line light rail station.)
* The film considers simpler living in an era of political upheaval and climate change. As always, the program is free, and a discussion is held after the screening.

Thu, May 11:
8 pm "FOLK REVIVAL FESTIVAL" monthly show in Long Beach with JERRON "BLIND BOY" PAXTON, RICK SHEA & THE LOSIN' END, DAVE HALL & STEPHEN PATT, and an early 'n late BLUEGRASS JAM, at the Red Leprechaun, 4000 E Anaheim St, Long Beach, CA 90804; 562-343-5560.
* This is a "2nd Thursdays" series presented by the Long Beach Folk Revival Festival; the festival happens Sep 16, 2017. There's a full write-up on it in the Guiode's "Encyclopedia Festivanica," at http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html. Regarding this Thursday show, Rick tells us, "I play at 8 pm, Dave Hall and Stephen Patt will be joining me, and there is a Bluegrass jam before and after."
* ADDED LATE to the lineup: JERRON "BLIND BOY" PAXTON -- "Although only in his 20s, Jerron 'Blind Boy' Paxton has earned a reputation for transporting audiences back to the 1920's and making them wish they could stay there for good. Paxton may be one of the greatest multi-instrumentalists that you have not heard of. Yet. And time is getting short, fast." -- Long Beach Folk Revival Festival.

Thu, May 11:
8 pm GOLD HEART, a five-piece bluegrass band, plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 92675; reservations (10 am-10 pm, 7 days) 626-798-6236.

Thu, May 11:
9 pm KORBY LENKER & TOM FREUND play the Hotel Café, 1623 1/2 N Cahuenga Bl, Hollywood, CA 90038; 323-461-2040.

FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2017

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
16th annual "GATOR BY THE BAY ZYDECO, BLUES & CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at Spanish Landing Park in San Diego, CA. It's obviously LOADED with Cajun-zydeco-Creole and blues.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
5th annual "L.A. DANCE FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at Theatre Raymond Kabbaz, 10361 W. Pico Bl, Los Angeles CA 90064; www.theatreraymondkabbaz.com/2016/02/28/la-dance-festival-2017 ; class schedule and LADF Fringe performances at: www.ladancefest.org
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
"PARKFIELD BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at 1st St & Oak St, Parkfield, CA 93451.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Fri, May 12:
7-10 pm ANDY & RENEE, fresh from hosting/producing the 27th annual "Dylanfest," play the
Ports O' Call Restaurant, 1200 Nagoya Way, San Pedro, CA 90731; 310-33-3553.
* Catch 'em now before they go, next week, to Italy to perform.
* They have a new weekly podcast, "TALKIN' BOB DYLAN." Subscribe, download, listen and share all the "Talkin' Bob Dylan" podcasts at http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheDylanPodcast

Fri, May 12:
7-10 pm Free "GALLERY OPENING RECEPTION" with THE BLUE DOLPHINS duo playing "a hot acoustic set," plus the PETE PIDGEON - MARK HART DUO perform, all at the FREE opening reception of the Malibu Guitar Festival Gallery, 23359 Pacific Coast Hwy (next to Wells Fargo in Malibu Village), Malibu, CA; www.malibuguitarfestival.com
* Visual artists whose work is on display and available at the event include Robby Krieger from The Doors and photographer Lisa Johnson of 108 Guitars. The Dolphins tell us, "It's going be a feast for the eyes and ears all night."
* On Sun, May 28, the Blue Dolphins play the Main Stage at "Topanga Days Country Fair" (see the extensive write-up in the Guide's "Encyclopedia Festivanica" at http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html). The Dolphins add more (right here) to what we describe in that write-up. They say, "It will be a high energy electric set with our fantastic band, Fran Iturbe on lead electric guitar, Kevin Jarvis on drums and Moshe Pinz on electric bass. The fair is a local favorite here in Los Angeles, and If you like a taste of counter culture, this is your festival! Original arts and crafts for sale, family friendly, two stages."
* To get acquainted with THE BLUE DOLPHINS, the band/duo of Victoria & Alfonso, here are three vids for you:
(1) the Blue Dolphins playing acoustic at the Unurban Coffee House in L.A., Jan 21, 2017, at
(2) the duo sing/play acoustic at Teatro Agustin, Monterrey, Mexico, Nov 11, 2016, at
(3) see them up close and with very nice backing instruments and production values, at

