Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday event (more later...)

Sat, Nov 28:
1 pm First annual “OH HAPPY DAYS POST-THANKSGIVING ALICE'S RESTAURANT LIVE PERFORMANCE” at Oh Happy Days natural food café, 2283 N Lake Av, Altadena. DUANE THORIN, "the Sole Rustler" (from the Soul Rustlers) tells us, "YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT AT JOHN'S RESTAURANT, BUT ON THIS DAY IT IS STRICTLY ALICE'S RESTAURANT FOR A HALF AN HOUR." "Alice's Restaurant," Arlo Guthrie's famed signature piece, is performed live by story teller and raconteur / novellist C.B. FLOYD, with music by local troubadour Duane Thorin. No cover (but the food is quite wonderful).
That's where your editor is going. The full edition of the Guide will post after he gets back!

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