Two timely thoughts for a society grappling with emphatic BS proclaimed from high places...
"Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined."
-- Toni Morrison, African-American author who died Monday, August 5, at age 88.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact."
-- James Randi, magician and skeptic (born Aug 7, 1928).
((When we said Friday, "We are DONE for the weekend." -- we were not. We returned with tragic news before other sources diluted it for their corpirate masters. Our report remains, right up-top, just as it first appeared.))
BREAKING NEWS -- Sunday, August 4, 4:14 am.
Gun Massacres in America. Again. Twice again.
Twenty-nine people are dead in just 13 hours, in two more mass shootings in America. Each was perpetrated by a lone gunman, who, as usual, wounded many more than he killed. Dayton, Ohio, became the site of America's 250th mass shooting so far this year. (Only the 22nd by the AP's reckoning, but the 250th according to crime statistics.)
In Dayton, the latest gun massacre killed 9 human beings and wounded 26 more, only hours after a gunman in El Paso, Texas, murdered 20 people and wounded 26 more -- and he didn't know any of them.
In Dayton, police killed the bullet-proof-vest-equipped gunman within one minute, and found his body surrounded by high-capacity magazines. In El Paso, police arrived within six minutes. That gunman surrendered to police, so survivors will be forced to relive all of it every time they turn on a tv, pick up a newspaper, or go online, as the worst kind of celebrity will come to the killer during his show trial.
So much, yet again, for Wayne LaPierre and the NRA's claim that a good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy with a gun. Unless they mean after the massacre happens.
It feels like no time has passed since we added a breaking news piece to this very edition, reporting the mass shooting at the festival in Gilroy, California.
It only took one mass shooting for Australia to upend all of its gun laws. Recently, it was the same for New Zealand, after one mass murder was committed there with a firearm. Here, the worst serial killer is rabid protection for proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
This must stop. Do-nothing politicians must be made to pack-up their hackneyed, generic "thoughts and prayers" rhetoric and lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.
Military combat weapons have no place in civilian society, period. If you're thinking, "It doesn't exactly take a genius or a Lothario to come up with that one!" just consider this: To voice or write that ten-word sentence is sacrilege to certain well-funded interests. Saying those words puts us -- or anyone with a forum -- on their "enemies list," which is a dangerous place to be. Fine. Screw 'em. Bring. It. On.
And let's be certain we get our full share of their condemnation. Any firearm designed to allow rapid fire and accommodate a clip or magazine or internal feed of more than six bullets can qualify as a combat weapon, period. No equivocation, no strained exceptions. Even in the Old West, they got by with five bullets in their six-shooters, because nobody was crazy enough to put a live round under the hammer. And if a hunter can't kill a deer with six bullets, he should take-up bow hunting or a hobby that doesn't involve long-range supersonic projectiles that he doesn't aim very well, anyway.
Somebody at the NRA is either in apoplexy or salivating over a new target. Fine. F 'em. They're the same ones who mobilize their members to threaten advertisers so corporate Big Media won't call these massacres what they are -- terrorism.
We, the ones reading this, must stand together against those powerful interests. We must join together as the ones to make it stop. We, the lovers of music, and art, and beauty. We, who find joy and kinship in celebrating creative expression. We, who, most of all, know the need to protect all places as safe creative environments, where everyone can attune to art and to higher aspirations because there is a fundamental human need to thrive and flourish.
What songs or symphonies will go unwritten because some creative soul was among those gunned-down? What illuminating portraits will go unpainted? What poetry or prose or words for the ages will go unformulated? What etudes or arias or iconic riffs will never be heard? What ideas or discoveries, innovations or cures, have been lost before they could be added to humanity's treasures? What child will grow-up without a parent or a sibling?
We ask these questions every time, and if that seems like constantly, it's because it has become that. Never ending. Constant. On and on and on. Without respite.
All because a powerful interest has blocked the consumately civilized desire to take weapons of mass destruction off our streets. This can no longer be portrayed as the Founding Fathers' single-shot, muzzle-loading, black-powder firearm needed to participate in the town militia.
To allow that image to drive the dialog is the epitimization of insanity. Yet it is expensively maintained by gun manufacturers and fed by fear among every gun enthusiast they can reach. Gun owners are encouraged to see themselves like the embattled farmers on Lexington Green, especially when there's a chance to build a large domestic civilian sales sector for military combat weapons. After all, gun owners know they are not mass-murderers.
Yet somehow, they are steered away from connecting assault rifles and high-capacity magazines with the rest of the individually-portable items in the same box -- mortars, bazookas, anti-tank rockets, anti-personnel mines, and shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles. No gun enthusiast aspires to owning any of the latter. Yet all are the targets of active campaigns to buy plenty of the former. And to see that as true to the rebelling colonist with the powder horn and cocked hat.
We must end access to these personally-portable weapons of mass destruction because they are deliberately, intentionally designed to commit mass murder, and they are an instant tool of dark rage. We must be the ones to do that because only the specific we, the artists, can do it, with the range and reach of our voices, the scope of our influence, and our modes and mediums of expression as artists that uniquely enable us to do it.
We, as artists seeking validation among our peers, often enjoy making the claim that we can change the world. We proclaim it to ourselves quite often, and use it to inspire ourselves, our songwriting partners, and those we recruit for our stage and studio gigs. Now is where the lights come up in the arena: the time to see if we really believe it. And if we do, it's time we prove it, to ourselves and to a world that needs changing.
Then the collective "we" of society can take a hard look -- surely a painfully uncomfortable look -- at the things about our salacious, titillating, love-starved, cultureless culture that cause some individuals -- and some groups -- to be unable to differentiate between seeking attention for good or for bad, and to voice hate, and to act with murderous intent.
But first, the psychoanalysis and the endless paralysis of talk can wait. That is the only thing that must wait, or nothing will be done. We must act, now, to deprive our own society of the means to commit mass murder. We must relentlessly and clearly demand of our politicians at all levels: "Get military combat weapons out of our entire civilian society, now."
And before numbness sets in, or the masters of distraction and diversion and obfuscation unleash something designed to activate the characteristically American Short-Attention-Span, we must remain focused and steadfast to demand of them -- and of ourselves -- How many more times before we finally put a stop to this?
Table of Contents for this edition is just below the up-top Breaking News additions on the Gilroy Festival, and the new "ASTEROID REPORT"...
Thursday update, August 1, 2019...
Under the banner, "Miraculous," a story arrived that three people who survived the Route 91 Music Festival massacre in Las Vegas in October, 2017, also survived last Sunday's mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival."
The trio — brothers Christopher and George Cook and their friend Alice Olive — escaped both times with no injuries after a gunman opened fire.
"Miracle" seems entirely the wrong frame of reference. Isn't it more reasonable to see that these assault-weapon mass-shootings are now so common in America that it's inevitable more and more people will experience them multiple times?
Read the story of the three survivors of both festival mass-shootings, at:
_ _ _
Here's our original piece...
BREAKING NEWS -- MASS SHOOTING AT FESTIVAL - 7:58 am, Monday, July 29, 2019.
There are three dead and 15 wounded, most of them seriously, late Sunday at the annual "GILROY GARLIC FESTIVAL." The long-running food festival with live music has become the latest scene of mass-shooting horror in Gilroy, California, 70 miles south of San Francisco.
Authorities have determined that a 19-year-old gunman with an assault weapon cut his way through a fence to avoid metal detectors and gain access to the site. Whether that male gunman had an accomplice is being investigated.
It happened at about 5:40 pm Sunday, July 28th. TinMan, the closing band of the festival, was back on stage for an encore. Band leader Christian Swain reports that band members clearly saw the gunman approaching "to the left of the stage, with an assault rifle."
The shooting lasted less than a minute. Initially, the crowd heard pops and looked up expecting closing fireworks. Then, sudden realization. People ran, there was screaming, the band took refuge under the stage, and uniformed police and security were reportedly there, in force, in just over the minute that it took to happen.
The gunman, initially reported to have escaped, was later determined to have been killed by police.
The three dead at the festival include Stephen Romero, a six-year-old boy, whose mother and grandmother were both wounded.
Musician Swain is effusive with praise for law enforcement's response. He added, "By the time I got home, police from all over the Bay Area were there, helping with the investigation."
When asked what he thinks this means for the future of festivals, given the mass shooting at the country music festival in Las Vegas in 2017, and now this in Gilroy, he had a lot to say:
"I want to emphasize that security at this festival was great. Police and security had been visible everywhere all weekend. They responded so fast, and still this could happen. How many times DOES this have to happen? I can't help but wonder what this means when a single event takes so many police out of their local communities, where they're needed to take care of problems, to come to one place because this has happened and it seems that it just keeps happening. When will we do something about it?"
Three dead. Fifteen wounded by gunshots, some of them maimed for life. Many more with emotional scars and trauma. Many who were not there whose lives are suddenly upended by hospital vigils and recovery regimens and rehabilitation of loved ones who are facing very different futures. How many lives altered? How many who will attend funerals and forever live with loss?
The latest additions to a list that should not exist. Names of more victims living and the dead added to those of the 17 dead and 17 wounded at Parkland, and the 32 dead and 17 wounded at Virginia Tech, and the 13 dead and 21 wounded at Columbine, and the 27 dead and 2 wounded at Sandy Hook, and the 11 dead and 6 wounded at the synagogue in Pittsburgh, and the 9 dead and 1 wounded at the church in Charleston -- and the 58 dead and 422 wounded at the music festival in Vegas. And on, and on, and on.
It hasn't even been two years since the October, 2017, Route 91 Country Music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, became the scene of America's worst mass shooting. That left 59 people killed and 527 wounded by a single gunman shooting from a highrise hotel room that he had made his sniper's nest. To date, nobody knows why.
And now, a fence cut-through by another mass murderer with another assault rifle. A specific and ever-recurring class of military combat weapon in civilian hands.
A weapon that continues to cause more death of the innocent in a nation supposedly at peace than it causes in the hands of US combat troops overseas, where it is used in war to fire upon armed enemies.
And let's get something straight. Those whose bodies are invaded by bullets are not "injured." They are wounded. Using the word "injured" -- the same term used for falling off a ladder or poking yourself with scissors -- has become infuriating mediaspeak that robs the victims of the shock the rest of us should feel. It can't help but make you question the reach of the gun lobby's influence on how events are characterized by reporting.
Too much rhetoric is expended on the "unique problems of individuals who do these things," while assault weapons are all over the American landscape like dog sh*t and cigarette butts. The economic and political clout of the gun lobby in America knows no bounds. And again the innocent have paid the price.
Will it all translate into ever-escalating security, expensive armed presences of "the good guys with the guns," paid-for by host communities, venues, increased vendor fees, higher insurance premiums, and ultimately, by ticket buyers? Will that financial impact prove to be crushing, and become the undoing of festivals in armed-to-the-teeth America? Should we expect to travel to Canada or Europe or Australia or New Zealand or Japan to attend festivals in the future? Or will we finally demand our do-nothing, campaign-cash-collecting politicians deal with the supply side of the equation?
Yes, "supply side." Conservative politicians are effusive advocates for "supply-side economics," yet they are evasive and intransigent when it comes to cutting-off the endless supply of military assault weapons to a civilian American public.
2020 is an election year. As are too many things that matter, when our bought-and-paid-for political class caters only to "corpirate" campaign cash, and politicians with agendas appoint judges with agendas, it is left to "We, the people," to see past the expensive ads and the corporate media spins and agendas and determine our own future. It all comes down to that, or to more grieving with the same bloviating politicians telling us "to pray."
"If you don't know history, you don't know anything. You're a leaf that doesn't know it is part of the tree."
-- Michael Crichton.
On July 25th, a 100 meter-wide asteroid dubbed ‘2019 OK’ flew by Earth, coming within 65,000 km of our planet’s surface during its closest approach.
That's about one-fifth of the distance to the Moon.
And nobody saw it until just days before it passed Earth. Although archival records from sky surveys show it had previously been observed, but wasn't recognized as a near-Earth asteroid.
And "2019 OK" surely would not have been OK had it smacked us. Even a 100-meter asteroid can take-out a city, because it builds a huge envelope of ionized gas under great pressure as it crashes through the atmosphere.
While "2019 OK" obviously illustrates the need for even more eyes on the sky, it also provides an opportunity to improve the asteroid recognising abilities of current and future telescopes, including the European Space Agency's upcoming "Flyeye" network.
"This 'un-recognition' of an asteroid, despite it being photographed," explains Rüdiger Jehn, ESA's Head of Planetary Defence, "will be used to test the software going into ESA's upcoming asteroid-hunting telescope, the Flyeye."
Good thing somebody out there is watching.
But there is a determining question we need to answer: what more do we need to get off this "austerity" crap? You know, the government policies that say rich interests can't be expected to pay any taxes, so there isn't enough money to pay for anything. Like replacing old bridges, fixing roads with Volkswagen-size potholes, enabling everyone access to decent health care, being proactive rather than reactive to climate change -- and operating a space program with the capability to find AND DIVERT an asteroid before we become the next dinosaurs.
There is a great consequence to being cheap. And to allowing psychologically-crafted campaigns by the corporatocracy to make you think you should let them have a free ride, or that you can't do anything about it, anyway.
Meanwhile, somebody's missing an opportunity, since there's no "dodging-an-asteroid" song on the radio...
Here is how we expected things to look, before arrival of the news above.
"Almost August" edition... very full... many-many-MANY new listings... lots of news... lots of music and arts events... tunefulness extraordinaire... splendid destinations...
In this Edition...
☆ The Southern California summer MUSIC & ARTS SCENE is the best on the planet. In addition to abundant summer concerts -- from free outdoor performances to the vibrant venues, large and small -- there are film events, art exhibitions, musical theatre, and plenty more, indoirs 'n out, out 'n about. Plus we cover the opportunities for creativity-inspiring recreational experiences. It's all here for you. And we make frequent additions as they come in. Here ya go.
◇ TWO SPECIAL NOTICES saying goodbye to TWO musician friends
◇ TICKET ALERTS get 'em before they're gone
◇ ONGOING EVENTS frequently-updated section, with things spanning
multiple days
◇ DAY-BY-DAY EVENTS by date & start time; FESTIVALS are always
listed first each day, then concerts, club gigs, film events, workshops, and more
August 1, unabridged; it was a stand-alone special edition for Tue, July 30, 2019
Let's get started!
August 1, unabridged; it was a stand-alone special edition for Tue, July 30, 2019
Let's get started!
◇ Saying Goodbye to TWO Musical Friends
This is the worst kind of cosmic coincidence. Two people with the same last name, not related to each other, but both justifiably beloved on the Southern California music scene, both gone, within hours.
We doubt that many of you knew BEA ROMANO, though she was a delightful person who was responsible for a LOT of good things.
But it is likely you knew PETER ROMANO, given his central role with trad and contemporary Celtic roots and raucous Celtic rock.
Just a few days ago, we lost Bea to her longtime battle with cancer, and we published our obituary for her (below).
Then, we opened the FolkWorks e-newsletter, and alongside our obit there for Bea, there is a brand new one for Peter. Our editor says, "I am stunned. Peter was always a force of nature who exuded enthusiasm and the most positive kind of spirit embodied in music."
We immediate contacted Leda at FolkWorks to see if she knew what happened. Peter died of a sudden massive heart attack. Perhaps the hearts of some are too full to hold everything.
There is a memorial for Bea this Saturday morning in her local Catholic church.
But it is likely you knew PETER ROMANO, given his central role with trad and contemporary Celtic roots and raucous Celtic rock.
Just a few days ago, we lost Bea to her longtime battle with cancer, and we published our obituary for her (below).
Then, we opened the FolkWorks e-newsletter, and alongside our obit there for Bea, there is a brand new one for Peter. Our editor says, "I am stunned. Peter was always a force of nature who exuded enthusiasm and the most positive kind of spirit embodied in music."
We immediate contacted Leda at FolkWorks to see if she knew what happened. Peter died of a sudden massive heart attack. Perhaps the hearts of some are too full to hold everything.
There is a memorial for Bea this Saturday morning in her local Catholic church.
Now there is a wake this coming Monday night, sponsored by the Celtic Arts Center, specifically to raise money for his kids...
We share remembrances of each of these singularly wonderful artists. The world is diminished by their passings.
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Bea, characteristically at the center of things. |
Sat, Aug 3:
10:30 am - BEA ROMANO FUNERAL MASS at St. Raymond Catholic Church, 12348 Paramount Bl, Downey CA 90242.
* Twice, Bea performed on CNN.
* Nobody is quite sure how many instruments Bea played. The list includes Hammered Dulcimer, Autoharp, Psaltery, Shakers, Limberjacks, and Spoons, for certain. She could jump in, without hesitation, to produce Irish jigs, reels and hornpipes, and Old Time American fiddle, rag, bluegrass and waltz tunes.
* Many in the Southern California roots music scene know that Bea battled ovarian cancer for some time.
* The message from her family says they "know that she is at peace."
* We are grateful to have known Bea and her love for life. A few of her musical presences include:
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Album cover for "Pigatude," a WHEN PIGS FLY CD that got broadcast radio airplay. |
* Longtime board member of SCDH and of THE LIVING TRADITION.
• Host, with her husband Jim, of the long-running "DOWNEY COMMUNITY FOLK MUSIC JAM" and the "DOWNEY FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL."
• host of "Downey Dulci-diddles," a monthly dulcimer practice group for all levels of players
• founder of the "Downey Autoharp Circle" which meets Monday evenings
• Bea was more than the essential organizer. A talented musician who performed in several bands, when you saw her smiling and heading for a stage, you knew that good times were assured: her bands have names that include WHEN PIGS FLY (guitar, autoharp, bowed psaltery, snare drum, washboard, bodhran, mandolin, and of course both hammered and fretted dulcimer); BACK PORCH SYMPHONY; WILLOW BEND; LADY FINGERS; and other ensembles of Celticana, English Country dance, contra dance, or some other "barn dance" music-makers.
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Bea gave granddaughter Sophie her first Hammered Dulcimer orientation. |
* A quintessential proponent and enthusiastic spokeswoman for acoustic roots music, Bea was for many years a source to the Guide, FolkWorks, several local newspapers, and other print and online publications, alerting the world and delivering audiences for performances.
* Born in flood-prone Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Bea came to Downey in 1968 in time to graduate from St. Matthias High School in Huntington Park and marry Jim that same year. She loved her adopted community, where she worked 15 years as a dietetic technician. Bea became Downey's biggest backer of local music events, as celebrated in 2013 in her local newspaper.
* Bea and Jim raised two children, and their four young grandchildren are all musicians who play traditional instruments.
* A reception lunch follows the funeral Mass.
* In lieu of flowers, her family asks that you make donations to either:
• American Cancer Society at: www.cancer.org
• SCDH, Southern California Dulcimer Heritage, at: www.scdh.org
Shared via FolkWorks by Peter's brother, fellow musician, and sometimes creative collaborator...
Mon, Aug 5:
7 pm-11 pm - WAKE for Peter...
April 19, 1959 - July 25, 2019
By Mark Romano
Musician, contractor and sailor, Peter delighted in all of these, but he delighted mostly in those people around him. A member of, at various times, BIG RED SKY, THE BRILLIANT GYPSIES, FALLING STAR, THE PLOUGHBOYS, and ROOM SERVICE, Peter left an indelible mark on the Southern California music scene.
A Wake in his honor will be held on Monday, August 5, 2019, from 7:00-11:00 pm, at the Celtic Arts Center, 11110 Victory Blvd. (@The Mayflower Club), North Hollywood, California 91601.
In lieu of flowers, contributions to his children’s college and/or relocation funds would be appreciated.
A note to those who wish to attend the wake; it will be informal, raucous, musical, and joyous. Be prepared to tell a tale, sing a song, or dance a dance in his honor.
I will have several items of Peter's musical inventory there, if anyone wishes to purchase them, please let me know. All funds will be transferred directly to his children.
Parents: Bert and Lucille Romano. Ex-wife: Brooke; Children: Risa and Asher. In addition, his seven surviving brothers and sisters will hold his memory dear.
With such a wealth of performances, we found one and knew right away it's the one we had to share.
Here's Peter singing lead on an especially fine and touching rendition of "Carrickfergus" with the BRILLIANT GYPSIES live at "Irish Nights at Viva," Viva Cantina 5/28/11; Peter Romano - Guitar, Vocals; Chris Loken - Fiddle; Pat D'Arcy - Uilleann Pipes, Low Whistle; Rik Shannon - Percussion:
The most recent additions are at the BOTTOM, because we number these in the order we receive them.
1) THE BROAD STAGE & THE EDYE at Santa Monica College Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica CA 90401
* Tickets for individual shows went on Sale MONDAY, JUL 15 at NOON for:
⊙ Sir James Galway
⊙ Hiromi
⊙ David Broza
⊙ Jake Shimabukuro (ukuleke/ multiinstrument maestro)
⊙ Catherine Russell
⊙ Joey Alexander Trio
⊙ Beethoven, Bagels and Banter
⊙ Invertigo Dance Theatre
⊙ Nat Geo Live: "Life on the Vertical"
* TIX: Box Office, 310-434-3200, or online, https://thebroadstage.org/
2) TIX WENT ON SALE FRI, JUL 19, 10 am:
"HARVEST MOON-- A GATHERING" with NEIL YOUNG, NORAH JONES, FATHER JOHN MISTY, & MASANGA, happens 9/14/19 in Lake Hughes, CA; https://www.harvestmoongathering.com/
"STAGECOACH: CALIFORNIA'S COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL" happens 4/24/20 – 4/26/20 at Empire Polo Club, Indio, CA (earlier-than-ever advance sales for next year).
Details to follow...
4) TODD SNIDER plays the El Rey Theatre in L.A. on 10/28/19; tix went on sale Wed, July 17 at 10 am PT
5) Tix went on sale Thu, Jul 25
"ANASTASIA" (touring production) runs Oct 8-16 at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre, Hollywood CA
Tix at: https://www.ticketmaster.com/anastasia-touring-tickets/artist/2480269
___6) Onsale now:
THE ROLLING STONES play Aug 18 at the Rose Bowl, Pasadena CA.
Tix at:
7) Onsale now:
THE AVETT BROTHERS play three local venues:
* Thu, Aug 22, 7:30 pm, with LAKE STREET DIVE, at the Greek Theatre in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
* Fri, Aug 23, 7:30 pm, at the San Diego Civic Theatre, San Diego CA
* Sat, Aug 24, 6:30 pm, at the Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara CA
* Tix for all shows at: https://www.ticketmaster.com/the-avett-brothers-tickets/artist/1108947
8) Onsale now:
JOHN MAYER plays Fri & Sat, Sep 13 & 14, 7:30 pm, at the Forum in Inglewood CA
* Tix at: https://www.ticketmaster.com/john-mayer-tickets/artist/770494
9) Onsale now:
HOTEL CALIFORNIA "Tribute to the Eagles," Dec 27, 8 pm, at City National Grove of Anaheim, presented by Nederlander Concerts
* The Guide brought you word of the PASSWORD PRESALE that was held Thu, Jul 18, 10 am-10 pm.
* Tix now available at:
10) Christmas shows...
10a) Onsale now:
"CIRQUE DREAMS HOLIDAZE," Dec 13, 14, 15 (four shows) at the Dolby Theatre, Hollywood* The Guide brought you word of the PASSWORD PRESALE that was held Thu, Jul 18.
* Tix now available at:
at: https://www.ticketmaster.com/cirque-dreams-holidaze-touring-tickets/artist/1347585
_ _ _
10b) Onsale now:
"A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS" live on stage for 2 shows Dec 15, 1:30 pm & 5 pm, at City National Grove of Anaheim
* The Guide brought you word of the PASSWORD PRESALE that was held Thu, Jul 18.
* Tix now available at:
_ _ _
10c) THE BRIAN SETZER ORCHESTRA plays their only Southern Cal date for the 16th Annual "Christmas Rocks! Tour" on Fri, Dec 20 at the lovely McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, CA.
* Iconic guitarist, songwriter, vocalist and three-time Grammy-Award winner BRIAN SETZER and his 19-piece ORCHESTRA will tour the country on their 16th annual "Christmas Rocks! Tour," presented for the fifth consecutive year by SiriusXM.
* Featuring music from their three best-selling holiday albums and Brian's numerous hits.
* The over 20-city annual, critically-acclaimed, holiday extravaganza launches Nov 15 at the State Theatre in Minneapolis, MN, and wraps-up at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, CA on Dec 20.* The Guide brought you word of the SPECIAL PRESALE that was held Thu, Jul 24.
10c) THE BRIAN SETZER ORCHESTRA plays their only Southern Cal date for the 16th Annual "Christmas Rocks! Tour" on Fri, Dec 20 at the lovely McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, CA.
* Iconic guitarist, songwriter, vocalist and three-time Grammy-Award winner BRIAN SETZER and his 19-piece ORCHESTRA will tour the country on their 16th annual "Christmas Rocks! Tour," presented for the fifth consecutive year by SiriusXM.
* Featuring music from their three best-selling holiday albums and Brian's numerous hits.
* The over 20-city annual, critically-acclaimed, holiday extravaganza launches Nov 15 at the State Theatre in Minneapolis, MN, and wraps-up at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, CA on Dec 20.* The Guide brought you word of the SPECIAL PRESALE that was held Thu, Jul 24.
* Tix now available at:
11) "A NIGHT WITH JANIS JOPLIN" the "musical journey" tribute show, presented by the Canyon at two venues:
* Oct 17 at The Rose, 245 E Green St, Pasadena CA 91101: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/a-night-with-janis-joplin/event/090056F1C44D4A94
* Oct 18 at The Saban, 8440 Wilshire Bl, Beverly Hills, CA 90211: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/a-night-with-janis-joplin/event/0B0056F1C39C3E9D
* TIX available now, using the password “bobby” at either link above.
12) Embargoed released, held for media announcement on Wed, Jul 24 at 10 am PDT:
MICHAEL NESMITH & THE FIRST NATIONAL BAND play Oct 2 at the Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara. Tix on sale Wed, Jul 24, 10 am PT.
13) Onsale now:
"THE MAN IN BLACK -- A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY CASH" Sep 14 at City National Grove Of Anaheim, 2200 E Katella Av, Anaheim CA 92806.
11) "A NIGHT WITH JANIS JOPLIN" the "musical journey" tribute show, presented by the Canyon at two venues:
* Oct 17 at The Rose, 245 E Green St, Pasadena CA 91101: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/a-night-with-janis-joplin/event/090056F1C44D4A94
* Oct 18 at The Saban, 8440 Wilshire Bl, Beverly Hills, CA 90211: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/a-night-with-janis-joplin/event/0B0056F1C39C3E9D
* TIX available now, using the password “bobby” at either link above.
12) Embargoed released, held for media announcement on Wed, Jul 24 at 10 am PDT:
MICHAEL NESMITH & THE FIRST NATIONAL BAND play Oct 2 at the Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara. Tix on sale Wed, Jul 24, 10 am PT.
13) Onsale now:
"THE MAN IN BLACK -- A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY CASH" Sep 14 at City National Grove Of Anaheim, 2200 E Katella Av, Anaheim CA 92806.
* The Guide brought you word of the PASSWORD PRESALE that was held Thu, Jul 25.
* Tix now available at:
14) THE L.A. PHIL PRESENTS "AMERICA IN SPACE" on Thu, Aug 15, 8 pm, at the Hollywood Bowl. "Relive the awe of the moon landing, in sight and sound." Thanks to our friends at the Autry museum, you can use promo code UNDERTHESTARS for 30% off tickets in select sections. Tix: https://www.hollywoodbowl.com/events/performances/599/
15) LEE CAMP, creator & host of "REDACTED TONIGHT" plays two Southern Cal shows:
* Fri, Sep 13, 8 pm, in Los Angeles, at The Dojo at the Sycamore Tavern, 7038 Sunset Bl, Hollywood CA 90028. Special guest ELEANOR GOLDFIELD. Only 100 tickets available. Show is 21+.
(See event listings for the write-up on that show.)
* Sun, Sep 15, 7 pm, in Ventura, at the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, 1559 Spinnaker Dr, Ste 205, Ventura CA 93001. Special guest GRAHAM ELWOOD. Show is 18+.
* TIX will go quickly. Grab 'em while you can (for either show) at: https://leecamp.com/schedule/
More as we get 'em
...some ending soon, some impending.
ONGOING, musical theatre, through Aug 3:
"DAMES AT SEA" at the Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W Sierra Madre Bl, Sierra Madre CA 91024
* Tune-filled musical with tons of truly sensational tap-dancing and singing, it concerns a troupe who must leave their theatre and move their show -- to a ship at sea. Along the way, the ingenue falls for the composer. Suddenly, she must replace the diva. Will the new girl become a star? Ahoy, for whom will the winds blow fair?
* Free parking behind the Playhouse.
* Runs Fri & Sat, 8 pm; Sun, 2:30 pm. Extended through Aug 3.
* Tix: https://sierramadreplayhouse.org/
"DAMES AT SEA" at the Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W Sierra Madre Bl, Sierra Madre CA 91024
* Tune-filled musical with tons of truly sensational tap-dancing and singing, it concerns a troupe who must leave their theatre and move their show -- to a ship at sea. Along the way, the ingenue falls for the composer. Suddenly, she must replace the diva. Will the new girl become a star? Ahoy, for whom will the winds blow fair?
* Free parking behind the Playhouse.
* Runs Fri & Sat, 8 pm; Sun, 2:30 pm. Extended through Aug 3.
* Tix: https://sierramadreplayhouse.org/
ONGOING, FREE, through Aug 4:
"LINDA LYKE: FIELD NOTES" is the current exhibition at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 W Malvern Av, Fullerton, CA 92833; www.themuck.org
* Printmaker LINDA LYKE vividly captures the spontaneous and immediate sense of discovery that stems from close and careful observation of nature.
* This body of work evolved from Lyke's own particular observations of birds and megafauna in Kenya as well as Los Angeles.
* GALLERY HOURS: Tue-Sun, noon-4 pm; free admission, donations welcomed.
"LINDA LYKE: FIELD NOTES" is the current exhibition at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 W Malvern Av, Fullerton, CA 92833; www.themuck.org
* Printmaker LINDA LYKE vividly captures the spontaneous and immediate sense of discovery that stems from close and careful observation of nature.
* This body of work evolved from Lyke's own particular observations of birds and megafauna in Kenya as well as Los Angeles.
* GALLERY HOURS: Tue-Sun, noon-4 pm; free admission, donations welcomed.
ONGOING, through Sep 8:
"THE WORLD OF DaVINCI" extensive special exhibition at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley CA 93065
* During the run, there is a featured special event: Aug 7, 12:30 pm- 4:30 pm, "DA VINCI EXHIBIT LUNCH AND TOUR" includes "a delicious themed meal prepared by our Presidential Chef. Our da Vinci Exhibit Lunch and Tour is a truly exceptional experience. Following the lunch, guests will receive a docent-led tour of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Museum and Air Force One Pavilion and will be able to self-tour our special exhibit, 'The World of da Vinci.' Casual attire is suggested. Reservations are required and must be made by Aug 2 at 9 am."
* TIX for special event (Aug 7) at:
* TIX to visit the DaVINCI exhibition, any day:
* Museum is open daily, 10 am-5 pm, 7 days; regular admission includes "Da Vinci."
ONGOING, nightly Jul 26 through Aug 23:
Annual "DELTA AQUARIID METEOR SHOWER" is FREE, by looking up, anyplace that's dark. Get away from urban light pollution and avoid times when the Moon is bright. (And if you go to the desert for it, remember that snakes and scorpions are active at night.)
ONGOING, Jul 5-Aug 11:
8 pm - "APOLLO 11 -- THE IMMERSIVE LIVE SHOW" on stage in the "Lunar Dome" at the Rose Bowl, Pasadena CA
* With original music by JAMES SEYMOUR BRETT, composer, conductor & arranger, writer TODD KREIDLER's production "is a ground-breaking new play with an original story inspired by the Apollo missions. The show is performed by a cast of 20 in our spectacular, custom-built theatre, the Lunar Dome, with 40,000 square feet of video projections."
* Directed by SCOTT FARIS, "APOLLO 11 tells the story of the Moon landing from the perspective of the 400,000 people who worked together to put astronauts on the Moon and bring them safely home. [It] takes you from the thrill of the countdown to the enormous Saturn V rocket launch and on an unforgettable journey to the Moon and back."
* Show info indicates "the Saturn V Rocket launch is very loud!" and "theatrical smoke, loud noises and flashing lights" are used in the production.
* This moves to Costa Mesa, CA, Oct 10-Nov 3, then goes (tba) to Houston, TX.
* Performances are 90 minutes, no intermission.
* Free parking at the Rose Bowl; Valet parking included with VIP tix or can be purchased separately.
* More info, https://apollo11show.com/
* TIX at five price levels, $45 to $215, with VIP packages and discounts available for student, senior, group, family, and military. Tix by phone at 833-5-APOLLO or online at https://apollo11show.com/ticket/
ONGOING, Jul 12-Aug 11:
PART ONE: Annual "ORANGE COUNTY FAIR" (88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; 714-708-1500) has plenty of "free" with-basic-admission entertainment, and these are our picks of the "freebies." (It also has big name concerts, extra tix required; those are listed separately, after this listing).
* STROLLING MUSICIANS and other performers include:
• Violin on Fire, Jul 31-Aug 4, 5:30 pm-8 pm
• Red Light Brass Band, Wed-Sun, 2 pm-6 pm
* CONCERTS ON MULTIPLE STAGES throughout the grounds are free with admission, and include:
■ THE MEADOWS STAGE - country and Americana music; both headliners & "community acts"; headliners are:
▪ The Steel Blossoms, Jul 12-14, 8 pm-11 pm
▪ Matt Koerner, Jul 17-21, 8-11 pm
▪ Darden (violin, guitar, mandolin, bass), Jul 24-28, 8-11 pm
▪ Danny Maika (singer-songwriter, covers), Jul 31-Aug 4, 8-11 pm
▪ Dan Krikorian (folk-pop), Aug 7-11, 8-11 pm
— PLUS, "community acts" on this stage are numerous, and include these picks:
— Green Tomorrow, Wed, Jul 17, 2 pm
— John McCabe, Fri, Jul 19, 6 pm
— Valley Sons, Sat, Jul 20, 6 pm
— Union Down, Sun, Jul 21, 6 pm
— The Flannels, Wed, Jul 24, 2 pm
— Boardinghouse Band, Thu, Jul 25, 6 pm
— Green Tomorrow, Fri, Jul 26, 2 pm
— Cheryl Silverteins Singing Outloud, Sat, Jul 27, 2 pm
— Goat Hill Gamblers, Sat, Jul 27, 4 pm
— The Canyoneros, Sun, Aug 4, 4 pm
— Possum Creek Bluegrass Band, Thu, Aug 8, 4 pm
— Gil Dabney & the Trainwreck Brothers, Sat, Aug 10, 6 pm
— Sweetwater Creek Band, Sun, Aug 11, 2 pm
— Death Valley Trio, Sun, Aug 11, 6 pm
■ THE PROMENADE STAGE - indoor shows, which include:
¤ Red Light Brass Band, Jul 12 & 14, 8:30 pm-11 pm, & Jul 13, 8:15 pm-11 pm
¤ Loa Greyson, Jul 17, 8:15 pm-11 pm; Jul 18, 8:30 pm-11 pm; Jul 19-21, 8:15 pm-11 pm
¤ John Kraus & The Goers (Sea Shanty/Maritime Music, Folk-Rock, Celtic-Punk) Jul 24-28, 8:15 pm-11 pm
¤ The Wimberley Bluegrass Band (4 young siblings, long celebrated in the Guide, and named among L.A.'s "Top 5 Bluegrass Bands" by CBS-LA), Jul 31-Aug 4, 8:15 pm-11 pm
¤ David Rosales (singer-songwriter; country, folk, blues, rock), Aug 7-11, 8:15 pm -11 pm
■ THE HERITAGE STAGE - Polynesian dance, and a variety including hypnotists; featuring:
~ TUPUA Polynesian dance troupe, daily, 5:15 pm, 7:15 pm, 9:15 pm
~ Mark Yuzuik, Comedy hypnotist, daily
~ "community" on this stage are numerous, and include:
~ Singing Goodtimers, Fri, Jul 19, 3:15 pm
~ Pacific Conservatory, Sat, Jul 20, 12:15 pm
~ Bob Garcia y su Sabor Tropical, Sun, Jul 21, 12:15 pm
~ Ballet Folklorico Raices de Mexico OC, Sun, Jul 21, 2:15 pm
~ Las Estrellas Ballet Folklorico (Long Beach), Sun, Jul 27, 12:15 pm
~ Nashida Group, Sun, Jul 27, 2:15 pm
~ Ballet Folklorico Tierra, Flor y Canto, Sun, Jul 27, 4:15 pm
~ Beach City Cloggers, Thu, Aug 1, 3:15 pm
~ Jose Hernandez’ Mariachi Nationals Mariachi Competition, Sat, Aug 3, 11:15 am
~ Ballet Folklorico de San Juan Capistrano, Sat, Aug 3, 3:15 pm
~ Codices de Mexico, Sat, Aug 3, 4:15 pm
~ No te Rajes Jalisco Folklorico Group, Sun, Aug 4, 12:15 pm
~ Kitty and Celina "The Nguyen Twinz", Sun, Aug 4, 2:15 pm
~ Grupo Folklorico Cielito Lindo, Sat, Aug 10, 2:15 pm
~ Ballet Folklorico Otomi, Sun, Aug 11, 12:15 pm
~ Sol de Mexico Ballet Folklorico, Sun, Aug 11, 2:15 pm
■ THE HANGAR - DAYTIME brings "community entertainment" local bands, and ticketed shows in the evening. Here are a few daytime acts that look good:
¤ The Midnight Blues Band, Sun, Jul 21, 11:30 am
¤ Folkloristas de California, Su, Jul 28, 11:30 am
¤ Six Gun Sal, Thu, Aug 1, 3:30 pm
¤ The UnionHobos, Sun, Aug 3, 12:30 pm
¤ Cheyenne Benton, Sun, Aug 3, 12:30 pm
¤ Eileen Carey Band, Wed, Aug 7, 3:30 pm
¤ Vinyl Mavericks, Thu, Aug 8, 1:30 pm
¤ Coyote Sunrise Band, Thu, Aug 8, 3:30 & 4:30 pm
¤ The Smokin Rooster, Sat, Aug 10, 2:30 pm
¤ BBQ Brothers, Sat, Aug 10, 3:30 pm
■ EXPLORIUM STAGE - "Magical entertainment" for kids of all ages, but no music acts are booked there this year.