Fri, May 12:
7:30 pm ELLEN STAPENHORST plays a House Concert in Brentwood. Email her for details: estapenhorst@earthlink.net.
* More on Ellen in news feature # 5 in the May 5th edition, at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/05/mays-musical-banquet-news-reviews.html

Fri, May 12:
7:30 pm NATHAN & JESSIE play the San Diego Folk Heritage series at Templars Hall in Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd, Poway, CA 92064; 858-566-4040.

Fri, May 12:
8 pm BEN MILLER & ANITA MacDONALD play the MacLeod Ale Brewing Co., 14741 Calvert St, Van Nuys, CA 91411.
* They also perform a sit-down concert Saturday at Caltech for the Pasadena Folk Music Society concert series, at 8 pm (see listing).

Fri, May 12:
8 pm RICK RUSKIN, fingerstyle guitar virtuoso, plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 92675; reservations (10 am-10 pm, 7 days) 626-798-6236.
* Rick Ruskin also does a 4 pm workshop and an 8 pm concert on Saturday in Culver City, and he performs Sunday at 4 pm in San Pedro (see listings).

Fri, May 12:
8 pm JERRON "BLIND BOY" PAXTON plays McCabe's 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497; www.mccabes.com
* "Although only in his 20s, Jerron 'Blind Boy' Paxton has earned a reputation for transporting audiences back to the 1920's and making them wish they could stay there for good. Paxton may be one of the greatest multi-instrumentalists that you have not heard of. Yet. And time is getting short, fast." -- Long Beach Folk Revival Festival.

Fri, May 12:
8 pm MOLLY TUTTLE BAND plays Boulevard Music, 4316 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City, CA 90230; 310-398-2583; www.boulevardmusic.com
* Molly was just on the cover of "Acoustic Guitar" magazine (April 2017)
* "American Songwriter" magazine has released the video for her song, "Save This Heart," at: https://americansongwriter.com/2017/04/molly-tuttle-plots-debut-solo-ep-rise/
* "Nashville-based songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Molly Tuttle is already well regarded throughout the roots and bluegrass communities, despite not yet having released a solo collection to her name. That’s all about to change, though, as Tuttle prepares to release Rise, a seven-song EP slated for June 2." -- Brittney McKenna, April 25, 2017, in "American Songwriter."
* Darrell Scott, the Milk Carton Kids, and cellist Nathaniel Smith perform on her upcoming album.
* This show is a fine opportunity to catch a still-rising star.

Fri, May 12:
8 pm "100th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION OF LOU HARRISON AND HIS MUSIC" with BILL ALVES & FRIENDS at Boston Court Performing Arts center, 70 N Mentor Av, Pasadena, CA 91106; 626-683-6883; www.bostoncourt.org
* Boston Court's Spring Music Series for 2017 begins with a celebration of the iconic and revolutionary Lou Harrison, whose ambitious and inventive work made him the quintessential Californian composer.
* Bill Alves, the co-author of the upcoming Lou Harrison biography, "Lou Harrison: American Music Maverick," brings his unique Indonesian gamelan instruments to Boston Court to celebrate the centennial of the American master of non-Western music.

Fri, May 12:
9:30 pm POOR MAN’S WHISKEY plays the SOHo Restaurant & Music Club, 1221 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; 805-962 7776.

SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2017

Sat, May 13, FESTIVAL:
"CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL" at the San Diego Botanical Gardens, 230 Quail Gardens Dr, Encinitas, CA 92024; 760-436-3036.
Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Sat & Sun, May 13 & 14, FESTIVAL:
"BLUEGRASS IN THE SPRING FESTIVAL" at Calico Ghost Town, 36600 Ghost Town Rd, Yermo, CA 92398.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
16th annual "GATOR BY THE BAY ZYDECO, BLUES & CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at Spanish Landing Park in San Diego, CA. It's obviously LOADED with Cajun-zydeco-Creole and blues.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
5th annual "L.A. DANCE FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at Theatre Raymond Kabbaz, 10361 W. Pico Bl, Los Angeles CA 90064; www.theatreraymondkabbaz.com/2016/02/28/la-dance-festival-2017 ; class schedule and LADF Fringe performances at: www.ladancefest.org
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
"PARKFIELD BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at 1st St & Oak St, Parkfield, CA 93451.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Sat, May 13:
2 pm STEVE WERNER does a folk song concert, accompanying himself with his amazing Merle Travis-style acoustic guitar playing, at the Platt Library, 23600 Victory Bl, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
* FREE concert presented by the upcoming "Topanga Banjo Fiddle Contest & Folk Festival."
* Steve was half of the acclaimed recording duo, FUR & STEVE.
* The 57th annual "Topanga Banjo Fiddle Contest & Folk Festival" happens May 21, 2017, and is thoroughly coverered in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Sat, May 13:
4 pm "FINGERSTYLE GUITAR WORKSHOP" with RICK RUSKIN at Boulevard Music, 4316 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City, CA 90230; 310-398-2583; www.boulevardmusic.com
* More on Rick Ruskin at www.liondogmusic.com
* Rick Ruskin plays an 8 pm concert tonight, Saturday, at the same venue, and he performs Friday at 8 pm in Altadena and Sunday at 4 pm in San Pedro (see listings).

Sat, May 13:
7 pm THE LONELY HEARTSTRING BAND plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 92675; reservations (10 am-10 pm, 7 days) 626-798-6236.
* The also play McCabe's on Sunday at 8 pm (see listing).

Sat, May 13:
7 pm "MUSIC2LIFE" Benefit with the surviving PETER, PAUL & MARY duo at the Rubicon Theater, 1006 E Main St, Ventura, CA 93001; 805-667-2900.
* See feature story # 4 in the May 5th edition, at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/05/mays-musical-banquet-news-reviews.html

Sat, May 13:
7:30-10:30 pm ANDY & RENEE, fresh from hosting/producing the 27th annual "Dylanfest," play the Avenue A Bar & Grill, 800 S Pacific Coast Hwy, Redondo Beach, CA 90277.
* Catch 'em now before they go, next week, to Italy to perform.
* They have a new weekly podcast, "TALKIN' BOB DYLAN." Subscribe, download, listen and share all the "Talkin' Bob Dylan" podcasts at http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheDylanPodcast

Sat, May 13:
8 pm BEN MILLER & ANITA MacDONALD play the Pasadena Folk Music Society concert series in Beckman Institute Auditorium ("Little Beckman") on the caltech campus; park free and ignore the "reserved for" signs in either lot at the S end of Michigan Av off Del Mar; actual venue address is 400 S Wilson Av, Pasadena, CA 91106. Be aware that other events will make parking competitive, so go as early as you can get there and stroll around the lovely campus.
Ben Miller (Scottish border pipes) and Anita MacDonald (Cape Breton fiddle) play this show in Pasadena to wind up their current U.S. tour. Anita is from Little Narrows, Cape Breton, and Ben is American-born, now also living in Cape Breton. They have been performing together for a few years now, and their initial 2015 recording, "A Day at the Lake," shows them to be excellent performers. Zakk Cormier will join them on acoustic guitar for this show. Radio Station 101.5 in Nova Scotia (known as "The Hawk") described them this way: "Ben and Anita have the unique talent of taking well known, traditional tunes and giving them life. They have a great respect and knowledge of how these tunes are to be played, but are able to inject an energy that brings them to life once again. That's the way you keep the music alive for a new generation to discover and enjoy."
* Tix are $20 adults, $5 for Caltech students and children.

