Thursday, July 29, 2021

Last days of July... (yes you DO remember that from a song)! July 29 edition 2021

Good stuff herein. Let's get started!


Music News Shorts n' links, followed by events and feature stories.


NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL is back with 50% capacity in two multi-day, separately-ticketed halves. Both halves sold-out upon their announcement. That second half is underway in Rhode Island as we bring you this edition.

Lollapalooza requires vax

After going virtual in 2020, the massive Chicago music festival is back this week in historic Grant Park. It is expected to welcome over a hundred thousand fans across its four-day run, July 29-August 1, 2021.

But you'll need to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test, done with 72 hours, to get in the gate. The Delta Variant is causing a surge in Northern Illinois (as in most of the nation), and concert organizers tell everyone, "We want you here, safely, and we are determined not to be a superspreader event."

Lineup, tix, full info:

REOPENINGS might have been expected full-force, but...

¤ Many famous venues could not weather the economic storm of long closure. Last week, add The Blue Whale Jazz Club in downtown L.A. to the lengthening roll call of the fallen.

¤ Musicians have embarked on concert tours large and small nationwide. But the fat lady never sang. The Delta Variant, being far more contagious that the original Covid-19 strain, is dangerously combining with other factors. Chief among them, certain elements of the population who think, for whatever reason, that they know more than the overwhelming preponderance of science.
     Those unvaxxed individuals comprise nearly 40% of the population of Americans: the ones who refuse to get vaccinated to protect the rest of us. And they're unmasked, going everywhere you want to go.
     Considering that kids under age 12 are not yet approved for the vaccine, and it won't work on immuno-compromised individuals (like those taking anti-rejection drugs after transplants and those undergoing many cancer therapies), the need to reach herd immunity is a very big deal. Especially since the intransigent antivaxxers refuse to let it happen. Factor-in states that voted for the Orange Abomination -- whose legislators somehow want to perpetuate his lies at the expense of public safety and the very lives of the people who elected them -- and it gets crazier. Several states have passed laws prohibiting municipalities from requiring proof of vaccination to attend events, or even prohibiting wearing masks.
     Thus, all this scrambling everywhere else to apply second-best measures. Resulting in what today's L.A. Times calls, "Mask on. Mask off. Mask on again." 

It's not the Times being clever with words.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday that 66.6% of U.S. counties had transmission rates of COVID-19 high enough to warrant indoor masking and should immediately resume the policy. Reuters notes, "The transmission rate was up from 63.4% as of Tuesday. In total, 49.9% of U.S. counties have high COVID-19 community transmission rates and 16.7% have substantial rates, the CDC said. The CDC reversed its mask guidance policy for vaccinated Americans on Tuesday."

     We wonder how long before the vaccinated majority will say "the hell with you people, let's send all our remaining vaccine doses to India and Africa, and we, who have been responsible throughout this whole thing? Well we're just going to start living our lives again." Unfortunately, that would not simply produce a Darwinian solution, because of all those little kids.

LATEST UPDATE: New data shows the Delta Variant is as communicable as Chicken Pox. That's in an internal CDC document, says the New York Times in a Friday morning story:  "The Delta variant is more transmissible than the viruses that cause MERS, SARS, Ebola, the common cold, the seasonal flu and smallpox, according to the document... The immediate next step for the agency is to 'acknowledge the war has changed,' the document said."

      Remember when you used to think that idiot uncle who always harangued everybody at Thanksgiving espousing Rush Limbaugh / Sean Hannity / Tucker Carlson would be the death of us all? He still might be.

A reader promptly replied, quite specifically, to that last line and the "Thought for Today" that follows it. We want to share his sentiment:

"When it comes to those smug, science-denying, espousers of wacko conspiracy theories who are convinced their self-setting compass is all they need, so they can arrogantly inflict their "what-about-ism" quackery on the rest of us while shedding facts like a duck in a raincoat? 

"We need not be gentle and protect their sensibilities with some soothing euphemism. After all, the definition of a Euphemism is, 'the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.' At this point, F - 'em."


"Euphemism is a euphemism for lying."

~ Bobbie Gentry, singer and songwriter



This long-planned return of a backyard stage / house concert series is retreating to "live, online"... in a decision made late Thursday night, way after press time.

It illustrates the entire point of "to open or not to open" as Delta Variant infections rise and vaccination rates stagnate.