* Full lineups, all stages, and complete OC Fair info, at: https://ocfair.com/
ONGOING, Jul 12-Aug 11:
PART TWO: Annual "ORANGE COUNTY FAIR" (88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; 714-708-1500) has big name concerts, and extra tix are required for those; our picks of them are listed here. (The OC Fair also features plenty of "free" with-basic-admission entertainment; see thr separate listing for our picks of those "freebies.")
* EXTRA-TICKET CONCERTS are in 2 venues -- The Pacific Amphitheatre, and evening shows in The Hangar.
■ PACIFIC AMPHITHEATRE - tix for all concerts, which include OC Fair admission, at: https://pacamp.com/
☆ BRANDI CARLILE with DAVID ROSALES, Wed, Jul 17, 7:30 pm
☆ "HAPPY TOGETHER TOUR" celebrates 10 years on the fairgrounds circuit as an ultimate '60s musical omnibus, with THE TURTLES, RON DANTE, CHUCK NEGRON of THREE DOG NIGHT, GARY PUCKETT & THE UNION GAP, THE CLASSICS IV, THE BUCKINGHAMS, & THE COWSILLS,
Sun, Jul 21, 8 pm
☆ BROTHERS OSBORNE plus CHASE BRYANT, Thu, Jul 25, 7:30 pm
☆ CHICAGO, Fri, Jul 26, 8:15 pm
☆ SMOKEY ROBINSON, Sat, Jul 27, 8:15 pm
☆ DWIGHT YOAKAM plus MIDLAND, Sun, Jul 28, 7:30 pm
Dwight Yoakam has sold more than 25 million albums worldwide. He is a 21-time nominated, multiple Grammy winner with 12 gold albums and nine platinum or multi-platinum albums, with five of which topped Billboard’s Country Albums chart, and another 14 in the Top 10. Nearly 40 of his singles have charted on Billboard, with 14 reaching the Top 10. He holds the Artist of the Year award from the Americana Music Association, the most prestigious award offered by the organization. In 2016, he released his bluegrass album "Swimmin’ Pools, Movie Stars" featuring a band of bluegrass luminaries with a collection of reinterpreted favorites from his catalogue, as well as a BG cover of Prince’s “Purple Rain.”
☆ AMERICA / POCO / FIREFALL, Sun, Aug 11, 6:30 pm
■ THE HANGAR - EVENING ticketed shows include our picks of a few shows, listed first, followed by some "tribute band" shows that may appeal to you. All start at 8:30 pm:
⊙ LOS LOBOS, Sun, Jul 14; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/los-lobos/
⊙ OZOMATLI, Sun, Jul 21; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/ozomatli-2/
⊙ AVERAGE WHITE BAND, Sun, Aug 4; several gold selling albums and multi- grammy nominations, with an authentically original jazz-influence, widely regarded as one of the best soul and funk bands in the history of music; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/average-white-band/
⊙ THE PALADINS plus BIG SANDY & HIS FLY-RITE BOYS, bring a superb rockabilly / honkytonk double-bill, Sun, Aug 11; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/the-paladins-big-sandy-his-fly-rite-boys/
Tribute band shows...
⊙ "THE MAN IN BLACK – A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY CASH," starring Shawn Barker, Sat, Jul 20; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/the-man-in-black-a-tribute-to-johnny-cash/
⊙ "RUMOURS – THE ULTIMATE FLEETWOOD MAC TRIBUTE SHOW," Thu, Jul 25; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/rumours-ultimate-fleetwood-mac-tribute-show/
⊙ "SWEET AND TENDER HOOLIGANS – A TRIBUTE TO THE SMITHS AND MORRISSEY," Fri, Jul 26; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/sweet-and-tender-hooligans-a-tribute-to-the-smiths-and-morrissey/
⊙ "ELTON – THE EARLY YEARS – A TRIBUTE TO ELTON JOHN," starring Kenny Metcalf, Wed, Jul 31; tix at: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/elton-early-years-tribute-elton-john/
⊙ "SPACE ODDITY – 45th ANNIVERSARY OF DAVID BOWIE ’S DIAMOND DOGS," Fri, Aug 9; tix: https://ocfair.com/thehangar/space-oddity-45th-anniversary-of-david-bowies-diamond-dogs/
* See the separate listing for FREE-WITH-ADMISSION music at the OC Fair.
* Full lineups, all stages, and complete OC Fair info, at: https://ocfair.com/
ONGOING, through Aug 11:
"THE LAST DAYS OF DON JUAN" at Classical Theatre Lab at Kings Road Park, 1000 N Kings Rd, West Hollywood CA 90046. The adventures of Spain's most famous lover, as Suzanne Hunt directs Nick Dear's English translation of Tirso De Molina's play. Runs Saturdays & Sundays at 3 pm. Ends Sun, Aug 11.
ONGOING, Jun 28-Sep 1:
Annual "SAWDUST ART & CRAFT FESTIVAL" at the permanent festival grounds at 935 Laguna Canyon Rd, Laguna Beach, CA 92651
* This event brings art in all mediums, with hands-on experiences, in a charming village atmosphere loaded with music performance stages with nearly continuous pre-booked acts.
* Daytime and evening music performances, multiple stages, different performers each time and each day, with very few repeats during the season. Lots of acoustic Folk-Americana & singer-songwriter sensibilities, including trad folk & nu-folk, and what would be good pop if any good pop was allowed elsewhere.
* A few highlights / picks, after the Jul 20-21 weekend:
⊙ The Folktones, Main Deck stage Tue, Jul 23 11:30 am-4 pm
⊙ Salty Suites, Tavern stage Fri, Jul 26 4:30 pm-9 pm
⊙ Cillians Bridge, Main Deck stage Sat, Jul 27 5 pm-9:30 pm
⊙ Masanga Maramba 11:30 am-4 pm, and
The Black Tongue Bells 5 pm-9:30 pm, both on the Main Deck stage, Sun, Jul 27
⊙ Michelle Mangione, solo at the Grill stage, Wed, Jul 31 11 am-3:30 pm
⊙ Jennifer Corday, at the Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Kelly Fitzgerald Band, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, both Thu, Aug 1.
⊙ "SPEAKEASY DAY" is Sat, Aug 3, with:
+ Tommy & Addie, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm
+ Hedgehog Swing, Tavern stage 11 am-3:30 pm
+ Amanda Castro Band, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm
+ Balloon Diva, Roaming noon-4 pm
+ tba, on the Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm
+ Hot Club DeBop, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm
+ MoonShine, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm
⊙ Sean Wiggins & the Lone Goat, Tavern stage, and
Kelly Fitzgerald playing solo, Grill stage, both 4:30 pm-9 pm, Sun, Aug 4
⊙ Michelle Mangione duo, Tavern stage, 11 am-3:30 pm, Mon, Aug 5
⊙ Coming of Sage, Main Deck stage, 11:30 am-4:30 pm, Wed, Aug 7
⊙ Pawnshop Kings, Tavern stage, 4:30 pm-9 pm, Thu, Aug 8
⊙ The Black Tongue Bells, Main Deck stage, 5 pm-9:30 pm, Fri, Aug 9
⊙ Michelle Mangione, solo on the Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and Heather in Bleum, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, both on Sat, Aug 10
⊙ Brooke Ramel, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Cillian’s Bridge, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Honeybees Band, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm,
all on Tue, Aug 13
⊙ Patty Booker Band, Main Deck stage, 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Michael Ubaldini, Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Pi, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, all on Wed, Aug 14
⊙ Michelle Mangione, solo, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Salty Suites, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Victoria McGinnis duo, Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, all on Thu, Aug 15
⊙ Kelly Fitzgerald solo, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm
⊙ "WOODSTOCK DAY" is Sat, Aug 17, with eight acts, none of whom we know. One is called "Woodstock Mud," though...
⊙ Michelle Mangione duo, Tavern stage, 4:30 pm-9 pm. Mon, Aug 19
⊙ Rich Folk, Tavern stage 11 am-3:30 pm, Wed, Aug 21
⊙ Amanda Castro Band, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Heather duo, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Lonesome James, Grill stage, 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Blues Offenders, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, all Thu, Aug 22
⊙ Beth Wood, solo, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Clapton Road, Main Deck stage, both Fri, Aug 23
⊙ "BEATLES DAY" is Sat, Aug 24, with six acts we don't know
⊙ Salty Suites, Tavern stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Heather in Bleum, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Victoria McGinnis duo, Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
The Black Tongue Bells, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, all Sun, Aug 25
⊙ Coming of Sage, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4:30 am, and
MoonShine, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, both Mon, Aug 26.
⊙ Kelly Fitzgerald Band, Main Deck stage, 11:30 am-4 pm, Tue, Aug 27
⊙ Levi Dean & the Americats, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Jodi Siegel, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, both Wed, Aug 28
⊙ Masanga Maramba, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Pawnshop Kings, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, both Fri, Aug 30
⊙ CLOSING DAY, Sun, Sep 1, brings seven acts, including:
Salty Suites, on the Tavern stage, and
Heather duo, on the Grill stage, both 4:30 pm-9 pm
* TIX & general info: https://sawdustartfestival.org/
* The FULL season schedule with all acts, stages, and times, is at: https://sawdustartfestival.org/calendar/entertainment-schedule/
Annual "SAWDUST ART & CRAFT FESTIVAL" at the permanent festival grounds at 935 Laguna Canyon Rd, Laguna Beach, CA 92651
* This event brings art in all mediums, with hands-on experiences, in a charming village atmosphere loaded with music performance stages with nearly continuous pre-booked acts.
* Daytime and evening music performances, multiple stages, different performers each time and each day, with very few repeats during the season. Lots of acoustic Folk-Americana & singer-songwriter sensibilities, including trad folk & nu-folk, and what would be good pop if any good pop was allowed elsewhere.
* A few highlights / picks, after the Jul 20-21 weekend:
⊙ The Folktones, Main Deck stage Tue, Jul 23 11:30 am-4 pm
⊙ Salty Suites, Tavern stage Fri, Jul 26 4:30 pm-9 pm
⊙ Cillians Bridge, Main Deck stage Sat, Jul 27 5 pm-9:30 pm
⊙ Masanga Maramba 11:30 am-4 pm, and
The Black Tongue Bells 5 pm-9:30 pm, both on the Main Deck stage, Sun, Jul 27
⊙ Michelle Mangione, solo at the Grill stage, Wed, Jul 31 11 am-3:30 pm
⊙ Jennifer Corday, at the Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Kelly Fitzgerald Band, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, both Thu, Aug 1.
⊙ "SPEAKEASY DAY" is Sat, Aug 3, with:
+ Tommy & Addie, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm
+ Hedgehog Swing, Tavern stage 11 am-3:30 pm
+ Amanda Castro Band, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm
+ Balloon Diva, Roaming noon-4 pm
+ tba, on the Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm
+ Hot Club DeBop, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm
+ MoonShine, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm
⊙ Sean Wiggins & the Lone Goat, Tavern stage, and
Kelly Fitzgerald playing solo, Grill stage, both 4:30 pm-9 pm, Sun, Aug 4
⊙ Michelle Mangione duo, Tavern stage, 11 am-3:30 pm, Mon, Aug 5
⊙ Coming of Sage, Main Deck stage, 11:30 am-4:30 pm, Wed, Aug 7
⊙ Pawnshop Kings, Tavern stage, 4:30 pm-9 pm, Thu, Aug 8
⊙ The Black Tongue Bells, Main Deck stage, 5 pm-9:30 pm, Fri, Aug 9
⊙ Michelle Mangione, solo on the Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and Heather in Bleum, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, both on Sat, Aug 10
⊙ Brooke Ramel, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Cillian’s Bridge, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Honeybees Band, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm,
all on Tue, Aug 13
⊙ Patty Booker Band, Main Deck stage, 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Michael Ubaldini, Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Pi, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, all on Wed, Aug 14
⊙ Michelle Mangione, solo, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Salty Suites, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Victoria McGinnis duo, Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, all on Thu, Aug 15
⊙ Kelly Fitzgerald solo, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm
⊙ "WOODSTOCK DAY" is Sat, Aug 17, with eight acts, none of whom we know. One is called "Woodstock Mud," though...
⊙ Michelle Mangione duo, Tavern stage, 4:30 pm-9 pm. Mon, Aug 19
⊙ Rich Folk, Tavern stage 11 am-3:30 pm, Wed, Aug 21
⊙ Amanda Castro Band, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Heather duo, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Lonesome James, Grill stage, 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
Blues Offenders, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, all Thu, Aug 22
⊙ Beth Wood, solo, Grill stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Clapton Road, Main Deck stage, both Fri, Aug 23
⊙ "BEATLES DAY" is Sat, Aug 24, with six acts we don't know
⊙ Salty Suites, Tavern stage 11 am-3:30 pm, and
Heather in Bleum, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Victoria McGinnis duo, Grill stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, and
The Black Tongue Bells, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, all Sun, Aug 25
⊙ Coming of Sage, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4:30 am, and
MoonShine, Main Deck stage 5 pm-9:30 pm, both Mon, Aug 26.
⊙ Kelly Fitzgerald Band, Main Deck stage, 11:30 am-4 pm, Tue, Aug 27
⊙ Levi Dean & the Americats, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Jodi Siegel, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, both Wed, Aug 28
⊙ Masanga Maramba, Main Deck stage 11:30 am-4 pm, and
Pawnshop Kings, Tavern stage 4:30 pm-9 pm, both Fri, Aug 30
⊙ CLOSING DAY, Sun, Sep 1, brings seven acts, including:
Salty Suites, on the Tavern stage, and
Heather duo, on the Grill stage, both 4:30 pm-9 pm
* TIX & general info: https://sawdustartfestival.org/
* The FULL season schedule with all acts, stages, and times, is at: https://sawdustartfestival.org/calendar/entertainment-schedule/
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"SCRAPS" on stage at the Matrix Theatre, 7657 Melrose Av, Los Angeles CA 90046.
* “STUNNING… Don’t miss this powerful production.” -- Anthony Byrnes, KCRW 89
a fascinating peek at a world of trauma and loss” -- Elaine Mura, LA Splash
* “RECOMMENDED… STAGE RAW TOP TEN…” -- Deborah Klugman, Stage Raw
Use code SCRAP5 for $5 off tickets, by phone at 323-960-7711, or online at: www.onstage411.com/scraps
Opening July 26...
ONGOING, through Aug 18:
"BILLIE HOLIDAY: FRONT AND CENTER" at WACO Theater Center, 5144 Lankershim Bl, North Hollywood CA 91601. Sylvia D. Jatta (backed up by a live jazz combo) revives her 2016 biographical show about "Lady Day." Expect to hear Billie's greatest hits, well-performed. Runs Fridays & Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 3 pm. Opening night Jul 26 is sold-out; show is followed by reception on Sat, Jul 27. Ends Aug 18.
Opens July 26 in Los Angeles...
"AT WAR," an important and mesmerizing new film, opens July 26th at Laemmle’s Royal Theatre, 11523 Santa Monica Bl, Los Angeles CA 90025
* Showtimes: https://movies.eventful.com/theaters-showtimes/laemmles-royal-theatre-/T0-001-000000347-7
* Do you want to know, in immediately practical terms, why a "neo-liberal economic paradigm" is not at all what you think? Want to see, up close, how global capitalism reigns supreme through intimidation, manipulation, and unending lies?
* This film shows you. It opens with a scene familiar to anyone ever involved in union bargaining in the U.S.
* A line from the film: “It’s not bosses versus workers anymore. It’s all of us together in the same boat.”
* “Hello Perin workers,” says one message of solidarity, arriving at strike headquarters with a check enclosed. “We have the same a**holes running our firm.”
* In exasperation, the CEO accuses the strikers, who are trying to save their plant from being closed by megagiant predatory capitalists of “refusing to see market reality,” which the CEO likens to “demanding a whole new world or living in another world.”
* Reviewer Steve Early writes, "'At War' pulls no punches about the personal sacrifices and weighty responsibilities of workers who become strike leaders. This film should be required viewing during union training of shop stewards, local officers, and bargaining committee members."
* He continues, "Cinema Libre Studio hopes to reach a much broader audience when the film opens in New York, Los Angeles and other cities in July. It’s also looking for labor organizations to sponsor showings to their own members. Let’s hope that some unions take advantage of this offer—because the war on workers, whether in France or the U.S., shows no sign of letting up."
* Read his review at: https://hollywoodprogressive.com/plant-closing-war/
ONGOING, starts Fri, Aug 2:
"PAY WHAT YOU WILL FRIDAYS IN AUGUST" at Will Geer's Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga Canyon, CA 90290; https://theatricum.com/
* Repertory season runs Fri-Sat-Sun at 8 pm, Sat & Sun matinees at 1 pm.
* Currently in rotating production:
• "An Enemy of the People" by Henrik Ibsen, freely adapted by Ellen Geer; “INCENDIARY… well acted…" — Ed Rampell, Hollywood Progressive; “THOUGHT-PROVOKING AND RELEVANT… its message is clear.” — Dena Burroughs, The Fume of Sighs.
• "The Skin of Our Teeth" by Thornton Wilder; “CAST IS SUBLIME… DON’T MISS ... an epic look at the world, humanity and how they deal with torment by accepting it and moving on.” — Don Grigware, Broadway World; “EXCELLENT" — Elaine Mura, LA Splash.
• "Moby Dick - Rehearsed" by Orson Welles; ”GREAT FUN and the actors do a superb job helping you believe that there’s a white whale lurking right behind you." — Dena Burroughs, The Fume of Sighs; NOTE: special prologue conversation with cast, before show Aug 4th.
• "Twelfth Night" by Wm. Shakespeare; “ROLLICKING GOOD FUN… extra special seeing the show outdoors on a warm summer night… this is by far the most picturesque outdoor amphitheater in Southern California." — Jill Weinlein, On Stage.
• "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" by William Shakespeare; Dream continues to wow audiences as a staple L.A. summertime experience.
* OPENING AUG 17: "The Gin Game" by Donald L. Coburn; use code GIN30 for 30% off single adult tix to the opening performance on 8/17, at box office (number below).
* ABOVE SERIES offers advance tix on other nights.
* "Pay What You Will," Friday's in August, is cash only at box office. Questions, call them: 310-455-3723.
ONGOING, Tuesdays, started Jul 9:
7 pm - "HOLLYWOOD & HIGHLAND’s SUBARU SUMMER JAZZ NIGHTS" at the Hollywood & Highland Center, Hollywood CA
* Use that Red Line subway station and avoid expensive parking.
* Every-Tuesday night live jazz performances are FREE in this five-week series, with a special guest host each week alongside a KJazz DJ.
* Free, or for a $14 donation, get a cheese & fruit plate by Wolfgang Puck Catering plus two drink tickets for wine and beer.
ONGOING, FREE Summer symphony:
"SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities.
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
The 8th annual “CA 101 2019” art event takes place from Oct 4 to 13 on Fisherman’s Wharf in Redondo Beach CA.
* Organizers are now accepting submissions, through August 15, in most mediums (check for each specific medium).
* Inquiries to Sandra Liljenwall, exhibition director, at 310-617-2840 or email sandra@ca101artexhibit.com
ONGOING, through October:
3 & 5 pm "SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERTS AT MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY" first Sundays each month, inside the iconic vaulted dome of the 100-inch Hooker telescope, reachable by paved road, on the summit of Mount Wilson above Pasadena, CA, at an altitude of 5715 feet.
* A wide range of musical adventures, selected by Artistic Director Cécilia Tsan, are presented in thisacoustically remarkable venue during the six-month run.
ONGOING, Jul 10-Aug 26:
PERSHING SQUARE DOWNTOWN STAGE offers free outdoor summer events at 6th & Olive, downtown Los Angeles CA
* Featured each week are:
* For all Pershing Square events, you can bring lawn chairs or blankets; sometimes you can bring a picnic (no glass or alcohol), sometimes you can't, when on-site vendors get a monopoly; see their events schedule.
* SATURDAY CONCERT check-in / security screening is on the corner of 6th & Olive and from the subway, you must hike around the perimeter. Read the summer concert rules on their site before you go.
* SCHEDULES, info, rules, etc, at: www.laparks.org/pershingsquare
* You can conveniently visit the “Square” and nearby downtown L.A. destinations from the Red/Purple Subway's Pershing Square Station, and avoid problematic and pricey parking.
* From both widely-spaced ends of that station and other stations on this and intersecting light rail lines, downtown L.A. offers museums, restaurants, and live music venues / nightlife.
ONGOING, Jul 5-Aug 30:
7 pm-11 pm - "DANCE DTLA" returns for 2019, sponsored by the L.A. The Music Center on Friday nights at the Music Center's architechturally iconic campus in Downtown Los Angeles.
* FREE dancing and free dance lessons, plus food trucks and music, intended for all ages.
* Featured genres and locations:
⊙ July 5: Line Dance & Two Step at The Music Center's Walt Disney Concert Hall (BP Hall)
⊙ Jul 12: Hip Hop at Grand Park Performance Lawn
⊙ Jul 19: Argentine Tango at Grand Park Olive Court
⊙ Jul 26: Disco at Grand Park Event Lawn
⊙ Aug 2: K-pop at Grand Park Performance Lawn
⊙ Aug 9: Salsa at The Music Center Plaza
⊙ Aug 16: Motown/Funk at The Music Center Plaza
⊙ Aug 30: Cumbia at The Music Center Plaza - "Plaza Grand Opening Weekend Celebration"
* No outside alcohol permitted at these events; picnicking not allowed inside Walt Disney Concert Hall. Food and beverages available for purchase at each location.
* Full list of prohibited items in Grand Park at: www.grandparkla.org/faqs
* More at: https://www.musiccenter.org/dancedtla
ONGOING Jun 29-Nov 24, FREE:
11 am-7 pm - "SECOND HOME SERPENTINE PAVILION," aka a giant multicolor art installation tunnel of fabric, at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles
* Grand opening Saturday, June 29; runs through Nov 24.
* The 866-square-foot art installation is by world-renowned architect duo SelgasCano.
* It's spacious inside so you don't feel trapped. Which is important, considering why the tar pits are L.A.'s best paleontological dig site, where prehistoric critteryoos are unearthed after they fell in and, er, got trapped eons ago.
* FREE ADMISSION, and open until 9 pm on Fridays.
* Offered Wednesday through Sunday at 1, 2, 3, & 4 pm. The only way to see the houses is on a tour.
* ADA compliant, vaccinated service animals welcome, but no no pets or emotional support/ therapy/assistance animals are permitted.
* The Homestead Museum provides a unique way to look at Southern California's history from the 1840s, when this land was still part of Mexico, through the 1920s, when Los Angeles came to be known as a major metropolitan city. This six-acre site features the Workman House, a Victorian-era country home constructed around an 1840s adobe; La Casa Nueva, a 1920s Spanish Colonial Revival mansion noted for its architectural crafts; and El Campo Santo one of the oldest private cemeteries in Southern California. Through all of its programs, the museum strives to create advocates for history through the stories of greater Los Angeles.
* Free summer garden tours, previously listed, have ended for the season.
* Info, 626-968-8492 or www.homesteadmuseum.org
* You can go sit on the bank with your guitar, write songs, or just enjoy the bird songs.
* The more adventurous are offered guided experiences or can just "put in" with their own or a rented kayak.
* Yep: for the safely outdoor-savvy, you can just go! In addition to taking to the water, you can hike, fish, birdwatch, critter watch, and see the sights you thought were long gone.
* There ARE rules, starting with going in only at marked entry points; it's illegal and unsafe to just go in anywhere; the current in the concrete inner ditch is deceptively fast and frequently drowns those dumb enough to get in it.
* From Memorial Day through Sep 30, bookings for guided tours are available. Currently, reservations for those guided experiences are being taken through the first week of June, with more dates, through the summer, opening up soon. (Link below.)
* The two major areas of entry for natural surroundings / river adventure can be found at the Sepulveda Basin River and Elysian Valley. See the downloadable simplified maps of each (addresses online) and be sure to download the rules and cautions.
* Thanks to "DoLA" for the pic of kayakers on the L.A. River.
* Get all the info, rules, etc, at:http://lariverrecreation.org/2017/05/19/about-the-los-angeles-river-recreation-zone/
Today is "World Ranger Day" celebrating the role of park and forest rangers in conservation, protecting wildlife, habitats, and visitors, on public lands worldwide.
Locally, an event is scheduled at 1 pm at "Prime Desert Woodland Preserve" west of Lancaster, at 43201 35th St West, Lancaster CA 93536. Come see rabbit, snake, and coyote skins, as well as feathers from the red tail hawk, common raven, and birds of prey found at the preserve. There will be food, games, and free walking tours for families to enjoy. The main presentation is in the Interpretive Center at 1 pm. Free Admission.
Another event is scheduled there Sunday night at 8:30 pm. See listing.
* In OC, at the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano, the festival showcases the richness of Latin American food throughout Orange and San Diego counties as well as the success of Latino-owned vineyards in California and Mexico.
* By purchasing a ticket to AltaMed Food & Wine Festival, you are supporting AltaMed’s mission. It is "to eliminate disparities in health care access and outcomes by providing superior quality health and human services through an integrated world-class delivery system for Latino, multi-ethnic and underserved communities."
Sat, Jul 27:
6:30 pm - GARRISON STARR plays "Seth & Tony's House Concerts" in Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), CA
* Reservations get directions, at: www.sethandtonyshouseconcerts.com
Sat, Jul 27:
7 pm - MARTY AXELROD, an outstanding multi-instrumental musician who always brings very talented musical friends, plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sat, Jul 27, FREE concert:
7 pm - MANDA MOSHER & TOLER GIBSON play "THE RANCH PARTY," the long-running Americana/Country Music show at EB's Bar Stage at The Original Farmers Market, 6333 W 3rd St, Los Angeles CA.
* Tonight is California Country with Toler Gibson opening, followed by Manda Mosher and her band.
* All ages, free. But beware that parking hereabouts is expensive. (Best to park at the Grove, get a validation somewhere there, and walk over.)
Sat, Jul 27:
7 pm - THE KICK STOMP ENSEMBLE bring their "Edgy folk with world and punk influences" to Fiddler's Crossing, 206 East F St, Tehachapi CA 93561; 661-823-9994
Sat, Jul 27:
7:30 pm - CHICAGO plays the Greek Theatre in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
* TIX, https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/09005648DE734CE5
* They also play Jul 24 at Vina Robles Amphitheatre, Paso Robles CA
Sat, Jul 27:
7:30 pm - WOOD & WIRE play the "AMSD Concerts" series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita CA 91902; 619-201-0520
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm - "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" stage musical produced by ENCORE, at the Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W 6th St, San Pedro CA
* See 2 pm.
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm - CHRIS CERNA & BLUEGRASS REPUBLIC plus COLONEL’S STRING BAND play Boulevard Music, 4316 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City CA 90230; 310-398-2583
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm - JAIME WYATT plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm-midnight - GARRET SWAYNE, with MIKE LEVY on drums, plays Pickwicks Pub, 21010 Ventura Bl, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
* No cover show in "a cozy British pub" with a full menu & full bar.
Salty mud eruptions formed this unique mountain on dwarf planet Ceres.
Released this morning by the European Space Agency (ESA) as It's "Space Science Image of the Week."
Mon, Jul 29:
7:30 pm - "THE DROP: MIDLAND" at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl A245 (entrance is around the corner on Figueroa), Los Angeles, CA 90015; 213-765-6800
* GRAMMY-nominated country group Midland received rave reviews for their debut album "On The Rocks," co-written with hitmakers Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne.
* Their debut No. 1 single "Drinkin' Problem," earned the band their first GRAMMY nomination for "Best Country Song" and "Best Country Duo/Group Performance," while the band was named "New Vocal Group of the Year" at the 2018 ACM Awards.
* Ahead of their new album, "Let It Roll," the evening welcomes Midland for an intimate conversation and performance.
* TIX $30, all ages, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-drop-midland-tickets-63702971302
Today is the 400 year anniversary of the founding of Jamestown in what would become the colony, and then the state, of Virginia. (Which is a bit curious, since Jamestown, complete with Pocahontas, Powhatan, and John Smith, dates to its original founding in 1607.)
Jamestown in 1619 is regarded as the founding site of three major things in what would become the United States:
(1) democracy (though only the aristocrats could vote).
(2) slavery, with persons in bondage imported from Africa.
(3) treaties with Native Americans that were quickly broken by the white men who took the land.
Tue, Jul 30:
7 pm - "DAVID HARVEY PRESENTS" makes its monthly return, this time around with the formidable (but unusual for the series, the all-male) lineup of JIMMY YESSIAN (Tall Men Group), CRAIG LINCOLN (Sabrina & Craig), SongNet director JIMI YAMAGISHI, and radio storyteller DYLAN BRODY, at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* No advance reservations for this show. Just get there in time to pay for your ticket, get in, and get a seat.
Wed-Sun, Jul 31-Aug 4, FESTIVAL:
"INTERNATIONAL SURF FESTIVAL" at Manhattan Beach Pier, Hermosa Beach Pier, Redondo Beach Pier, and Torrance Beach, CA
* The world’s premier watermen, water women and volleyball players converge on the three beach cities for five days of competition in the water and on the sand.
* The festival starts with the Charlie Saikley six man volleyball (and costume) tournament at the Manhattan Pier, Fri & Sat. Top teams are stacked with former pro volleyball and basketball players.
* Fri at 7:30 pm, the LA County Lifeguard Championships will be held at Hermosa Beach Pier.
* Sat, the Southern California Lifeguard Championships are held at Hermosa Pier at 7:30 pm.
* Other Saturday events include surfing and body surfing contests at Manhattan Pier, a two-mile soft sand race at Hermosa Pier, and an eight-mile paddleboard race at Torrance Beach.
* Sunday, the 1.5-mile Velzy-Stevens Paddleboard race starts at 7:30 am at Manhattan Pier, followed by the Dwight Crum Two-mile Swim at 9 am at Hermosa pier.
* The open ocean swim -- now an Olympic sport -- attracts over 1,000 swimmers from around the world.
* Full info, www.SurfFestival.org
Wed, Jul 31, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- ANDY & RENEE & HARD RAIN play "A WOODSTOCK REVIVAL" at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Hard Rain, the host and house band for dozens of artists every year at "DYLANFEST," has won awards both for its originals and as a Bob Dylan tribute band; tonight, they will do a set of music from Woodstock.
* This talented ensemble is more than capable. Their 15 CD and two DVD releases have won them countless awards, including: LA Music Awards “Americana Group of the Year,” “Best Duo/Group” for the International Acoustic Music Awards, and many more. Their PBS Concert Special, “Black Box Opens -- Andy & Renee,” filmed at the ATLAS Black Box Theatre at the University of Colorado, Boulder, recently won a Regional Emmy.
* TONIGHT is the band's last local gig before they hit the road for their Aug 6-Sep 9 tour of their new album.
* Check out that new CD, "Fuse 32," at: www.andyandrenee.com
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Jul 31:
6:30 pm - Annual "LIFEGUARD MEDAL OF VALOR DINNER" at Redondo Beach Seaside Lagoon, 200 Portofino Way, Redondo Beach CA
* Los Angeles County Lifeguards are recognized for acts of heroism during this annual dinner, sponsored since 1981 by Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce.
* Info, call Dave Story at 310-619-4291 or email davestory@me.com
* TIX, $20, at www.surffestival.org/valor
Wed, Jul 31:
8 pm - JAMES McMURTRY plays Saint Rocke, 142 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach CA; SaintRocke.com
* SPLENDID feature story, "Songs from the windshield: The roadgoing of James McMurtry," in this week's "Easy Reader News," at: https://easyreadernews.com/songs-from-the-windshield-the-roadgoing-of-james-mcmurtry/
Wed, Jul 31:
8 pm - FREEBO & HIS FABULOUS FRIENDS plus HERB PEDERSON, ROSEMARY BUTLER, ALICE HOWE, and surprise guests, at The Write-Off Room, 21791 Ventura Bl, Woodland Hills CA; venue is in the NE corner of the shopping center; 818-610-8308 for reservations.
* Freebo tells us, "NO COVER, excellent food & drink! This club is the dreamchild of blues guitarist BILL LYNCH, who came into some money and decided to build the music venue of his dreams… intimate, comfortable, great sound, great sightlines, totally musician and audience friendly. I’ve been looking forward to playing The Write-Off Room for quite some time now."
* Freebo adds, "I’m very excited to be presenting my music with world class musicians CHAD WATSON (bass), DAVID GOODSTEIN (drums), FUZZBEE MORSE (guitar & flute), & J.T. THOMAS (keys), as well as having legends HERB PEDERSON & ROSEMARY BUTLER sitting in…. and “Legend-In-The-Making" ALICE HOWE singing some of her beautiful songs backed by the band and me."
* No cover.
If that doesn't sound like a very big number, consider this: all resistance had long ago been neutralized, and there were plenty of trench graves to prove it. Starvation was rampant, and anyone who looked somewhat able-bodied had been hauled away to slave labor camps. Nevertheless, resistance arose, and those ragged, resisting Poles would save the lives of countless Allied troops in the field.
What started August 1st would the largest armed defiance of Nazi occupiers during the entire war. Nothing less than the complete overthrow of the Nazi conquerors -- who had brutally ruled for five years since their 1939 invasion started that global war -- was at stake for Poland. You see, the Poles believed they had no choice but to rise up, and probably die, quickly. They had to do it before the Soviet Red Army arrived in its relentless push, driving the once-invincible Germans back.
But why risk everything, when Allied victories were finally happening?
When the Nazis pulled entire armies off military battlefronts to crush Polish freedom fighters during the Warsaw Uprising, the Germans lessened their forces available to face the Allied armies, thus shortening the war. Even after defeating the Polish insurrection in October, the Nazis took still more away from military battlefronts. In their murderous vengeance, hundreds of thousands of tons of explosive ordnance were diverted, and used to level the entire city of Warsaw -- and to leave 200,000 more Poles dead.
Since Warsaw Pact nations were forbidden by the Soviet Union from participating in the postwar Marshall Plan, Poland was left on its own to rebuild what had been its largest city. Poland did, and the issue of war reparations due from Germany remains alive in modern Poland -- despite the NATO alliance and everything else about a shared European identity.
At 5 pm today, Warsaw time -- the moment the rebellion began 75 years ago, August 1, 1944 -- all of the city came to a halt, and sirens sounded in remembrance.
Aug 1-7, FILM EVENT:
9th annual "GRATEFUL DEAD MEETUP AT THE MOVIES 2019" brings revised special screenings in L.A. Beach Cities, Culver City, Hollywood, Pasadena, Santa Monica, & Sherman Oaks (see bottom of listing).
* Film is PG13; run time 2h 42m.
* One of the greatest shows of their final decade of performing, the "Giants Stadium 6/17/91" film sounds unlike any Dead show ever, as it was one of only two recorded on 48-track. Mixed by Jeffrey Norman in surround sound with video from the multi-camera live edit, it's the first time the Bruce Hornsby and Vince Welnick line-up has ever appeared on the big screen.
* Opening with a shocking "Eyes Of The World," the Dead were firing on all cylinders from the opening notes of the show, mixing beloved classics like "Truckin’" and "Uncle John’s Band" with rarities including "Saint Of Circumstance," "Might As Well," "New Speedway Boogie," and "China Doll."
* The real standout is the recurrence of "Dark Star," weaving in and out of the setlist, making six distinct appearances and teases. The Dead capped-off the night with a perfect song to send the crowd on its way – The Band’s “The Weight.”
* As a special treat, this extraordinary screening will also feature a reveal of the Grateful Dead's 2019 boxed set, featuring the Dead's legacy manager, archivist and producer David Lemieux.
* TIX, all showtimes, all venues, at: https://arclightcinemas.com/movie/grateful-dead-meet-up-2019
Thu, Aug 1:
Fri-Sun, Aug 2-4, elsewhere:
31st annual "FALCON RIDGE FOLK FESTIVAL" returns to Dodd's Farm, 44 County Road 7D, Hillsdale, NY
* Yep, one of America's best... alas, too far away...
* Info & tix: https://falconridgefolk.com/
Tragically, the expectation that the bomb would end World War II proved unfounded. The Japanese continued to fight, even sinking the USS Indianapolis a few days after it delivered the bomb.
A second atomic bomb of a different type, a uranium bomb named "Fat Man," was dropped by the B-29 "Bock's Car" on the city of Nagasaki on August 9th. Finally, the Emperor of Japan, speaking on radio for the first time his voice had ever been heard by the Japanese people, ordered his nation to surrender. Even then, a military coup of high-ranking Japanese officers, seeking to continue a war of national suicide, was narrowly stopped.
So far, the world has averted any more use of nuclear weapons -- which are now thousands of times more destructive than the bombs that converted Hiroshima and Nagasaki into radioactive rubble.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
8:30 am-3 am - HOLLYWOOD MUSICALS -- in an impressive lineup on Turner Classic Movies (TCM) on cable, satellite, and some web packages.
* NOTE that 5 pm-10 pm, three landmark features with AFRICAN-AMERICAN STARS are the centerpiece. For decades, such films were made only for black audiences, and with a 10% share of the population and most of its members impoverished, it's amazing that ANY quality films were made. Tonight, enjoy or record three. Here's the full line-up:
* 8:30 am - "DUCHESS OF IDAHO" (1950) ☆☆ Esther Williams & John Lund.
* 10:30 am - "TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR" (1944) ☆☆☆ June Allyson & Gloria DeHaven. This is the movie "LA LA LAND" wished it could have been, with the talent it wished Hollywood still had.
* 12:45 pm - "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES" (1946) ☆☆☆ Fred Astaire & Judy Garland, with a parade of song-and-dance stars of the time in music and comedy sketches.
* 2:45 pm - "WORDS AND MUSIC" (1948) ☆☆ Tom Drake & Mickey Rooney.
* 5 pm - "STORMY WEATHER" (1943) ☆☆☆ Bill Robinson, Lena Horne, and performances by many of the prominent black artists of the time.
* 6:30 pm - "THE DUKE IS TOPS" (1938) ☆☆ Ralph Cooper & Lena Horne; also released as "The Bronze Venus."
* 8 pm - "CABIN IN THE SKY" (1943) ☆☆☆ Ethel Waters & Eddie Anderson.
* 10 pm - "BROADWAY RHYTHM" (1944) George Murphy & Ginny Simms. Murphy went on to become a conservative Republican US Senator from California, contemporary with "acting" president Ronald Reagan.
* 12:15-3 am - "TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" (1946) ☆☆☆ Judy Garland & Robert Walker with "a constellation of MGM stars" in this biopic of legendary songwriter Jerome Kern.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
10:30 am - "TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR" (1944) ☆☆☆ June Allyson & Gloria DeHaven.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
12:45 pm - "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES" (1946) ☆☆☆ Fred Astaire & Judy Garland, with a parade of song-and-dance stars of the time in music and comedy sketches.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
2:45 pm - "WORDS AND MUSIC" (1948) ☆☆ Tom Drake & Mickey Rooney.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
5 pm - "STORMY WEATHER" (1943) ☆☆☆ Bill Robinson, Lena Horne, and performances by many of the prominent black artists of the time.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6:
6 pm - "ESPLANADE NIGHT OUT" in conjunction with "National Night Out," at the south end of the Esplanade by Miramar Park, 201 Paseo De La Playa, Redondo Beach CA
* Music by by LAURA HUNTER, and more.
