Sunday, January 31, 2021

3 quick items: last day of January 2021


Today's recommended live online music, and today's letter to the people in charge

Strange combination herein -- two recommended online concerts and a copy of the letter our editor sent this morning to Capitol Hill.

But not so strange when you reflect on this tumultuous month of January! Egads. Insurrection. Sedition masquerading as patriotism. Appeals that you didn't really see what you saw. More and more compelling evidence, every day, that the the horn-hatted crazies were but the diversion for a coup that narrowly failed. But you know those things. We are living them together, despite our parallel perspectives from pandemic quasi-quarantine.

So let's look at three quick things you don't know yet, and will be glad to see when ya do.

Here ya go.

Concert X:

Today at 4 pm PST (7 pm EST) is a BERKLEY HART live stream. This acoustic duo has been repeatedly celebrated by the San Diego media as that region's top music performing duo, often winning awards there (and in many "elsewheres") for their songwriting.

Tune-in at:

Concert Y:

Today at 4 pm PST (7 pm EST) is ANDY & RENEE's Livestream #88. Co-leaders of the multiple-award-winning band HARD RAIN and performing hosts of the annual "DYLANFEST," their prolific repertoire of Folk-Americana, rock classics, and originals will, this week, take them past 500 different songs done live during their pandemic performances.

You can make requests before the show from their online list of 470 songs, and they'll get to as many of those as possible.
• List is at
• you email your request to

Watch at:

This duo returns Wednesdays & Sundays, and next Sunday they do a show before the Superbowl. Show sched and info at:

The Letter from the editor, to the people in charge

Here's the e-letter sent this morning to congressman Rep. Kevin McCarthy and to California's U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla. It's my request that (and reason why) each of them should join the "Defense Spending Reduction Caucus." Feel free to borrow content to write to your federal lawmakers, if you are so inclined:

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Subject: Defense Spending

Dear ___:

When the Soviet Union collapsed, we were told our society would enjoy a "peace dividend" because the nebulousity of "preparedness" would be far less acute, as the specifics of entire "weapons systems" would prove unnecessary. Thirty years later, the question remains: where is that peace dividend?

I don't want to hear the tired old argument that America's industrial base is at stake.

Classified programs produce little or no spinoffs that result in new technologies becoming promptly available throughout the economy. And aerospace jobs can more than be replaced by jobs in a robust humans-in-space program with civilian-sector bases on the Moon, missions to develop permanent occupancy of self-sustaining settlements on Mars, and exploration of the oceanic moons of Jupiter and Saturn -- including the search for extraterrestrial life. ALL of these things would produce new technologies that would immediately invigorate other American industries and bring new American jobs.

Similarly, large-scale manufacturing for pugilistic purposes can be readily retasked to make light rail and high-speed rail / monorail / MagLev transportation systems affordable, as an essential driver to rebuilding our cities and escaping the useless expense of lengthy, gridlocked commutes from more affordable but increasingly distant bedroom communities.

The key to all of this is to stop portraying "The Deficit" as a monolithic unacceptability, and repurpose spending to achieve gains that are economic dynamos rather than evermore expensive classified things that go bang in the night.

As your constituent, I strongly urge you to join, if you haven't, the "Defense" Spending Reduction Caucus being created by Congress Members Barbara Lee and Mark Pocan, and to insist on immediately moving at least 10% of military funding to urgent human and environmental needs (including all assistance required by every worker impacted by this shift).

Lawrence Wines

Re the letter. You would certainly have chosen to advocate for fiscal attention for something else. Fine, do that. Let them hear from you. 

We can each try, within the spheres of what's important to us and within our locus of (hopefully ever-growing) understanding, to get our elected officials to see that we are not inclined to buy their claustrophobic, fear-based, self-serving hyperpartisan exhortations and skewed oversimplifications. 

We are the ones who will leave a future of whatever content and character to those younger, and to others yet unborn. We reflect upon it, interpret it, challenge it, argue with it, and sometimes celebrate it in our lyrics and our songs. And beyond all the expressions of art, we recognize subjective, objective, and impending realities. Whether it's a future that, those who inherit it, will thank us or curse us for leaving them? That is up to us and what we do right now, each and every day.

___ ^ ___ ^ ___ ^ ___ ^ ___ ^ ___ ^ ___

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Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.

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♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers -- and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.

Til we catch ya again on the flip side 
in this new world of the now somewhat lessened improbable unknown...

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