Series producer Julie Zipperer writes:

"We are so broken hearted to be sending you this message. After days of gut reaching conversation with our volunteers we have, due to the recent Covid spike, come to the conclusion that the only responsible thing to do at this time is to cancel the audience portion of Julie’s Joint, July 31st.  We hope that you will still join John Zipperer and the Current Band (Nick Kirgo, Leslie Barker, and Tara Sitser) and Dave Morrison with his band (Greg Krueger and Paula Fong), 'Live at Julie’s Joint' on Youtube at 6 pm Pacific time, on July 31st.

"The link is here:    

"The safety of our friends, volunteers and musicians always come first.  We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to seeing you all when it’s safer. 


⚡️"We will be Live (streaming) at Julie's Joint  ~ show starting at 6:00 pm Pacific time~ make sure to go to Youtube and set a reminder to be notified when we go live and subscribe to the channel!    ⚡️

"Stay safe my friend and healthy!  ❤️

"Peace, Julie" 

~ Julie Zipperer


More News Just in...

● American Music Fairness Act

● Arts Funding

● Songwriter Royalties

● and more, just out this morning in an "Advocacy Update" from the Recording Academy

... here's our rundown of things received today from the GRAMMYS organization.

Congress, Artists Welcome the American Music Fairness Act

There is need for action now. The first step happened back on June 24, when a bipartisan group of U.S. representatives introduced the American Music Fairness Act (H.R. 4130). It's a new bill to ensure artists are fairly compensated when their songs are played on AM/FM radio stations. Under existing law, American radio stations do not pay artists for the music they play on the radio, a nearly century old wrong that has earned conglomerate radio stations billions each year. Join the Recording Academy, and artists across the country, in urging Congress to right this wrong. 

Take action at:

Federal Arts Funding Proposed at Record Highs

The president’s budget for next year included a record-high funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) of $201 million, a level also approved by the House Appropriations Committee.  The NEA is also tasked with distributing millions in relief funds to arts communities and organizations across the country impacted by COVID-19, interested applicants are encouraged to apply!

Learn more at:

Recording Academy & Biden Administration Join Forces for Vaccine Awareness

Throughout the spring and into the summer, the Recording Academy has partnered with the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services as a founding partner of the We Can Do This Live initiative to raise awareness for the COVID-19 vaccines. The Academy’s role focused on the role of vaccines in returning to live music, concerts, and festivals, and was highlighted by a special conversation with Dr. Cameron Webb, a Senior Advisor to President Biden.

Learn more at:

MLC Begins Distributing Songwriter Royalties

April marked the first month that The Mechanical Licensing Collective (The MLC) began distributing royalties to songwriters since the collection organization began operations following the 2018 passage of the Music Modernization Act. The MLC will pay out royalties on a monthly basis, and all songwriters should “connect to collect” at The Recording Academy has worked closely with The MLC in outreach and education to songwriters via the Songwriter and Composers Wing webinar series.

Twelve part series, at:

Copyright Office Publishes Unclaimed Royalties Report

Aligning with many of the recommendations put forth by the Recording Academy, the U.S. Copyright Office released its much anticipated report on unclaimed royalties and The MLC. Most notably, the Office recommended that royalties yet to be matched and claimed remain held for up to 5 years to ensure all songwriters have ample time to claim them.

Learn more at:



Here's a complete primer and "how to" from our friends at the International Bluegrass Music Association

GRAMMY consideration is an important opportunity for bluegrass artists and labels, and recognition from a GRAMMY nomination for Best Bluegrass Album is among the most visible promotional opportunities available.

Ensuring this opportunity remains available to our community is largely determined by the number of submissions received each year. If the category falls below a certain threshold of submissions, the number of final nominees could be reduced, or the category could be discontinued outright. Help yourself and the bluegrass genre by submitting your project!

The online entry process may be foreign to some, so please review the information below. We have provided a list of resources from the Recording Academy at the bottom.


The 64th GRAMMY Awards will have a 13 month eligibility period, ending September 30, 2021. The longer eligibility window will allow the Recording Academy to recognize as much of the music as possible that was created during such a historic year.

The 64th GRAMMY Awards eligibility period is for recordings released September 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021. Recordings must be commercially released, nationally distributed, and available from any date within the eligibility period through at least the date of the current year's voting deadline (January 5, 2022). 

*PLEASE NOTE: A common assumption is that only projects released by record labels are eligible for GRAMMY consideration. THIS IS NOT TRUE. Independent artists are encouraged to submit their project if it meets general eligibility guidelines

Best Bluegrass Album - For albums containing at least 51% playing time of new vocal or instrumental bluegrass recordings.

This category recognizes bluegrass recordings performed in vocal or instrumental styles, that utilize bluegrass acoustic instrumentation (variations of fiddle, banjo, guitar, mandolin, bass and resophonic guitar) and singing style, with production and sensibilities distinctly different from a pop approach.