* Meet the folks who actually keep the Esplanade beautiful.
* The theme of these "National Nights" is to get acquainted with the local cops. The Redondo Beach Police Department will pay a visit during the evening, and entertainment is provided.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
6:30 pm - "THE DUKE IS TOPS" (1938) ☆☆ Ralph Cooper & Lena Horne; also released as "The Bronze Venus."
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Sat, Aug 10:
7:30 pm - PHIL SALAZAR & THE KINFOLK bring their splendid trad roots string music to the Santa Paula Theater Center, 125 S 7th St, Santa Paula CA 93060
Sat, Aug 10:
7:30 pm - ROY ZIMMERMAN performs his new one-man sociopolitical musical comedy, "RiZe Up," at the Folk Music Center & Museum, 220 Yale Av, Claremont, CA
* TIX, $20
* This return swing of his current national tour has Ray performing in various Southern Cal venues; see listings for Aug 9, 7:30 pm; Aug 10, 7:30 pm; Aug 11, 5 pm; and Aug 16, 8 pm.
Sun, Aug 11:
3 pm - JIM & ANN CURRY present "THE SONGS OF JOHN DENVER" in a matinee at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
* Don't dawdle. Jim's splendid shows here ALWAYS sell-out promptly.
Sun, Aug 11:
3 pm - NATALIE GELMAN and CLAIRE HOLLEY play "The Cellar Sessions" at Old Oak Cellars Winery in Pasadena CA; www.inwineinc.com/cellar-sessions
Fifty years ago today, "Three days of peace and music" began on Max Yasgur's farm outside the tiny town of Bethel, New York. It would bear the name of the town fifty miles away that had first welcomed, and then prohibited it or any festival or gathering of more than 5,000 people. More than 400,000 -- and perhaps closer to half-a-million -- would attend Woodstock, which ran parts of four days, August 15-18.
In an age before an internet or social media or mobile phones to get the word out about anything, there was person-to-person excitement on par with the Yukon gold rush.
Immediately, Woodstock was about more than the music. It brought the counter-culture a realization of itself as an energized, youth-driven sociopolitical community for change. The Women's Rights, Gay Rights, Environmental, anti-pesticide, anti-plastic, anti-corporate, pro-marijuana-legalization, and other key movements galvanized into forces with the longevity to bring change that is still occuring into our time.
Almost right away in its own time, the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements became unstoppable -- even as the tragic and turbulent '60s concluded. Nixon would fall; yet in the establishment backlash, the glorification of greed and Reagan would rise; the fight to stop corporate hegemony and its message management would come to collide with industrially-driven climate change; the primacy of Wall Street banksters and an insidious warconomy would continue to deny humanity's basic needs; and in a post-Warren Report world, we would find ourselves in a time when every message seems exploitive and must be suspect.
Still, we are better equipped to face all the existential challenges, chaos, turmoil, cynicism, and manipulators of our time because, 50 years ago, we learned the Woodstock "fish cheer" ("Gimme an F") from Country Joe & the Fish; Jimi Hendrix combined the pomp and presence of the National Anthem into a revolutionary and instantly iconic guitar solo that still confronts the listener with the interwoven sounds of missiles, falling bombs, and chaotic combat in the name of the nation; Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young advocated a more ethical philosophical underpinning for teaching our society's children; and Joni Mitchell offered the realization that each and every one of us, however humble or deprived, is stardust, and can shine untarnished, like gold.
If any past time seems simpler than ours today, it wasn't. The '60s, with its backyard-bomb-shelters; ever-vigilant and ever-airborne nuclear bombers; prototype war masquerading as defending freedom but actually for economic domination of other people's resources; and pantheon of assassinated visionaries; all attest to that. Fifty years later, those three days of peace and music -- mud and all, in a magical moment called Woodstock -- remains a state of mind as hallowed and legendary as any Camelot or Xanadu. It continues to empower us all to speak truth to power, and to call BS to those determined to con us. It continues to inspire the dream, yeah, of attending the ultimate music festival -- and much more, of living in a better world.
Aug 30-Sep 1, FESTIVAL in Nor Cal:
Annual "PLUMAS HOMEGROWN AMERICANA FESTIVAL" at the Plumas County Fairgrounds, 204 Fairground Rd, Quincy CA 95971
* It's a spectrum of AMERICANA MUSIC, from bluegrass and cowboy to blues and folk, for a music-packed Labor Day weekend.
* Featured artists include:
* Friday's acts include Now & Then, Sparky & the Ancient Mariner, Short People, Zinger Phillips Band, and Peter Rowan.
* Saturday brings Cowboy Poet Tony Argento, Sparky & the Ancient Mariner, Wildcat Mountain Ramblers, CW Bayer & Dr. Spitmore, Sourdough Slim, Johnny Walker, Short People, North County Blue, and Wendy Burch Steel & Redwood.
* Sunday's closing-day acts are The Wildcat Mountain Ramblers, Lilah Washburn & The Quincy Pickers, Cowboy Poet Tony Argento, CW Bayer & Dr. Spitmore, North Country Blue, Wildcat Mountain Ramblers, and The Newport Nightingales.
* There's also SQUARE DANCING with top notch callers, wrapped-up with a BBQ.* If you go, catch the 4:30 pm Aug 31 set by SOURDOUGH SLIM, with ROBERT ARMSTRONG
* Festival info, www.plumasamericana.com
Sun, Sep 8:
7:30 pm - PACIFIC SYMPHONY – HAIL TO THE HEROES, with guest LEE GREENWOOD, at Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626
* It's a program of patriotic anthems both traditional, including Souza, and contemporary, like the Reagan-era Greenwood song, "God Bless the USA," aimed at honoring those who have done military service (including in one of America's endless wars for the control of oil).
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/pacific-symphony-hail-to-the-heroes/
Sun, Sep 8:
8 pm - MINDY SMITH plays her 2nd of two nights in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Sep 15:
7 pm - LEE CAMP, creator & host of "REDACTED TONIGHT" plays two Southern Cal shows:
* Tonight in Ventura, at the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, 1559 Spinnaker Dr, Ste 205, Ventura CA 93001. Special guest GRAHAM ELWOOD. Show is 18+.
* He's also in Los Angeles, Sep 13, 8 pm. See that listing for our write-up on why you really want to see him.
* TIX will go quickly. Grab 'em while you can (for either show) at: https://leecamp.com/schedule/?mc_cid=d0b7fc70f2&mc_eid=6d00b36e5a
Wed-Sun, Sep 18-22, coolness elsewhere:
48th annual "WALNUT VALLEY FESTIVAL" with its bunches of national championship competitions for trad acoustic stringed instrument players, in Winfield, KS
* Info, https://www.wvfest.com/
Sat, Sep 21, FESTIVAL:
9 am-6 pm - 25th annual "HARVEST FESTIVAL OF DULCIMERS" presented by Southern California Dulcimer Heritage at its new site in Redondo Beach, at Riviera United Methodist Church, 375 Palos Verdes Blvd., Redondo Beach, CA 90277
* EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION discounts if postmarked by Aug 1.
* This music festival is NOT JUST FOR DULCIMERS -- read on.
* CONCERTS FEATURING much-requested master artists MARK ALAN WADE on Hammered Dulcimer and DAVE HAAS on Mountain Dulcimer
• FULL SCHEDULE features 27 workshops, with a FREE last hour of 8 workshops and/or activities to choose from.
* Workshops 9am - 3:30 pm / lunch - 11:45/ 12:30 pm-SCDH 25th / Reception 3:30 pm/ Concert - 4-6 pm
- Autoharp
- Bodhran (Irish Drum)
- Bowed Psaltery
- Drums & Native Flutes
- Go Outside the Melody
- Harmonica
- Shape-Note Singing
- Sing-Along
- Storytelling
- Ukulele
• WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS/ INSTRUCTORS - meet your teachers and read their plans for you
• All Day JAMMING + workshop on how to jam; drum & native flute circle; community jam
• Super CONCERT for FEE- with Dave Haas and Mark Alan Wade
• Lunch on site for purchase.
• $5 daytime entrance fee if not registering for workshops.
1) 3 INSTRUMENTS- 2 new/ 1 vintage (You don’t need to be present for the instrument drawings)
2) OPPORTUNITY DRAWINGS on what YOU BRING TO DONATE -- music related or gently-used items
• The "infamous paper bag drawings" -- Each attendee is encouraged to bring "something suitable."
• CONSIGNMENT BOOTH - Re-sell your unwanted music gear or donate to SCDH to sell - or get some great bargains
• DISCOVERY BOOTH - try-out some instruments
• VENDORS - Artists’ Products, Banjo-mers, SCDH Booth, WAYback When Creations
* FOCUS WORKSHOPS are on Sunday, Sep 22, following Saturday's main festival:
• MARK ALAN WADE - 10 am-2 pm - Hammered Dulcimer & Mixed Instruments - “Learn a Swedish Polska and Irish Tunes for Mixed Ensembles” (at a private home in Fullerton)
• DAVE HAAS - 11 am-3 pm - Mountain Dulcimer - “Fancy It Up! and The Music of Turlough O'Carolan” (at a private home in Long Beach).
• All fees go to instructors. Pre-registration required.
* New site has lots of parking and activity space.
* VOLUNTEER to HELP: Contact Bobbi at arnmiraadler@sbcglobal.net
* You can register in advance to speed-up your check-in and get you to your workshops on time.
* LODGING & TOURIST INFO: the festival days, "one option - Best Western Plus Redondo Beach Inn."
* Festival contact: dulcimer@scdh.org
* ADVANCE TIX & more details:
Sat, Sep 21:
7 pm - CHRIS HILLMAN & HERB PEDERSEN, true legends of folk-rock from the '60s and ever since, play the Smothers Theatre at the Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts, at Pepperdine University, 24255 PCH, Malibu CA 90265; 310-506-4522
Sat, Sep 21:
7 pm - ELIZA GILKYSON plays the "Stardust House Concerts" in North Hills CA (SFV); www.stardustconcerts.com
* Doors at 6:15 pm for potluck drinks and sides.
* Reservations get directions at: stardustconcerts@gmail.com
* $25 at the door w/reservation, $30 No reservation, all receipts go the artist.
Sat, Sep 21:
7:30 pm - SMITH, STEPHAN & HOFFMAN play the Wooden Hall Concerts series at Alhecama Theatre, 914 Santa Barbara St, Santa Barbara CA 93101
Sat, Sep 21:
7:30 pm - THE DAVID BROMBERG QUINTET plays the AMSD Concerts series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902; 619-201-0520
Sat, Sep 21:
7:30 pm - BERKLEY HART, many time winner as San Diego's best vocal duo, plays the O'Connell House Concert series in
San Diego CA
* Reservations get directions at: oconpb@sbcglobal.net
Sat, Sep 21, FREE concert:
7:30 pm - "PERLA BATALLA IN THE HOUSE OF COHEN" is "A Visions and Voices Signature Event" in Bovard Auditorium on the USC main campus in University Park, 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Thu, Aug 15, 9 am) at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30275511558180
* Performed on the late Leonard Cohen’s birthday, multiple award-winning singer Perla Batalla pays tribute to her friend and mentor with selected songs and personal anecdotes.
* Since his former back-up singer launched her solo career with Cohen’s encouragement, Perla Batalla has consistently earned critical acclaim for her unique voice and culture-merging compositions.
* The GRAMMY-nominated singer-songwriter’s mission of honoring her roots and exposing young audiences to the beauty of music and the Spanish language has earned her the "United Nations’ Earth Charter Award" for “extraordinary devotion to social and economic justice” and the "Premio Fronterizo Award" for “healing work in the world.”
* “Onstage, offstage, digital or analog, I love Perla Batalla.” — Leonard Cohen.
* Batalla’s first CD of Cohen covers, "Bird on the Wire," was produced with his blessing. He attended the recording session, weighed-in on the selections and arrangements, and uncharacteristically participated in a photo session at his Los Angeles home to promote the project.
* Cohen’s passing in November 2016 reaffirmed Batalla’s mission of sharing his lesser-known songs with a younger audience and demonstrating the lighter side of the “Godfather of Gloom.”
* In this conceet, she reveals the timelessness of Cohen’s art and shares her deep respect and love for his music, his poetry, and, most of all, the man, her dear friend.
* Act promptly on Aug 15 when the free tix become available, because this will be gone in a flash.
Sat, Sep 21, world music:
8 pm - NEVENKA, an Eastern European world-music women's vocal ensemble that has for years been highly acclaimed, plays the "Pasadena Folk Music Society" concert series in Ramo Auditorium on the Caltech campus in Pasadena CA 91106
* Park free (ignore the "reserved" signs at night) in either lot at the south end of Michigan Av, off Del Mar.
Sat, Sep 21:
8 pm - ANDY RAU plays the Fret House, 309 N Citrus Av, Covina CA 91723; 626-339-7020
Sat, Sep 21:
8 pm - JAKE LA BOTZ plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Thu, Sep 26, FREE event:
7 pm - "SELL/BUY/DATE: A PERFORMANCE BY SARAH JONES" in the Bing Theatre (BIT), 3500 Watt Way, on the USC main campus in University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Thu, Aug 29, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30281785859276
* Tony and Obie Award–winning playwright and performer Sarah Jones portrays a dazzling medley of characters inspired by the real-life experiences of people affected by the sex industry. Brimming with Jones’s masterful, multicultural characterizations, this exuberant show presents an honest, moving, and humorous look at a complex and fascinating subject—all while preserving the full humanity of voices seldom heard in the theatre.
* The acclaimed show will be followed by a discussion with Jones and Q&A with the audience.
Fri-Sun, Sep 27-29, FESTIVAL:
11 am-10:30 pm - "HUCK FINN JUBILEE" a legendary BLUEGRASS-and-more festival that took a hiatus, returns to Cucamonga Guasti Regional Park, 800 N Archibald Av, Ontario CA 91764
* Featured headliners include:
⊙ Steep Canyon Rangers
⊙ Railroad Earth
⊙ California Honeydrops
⊙ Dustbowl Revival
⊙ The Get Down Boys
⊙ and more
* Runs all 3 days, 11 am-10:30 pm.
Fri, Sep 27:
7 pm - THE LISA SANDERS BAND, a singer-songwriter duo, plays Fiddler's Crossing, 206 East F St, Tehachapi CA 93561; 661-823-9994
Sep 28, environmental activism:
GET TIX NOW, inaugural season opens Sep 13:
P3 THEATRE COMPANY debuts this year in its home venue, the Ernest Borgnine Theatre, in Long Beach, CA
* The venue is that city's premier medium-sized theatre, constructed in Renaissance style and housed within the Long Beach Scottish Rite Event Center. Its décor is both timeless and elegant, and there's plenty of onsite parking.
* Season One 2019/2020 will feature:
■ "Evita" - September 13-29, 2019
■ "Steel Magnolias" - November 8-17, 2019
■ "Sordid Lives" - February 7-16, 2020
■ "Gypsy" - March 27-Apri 12, 2020
■ "A Chorus Line" - June 5-21, 2020
* Through Monday, July 8th, get a 25% discount off "EVITA" tickets, using discount code P3REDWHITEBLUE
* Ongoing, receive a 25% "Build Your Own Season" subscription discount on all 5 shows. Also, short-term offers for specific show discounts come and go at their website.
* TIX, details, and special offers, at: https://www.p3theatre.biz/
Series runs Sun, Oct 6, 2019, through Sun, Jun 6, 2020.
"LE SALON DE MUSIQUES: MASTERS REDISCOVERED" is the series' just-announced 10th anniversary season of nine concerts, all at the Los Angeles Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Fifth Floor, 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles, CA 90012; Self parking at the Music Center Garage on Grand Avenue.
* "Le Salon de Musiques" is a chamber music series performed in an intimate space without any stage or separation between the audience and the artists. It allows you to feel the purity and quintessence of the music associated with the vibrations of each instrument and the connection to each artist.
* A "Tresor de France Champagne" reception with a high tea buffet catered by Patina follows the performance and the Q & A between the artists and the audience.
* TENTH ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM, 2019-2020, introduced by musicologists Dr. Kristi BROWN-MONTESANO & Julius REDER CARLSON.
* Season "GRAND OPENING" - CONCERT ONE: Sun, Oct 6, 4 pm:
- W. MOZART: "Divertimento" in D Major for String Quartet
- G. HAENDEL: Sonata in G minor Op 2 for two violins & piano - J. HAYDN: String Quartet No.5 Op 64 in D Major "The Lark"
- L. BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op 37 (Arranged for String Quintet)
- Featured artists: Jessica GUIDERI & Aubree OLIVERSON, Violins; Rob BROPHY, Viola, Yoshika MASUDA, Cello; Peter LLOYD, Bass; Vijay VENKATESH, Piano.
* TIX for individual dates are available following season tix sales. The nine-concert season runs through Sunday, June 7, sponsored by Steinway & Sons, The French & German Consulates of Los Angeles, Champagne "Tresor de France," Performing Arts Live, and Eufloria. Buy the season now at the early bird price, saving 20%: $684 for all nine concerrs, instead of the regular full-season price of $855. Season tix get other perqs. Info and tix purchase at: 310-498 0257.
Relocated here on August 1 -- unabridged -- the following was a stand-alone special edition for Tuesday, July 30, 2019, titled, "A Debate Primer: Spin, Agendas, & Who Decides Which Ones Get (What Kind of) Attention. Special edition, July 30, 2019."
As we said at the time: "THIS is a special, single-feature news edition. After Thursday, August 1st, this will be added to the bottom of the latest events edition, preserving the entire content but making this separate edition go away."
Tonight, the first half of twenty Democratic Party contenders for the 2020 nomination for President will take the stage in Detroit. Tomorrow, the other ten get their shot.
This time around, CNN is the host. But many reading this are planning to switch-over to MSNBC for the post-debate analysis. Before you do that, read this.
A new report from the media watch group Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) graphically documented that MSNBC’s bias against Bernie Sanders is so pronounced that it seems to undermine the channel’s ability to do basic math when Sanders and polls are discussed.
Flurries of stat swipes on looming large screens seem designed to impress the screaming apes like the monolith in "2001: A Space Odyssey." Meanwhile, the big bells-and-whistles presence replaces mathematical relevancy and veracity. MSNBC's penchant for stacked-deck gerrymandering of stats and audience responses produces numbers that could "prove" anything. In one key result, Bernie Sanders goes from second to “fourth” place.
The old adage holds that statistics don't lie, statisticians do. But unless you know how the stats are gathered, shucked, husked, carved and cooked, you can't even believe that.
And it looks to be a full-court press. Statistical "numbers" propel "analysis" to produce "conclusions" that are little more than assertive bloviations, followed by self-congratulatory asides by the same talking heads who smugly assured us Hillary would win.
Consistently, MSNBC's on-air analysts make flippant remarks or go to obfuscating extremes to counteract any numbers favorable to Sanders. No, we are not talking about Fox News. We said MSNBC. While you would expect THAT network to have planeloads of progressive analysts ready to jump in saying, "Hey, wait a minute," and to counteract errors that are subtly slipped-in or even excessively harangued, that does not happen.
MSNBC has intentionally cultivated the largest viewership of "progressives" and "liberals" and it is betraying one group and deluding the other. They fail even to examine the fact that those two groups are NOT the same, content that most of both factions are registered as Democrats and can be, not served, but co-opted, as such. That's demonstrated daily on-air, as Comcast-owned MSNBC, with its bevy of pundits and hosts inclusive of disaffected, Trump-opposing Republicans, exhibits a clear bias against, and penchant for ridicule of, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.
Segment after segment features contributors and pundits who are clearly allied with establishment, corporate Democrats — who, as (a) friends of the corporatocracy, (b) advocates for retaining a for-profit health care system, and (c) supporters of evermore blood money for weapons manufacturers of the warconomy — are indistinguishable from old-line Republican supporters of the exact same things.
Snide remarks and asides about "fantasyland leftists" damaging "a consensus nominee," and how "they need to get on board with a moderate who can win" come awfully close to endorsing corporate protecter Joe Biden.
Openly flippant ridicule of true progressives is frequent, including that of an MSNBC legal analyst who recently proclaimed that “Bernie Sanders makes my skin crawl!” -- though she couldn’t and didn’t explain why, and somehow that Fox-esque moment went out without the host calling her to account. The viewer was left, therefore, to supposed it should be regarded not as slander, but as news. That moment was especially outrageous, but it is consistent with the pattern.
And with "so many candidates" and "the need to be fair," it becomes a simple matter to let the verbal bombs fall in an air raid as targeted by somebody's bomb sight, then quickly and nebulously move on to some other candidate distractively talking about something entirely different. The impression has already been made and it must be true because it was left unchallenged.
RootsAction, who is currently making some of these same points, says:
"MSNBC and other mainstream outlets readily acknowledge the divide among Democrats between the establishment and progressive wings of the party. But MSNBC gives continuous voice to one side of that divide and rarely features contributors or analysts who support the party’s progressive side — represented by such leaders as Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
A July 25th commentary by former MNSBC host Krystal Ball persuasively criticized her ex-employer for hurting Democratic chances against Trump by devoting months and months of coverage to “pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' for ratings” while marginalizing “stories that a broad swath of people might actually care about -- healthcare, wages, the teachers movement, whether we’re going to war with Iran.” Watch the clip, six epic minutes, at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XuYO7OIYB2c
If reading thst last paragraph or experiencing the video sounds like an echo, indeed you have heard it before. Many times, in fact, from "Young Turks" anchor / ex-MSNBC host Cenk Uygur. And you heard earlier manifestations of the same thing from the late distinguished newsman Ed Schultz after he left MSNBC to host the US evening news broadcast on RT America.
Often, it's as simple as subtle nuances. When Republicans do it, Democrats call it "dog whistles." But It's been going unnoticed when corporate establishment Dems and their corporate media allies do it, and they're doing it all the time. Back in April, journalist Jeff Cohen wrote, "Word choice is revealing," as when one considers "an indisputable fact: U.S. oligarchs have done far more to undermine U.S. democracy than any Russian ever could."
Yet where does Big Media turn all their spotlights, relegating all else to shadows, if not darkness? Their paradigm -- updated with lots of fancy digital graphics -- is an old one. It used to be called K.I.S.S. -- Keep It Simple, Stupid (or stupidly simple), combined with If It Bleeds, It Leads, and, If There Are Salacious and Titilating Dimensions, Go With Those.
Oh, and above all, remember which side your bread is buttered on. You really can't expect the news division of Gobble-Everything-Global to report any news that might hurt sales of all their other divisions, can you? Yet mega-mergers continue, unabated. The public interest be damned, and truth becomes truthiness, and spin masters who can cultivate unearned trust get cable shows and are paid millions. Because they know what side of the bread gets the butter. Or the caviar.
All of it, when you pause to comprehend it, has already become a critical point in this earliest-ever campaign. It is actively determining how perceptions are formed to propel the supposed "people's choice" for the "front-runner" -- and how any given cable division of the corporatocracy makes its viewers feel they are backing a winner. Cult-of-personality talking-heads voice carefully crafted "casual" comments and emphatically voice "facts" that "you won't hear anywhere else!" to drive all-important polls that determine who can attract enough campaign cash to continue to beg for attention for their message.
In fact, already at this ridiculously early date, it's gotten so bad that RootsAction.org has a new online petition to "Tell MSNBC management to balance its coverage by adding unapologetic progressives to its panels."
Take a look at the petition at: https://act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=13732
Who is "RootsAction"-? It's an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.
Whether or not you are inclined to sign the petition at the link, you can check out and share some background articles from us and from them:
¤ John Broich, Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University, The Conversation, July 30, 2019: "The difference between ‘left’ and ‘liberal’ – and why voters need to know."
¤ Katie Halper, FAIR, July 26, 2019: “MSNBC’s Anti-Sanders Bias Makes It Forget How to Do Math.” https://fair.org/home/msnbcs-anti-sanders-bias-makes-it-forget-how-to-do-math/
¤ Maxwell Tani, Daily Beast, July 26, 2019: “Ex-Host Krystal Ball: MSNBC’s Russia ‘Conspiracies’ Have Done ‘Immeasurable Harm’ to the Left.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/ex-msnbc-host-krystal-ball-msnbcs-russia-conspiracies-have-done-immeasurable-harm-to-the-left
¤ (a prescient early piece) Jeff Cohen, Common Dreams, Jan 14, 2019: “Corporate Media Bias on 2020 Democratic Race Already in High Gear.” https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/01/14/corporate-media-bias-2020-democratic-race-already-high-gear
¤ Jeff Cohen, Common Dreams, April 10, 2019: “Do U.S. Oligarchs Exist? Not in Mainstream Media.” https://www.commondreams.org/views/2018/04/10/do-us-oligarchs-exist-not-mainstream-media
If we've influenced how you listen or what you see, from candidates moderators, pundits and analysts, we make no apology. It's not supposed to be about passing the popcorn, playing buzzword bingo, and rating "gotcha" moments.
7 pm - "HOLLYWOOD & HIGHLAND’s SUBARU SUMMER JAZZ NIGHTS" at the Hollywood & Highland Center, Hollywood CA
* Use that Red Line subway station and avoid expensive parking.
* Every-Tuesday night live jazz performances are FREE in this five-week series, with a special guest host each week alongside a KJazz DJ.
* Free, or for a $14 donation, get a cheese & fruit plate by Wolfgang Puck Catering plus two drink tickets for wine and beer.
ONGOING, FREE Summer symphony:
"SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities.
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
ONGOING, FREE summer concert series:
19th annual "MARINA DEL REY SUMMER CONCERTS" series in Burton Chace Park, 13650 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey CA 90292
* Enjoy a serene sunset by the water & brilliant music under the stars ... for free.
* Entry is first-come, first-served until venue capacity is reached. Early arrival is recommended.
* Bring a low-back lawn/beach chair or blanket. No tents or umbrellas during the show.
* 2019 Schedule:
• Thu, Jul 11 – MDR Symphony | Puccini's La Bohème & Chaney's The Phantom of the Opera
• Sat, Jul 20 – Rickie Lee Jones | Rock
• Thu, Jul 25 – MDR Symphony | Sights, Sounds & Dance in America
• Sat, Aug 3 – Jon Batiste | Jazz
• Thu, Aug 8 – Kronos Quartet | Contemporary Classical
• Sat, Aug 17 – Leela James | R&B
• Thu, Aug 22 – MDR Symphony | Kiss Me, Kate (staged)
• Sat, Aug 24 – MDR Symphony | Kiss Me, Kate (staged)
• Sat, Aug 31 – Jenny & The Mexicats | Latin
* FULL INFO, http://beaches.lacounty.gov/concerts/
ONGOING, FREE concert series:
2 pm-4 pm - "DEL AMO SUMMER OF MUSIC" is a 2nd-Saturdays summer music series featuring "diverse music styles by artists from Greater Los Angeles," at Del Amo Mall Fashion Center, 3525 W Carson St, Torrance CA
* Info, www.simon.com/mall/del-amo-fashion-center
19th annual "MARINA DEL REY SUMMER CONCERTS" series in Burton Chace Park, 13650 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey CA 90292
* Enjoy a serene sunset by the water & brilliant music under the stars ... for free.
* Entry is first-come, first-served until venue capacity is reached. Early arrival is recommended.
* Bring a low-back lawn/beach chair or blanket. No tents or umbrellas during the show.
* 2019 Schedule:
• Thu, Jul 11 – MDR Symphony | Puccini's La Bohème & Chaney's The Phantom of the Opera
• Sat, Jul 20 – Rickie Lee Jones | Rock
• Thu, Jul 25 – MDR Symphony | Sights, Sounds & Dance in America
• Sat, Aug 3 – Jon Batiste | Jazz
• Thu, Aug 8 – Kronos Quartet | Contemporary Classical
• Sat, Aug 17 – Leela James | R&B
• Thu, Aug 22 – MDR Symphony | Kiss Me, Kate (staged)
• Sat, Aug 24 – MDR Symphony | Kiss Me, Kate (staged)
• Sat, Aug 31 – Jenny & The Mexicats | Latin
* FULL INFO, http://beaches.lacounty.gov/concerts/
ONGOING, FREE concert series:
2 pm-4 pm - "DEL AMO SUMMER OF MUSIC" is a 2nd-Saturdays summer music series featuring "diverse music styles by artists from Greater Los Angeles," at Del Amo Mall Fashion Center, 3525 W Carson St, Torrance CA
* Info, www.simon.com/mall/del-amo-fashion-center
The 8th annual “CA 101 2019” art event takes place from Oct 4 to 13 on Fisherman’s Wharf in Redondo Beach CA.
* Organizers are now accepting submissions, through August 15, in most mediums (check for each specific medium).
* Inquiries to Sandra Liljenwall, exhibition director, at 310-617-2840 or email sandra@ca101artexhibit.com
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Concerts in the Observatory dome. Photo: NBC Los Angeles |
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3 & 5 pm "SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERTS AT MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY" first Sundays each month, inside the iconic vaulted dome of the 100-inch Hooker telescope, reachable by paved road, on the summit of Mount Wilson above Pasadena, CA, at an altitude of 5715 feet.
* A wide range of musical adventures, selected by Artistic Director Cécilia Tsan, are presented in thisacoustically remarkable venue during the six-month run.
* Series opened May 5 with a Hot Club de France-inspired tribute to guitarist Django Reinhardt and violinist Stéphane Grappelli, with hot gypsy jazz performed by violinist Ben Powell and guitarist Roch Lockyer with Brian Netzley on bass.
* Concert-goers can view an exhibition of rare scientific artifacts, drawings, and illustrations from the Observatory’s collection.
* All proceeds from the concerts support the Mt. Wilson Institute in its mission to preserve, protect, and promote the Observatory and the science accomplished there.
* Access to the dome performances is via a 53-step staircase. There is no ADA-compliant access.
* Two performances: 3 pm and 5 pm, includes a reception with the musicians at 4 pm.
* Seating inside the historic dome is limited.
* Tix, $50 for each show, advance purchase required.
* Tix & info on the series at https://www.mtwilson.edu/concerts
* See the addt'l NECESSARY INFO for going to Mt. Wilson -- whether or not you are attending the concerts -- in our listing for the "MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY GUIDED TOURS."
ONGOING, weekends through Nov 29:
11:30 am & 1 pm - "MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY GUIDED TOURS" are two-hour guided tours Sat & Sun, Mar 30-Nov 29, of the famous astronomical observatory on the summit of Mount Wilson above Pasadena, CA, reachable by paved road, at an altitude of 5715 feet.
* Ticket purchase required for TOURS. Included are admission to the telescope floor directly beneath the 100-inch telescope; the 60-inch telescope dome; and the 150-ft-high solar telescope tower (unless the solar astronomer is unavailable).
* FREE OF CHARGE, visitors can view the historic Hooker 100-inch telescope through the glass from the Visitors’ Gallery inside the dome, go in the small Astronomical Museum on the observatory grounds, sed the CHARA Interferometry Exhibit, and enjoy great hiking.
* The grounds of the legendary observatory, founded in 1904 by astrophysical pioneer George Ellery Hale, are open free to the public year-round; info in link at bottom.
* DOWNLOAD the printable tour brochure pdf at: https://www.mtwilson.edu/old/vis/selfguide.pdf
* PARKING COSTS: A U.S. Forest Service "Adventure Pass" applies to the entire Angeles Nat'l Forest; it's $5 a day or $30 a year; the one-day version is available on-site at the Cosmic Cafe.
* Cosmic Café sandwich shop above the main parking lot has fresh-made sandwiches, other treats, souvenirs, free Wi-Fi, and parking passes; open only on Saturdays and Sundays.
* You can also see just how close the Station Fire came to consuming the observatory -- literally within ten feet.
* Warning: Some features on newer vehicles may not work properly due to the high radio frequency interference near the broadcast towers. Common problems include non-functioning locks, alarms, and keyless ignitions. The observatory staff says, "Consult your owner’s manual for an override procedure before you have a problem."
* Also see the Guide's listing for the ongoing events listing for the "SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERTS AT MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY."
* Tour tix are $15 adults, $13 ages 12 and under & 62 and older; children under age 6 are not permitted. Tours involve about a mile of walking and climbing some stairs.
* Tour tickets are available for same-day purchase at the Cosmic Café, and rarely sell out. Or buy in advance online.
* TIX and full info for the guided tours, at: https://www.mtwilson.edu/visiting/
* Concert-goers can view an exhibition of rare scientific artifacts, drawings, and illustrations from the Observatory’s collection.
* All proceeds from the concerts support the Mt. Wilson Institute in its mission to preserve, protect, and promote the Observatory and the science accomplished there.
* Access to the dome performances is via a 53-step staircase. There is no ADA-compliant access.
* Two performances: 3 pm and 5 pm, includes a reception with the musicians at 4 pm.
* Seating inside the historic dome is limited.
* Tix, $50 for each show, advance purchase required.
* Tix & info on the series at https://www.mtwilson.edu/concerts
* See the addt'l NECESSARY INFO for going to Mt. Wilson -- whether or not you are attending the concerts -- in our listing for the "MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY GUIDED TOURS."
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Image: LA Times |
11:30 am & 1 pm - "MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY GUIDED TOURS" are two-hour guided tours Sat & Sun, Mar 30-Nov 29, of the famous astronomical observatory on the summit of Mount Wilson above Pasadena, CA, reachable by paved road, at an altitude of 5715 feet.
* Ticket purchase required for TOURS. Included are admission to the telescope floor directly beneath the 100-inch telescope; the 60-inch telescope dome; and the 150-ft-high solar telescope tower (unless the solar astronomer is unavailable).
* FREE OF CHARGE, visitors can view the historic Hooker 100-inch telescope through the glass from the Visitors’ Gallery inside the dome, go in the small Astronomical Museum on the observatory grounds, sed the CHARA Interferometry Exhibit, and enjoy great hiking.
* The grounds of the legendary observatory, founded in 1904 by astrophysical pioneer George Ellery Hale, are open free to the public year-round; info in link at bottom.
* DOWNLOAD the printable tour brochure pdf at: https://www.mtwilson.edu/old/vis/selfguide.pdf
* PARKING COSTS: A U.S. Forest Service "Adventure Pass" applies to the entire Angeles Nat'l Forest; it's $5 a day or $30 a year; the one-day version is available on-site at the Cosmic Cafe.
* Cosmic Café sandwich shop above the main parking lot has fresh-made sandwiches, other treats, souvenirs, free Wi-Fi, and parking passes; open only on Saturdays and Sundays.
* You can also see just how close the Station Fire came to consuming the observatory -- literally within ten feet.
* Warning: Some features on newer vehicles may not work properly due to the high radio frequency interference near the broadcast towers. Common problems include non-functioning locks, alarms, and keyless ignitions. The observatory staff says, "Consult your owner’s manual for an override procedure before you have a problem."
* Also see the Guide's listing for the ongoing events listing for the "SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERTS AT MT. WILSON OBSERVATORY."
* Tour tix are $15 adults, $13 ages 12 and under & 62 and older; children under age 6 are not permitted. Tours involve about a mile of walking and climbing some stairs.
* Tour tickets are available for same-day purchase at the Cosmic Café, and rarely sell out. Or buy in advance online.
* TIX and full info for the guided tours, at: https://www.mtwilson.edu/visiting/
ONGOING, FREE, monthly:
2 pm-9:45 pm - "STAR PARTY AT GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY" is a free monthly public event with the assistance of volunteers from the Los Angeles Astronomical Society, the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers, and The Planetary Society. The all-ages events are a chance for the whole family to look at the Sun, Moon, visible planets and other objects, to try out a variety of telescopes, and to talk to knowledgeable amateur astronomers about the sky and their equipment.
* 2019 dates: Jul 13, Aug 10, Sep 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7.
* Full info:http://www.griffithobservatory.org/programs/publictelescopes.html
ONGOING, FREE: Jun 18-Aug 24:
11 am-5 pm - “GENERATION W(AR): INVESTIGATING THE MECHANISMS BEHIND THE MILITARIZATION OF SOCIETY” at the Torrance Art Museum, 3320 Civic Center Dr, Torrance, CA 90503
* Runs regular gallery hours: Tue-Sat, 11 am-5 pm, Jun 18-Aug 24. Closed Sun, Mon, and all major holidays.
* Features 16 artists reflecting on increased military engagement across the globe.
* Opens June 15 with an evening reception, 6 pm-9 pm; see listing.
* Pictured, “Besieged,” by Jerome Lagarrigue.
* "GENERATION W(ar)" explores the intersections between art and warfare, between artists who focus their art practice toward political expression and criticisms of the institutionalization of war into the fabric of society.
* The 16 featured artists are Shusuke Ao, Josh Azzarella, Vanessa Beecroft, Dan Van Clapp, Melanie Friend, Shaun Gladwell, Ben Jackel, Jerome Lagarrigue, Dinh Q Lê, Hillary Mushkin, Simon Norfolk, Isabel Rocamora, Kim Rugg, Joaquín Segura, Allison Stewart, Yoram Wolberger, and there is a continuous screening of the film, "Body of War" by Harun Farocki.
* 21-year olds have never lived during a time when the US was not at war. How and where can we see this reflected in the art works of our time? Where does patriotism end and nationalism begin? How much militarism in a democracy is too much?
* The artists of "Generation W(ar)" investigate the mechanisms behind the militarization of society, the embedding of the warrior culture, the invisibility of things in plain sight, and the daily relationship to war that underlies the culture at large.
* Curated by Ichiro Irie and Max Presneill.
* Info: 310-618-6388 or www.TorranceArtMuseum.com
* FREE admission.
2 pm-9:45 pm - "STAR PARTY AT GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY" is a free monthly public event with the assistance of volunteers from the Los Angeles Astronomical Society, the Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers, and The Planetary Society. The all-ages events are a chance for the whole family to look at the Sun, Moon, visible planets and other objects, to try out a variety of telescopes, and to talk to knowledgeable amateur astronomers about the sky and their equipment.
* 2019 dates: Jul 13, Aug 10, Sep 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7.
* Full info:http://www.griffithobservatory.org/programs/publictelescopes.html
ONGOING, FREE: Jun 18-Aug 24:
11 am-5 pm - “GENERATION W(AR): INVESTIGATING THE MECHANISMS BEHIND THE MILITARIZATION OF SOCIETY” at the Torrance Art Museum, 3320 Civic Center Dr, Torrance, CA 90503
* Runs regular gallery hours: Tue-Sat, 11 am-5 pm, Jun 18-Aug 24. Closed Sun, Mon, and all major holidays.