Sat, May 13:
8 pm LISA LOEB plays the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St, San Pedro, CA 90731; 310-833-6362; www.grandvision.org

Sat, May 13:
8 pm RICK RUSKIN plays Boulevard Music, 4316 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City, CA 90230; 310-398-2583; www.boulevardmusic.com
* Rick Ruskin also does a 4 pm workshop today, Saturday, at the same venue, and he performs Friday at 8 pm in Altadena and Sunday at 4 pm in San Pedro (see listings).

Sat, May 13:
8 pm QUILES & CLOUD plus ALLISON PIERCE play McCabe's 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497; www.mccabes.com

Sat, May 13:
8 pm "CANCIONES DE BUSCADORES - THE SEEKERS' SONGS" performed by USC GRADUATE STUDENTS IN VOCAL PERFORMANCE at Boston Court Performing Arts Center, 70 N Mentor Av, Pasadena, CA 91106; 626-683-6883; www.bostoncourt.org
* Boston Court's Spring Music Series for 2017 continues its opening weekend. Follow the journey from Old world to New through canciones by Turina, Guastavino, Buchardo and Piazolla. USC Graduate Students in Vocal Arts are under the musical direction of Lisa Sylvester.
* Tix are only $10 online.

SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2017

Sun, May 14; Sat & Sun, May 13 & 14, FESTIVAL:
"BLUEGRASS IN THE SPRING FESTIVAL" at Calico Ghost Town, 36600 Ghost Town Rd, Yermo, CA 92398.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
16th annual "GATOR BY THE BAY ZYDECO, BLUES & CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at Spanish Landing Park in San Diego, CA. It's obviously LOADED with Cajun-zydeco-Creole and blues.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
5th annual "L.A. DANCE FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at Theatre Raymond Kabbaz, 10361 W. Pico Bl, Los Angeles CA 90064; www.theatreraymondkabbaz.com/2016/02/28/la-dance-festival-2017 ; class schedule and LADF Fringe performances at: www.ladancefest.org
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Continuing through May14; FESTIVAL:
"PARKFIELD BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" is May 11-14 at 1st St & Oak St, Parkfield, CA 93451.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Sun, May 14:
10 am & 3 pm "MOTHERS DAY SOULFUL SUNDAY BRUNCH" at the Rose, 245 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101; 888-645-5006; tix, http://www.ticketmaster.com/search?tm_link=tm_header_search&user_input=Soulful+Sunday+Brunch&q=Soulful+Sunday+Brunch&camefrom=EMCL_1637095_63854496
* There's live Motown-style music "performed by a plethora of seasoned and soulful musicians, plus an inspirational gospel choir," hosted by Miss Sylvia St. James from the long-gone House of Blues "Sunday Gospel Brunch." This one has so much character we need to list it all...
* Menu:
Chicken & Waffles
BBQ Roasted Chicken
Creamy Mac & Cheese
Soulful House Salad
Caesar Salad
Smoked Bacon
Buttermilk Biscuits & Gravy
Bread Pudding with Caramel Sauce
and more
* Brunch 1 begins at 10 am.
* Brunch 2 begins at 3 pm.

Sun, May 14:
2:30 pm JANET KLEIN & HER PARLOR BOYS play a Mothers Day show of their charming music of the nineteen-teens and 1920s, at the Old Town Music Hall, 40 Richmond St, El Segundo, CA 90245; 310-322-2592; www.oldtownmusichall.org
* It's "An afternoon at the legendary home of the Mighty Wurlitzer!"

Sun, May 14:
3 pm THOMAS CASSELL & ETHAN SHERMAN, "young lions of jazz, American acoustic and musical improvisation, and maybe some bluegrass," play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 92675; reservations (10 am-10 pm, 7 days) 626-798-6236.