The GRAMMY online entry process (OEP) window is split into two rounds:

  • First-Round: July 13 - July 29, 2021 at 6pm PT
    • Reserved for projects released September 2020 - July 2021
  • Final-Round: August 17 -  August 31, 2021 at 6pm PT
    • Reserved for projects released August & September 2021


Entries must be made online by Professional and Voting Members of the Recording Academy, as well as registered media companies (record labels, distribution companies, and management firms).

  • I am a member of the Recording Academy (in good standing as of July 6)
    • Submissions can be made online by logging into your member account. A link to submit will appear on your member dashboard.
  • I am part of a media company
    • Media companies must register with the Recording Academy every year to submit. Once your registration has been confirmed, the designated administrator will receive detailed submission instructions via email. Media Company Registration & Online Entry Process
  • I am not a member of the Recording Academy
    • Have no fear! Your project can still be submitted!


If you know a member of the Recording Academy, they can submit on your behalf.


*Please note, the following information is for Best Bluegrass Album category only. Other Fields/Categories may require additional information.

  1. Recording Date
    1. This can be exact recording dates or a range of dates (e.g. June 4-5, 2021, June 2021, or 2021).
  2. Artist Type (Solo; Established Duo or Group; Feature/Collaboration; Various)
  3. Artist Name
    1. If Duo/Group or Feature/Collaboration, provide ALL names.
  4. Album Title
  5. Album Release Date
  6. Album UPC or ISRC codes
  7. Credited Record Label (if independently released, enter "N/A")
  8. Digital Distribution Link (Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, and/or Tidal)
  9. PDF of Credits/Liner Notes
    1. This can be a flat PDF of the album art that contains ALL required information, OR it can be a PDF document containing all required information.
  10. Press Photo (optional)
  11. Artist Contact Information
    1. Name, Manager Name (optional), Phone, Email, Full Mailing Address


Awards Process Updates for 2021
64th GRAMMY Awards Rules & Guidelines
Eligibility Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
Media Company Information

We need to work together as an association to make sure the Best Bluegrass Album GRAMMY remains relevant and representative of the great music released each year. There is a large amount of information to digest, but we want to ensure that every artist in bluegrass has access to submit. We must work together to educate ourselves on the GRAMMY process and make sure ALL eligible releases are submitted. 


(One more proof that the IBMA is a very good organization. ~ editor.)


Features and events...

BANJO MASTERS: Live Thursdays at 3 pm Pacific, or catch-up on-demand

(Yep, that's the series sponsor's poster with botched date and correction. They promptly fixed it.)

This week Deering teams-up with Tony Trischka

Tony is a Deering artist, as well as a long-time ArtistWorks banjo tutor. This episode will delve deep into Tony's current album, "Shall We Hope." They'll also talk about the ArtistWorks platform and how it can help you become a better banjo player.

Or, heck, just tune-in to enjoy hearing him play!

"Deering Live" is a live stream video series presented by Deering Banjos and featuring interviews with all your favorite banjo artists, as well as Deering Tech sessions and other great content. Catch up on all the episodes of "Deering Live" at their link below.

What's in the on-demand archive?


• JULY 2021

  ● RILEY BAUGUS, master old-time banjoist, he plays in the Round Peak style that comes from his home county in North Carolina, Surry County. Riley has recorded with Robert Plant, Willie Nelson, Alison Kraus, and many more. He also sang on the Academy Award-nominated soundtrack for the movie "Cold Mountain."

• JUNE 2021

WES CORBETT, bluegrass rising star and banjo player for the Sam Bush Band. As a founding member of the popular American roots string band, 'Joy Kills Sorrow', and a former instructor at the Berklee College of Music, Wes brings with him a huge depth of musical background and experience to share with the world.

GREG CAHILL, bluegrass legend who founded The Special Consensus in 1975, Greg has blazed a bright trail of banjo playing for over 45 years.

JIGJAM, a multi-award-winning quartet from Ireland. Blending the best of traditional Irish music with Bluegrass and Americana in a new genre that has been branded as ‘I-Grass’ (Irish influenced Bluegrass), their onstage energy, along with their virtuosic musical ability, has captivated audiences throughout the world.

• MAY 2021

NORA BROWN, who, if you haven't heard of her, greatly deserves a listen. Nora is only 15 years old but she is an old soul who plays old time banjo with an incredible feel.