* Features 16 artists reflecting on increased military engagement across the globe.
* Opens June 15 with an evening reception, 6 pm-9 pm; see listing.
* Pictured, “Besieged,” by Jerome Lagarrigue.
* "GENERATION W(ar)" explores the intersections between art and warfare, between artists who focus their art practice toward political expression and criticisms of the institutionalization of war into the fabric of society.
* The 16 featured artists are Shusuke Ao, Josh Azzarella, Vanessa Beecroft, Dan Van Clapp, Melanie Friend, Shaun Gladwell, Ben Jackel, Jerome Lagarrigue, Dinh Q Lê, Hillary Mushkin, Simon Norfolk, Isabel Rocamora, Kim Rugg, Joaquín Segura, Allison Stewart, Yoram Wolberger, and there is a continuous screening of the film, "Body of War" by Harun Farocki.
* 21-year olds have never lived during a time when the US was not at war. How and where can we see this reflected in the art works of our time? Where does patriotism end and nationalism begin? How much militarism in a democracy is too much?
* The artists of "Generation W(ar)" investigate the mechanisms behind the militarization of society, the embedding of the warrior culture, the invisibility of things in plain sight, and the daily relationship to war that underlies the culture at large.
* Curated by Ichiro Irie and Max Presneill.
* Info: 310-618-6388 or www.TorranceArtMuseum.com
* FREE admission.
"SHAKESPEARE BY THE SEA," bringing free productions of the Bard to several Southern California communities, begins its 22nd season on June 13 with a thtee-night opening of “THE COMEDY OF ERRORS” at Point Fermin Park, on the stage near the lighthouse, at 807 W Paseo Del Mar, San Pedro, CA 90731
* "In this play, everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Which doesn’t mean it isn’t a barrel of laughs." -- Easy Reader News.
* They are doing 42 performances in 23 locations this year.
* This season brings two Shakespeare plays -- “The Comedy of Errors” and "Henry V" -- in repertory, through Aug 17.
* Season calendar; all June productions at 8 pm; most nights in July and Aug at 7 pm, with a few at 8 pm:
♤ “THE COMEDY OF ERRORS” dir. by James Rice, is at at Pt. Fermin on: Jun 27 & 29 at 7 pm, and Jul 5 at 8 pm, and returns Aug 17, 8 pm, for the season's grand finale at Pt. Fermin.
• Jul 7, at Civic Center, 30940 Hawthorne Bl, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
• Jul 11, 7 pm, at Valley Park, Valley & Gould, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
• Jul 12, 7 pm, at Monte Verde Park, 4626 Shadeway Rd, Lakewood, CA 90714
• Jul 14, 7 pm, at Rush Park, 3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor, CA 90720
• Jul 17, 7 pm, at the Venice Beach Boardwalk, 1800 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, CA 90291
• Jul 21, 7 pm, at Cesar Chavez Park, 1401 Golden Av, Long Beach, CA 90802
• Jul 24, 7 pm, at Roxbury Park, 471 Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
• Jul 25, 7 pm, at Birch Park, 210 N Birch St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
• Jul 27, 7 pm, at Wilson Park, 2200 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance, CA 90501
• Jul 28, 7 pm, at Terranea Resort, 100 Terranea Wy, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
• Aug 1, 7 pm, at Garfield Park, 1000 Park Av, South Pasadena, CA 91030
• Aug 4, 7 pm, at Eisenhower Park, The Pier, Main & Ocean Av, Seal Beach, CA 90740
• Aug 7, 7 pm, at Soka University, 1 University Dr, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
• Aug 8, 7 pm, at Virginia Avenue Park, 2200 Virginia Av, Santa Monica, CA 90404
• Aug 10, 7 pm, at Polliwog Park, 1601 Manhattan Beach Bl, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
• Aug 14, 7 pm, at La Mirada Community Regional Park, 13701 Adelfa Dr, La Mirada, CA 90638
• Aug 15, 7 pm, at Don Knabe Community Regional Park, 19700 Bloomfield Av, Cerritos, CA 90703
♧ "HENRY V" dir. by Stephanie Coltrin, is at at Pt. Fermin on Jun 20-22 & 28 at 7 pm, and Jul 6 at 8 pm; it returns to this, the home venue, Aug 16, 8 pm, for the grand finale.
• ALSO RUNS at all these venues:
• Jul 10, 7 pm, at Valley Park, Valley & Gould, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
• Jul 13, 7 pm, at Rush Park, 3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor, CA 90720
• Jul 18, 7 pm, at Schabarum Park, 17250 Colima Rd, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
• Jul 19, 7 pm, at Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA 92692
• Jul 20, 7 pm, at Cesar Chavez Park, 1401 Golden Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802
• Jul 26, 7 pm, at Wilson Park, 2200 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance, CA 90501
• Jul 31, 7 pm, at Garfield Park, 1000 Park Ave, South Pasadena, CA 91030
• Aug 2, 7 pm, at Adventure Park, 10130 Gunn Ave, Whittier, CA 90605
• Aug 3, 7 pm, at Los Encinos State Historic Park, 16756 Moorpark St, Encino, CA 91436
• Aug 9, 7 pm, at Polliwog Park, 1601 Manhattan Beach Bl, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
• Aug 11, 7 pm, at Pan Pacific Park, 7600 Beverly Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90036
* FREE to attend at all the venues; donations accepted.
* Info: 310-217-7596 or www.shakespearebythesea.org
ONGOING, through Aug 18:
"THE DIRECTION HOME" is a world premiere stage comedy at Let Live Theatre @ Actors Company, 916A N Formosa Av, Los Angeles CA 90046. Kiff Scholl directs Greg Vie's play about a group of disparate housemates in West Hollywood, 1979, as three young men and one young woman attempt to navigate their careers and romances. Runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 3 pm. Ends Aug 18.
ONGOING, through Aug 18:
"RENOVATIONS FOR SIX" is a stage conedy making its US premiere run at at Theatre 40, 241 S Moreno Dr, Beverly Hills CA 90212. Howard Storm directs popular Canadian playwright Norm Foster's new comedy about three couples with secrets who clash at a house party at a home undergoing renovation. Ample free parking beneath the venue; enter from driveway at Durant & Moreno Drives. Runs Thursdays-Fridays-Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 2 pm. Ends Aug 18.
* "In this play, everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Which doesn’t mean it isn’t a barrel of laughs." -- Easy Reader News.
* They are doing 42 performances in 23 locations this year.
* This season brings two Shakespeare plays -- “The Comedy of Errors” and "Henry V" -- in repertory, through Aug 17.
* Season calendar; all June productions at 8 pm; most nights in July and Aug at 7 pm, with a few at 8 pm:
♤ “THE COMEDY OF ERRORS” dir. by James Rice, is at at Pt. Fermin on: Jun 27 & 29 at 7 pm, and Jul 5 at 8 pm, and returns Aug 17, 8 pm, for the season's grand finale at Pt. Fermin.
• Jul 7, at Civic Center, 30940 Hawthorne Bl, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
• Jul 11, 7 pm, at Valley Park, Valley & Gould, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
• Jul 12, 7 pm, at Monte Verde Park, 4626 Shadeway Rd, Lakewood, CA 90714
• Jul 14, 7 pm, at Rush Park, 3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor, CA 90720
• Jul 17, 7 pm, at the Venice Beach Boardwalk, 1800 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, CA 90291
• Jul 21, 7 pm, at Cesar Chavez Park, 1401 Golden Av, Long Beach, CA 90802
• Jul 24, 7 pm, at Roxbury Park, 471 Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
• Jul 25, 7 pm, at Birch Park, 210 N Birch St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
• Jul 27, 7 pm, at Wilson Park, 2200 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance, CA 90501
• Jul 28, 7 pm, at Terranea Resort, 100 Terranea Wy, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
• Aug 1, 7 pm, at Garfield Park, 1000 Park Av, South Pasadena, CA 91030
• Aug 4, 7 pm, at Eisenhower Park, The Pier, Main & Ocean Av, Seal Beach, CA 90740
• Aug 7, 7 pm, at Soka University, 1 University Dr, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
• Aug 8, 7 pm, at Virginia Avenue Park, 2200 Virginia Av, Santa Monica, CA 90404
• Aug 10, 7 pm, at Polliwog Park, 1601 Manhattan Beach Bl, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
• Aug 14, 7 pm, at La Mirada Community Regional Park, 13701 Adelfa Dr, La Mirada, CA 90638
• Aug 15, 7 pm, at Don Knabe Community Regional Park, 19700 Bloomfield Av, Cerritos, CA 90703
♧ "HENRY V" dir. by Stephanie Coltrin, is at at Pt. Fermin on Jun 20-22 & 28 at 7 pm, and Jul 6 at 8 pm; it returns to this, the home venue, Aug 16, 8 pm, for the grand finale.
• ALSO RUNS at all these venues:
• Jul 10, 7 pm, at Valley Park, Valley & Gould, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
• Jul 13, 7 pm, at Rush Park, 3021 Blume Dr, Rossmoor, CA 90720
• Jul 18, 7 pm, at Schabarum Park, 17250 Colima Rd, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
• Jul 19, 7 pm, at Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA 92692
• Jul 20, 7 pm, at Cesar Chavez Park, 1401 Golden Ave, Long Beach, CA 90802
• Jul 26, 7 pm, at Wilson Park, 2200 Crenshaw Blvd, Torrance, CA 90501
• Jul 31, 7 pm, at Garfield Park, 1000 Park Ave, South Pasadena, CA 91030
• Aug 2, 7 pm, at Adventure Park, 10130 Gunn Ave, Whittier, CA 90605
• Aug 3, 7 pm, at Los Encinos State Historic Park, 16756 Moorpark St, Encino, CA 91436
• Aug 9, 7 pm, at Polliwog Park, 1601 Manhattan Beach Bl, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
• Aug 11, 7 pm, at Pan Pacific Park, 7600 Beverly Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90036
* FREE to attend at all the venues; donations accepted.
* Info: 310-217-7596 or www.shakespearebythesea.org
ONGOING, through Aug 18:
"THE DIRECTION HOME" is a world premiere stage comedy at Let Live Theatre @ Actors Company, 916A N Formosa Av, Los Angeles CA 90046. Kiff Scholl directs Greg Vie's play about a group of disparate housemates in West Hollywood, 1979, as three young men and one young woman attempt to navigate their careers and romances. Runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 3 pm. Ends Aug 18.
ONGOING, through Aug 18:
"RENOVATIONS FOR SIX" is a stage conedy making its US premiere run at at Theatre 40, 241 S Moreno Dr, Beverly Hills CA 90212. Howard Storm directs popular Canadian playwright Norm Foster's new comedy about three couples with secrets who clash at a house party at a home undergoing renovation. Ample free parking beneath the venue; enter from driveway at Durant & Moreno Drives. Runs Thursdays-Fridays-Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 2 pm. Ends Aug 18.
ONGOING, Jul 10-Aug 26:
PERSHING SQUARE DOWNTOWN STAGE offers free outdoor summer events at 6th & Olive, downtown Los Angeles CA
* Featured each week are:
* For all Pershing Square events, you can bring lawn chairs or blankets; sometimes you can bring a picnic (no glass or alcohol), sometimes you can't, when on-site vendors get a monopoly; see their events schedule.
* SATURDAY CONCERT check-in / security screening is on the corner of 6th & Olive and from the subway, you must hike around the perimeter. Read the summer concert rules on their site before you go.
* SCHEDULES, info, rules, etc, at: www.laparks.org/pershingsquare
* You can conveniently visit the “Square” and nearby downtown L.A. destinations from the Red/Purple Subway's Pershing Square Station, and avoid problematic and pricey parking.
* From both widely-spaced ends of that station and other stations on this and intersecting light rail lines, downtown L.A. offers museums, restaurants, and live music venues / nightlife.
ONGOING, Jul 5-Aug 30:
7 pm-11 pm - "DANCE DTLA" returns for 2019, sponsored by the L.A. The Music Center on Friday nights at the Music Center's architechturally iconic campus in Downtown Los Angeles.
* FREE dancing and free dance lessons, plus food trucks and music, intended for all ages.
* Featured genres and locations:
⊙ July 5: Line Dance & Two Step at The Music Center's Walt Disney Concert Hall (BP Hall)
⊙ Jul 12: Hip Hop at Grand Park Performance Lawn
⊙ Jul 19: Argentine Tango at Grand Park Olive Court
⊙ Jul 26: Disco at Grand Park Event Lawn
⊙ Aug 2: K-pop at Grand Park Performance Lawn
⊙ Aug 9: Salsa at The Music Center Plaza
⊙ Aug 16: Motown/Funk at The Music Center Plaza
⊙ Aug 30: Cumbia at The Music Center Plaza - "Plaza Grand Opening Weekend Celebration"
* No outside alcohol permitted at these events; picnicking not allowed inside Walt Disney Concert Hall. Food and beverages available for purchase at each location.
* Full list of prohibited items in Grand Park at: www.grandparkla.org/faqs
* More at: https://www.musiccenter.org/dancedtla
ONGOING Jun 29-Nov 24, FREE:
11 am-7 pm - "SECOND HOME SERPENTINE PAVILION," aka a giant multicolor art installation tunnel of fabric, at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles
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* The 866-square-foot art installation is by world-renowned architect duo SelgasCano.
* It's spacious inside so you don't feel trapped. Which is important, considering why the tar pits are L.A.'s best paleontological dig site, where prehistoric critteryoos are unearthed after they fell in and, er, got trapped eons ago.
* FREE ADMISSION, and open until 9 pm on Fridays.
FREE TOURS OF THE HISTORIC HOUSES at the Homestead Museum, 15415 E Don Julian Rd, City of Industry, CA 91745
FREE TOURS OF THE HISTORIC HOUSES at the Homestead Museum, 15415 E Don Julian Rd, City of Industry, CA 91745
* Offered Wednesday through Sunday at 1, 2, 3, & 4 pm. The only way to see the houses is on a tour.
* ADA compliant, vaccinated service animals welcome, but no no pets or emotional support/ therapy/assistance animals are permitted.
* The Homestead Museum provides a unique way to look at Southern California's history from the 1840s, when this land was still part of Mexico, through the 1920s, when Los Angeles came to be known as a major metropolitan city. This six-acre site features the Workman House, a Victorian-era country home constructed around an 1840s adobe; La Casa Nueva, a 1920s Spanish Colonial Revival mansion noted for its architectural crafts; and El Campo Santo one of the oldest private cemeteries in Southern California. Through all of its programs, the museum strives to create advocates for history through the stories of greater Los Angeles.
* Free summer garden tours, previously listed, have ended for the season.
* Info, 626-968-8492 or www.homesteadmuseum.org
ONGOING, through Sep 30:
L.A. RIVER KAYAKING, NATURAL SECTIONS, RE-OPEN FOR 2019 SEASON. It isn't all an ugly concrete ditch. There are stretches that are wild, where the Army Corps of Engineers found it had "no bottom," and so they couldn't concrete and entomb the river. Those stretches are loaded with wildlife, and in recent years, the best outdoor adventure anywhere below the high San Gabriel Mountains.
L.A. RIVER KAYAKING, NATURAL SECTIONS, RE-OPEN FOR 2019 SEASON. It isn't all an ugly concrete ditch. There are stretches that are wild, where the Army Corps of Engineers found it had "no bottom," and so they couldn't concrete and entomb the river. Those stretches are loaded with wildlife, and in recent years, the best outdoor adventure anywhere below the high San Gabriel Mountains.
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* You can go sit on the bank with your guitar, write songs, or just enjoy the bird songs.
* The more adventurous are offered guided experiences or can just "put in" with their own or a rented kayak.
* There ARE rules, starting with going in only at marked entry points; it's illegal and unsafe to just go in anywhere; the current in the concrete inner ditch is deceptively fast and frequently drowns those dumb enough to get in it.
* From Memorial Day through Sep 30, bookings for guided tours are available. Currently, reservations for those guided experiences are being taken through the first week of June, with more dates, through the summer, opening up soon. (Link below.)
* The two major areas of entry for natural surroundings / river adventure can be found at the Sepulveda Basin River and Elysian Valley. See the downloadable simplified maps of each (addresses online) and be sure to download the rules and cautions.
* Thanks to "DoLA" for the pic of kayakers on the L.A. River.
* Get all the info, rules, etc, at:http://lariverrecreation.org/2017/05/19/about-the-los-angeles-river-recreation-zone/
2 pm-4 pm - "CONCERTS AT METLOX" is a Free live music series on SUNDAYS, May 26-Sun, Sep 1, at Metlox, 451 Manhattan Beach Bl, Manhattan Beach CA
* Bring a blanket or chair.
* Metered parking in the Metlox structure.
* Band line-up for the season, at: www.metloxmb.com/events/
* Bring a blanket or chair.
* Metered parking in the Metlox structure.
* Band line-up for the season, at: www.metloxmb.com/events/
7:30 pm-10 pm start times; vary by sunset - "FREE FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT" returns May 24 for the summer, on the Boardwalk at Redondo Beach Pier (below Kincaid’s), 500 Fisherman’s Wharf, Redondo Beach CA
* Bring a low-back beach chair or blanket.
* Screening starts at dusk so actual times vary.
* Up-to-date movie schedule at: www.redondopier.com
* Bring a low-back beach chair or blanket.
* Screening starts at dusk so actual times vary.
* Up-to-date movie schedule at: www.redondopier.com
ONGOING, opened May 18, 2019:
MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART -- MOCA -- Admission is now FREE. On May 18, the downtown Los Angeles art museum, atop Bunker Hill and a short walk from the Music Center, announced complimentary tickets for all visitors, thanks to a $10 million donation. The funding is reported to be enough to enable no-fee entry for the next five years. BUT CHECK WITH THE VENUE TO BE SURE THE NEW NO-FEE ADMISSON HAS STARTED.
"We're so excited to add MOCA to the list as a museum that's *always* free, no matter the day! This is a massive opportunity for Southern California locals and tourists alike to discover everything the L.A. art scene has to offer," said a MOCA spokesperson.
Want to visit more Los Angeles-area art institutions and museums for no charge? Head to the DoLA site to check out the designated days you can do that, at: https://dola.com/p/los-angeles-free-museum-days
ONGOING, opened May 15, 2019:
MUSEUM OF DREAM SPACE (MODS) grand opening was May 15, 2019.
* Advance tix at a 25% discount are available now.
* MODS is the first museum in the US that's focused on exhibiting digital art.
* The design concept of MODS is illuminated by art design from Yayoi Kusama (famous for "infinite rooms") and the global development of digital art.
* The aim of MODS is to provide an immersive, magical and unique art experience to visitors.
* DISCOUNT TIX at: https://modsla.com/
MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART -- MOCA -- Admission is now FREE. On May 18, the downtown Los Angeles art museum, atop Bunker Hill and a short walk from the Music Center, announced complimentary tickets for all visitors, thanks to a $10 million donation. The funding is reported to be enough to enable no-fee entry for the next five years. BUT CHECK WITH THE VENUE TO BE SURE THE NEW NO-FEE ADMISSON HAS STARTED.
"We're so excited to add MOCA to the list as a museum that's *always* free, no matter the day! This is a massive opportunity for Southern California locals and tourists alike to discover everything the L.A. art scene has to offer," said a MOCA spokesperson.
Want to visit more Los Angeles-area art institutions and museums for no charge? Head to the DoLA site to check out the designated days you can do that, at: https://dola.com/p/los-angeles-free-museum-days
ONGOING, opened May 15, 2019:
MUSEUM OF DREAM SPACE (MODS) grand opening was May 15, 2019.
* Advance tix at a 25% discount are available now.
* MODS is the first museum in the US that's focused on exhibiting digital art.
* The design concept of MODS is illuminated by art design from Yayoi Kusama (famous for "infinite rooms") and the global development of digital art.
* The aim of MODS is to provide an immersive, magical and unique art experience to visitors.
* DISCOUNT TIX at: https://modsla.com/
ONGOING, opened May 25:
10 am-5:45 pm - SEASIDE LAGOON reopens May 25 in Hermosa Beach, open daily for the summer through Mon, Sep 2. Swim in the protected saltwater lagoon. A children’s play area, snack bar, barbeque pits and tables for parties are available. Info, 310-318-0681.
ONGOING: through Jan 5, 2020:
Art exhibition: "COYOTE LEAVES THE RES: THE ART OF HARRY FONSECA" at the Autry Museum of the American West, across from the L.A. Zoo in Griffith Park, at 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027
* Explore the complexity of Harry Fonseca’s art (Nisenan Maidu, Hawaiian, Portuguese, 1946–2006) within the context of a contemporary world, in which new freedoms and old biases often exist side-by-side.
* Featuring paintings, sketches, and lithographs, this exhibition focuses on the recurring figure of Coyote, a trickster, shape shifter, and storyteller capable of moving undetected between different worlds.
* Fonseca was an instrumental force in reshaping Native art with his trademark blend of traditional imagery, contemporary experience, and vibrant color and form. As he used his art to explore both his personal journey and the role of history in shaping Native consciousness in the present, Fonseca sought to expand definitions of American Indian art and to shatter the expectations and stereotypes that had long confined it.
* As both a gay man and a person of mixed heritage, Fonseca used his work as a vehicle for self-discovery a means of navigating different aspects of his life and identity during a time when ideas about Native peoples were often driven by outside forces, including commercial markets, tourism, and historical clichés.
* RUNS May 19, 2019–January 5, 2020 in the Autry's George Montgomery Gallery.
* Opens daily at 10 am. Closes Tue-Fri at 4 pm, Sat & Sun at 5 pm.
* TIX: included with regular museum admission.
* More: https://theautry.org/exhibitions/coyote-leaves-res-art-harry-fonseca
ONGOING, Sundays:
10 am-5:45 pm - SEASIDE LAGOON reopens May 25 in Hermosa Beach, open daily for the summer through Mon, Sep 2. Swim in the protected saltwater lagoon. A children’s play area, snack bar, barbeque pits and tables for parties are available. Info, 310-318-0681.
Art exhibition: "COYOTE LEAVES THE RES: THE ART OF HARRY FONSECA" at the Autry Museum of the American West, across from the L.A. Zoo in Griffith Park, at 4700 Western Heritage Way, Los Angeles, CA 90027
* Explore the complexity of Harry Fonseca’s art (Nisenan Maidu, Hawaiian, Portuguese, 1946–2006) within the context of a contemporary world, in which new freedoms and old biases often exist side-by-side.
* Featuring paintings, sketches, and lithographs, this exhibition focuses on the recurring figure of Coyote, a trickster, shape shifter, and storyteller capable of moving undetected between different worlds.
* Fonseca was an instrumental force in reshaping Native art with his trademark blend of traditional imagery, contemporary experience, and vibrant color and form. As he used his art to explore both his personal journey and the role of history in shaping Native consciousness in the present, Fonseca sought to expand definitions of American Indian art and to shatter the expectations and stereotypes that had long confined it.
* As both a gay man and a person of mixed heritage, Fonseca used his work as a vehicle for self-discovery a means of navigating different aspects of his life and identity during a time when ideas about Native peoples were often driven by outside forces, including commercial markets, tourism, and historical clichés.
* RUNS May 19, 2019–January 5, 2020 in the Autry's George Montgomery Gallery.
* Opens daily at 10 am. Closes Tue-Fri at 4 pm, Sat & Sun at 5 pm.
* TIX: included with regular museum admission.
* More: https://theautry.org/exhibitions/coyote-leaves-res-art-harry-fonseca
ONGOING, Sundays:
10 am-2 pm - THE GENTLE BARN welcomes visitors, and makes a great Earth Day or Easter destination, at 15825 Sierra Hwy, Santa Clarita, CA 91390; www.gentlebarn.org/california/
* Go hug the cows, give the pigs tummy rubs, cuddle the turkeys, and enjoy a beautiful day at the Gentle Barn.
* To ensure that the smaller animals in the upper barnyard don't feel stressed or overcrowded, groups are allowed to go into the upper barnyard after a presentation.
* Out of respect for the animals, do not bring any dairy, egg, meat, poultry, or seafood onto the property.
* This is an outdoor farm environment; it's recommended all guests wear long pants, closed-toe shoes, a hat, and plenty of sunscreen. Be sure to bring plenty of water for your group.
* TIX (Donation) adults $22, kids $12. Website above.
GET TIX NOW, inaugural season opens Sep 13:
P3 THEATRE COMPANY debuts this year in its home venue, the Ernest Borgnine Theatre, in Long Beach, CA
* The venue is that city's premier medium-sized theatre, constructed in Renaissance style and housed within the Long Beach Scottish Rite Event Center. Its décor is both timeless and elegant, and there's plenty of onsite parking.
* Season One 2019/2020 will feature:
■ "Evita" - September 13-29, 2019
■ "Steel Magnolias" - November 8-17, 2019
■ "Sordid Lives" - February 7-16, 2020
■ "Gypsy" - March 27-Apri 12, 2020
■ "A Chorus Line" - June 5-21, 2020
* Through Monday, July 8th, get a 25% discount off "EVITA" tickets, using discount code P3REDWHITEBLUE
* Ongoing, receive a 25% "Build Your Own Season" subscription discount on all 5 shows. Also, short-term offers for specific show discounts come and go at their website.
* TIX, details, and special offers, at: https://www.p3theatre.biz/
* Go hug the cows, give the pigs tummy rubs, cuddle the turkeys, and enjoy a beautiful day at the Gentle Barn.
* To ensure that the smaller animals in the upper barnyard don't feel stressed or overcrowded, groups are allowed to go into the upper barnyard after a presentation.
* Out of respect for the animals, do not bring any dairy, egg, meat, poultry, or seafood onto the property.
* This is an outdoor farm environment; it's recommended all guests wear long pants, closed-toe shoes, a hat, and plenty of sunscreen. Be sure to bring plenty of water for your group.
* TIX (Donation) adults $22, kids $12. Website above.
GET TIX NOW, inaugural season opens Sep 13:
P3 THEATRE COMPANY debuts this year in its home venue, the Ernest Borgnine Theatre, in Long Beach, CA
* The venue is that city's premier medium-sized theatre, constructed in Renaissance style and housed within the Long Beach Scottish Rite Event Center. Its décor is both timeless and elegant, and there's plenty of onsite parking.
* Season One 2019/2020 will feature:
■ "Evita" - September 13-29, 2019
■ "Steel Magnolias" - November 8-17, 2019
■ "Sordid Lives" - February 7-16, 2020
■ "Gypsy" - March 27-Apri 12, 2020
■ "A Chorus Line" - June 5-21, 2020
* Through Monday, July 8th, get a 25% discount off "EVITA" tickets, using discount code P3REDWHITEBLUE
* Ongoing, receive a 25% "Build Your Own Season" subscription discount on all 5 shows. Also, short-term offers for specific show discounts come and go at their website.
* TIX, details, and special offers, at: https://www.p3theatre.biz/
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Ernest Borgnine Theatre, home of the new P3 Theatre Company, in Long Beach, CA |
CALTECH PUBLIC EVENTS 2019-2020 CONCERT SEASON. Up first is PERLA BATALLA PERFORMING THE SONGS OF LEONARD COHEN. See our feature write-up in the events chronology for Oct 19; but that's not all.
* TIX for that show available now by phone at 626-395-4652, or online: https://events.caltech.edu/series/pa/perla
* COMBO DEALS available on season tix, multi-shows, more.
* FULL SEASON BROCHURE -- pdf download -- for "Caltech Live!" is here.
* TIX NOW ON SALE for OTHER CALTECH SERIES that begin earlier, including folk music, chamber music, theatre, and more, all through CaltechLive! Their important partner Pasadena Folk Music Society, and others, also offer "top-flight events" at multiple locations on campus. At press time, here are the next Pasadena Folk Music Society shows (tix by phone at 626-395-4652):
• NEVENKA performs Sat, Sep 21, 8 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play Sat, Oct 26, 8 pm in Beckman Institute Auditorium.
* In Caltech's "Signature Lecture" Series, speakers from the Caltech campus and JPL present cutting-edge research to the local community. These lectures are FREE and open to the public. Coming up:
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "Small Worlds, Big Science," Fri, Aug 9, 7 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "It Broke! Stories Of How We Fixed It," Fri, Sep 20, 7 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
• Watson Lecture (first of the new season) "Causality: From Aristotle to Zebrafish," Wed, Oct 16, 8 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
* TIX for that show available now by phone at 626-395-4652, or online: https://events.caltech.edu/series/pa/perla
* COMBO DEALS available on season tix, multi-shows, more.
* FULL SEASON BROCHURE -- pdf download -- for "Caltech Live!" is here.
* TIX NOW ON SALE for OTHER CALTECH SERIES that begin earlier, including folk music, chamber music, theatre, and more, all through CaltechLive! Their important partner Pasadena Folk Music Society, and others, also offer "top-flight events" at multiple locations on campus. At press time, here are the next Pasadena Folk Music Society shows (tix by phone at 626-395-4652):
• NEVENKA performs Sat, Sep 21, 8 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play Sat, Oct 26, 8 pm in Beckman Institute Auditorium.
* In Caltech's "Signature Lecture" Series, speakers from the Caltech campus and JPL present cutting-edge research to the local community. These lectures are FREE and open to the public. Coming up:
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "Small Worlds, Big Science," Fri, Aug 9, 7 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "It Broke! Stories Of How We Fixed It," Fri, Sep 20, 7 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
• Watson Lecture (first of the new season) "Causality: From Aristotle to Zebrafish," Wed, Oct 16, 8 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
...festivals to concerts to club gigs to film screenings and more. If folky-Americana-ish / acoustic renaissance / film-video-sound-lovers and other creative types are apt to like it, then it's in here. Along with plenty of opportunities to broaden one's horizons...
FESTIVALS appear first in each day's listings, then all the other events happening that day are chronological, by start time. Note that SUNDAY listings do not re-list festivals that started on Saturday (or earlier), AND, you should always remember to take a gander at the "Ongoing Events" section, to get the complete picture of all that's happening.
Last days of July...
Locally, an event is scheduled at 1 pm at "Prime Desert Woodland Preserve" west of Lancaster, at 43201 35th St West, Lancaster CA 93536. Come see rabbit, snake, and coyote skins, as well as feathers from the red tail hawk, common raven, and birds of prey found at the preserve. There will be food, games, and free walking tours for families to enjoy. The main presentation is in the Interpretive Center at 1 pm. Free Admission.
Another event is scheduled there Sunday night at 8:30 pm. See listing.
LISTINGS INCLUDE festivals that started Friday. When you get to Sunday's listings, remember to look back here for multi-day festivals that run through the weekend. We no longer re-list them each day.
Fri-Sun, Jul 26-28, FESTIVAL:
Annual "LONG BEACH CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" returns to picturesque Rainbow Lagoon Park, Long Beach CA
* Runs Fri 5-10 pm, Sat & Sun noon-10 pm.
* Looking at the schedule, the Guide suggests you go Friday night or during the day only on Sat or Sun; daytime Sunday is clearly the best day for Lou'siana music.
* Cajun, zydeco, blues performances on two stages for listening and dancing, but pay attention to the schedule and Don't assume.
* Dance pavilion adjacent to main stage; zydeco dance lessons and workshops between main dtage acts
* Louisiana-style food and drinks, including Ragin Cajun from "The Great Food Truck Race"
* All attendees are invited to take part in a daily Mardi-Gras-style "Second Line Dancing Parade" led by the brass band, in a circuit through the grounds, then onto the dance floor for a participatory Dixieland jazz experience.
* Friday's openers are the ZYDECO MUDBUGS, 5 pm-7 pm.
* Saturday's sched includes BEAR BRASS (traditional N'Awlins jazz) noon-1 pm; THE RHYTHM & BLUES REVUE ("Straight from Chicago") 2-3 pm; and DR ZOG BAND (swampadelic gumbo, mean harmonica, sizzling accordion) 4 pm-6 pm; but after that, things go completely out of character with "dance hits of the '70s, '80s, '90s" from a band called UNITED PARTY HEROES from 7-10 pm.
* Sunday includes BEAR BRASS, noon-1 pm; the down-home blues harmonica driven DOC'S BLUES BAND, 2-3:30 pm; and T-LUKE & THE TIGHT SUITS, 4:30 pm -6 pm. After that, it again makes a jolting turn away from Lou'siana with "80’s & 90’s R&B, Funk and Top 40" from something called RemiX (capitalized final X) from 7-9 pm.
* Fortunately, A.J. GIBBS plays all three days.
* Kids / all ages activities include live sports tent, magic and illusion show, karaoke lounge with live band, arts and crafts booths, inflatable bounces, face painting, games.
* TIX have options: available w/ online discount until 9 am Fri, Jul 26: admission-only (no food) $5 for Fri, $13 for Sat or Sun; Children age 12 and under are free; US active military w/ ID receive free General Admission.
(Limited Supply) $60 + tax ($75 at the gate, if still available).
* VIP TIX also available: Premium w/ seating, includes access to backstage VIP Lounge w/ booked artists.
* TIX info/purchase & complete lineup & schedules, at:
Annual "LONG BEACH CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" returns to picturesque Rainbow Lagoon Park, Long Beach CA
* Runs Fri 5-10 pm, Sat & Sun noon-10 pm.
* Looking at the schedule, the Guide suggests you go Friday night or during the day only on Sat or Sun; daytime Sunday is clearly the best day for Lou'siana music.
* Cajun, zydeco, blues performances on two stages for listening and dancing, but pay attention to the schedule and Don't assume.
* Dance pavilion adjacent to main stage; zydeco dance lessons and workshops between main dtage acts
* Louisiana-style food and drinks, including Ragin Cajun from "The Great Food Truck Race"
* All attendees are invited to take part in a daily Mardi-Gras-style "Second Line Dancing Parade" led by the brass band, in a circuit through the grounds, then onto the dance floor for a participatory Dixieland jazz experience.
* Friday's openers are the ZYDECO MUDBUGS, 5 pm-7 pm.
* Saturday's sched includes BEAR BRASS (traditional N'Awlins jazz) noon-1 pm; THE RHYTHM & BLUES REVUE ("Straight from Chicago") 2-3 pm; and DR ZOG BAND (swampadelic gumbo, mean harmonica, sizzling accordion) 4 pm-6 pm; but after that, things go completely out of character with "dance hits of the '70s, '80s, '90s" from a band called UNITED PARTY HEROES from 7-10 pm.
* Sunday includes BEAR BRASS, noon-1 pm; the down-home blues harmonica driven DOC'S BLUES BAND, 2-3:30 pm; and T-LUKE & THE TIGHT SUITS, 4:30 pm -6 pm. After that, it again makes a jolting turn away from Lou'siana with "80’s & 90’s R&B, Funk and Top 40" from something called RemiX (capitalized final X) from 7-9 pm.
* Fortunately, A.J. GIBBS plays all three days.
* Kids / all ages activities include live sports tent, magic and illusion show, karaoke lounge with live band, arts and crafts booths, inflatable bounces, face painting, games.
* TIX have options: available w/ online discount until 9 am Fri, Jul 26: admission-only (no food) $5 for Fri, $13 for Sat or Sun; Children age 12 and under are free; US active military w/ ID receive free General Admission.
(Limited Supply) $60 + tax ($75 at the gate, if still available).
* VIP TIX also available: Premium w/ seating, includes access to backstage VIP Lounge w/ booked artists.
* TIX info/purchase & complete lineup & schedules, at:
Fri-Sun, Jul 26-28, FESTIVAL on web radio:
Annual "NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL," one of the longest running, grandest and most legendary, happens in Fort Adams State Park in Newport, RI -- and online.
* Confirmed for the live stream:
⊙ Jeff Tweedy
⊙ Portugal. The Man
⊙ Dawes
⊙ Phosphorescent
⊙ Jade Bird
⊙ Lake Street Dive
⊙ Rayland Baxter
⊙ Lukas Nelson
⊙ The Nude Party
⊙ Parker Millsap
⊙ Black Belt Eagle Scout
⊙ EB the Younger
⊙ Gregory Alan Isakov
⊙ "and many more."
Fri & Sat, Jul 26 & 27, benefit FESTIVAL:
7 pm-2 am - "CHOCOLATE & ART SHOW" in Downtown L.A. at 2341 E Olympic Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90021
* Live music combines with free chocolate, live body painting, vendors, face-painting, and "more" of some kind.
* You can "indulge yourself in some of L.A.’s finest up-and-coming artists, photographers and creators."
* Part of the profit is donated to the non-profit organization, “Artists For Trauma.”
* Street parking and valet parking available.
* Event is 21+.
* More at: https://chocolateandartshow.com/
24th annual "CENTRAL AVENUE JAZZ FESTIVAL" happens on Cental Av between Vernon Av and King Bl, Los Angeles CA
* Free.
Sat & Sun, Jul 27 & 28, FREE FESTIVAL:
Annual "LONG BEACH DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL" at Marine Stadium, 5255 E Paoli Way, Long Beach CA 90803
* Runs Jul 27, 9 am-6 pm, and Jul 28, 9 am-3:30 pm.
* In addition to one of the largest dragon boat competitions in California, this has music, Chinese traditional art demonstrations, Chinese Acrobats, food, traditional dance, annoyingly inappropriate contemporary urban American street dance, and martial arts performances.
* Dragon boat racing is an amateur watersport with roots in ancient folk ritual going back 2,000 years throughout southern China.
* "While 'competition' has taken place annually for more than 20 centuries as part of religious ceremonies and folk customs, dragon boat racing has emerged in modern times as an international sport." -- DoLA.
* Free.
Sats & Suns, through Aug 11, FESTIVAL:
10 am-6 pm - Annual "BIG BEAR RENNAISSANCE FAIR" on a 4-acre site at 39115 Rim of the World Dr, in historic Fawnskin, CA 92333
* Features trad acoustic music from CUTTHROAT REEF, JOUST KIDDING, GALLOWS HUMOR, and many more musicians to serenade your day.
* Attractions include live jousting, "meet the queen," costumed re-enactors, food, and special themes each weekend.
* Be sure to catch Celtic singer-songwriter KRIS COLT performing each day as "The Lady Black Rose."
* TIX: single-day adult $18, child age 4-15 $15; weekend pass $30 & $24; season pass $120 & $90.
* Tix and info: https://www.bigbearrenfaire.org/
Sat, Jul 27, benefit FESTIVAL:
7 pm-10 pm - 5th annual “OC MEETS NAPA” Food & Wine Fest with live music at Mission San Juan Capistrano, 26801 Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
* This is affiliated with the 14th annual “EAST L.A. MEETS NAPA” at L.A. LIVE, 800 Olympic Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90015.
* With the slogan “Sip, Savor and Support,” all proceeds from both events benefit AltaMed Health Services' efforts to provide healthcare, dental care, senior services, HIV treatment and prevention, teen mentoring programs, and health education to families in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.Annual "NEWPORT FOLK FESTIVAL," one of the longest running, grandest and most legendary, happens in Fort Adams State Park in Newport, RI -- and online.