Sun, May 14:
4 pm RICK RUSKIN, fingerstyle guitar master, plays Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro, CA 90732; 310-833-7538; www.alvasshowroom.com
* Rick Ruskin also does a 4 pm workshop and an 8 pm concert on Saturday in Culver City, and he performs Friday at 8 pm in Altadena (see listings).
* $20 tix here include complimentary hot coffee, tea, cocoa, and a filtered water fountain. You are invited to "Bring your own food & drinks, no alcohol."
* The next fingerstyle guitar concert at the venue is Sat, Jun 10, 8 pm, with CALUM GRAHAM and Special guest DONOVAN RAITT, also a $20 concert. (That's notable, because the venue has become mostly jazz.)

Sun, May 13:
5 pm DROPKICK MICKEYS play traditional Irish music, led by fiddler Michael Kelly from Sligo rags with Padraig on acoustic guitar, at the Shamrock Irish Pub & Eatery, 39252 Winchester Rd #145, Murrieta, CA; 951-696-5252; www.theshamrockirishpubandeatery.com

Sun, May 14:
7 pm BRAZILIAN VIOLIN TRIO plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 92675; reservations (10 am-10 pm, 7 days) 626-798-6236.

Sun, May 14:
8 pm LONELY HEARTSTRING BAND play McCabe's 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497; www.mccabes.com
* They also play the Coffee Gallery Backstage on Saturday (see listing).

Sun, May 14:
8:30 pm CILLIAN'S BRIDGE plays a "MOTHER'S DAY SHOW" at the Harp Inn Irish Pub, 130 E 17th St, Costa Mesa, CA; 949-646-8855; www.harpinn.com.
* "Infusing styles and experience that range from classical symphonies to well known Irish classics, they delight their audiences and are guaranteed to have them on their feet and dancing no time!" -- Irish Pub Guide.


Looking ahead...

May 16-21, FESTIVAL:
"CALIFORNIA AUTOHARP GATHERING" at St. Nicholas Ranch Conference & Retreat Center, 38526 Dunlap Rd, Dunlap, CA 93621
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Tue, May 16:
6:30-9 pm "SONGWRITERS AT PLAY" series on the Central Coast at Bang the Drum Brewery, 950 Orcutt Rd, San Luis Obispo, CA.
* Ellen Stapenhorst is playing, and she tells us, "I'll be one of several songwriters performing a short set of originals at this weekly event. Always a good evening! No cover."
* Info at: http://songwritersatplay.com/ or for those who have installed Facebook's spyware, there's info at: http://www.facebook.com/songwritersatplay
* There is a feature story on Ellen in the May 5th edition, at:

Wed, May 17:
8 pm RODRIGUEZ plays the City National Grove Of Anaheim, 2200 E Katella Av, Anaheim, CA 92806; 714-712-2700; www.citynationalgroveofanaheim.com
* He is the real-life archetype for all those myths of a great musician presumed dead who was, all the while, very much alive. Rodriguez is an American musician and biggest-selling artist, ever, in South Africa and his music was a factor in bringing-down the apartheid regime there -- without him ever knowing about any of it until years later. That story is the subject of the award-winning film about him, "Searching for Sugar Man."
* The Guide has done feature stories on the artist and the film:
http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2016/08/top-award-winning-music-documentary-on.html (Aug 3, 2016)
http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2014/05/weekend-festivals-and-fridays-arts.html (May 30, 2014)
http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2013/02/late-breaking-extra-news-edition-feb-5.html (Feb 5, 2013)
* More at http://sugarman.org

Thu, May 18:
7:30 pm THE ROADHOUSE SERIES--THE BAKERSFIELD SOUND plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 92675; reservations (10 am-10 pm, 7 days) 626-798-6236.
* Quite a lineup for this one: featured artist-in-residence and M.C. Patrick Carrico, with special guests: Roadhouse alumni Kassidy Heal, Chad Watson, Pam Loe, Vern Monnett, Coyote Moon, J.P. McDermott and Alice Wallace, plus "very special guests" Ronnie Mack, Karen Tobin, and "the great pedal steel playing" Dean Parks.