BRUCE MOLSKY, a true master of old time Appalachian music, is equally strong on both the banjo and the fiddle and has received high praise from diverse fans and collaborators who include Linda Ronstadt, Mark Knopfler, Celtic giants Donal Lunny and Andy Irvine, jazz guitarist Bill Frisell, and dobro master Jerry Douglas.

More? You want More?

Well now, they have plenty more for you to find in their archive, including ALISON BROWN, RHIANNON GIDDENS, KEVIN NEALON (SNL) & BRIAN KESINGER, JENS KRUGER, DOM FLEMMONS, DAVID HOLT, and, yeah, more! It's all at:


Idyllwild Songwriters Festival

up in the woods, out of the heat

FREE, July 31st

Here's news for music lovers and music makers...

The quarterly Songwriters Retreat is happening this week in Idyllwild, where participants are experiencing a week of "Community Through Co-Writing" in a beautiful high mountain arts community two hours from Los Angeles, above the Palm Springs area.

Each retreat finishes with an Idyllwild Songwriters Festival presentation where participants have the opportunity to debut selected co-writes from the week, as well as join in a stellar line-up of seasoned songwriters.

You didn't necessarily miss the retreat. It happens quarterly. Dates are: 

July 25-31 * October 10-17 * January 16-22 * April 24-30


What better way to sample a music retreat than to go enjoy (up in the woods, out of the heat) a FREE showcase of what was produced?

Take a look at who's performing July 31st: 

All proceeds from the Idyllwild Songwriters Festivals go to support the Idyllwild Help Center, providing essential supplies and services in the community for those most in need.

=Check here for info & performers=


Four link features from our friends at Yamaha Music, just out today...

These four links Copyright © Yamaha Corporation of America and Yamaha Corporation / Yamaha Music, 6600 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620


Jody Mulgrew plays online on Friday

We have told you about this guy. Top notch. Check him out.

Tune in Friday, June 30th at 8PM Pacific.  He'll talk about the new project and play some tunes.

Tickets for his one live show of the Summer, and his new song

Last we heard, there were only 30 tickets left for the August 14th show with Brynn Albanese and Jody Mulgrew at the Cambria Center for the Arts Theater. Check out Jody's facebook for some sweet moments that Brynn captured from their rehearsal yesterday. And... Reserve your tickets now

He is also sharing a new project called
The Fearless Messenger of Love
and a new single coming out this Saturday.

He tells us, "I'll be streaming and talking about it, playing some tunes and all that tomorrow, Friday, at 8 pm California time."

STREAMING - 7/30 - 8PM with Jody Mulgrew


Jessica Fichot - mais oui!

The lovely French chanteuse has been making the rounds of the FREE summer parks series, and we highly recommend you catch one of her final two.

Charming and heartfelt songs, splendid vocals, wonderful backing band,  multi-instrumental delights that even feature the toy piano, so how can you go astray, n'est-ce pas?

 - THIS Saturday - 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (quintet): Ruben F Salazar Park
3862 Whittier Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90023

- Saturday August 7th - 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (quintet): Athens Park
12603 S Broadway, Los Angeles CA 90061

Check her out on YouTube:


Just one day after we said "Make plans..."


The following message was posted on the Fair's Facebook Event Page:

"Due to Covid Long Beach will not issue permits for the 2021 event. We are working on our 2022 event"


It originally read:





details will be available soon on the Fair website:


Sounding other notes...

The Bluegrass Standard    

The folks at "The Bluegrass Standard" e-zine tell us their publication "is Free and will always be Free" on both:

□ -- this ish at:

and on their own website, at:



They add, "We are working hard to provide both platforms now and giving advertisers more bang for the buck."

 You can read their latest issue as of today.

If you would like to get their (e-) magazine FREE each month, you can sign-up on their website.


Featured new release...




Photo: Los Lobos at Dodger Stadium by Piero F Giunti, courtesy New West Records.

by Brady Brock

Los Lobos will return with Native Sons tomorrow via New West Records. The 13-song set was produced by Los Lobos in East Los Angeles and finds the band mapping their musical DNA as a kaleidoscopic selection of tribute songs from their homeland, ultimately creating a crucial snapshot of L.A.’s musical heritage. Having formed in 1973 and gotten their start playing spirited renditions of Mexican folk music at parties and in restaurants, Los Lobos are no strangers to reinterpretation (and if you’ve ever been to one of their legendary live shows, you already know that). These brothers have always held a deep appreciation for diverse music, and they love pulling out old gems and making them shine like new. Met with critical acclaim, The Associated Press said, "The adventurous song selections make the album a celebration of diversity, and a showcase for Los Lobos' marvelous versatility...It's true roots music." David Fricke said in his 4 out of 5 Star MOJO review, “Pin Ups en Espanol: East LA’s greatest dance band hosts a ‘covers’ party,” American Songwriter said in their 4 out 5 Star review, "...What's here is consistently inspirational," and Uncut Magazine awarded the album 8 out of 10 stars. Mother Jones said “They are a national treasure,” while the actor, comedian, and podcast host Marc Maron exclaimed “Los Lobos makes almost all other bands look like novelty acts.” 