* Confirmed for the live stream:
⊙ Jeff Tweedy
⊙ Portugal. The Man
⊙ Dawes
⊙ Phosphorescent
⊙ Jade Bird
⊙ Lake Street Dive
⊙ Rayland Baxter
⊙ Lukas Nelson
⊙ The Nude Party
⊙ Parker Millsap
⊙ Black Belt Eagle Scout
⊙ EB the Younger
⊙ Gregory Alan Isakov
⊙ "and many more."
Fri & Sat, Jul 26 & 27, benefit FESTIVAL:
7 pm-2 am - "CHOCOLATE & ART SHOW" in Downtown L.A. at 2341 E Olympic Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90021
* Live music combines with free chocolate, live body painting, vendors, face-painting, and "more" of some kind.
* You can "indulge yourself in some of L.A.’s finest up-and-coming artists, photographers and creators."
* Part of the profit is donated to the non-profit organization, “Artists For Trauma.”
* Street parking and valet parking available.
* Event is 21+.
* More at: https://chocolateandartshow.com/
24th annual "CENTRAL AVENUE JAZZ FESTIVAL" happens on Cental Av between Vernon Av and King Bl, Los Angeles CA
* Free.
Sat & Sun, Jul 27 & 28, FREE FESTIVAL:
Annual "LONG BEACH DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL" at Marine Stadium, 5255 E Paoli Way, Long Beach CA 90803
* Runs Jul 27, 9 am-6 pm, and Jul 28, 9 am-3:30 pm.
* In addition to one of the largest dragon boat competitions in California, this has music, Chinese traditional art demonstrations, Chinese Acrobats, food, traditional dance, annoyingly inappropriate contemporary urban American street dance, and martial arts performances.
* Dragon boat racing is an amateur watersport with roots in ancient folk ritual going back 2,000 years throughout southern China.
* "While 'competition' has taken place annually for more than 20 centuries as part of religious ceremonies and folk customs, dragon boat racing has emerged in modern times as an international sport." -- DoLA.
* Free.
Sats & Suns, through Aug 11, FESTIVAL:
10 am-6 pm - Annual "BIG BEAR RENNAISSANCE FAIR" on a 4-acre site at 39115 Rim of the World Dr, in historic Fawnskin, CA 92333
* Features trad acoustic music from CUTTHROAT REEF, JOUST KIDDING, GALLOWS HUMOR, and many more musicians to serenade your day.
* Attractions include live jousting, "meet the queen," costumed re-enactors, food, and special themes each weekend.
* Be sure to catch Celtic singer-songwriter KRIS COLT performing each day as "The Lady Black Rose."
* TIX: single-day adult $18, child age 4-15 $15; weekend pass $30 & $24; season pass $120 & $90.
* Tix and info: https://www.bigbearrenfaire.org/
Sat, Jul 27, benefit FESTIVAL:
7 pm-10 pm - 5th annual “OC MEETS NAPA” Food & Wine Fest with live music at Mission San Juan Capistrano, 26801 Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
* This is affiliated with the 14th annual “EAST L.A. MEETS NAPA” at L.A. LIVE, 800 Olympic Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90015.
* In OC, at the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano, the festival showcases the richness of Latin American food throughout Orange and San Diego counties as well as the success of Latino-owned vineyards in California and Mexico.
* By purchasing a ticket to AltaMed Food & Wine Festival, you are supporting AltaMed’s mission. It is "to eliminate disparities in health care access and outcomes by providing superior quality health and human services through an integrated world-class delivery system for Latino, multi-ethnic and underserved communities."
* Full info, https://altamedfoodwine.org/
Fri & Sat, Jul 26 & 27, coolness elsewhere:
* Info, and click to see their great logo, at: https://indianastringfest.com/
Was to be Fri-Sun, Jul 26-29, RESCHEDULED TO OCTOBER...
2nd annual "WORLD PEACE & JUSTICE WEEKEND" returns Fri-Sun, Oct 11-13, for the rescheduled event previously set for this weekend in Laguna Beach, at Neighborhood Congregational Church Laguna Beach, 340 St Anns Dr, Laguna Beach, California 92651
* Details tba, since the re-scheduling.
* VENUE info: 949-494-8061; office@ncclaguna.org
Sat, Jul 27:
2 pm - "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" stage musical produced by ENCORE, at the Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W 6th St, San Pedro CA
* Runs Jul 26-28: Fri at 7:30 pm; Sat at 2 pm & 7:30 pm; Sun at 2 pm.
* It's Rodgers & Hammerstein's beloved classic, a musical based on the lives of the Von Trapp Family Singers and their story of hope amidst the horrors of World War II.
* Directed by Summer Cacciagioni of ENCORE, with vocal direction by Anna DeMasi.
* TIX, $46-$60, at Vendini.
Sat, Jul 27, FREE Summer symphony:
4 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight arrives in Mission Viejo, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
* Info, and click to see their great logo, at: https://indianastringfest.com/
Was to be Fri-Sun, Jul 26-29, RESCHEDULED TO OCTOBER...
2nd annual "WORLD PEACE & JUSTICE WEEKEND" returns Fri-Sun, Oct 11-13, for the rescheduled event previously set for this weekend in Laguna Beach, at Neighborhood Congregational Church Laguna Beach, 340 St Anns Dr, Laguna Beach, California 92651
* Details tba, since the re-scheduling.
* VENUE info: 949-494-8061; office@ncclaguna.org
Sat, Jul 27:
2 pm - "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" stage musical produced by ENCORE, at the Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W 6th St, San Pedro CA
* Runs Jul 26-28: Fri at 7:30 pm; Sat at 2 pm & 7:30 pm; Sun at 2 pm.
* It's Rodgers & Hammerstein's beloved classic, a musical based on the lives of the Von Trapp Family Singers and their story of hope amidst the horrors of World War II.
* Directed by Summer Cacciagioni of ENCORE, with vocal direction by Anna DeMasi.
* TIX, $46-$60, at Vendini.
Sat, Jul 27, FREE Summer symphony:
4 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight arrives in Mission Viejo, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
Sat & Sun, opened July 26 in Los Angeles...
"AT WAR," an important and mesmerizing new film, opens July 26th at Laemmle’s Royal Theatre, 11523 Santa Monica Bl, Los Angeles CA 90025
* Showtimes: https://movies.eventful.com/theaters-showtimes/laemmles-royal-theatre-/T0-001-000000347-7
* Do you want to know, in immediately practical terms, why a "neo-liberal economic paradigm" is not at all what you think? Want to see, up close, how global capitalism reigns supreme through intimidation, manipulation, and unending lies?
* This film shows you. It opens with a scene familiar to anyone ever involved in union bargaining in the U.S.
* A line from the film: “It’s not bosses versus workers anymore. It’s all of us together in the same boat.”
* “Hello Perin workers,” says one message of solidarity, arriving at strike headquarters with a check enclosed. “We have the same a**holes running our firm.”
* In exasperation, the CEO accuses the strikers, who are trying to save their plant from being closed by megagiant predatory capitalists of “refusing to see market reality,” which the CEO likens to “demanding a whole new world or living in another world.”
* Reviewer Steve Early writes,"'At War' pulls no punches about the personal sacrifices and weighty responsibilities of workers who become strike leaders. This film should be required viewing during union training of shop stewards, local officers, and bargaining committee members."
* He continues, "Cinema Libre Studio hopes to reach a much broader audience when the film opens in New York, Los Angeles and other cities in July. It’s also looking for labor organizations to sponsor showings to their own members. Let’s hope that some unions take advantage of this offer—because the war on workers, whether in France or the U.S., shows no sign of letting up."
* Read his review at: https://hollywoodprogressive.com/plant-closing-war/
"AT WAR," an important and mesmerizing new film, opens July 26th at Laemmle’s Royal Theatre, 11523 Santa Monica Bl, Los Angeles CA 90025
* Showtimes: https://movies.eventful.com/theaters-showtimes/laemmles-royal-theatre-/T0-001-000000347-7
* Do you want to know, in immediately practical terms, why a "neo-liberal economic paradigm" is not at all what you think? Want to see, up close, how global capitalism reigns supreme through intimidation, manipulation, and unending lies?
* This film shows you. It opens with a scene familiar to anyone ever involved in union bargaining in the U.S.
* A line from the film: “It’s not bosses versus workers anymore. It’s all of us together in the same boat.”
* “Hello Perin workers,” says one message of solidarity, arriving at strike headquarters with a check enclosed. “We have the same a**holes running our firm.”
* In exasperation, the CEO accuses the strikers, who are trying to save their plant from being closed by megagiant predatory capitalists of “refusing to see market reality,” which the CEO likens to “demanding a whole new world or living in another world.”
* Reviewer Steve Early writes,"'At War' pulls no punches about the personal sacrifices and weighty responsibilities of workers who become strike leaders. This film should be required viewing during union training of shop stewards, local officers, and bargaining committee members."
* He continues, "Cinema Libre Studio hopes to reach a much broader audience when the film opens in New York, Los Angeles and other cities in July. It’s also looking for labor organizations to sponsor showings to their own members. Let’s hope that some unions take advantage of this offer—because the war on workers, whether in France or the U.S., shows no sign of letting up."
* Read his review at: https://hollywoodprogressive.com/plant-closing-war/
6:30 pm - GARRISON STARR plays "Seth & Tony's House Concerts" in Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), CA
* Reservations get directions, at: www.sethandtonyshouseconcerts.com
Sat, Jul 27:
7 pm - MARTY AXELROD, an outstanding multi-instrumental musician who always brings very talented musical friends, plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sat, Jul 27, FREE concert:
7 pm - MANDA MOSHER & TOLER GIBSON play "THE RANCH PARTY," the long-running Americana/Country Music show at EB's Bar Stage at The Original Farmers Market, 6333 W 3rd St, Los Angeles CA.
* Tonight is California Country with Toler Gibson opening, followed by Manda Mosher and her band.
* All ages, free. But beware that parking hereabouts is expensive. (Best to park at the Grove, get a validation somewhere there, and walk over.)
Sat, Jul 27:
7 pm - THE KICK STOMP ENSEMBLE bring their "Edgy folk with world and punk influences" to Fiddler's Crossing, 206 East F St, Tehachapi CA 93561; 661-823-9994
Sat, Jul 27:
7:30 pm - CHICAGO plays the Greek Theatre in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
* TIX, https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/09005648DE734CE5
* They also play Jul 24 at Vina Robles Amphitheatre, Paso Robles CA
Sat, Jul 27:
7:30 pm - WOOD & WIRE play the "AMSD Concerts" series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita CA 91902; 619-201-0520
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm - "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" stage musical produced by ENCORE, at the Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W 6th St, San Pedro CA
* See 2 pm.
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm - CHRIS CERNA & BLUEGRASS REPUBLIC plus COLONEL’S STRING BAND play Boulevard Music, 4316 Sepulveda Bl, Culver City CA 90230; 310-398-2583
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm - JAIME WYATT plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Jul 27:
8 pm-midnight - GARRET SWAYNE, with MIKE LEVY on drums, plays Pickwicks Pub, 21010 Ventura Bl, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
* No cover show in "a cozy British pub" with a full menu & full bar.
Sun, Jul 28:
10 am-2 pm - "L.A. EXPLORERS CLUB & THE CUB HOUSE 'SUNDAY CRUISE' BICYCLE TOUR: '80S MOVIE LOCATIONS" starts from The Cub House Bike Shop, 2510 Mission St, South Pasadena CA
* It's a chance to bike around South Pasadena with this guided group for "Teen Wolf and Other Hollywood Love Stories" to discover iconic filming locations from favorite '80s flicks "Back to the Future," "Teen Wolf," "Halloween," and more.
* Features the group's first-ever costume contest -- with prizes -- themed to characters in the films.
* Pre-registered riders get a free commemorative ride patch; register at: https://dola.com/users/sign_up
* Bring your I.D.- participants must be 21 yrs +
* Bring water and snacks and your bicycle lock, and be sure your bike is up to the ride.
* Free all-day street parking at the start/end point, or get there via the Metro Gold Line light rail to South Pasadena Mission Street Station, then bike east on Mission 2 miles.
Sun, Jul 28:
1 pm - "SUNDAY SESSION SERIES" is a new monthly IRISH MUSIC & CULTURE event at CIACLA, Suite B1, Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Av, Santa Monica, CA 90404
* CIACLA Sessions offer a platform for performance in all styles and mediums, from storytelling and music, to dance, theatre and literature.
* Informal social gatherings, these are inclusive events to bring people together to socialize and celebrate a unique part of Irish culture.
* While showcasing local talent, everyone is invited to participate and/or observe.
* "All genres and styles are welcome. Everyone has something to contribute."
* CIACLA Sessions are organized by Sinéad Finnerty-Pyne; CIACLA's Community Engagement Officer.
* Interested in taking part? Call 424-387-5484
Sun, Jul 28:
2 pm - "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" stage musical produced by ENCORE, at the Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W 6th St, San Pedro CA
* Runs Jul 26-28: Fri at 7:30 pm; Sat at 2 pm & 7:30 pm; Sun at 2 pm.
* It's Rodgers & Hammerstein's beloved classic, a musical based on the lives of the Von Trapp Family Singers and their story of hope amidst the horrors of World War II.
* Directed by Summer Cacciagioni of ENCORE, with vocal direction by Anna DeMasi.
* TIX, $46-$60, at Vendini.
Sun, Jul 28, FREE concert:
2 pm - WESTLAKE VILLAGE SYMPHONY CHAMBER STRINGS perform a FREE CONCERT at the Thousand Oaks Library in Thousand Oaks, CA
* Info and address, www.tolibrary.org
2 pm-4 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- LEIMERT PARK VILLAGE WORKSHOP" sponsored by LA Commons, at Leimert Park Village Plaza, People Street, 4337 Degnan Bl, Los Angeles CA 90008
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Jul 28 Leimert Park event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-marking-workshop-leimert-park-village-tickets-66397166713
Sun, Jul 28:
3 pm - ED GERHARD plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001; reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
Sun, Jul 28:
4 pm - TROOPER THORN plays the Harp Inn Irish Pub, 130 E 17th St, Costa Mesa CA 92627; www.harpinn.com
* "One of the absolute best Irish Groups around SoCal! Always a great show... The Harp Irish Pub's newly updated patio and interior is 99% finished too, so drop by!" -- The Weekly Irish E-missive.
Sun, Jul 28:
4:30 pm-7:30 pm - RUBEN MORENO & THE ZYDECO RE-EVOLUTION play the French Quarter Creole Bar & Grill, 16728 Bellflower Bl, Bellflower CA 90706
* TIX, $15 at door
* Info: Sidney, 323-401-8859; or Dempsey 562-396-1132 or
bontemppappion@aol.com; David 909-527-0926 or davidsousa@verizon.net
Sun, Jul 28, FREE Summer symphony:
5 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight arrives in Costa Mesa, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
Sun, Jul 28:
6 pm - "AN EVENING OF DINNER AND SONG" aka "Amici della Musica," presented by VOPA -- VALLEY OPERA & PERFORMING ARTS -- at Emle's Restaurant, 9250 Reseda Bl, Northridge CA
* VOPA is formerly Center Stage Opera.
* Dinner includes choice of Chicken Milanese, Wild Caught Cod, Eggplant Parmigiana, or Pork Loin.
* Kid-friendly and wheelchair accessible.
* More at www.VOPArts.org
* TIX, $65, includes entertainment, 3-course meal, non-alcoholic drinks, tax/tip.
* Reservations required. Call Dr. Renee Gordon at 818-310-0775, or buy online at: https://m.bpt.me/event/4287229
Sun, Jul 28:
6:30 pm - A.J. CROCE plays the Poway Center for Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Rd, Poway, CA 92064; 858-668-4797
Sun, Jul 28:
7 pm - THE BIFFLE & SHOOSTER FUN-A-RAMA! plays the evening show at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* This is one of Grammy-winner WILL RYAN's several roots music, vaudevillish ensembles, and all of these alter-egos are a whole lotta fun.
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Jul 28:
7 pm - TIN DRUM plays Bogies in Westlake Village, CA
* Info, www.bogies-bar.com
Remember to check Saturday's listings for multi-day festivals that run through the weekend. We no longer re-list them each day.
Remember to check Saturday's listings for multi-day festivals that run through the weekend. We no longer re-list them each day.
Sun, Jul 28:
10 am-2 pm - "L.A. EXPLORERS CLUB & THE CUB HOUSE 'SUNDAY CRUISE' BICYCLE TOUR: '80S MOVIE LOCATIONS" starts from The Cub House Bike Shop, 2510 Mission St, South Pasadena CA
* It's a chance to bike around South Pasadena with this guided group for "Teen Wolf and Other Hollywood Love Stories" to discover iconic filming locations from favorite '80s flicks "Back to the Future," "Teen Wolf," "Halloween," and more.
* Features the group's first-ever costume contest -- with prizes -- themed to characters in the films.
* Pre-registered riders get a free commemorative ride patch; register at: https://dola.com/users/sign_up
* Bring your I.D.- participants must be 21 yrs +
* Bring water and snacks and your bicycle lock, and be sure your bike is up to the ride.
* Free all-day street parking at the start/end point, or get there via the Metro Gold Line light rail to South Pasadena Mission Street Station, then bike east on Mission 2 miles.
Sun, Jul 28:
1 pm - "SUNDAY SESSION SERIES" is a new monthly IRISH MUSIC & CULTURE event at CIACLA, Suite B1, Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Av, Santa Monica, CA 90404
* CIACLA Sessions offer a platform for performance in all styles and mediums, from storytelling and music, to dance, theatre and literature.
* Informal social gatherings, these are inclusive events to bring people together to socialize and celebrate a unique part of Irish culture.
* While showcasing local talent, everyone is invited to participate and/or observe.
* "All genres and styles are welcome. Everyone has something to contribute."
* CIACLA Sessions are organized by Sinéad Finnerty-Pyne; CIACLA's Community Engagement Officer.
* Interested in taking part? Call 424-387-5484
Sun, Jul 28:
2 pm - "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" stage musical produced by ENCORE, at the Warner Grand Theatre, 478 W 6th St, San Pedro CA
* Runs Jul 26-28: Fri at 7:30 pm; Sat at 2 pm & 7:30 pm; Sun at 2 pm.
* It's Rodgers & Hammerstein's beloved classic, a musical based on the lives of the Von Trapp Family Singers and their story of hope amidst the horrors of World War II.
* Directed by Summer Cacciagioni of ENCORE, with vocal direction by Anna DeMasi.
* TIX, $46-$60, at Vendini.
Sun, Jul 28, FREE concert:
2 pm - WESTLAKE VILLAGE SYMPHONY CHAMBER STRINGS perform a FREE CONCERT at the Thousand Oaks Library in Thousand Oaks, CA
* Info and address, www.tolibrary.org
2 pm-4 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- LEIMERT PARK VILLAGE WORKSHOP" sponsored by LA Commons, at Leimert Park Village Plaza, People Street, 4337 Degnan Bl, Los Angeles CA 90008
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Jul 28 Leimert Park event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-marking-workshop-leimert-park-village-tickets-66397166713
Sun, Jul 28:
3 pm - ED GERHARD plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001; reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
Sun, Jul 28:
4 pm - TROOPER THORN plays the Harp Inn Irish Pub, 130 E 17th St, Costa Mesa CA 92627; www.harpinn.com
* "One of the absolute best Irish Groups around SoCal! Always a great show... The Harp Irish Pub's newly updated patio and interior is 99% finished too, so drop by!" -- The Weekly Irish E-missive.
Sun, Jul 28:
4:30 pm-7:30 pm - RUBEN MORENO & THE ZYDECO RE-EVOLUTION play the French Quarter Creole Bar & Grill, 16728 Bellflower Bl, Bellflower CA 90706
* TIX, $15 at door
* Info: Sidney, 323-401-8859; or Dempsey 562-396-1132 or
bontemppappion@aol.com; David 909-527-0926 or davidsousa@verizon.net
Sun, Jul 28, FREE Summer symphony:
5 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight arrives in Costa Mesa, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
Sun, Jul 28:
6 pm - "AN EVENING OF DINNER AND SONG" aka "Amici della Musica," presented by VOPA -- VALLEY OPERA & PERFORMING ARTS -- at Emle's Restaurant, 9250 Reseda Bl, Northridge CA
* VOPA is formerly Center Stage Opera.
* Dinner includes choice of Chicken Milanese, Wild Caught Cod, Eggplant Parmigiana, or Pork Loin.
* Kid-friendly and wheelchair accessible.
* More at www.VOPArts.org
* TIX, $65, includes entertainment, 3-course meal, non-alcoholic drinks, tax/tip.
* Reservations required. Call Dr. Renee Gordon at 818-310-0775, or buy online at: https://m.bpt.me/event/4287229
Sun, Jul 28:
6:30 pm - A.J. CROCE plays the Poway Center for Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Rd, Poway, CA 92064; 858-668-4797
Sun, Jul 28:
7 pm - THE BIFFLE & SHOOSTER FUN-A-RAMA! plays the evening show at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* This is one of Grammy-winner WILL RYAN's several roots music, vaudevillish ensembles, and all of these alter-egos are a whole lotta fun.
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Jul 28:
7 pm - TIN DRUM plays Bogies in Westlake Village, CA
* Info, www.bogies-bar.com
Sun, Jul 28:
7:30 pm - ANDY & RENEE & HARD RAIN play their latest CD RELEASE CONCERT at the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St. San Pedro, CA 90731
* It's their 16th CD, titled "FUSE 32." This album is twelve original songs spanning the broad musical styles that are the hallmark of the band's repertoire. Tender ballads, folk sensibilities, and rock-n-roll ride together along the band's lyrical landscape.
* Doors 6:30, show 7:30 pm
* TIX at: https://www.grandvision.org/calendar-details.asp?id=1285
Sun, Jul 28:
7:30 pm - LED KAAPANA, Hawai'ian slack key guitar master, plays the AMSD Concerts series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902; 619-201-0520
* He also plays Santa Monica on Fri, Jul 26, 8 pm; see listing.
Sun, Jul 28:
8 pm - GUY BLAKESLEE plus LAEL NEALE and MAJA D'AOUST play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Jul 28:
8:30 pm - "MOON WALKS AT PRIME DESERT WOODLAND PRESERVE," west of Lancaster at 43201 35th St West, Lancaster CA 93536
* Experience a magical night of nature and astronomy combined.
Jeremy Amarant, director of Palmdale School District's SAGE Planetarium, takes participants on a journey through the mysterious night sky, teaching about the stars and constellations as he and Park Rangers lead a one-mile tour of the Preserve.
* Weather permitting, Antelope Valley Astronomy Club members will have their telescopes available to share views with those in attendance.
* $2 donation, ages 3 and under are free.
_______________________7:30 pm - ANDY & RENEE & HARD RAIN play their latest CD RELEASE CONCERT at the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St. San Pedro, CA 90731
* It's their 16th CD, titled "FUSE 32." This album is twelve original songs spanning the broad musical styles that are the hallmark of the band's repertoire. Tender ballads, folk sensibilities, and rock-n-roll ride together along the band's lyrical landscape.
* Doors 6:30, show 7:30 pm
* TIX at: https://www.grandvision.org/calendar-details.asp?id=1285
Sun, Jul 28:
7:30 pm - LED KAAPANA, Hawai'ian slack key guitar master, plays the AMSD Concerts series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902; 619-201-0520
* He also plays Santa Monica on Fri, Jul 26, 8 pm; see listing.
Sun, Jul 28:
8 pm - GUY BLAKESLEE plus LAEL NEALE and MAJA D'AOUST play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Jul 28:
8:30 pm - "MOON WALKS AT PRIME DESERT WOODLAND PRESERVE," west of Lancaster at 43201 35th St West, Lancaster CA 93536
* Experience a magical night of nature and astronomy combined.
Jeremy Amarant, director of Palmdale School District's SAGE Planetarium, takes participants on a journey through the mysterious night sky, teaching about the stars and constellations as he and Park Rangers lead a one-mile tour of the Preserve.
* Weather permitting, Antelope Valley Astronomy Club members will have their telescopes available to share views with those in attendance.
* $2 donation, ages 3 and under are free.
Salty mud eruptions formed this unique mountain on dwarf planet Ceres.
Released this morning by the European Space Agency (ESA) as It's "Space Science Image of the Week."
Mon, Jul 29:
7:30 pm - "THE DROP: MIDLAND" at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl A245 (entrance is around the corner on Figueroa), Los Angeles, CA 90015; 213-765-6800
* GRAMMY-nominated country group Midland received rave reviews for their debut album "On The Rocks," co-written with hitmakers Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne.
* Their debut No. 1 single "Drinkin' Problem," earned the band their first GRAMMY nomination for "Best Country Song" and "Best Country Duo/Group Performance," while the band was named "New Vocal Group of the Year" at the 2018 ACM Awards.
* Ahead of their new album, "Let It Roll," the evening welcomes Midland for an intimate conversation and performance.
* TIX $30, all ages, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-drop-midland-tickets-63702971302
Today is the 400 year anniversary of the founding of Jamestown in what would become the colony, and then the state, of Virginia. (Which is a bit curious, since Jamestown, complete with Pocahontas, Powhatan, and John Smith, dates to its original founding in 1607.)
Jamestown in 1619 is regarded as the founding site of three major things in what would become the United States:
(1) democracy (though only the aristocrats could vote).
(2) slavery, with persons in bondage imported from Africa.
(3) treaties with Native Americans that were quickly broken by the white men who took the land.
Tue, Jul 30:
7 pm - "DAVID HARVEY PRESENTS" makes its monthly return, this time around with the formidable (but unusual for the series, the all-male) lineup of JIMMY YESSIAN (Tall Men Group), CRAIG LINCOLN (Sabrina & Craig), SongNet director JIMI YAMAGISHI, and radio storyteller DYLAN BRODY, at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* No advance reservations for this show. Just get there in time to pay for your ticket, get in, and get a seat.
Wed-Sun, Jul 31-Aug 4, FESTIVAL:
"INTERNATIONAL SURF FESTIVAL" at Manhattan Beach Pier, Hermosa Beach Pier, Redondo Beach Pier, and Torrance Beach, CA
* The world’s premier watermen, water women and volleyball players converge on the three beach cities for five days of competition in the water and on the sand.
* The festival starts with the Charlie Saikley six man volleyball (and costume) tournament at the Manhattan Pier, Fri & Sat. Top teams are stacked with former pro volleyball and basketball players.
* Fri at 7:30 pm, the LA County Lifeguard Championships will be held at Hermosa Beach Pier.
* Sat, the Southern California Lifeguard Championships are held at Hermosa Pier at 7:30 pm.
* Other Saturday events include surfing and body surfing contests at Manhattan Pier, a two-mile soft sand race at Hermosa Pier, and an eight-mile paddleboard race at Torrance Beach.
* Sunday, the 1.5-mile Velzy-Stevens Paddleboard race starts at 7:30 am at Manhattan Pier, followed by the Dwight Crum Two-mile Swim at 9 am at Hermosa pier.
* The open ocean swim -- now an Olympic sport -- attracts over 1,000 swimmers from around the world.
* Full info, www.SurfFestival.org
Wed, Jul 31, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- ANDY & RENEE & HARD RAIN play "A WOODSTOCK REVIVAL" at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Hard Rain, the host and house band for dozens of artists every year at "DYLANFEST," has won awards both for its originals and as a Bob Dylan tribute band; tonight, they will do a set of music from Woodstock.
* This talented ensemble is more than capable. Their 15 CD and two DVD releases have won them countless awards, including: LA Music Awards “Americana Group of the Year,” “Best Duo/Group” for the International Acoustic Music Awards, and many more. Their PBS Concert Special, “Black Box Opens -- Andy & Renee,” filmed at the ATLAS Black Box Theatre at the University of Colorado, Boulder, recently won a Regional Emmy.
* TONIGHT is the band's last local gig before they hit the road for their Aug 6-Sep 9 tour of their new album.
* Check out that new CD, "Fuse 32," at: www.andyandrenee.com
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Jul 31:
6:30 pm - Annual "LIFEGUARD MEDAL OF VALOR DINNER" at Redondo Beach Seaside Lagoon, 200 Portofino Way, Redondo Beach CA
* Los Angeles County Lifeguards are recognized for acts of heroism during this annual dinner, sponsored since 1981 by Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce.
* Info, call Dave Story at 310-619-4291 or email davestory@me.com
* TIX, $20, at www.surffestival.org/valor
Wed, Jul 31:
8 pm - JAMES McMURTRY plays Saint Rocke, 142 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach CA; SaintRocke.com
* SPLENDID feature story, "Songs from the windshield: The roadgoing of James McMurtry," in this week's "Easy Reader News," at: https://easyreadernews.com/songs-from-the-windshield-the-roadgoing-of-james-mcmurtry/
Wed, Jul 31:
8 pm - FREEBO & HIS FABULOUS FRIENDS plus HERB PEDERSON, ROSEMARY BUTLER, ALICE HOWE, and surprise guests, at The Write-Off Room, 21791 Ventura Bl, Woodland Hills CA; venue is in the NE corner of the shopping center; 818-610-8308 for reservations.
* Freebo tells us, "NO COVER, excellent food & drink! This club is the dreamchild of blues guitarist BILL LYNCH, who came into some money and decided to build the music venue of his dreams… intimate, comfortable, great sound, great sightlines, totally musician and audience friendly. I’ve been looking forward to playing The Write-Off Room for quite some time now."
* Freebo adds, "I’m very excited to be presenting my music with world class musicians CHAD WATSON (bass), DAVID GOODSTEIN (drums), FUZZBEE MORSE (guitar & flute), & J.T. THOMAS (keys), as well as having legends HERB PEDERSON & ROSEMARY BUTLER sitting in…. and “Legend-In-The-Making" ALICE HOWE singing some of her beautiful songs backed by the band and me."
* No cover.
"Dog days" of August? We've never made sense of that expression. There are plenty of good music days, though.
"Dog days" of August? We've never made sense of that expression. There are plenty of good music days, though.
Americans do not know this day in history. We should.
Today marks 75 years since the start of the WARSAW UPRISING in World War II. About 35,000 Poles took part in the 63 day insurrection.
What started August 1st would the largest armed defiance of Nazi occupiers during the entire war. Nothing less than the complete overthrow of the Nazi conquerors -- who had brutally ruled for five years since their 1939 invasion started that global war -- was at stake for Poland. You see, the Poles believed they had no choice but to rise up, and probably die, quickly. They had to do it before the Soviet Red Army arrived in its relentless push, driving the once-invincible Germans back.
But why risk everything, when Allied victories were finally happening?
Remember, in 1939, Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide all of Poland between them. The two powers had agreed there was to be no more Poland. That was before Operation Barbarosa, Hitler's invasion of Russia, which brought the Red Army to bleed and conquer the German whermacht to save Mother Russia. And through it all, Poland saw no path to regaining its own nationhood without winning it by force of arms.
When the Nazis pulled entire armies off military battlefronts to crush Polish freedom fighters during the Warsaw Uprising, the Germans lessened their forces available to face the Allied armies, thus shortening the war. Even after defeating the Polish insurrection in October, the Nazis took still more away from military battlefronts. In their murderous vengeance, hundreds of thousands of tons of explosive ordnance were diverted, and used to level the entire city of Warsaw -- and to leave 200,000 more Poles dead.
Since Warsaw Pact nations were forbidden by the Soviet Union from participating in the postwar Marshall Plan, Poland was left on its own to rebuild what had been its largest city. Poland did, and the issue of war reparations due from Germany remains alive in modern Poland -- despite the NATO alliance and everything else about a shared European identity.
At 5 pm today, Warsaw time -- the moment the rebellion began 75 years ago, August 1, 1944 -- all of the city came to a halt, and sirens sounded in remembrance.
Check Wednesday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Aug 1-7, FILM EVENT:
9th annual "GRATEFUL DEAD MEETUP AT THE MOVIES 2019" brings revised special screenings in L.A. Beach Cities, Culver City, Hollywood, Pasadena, Santa Monica, & Sherman Oaks (see bottom of listing).
* Film is PG13; run time 2h 42m.
* One of the greatest shows of their final decade of performing, the "Giants Stadium 6/17/91" film sounds unlike any Dead show ever, as it was one of only two recorded on 48-track. Mixed by Jeffrey Norman in surround sound with video from the multi-camera live edit, it's the first time the Bruce Hornsby and Vince Welnick line-up has ever appeared on the big screen.
* Opening with a shocking "Eyes Of The World," the Dead were firing on all cylinders from the opening notes of the show, mixing beloved classics like "Truckin’" and "Uncle John’s Band" with rarities including "Saint Of Circumstance," "Might As Well," "New Speedway Boogie," and "China Doll."
* The real standout is the recurrence of "Dark Star," weaving in and out of the setlist, making six distinct appearances and teases. The Dead capped-off the night with a perfect song to send the crowd on its way – The Band’s “The Weight.”
* As a special treat, this extraordinary screening will also feature a reveal of the Grateful Dead's 2019 boxed set, featuring the Dead's legacy manager, archivist and producer David Lemieux.
* TIX, all showtimes, all venues, at: https://arclightcinemas.com/movie/grateful-dead-meet-up-2019
Thu, Aug 1:
7:30 pm-9:30 pm - THE DARDEN SISTERS play the summer concert series at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 W Malvern Av, Fullerton, CA 92833; www.themuck.org
* From a classic cover to an original tune, these Fullerton natives are no strangers to "The Muck," having performed to sold-out crowds there, at the OC Fair, the Foxx Theatre, Anaheim House of Blues, and Angel Stadium.
* They are Selah (violin), Clarah (guitar), Havilah (mandolin) and Tabithah (bass).
* TIX, $30 non-mbr, $20 student/sr, $15 mbr, at: https://themuck.org/programing/2019/8/1/darden-sisters
Thu, Aug 1, FILM EVENT:
7:45 pm - "LUCE," which officially opens Friday, has a sneak preview followed by a Q&A with actor KELVIN HARRISON JR. and director JULIUS ONAH, at ArcLight Hollywood, 120 N Robertson Bl, Hollywood CA 90048
* Film Synopsis: An all-star high school athlete and accomplished debater, Luce (KELVIN HARRISON JR.) is a poster boy for the new American Dream. As are his parents (NAOMI WATTS and TIM ROTH), who adopted him from a war-torn country a decade earlier. When Luce’s teacher (OCTAVIA SPENCER) makes a shocking discovery in his locker, Luce’s stellar reputation is called into question. But is he really at fault, or is Ms. Wilson preying on dangerous stereotypes?
* Advance tix a must, at: https://arclightcinemas.com/en/news/luce-qa?_m_utk=e361e29c91e07ef5f9d22282adfa96e5
Thu, Aug 1:
8 pm - THE KLEZMATICS, Grammy-winning, genre-defining mile-a-minute purveyors of tunefulness, play the Summer Thursdays concert series at the Skirball Cultural Center, atop Sepulveda Pass just off the 405 Fwy at 2701 N Sepulveda Bl, Los Angeles CA 90049; 310-440-4578
Thu, Aug 1:
8 pm - JAMES McMURTRY brings his modern Western singer-songwriter sensibilities to the Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano CA 92675; 949-496-8927
Thu, Aug 1:
8 pm - LAURA MAZON FRANQUI & RACHEL LOPEZ play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Thu, Aug 1, FILM EVENT:
7:45 pm - "LUCE," which officially opens Friday, has a sneak preview followed by a Q&A with actor KELVIN HARRISON JR. and director JULIUS ONAH, at ArcLight Hollywood, 120 N Robertson Bl, Hollywood CA 90048
* Film Synopsis: An all-star high school athlete and accomplished debater, Luce (KELVIN HARRISON JR.) is a poster boy for the new American Dream. As are his parents (NAOMI WATTS and TIM ROTH), who adopted him from a war-torn country a decade earlier. When Luce’s teacher (OCTAVIA SPENCER) makes a shocking discovery in his locker, Luce’s stellar reputation is called into question. But is he really at fault, or is Ms. Wilson preying on dangerous stereotypes?
* Advance tix a must, at: https://arclightcinemas.com/en/news/luce-qa?_m_utk=e361e29c91e07ef5f9d22282adfa96e5
Thu, Aug 1:
8 pm - THE KLEZMATICS, Grammy-winning, genre-defining mile-a-minute purveyors of tunefulness, play the Summer Thursdays concert series at the Skirball Cultural Center, atop Sepulveda Pass just off the 405 Fwy at 2701 N Sepulveda Bl, Los Angeles CA 90049; 310-440-4578
Thu, Aug 1:
8 pm - JAMES McMURTRY brings his modern Western singer-songwriter sensibilities to the Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano CA 92675; 949-496-8927
Thu, Aug 1:
8 pm - LAURA MAZON FRANQUI & RACHEL LOPEZ play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Check Wednesday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Also see Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
Check Wednesday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Also see Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
Fri-Sun, Aug 2-4, elsewhere:
31st annual "FALCON RIDGE FOLK FESTIVAL" returns to Dodd's Farm, 44 County Road 7D, Hillsdale, NY
* Yep, one of America's best... alas, too far away...
* Info & tix: https://falconridgefolk.com/
Fri, Aug 2, FREE concert:
7:30 pm - LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS play the "STEPHEN SORENSEN PARK SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" in the park amphitheatre at 16801 East R. Lee Ermey/Ave P, Palmdale CA 93591
* Info: 661-264-1249
Fri, Aug 2:
8 pm - THE BIRD AND THE BEE (the duo of INARA GEORGE and GREG KURSTIN), plus ALEX LILLY, & WENDY WANG, perform at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* TIX at: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/090056ADC52B382A
Fri, Aug 2:
8 pm - THE GIPSY KINGS plus LAS CAFETERAS play the 1st of 2 nights at the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068; 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* Remember when we told you (several times) a few short years back, to see LAS CAFETERAS in a small venue, before they became 'uge? Well, they have.
Fri, Aug 2:
8 pm - PETER ASHER & ALBERT LEE play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Aug 2:
9 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the Rose Theatre, 300 E Colorado Bl, Pasadena CA 91129; 818-879-5016
* He also plays Montclair, Sat at 9 pm; & Ojai Aug 16, 7 pm.
Fri, Aug 2:
8 pm - THE BIRD AND THE BEE (the duo of INARA GEORGE and GREG KURSTIN), plus ALEX LILLY, & WENDY WANG, perform at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* TIX at: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/event/090056ADC52B382A
Fri, Aug 2:
8 pm - THE GIPSY KINGS plus LAS CAFETERAS play the 1st of 2 nights at the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068; 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* Remember when we told you (several times) a few short years back, to see LAS CAFETERAS in a small venue, before they became 'uge? Well, they have.