Thu-Sat, May 18-20, FESTIVAL:
"12th EVER LOS ANGELES OLD TIME SOCIAL," happens at various L.A. venues.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 18-21, FESTIVAL:
15th Annual "JOSHUA TREE FESTIVAL SPRING" in Joshua Tree, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Fri, May 19:
6-10 pm LITTLE FEAT'S PAUL BARRERE & FRED TACKETT on acoustic guitar & mandolin, plus KENNY GRADNEY, TONY BRAUNAGEL, DAN GRIMM & KIRSTEN COLLINS play a benefit for "Safety Harbor Kids" with a concert and Poker Party at Topa Mountain Winery, 821 W Ojai Av, Ojai CA 93023.
* Silent auction items include personally signed guitars.
* Safety Harbor Kids (SHK), a 501c3 nonprofit, has its roots in music with current Board members including JACKSON BROWNE and FRED TACKETT and supporters including ALBERT LEE, BONNIE RAITT, PAUL BARRERE of LITTLE FEAT, DANNY SERAPHIN of CHICAGO, many other great artists, and studios including East/West and The Village. SHK is celebrating 10 years of serving orphans, foster and homeless children. More at www.safetyharborkids.org.
* The event features a Texas Hold 'Em poker tournament and a concert by the world renowned guitar/multi-instrumental duo.
* Held to benefit disadvantaged youth in the area, the festivities include poker, music and dancing, wine tasting and games.
* Prizes include a weekend with a Tesla provided by Tesla Motors of Santa Barbara, rounds of golf at the Ojai Valley Inn, horseback lessons, wine & coffee tasting, dining experiences, massages and much more.
* Tix for the concert are $20. Tix for all aspects of the event are at www.safetyharborkids.org/fundraisingevents/2017concertandpoker.html
* VIP tix available at 800-277-0497.

Fri, May 19:
6 pm-late "DARK NIGHTS AT L.A. LIVE" brings live music by the band WEEKEND CELEBRITY and much more, at the L.A. Live complex next to Staples center.
* Tix at the box office in the West Garage lobby are 40% off if you say "Dark Nights for 40% off." That's at L.A. LIVE's Event Deck (Top Level of the West Garage), 1005 Chick Hearn Ct, Los Angeles, CA 90015; https://www.lalive.com/events-calendar/dark-nights#artists
* There are Stilt walkers | Roaming Characters | Hula Hoopers | Street Dancers | Contortionists; plus muralists Evol | James Wilde XO | Phobik | BlackBrain | Armando Rosete | Sand One | Septerhed | The Blacklight King | MDMN | Zoueh; and bunches of vendors.
* WEEKEND CELEBRITY is an in-vogue, media darling band that centers on their fiddle player. It's sorta fiddle-based acoustic pop that can get electrified. To see if this is music you like, go to http://weekendcelebrityla.com/ and click "Bittersweet Royals."

May 19-21, FESTIVAL:
2nd annual "BERKELEY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" at the Freight & Salvage, 2020 Addison St, Berkeley, CA 94704
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

"LAS VEGAS FAMILY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" is FREE in Police Memorial Park, 3250 Metro Academy Way, Las Vegas, NV 89129.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 20 & 21, FESTIVAL:
"DOHENY BLUES FESTIVAL" at Doheny State Beach, 25300 Dana Point Harbor Dr (at Pacific Coast Highway), Dana Point, CA 92629
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Sun, May 21, FESTIVAL:
57th annual "TOPANGA BANJO•FIDDLE CONTEST & FOLK FESTIVAL" at Paramount Ranch, 2903 Cornell Rd, Agoura Hills, CA.
* There is soooo much happening here, at what the Guide proclaims every year as "the best one-day trad music fest anywhere!" There are many featured acts as well as stunningly wonderful contestants and more, plus incredible jamming.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Sun, May 21:
11:30 am-1:30 pm JANET KLEIN & HER PARLOR BOYS play their charming music of the nineteen-teens and 1920s as part of the "Antique Car Show" weekend at the Muckenthaler Cultural Arts Center, 1201 W Malvern Av, Fullerton, CA 92833; www.themuck.org
* Free outdoor concert in the Muckenthaler Amphitheater.