For all the trailblazing musical acts who’ve emerged from Los Angeles, very few embody the city’s wildly eclectic spirit more wholeheartedly than Los Lobos. Over the last five decades, the East L.A.-bred band has made an indelible mark on music history by exploring an enormous diversity of genres—rock-and-roll and R&B, surf music and soul, mariachi and música norteña, punk rock and country—and building a boldly unpredictable sound all their own. 
In a nod to their neighborhood, Native Sons opens with the wide-eyed frenzy of “Love Special Delivery” by Thee Midniters, an East L.A. garage band and one of the first Chicano rock groups to ever score a major hit in the U.S. From there, it features favorites and deep cuts by other Los Angeles luminaries such as the Beach Boys, WAR, Buffalo Springfield, Jackson Browne, The Blasters (whom counted Steve Berlin as a member before his joining Los Lobos) and more. 

Today, SPIN has shared the video for the album’s title track, “Native Son.” The album’s sole original song is a loving homage to Los Angeles that sounds right at home amid so many classic tracks. The video was previously premiered on the jumbotron at Dodger Stadium last Friday night ahead of the band’s performance of the national anthem which kicked off the World Champion Los Angeles Dodgers home game.  The “Native Son” video was partially filmed in Lincoln Heights, one of the oldest neighborhoods in East L.A. and directed by Piero F Giunti & Jon Luini. See The “Native Son” Video Here
The National Endowment for the Arts also recently named Los Lobos a part of its newest class of National Heritage fellows. The honor recognizes individuals and groups who represent the richness and breadth of America’s folk and traditional arts and supports their continuing contributions to our nation’s traditional arts heritage.
As with all of their catalogue, Native Sons reveals Los Lobos’ ability to merge genres and styles with both sophistication and playful spontaneity, an element that’s perfectly reflected in the album’s unbridled joy. “I played it for a friend and his first response was that it’s a party record—which sounds right to me,” says Hidalgo. Beyond that undeniably feel-good quality, Native Sons essentially serves as a love letter to Los Angeles and the endless possibilities to be found when all boundaries are shattered. “I couldn’t say there’s a common thread for all these artists, but in a way that’s exactly what makes L.A. great,” says Berlin. “You’ve got R&B and punk rock and rock-and-roll and folk, and somehow it exists together in this one weird city that we all call home.” 

Los Lobos have also announced 2021 & 2022 tour dates in support of Native Sons. The extensive tour includes a special Costa Mesa show with X & The Blasters on August 1st, as well as performances with The Mavericks, Emmylou Harris, Steve Earle & The Dukes, and the Tedeschi Trucks Band. Please see all Los Lobos dates, with more to be added, below. 
Quickly finding their footing in L.A.’s punk/college-rock scene, Los Lobos began sharing bills with bands like Public Image Ltd. and the Circle Jerks. After making their major-label debut with 1984’s critically lauded How Will the Wolf Survive?, they went on to achieve such triumphs as contributing a smash-hit cover of Ritchie Valens’s signature song “La Bamba” to the 1987 biopic of the same name, winning three Grammy Awards, collaborating with the likes of Elvis Costello and Ry Cooder, and earning massive worldwide critical acclaim. 
Los Lobos’ Native Sons will be available across digital platforms, compact disc, and standard black vinyl. The Double LP vinyl editions are housed in a gatefold sleeve and feature three sides of music and a custom etching on its fourth side.  A Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl Edition limited to 4,000 copies worldwide will be available at Independent Record Stores while a Brown Vinyl Edition limited to 1,000 copies is available NOW via New West Records

Los Lobos Still Are: David Hidalgo (vocals, guitars) - Louie Pérez, Jr. (vocals, guitars) - Cesar Rosas (vocals, guitars, bass, Hammond B3 organ) - Conrad Lozano (vocals, bass) - Steve Berlin (saxes, midisax, keyboards)

Los Lobos Native Sons Track Listing:

1. Love Special Delivery (Thee Midniters)
2. Misery (Barrett Strong)
3. Bluebird / For What It’s Worth (Buffalo Springfield)
4. Los Chucos Suaves (Lalo Guerrero) 
5. Jamaica Say You Will (Jackson Browne)
6. Never No More (Percy Mayfield)
7. Native Son (Los Lobos) 
8. Dichoso (Willie Bobo)
9. Farmer John (The Premiers) 
10. Sail On, Sailor (Beach Boys) 
11. The World Is A Ghetto (WAR)
12. Flat Top Joint (Blasters) 
13. Where Lovers Go (The Jaguars) 

And just because you probably forgot what a tour schedule looks like, here's their's, for the new album.