Fri, Aug 2:
8 pm - PETER ASHER & ALBERT LEE play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Aug 2:
9 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the Rose Theatre, 300 E Colorado Bl, Pasadena CA 91129; 818-879-5016
* He also plays Montclair, Sat at 9 pm; & Ojai Aug 16, 7 pm.
Sat, Aug 3; Sats & Suns, through Aug 11, FESTIVAL:
10 am-6 pm - Annual "BIG BEAR RENNAISSANCE FAIR" on a 4-acre site at 39115 Rim of the World Dr, in historic Fawnskin, CA 92333
* Features trad acoustic music from CUTTHROAT REEF, JOUST KIDDING, GALLOWS HUMOR, and many more musicians to serenade your day.
* Attractions include live jousting, "meet the queen," costumed re-enactors, food, and special themes each weekend.
* Be sure to catch Celtic singer-songwriter KRIS COLT performing each day as "The Lady Black Rose."
* TIX: single-day adult $18, child age 4-15 $15; weekend pass $30 & $24; season pass $120 & $90.
* Tix and info: https://www.bigbearrenfaire.org/
Sat, Aug 3:
10 am - THE GET DOWN BOYS bring BLUEGRASS to the "Big World Fun" series at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* It's pickin' and a grinnin' with the energetic sounds of The Get Down Boys, whose five-string banjo, lonesome harmonies and history of Bluegrass music will leave you and your family with a smile on your face.
* "Big World Fun" takes place over four Saturday mornings in the summer. These hour-long music and dance performances are for children ages 4 to 12 and their families.
* Come early for crafts on the plaza. Pre-show activities start at 9 am. These include "Nature in Your Backyard" which explore L.A.'s native wild animals -- birds of prey, mammals, reptiles and amphibians along the Ford’s entryway gardens.
* TIX: Adults $5; Children age 12 and younger FREE. Open seating, but advanced reservations recommended due to capacity. Stacked parking is $5.
Sat, Aug 3, FREE concert:
1 pm-2 pm - JESSICA FICHOT (trio) brings her charming French chanson, international folk, and Shanghai jazz to the Temple City Library, 5939 Golden West Av, Temple City CA 91780; https://lacountylibrary.org/events/jessica-fichot-concert/
* Musicians are Jonathan Ahrens (upright bass), Adrien Prévost (guitar), Jessica Fichot (vocals, accordion, toy piano).
Sat, Aug 3, FREE concert:
2 pm-5 pm - ORQUESTRA CHARANGOA plays the free summer concert series in Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey CA 90292
* Free concert, 2 hrs free parking.
Sat, Aug 3, FREE Summer symphony:
5:30 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight arrives in Orange, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
6 pm-9 pm - GALLERY EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION for "V" by CYNTHIA ANN SWAN, at Antelope Valley Art Gallery in the new Courson Arts Colony, on 10th St East at about Ave Q-12, across the street from the new Courson Park Pool, Palmdale, CA 93550; GPS 34.5761676, -118.1120381; avart.org
* Swan is a glass artist who employs a wide variety of techniques including weaving, melting, raku, inclusion, painting, layering, and more to create her vibrant works.
* "V" is inspired by the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh, and aims to educate visitors on the many facets of Van Gogh's life while expressing total admiration for his artistic spirit.
* Swan will give an artist talk and walk-through at 7 pm during the Opening Reception.
* Show runs Aug 3-Sep 15 during gallery hours: Saturdays & Sundays, noon-6 pm.
* More at: https://avart.org/cynthia-ann-swan/
* IN ADDITION... in conjunction with "V", Cynthia Ann Swan is teaching an introductory workshop "Creating Kiln-Formed Glass Night Lights," Aug 9, 7 pm-10 pm, $25. All materials provided and the night lights will be fired at the C.A. Swan Art Studio in Quartz Hill CA. Finished projects will be available for pick-up at AVA Gallery and/or the Swan studio. Payments for that workshop can be made at the door; cash or card, but reserve in advance via email: events@avart.org
Sat, Aug 3, BENEFIT concert:
7 pm - MULTI-ARTIST BENEFIT ACOUSTIC CONCERT, "MOZAMBIKES FOR MOZAMBIQUE," with performing host DAVE MORRISON and a lineup that features PHIL WARD (renowned Knott's Berry Farm musician/actor), Phil's mate SILVIE crooning harmonies, GREG KRUEGER, RIC TAYLOR, NOAH ZACHARIN, and more, at Old Oak Cellars Winery, 2620 E Foothill Bl, Ste D, Pasadena CA 91107; venue phone, 626-674-9244
* The evening raises money for a wonderful charity, getting life-changing bicycles to the people of Mozambique, a country where most people live on less than two dollars a day.
* Read about the charity and Dave's 39-day "Go Fund Me" campaign: https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/mozambikes-for-mozambique/davemorrison3
* Donate online at the link if you're so moved. Or just show-up Aug 3 at the venue.
* Last time Dave organized a group of musicians, they raised enough to buy 27 bikes. Dave says, "This time, we are aiming for 30. At least."
* The venue: As Phil says, "It looks like a warehouse on the outside, but inside it's a charming, twinkly winery with a stage and, no surprise here, wine tasting." It's also a place experienced with presenting live music, where you'll be comfortable.
* TIX: it's "Donate what you can" for admission.
* Phil adds, "I urge you to RSVP": dave@davemorrisonmusic.com
Check Wednesday's & Friday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Also see Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
Also see Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
10 am-6 pm - Annual "BIG BEAR RENNAISSANCE FAIR" on a 4-acre site at 39115 Rim of the World Dr, in historic Fawnskin, CA 92333
* Features trad acoustic music from CUTTHROAT REEF, JOUST KIDDING, GALLOWS HUMOR, and many more musicians to serenade your day.
* Attractions include live jousting, "meet the queen," costumed re-enactors, food, and special themes each weekend.
* Be sure to catch Celtic singer-songwriter KRIS COLT performing each day as "The Lady Black Rose."
* TIX: single-day adult $18, child age 4-15 $15; weekend pass $30 & $24; season pass $120 & $90.
* Tix and info: https://www.bigbearrenfaire.org/
Sat, Aug 3:
10 am - THE GET DOWN BOYS bring BLUEGRASS to the "Big World Fun" series at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* It's pickin' and a grinnin' with the energetic sounds of The Get Down Boys, whose five-string banjo, lonesome harmonies and history of Bluegrass music will leave you and your family with a smile on your face.
* "Big World Fun" takes place over four Saturday mornings in the summer. These hour-long music and dance performances are for children ages 4 to 12 and their families.
* Come early for crafts on the plaza. Pre-show activities start at 9 am. These include "Nature in Your Backyard" which explore L.A.'s native wild animals -- birds of prey, mammals, reptiles and amphibians along the Ford’s entryway gardens.
* TIX: Adults $5; Children age 12 and younger FREE. Open seating, but advanced reservations recommended due to capacity. Stacked parking is $5.
Sat, Aug 3, FREE concert:
1 pm-2 pm - JESSICA FICHOT (trio) brings her charming French chanson, international folk, and Shanghai jazz to the Temple City Library, 5939 Golden West Av, Temple City CA 91780; https://lacountylibrary.org/events/jessica-fichot-concert/
* Musicians are Jonathan Ahrens (upright bass), Adrien Prévost (guitar), Jessica Fichot (vocals, accordion, toy piano).
Sat, Aug 3, FREE concert:
2 pm-5 pm - ORQUESTRA CHARANGOA plays the free summer concert series in Fisherman's Village, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey CA 90292
* Free concert, 2 hrs free parking.
Sat, Aug 3, FREE Summer symphony:
5:30 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight arrives in Orange, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
6 pm-9 pm - GALLERY EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION for "V" by CYNTHIA ANN SWAN, at Antelope Valley Art Gallery in the new Courson Arts Colony, on 10th St East at about Ave Q-12, across the street from the new Courson Park Pool, Palmdale, CA 93550; GPS 34.5761676, -118.1120381; avart.org
* Swan is a glass artist who employs a wide variety of techniques including weaving, melting, raku, inclusion, painting, layering, and more to create her vibrant works.
* "V" is inspired by the life and work of Vincent Van Gogh, and aims to educate visitors on the many facets of Van Gogh's life while expressing total admiration for his artistic spirit.
* Swan will give an artist talk and walk-through at 7 pm during the Opening Reception.
* Show runs Aug 3-Sep 15 during gallery hours: Saturdays & Sundays, noon-6 pm.
* More at: https://avart.org/cynthia-ann-swan/
* IN ADDITION... in conjunction with "V", Cynthia Ann Swan is teaching an introductory workshop "Creating Kiln-Formed Glass Night Lights," Aug 9, 7 pm-10 pm, $25. All materials provided and the night lights will be fired at the C.A. Swan Art Studio in Quartz Hill CA. Finished projects will be available for pick-up at AVA Gallery and/or the Swan studio. Payments for that workshop can be made at the door; cash or card, but reserve in advance via email: events@avart.org
Sat, Aug 3, BENEFIT concert:
7 pm - MULTI-ARTIST BENEFIT ACOUSTIC CONCERT, "MOZAMBIKES FOR MOZAMBIQUE," with performing host DAVE MORRISON and a lineup that features PHIL WARD (renowned Knott's Berry Farm musician/actor), Phil's mate SILVIE crooning harmonies, GREG KRUEGER, RIC TAYLOR, NOAH ZACHARIN, and more, at Old Oak Cellars Winery, 2620 E Foothill Bl, Ste D, Pasadena CA 91107; venue phone, 626-674-9244
* The evening raises money for a wonderful charity, getting life-changing bicycles to the people of Mozambique, a country where most people live on less than two dollars a day.
* Read about the charity and Dave's 39-day "Go Fund Me" campaign: https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/mozambikes-for-mozambique/davemorrison3
* Donate online at the link if you're so moved. Or just show-up Aug 3 at the venue.
* Last time Dave organized a group of musicians, they raised enough to buy 27 bikes. Dave says, "This time, we are aiming for 30. At least."
* The venue: As Phil says, "It looks like a warehouse on the outside, but inside it's a charming, twinkly winery with a stage and, no surprise here, wine tasting." It's also a place experienced with presenting live music, where you'll be comfortable.
* TIX: it's "Donate what you can" for admission.
* Phil adds, "I urge you to RSVP": dave@davemorrisonmusic.com
Sat, Aug 3:
7:30 pm - PASADENA POPS presents "MICHAEL FEINSTEIN SINGS COLE PORTER" in a full orchestral outdoor summer concert at the L.A. County Arboretum, 301 N Baldwin Av, Arcadia CA 91007
* Gates open at 5:30 pm for picnicking, concert begins at 7:30 pm.
* Featured in this program:
• Larry Blank, conductor
• Michael Feinstein, soloist
• Mitzi Gaynor, special guest
• Michael Feinstein, soloist
• Mitzi Gaynor, special guest
* Principal Pops Conductor Michael Feinstein puts down the conducting baton and picks up the microphone for one night only to give you a backstage pass into Cole Porter’s world.
* Smart and sophisticated with a charming streak for mischief – Feinstein delves into Porter’s naughty sense of wordplay with "Night and Day," "Begin the Beguine," "I Get a Kick Out of You," "Can Can," "I’ve Got You Under My Skin," and more.
* Check out Michael’s video to hear how this concert will measure-up to the first time he sang Cole Porter with the POPS back in 2012 with the late Marvin Hamlisch conducting.
* Parking at the arboretum is challenging. A new arrangement for P5 parking ($10) for all POPS concerts is at Santa Anita Park, adjacent to the Westfield Mall, with non-stop shuttles to the Arboretum’s main gate; these are ADA and wheelchair accessible. Patrons may still park FREE at Westfield Mall, but shuttle service is not provided from there.
* TIX: seats are selling fast, so act promptly. Box office, 626-793-7172 or online at: https://pasadenasymphony-pops.org/concert/michael-feinstein-sings-cole-porter/
Sat, Aug 3:
7:30 pm - THE SILK ROAD with Robyn Friend, Serpil Borazon, Ron Parker, Neil Siegel, Rowan Storm, and more, plays a house concert at 18 Golden Spar Pl, Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274
* Reservations get directions from Robyn, at 310-9907 (yep, we only got those 7 digits)
Sat, Aug 3:
8 pm - THE GIPSY KINGS plus LAS CAFETERAS play their 2nd of 2 nights at the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068; 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* Remember when we told you (several times) a few years back, to see LAS CAFETERAS in a small venue, before they became 'uge? Well, they have.
Sat, Aug 3:
8 pm - PAUL BARRERE & FRED TACKETT play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Aug 3:
8 pm - SHAWN JONES plays the "Summer Saturday Blues Series," plus the BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND, at the Arcadia Blues Club, 16 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA
* Fun place, friendly relaxed atmosphere, two stages for continuous music, pool tables, full bar, tasty menu items (generous portions, two can share), dance areas. But bring earplugs. Seriously.
* TIX, w/ good discounts in advance for all shows here, at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Sat, Aug 3:
9 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the The Canyon Montclair, 5060 E Montclair Plaza, Space #2020, Montclair, CA 91764
* He also plays Pasadena on Fri, Aug 2 at 9 pm; and Ojai on Aug 16, 7 pm; see listings
Sat, Aug 3:
10:30 pm - THE WHOOLIGANS play the Auld Dubliner, 71 S Pine Av, Long Beach CA 90802; 562-437-8300
* Ed Bell and his merry band of Irish Music Makers deliver fun for all. More at: www.thewhooligans.com
Sat, Aug 3:
7:30 pm - THE SILK ROAD with Robyn Friend, Serpil Borazon, Ron Parker, Neil Siegel, Rowan Storm, and more, plays a house concert at 18 Golden Spar Pl, Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274
* Reservations get directions from Robyn, at 310-9907 (yep, we only got those 7 digits)
Sat, Aug 3:
8 pm - THE GIPSY KINGS plus LAS CAFETERAS play their 2nd of 2 nights at the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068; 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* Remember when we told you (several times) a few years back, to see LAS CAFETERAS in a small venue, before they became 'uge? Well, they have.
Sat, Aug 3:
8 pm - PAUL BARRERE & FRED TACKETT play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Aug 3:
8 pm - SHAWN JONES plays the "Summer Saturday Blues Series," plus the BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND, at the Arcadia Blues Club, 16 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA
* Fun place, friendly relaxed atmosphere, two stages for continuous music, pool tables, full bar, tasty menu items (generous portions, two can share), dance areas. But bring earplugs. Seriously.
* TIX, w/ good discounts in advance for all shows here, at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Sat, Aug 3:
9 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the The Canyon Montclair, 5060 E Montclair Plaza, Space #2020, Montclair, CA 91764
* He also plays Pasadena on Fri, Aug 2 at 9 pm; and Ojai on Aug 16, 7 pm; see listings
Sat, Aug 3:
10:30 pm - THE WHOOLIGANS play the Auld Dubliner, 71 S Pine Av, Long Beach CA 90802; 562-437-8300
* Ed Bell and his merry band of Irish Music Makers deliver fun for all. More at: www.thewhooligans.com
Check Wednesday's through Saturday's listings for FESTIVALS that conclude today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Also see Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
Check Wednesday's through Saturday's listings for FESTIVALS that conclude today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Also see Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
Sun, Aug 4:
59th annual "SAND CASTLE CONTEST" is part of the "International Surf Festival," at Manhattan Beach Pier, Southside, Manhattan Beach CA
* Prizes in all divisions for 1st through 5th places
* All ages welcome
* Free
* Beach registration 7 am-7:20 am, Sand Castle Building 7:30 am-9:30 am, Awards Ceremony 10 am
* Info/q&a, 310-802-5448 or www.Surffestival.org
Sun, Aug 4:
Annual "GO FLY-A-KITE DAY" in El Segundo at Recreation Park, 401 Sheldon St, El Segundo CA
* Free kites for the first 50 families
* Live music
* Food & Beverage vendors
* Kite crafting area
* Family and friends event.
* Info, 310-524-2700 or www.elsegundo.org/depts/recreations/
Sun, Aug 4:
Noon-2 pm - MURPHY'S FLAW plays the "BLUEGRASS BRUNCH" at Viva Rancho Cantina, next to the L.A. Equestrian Center at 900 W Riverside Dr, Burbank CA 91506
* Flaw Band Members Buzz (mandolin) and Frank (banjo) played with Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus in the video "Old Town Road."
* With 245+ MILLION views on YouTube, the video has been the Number-One hit on Billboard for a record-breaking 17 weeks.
1 pm-3 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- LANCASTER WORKSHOP" sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at the Museum of Art and History (MOAH) Cedar, 44857 Cedar Av, Lancaster CA 93534
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 4 Lancaster event, at:
Sun, Aug 4, FREE concert:
2 pm - THE NOVELISTS play the Summer concerts in the park series in Philip Marx Central Park, East E St, Tehachapi CA 93561
* Presented by Tehachapi Valley Recreation & Parks District in association with Fiddlers Crossing, Lehigh Cement and MusicMX Entertainment.
Sun, Aug 4:
2 pm - VALLIMAR JANSEN AND GRITS & BOURBON BLUES BAND play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Aug 4, FREE concert:
2 pm - MARC BERGER performs for the conceet series in the big hall at the Thousand Oaks Library in Thousand Oaks CA; www.tolibrary.org
Sun, Aug 4:
4 pm - "THE GRAND OLE ECHO" features a headlining set by NOCONA at 4 pm, in a full lineup with DEAD HORSES, MARA CONNOR, GRAND CANYON, FRANCESCA BROWN, & BROKEN SPOKES, at the Echo, 1822 Sunset Bl, Echo Park CA
* NOCONA will feature songs from their forthcoming release “Los Dos,” rolling with the full band for this one, pedal steel from Dan Wistrom, plus fiddle and guitar by Xander Hitzig, harmonica by Elan Glasser, drums by Justin Smith, and Adrienne and Chris bringing bass and guitar rhythms.
* "Los Angeles-based band, Nocona, would be right at home on Chicago’s Bloodshot Records – a label that many insurgent country bands have called home for nearly 20 years...” – Independent’s Day Radio.
* “L.A.-based Nocona, a country punk act rooted in the blues with a psychedelic and Mexicali twist, are the new Alt-country Sheriffs in town” – Slo New Times.
* “If the old saying, “All hat & no cattle,” is supposed describe pretty boys and girls pretending to be country; Nocona would be all well-whiskey, cigarettes and f**k-you’s…and no hat.” – Pinpoint Music.
* More: http://noconamusic.com/
* Sunday vibes happenin' on the always charming GOE main stage.
Sun, Aug 4:
4 pm - DÉJÀ VU – A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE OF CSN&Y at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-833-7538; https://alvasshowroom.com/events/
* TIX, $20
Sun, Aug 4, FREE concert:
5 pm - ALICE WALLACE and TANBARK play the "Tiny Porch Concerts" at King Gillette Ranch in Santa Monica Mtns Nat'l Recreation Area (NPS) in Calabasas CA; www.tinyporchconcerts.com
* Alice Wallace is marvelous. And this show is outdoors after it cools down, and it's FREE.
Sun, Aug 4, FREE Summer symphony:
5:30 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight concludes in Irvine, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
Sun, Aug 4:
7 pm - LORD HURON plus SHAKEY GRAVES and YOLA play the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068
* TIX, 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* If it's your cup o' tea...
Sun, Aug 4:
8 pm - PETER ASHER & ALBERT LEE play the second of two nights in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* They're also here Fri, Aug 2, 8 pm; see listing.
Sun, Aug 4:
Noon-2 pm - MURPHY'S FLAW plays the "BLUEGRASS BRUNCH" at Viva Rancho Cantina, next to the L.A. Equestrian Center at 900 W Riverside Dr, Burbank CA 91506
* Flaw Band Members Buzz (mandolin) and Frank (banjo) played with Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus in the video "Old Town Road."
* With 245+ MILLION views on YouTube, the video has been the Number-One hit on Billboard for a record-breaking 17 weeks.
1 pm-3 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- LANCASTER WORKSHOP" sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at the Museum of Art and History (MOAH) Cedar, 44857 Cedar Av, Lancaster CA 93534
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 4 Lancaster event, at:
Sun, Aug 4, FREE concert:
2 pm - THE NOVELISTS play the Summer concerts in the park series in Philip Marx Central Park, East E St, Tehachapi CA 93561
* Presented by Tehachapi Valley Recreation & Parks District in association with Fiddlers Crossing, Lehigh Cement and MusicMX Entertainment.
Sun, Aug 4:
2 pm - VALLIMAR JANSEN AND GRITS & BOURBON BLUES BAND play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Aug 4, FREE concert:
2 pm - MARC BERGER performs for the conceet series in the big hall at the Thousand Oaks Library in Thousand Oaks CA; www.tolibrary.org
Sun, Aug 4:
4 pm - "THE GRAND OLE ECHO" features a headlining set by NOCONA at 4 pm, in a full lineup with DEAD HORSES, MARA CONNOR, GRAND CANYON, FRANCESCA BROWN, & BROKEN SPOKES, at the Echo, 1822 Sunset Bl, Echo Park CA
* NOCONA will feature songs from their forthcoming release “Los Dos,” rolling with the full band for this one, pedal steel from Dan Wistrom, plus fiddle and guitar by Xander Hitzig, harmonica by Elan Glasser, drums by Justin Smith, and Adrienne and Chris bringing bass and guitar rhythms.
* "Los Angeles-based band, Nocona, would be right at home on Chicago’s Bloodshot Records – a label that many insurgent country bands have called home for nearly 20 years...” – Independent’s Day Radio.
* “L.A.-based Nocona, a country punk act rooted in the blues with a psychedelic and Mexicali twist, are the new Alt-country Sheriffs in town” – Slo New Times.
* “If the old saying, “All hat & no cattle,” is supposed describe pretty boys and girls pretending to be country; Nocona would be all well-whiskey, cigarettes and f**k-you’s…and no hat.” – Pinpoint Music.
* More: http://noconamusic.com/
* Sunday vibes happenin' on the always charming GOE main stage.
Sun, Aug 4:
4 pm - DÉJÀ VU – A MUSICAL RETROSPECTIVE OF CSN&Y at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-833-7538; https://alvasshowroom.com/events/
* TIX, $20
Sun, Aug 4, FREE concert:
5 pm - ALICE WALLACE and TANBARK play the "Tiny Porch Concerts" at King Gillette Ranch in Santa Monica Mtns Nat'l Recreation Area (NPS) in Calabasas CA; www.tinyporchconcerts.com
* Alice Wallace is marvelous. And this show is outdoors after it cools down, and it's FREE.
Sun, Aug 4, FREE Summer symphony:
5:30 pm - "SYMPHONY IN THE CITIES" Concert Series performed FREE by PACIFIC SYMPHONY in four cities, tonight concludes in Irvine, CA. (Address, etc, below).
* Pack a picnic, grab a lawn chair or blanket and gather the family for an evening of free music and outdoor summer fun.
* Classical KUSC’s radio host Alan Chapman serves as emcee.
* There are interactive and hands-on activities for children, including instrument making, a drum circle, an instrument petting zoo and an opportunity to meet the musicians.
* Back by popular demand — kids have the chance to learn how to conduct with Maestro St. Clair and later help lead the orchestra in Sousa’s “Hands Across the Sea” during the concert.
* The entire audience is invited to participate in a sing-along of patriotic favorites.
* With a potpourri of popular classics, pop tunes and patriotic tunes, this year’s "Symphony in the Cities" concerts are led by Music Director Carl St. Clair and take place on in these cities on the following dates:
□ Mission Viejo, Jul 27, 4 pm "Prelude in the Park" activities, 7 pm concert. Features pre-concert entertainment for all and a Musical Playground for Children. Concert features Pacific Symphony. At Oso Viejo Community Park on the Village Green, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo CA
□ Costa Mesa, Jul 28, 5 pm outdoor activities, 7 pm indoor concert. Includes family activities and community ensemble performances beginning at 5 pm outdoors on the Julianne and George Argyros Plaza. Pacific Symphony concert starts inside the Concert Hall at 7 pm. At the Renée & Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, 615 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa CA
□ Orange (new this year), Aug 3, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30 pm. Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Aitken Arts Plaza at Musco Center for the Arts, Chapman University, One University Dr, Orange CA
□ Irvine, Aug 4, 5:30 pm activities, 7 pm concert. Family activities and local music acts begin at 5:30, Pacific Symphony concert at 7 pm. At Mike Ward Community Park Woodbridge, 20 Lake Rd, Irvine CA
* More info, www.PacificSymphony.org
Sun, Aug 4:
7 pm - LORD HURON plus SHAKEY GRAVES and YOLA play the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068
* TIX, 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* If it's your cup o' tea...
Sun, Aug 4:
8 pm - PETER ASHER & ALBERT LEE play the second of two nights in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* They're also here Fri, Aug 2, 8 pm; see listing.
Also see last Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
4:30 pm-6:30 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- SYLMAR WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at Tia Chuchas Centro Cultural & Bookstore, 13197 Gladstone Av, Sylmar CA 91342
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 5 Sylmar event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-sylmar-tickets-66401351229
Also see last Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
4:30 pm-6:30 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- SYLMAR WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at Tia Chuchas Centro Cultural & Bookstore, 13197 Gladstone Av, Sylmar CA 91342
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 5 Sylmar event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-sylmar-tickets-66401351229
Mon, Aug 5:
7 pm - ELVIS COSTELLO & THE IMPOSTERS plus BLONDIE play the Greek Theatre in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
Mon, Aug 5:
7 pm - DENNY LAINE plays Bogies in Westlake Village CA; www.bogies-bar.com
Mon, Aug 5:
7 pm-9 pm - SUITCASE JOHNNIE, MARTY McPHEE, DENNIS ROGER REED, & STEVE ZOERNER, at Barnoa Wine Bar, 831 Via Suerte, Suite 106, San Clemente CA; 949-388-4378; http://barnoawinebar.com/
* 2 or 3 songs apiece.
Mon, Aug 5:
7 pm - DENNY LAINE plays Bogies in Westlake Village CA; www.bogies-bar.com
Mon, Aug 5:
7 pm-9 pm - SUITCASE JOHNNIE, MARTY McPHEE, DENNIS ROGER REED, & STEVE ZOERNER, at Barnoa Wine Bar, 831 Via Suerte, Suite 106, San Clemente CA; 949-388-4378; http://barnoawinebar.com/
* 2 or 3 songs apiece.
On this day in 1945, the "Enola Gay," a B-29 bomber named by the pilot for his mother, dropped a first-of-its-kind bomb named "Little Boy." The scientists who had developed it in secret gave that name to the only bomb of its kind that they had yet made. It had been brought across the Pacific Ocean at flank speed by the thoroughly modern heavy cruiser USS Indianapolis to the tiny remote island of Tinian. There, air group commander Col. Paul Tibbetts had it loaded into his own plane. Flying alone until a planned rendezvous with another B-29 which was there as a weather/ spotter/ camera plane, Tibbetts and his crew had to bypass their primary target because of cloud cover. Thus, their secondary target, the city of Hiroshima and its population, became the first targets of an atomic bomb with a fissionable plutonium core.
A second atomic bomb of a different type, a uranium bomb named "Fat Man," was dropped by the B-29 "Bock's Car" on the city of Nagasaki on August 9th. Finally, the Emperor of Japan, speaking on radio for the first time his voice had ever been heard by the Japanese people, ordered his nation to surrender. Even then, a military coup of high-ranking Japanese officers, seeking to continue a war of national suicide, was narrowly stopped.
So far, the world has averted any more use of nuclear weapons -- which are now thousands of times more destructive than the bombs that converted Hiroshima and Nagasaki into radioactive rubble.
Also see last Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
Also see last Thursday's Aug 1 through Aug 7 film event.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
8:30 am-3 am - HOLLYWOOD MUSICALS -- in an impressive lineup on Turner Classic Movies (TCM) on cable, satellite, and some web packages.
* NOTE that 5 pm-10 pm, three landmark features with AFRICAN-AMERICAN STARS are the centerpiece. For decades, such films were made only for black audiences, and with a 10% share of the population and most of its members impoverished, it's amazing that ANY quality films were made. Tonight, enjoy or record three. Here's the full line-up:
* 8:30 am - "DUCHESS OF IDAHO" (1950) ☆☆ Esther Williams & John Lund.
* 10:30 am - "TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR" (1944) ☆☆☆ June Allyson & Gloria DeHaven. This is the movie "LA LA LAND" wished it could have been, with the talent it wished Hollywood still had.
* 12:45 pm - "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES" (1946) ☆☆☆ Fred Astaire & Judy Garland, with a parade of song-and-dance stars of the time in music and comedy sketches.
* 2:45 pm - "WORDS AND MUSIC" (1948) ☆☆ Tom Drake & Mickey Rooney.
* 5 pm - "STORMY WEATHER" (1943) ☆☆☆ Bill Robinson, Lena Horne, and performances by many of the prominent black artists of the time.
* 6:30 pm - "THE DUKE IS TOPS" (1938) ☆☆ Ralph Cooper & Lena Horne; also released as "The Bronze Venus."
* 8 pm - "CABIN IN THE SKY" (1943) ☆☆☆ Ethel Waters & Eddie Anderson.
* 10 pm - "BROADWAY RHYTHM" (1944) George Murphy & Ginny Simms. Murphy went on to become a conservative Republican US Senator from California, contemporary with "acting" president Ronald Reagan.
* 12:15-3 am - "TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" (1946) ☆☆☆ Judy Garland & Robert Walker with "a constellation of MGM stars" in this biopic of legendary songwriter Jerome Kern.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
10:30 am - "TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR" (1944) ☆☆☆ June Allyson & Gloria DeHaven.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
12:45 pm - "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES" (1946) ☆☆☆ Fred Astaire & Judy Garland, with a parade of song-and-dance stars of the time in music and comedy sketches.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
2:45 pm - "WORDS AND MUSIC" (1948) ☆☆ Tom Drake & Mickey Rooney.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
5 pm - "STORMY WEATHER" (1943) ☆☆☆ Bill Robinson, Lena Horne, and performances by many of the prominent black artists of the time.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6:
6 pm - "ESPLANADE NIGHT OUT" in conjunction with "National Night Out," at the south end of the Esplanade by Miramar Park, 201 Paseo De La Playa, Redondo Beach CA
* Music by by LAURA HUNTER, and more.
* Meet the folks who actually keep the Esplanade beautiful.
* The theme of these "National Nights" is to get acquainted with the local cops. The Redondo Beach Police Department will pay a visit during the evening, and entertainment is provided.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
6:30 pm - "THE DUKE IS TOPS" (1938) ☆☆ Ralph Cooper & Lena Horne; also released as "The Bronze Venus."
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, FREE concert:
7 pm-10 pm - "SONGWRITER SERENADE" series presents strong edition with rockabilly-Americana recording artist TED RUSSELL KAMP; PHIL WARD (renowned Knott's Berry Farm musician/actor); BETH FITCHET WOOD (longtime performing host of several OC music series); HENRY ZHAO; and series host JC HYKE, at Matt Denny's Ale House, 145 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA 91006
* No cover; buy whatever you want to eat and drink from the full menu and full bar. Get seated where the music happens; they have several rooms.
* Phil says, "Psst: I recommend the dinner salad--it's huge." And he adds, "Bonus treat or bonus threat: I plan to perform a song from 'Hair.'"
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
8 pm - "CABIN IN THE SKY" (1943) ☆☆☆ Ethel Waters & Eddie Anderson.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
* For three days in the middle of August 1969, half a million people from all walks of life and every corner of the country converged on a small dairy farm in upstate New York. They came to hear the concert of their lives, but most experienced something more profound: a moment that would change them and the country forever, and spark a cultural revolution.
* The documentary tells the story of the political and social upheaval leading up to those three historic days, as well as the extraordinary events of the concert itself, where near disaster put the ideals of the counterculture to the test.
* On PBS nationwide; airs in Los Angeles on KOCE, aka PBS SoCal, broadcast/cable/satellite.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
10 pm - "BROADWAY RHYTHM" (1944) George Murphy & Ginny Simms. Murphy went on to become a conservative Republican US Senator from California, contemporary with "acting" president Ronald Reagan.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
12:15-3 am - "TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" (1946) ☆☆☆ Judy Garland & Robert Walker with "a constellation of MGM stars" in this biopic of legendary songwriter Jerome Kern.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Wed, Aug 7:
12:30 pm- 4:30 pm, "DA VINCI EXHIBIT LUNCH AND TOUR" is a special one-day event in conjunction with d the extensive special exhibition (through Sep 8) at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley CA 93065
* Today's event includes "a delicious themed meal prepared by our Presidential Chef. Our da Vinci Exhibit Lunch and Tour is a truly exceptional experience. Following the lunch, guests will receive a docent-led tour of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Museum and Air Force One Pavilion and will be able to self-tour our special exhibit, 'The World of da Vinci.' Casual attire is suggested. Reservations are required and must be made by Aug 2 at 9 am."
Wed, Aug 7, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- JIM SITTERLY QUINTET, with Jim on violin, plays "Classic Favorites" at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Throughout the world on numerous tours with THE WHO, DON HENLY, JOHN TESH and MASON WILLIAMS, as a concert violin soloist, Sitterly has performed his compositions, orchestrations, and arrangements with famous artists, orchestras, and on PBS.
* The QUINTET brings Bobby Shulgold, principal flutist and soloist for most of the regional orchestras in L.A. (and magician who performs at the Magic Castle); Kevan Torfeh, former principal cellist and soloist with the California Chamber Orchestra; Sam Sorensen, pianist composer for films, TV, cruise lines, theme parks, industrial engagements, and commercials
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Aug 7, FREE concert:
6:30 pm- 8:30 pm - ORQUESTRA CHARANGOA plays the free summer concert series in Verdugo Park, Glendale CA
Wed, Aug 7:
7 pm - STEVE WOOD & BETH FITCHET WOOD w/ RICHARD STEKOL and TRACY NEWMAN make for a good lineup for this week's "Wine & Song Concert Series" at the Arroyo Seco Golf Clubhouse (The Blue Guitar) in South Pasadena CA; www.wineandsong.com
Wed, Aug 7:
7:30 pm - EILEN JEWELL & BAND play the AMSD Concerts series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita CA 91902; 619-201-0520
Wed, Aug 7:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY plus JIMMIE VAUGHAN and CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE play the blues concert night of the year, at the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068
* TIX at 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* They also play Escondido tomorrow night at 8 pm; see listing.
Thu, Aug 8, FREE screening:
7 pm - "CONSCIENTIOUS PROJECTOR" series presents a free screening of "CAPTURING THE FLAG" at the Armory Center for the Arts, 145 N Raymond Av, Pasadena CA (a short walk from the Metro Gold Line Memorial Park light rail station).
* Voter suppression is a potentially crucial impediment to the fundamental exercise of our democracy as presidential campaigns get well under way for the 2020 election. The sanctity of the core U.S. principle of one person-one vote, and the continuing struggle for racial justice in America are as more of an unrealized hope than at any time since before passage of the now-compromised Voting Rights Act of 1964.
* Producer-director Anne de Mare brings these issues to light in her vivid account of a small group of dedicated voting rights activists monitoring the 2016 election at a Cumberland County, North Carolina polling place. Featuring the NAACP’s Rev. Dr. William J. Barber.
* A community discussion follows the film.
Thu, Aug 8, FREE concert:
7 pm - JIM CURRY presents his highly acclaimed "THE MUSIC OF JOHN DENVER" concert at "Culver City’s Boulevard Music Summer Festival" (a Thursday concert series called a "festival") in City Hall Courtyard, 9770 Culver Bl, Culver City CA 90232; 310-398-2583
* Go. Not only is this really fun with sing-along opportunities, but tix to see Jim do this show anywhere else are now north of 30 bucks. (Except Sunday at 3 pm at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, where tix are cheaper and in a delightfully intimate venue; but probably already sold-out.)
Thu, Aug 8, on TV:
7 pm-8 pm - "PETE SEEGER'S LEGACY: IF I HAD A HAMMER" (2019) is a PBS documentary on the life and lasting impact of the late environmental activist and folksinging icon (1919-2014). On KOCE, aka PBS SoCal, broadcast, cable, satellite and web.
* Re-airs tonight, 1 am-2 am; also re-airs twice on KOCE-2, aka LA PBS-2, Sat 9 pm-10 pm & Sun early am, 1 am-2 am.
Thu, Aug 8:
7:30 pm - LOS LOBOS plus LOS LONELY BOYS and OZOMATLI team-up for a slam-bang bill at the Greek Theatre, 2700 N Vermont Av, Griffith Park, Los Angeles CA 90027; 213-480-3232
Thu, Aug 8:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY plus JIMMIE VAUGHAN and CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE play the blues concert night of the year, this time at the California Center For The Arts on the Great Green, 340 N Escondido Bl, Escondido CA 92025; 800-988-4253
* They also play the Hollywood Bowl, Wed, Aug 7, at 8 pm; see listing.
Thu, Aug 8, world music:
8 pm - CHA WA plays the Thursday night Summer Concert series at the Skirball Cultural Center, atop Sepulveda Pass, just off the 405 Fwy, at 2701 N Sepulveda Bl, Los Angeles CA 90049; 310-440-4578
Thu, Aug 8:
8 pm - THE SALTY SUITES play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Thu night / Fri wee hours, Aug 8/9, on TV:
1 am-2 am - "PETE SEEGER'S LEGACY: IF I HAD A HAMMER" (2019) is a PBS documentary on the life and lasting impact of the late environmental activist and folksinging icon (1919-2014). On KOCE, aka PBS SoCal, broadcast, cable, satellite and web.
* Re-airs from earlier tonight; also re-airs twice on KOCE-2, aka LA PBS-2, Sat 9 pm-10 pm & Sun early am, 1 am-2 am.
7 pm-10 pm - "SONGWRITER SERENADE" series presents strong edition with rockabilly-Americana recording artist TED RUSSELL KAMP; PHIL WARD (renowned Knott's Berry Farm musician/actor); BETH FITCHET WOOD (longtime performing host of several OC music series); HENRY ZHAO; and series host JC HYKE, at Matt Denny's Ale House, 145 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA 91006
* No cover; buy whatever you want to eat and drink from the full menu and full bar. Get seated where the music happens; they have several rooms.
* Phil says, "Psst: I recommend the dinner salad--it's huge." And he adds, "Bonus treat or bonus threat: I plan to perform a song from 'Hair.'"
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
8 pm - "CABIN IN THE SKY" (1943) ☆☆☆ Ethel Waters & Eddie Anderson.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
* For three days in the middle of August 1969, half a million people from all walks of life and every corner of the country converged on a small dairy farm in upstate New York. They came to hear the concert of their lives, but most experienced something more profound: a moment that would change them and the country forever, and spark a cultural revolution.
* The documentary tells the story of the political and social upheaval leading up to those three historic days, as well as the extraordinary events of the concert itself, where near disaster put the ideals of the counterculture to the test.