May 23-28, FESTIVAL: (Memorial Day Weekend)
"BISHOP MULE DAYS," at the Tri-County Fairgrounds, 1141 N Main St, Bishop, CA 93514
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 24-29, FESTIVAL: (Memorial Day Weekend)
"LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE FESTIVAL" at San Antonio Recreation Area in Bradley, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 25-29, FESTIVAL: (Memorial Day Weekend)
"SPRING STRAWBERRY MUSIC FESTIVAL" at the Nevada County Fairgrounds, 11228 McCourtney Rd, Grass Valley, CA 95949.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 26:
7:30 pm CELTIC WOMAN plays their " VOICES OF ANGELS" tour at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, 600 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; 714-556-2787.
* "Voices of Angels" showcases the angelic voices of Susan McFadden, Mairéad Carlin, Eabha McMahon and breathtaking new Celtic violinist Tara McNeill performing music from the forthcoming "Voices of Angels" album. This'll sell-out quickly.
* Tix: https://www.scfta.org/events/detail.aspx?id=15455

May 26-28, FESTIVAL: (Memorial Day Weekend)
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 26-28, FESTIVAL: (Memorial Day Weekend)
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 27 & 28, FESTIVAL: (Memorial Day Weekend)
"SCOTTISH FEST" at the OC Fair & Event Center, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 27 & 28, FESTIVAL: (Sat & Sun of Memorial Day Weekend)
"SIMI VALLEY CAJUN & BLUES FESTIVAL," at Rancho Santa Susana Community Park, 5005 Los Angeles Av, Simi Valley, CA.
* Yep, it's a reliably first-rate and endlessly tuneful event with major-league headliners.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

May 27-29, FESTIVAL: (Memorial Day Weekend)
44th annual "TOPANGA DAYS COUNTRY FAIRE" at the Topanga Community House & Fairgrounds, 1440 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Sat, Jun 3, FESTIVAL:
"SAM HINTON FESTIVAL" presented by San Diego Folk Heritage is FREE in Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd, Poway, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 3 & 4, FESTIVAL:
12th annual "LUMMIS DAYS FESTIVAL" at several NE Los Angeles venues that include the Southwest Museum's Mt. Washington Campus; Occidental College; Sycamore Grove Park; the historic stone Lummis mansion; and the delightful Heritage Square Museum in Highland Park, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 8-25, FESTIVAL:
"HOLLYWOOD FRINGE FESTIVAL" at 34 theatres, stages, and other venues in Hollywood / L.A., CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 10 & 11, FESTIVAL:
"BIG IRISH FAIR & MUSIC FESTIVAL" at El Dorado Park (off the 605 freeway) 7550 E Spring St, Long Beach, CA
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 10 & 11, FESTIVAL:
30th annual "PALOS VERDES STREET FAIR & MUSIC FESTIVAL," on Norris Center Dr & Crossfield Dr, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 10 & 11, FESTIVAL:
"TEQUILA & TACO MUSIC FESTIVAL" in Brookside Park, next to the Rose Bowl, 360 N Arroyo Bl, Pasadena, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 15-18, FESTIVAL:
3rd annual "ROUTE 66 BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds, 14800 7th St, Victorville, CA 92395.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 15-18, FESTIVAL:
42nd annual "FATHER'S DAY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" in the Nevada Co. Fairgrounds, Grass Valley, CA
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Fri-Sun, Jun 16-18, FESTIVAL:
"LIVE OAK MUSIC FESTIVAL" at Live Oak Camp, about twenty minutes inland from Santa Barbara, CA
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Fri-Sun, Jun 16-18, FESTIVAL:
"COUNTRY SUMMER" Festival in Santa Rosa, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 16-18, FESTIVAL:
"SIERRA NEVADA WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL" at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds in Boonville, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