~ w/ X & The Blasters
@ w/ The Mavericks 
+ w/ Steve Earle & The Dukes 
* w/ Tedeschi Trucks Band   
# w/ Emmylou Harris   


August 1, 2021 – Costa Mesa, CA - Pacific Amphitheatre ~
August 4, 2021 - Cincinnatti, OH - PNC Pavilion at Riberbend #
August 5, 2021 - Evanston, IL - Canal Shores Golf Course
August 6, 2021 – Michigan City, IN – Uptown Social
August 7, 2021 - Huber Heights, OH - Rose Music Center at The Heights #
August 8, 2021 - Grand Rapids, MI - Frederik Meijer Gardens #
August 12, 2021 – Vashon, WA - Vashon Center for the Arts 
August 13, 2021 - Saratoga, CA - The Mountain Winery @
August 14, 2021 – Paso Robles, CA – Vina Robles Amphitheatre @
August 20 - Scottsdale, AZ – Talking Stick Resort @
August 21, 2021 - Los Angeles, CA - The Greek @     
August 24, 2021 - Montgomery, AL - Montgomery Performing Arts Centre +  
August 26, 2021 - Selbyville, DE - The Freeman Stage at Bayside +          
August 27, 2021 - Doswell, VA - Meadow Event Park +    
August 28, 2021 – LaGrange, CA – Sweetland Amphitheatre +
August 30, 2021 - Nashville, TN - Ryman Auditorium +     
September 3, 2021 - Asheville, NC - Salvage Station +           
September 4, 2021 - Beaver Dam, KY - Beaver Dam Amphitheatre + 
September 6, 2021 – Avon, CO - Avon Performance Pavilion at Harry A. Nottingham Park
September 9, 2021 - Grass Valley, CA - The Center For The Arts 
September 16, 2021 -  Lowell, MA - Lowell Summer Music Series   
September 17, 2021 – Camden, NJ - Wiggins Park XPoNential Festival

September 18, 2021 - Webster, MA - Indian Ranch   
September 19, 2021 - Westhampton Beach, NY - Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center        
September 22, 2021 - Bethlehem, PA - Musikfest Cafe            
September 23, 2021 - South Orange, NJ - South Orange Performing Arts Center           
September 24, 2021 - Harrisburg, PA - Whitaker Center         
September 25, 2021 - State College, PA - State Theatre  
September 26, 2021 - Albany, NY - The Egg          
October 1, 2021 - Solana Beach, CA - Belly Up Tavern          
October 2, 2021 - Bisbee, AZ - Historic Warren Ballpark  
October 7, 2021 - Santa Barbara, CA - Lobero Theatre    
October 8, 2021 - Santa Barbara, CA - Lobero Theatre           
October 9, 2021 - Bakersfield, CA - World Records            
October 21, 2021 - Austin, TX - Antone's          
October 22, 2021 - Austin, TX - Antone's          
October 23, 2021 - Goliad, TX - Schroeder Hall 
October 24, 2021 - The Woodlands, TX - Dosey Doe Big Barn    
November 2, 2021 - Millvale, PA - Mr Smalls Theatre      
November 3, 2021 - Cleveland, OH - Music Box Supper Club           
November 4, 2021 - Ann Arbor, MI - The Ark          
November 5, 2021 - Grand Rapids, MI - Listening Room           
November 6, 2021 - Fort Wayne, IN - Clyde Theatre  
November 13, 2021 - Tacoma, WA - The Spanish Ballroom @ McMenamin's Elk's Temple   