* On PBS nationwide; airs in Los Angeles on KOCE, aka PBS SoCal, broadcast/cable/satellite.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
10 pm - "BROADWAY RHYTHM" (1944) George Murphy & Ginny Simms. Murphy went on to become a conservative Republican US Senator from California, contemporary with "acting" president Ronald Reagan.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
Tue, Aug 6, on TV:
12:15-3 am - "TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" (1946) ☆☆☆ Judy Garland & Robert Walker with "a constellation of MGM stars" in this biopic of legendary songwriter Jerome Kern.
* Part of a full day & night lineup of notable Hollywood Musicals that features three pioneering films with African-American stars; see our 8:30 am write-up.
* On TCM.
9 am PST / noon EST - DYLAN BRODY, radio storyteller, does an ONLINE WORKSHOP / CLASS titled "Martial Arts for Writers," at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/district-bliss-martial-arts-for-writers-by-dylan-brody-online-tickets-65462027687
* The late Robin Williams said of Dylan, “The writing is brilliant.”
* His fans include such comedic legends as Carl Reiner, Paul Provenza, Elayne Boosler and Richard Lewis, for "an ever-expanding repertoire of witty and profound tales" that are unique, yet utterly recognizable to everyone. In the summer of 2018 he added the title “Filmmaker” following the direction of his first feature film, an experimental art film/post-modern romantic comedy.
* $15 for the 90-min workshop; presented through "District Bliss," it uses Zoom Conference technology.
* If you're there for the live webcast of this workshop you'll receive codes for a 50% savings on the "JUST BREATHE - Breathing Exercises for Writers" and more.
9 am PST / noon EST - DYLAN BRODY, radio storyteller, does an ONLINE WORKSHOP / CLASS titled "Martial Arts for Writers," at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/district-bliss-martial-arts-for-writers-by-dylan-brody-online-tickets-65462027687
* The late Robin Williams said of Dylan, “The writing is brilliant.”
* His fans include such comedic legends as Carl Reiner, Paul Provenza, Elayne Boosler and Richard Lewis, for "an ever-expanding repertoire of witty and profound tales" that are unique, yet utterly recognizable to everyone. In the summer of 2018 he added the title “Filmmaker” following the direction of his first feature film, an experimental art film/post-modern romantic comedy.
* $15 for the 90-min workshop; presented through "District Bliss," it uses Zoom Conference technology.
* If you're there for the live webcast of this workshop you'll receive codes for a 50% savings on the "JUST BREATHE - Breathing Exercises for Writers" and more.
Wed, Aug 7:
12:30 pm- 4:30 pm, "DA VINCI EXHIBIT LUNCH AND TOUR" is a special one-day event in conjunction with d the extensive special exhibition (through Sep 8) at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley CA 93065
* Today's event includes "a delicious themed meal prepared by our Presidential Chef. Our da Vinci Exhibit Lunch and Tour is a truly exceptional experience. Following the lunch, guests will receive a docent-led tour of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Museum and Air Force One Pavilion and will be able to self-tour our special exhibit, 'The World of da Vinci.' Casual attire is suggested. Reservations are required and must be made by Aug 2 at 9 am."
* TIX for special event (Aug 7) at:
* Tix for the ONGOING exhibition, "THE WORLD OF DaVINCI," any day through Sep 8:
Wed, Aug 7, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- JIM SITTERLY QUINTET, with Jim on violin, plays "Classic Favorites" at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Throughout the world on numerous tours with THE WHO, DON HENLY, JOHN TESH and MASON WILLIAMS, as a concert violin soloist, Sitterly has performed his compositions, orchestrations, and arrangements with famous artists, orchestras, and on PBS.
* The QUINTET brings Bobby Shulgold, principal flutist and soloist for most of the regional orchestras in L.A. (and magician who performs at the Magic Castle); Kevan Torfeh, former principal cellist and soloist with the California Chamber Orchestra; Sam Sorensen, pianist composer for films, TV, cruise lines, theme parks, industrial engagements, and commercials
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Aug 7, FREE concert:
6:30 pm- 8:30 pm - ORQUESTRA CHARANGOA plays the free summer concert series in Verdugo Park, Glendale CA
Wed, Aug 7:
7 pm - STEVE WOOD & BETH FITCHET WOOD w/ RICHARD STEKOL and TRACY NEWMAN make for a good lineup for this week's "Wine & Song Concert Series" at the Arroyo Seco Golf Clubhouse (The Blue Guitar) in South Pasadena CA; www.wineandsong.com
Wed, Aug 7:
7:30 pm - EILEN JEWELL & BAND play the AMSD Concerts series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita CA 91902; 619-201-0520
Wed, Aug 7:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY plus JIMMIE VAUGHAN and CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE play the blues concert night of the year, at the Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Av, Hollywood CA 90068
* TIX at 323-850-2000 or 213-480-3232
* They also play Escondido tomorrow night at 8 pm; see listing.
Fifty years ago today, four musicians had five photographs taken of themselves outside the recording studio where they had just finished their new album. Strictly speaking, a permit was needed (and not obtained) because photographer and subjects left the property and literally went into the public street. The result was the crosswalk photo on the cover of "Abbey Road," the last studio album the four BEATLES would record together. Within days, they would regret their decision not to make another crossing -- that being the Atlantic -- to play Woodstock. While Woodstock became a state of mind, Abbey Road remains a touchstone. In the ensuing years, the classically British pedestrian crosswalk has attracted millions of music fans (including many famous ones) to make that same 30-foot stroll.
Fifty years ago today, four musicians had five photographs taken of themselves outside the recording studio where they had just finished their new album. Strictly speaking, a permit was needed (and not obtained) because photographer and subjects left the property and literally went into the public street. The result was the crosswalk photo on the cover of "Abbey Road," the last studio album the four BEATLES would record together. Within days, they would regret their decision not to make another crossing -- that being the Atlantic -- to play Woodstock. While Woodstock became a state of mind, Abbey Road remains a touchstone. In the ensuing years, the classically British pedestrian crosswalk has attracted millions of music fans (including many famous ones) to make that same 30-foot stroll.
Thu, Aug 8, FREE screening:
7 pm - "CONSCIENTIOUS PROJECTOR" series presents a free screening of "CAPTURING THE FLAG" at the Armory Center for the Arts, 145 N Raymond Av, Pasadena CA (a short walk from the Metro Gold Line Memorial Park light rail station).
* Voter suppression is a potentially crucial impediment to the fundamental exercise of our democracy as presidential campaigns get well under way for the 2020 election. The sanctity of the core U.S. principle of one person-one vote, and the continuing struggle for racial justice in America are as more of an unrealized hope than at any time since before passage of the now-compromised Voting Rights Act of 1964.
* Producer-director Anne de Mare brings these issues to light in her vivid account of a small group of dedicated voting rights activists monitoring the 2016 election at a Cumberland County, North Carolina polling place. Featuring the NAACP’s Rev. Dr. William J. Barber.
* A community discussion follows the film.
Thu, Aug 8, FREE concert:
7 pm - JIM CURRY presents his highly acclaimed "THE MUSIC OF JOHN DENVER" concert at "Culver City’s Boulevard Music Summer Festival" (a Thursday concert series called a "festival") in City Hall Courtyard, 9770 Culver Bl, Culver City CA 90232; 310-398-2583
* Go. Not only is this really fun with sing-along opportunities, but tix to see Jim do this show anywhere else are now north of 30 bucks. (Except Sunday at 3 pm at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, where tix are cheaper and in a delightfully intimate venue; but probably already sold-out.)
Thu, Aug 8, on TV:
7 pm-8 pm - "PETE SEEGER'S LEGACY: IF I HAD A HAMMER" (2019) is a PBS documentary on the life and lasting impact of the late environmental activist and folksinging icon (1919-2014). On KOCE, aka PBS SoCal, broadcast, cable, satellite and web.
* Re-airs tonight, 1 am-2 am; also re-airs twice on KOCE-2, aka LA PBS-2, Sat 9 pm-10 pm & Sun early am, 1 am-2 am.
Thu, Aug 8:
7:30 pm - LOS LOBOS plus LOS LONELY BOYS and OZOMATLI team-up for a slam-bang bill at the Greek Theatre, 2700 N Vermont Av, Griffith Park, Los Angeles CA 90027; 213-480-3232
Thu, Aug 8:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY plus JIMMIE VAUGHAN and CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE play the blues concert night of the year, this time at the California Center For The Arts on the Great Green, 340 N Escondido Bl, Escondido CA 92025; 800-988-4253
* They also play the Hollywood Bowl, Wed, Aug 7, at 8 pm; see listing.
Thu, Aug 8, world music:
8 pm - CHA WA plays the Thursday night Summer Concert series at the Skirball Cultural Center, atop Sepulveda Pass, just off the 405 Fwy, at 2701 N Sepulveda Bl, Los Angeles CA 90049; 310-440-4578
Thu, Aug 8:
8 pm - THE SALTY SUITES play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Thu night / Fri wee hours, Aug 8/9, on TV:
1 am-2 am - "PETE SEEGER'S LEGACY: IF I HAD A HAMMER" (2019) is a PBS documentary on the life and lasting impact of the late environmental activist and folksinging icon (1919-2014). On KOCE, aka PBS SoCal, broadcast, cable, satellite and web.
* Re-airs from earlier tonight; also re-airs twice on KOCE-2, aka LA PBS-2, Sat 9 pm-10 pm & Sun early am, 1 am-2 am.
Fri-Sun, Aug 9-11, FESTIVAL:
32nd annual "LONG BEACH JAZZ FESTIVAL" with headliners Brian Culbertson, Angie Stone, Poncho Sanchez, Eric Benét, and "over 20 Jazz Greats," at Rainbow Lagoon Park, E Shoreline Dr, Long Beach, CA 90802
* This 3-day music extravaganza delivers traditional jazz, smooth jazz, Latin jazz, and additional popular jazz genres.
* With "the best in jazz and contemporary music," it does not qualify as "acoustic" or "Americana," but we list it for our readers because it is the most consistent, most upscale, and among the most celebrated jazz festivals in Southern California
* It features great food.
* A longtime inclusion is valuable health awareness resources in the community.
* LBJF is under the direction of Kimberly Benoit, President of Rainbow Promotions, LLC, and is a three-generation, family-produced event.
* Runs Fri, 6 pm-10 pm (5 pm gate); Sat & Sun 1 pm-10 pm (11 am gate).
* TIX range from $60 - $225, at 562-424-0013 or online at http://bit.ly/LongBeachJazzFestival
* VIP Seating option, Reserved Box Seat, includes dinner and 1 bottle of wine (copy and paste url):
Fri: http://bit.ly/LBJF2019fri
Sat: http://bit.ly/LBJF2019sat
Sun: http://bit.ly/LBJF2019sun
Fri, Aug 9:
1 pm–2 pm - "STORYTELLING AND SONGS UNDER THE OAK" in the Ethnobotanical Garden at the Autry Museum of the American West, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Griffith Park, Los Angeles CA 90027
* Join Native Americans Dennis Garcia (Tataviam and Chumash) and Ted Garcia (Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians) as they share traditional stories and songs in the Autry's ethnobotanical garden.
* Hear inspirational stories about our unique local region.
* Presented in collaboration with "Pukuu Community Services," a nonprofit organization that invests in sustainable programs that bridge and improve opportunities for American Indians with culturally-based community services now and for future generations. Info on that organization: www.pukuu.org
* This special program is included with Museum Admission / Free for Autry Members / No Reservations Necessary.
Fri, Aug 9, FREE event:
6:30 pm - "HULA & UKULELE" led by JASON ARIMOTO, in conjunction with the City of San Fernando's "Sizzlin' Summer Nights" series is an off-campus presentation of "JAM Sessions" presented by the Ford Amphitheatre; at San Fernando Recreation Park, 208 Park Av, San Fernando CA 91340
* This is multi-faceted:
• Arts and Crafts at 5 pm
• JAM Session at 6:30 pm
• Film screening of Disney's "Finding Nemo" following.
* You can learn some graceful gestures of the hula or play some island songs on the uke. Ukuleles are provided!
* See Aug 12, 7 pm, for the other FREE uke event.
Fri, Aug 9:
1 pm–2 pm - "STORYTELLING AND SONGS UNDER THE OAK" in the Ethnobotanical Garden at the Autry Museum of the American West, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Griffith Park, Los Angeles CA 90027
* Join Native Americans Dennis Garcia (Tataviam and Chumash) and Ted Garcia (Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians) as they share traditional stories and songs in the Autry's ethnobotanical garden.
* Hear inspirational stories about our unique local region.
* Presented in collaboration with "Pukuu Community Services," a nonprofit organization that invests in sustainable programs that bridge and improve opportunities for American Indians with culturally-based community services now and for future generations. Info on that organization: www.pukuu.org
* This special program is included with Museum Admission / Free for Autry Members / No Reservations Necessary.
Fri, Aug 9, FREE event:
6:30 pm - "HULA & UKULELE" led by JASON ARIMOTO, in conjunction with the City of San Fernando's "Sizzlin' Summer Nights" series is an off-campus presentation of "JAM Sessions" presented by the Ford Amphitheatre; at San Fernando Recreation Park, 208 Park Av, San Fernando CA 91340
* This is multi-faceted:
• Arts and Crafts at 5 pm
• JAM Session at 6:30 pm
• Film screening of Disney's "Finding Nemo" following.
* You can learn some graceful gestures of the hula or play some island songs on the uke. Ukuleles are provided!
* See Aug 12, 7 pm, for the other FREE uke event.
Fri, Aug 9:
7 pm - EDWARD SHARPE & THE MAGNETIC ZEROS play the Greek Theatre in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
Fri, Aug 9:
7:30 pm - ROY ZIMMERMAN performs his new one-man sociopolitical musical comedy, "RiZe Up," at the Emerson UU Church, 7304 Jordan Av, Canoga Park, CA
* TIX, $20 or "pay what you can." Co-sponsored by Plant-Based Los Angeles
* This return swing of his current national tour has Ray performing in various Southern Cal venues; see listings for Aug 9, 7:30 pm; Aug 10, 7:30 pm; Aug 11, 5 pm; and Aug 16, 8 pm.
Fri, Aug 9:
8 pm - EILEN JEWELL plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Aug 9:
7:30 pm - ROY ZIMMERMAN performs his new one-man sociopolitical musical comedy, "RiZe Up," at the Emerson UU Church, 7304 Jordan Av, Canoga Park, CA
* TIX, $20 or "pay what you can." Co-sponsored by Plant-Based Los Angeles
* This return swing of his current national tour has Ray performing in various Southern Cal venues; see listings for Aug 9, 7:30 pm; Aug 10, 7:30 pm; Aug 11, 5 pm; and Aug 16, 8 pm.
Fri, Aug 9:
8 pm - EILEN JEWELL plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Check Friday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Check Friday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Sat & Sun, Aug 10 & 11, closing weekend, FESTIVAL:
10 am-6 pm - Annual "BIG BEAR RENNAISSANCE FAIR" on a 4-acre site at 39115 Rim of the World Dr, in historic Fawnskin, CA 92333
* Features trad acoustic music from CUTTHROAT REEF, JOUST KIDDING, GALLOWS HUMOR, and many more musicians to serenade your day.
* Attractions include live jousting, "meet the queen," costumed re-enactors, food, and special themes each weekend.
* Be sure to catch Celtic singer-songwriter KRIS COLT performing each day as "The Lady Black Rose."
* TIX: single-day adult $18, child age 4-15 $15; weekend pass $30 & $24; season pass $120 & $90.
* Tix and info: https://www.bigbearrenfaire.org/
Sat, Aug 10, pseudo-FESTIVAL:
10 am-6 pm - Annual "BIG BEAR RENNAISSANCE FAIR" on a 4-acre site at 39115 Rim of the World Dr, in historic Fawnskin, CA 92333
* Features trad acoustic music from CUTTHROAT REEF, JOUST KIDDING, GALLOWS HUMOR, and many more musicians to serenade your day.
* Attractions include live jousting, "meet the queen," costumed re-enactors, food, and special themes each weekend.
* Be sure to catch Celtic singer-songwriter KRIS COLT performing each day as "The Lady Black Rose."
* TIX: single-day adult $18, child age 4-15 $15; weekend pass $30 & $24; season pass $120 & $90.
* Tix and info: https://www.bigbearrenfaire.org/
Sat, Aug 10, pseudo-FESTIVAL:
3 pm-6 pm - Annual "BITE AT THE BEACH" WITH BREWS at Marvel Comics studio, MBS Media Campus, 1600 Rosecrans Av, Manhattan Beach CA
* Manhattan Beach Chamber presents this annual event to highlight culinary delights from around the South Bay area, tobether with the many local, craft breweries.
* Guests sample tastes from the paired restaurants and breweries.
* Info, 310-545-5313 or www.Manhattanbeachchamber.com
1 pm-3 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- BOYLE HEIGHTS WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at Self Help Graphics, 1300 E 1st St, Los Angeles CA 90033
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 10 Boyle Hts. event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-boyle-heights-tickets-66402388331
Sat, Aug 10:
2 pm - EDDY DETROIT AND MISHY KATZ play a matinee at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sat, Aug 10:
4 pm - DON & DENNIS ROGER REED AND LENNY HANSELL play Middle Ridge Winery Tasting Gallery, 54301 N Circle Dr, Idyllwild CA; 951-659-9000; https://www.middleridge.com/Store/The-Gallery
1 pm-3 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- BOYLE HEIGHTS WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at Self Help Graphics, 1300 E 1st St, Los Angeles CA 90033
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 10 Boyle Hts. event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-boyle-heights-tickets-66402388331
Sat, Aug 10:
2 pm - EDDY DETROIT AND MISHY KATZ play a matinee at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sat, Aug 10:
4 pm - DON & DENNIS ROGER REED AND LENNY HANSELL play Middle Ridge Winery Tasting Gallery, 54301 N Circle Dr, Idyllwild CA; 951-659-9000; https://www.middleridge.com/Store/The-Gallery
* Wine and art -- and, this evening, "good stuff" acoustic music from performing songwriter and FolkWorks columnist Dennis Roger Reed.
* Check out his new (latest) CD, "BEFORE IT WAS BEFORE," folk, swing, folk rock, blues and bluegrass from Dennis Roger Reed with Don Reed, at: http://store.cdbaby.com/cd/dennisrogerreedwithdonreed
* More at: www.dennisrogerreed.com
Sat, Aug 10, FREE concert:
7 pm - Latin GRAMMY winning FLOR DE TOLOACHE, playing the "LEVITT NATIONAL TOUR," arrives for its Southern California date at Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles, in the NW corner of MacArthur Park near the intersection of W 6th St & S Park View St, L.A., CA 90057; https://levittlosangeles.org/
* Following in the sequined-suit steps and moves of the MARIACHI DIVAS comes New York-based all-female mariachi ensemble FLOR DE TOLOACHE.
* NPR, in "The 200 Greatest Songs By 21st Century Women+," proclaimed the group, "Not only a prime example of mariachi itself, but how this group of mujeres is makes the genre accessible to all."
* These Latin GRAMMY Award-winners continue to win the hearts of both contemporary and traditional mariachi music fans alike through their distinct artistic vision and sophisticated, fresh interpretation of mariachi classics.
* The group’s diverse ethnic and musical backgrounds transcend cultures and break barriers by forging new paths.
* Much like the Toloache flower — widely known for its use in Mexican 'love potions' — the ladies of Flor De Toloache cast a spell over audiences with their soaring vocals and electric stage presence.
* Led by co-band directors Mireya I. Ramos on violin and Shae Fiol on vihuela, Flor De Toloache has graced international stages from Chenai, India to Paris, France and has toured extensively throughout the U.S., supporting DAN AUERBACH of THE BLACK KEYS' new project THE ARCS, as well opening for or performing with CAFÉ TACVBA, LA SANTA CECILIA, OZOMATLI, and NATALIA LaFOURCADE.
* The New York ensemble and beloved press-darlings recently dropped their highly anticipated new album, "Indestructable," to critical acclaim, with NPR calling the album "Mariachi girl magic." Apart from the record, the band has also unveiled a slew of collaborations with the likes of NO TE VA GUSTAR, KANSAS CITY ROCKERS, and MAKING MOVIES (alongside salsa godfather REUBEN BLADES), and perhaps most notably with platinum-selling R&B artist MIGUEL.
* Read more about the 2019 "Levitt National Tour" in reVerb, the Levitt blog, at: http://www.blog.levitt.org/2019/01/flor-de-toloache-to-headline-2019-levitt-national-tour/
* FREE ENTRY w/ online reservation, at: http://concerts.levittlosangeles.org/events/2019/8/10/flor-de-toloache
Sat, Aug 10:
7:30 pm - PHIL SALAZAR & THE KINFOLK bring their splendid trad roots string music to the Santa Paula Theater Center, 125 S 7th St, Santa Paula CA 93060
Sat, Aug 10:
7:30 pm - ROY ZIMMERMAN performs his new one-man sociopolitical musical comedy, "RiZe Up," at the Folk Music Center & Museum, 220 Yale Av, Claremont, CA
* TIX, $20
* This return swing of his current national tour has Ray performing in various Southern Cal venues; see listings for Aug 9, 7:30 pm; Aug 10, 7:30 pm; Aug 11, 5 pm; and Aug 16, 8 pm.
Sat, Aug 10:
8 pm - WEIRD AL YANKOVIC brings "Weird Al's String Attached Tour" to the Greek Theatre in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
Sat, Aug 10:
8 pm - hONEyhoUSe plays Russ & Julie's House Concerts in Oak Park CA (Agoura Hills, Thousand Oaks area).
* Reservations get directions at: rsvp@houseconcerts.us
* hONEyhoUSe is an acoustic, New Mexico-based, band combining the talents of three very diverse and seasoned artists into one unexpected powerhouse. They are: award winning R&B/Gospel soulstress Hillary Smith; earthy Blues/Folk singer-songwriter Yvonne Perea; and sweet voiced Mandy Buchanan. They're also bringing Danielle Andrade (bass) and Dianne De Leon (drums & percussion).
* "hONEyhoUSe seamlessly melds the lines of musical genres with their original creations embracing blues, soul, folk and Americana," say Russ & Julie.
* hONEyhoUSe Awards and Accolades include:
• John Lennon Songwriting Finalist, Folk Category, "Conquer the World"
• 2012 New Mexico Music Award winners “BEST OF THE YEAR”
• 2013 New Mexico Music Awards winners ” NORMAN PETTY PRODUCER’S AWARD AND “BEST SONG”
• Rolling Stones “Bands to Watch from Santa Fe”
• 2015 New Mexico Music Awards winners “BEST SONG IN AMERICANA” (Autumn)
• 2015 New Mexico Music Awards winners “BEST MASTERING ENGINEER” (Jason Blume for Perfect Mess)
* Band promo vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV-uB29hqMo
* TV interview & performance vid:
* TIX, $20, payable in cash at the door; all the money goes to the performers.
* More: www.houseconcerts.us
Sat, Aug 10, on TV:
9 pm-10 pm - "PETE SEEGER'S LEGACY: IF I HAD A HAMMER" (2019) is a PBS documentary on the life and lasting impact of the late environmental activist and folksinging icon (1919-2014). On KOCE-2, aka LA PBS-2.
* Re-airs a final time tonight / early Sun, 1 am-2 am.
Sat, Aug 10:
8 pm - hONEyhoUSe plays Russ & Julie's House Concerts in Oak Park CA (Agoura Hills, Thousand Oaks area).
* Reservations get directions at: rsvp@houseconcerts.us
* hONEyhoUSe is an acoustic, New Mexico-based, band combining the talents of three very diverse and seasoned artists into one unexpected powerhouse. They are: award winning R&B/Gospel soulstress Hillary Smith; earthy Blues/Folk singer-songwriter Yvonne Perea; and sweet voiced Mandy Buchanan. They're also bringing Danielle Andrade (bass) and Dianne De Leon (drums & percussion).
* "hONEyhoUSe seamlessly melds the lines of musical genres with their original creations embracing blues, soul, folk and Americana," say Russ & Julie.
* hONEyhoUSe Awards and Accolades include:
• John Lennon Songwriting Finalist, Folk Category, "Conquer the World"
• 2012 New Mexico Music Award winners “BEST OF THE YEAR”
• 2013 New Mexico Music Awards winners ” NORMAN PETTY PRODUCER’S AWARD AND “BEST SONG”
• Rolling Stones “Bands to Watch from Santa Fe”
• 2015 New Mexico Music Awards winners “BEST SONG IN AMERICANA” (Autumn)
• 2015 New Mexico Music Awards winners “BEST MASTERING ENGINEER” (Jason Blume for Perfect Mess)
* Band promo vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV-uB29hqMo
* TV interview & performance vid:
* TIX, $20, payable in cash at the door; all the money goes to the performers.
* More: www.houseconcerts.us
Sat, Aug 10, on TV:
9 pm-10 pm - "PETE SEEGER'S LEGACY: IF I HAD A HAMMER" (2019) is a PBS documentary on the life and lasting impact of the late environmental activist and folksinging icon (1919-2014). On KOCE-2, aka LA PBS-2.
* Re-airs a final time tonight / early Sun, 1 am-2 am.
Check Friday & Saturday's listings for FESTIVALS that conclude today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Check Friday & Saturday's listings for FESTIVALS that conclude today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Sun, Aug 11:
3 pm - JIM & ANN CURRY present "THE SONGS OF JOHN DENVER" in a matinee at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
* Don't dawdle. Jim's splendid shows here ALWAYS sell-out promptly.
Sun, Aug 11:
3 pm - NATALIE GELMAN and CLAIRE HOLLEY play "The Cellar Sessions" at Old Oak Cellars Winery in Pasadena CA; www.inwineinc.com/cellar-sessions
Sun, Aug 11:
4:30 pm-7:30 pm - ANDRE THIERRY plays for listening and Cajun-Zydeco Dancing at the French Quarter Creole Bar & Grill, 16728 Bellflower Bl, Bellflower CA 90706
* TIX, $20 at door
* Info: Sidney, 323-401-8859; or Dempsey 562-396-1132 or
bontemppappion@aol.com; David 909-527-0926 or davidsousa@verizon.net
Sun, Aug 11:
5 pm - ROY ZIMMERMAN performs his new one-man sociopolitical musical comedy, "RiZe Up," at the Summit UU Fellowship, 8778 Cottonwood Av, Santee, CA
* TIX, $22 or "pay what you can."
* This return swing of his current national tour has Ray performing in various Southern Cal venues; see listings for Aug 9, 7:30 pm; Aug 10, 7:30 pm; Aug 11, 5 pm; and Aug 16, 8 pm.
Sun, Aug 11:
7 pm - "JOHN YORK SINGS DYLAN" at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* John York, from THE BYRDS, doing BOB DYLAN. Does it get any better on the classic tunes front?
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-62367 pm - "JOHN YORK SINGS DYLAN" at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* John York, from THE BYRDS, doing BOB DYLAN. Does it get any better on the classic tunes front?
Sun, Aug 11:
7:30 pm - JACKSON BROWNE plays the Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, CA
Two years ago today, Heather Heyer was killed by a neo-nazi who used his car as a high-speed battering ram. That hate-filled driver mowed-down three dozen counter-protestors who were marching in opposition to "Unite the Right." The latter was an alt-right demonstration complete with a KKK-style torchlight parade and elements of 1930s Germany, including intimidating chants and Nazi salutes, in Charlottesville, VA.
Exactly one year before, on August 12, 2016, a family of Lebanese immigrants who had escaped a civil war and were living the American dream with their catering business, also became victims of hate. The family had been subjected to acts of terror by their Tulsa, Oklahoma, neighbor -- who, on this day, attacked by gunfire that killed their son, Khalid Jabara. Khalid was on the phone telling his mother it was unsafe to come home when he was killed.
Police in Oklahoma were well acquainted with the Jabara family and had repeatedly been called to protect their safety.
Police in Charlottesville, VA, were on alert because of the neo-nazi intimidation of their citizens.
Yet neither of these murders appears in hate crime statistics.
S 2043, the Jabara-Heyer Hate Crime Act, would finally change reporting requirements. We have never known how many hate crimes there are in America. That's because 87.4% of all law enforcement agencies report no hate crimes in their jurisdictions. In 2016 that included Oklahoma, where Khalid Jabara was murdered, and in 2017, it included Virginia, where Heather Heyer was murdered.
We still have a long way to go to achieve what the Preamble to the Constitution aspired in 1787, "to create a more perfect union... for ourselves and our posterity..."
Two years ago today, Heather Heyer was killed by a neo-nazi who used his car as a high-speed battering ram. That hate-filled driver mowed-down three dozen counter-protestors who were marching in opposition to "Unite the Right." The latter was an alt-right demonstration complete with a KKK-style torchlight parade and elements of 1930s Germany, including intimidating chants and Nazi salutes, in Charlottesville, VA.
Exactly one year before, on August 12, 2016, a family of Lebanese immigrants who had escaped a civil war and were living the American dream with their catering business, also became victims of hate. The family had been subjected to acts of terror by their Tulsa, Oklahoma, neighbor -- who, on this day, attacked by gunfire that killed their son, Khalid Jabara. Khalid was on the phone telling his mother it was unsafe to come home when he was killed.
Police in Oklahoma were well acquainted with the Jabara family and had repeatedly been called to protect their safety.
Police in Charlottesville, VA, were on alert because of the neo-nazi intimidation of their citizens.
Yet neither of these murders appears in hate crime statistics.
S 2043, the Jabara-Heyer Hate Crime Act, would finally change reporting requirements. We have never known how many hate crimes there are in America. That's because 87.4% of all law enforcement agencies report no hate crimes in their jurisdictions. In 2016 that included Oklahoma, where Khalid Jabara was murdered, and in 2017, it included Virginia, where Heather Heyer was murdered.
We still have a long way to go to achieve what the Preamble to the Constitution aspired in 1787, "to create a more perfect union... for ourselves and our posterity..."
Mon, Aug 12, FREE:
7 pm - "UKULELE & HULA DANCE" led by JASON ARIMOTO for the "JAM Sessions" series presented at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* You can learn some graceful gestures of the hula or play some island songs on the uke.
* Jason Arimoto leads the way in a Hawaiian island celebration.
* Ukuleles are provided!
* See Aug 9, 6:30 pm, for the other FREE uke event.
Mon, Aug 12:
8 pm - THE ARCADIAN WILD play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Tue, Aug 13, FILM EVENT:
8 pm - "ZZ TOP: THAT LITTLE OLD BAND FROM TEXAS" has a Q&A with the band ZZ TOP at ArcLight Hollywood, 120 N Robertson Bl, Hollywood CA 90048
* One-Night-Only, following the 8 pm show
* Film Synopsis: The story of how three oddball teenage bluesmen became one of the biggest, most beloved bands on the planet.
* TIX will sell-out promptly. Jump on it at: https://www.arclightcinemas.com/en/news/zz-top_that-little-olband-from-texas-qa
Wed, Aug 14, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- THE HODADS Beach Boys Tribute Band play the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Aug 14, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- THE HODADS Beach Boys Tribute Band play the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Aug 14:
6 pm - EL FANTASMA with VIRLAN GARCIA & LOS AUSTEROS DE DURANGO play the Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626
* El Fantasma is the stage name for Mexican regional singer and songwriter Alexander Garcia, also affectionately known in Mexican media circles as “The King of the Underground.” Garcia has been interested in music since he was a teen. He dropped his first single, “Mi 45,” in early 2016. Its video garnered over ten million views. His debut album, Equipo Armado, ran up the Mexican airplay charts. He wasted no time, issuing three more albums during the calendar year: En Vivo Desde Badiraguato, Pa’ los Recuerdos, Vol. 1, and Vengo a Aclarar. His latest release is 2017’s En el Camino.
* Virlan Garcia is a singer, guitarist, and composer in the Mexican regional genre, specializing in norteño, corridos, and bandas. Garcia comes from Sinaloa and he has written for a number of artists, including Gerardo Ortiz, who chose his “Fuego Cruzado” to open his smash Hoy Más Fuerte album. Garcia’s own music follows the sierreño (trio) format. His debut single, “Que Ya Estas Harta,” was issued digitally in the spring of 2015 and landed on various regional Mexican song charts.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/el-fantasma-with-virlan-garcia-and-los-austeros-de-durango/
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Wed, Aug 14:
7 pm - "OFF MY HEAD" STORYTELLING SPECIAL PERFORMANCE presented as an "Unheard L.A." event with a live audience for KPCC radio, at the KPCC Crawford Family Forum, 474 S Raymond Av, Pasadena CA 91105
* TY FANCE's multi-storyteller series has proven so popular at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, it's getting this additional opportunity for a big audience.
* Doors and Bar open at 7 pm
* Details in poster (click to enlarge to read).
Wed, Aug 14:
7 pm - ROSE VALLEY THORNS play the "Wine & Song Concert Series" at the Arroyo Seco Golf Clubhouse (The Blue Guitar) in South Pasadena CA; www.wineandsong.com
In an age before an internet or social media or mobile phones to get the word out about anything, there was person-to-person excitement on par with the Yukon gold rush.
Immediately, Woodstock was about more than the music. It brought the counter-culture a realization of itself as an energized, youth-driven sociopolitical community for change. The Women's Rights, Gay Rights, Environmental, anti-pesticide, anti-plastic, anti-corporate, pro-marijuana-legalization, and other key movements galvanized into forces with the longevity to bring change that is still occuring into our time.
Almost right away in its own time, the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements became unstoppable -- even as the tragic and turbulent '60s concluded. Nixon would fall; yet in the establishment backlash, the glorification of greed and Reagan would rise; the fight to stop corporate hegemony and its message management would come to collide with industrially-driven climate change; the primacy of Wall Street banksters and an insidious warconomy would continue to deny humanity's basic needs; and in a post-Warren Report world, we would find ourselves in a time when every message seems exploitive and must be suspect.
Still, we are better equipped to face all the existential challenges, chaos, turmoil, cynicism, and manipulators of our time because, 50 years ago, we learned the Woodstock "fish cheer" ("Gimme an F") from Country Joe & the Fish; Jimi Hendrix combined the pomp and presence of the National Anthem into a revolutionary and instantly iconic guitar solo that still confronts the listener with the interwoven sounds of missiles, falling bombs, and chaotic combat in the name of the nation; Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young advocated a more ethical philosophical underpinning for teaching our society's children; and Joni Mitchell offered the realization that each and every one of us, however humble or deprived, is stardust, and can shine untarnished, like gold.
Thu, Aug 15, FREE concert:
5:30 pm - "THE ART OF SONG" presented FREE by and at the El Segundo Library, El Segundo CA
* This is a songwriters-in-the round performance and introspective into the craft of songwriting featuring DAN NAVARRO, LOUISE GOFFIN, PAUL ZOLLO, MANDA MOSHER, and more.
* Free educational event open to the public during the "El Segundo Art Walk."
Thu, Aug 15:
6 pm - COLLECTIVE SOUL plus GIN BLOSSOMS, and THE BLACK MOODS, play the Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626; 714-708-1500
* COLLECTIVE SOUL’s silver anniversary year is a celebration of their ongoing legacy in all-out style with a little bit of the classic and a lot of the new that began with their 1993 debut "Hints Allegations and Things Left Unsaid" featuring the number one Modern Rock Hit “Shine.” Not only are they already underway with their Summer “Now’s The Time Tour” with Gin Blossoms, but in keeping with the Atlanta band’s theme of 2019, “now’s the time” their tenth highly anticipated studio album, "Blood," featuring the single “Right As Rain,” was released June 21.
* The GIN BLOSSOMS’ breakout record "New Miserable Experience" was where their rise to fame began. This album kept the band on the chart for almost 3 years with singles “Hey Jealousy,” “Until I Fall Away” and “Found Out About You.” Those hits were followed up by “Til I Hear It from You” which rocketed to #1 and moved the Empire Records smash soundtrack to platinum status. “As Long As It Matters” earned the band a Grammy nomination for “Best Performance by a Duo or Group” making their "Congratulations I’m Sorry" record another radio multi-format favorite and multi-platinum success. The band released their fifth studio album, "No Chocolate Cake," in 2010.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/collective-soul-gin-blossoms/
Thu, Aug 15:
8 pm - THE L.A. PHIL PRESENTS "AMERICA IN SPACE" as part of the "Classical Thursdays 2 (TH2) Series" at the Hollywood Bowl.
* "Relive the awe of the moon landing, in sight and sound."
* The program is formidable:
● HOLST : “Mars” from The Planets, Op. 32
♡ Hans ZIMMER, Pharrell WILLIAMS, & Benjamin WALLFISCH : Selection from "Hidden Figures"
◇ Bill CONTI : Selection from "The Right Stuff"
♡ Penka KOUNEVA : Women Astronauts
☆ Justin HURWITZ : Selection from "First Man"
☆ COPLAND : "Fanfare for the Common Man"
¤ HORNER : Selection from "Apollo 13"
● Harry GREGSON-WILLIAMS : Selection from "The Martian"
● Steven PRICE : Selection from "Gravity"
● HOLST : “Jupiter” from The Planets, Op. 32
* Featured artists: Los Angeles Philharmonic, David Newman, conductor; Nathan Cole, violin.
* TIX: Thanks to our friends at the Autry museum, you can use promo code UNDERTHESTARS for 30% off tickets in select sections. Tix: https://www.hollywoodbowl.com/events/performances/599/
Thu, Aug 15:
Time tba - MAX WEINBERG’S JUKEBOX plays the El Rey Theatre, L.A. CA
Thu, Aug 15:
8:30 pm - THE CUCKOOS, plus THE MATT GILMOUR BAND with JW FRANCIS, and SIAM JEM, play The Satellite, 1717 Silver Lake Bl, Silver Lake / Los Angeles CA 90026
* Why are we covering any of these bands? When this entire show is bound to be very electric? Is it because MATT GILMOUR is the son of DAVID GILMOUR? Nope. It's because "a bit of old-fashioned blues" is included in the resume of THE CUCKOOS. That Austin, Texas quartet draws liberally from the deep well of DOORS-influenced '60s-vintage pop, heady psychedelic rock, sizzling hot funk -- and yes, trad blues -- "to create music that is at once classic yet forward thinking" on their forthcoming debut full-length album due out later this year.
* The band's latest single "Why Don't U Ever Call Me Anymore" was released last week along with a riveting music video produced by lead vocalist, keyboardist and songwriter KENNETH WAYNE FROST. If you liked Jim Morrison's creepy lyrics, like "There's a killer on the road," check out their new vid at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P58E9l8q8hU
* TIX, $10-$12, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-matt-gilmour-band-with-jw-francis-the-cuckoos-and-siam-jem-tickets-63801279344
Fri-Sun, Aug 16-18, FESTIVAL:
Annual "SUMMERGRASS SAN DIEGO" Bluegrass festival, at the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum in Vista, CA; festival phone,858-679-4854.