1st annual "BOOTS & BREWS COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL" in Central Park, 27150 Bouquet Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 17-18, FESTIVAL:
31st annual "LONG BEACH BAYOU" Zydeco, Blues, Creole & Cajun Festival at Rainbow Lagoon Events Park, N side of Shoreline Dr, at Shoreline Village Dr. & Linden Av, Long Beach, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 23-25, 2017:
"SUSANVILLE BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" in Susanville, east of the Sierra in Northern Cal.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 24 & 25, FESTIVAL:
"ARROYO SECO WEEKEND" festival in Pasadena, CA.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

Jun 29-Jul 2, FESTIVAL:
"HIGH SIERRA MUSIC FESTIVAL" at the Plumas County Fairgrounds, 204 Fairground Rd, Quincy, CA 95971.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

9th annual "ROADSHOW REVIVAL" subtitled "A CELEBRATION OF AMERICAN ROOTS MUSIC," at Discovery Ventura, 1888 E Thompson Bl, Ventura CA 93001.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

"4TH OF JULY BLOCK PARTY" is a one-day festival at Grand Park and The Music Center, 200 N Grand Av, downtown Los Angeles, CA 90012
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

"COLUMBIA’S GLORIOUS 4th OF JULY CELEBRATION" at Columbia State Historic Park, Main St & State St, Columbia, CA 95310.
* Complete info in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA" at: http://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2017/04/2017-music-festival-guide-current.html

That's a lil' rundown on bunches o' festivals and a few recommended events in California through the 4th of July. There are HUNDREDS more FESTIVALS happening all over North America, and we describe 'em in all the detail you need in the Guide's "ENCYCLOPEDIA FESTIVANICA."


For now, Choi! (That's how the Italians spell it, but they pronounce it like "chow." Get it? the rhyme? Oh, never mind.)

THREE of the MOST RECENT "Music News" editions of the Guide contain things you need to know:

"Remembering BILL BRYSON, bluegrass musician extraordinaire" is the May 3rd special edition, at:


We reported the sad news about JIMMY LaFAVE being diagnosed with terminal cancer. Itv was received from Slaid Cleaves and his wife, Karen. It's an up-top feature, added when the news arrived. Plus, that April 21st edition ran with more six music news stories. It's at:


The latest full edition of music news ran May 5th. It contains the following feature stories:

1) THIS WEEKEND is Festival-Crazy! Here's a Guide to Maximizing Your Fun!
2) BOB DYLAN finally gets his Nobel prize; and DYLANFEST is this Sunday in Torrance
3) LAURIE LEWIS, Bluegrasser and Grammy winner has news, and she plays Saturday night
4) PETER, PAUL & MARY duo play "Music2Life" Benefit in Ventura, May 13
5) Obscure here, famous elsewhere, and wonderful: ELLEN STAPENHORST
6) ERNEST TROOST's latest — an original and ironic "Make America Great Again"
7) For a Cajun landmark, it's ashes to ashes, Hall-Of-Fame to dust
8) Cajun-Zydeco-Creole-Blues FESTIVAL SEASON & concerts in Southern Cal
9) NU-BLU, top bluegrass stars, release brand new album "Vagabonds"
10) New CD by World Music star MEKLIT features ANDREW BIRD on violin and THE PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND
11) New releases of great old material: THE NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND, KRIS KRISTOFFERSON, THE DOORS
12) "WILLIE NELSON’s Luck Reunion" 2017 included Southern Cal's THE WILD REEDS
13) The Broad Stage wins Ovation Award for "1984" as "Best Presented Production of 2016"
14) Maritime Music / Sea Chanteys Festivals & News

It's at:



As always, you know that much, much more is coming soon — that includes MUSIC NEWS and even more additions to our massive guide to the Spring-through Fall Music Festivals,



It's your source for both the LOCAL and NATIONAL Folk-Americana MUSIC FESTIVAL scene !



Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?

What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...

Direct to the Guide's current editions /


editions.... all load quickly at
CONTACT US at / send Questions / Comments to:

Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com
Contents copyright © 2017,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS — and views of interest to artists everywhere — more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.


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