November 14, 2021 - Portland, OR - Aladdin Theatre    
November 18, 2021 - Washington, DC - City Winery      
November 19, 2021 - Washington, DC - City Winery     
December 3, 2021 - San Juan Capistrano, CA - The Coach House 
December 19, 2021 - New York, NY - City Winery     
December 20, 2021 - New York, NY - City Winery     
December 21, 2021 - New York, NY - City Winery     
January 13, 2022 - Honolulu, HI - Blue Note Hawaii       
January 14, 2022 - Honolulu, HI - Blue Note Hawaii   
February 9, 2022 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Broward Center for the Performing Arts
February 10, 2022 – Clearwater, FL – Billheimer Capitol Theatre    
March 3, 2022 - Raton, NM - Shuler Theater            
March 4, 2022 - Fort Collins, CO - Washington's  
March 5, 2022 - Steamboat Springs, CO - Strings Music Pavilion 
March 7, 2022 - Boulder, CO - Boulder Theater          
March 23, 2022 - Brownfield, ME - Stone Mountain Arts Center   
March 26, 2022 - Fall River, MA - Narrows Center For The Arts 
March 31, 2022 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso
April 1, 2022 - Brugge, Belgium - Stadsschouwburg Brugge      
April 2, 2022 - Leuven, Belgium - Het Depot       
April 3, 2022 - Antwerp, Belgium - De Roma         
June 24, 2022 - Jacksonville, FL - Daily's Place Amphitheater *    
June 25, 2022 - Mobile, AL - Mobile Civic Center *
June 28, 2022 - Indianapolis, IN - The Amphitheater at White River State Park *          
July 1, 2022 - Canandaigua, NY - Constellation Brands-Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center *

July 2, 2022 - Gilford, NH - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion *       
July 3, 2022 - Saratoga Springs, NY - Saratoga Performing Arts Center *      
July 6, 2022 - New Haven, CT - Westville Music Bowl *
July 8, 2022 - Philadelphia, PA - The Mann Center of Performing Arts *
July 9, 2022 - Burlington, VT - Midway Lawn *
July 10, 2022 - Patchogue, NY - Great South Bay Music Festival *      
July 12, 2022 - Lewiston, NY - Artpark *
July 15, 2022 - Atlanta, GA - Fox Theatre *
July 16, 2022 - Atlanta, GA - Fox Theatre * 
July 19, 2022 - Vienna, VA - Wolf Trap *    
July 21, 2022 - Raleigh, NC - Coastal Credit Union Music Park *       
July 23, 2022 - Charlotte, NC - PNC Music Pavilion *    
July 24, 2022 - Huber Heights, OH - Rose Music Center at The Heights *     
July 26, 2022 - Aurora, IL - RiverEdge Park *          
July 29, 2022 - Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheatre *        
July 30, 2022 - Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheatre *

Plus they tell us there are more dates yet to come.

Keep in touch with the band at:


Need help? It's never a disgrace to say so. Only to go without.

The CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast provides solutions for mental health and wellness with Killswitch Engage, Grouplove and Tesla musicians and world-renowned mental health experts, ranked in the top 5% of podcasts in global listenership

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CHECK YOUR HEAD: Mental Help for Musicians is a podcast where notable musicians and experts share their solutions for mental health and wellness, hosted by Mari Fong, a longtime music journalist and life coach for musicians.


“Our mission at the CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast is to normalize the conversations on mental health, to encourage others to get help,” says Fong, “and to provide a variety of solutions for a variety of mood disorders by a variety of experts. When you’re experiencing a mood disorder like anxiety or depression, you can feel emotionally exhausted, unmotivated, and confused. By providing a big list of solutions on our website, it makes it easy to find the right fit, especially when solutions for recovery are so individual.”

The CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast website offers more than 125 solutions on Solutions are provided for everyone which include the Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), LGBT National Help Center, and Black Mental Health Alliance, along with downloadable apps such as Headspace, Drinker’s Helper and Mooditude. also provides solutions just for musicians such as Backline, SIMS Foundation and Sweet Relief Musicians Fund.

“Mental help should be available to everyone, no matter their age, race or ability to pay,” continues Fong, “therefore, all of our solutions and resources are either absolutely free or affordable, knowing musicians and their crew may not have the best medical insurance.”

The CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast is proudly partnered with Sweet Relief Musicians Fund, raising funds for mental health for the music industry. Together, the partnership has a social media reach of 100K followers with CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast artists and experts featured weekly on Sweet Relief’s “Band Aid Report” newsletter sent to thousands in the industry.

Recent guests include Jesse Leach of Killswitch Engage and Times of Grace, Hannah Hooper of GrouploveBrian Wheat of Tesla, singer-songwriter Winona Oak and mental health experts Dr. Dan Reidenberg, suicide prevention expert at, and Richard “Wolfie” Wolf, mediation expert and author of the book, In Tune: Music as the Bridge to Mindfulness. Wolf is also an Emmy-winning composer and multi-platinum selling producer who’s worked with musical icons such as Prince and Freddie Mercury of Queen.

Listen Notes, the leading podcast database and search engine, has ranked the CHECK YOUR HEAD Podcast in the top 5% most popular shows in global listenership out of an estimated 2.6 million podcasts.


The Acoustic Americana Music Guide is pleased to bring you news of the "Check Your Head" podcast, in conjunction with Earshot Media.


The Back Page...

by Lawrence Wines, editor 

Record heat, in context

orthern Siberia, the poster child for being bundled in furs, is suddenly reaching temperatures of 100° Fahrenheit this summer. The four-day peak of the heat wave in Portland, Oregon reached a record 116° F. Farther north in Seattle, where no one has residential air conditioning, it hit 108° F. That will REALLY shock you when you read National Geographic's note that the stunning Seattle high temp is nine degrees hotter than it has EVER been in Tampa, Florida!

You might note the irony that Florida is the state where a previous governor made it a fireable offense for any state employee to publicly utter the phrase "climate change." Even though hurricane-prone Flori-duhh will be the first U.S. state to suffer the same fate as a growing number of island nations in Micronesia: higher storm surges come from far more frequent severe oceanic storms, fed by water that, on an overheated planet, expands even more in volume when it's too warm. Increasingly, seas are less calm. That, on top of rising sea levels from melting polar ice. Combines it, and low coastal places with palm trees are uninhabitable.

Meanwhile, outside the strange bubble of denialism, science has free speech rights. So we can report that one small town in British Columbia hit 121° F. That not only blew away the hottest temp ever recorded anywhere in Canada, but it is the hottest temp ever reached anywhere on Earth north of 50° N latitude. Which isn't as far north as it sounds. 45° latitude is only halfway from the Equator to the pole! 

None of the prevailing scientific climate, temperature and weather models work anymore because they had always assumed theoretical maximum high temps for any given place. It was straightforward, based on all that was known of that place. But those models have been exceeded by amounts of change and by new records that are astonishing. It's being seen as either a once-in-a-thousand-years crazy anamoly, or the first wave of new seasonal norms.

Given that every month is now hotter than its corresponding month in all previous years -- everywhere in the world -- scientists and researchers are forming an alarming consensus. It is likely that summers will always bring devastating floods amidst drought, wildfires that send smoke hallway around the globe, and permafrost melt that releases ancient methane (the greenhouse mega-gas). It all results in the inability of long-farmed cropland to reliably produce needed food.

Even "unprecedented" is not devoid of context. Just remember that Big Tobacco denied, for decades, that its product killed those who used it according to its manufactured intent. Big Oil, the entire tar sands and fracking industries, proponents for drilling on public lands including the National Parks, and in the now suddenly ice-free summers of the Arctic Ocean, mix their propangandistic alarmism over running out of oil with denialism taken from Big Tobacco. Meanwhile, Great White Sharks hunt farther north then ever before. Polar Bears drown in the now open ocean. Land species succumb to drought. The web of life in ecosystems, long presumed stable, now faces extinctions that exceed species loss brought by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.

COVID denial and refusal of vaccines may bring a Darwin Awards to those who deny that science. But climate change denial does not simply bring rising seas to drown the greedy and stupid. It endangers our entire species.


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Does that mean you need to find Marty and Doc's DeLorean time machine? 

Because, geez, THAT was back when Rin-Tin-Tin hadn't gotten his second "tin" from Tin Pan Alley

... and you watched TV on a big box that bombarded you with non-ionizing radiation if you sat close to it, instead of inescapable non-ionizing radiation from 5g

... and you watched movies on reels of film aimed at a screen that bounced-back the light projected onto it, instead of only-ever seeing everything in glowing postage-stamp mode on your phone

... and "the pandemic" meant 1918

... and Rudy Giuliani was "America's Mayor" instead of a babbling portable meltdown of brown ooze

... and "trump" was something that only happened in a card game, instead of being garishly emblazoned on buildings that go bankrupt (before it became a synonym for grifter college, grifter steaks, cultist wackos, deadly violent attempted coups at the Capitol, and banishment from polite society)

... and you can escape now, AND/OR go far enough back, to escape whatever the lunacy du jour and explore what we've published for your perusal and enjoyment.

CONTACT US -- Post Comments / Send Questions / say Howdy at:

Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com

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Entire contents copyright © 2021, 

Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.

All rights reserved.

♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers -- and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from a masked safari to fetch your groceries, or get a hankerin' for a virtual version of hittin' the road for the festival circuit or a concert tour.

Til we catch ya again on the flip side 
in this new world 
of the now somewhat lessened 
improbable unknown...


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