* Headliner lineup features The Grascals, David Parmley & Cardinal Tradition, High Fidelity, The Old Blue Band; also performing are: Tom Cunningham Band, Prairie Sky, Front Porch Music Preservation Society, Chris Cerna & The Bluegrass Republic, LeRoy Mack & Gloryland , Sheri Lee & The Blue Hearts, Vulcan Mountain Boys, and MohaviSoul.
* It's 3 days of live music from 12 national, regional and local bands; music workshops presented by the same performing artists; a variety of family & kid-oriented music activities; lots of spontaneous live jam sessions; instrument raffles of top-grade new instruments; tasty food, and a variety of vendors.
* Plus, the "Third Annual Pie Society Meeting" (and competition) happens at Summergrass 2019.
* Info, tix, lineups, schedules, & volunteer opportunities, at: www.summergrass.net
Fri-Sun, Aug 16-18, FESTIVAL:
Annual "BBQ MUSIC FEST" at Fountain Valley Sports Park in Fountain Valley CA
* Named the "Everfest Top Festival" in 2016.
* Runs Fri 5-10 pm, Sat noon-10 pm, Sun noon-8 pm.
* Features an "All-You-Can-Eat VIP Rib Village"
* Grillers compete from around the country, vs. Locals.
* Features an enormous food court (including non-BBQ related items); cantinas; arts and crafts; Roaming Cowboys; a children's area with animal variety show and petting zoo (Sat); magic show with balloon sculptures (Sun); games; live reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates exhibit; more.
* Taste and experience firsthand the fiery chicken, pulled pork, tri-tip, pork ribs, sausages... and sides (all available for purchase).
* Award-winning national BBQ pitmasters include Blazin Broncos (Ohio), Porky-N-Beans (Florida), Git-R-Smoked (Nevada), Rasta Joe BBQ (Indiana), Aussom Aussie (Australia), and more.
* Music is centered on rock, and is surprisingly devoid of any blues acts.
* TIX are available with or without food, and are discounted online through Aug 16 at 9 am:
• Admission-only Fri $5, Sat or Sun $10; Children age 12 and under are FREE; (food, drinks, and All-You-Can-Eat VIP Rib Village are NOT included).
• All-you-can-eat tix include 5 drinks, $99 Adults / $35 Young Adults* (10 to 16 years of age) / $18 Kids* (up to 9 years of age); *-under age 17 requires accompanying VIP Rib Village Ticket-holding adult.
* TIX & info, https://www.bbqmusicfest.com/
Fri-Sun, Aug 16-18, FESTIVAL, in Nevada:
34th annual "BOWERS MANSION BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" sponsored by the Northern Nevada Bluegrass Association at Bowers Mansion Regional Park, 4005 Bowers Mansion Rd, New Washoe City, NV 89704
* Headliners: Wayne Taylor & Appaloosa, Kathy Kallick Band, Edgar Loudermilk Band, plus other acts: Sierra Sweethearts, Westwind, Font Porch, the Note-ables, the Monday Night Volunteers.
* The venue: The Bowers Mansion, located between Reno and Carson City, NV, was built in 1863 by Lemuel "Sandy" Bowers and his wife, Eilley Orrum Bowers. It is a prime example of the homes built in Nevada by the new millionaires of the Comstock Lode mining boom.
* Volunteers sought: contact Zona Hairgrove at zhairgrove@gmail.com or 775-771-6347
* TIX, $30 advance online, $35 Gate; Youth under age 12 admitted free with paid adult.
* Tickets & more info: http://www.nnba.org/
Fri, Aug 16:
7 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the Libbey Bowl, 201 S Signal St, Ojai CA 93023; 805-646-2094
Fri, Aug 16, film premiere event:
7 pm - “ONE LITTLE FINGER,” an important film with lots of musicians taking part, gets its Red Carpet Premiere tonight at the Laemmle Monica Film Center is at 1332 2nd St, Santa Monica CA 90401; 310-394-9744
* Award-winning feature film deserves more attentiin and acclaim than it will get in a society enamored with "Summer blockbusters." It stars a large cast -- both children and adults -- with disabilities.
* “One Little Finger” has received worldwide recognition, 3 Telly Awards, and is blessed with over 27 laurels including Best Feature, Best Inspirational Film, Best Music, Best Director, Best Song, Best Public Awareness Film in various festivals in Cannes, Italy, Spain, London, USA and India.
* MUSIC: the soundtrack includes contributions from Ms. Garrett, Quincy Jones, Julian Lennon, AGT finalist Kechi Okwuchi, Indian classical guitar player Viswa Mohan Bhatt.
* Written and Directed by Dr. Rupam Sarmah, a multi-talented singer-songwriter, filmmaker, social entrepreneur, and computer scientist. He has produced and directed award-winning movies, charted #1 in billboard and a holder of Guinness World Records®. Kevin Mackie, a Grammy® Winner and an Ambassador for the UNESCO Center for Peace, USFUCA, is the Executive Producer for the film.
* Synopsis: Raina, an American neurologist, uproots her life to research music therapy in India, and finds herself teaching children and adults with disabilities. By bringing them together through music and inspiring them to challengethemselves through their abilities, their lives are transformed.
Den and Angel, though they are disabled, want to contribute towards the betterment of society by overcoming their physical challenges. As they come of age, they must learn to cope with abuse and bullying. Their lives intersect with Raina, who is struggling to further her research.
Raina’s philosophy and life changes while she is in India, where she is touched by the beauty of the culture and the stories of children with disabilities. Through her experience, she understands that balance of mind,body, and soul are vital in realizing the true value of life. Disability is a perception; ability is what we believe.
* The movie stars Tamela D’Amico as Raina, Siedah Garrett as Dr. Claudia, and a cast of 80 plus disabled actors of all ages. Abhinaya portrays Angel, a hearing-impaired girl. Sayombdeb Mukherjee plays Den, who has cerebral palsy.
* Says Dr. Sarmah, “’One Little Finger’ is not just a film, a movement, to break the barriers of the stigma of the word disability. All it takes is a change in perspective, a change in our mindset! Disability is only what we perceive, Ability is everything of what we believe!”
* Event starts at 5:30 pm with a Red Carpet Opening.
* After the screening is a Q & A segment, followed by a party.
* BEYOND THE FILM: the "One Little Finger Foundation" has ongoing initiatives to support the United Nation’s sustainable goals promoting "Inclusion, Education and Innovation."
* TIX: organizers tell us, "Keep checking the LA Monica Film Center website for ticket announcements; tickets will go on sale no later than August 13," at:
Fri, Aug 16:
7:30 pm - JACKSON BROWNE plays the Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626; 714-708-1500
* Jackson Browne has written and performed some of the most moving songs in popular music and has defined a genre of songwriting that straddles the lines of folk and rock, charged with honesty, emotion and personal politics. He was inducted into the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" in 2004 and the "Songwriter’s Hall of Fame" in 2007.
* His debut album came out on David Geffen’s Asylum Records in 1972. Since then, he has released 14 studio albums and four collections of live performances. His most recent studio album, "Standing in the Breach," is a collection of 10 songs, at turns deeply personal and political, exploring love, hope, and defiance in the face of the advancing uncertainties of modern life.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/jackson-browne/
Fri, Aug 16:
7:30 pm - "GMCLA 40 / STONEWALL 50" at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, in the L.A. Music Center, 111 S Grand Av (at 1st St), Los Angeles, CA 90012
* This historic concert is artistically noteworthy, as it features over 500 singers. It celebrates GMCLA's 40th anniversary and commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising / Riots in New York City.
* The 270 members of GMCLA -- Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles -- will be joined by members of New York City Gay Men’s Chorus and 23 other choruses from around the country to perform "Quiet No More," commissioned to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall.
* TIX, http://gmcla.org/gmcla3/gmcla-concerts-and-events/gmcla40-stonewall50/
Fri, Aug 16:
8 pm - ROY ZIMMERMAN performs his new one-man sociopolitical musical comedy, "RiZe Up," PLUS an opening act by DEVEN GREEN & NED DOUGLAS, in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA
* TIX, $25, at: https://www.store.mccabes.com/cart.php?target=product&product_id=2325
* This return swing of his current national tour has Ray performing in various Southern Cal venues; see listings for Aug 9, 7:30 pm; Aug 10, 7:30 pm; Aug 11, 5 pm.
8 pm-10 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- DOWNTOWN L.A. WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at the Music Center's Dance DTLA Motown/Funk event, 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles CA 90012
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 16 DTLA event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-downtown-la-tickets-66402970071
Sat & Sun, Aug 17 & 18, FESTIVAL in Nor Cal:
9:30 am-8 pm - 17th annual "COTATI ACCORDION FESTIVAL" in Cotati, CA
* A happily vast array of genres and styles are represented by many squeezebox stars.
* If you go, catch the 12:55 pm Saturday set by SOURDOUGH SLIM, with ROBERT ARMSTRONG
* Info, www.cotatifest.com
* Click the poster to enlarge to read.
Annual "BBQ MUSIC FEST" at Fountain Valley Sports Park in Fountain Valley CA
* Named the "Everfest Top Festival" in 2016.
* Runs Fri 5-10 pm, Sat noon-10 pm, Sun noon-8 pm.
* Features an "All-You-Can-Eat VIP Rib Village"
* Grillers compete from around the country, vs. Locals.
* Features an enormous food court (including non-BBQ related items); cantinas; arts and crafts; Roaming Cowboys; a children's area with animal variety show and petting zoo (Sat); magic show with balloon sculptures (Sun); games; live reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates exhibit; more.
* Taste and experience firsthand the fiery chicken, pulled pork, tri-tip, pork ribs, sausages... and sides (all available for purchase).
* Award-winning national BBQ pitmasters include Blazin Broncos (Ohio), Porky-N-Beans (Florida), Git-R-Smoked (Nevada), Rasta Joe BBQ (Indiana), Aussom Aussie (Australia), and more.
* Music is centered on rock, and is surprisingly devoid of any blues acts.
* TIX are available with or without food, and are discounted online through Aug 16 at 9 am:
• Admission-only Fri $5, Sat or Sun $10; Children age 12 and under are FREE; (food, drinks, and All-You-Can-Eat VIP Rib Village are NOT included).
• All-you-can-eat tix include 5 drinks, $99 Adults / $35 Young Adults* (10 to 16 years of age) / $18 Kids* (up to 9 years of age); *-under age 17 requires accompanying VIP Rib Village Ticket-holding adult.
* TIX & info, https://www.bbqmusicfest.com/
Fri-Sun, Aug 16-18, FESTIVAL, in Nevada:
34th annual "BOWERS MANSION BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" sponsored by the Northern Nevada Bluegrass Association at Bowers Mansion Regional Park, 4005 Bowers Mansion Rd, New Washoe City, NV 89704
* Headliners: Wayne Taylor & Appaloosa, Kathy Kallick Band, Edgar Loudermilk Band, plus other acts: Sierra Sweethearts, Westwind, Font Porch, the Note-ables, the Monday Night Volunteers.
* The venue: The Bowers Mansion, located between Reno and Carson City, NV, was built in 1863 by Lemuel "Sandy" Bowers and his wife, Eilley Orrum Bowers. It is a prime example of the homes built in Nevada by the new millionaires of the Comstock Lode mining boom.
* Volunteers sought: contact Zona Hairgrove at zhairgrove@gmail.com or 775-771-6347
* TIX, $30 advance online, $35 Gate; Youth under age 12 admitted free with paid adult.
* Tickets & more info: http://www.nnba.org/
Fri, Aug 16:
7 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the Libbey Bowl, 201 S Signal St, Ojai CA 93023; 805-646-2094
Fri, Aug 16, film premiere event:
7 pm - “ONE LITTLE FINGER,” an important film with lots of musicians taking part, gets its Red Carpet Premiere tonight at the Laemmle Monica Film Center is at 1332 2nd St, Santa Monica CA 90401; 310-394-9744
* Award-winning feature film deserves more attentiin and acclaim than it will get in a society enamored with "Summer blockbusters." It stars a large cast -- both children and adults -- with disabilities.
* “One Little Finger” has received worldwide recognition, 3 Telly Awards, and is blessed with over 27 laurels including Best Feature, Best Inspirational Film, Best Music, Best Director, Best Song, Best Public Awareness Film in various festivals in Cannes, Italy, Spain, London, USA and India.
* MUSIC: the soundtrack includes contributions from Ms. Garrett, Quincy Jones, Julian Lennon, AGT finalist Kechi Okwuchi, Indian classical guitar player Viswa Mohan Bhatt.
* Written and Directed by Dr. Rupam Sarmah, a multi-talented singer-songwriter, filmmaker, social entrepreneur, and computer scientist. He has produced and directed award-winning movies, charted #1 in billboard and a holder of Guinness World Records®. Kevin Mackie, a Grammy® Winner and an Ambassador for the UNESCO Center for Peace, USFUCA, is the Executive Producer for the film.
* Synopsis: Raina, an American neurologist, uproots her life to research music therapy in India, and finds herself teaching children and adults with disabilities. By bringing them together through music and inspiring them to challengethemselves through their abilities, their lives are transformed.
Den and Angel, though they are disabled, want to contribute towards the betterment of society by overcoming their physical challenges. As they come of age, they must learn to cope with abuse and bullying. Their lives intersect with Raina, who is struggling to further her research.
Raina’s philosophy and life changes while she is in India, where she is touched by the beauty of the culture and the stories of children with disabilities. Through her experience, she understands that balance of mind,body, and soul are vital in realizing the true value of life. Disability is a perception; ability is what we believe.
* The movie stars Tamela D’Amico as Raina, Siedah Garrett as Dr. Claudia, and a cast of 80 plus disabled actors of all ages. Abhinaya portrays Angel, a hearing-impaired girl. Sayombdeb Mukherjee plays Den, who has cerebral palsy.
* Says Dr. Sarmah, “’One Little Finger’ is not just a film, a movement, to break the barriers of the stigma of the word disability. All it takes is a change in perspective, a change in our mindset! Disability is only what we perceive, Ability is everything of what we believe!”
* Event starts at 5:30 pm with a Red Carpet Opening.
* After the screening is a Q & A segment, followed by a party.
* BEYOND THE FILM: the "One Little Finger Foundation" has ongoing initiatives to support the United Nation’s sustainable goals promoting "Inclusion, Education and Innovation."
* TIX: organizers tell us, "Keep checking the LA Monica Film Center website for ticket announcements; tickets will go on sale no later than August 13," at:
Fri, Aug 16:
7:30 pm - JACKSON BROWNE plays the Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626; 714-708-1500
* Jackson Browne has written and performed some of the most moving songs in popular music and has defined a genre of songwriting that straddles the lines of folk and rock, charged with honesty, emotion and personal politics. He was inducted into the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" in 2004 and the "Songwriter’s Hall of Fame" in 2007.
* His debut album came out on David Geffen’s Asylum Records in 1972. Since then, he has released 14 studio albums and four collections of live performances. His most recent studio album, "Standing in the Breach," is a collection of 10 songs, at turns deeply personal and political, exploring love, hope, and defiance in the face of the advancing uncertainties of modern life.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/jackson-browne/
Fri, Aug 16:
7:30 pm - "GMCLA 40 / STONEWALL 50" at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, in the L.A. Music Center, 111 S Grand Av (at 1st St), Los Angeles, CA 90012
* This historic concert is artistically noteworthy, as it features over 500 singers. It celebrates GMCLA's 40th anniversary and commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising / Riots in New York City.
* The 270 members of GMCLA -- Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles -- will be joined by members of New York City Gay Men’s Chorus and 23 other choruses from around the country to perform "Quiet No More," commissioned to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall.
* TIX, http://gmcla.org/gmcla3/gmcla-concerts-and-events/gmcla40-stonewall50/
Fri, Aug 16:
8 pm - ROY ZIMMERMAN performs his new one-man sociopolitical musical comedy, "RiZe Up," PLUS an opening act by DEVEN GREEN & NED DOUGLAS, in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA
* TIX, $25, at: https://www.store.mccabes.com/cart.php?target=product&product_id=2325
* This return swing of his current national tour has Ray performing in various Southern Cal venues; see listings for Aug 9, 7:30 pm; Aug 10, 7:30 pm; Aug 11, 5 pm.
8 pm-10 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- DOWNTOWN L.A. WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at the Music Center's Dance DTLA Motown/Funk event, 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles CA 90012
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 16 DTLA event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-downtown-la-tickets-66402970071
Check Friday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Check Friday's listings for FESTIVALS that continue today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Sat & Sun, Aug 17 & 18, FESTIVAL in Nor Cal:
9:30 am-8 pm - 17th annual "COTATI ACCORDION FESTIVAL" in Cotati, CA
* A happily vast array of genres and styles are represented by many squeezebox stars.
* If you go, catch the 12:55 pm Saturday set by SOURDOUGH SLIM, with ROBERT ARMSTRONG
* Info, www.cotatifest.com
* Click the poster to enlarge to read.
3 pm- 5 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- SAN PEDRO WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at the Angels Gate Cultural Center, 3601 S Gaffey St, San Pedro CA 90731
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 17 San Pedro event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-san-pedro-tickets-66403880795
Sat, Aug 17:
4 pm - LEFTOVER CUTIES play "Full Moon Saturdays" at the "Stonywood Backyard Concert Series" in Pasadena CA; www.facebook.com/fullmoonsaturdays
* Sorry, but the only contact link given for a nice show is through FB, the evil empire of invasive spyware (and we we print FB links, but we do not enable them).
Sat, Aug 17, FREE concert:
6 pm - LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS play the "TORRANCE SUMMER CONCERT - WILSON PARK AMPHITHEATER" series, 2200 Crenshaw Bl, Torrance, CA 90501
Info: https://arts.torranceca.gov/the-arts/summerconcerts
Sat, Aug 17, FREE concert:
7 pm - BOOGALOO ASSASSINS plus a dj play the series at Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles, in the bandshell in the NW corner of MacArthur Park near the intersection of W 6th St and S Park View St, a block from Wilshire Bl, Los Angeles CA 90057
* Boogaloo Assassins is a 12-piece Latin band with a sound and style inspired by the Latin Boogaloo, soul, salsa and funk of the 1960s and '70s. Though the genre of boogaloo may be infamously known as the short-lived dance phenomenon from Spanish Harlem characterized by a frantic freestyle of flailing limbs, the Boogaloo Assassins vivify the sound that soared out of el barrio more than 40 years ago, and today they're a Levitt L.A. fan favorite.
* FREE TIX w/RSVP at: http://concerts.levittlosangeles.org/events/2019/8/17/boogaloo-assassins-with-clifton-weaver-iii
* The Levitt series presents 50 free concerts here between June 1 and Sep 1.
* They no longer produce a series in Pasadena.
* The Guide has chosen not to list the majority of the 50 concerts in the series because the genres are wholly unrelated to acoustic or to Folk-Americana music sensibilities.
* Get info on the full Levitt series at: http://concerts.levittlosangeles.org/
Sat, Aug 17:
7 pm - RYANHOOD plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
Sat, Aug 17, concert & screening:
8 pm - PACIFIC SYMPHONY presents "STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE" IN CONCERT at Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626; 714-708-1500
* John Williams’ legendary score with the iconic 1977 film on a giant high-definition screen.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/pacific-symphony-star-wars-a-new-hope-in-concert/
Sat, Aug 17:
8 pm - ARTUR MENEZES, 2018 Winner "BLUES GUITARIST OF THE YEAR," plus the BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND, play the Arcadia Blues Club, 16 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA
* Fun place, friendly relaxed atmosphere, two stages for continuous music, pool tables, full bar, tasty menu items (generous portions, two can share), dance areas. But bring earplugs. Seriously.
* TIX, w/ good discounts in advance for all shows here, at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Sat, Aug 17:
8 pm - FRANK UNZUETA & band performing his original compositions and Latin/Brazilian acoustic music, at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-833-7538; https://alvasshowroom.com/events/
* TIX, $28 at door.
4 pm - Inaugural "NATIVES IN THE NOW" FESTIVAL, with performances by FT. RAYE ZARAGOZA, and TRACY LEE NELSON, presented by United American Indian Involvement, at Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles, in the NW corner of MacArthur Park near the intersection of W 6th St and S Park View St, a block from Wilshire Bl, Los Angeles CA 90057
* "Natives in the Now" is the inaugural festival highlighting the traditional and contemporary Native American tribes and culture of Los Angeles.
* FREE TIX w/RSVP at: http://concerts.levittlosangeles.org/events/2019/8/18/natives-in-the-now
3 pm- 5 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- GRAND PARK WORKSHOP, " sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at "Grand Park's Sunday Sessions," 200 N Grand Av, Los Angeles CA 90012
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 18 Grand Park event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-grand-park-tickets-66412141503
Sun, Aug 18:
4 pm - WOODSTOCK REUNION TRIBUTE at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-833-7538; https://alvasshowroom.com/events/
* You can't hop in a time machine, but you can imagine the stars of Woodstock on the actual 50th Anniversary of that amazing event that rocked the world.
* Woodstock Reunion Tribute band brings to the stage reimaginings of Janis Joplin, Carlos Santana, David Crosby, Jimi Hendrix, Ian Anderson, Grace Slick, and Keith Moon, and also pays tribute to CSN&Y, Canned Heat, and more.
* Since the giant reunion concert back east was cancelled, this is likely to be as good as it gets.
* With:
• Myke Jones – Guitar, Vocals (Hendrix)
• Larry Rousseve – Guitar, Vocals (Carlos Santana)
• Michelle Tutthill – Vocals (Janis Joplin)
• Ori Huberman – Bass, Vocals (Crosby)
• Terry Brent – Drums
• Michael Forbes- Saxophone, Flute, Piano, Vocals
* TIX, $20.
Sun, Aug 18:
5:15 pm & 7:30 pm - "THE WRECKING CREW'S FAREWELL TO GLEN CAMPBELL" at Bogies in Westlake Village CA; www.bogies-bar.com
* Two shows; see the venue's website. And don't dawdle -- this is HUGE and being kept quiet.
Sun, Aug 18:
6 pm - THE MIGHTY O.A.R plus AMERICAN AUTHORS, and ROZZI, play Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626
* During the course of its two decades of making records, O.A.R. — lead singer and primary songwriter Marc Roberge, drummer Chris Culos, guitarist Richard On, bassist Benj Gershman and saxophonist/guitarist Jerry DePizzo — has created and maintained a sort of a parallel universe. In effect hiding in plain sight from the world outside, the band fills arenas and amphitheaters as it crafts and releases relatable songs with big pop hooks. Within this universe, these songs are bona fide hits, and the band members are superstars. O.A.R. is gearing up to release their ninth studio album, The Mighty, this Spring.
* Brooklyn-based American Authors are best known for their hit singles “Believer” and “Best Day of My Life” from their debut album Oh, What a Life, as well as their Top 20 hit, “Go Big or Go Home,” from their second album, What We Live For. Their latest release is 2019’s Seasons.
* Rozzi first emerged at 19 years old after being discovered by Adam Levine. Her undeniable vocals and her willingness to be fiercely honest with her lyrics have inspired comparisons to Amy Winehouse and Aretha Franklin. Rozzi is currently finishing her first full length album for Small Giant/Columbia Records due later this year.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/the-might-o-a-r-with-american-authors-and-rozzi/
Sun, Aug 18:
7 pm - MISNER & SMITH play the Coffee Gallery hu, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
* THIS SERIES moves indoors this year, with a wood dance floor.
* The outdoor venue here was, for several years, "Levitt Pavilion Pasadena."
* Info, https://www.pasadenaseniorcenter.org/events/live-music-at-the-scott
Tue, Aug 27, film event:
8:30 pm - "HOLLYWOOD SHORTS" monthly event at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* This monthly screening series (films to be announced) celebrates award-winning short films and animation, shining a light on exciting emerging voices. It returns for three outdoor summer screenings on "The Zev" as part of its 20th season in Los Angeles.
* Attendees can grab free popcorn or something heartier at the Ford Terrace Café before enjoying an evening of the best short films under the Hollywood stars.
* Stay after the screenings for a brief Q&A with the filmmakers.
* This event is part of "IGNITE @ the FORD!," a series comprised of world-renowned contemporary artists whose work is thought-provoking and reflects the world in which we live.
* Proceeds benefit the Ford Theatre Foundation.
* Schedule:
• 7 pm - Filmmaker Happy Hour
• 8:30 pm - Film Screenings
• 9:30 pm - Filmmaker Q&A
* TIX, $12, include free stacked parking / free shuttles from the Red Line subway's Universal City/Studio City station, and free popcorn for this series.
Wed, Aug 28, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- THE CODY BRYANT SHOW plays country & Honky Tonk to close the season at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Besides fronting the Cody Show, CODY BRYANT is the longtime leader of legendary forties western quintet THE RIDERS of THE PURPLE SAGE and he has fronted symphony performances (most often with every part for every instrument written by Evan Marshall of that legendary band) all while taking music to kids in schools for Disney Hall’s community outreach program.
* He's been at it a long time. Cody was a featured musical guest on the WB Network’s highly rated "7th Heaven" television show where his original music provided the soundtrack for the show’s story.
* Cody's bands claim to "keep even the worst ADD sufferer in their seat," by delivering music "From true life originals to tender ballads to burning warp speed steroidal bluegrass to Haggard honky tonk to swingin’ Bob Wills to Croonin’ cowboy classics to classic rock and oldies and surf music and back again."
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
3 pm- 5 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- SAN PEDRO WORKSHOP," sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at the Angels Gate Cultural Center, 3601 S Gaffey St, San Pedro CA 90731
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 17 San Pedro event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-san-pedro-tickets-66403880795
Sat, Aug 17:
4 pm - LEFTOVER CUTIES play "Full Moon Saturdays" at the "Stonywood Backyard Concert Series" in Pasadena CA; www.facebook.com/fullmoonsaturdays
* Sorry, but the only contact link given for a nice show is through FB, the evil empire of invasive spyware (and we we print FB links, but we do not enable them).
Sat, Aug 17, FREE concert:
6 pm - LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS play the "TORRANCE SUMMER CONCERT - WILSON PARK AMPHITHEATER" series, 2200 Crenshaw Bl, Torrance, CA 90501
Info: https://arts.torranceca.gov/the-arts/summerconcerts
Sat, Aug 17, FREE concert:
7 pm - BOOGALOO ASSASSINS plus a dj play the series at Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles, in the bandshell in the NW corner of MacArthur Park near the intersection of W 6th St and S Park View St, a block from Wilshire Bl, Los Angeles CA 90057
* Boogaloo Assassins is a 12-piece Latin band with a sound and style inspired by the Latin Boogaloo, soul, salsa and funk of the 1960s and '70s. Though the genre of boogaloo may be infamously known as the short-lived dance phenomenon from Spanish Harlem characterized by a frantic freestyle of flailing limbs, the Boogaloo Assassins vivify the sound that soared out of el barrio more than 40 years ago, and today they're a Levitt L.A. fan favorite.
* FREE TIX w/RSVP at: http://concerts.levittlosangeles.org/events/2019/8/17/boogaloo-assassins-with-clifton-weaver-iii
* The Levitt series presents 50 free concerts here between June 1 and Sep 1.
* They no longer produce a series in Pasadena.
* The Guide has chosen not to list the majority of the 50 concerts in the series because the genres are wholly unrelated to acoustic or to Folk-Americana music sensibilities.
* Get info on the full Levitt series at: http://concerts.levittlosangeles.org/
Sat, Aug 17:
7 pm - RYANHOOD plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
___Sat, Aug 17, concert & screening:
8 pm - PACIFIC SYMPHONY presents "STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE" IN CONCERT at Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626; 714-708-1500
* John Williams’ legendary score with the iconic 1977 film on a giant high-definition screen.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/pacific-symphony-star-wars-a-new-hope-in-concert/
Sat, Aug 17:
8 pm - ARTUR MENEZES, 2018 Winner "BLUES GUITARIST OF THE YEAR," plus the BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND, play the Arcadia Blues Club, 16 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA
* Fun place, friendly relaxed atmosphere, two stages for continuous music, pool tables, full bar, tasty menu items (generous portions, two can share), dance areas. But bring earplugs. Seriously.
* TIX, w/ good discounts in advance for all shows here, at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Sat, Aug 17:
8 pm - FRANK UNZUETA & band performing his original compositions and Latin/Brazilian acoustic music, at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-833-7538; https://alvasshowroom.com/events/
* TIX, $28 at door.
Check Friday & Saturday's listings for FESTIVALS that conclude today. We no longer list them multiple times.
Check Friday & Saturday's listings for FESTIVALS that conclude today. We no longer list them multiple times.
4 pm - Inaugural "NATIVES IN THE NOW" FESTIVAL, with performances by FT. RAYE ZARAGOZA, and TRACY LEE NELSON, presented by United American Indian Involvement, at Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles, in the NW corner of MacArthur Park near the intersection of W 6th St and S Park View St, a block from Wilshire Bl, Los Angeles CA 90057
* "Natives in the Now" is the inaugural festival highlighting the traditional and contemporary Native American tribes and culture of Los Angeles.
* FREE TIX w/RSVP at: http://concerts.levittlosangeles.org/events/2019/8/18/natives-in-the-now
3 pm- 5 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION ART-MAKING -- GRAND PARK WORKSHOP, " sponsored by the L.A. Music Center and LA Commons, at "Grand Park's Sunday Sessions," 200 N Grand Av, Los Angeles CA 90012
* One in a series throughout the region, presented by the L.A. Music Center in conjunction with the August reopening of the renovated Music Center Plaza and its expanded role as an outdoor venue for hands-on art & music experiences.
* These "off-campus" outreach activities create artwork intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at The Music Center Plaza.
* As part of the upcoming grand opening festivities for The Music Center Plaza, LA Commons is leading this series of fun, highly creative and accessible art-making workshops throughout L.A. County, offering everyone the opportunity to join in the celebration.
* Using birds as inspiration, LA Commons will lead participants in making and designing bird-shaped puppets and signs, paper umbrellas and sound makers.
* All workshops are free public events and appropriate for all ages.
* The workshop series culminates Sat, Aug 31, with the "Plaza for All Celebration" with artmaking, a procession, and the LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE’s annual "Big Sing 2019," a giant community sing-along. More info on the "Plaza for All Celebration," complete schedule of workshops and plaza opening events, is at: www.musiccenter.org/plaza
* Register, free, for the Aug 18 Grand Park event, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plaza-for-all-celebration-art-making-workshop-grand-park-tickets-66412141503
Sun, Aug 18:
4 pm - WOODSTOCK REUNION TRIBUTE at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-833-7538; https://alvasshowroom.com/events/
* You can't hop in a time machine, but you can imagine the stars of Woodstock on the actual 50th Anniversary of that amazing event that rocked the world.
* Woodstock Reunion Tribute band brings to the stage reimaginings of Janis Joplin, Carlos Santana, David Crosby, Jimi Hendrix, Ian Anderson, Grace Slick, and Keith Moon, and also pays tribute to CSN&Y, Canned Heat, and more.
* Since the giant reunion concert back east was cancelled, this is likely to be as good as it gets.
* With:
• Myke Jones – Guitar, Vocals (Hendrix)
• Larry Rousseve – Guitar, Vocals (Carlos Santana)
• Michelle Tutthill – Vocals (Janis Joplin)
• Ori Huberman – Bass, Vocals (Crosby)
• Terry Brent – Drums
• Michael Forbes- Saxophone, Flute, Piano, Vocals
* TIX, $20.
Sun, Aug 18:
5:15 pm & 7:30 pm - "THE WRECKING CREW'S FAREWELL TO GLEN CAMPBELL" at Bogies in Westlake Village CA; www.bogies-bar.com
* Two shows; see the venue's website. And don't dawdle -- this is HUGE and being kept quiet.
Sun, Aug 18:
6 pm - THE MIGHTY O.A.R plus AMERICAN AUTHORS, and ROZZI, play Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626
* During the course of its two decades of making records, O.A.R. — lead singer and primary songwriter Marc Roberge, drummer Chris Culos, guitarist Richard On, bassist Benj Gershman and saxophonist/guitarist Jerry DePizzo — has created and maintained a sort of a parallel universe. In effect hiding in plain sight from the world outside, the band fills arenas and amphitheaters as it crafts and releases relatable songs with big pop hooks. Within this universe, these songs are bona fide hits, and the band members are superstars. O.A.R. is gearing up to release their ninth studio album, The Mighty, this Spring.
* Brooklyn-based American Authors are best known for their hit singles “Believer” and “Best Day of My Life” from their debut album Oh, What a Life, as well as their Top 20 hit, “Go Big or Go Home,” from their second album, What We Live For. Their latest release is 2019’s Seasons.
* Rozzi first emerged at 19 years old after being discovered by Adam Levine. Her undeniable vocals and her willingness to be fiercely honest with her lyrics have inspired comparisons to Amy Winehouse and Aretha Franklin. Rozzi is currently finishing her first full length album for Small Giant/Columbia Records due later this year.
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/the-might-o-a-r-with-american-authors-and-rozzi/
Sun, Aug 18:
7 pm - MISNER & SMITH play the Coffee Gallery hu, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Check days/dates of each listing. Individual day titles not yet in place.
Mon, Aug 19:
9 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the Rose Theatre, 300 E Colorado Bl, Pasadena CA 91129; 818-879-5016
Wed, Aug 21, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- DRIFTAWAY plays "Soulful Sixties" at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Aug 21:
7 pm - NATHAN McEUEN plays the "Wine & Song Concert Series" at the Arroyo Seco Golf Clubhouse (The Blue Guitar) in South Pasadena CA; www.wineandsong.com
Wed, Aug 21:
8 pm - SZLACHETKA & friends play the Hotel Cafe, Los Angeles, CA
* Schedule:
• 8 pm, Jacob Jeffries
• 10:30 pm, Manda Mosher
• 11:30 pm, Joe Bourdet
* Adv tix, $12 + $3.59 svc chg; door price not specified.
Thu, Aug 22:
7:30 pm - Accordion King RAMON AYALA with SPECIAL GUEST BANDA MACHOS, play their RESCHEDULED DATE at Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626
* Ramon Ayala, known as the “King of the Accordion,” has been a master accordionist/vocalist/songwriter for more than 40 years, defining norteño music with signature songs and definitive instrumental stylings that have made him a superstar on both sides of the El Rio Grande.
* Ayala has received four Grammy Awards including two Latin Grammys for the albums Quemame Los Ojos and El Numero Cien. As a solo artist and as a member of groups such as Los Relampagos del Norte, he has recorded classic songs like “Ya No Llores,” “El Disgusto,” “Devolucion,” “Un Rinconcito en el Cielo” and “Chaparra de Mi Amor.”
* Banda Machos, from Jalisco, Mexico, performs a combination of Banda music, Quebradita and Ranchera. The band has been together for more than 20 years and has recorded 22 albums that include the hits “Casimira,” “Al Gato y Al Ratón” and “Un Indio Quiere Llorar.”
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/ramon-ayala-with-special-guest-banda-machos/
Thu, Aug 22:
8 pm - THE AVETT BROTHERS plus LAKE STREET DIVE presented by Goldenvoice at the Greek Theatre, 2700 N Vermont Av, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA 90027; 213-480-3232
Fri, Aug 23:
5:30 pm-10 pm - "SUNSET DINNER: ROCK N’ ROLL TRIBUTE TO FLEETWOOD MAC AND JOURNEY" at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley CA 93065
* The Reagan Library closes-out their summer "Sunset Dinner Series" with an evening of epic rock n’ roll featuring two top tribute acts.
* MIRAGE continues to be the most requested FLEETWOOD MAC tribute bands in the US. In an as-good-as-it-gets experience for a tribute act, STEVIE NICKS herself praised them after she heard a live performance by singer MICHELLE TYLER and the band, thus giving the group one of their highest honors.
* DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’ is the second band, delivering a performance true to the legacy of the band JOURNEY. Their world-class musicians and dedication to a signature sound makes them one of the top JOURNEY tribute bands.
* TIX: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/programs-events/events-calendar/sunset-dinner-rock-n-roll-tribute-to-fleetwood-mac-and-journey-2019/
Fri, Aug 23:
Time tba - DENNIS ROGER REED returns to Alta Coffee, 506 31st St, Newport Beach CA 90814; 949-675-0233
Fri, Aug 23:
7 pm - THE FIRE brings their "Blazing Scottish Music" to the Fiddler's Crossing concert series in its large venue, the BeeKay Theatre, 110 South Green St, Tehachapi CA 93561
Fri, Aug 23:
7 pm - SUNNY WAR plays Gold Diggers, 5632 Santa Monica Bl, Los Angeles CA 90038
Fri, Aug 23:
7:30 pm– 9:30 pm - DENNIS ROGER REED and DON SEGIEN play Alta Coffee Warehouse & Restaurant, 506 31st St, Newport Beach CA; 949-675-0233; http://www.alta-coffee-co.com/
* Coffee and art. Great folks. Good food. And coffee.
* More: www.dennisrogerreed.com
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - THE STORYTELLERS return to Bon Vivant Market & Café, 3155 Glendale Bl, Los Angeles CA 90039; 323-284-8013
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - JOHN JORGENSON QUINTET, easily one of the best and hardest-working Djangostyle gypsy jazz outfits in the world, plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - DOUG MACLEOD, the Louisiana blues master endorsed by National Steel Guitar, plays the Fret House, 309 N Citrus Av, Covina CA 91723; 626-339-7020
* He also plays Santa Monica tomorrow night at 8 pm; see listing.
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - SOURDOUGH SLIM, with ROBERT ARMSTRONG, plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 Lake Av, Altadena CA
* More at: www.coffeegallery.com
* Yippee Kai Yea, the one and only SOURDOUGH is touring his new CD, “Old Time Cowboy Songs.” Tellin' ya pardner, ya gotta love this guy.
* A throwback of a singularly charming kind, He's a cross between vaudeville and a singing cowboy from those 1930s westerns. Plus the accordion. None of those movie cowboys could play accordion.
* Here is a YouTube video from last fall’s show at the "Ojai Concert Series":
* Sourdough’s new CD “Old Time Cowboy Songs” features some great traditional classics, accented by some cool original instrumental tunes. Check it out at: www.sourdoughslim.com
* Make a reservation. He usually sells-out here.
Sat, Aug 24:
All day - "PANDA PADDLE" on a body of water near you, and/or do it online virtually, globally.
* Why? Because every year, eight million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans and rivers. Every day, there are forces destroying our forests, climate, and wildlife with reckless abandon.
* Our planet deserves better. So...
* Enter "PANDA PADDLE," a real-world and virtual event that organizers at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are calling, "The best standup paddle board (SUP) event on the planet -- because it protects the planet."
* In-parallel, standup paddle boarders, on the water globally the same day, raise funds and awareness to help fight against the biggest environmental threats of today.
* On Aug 24*, paddle on your favorite body of water, symbolically joining together with nature lovers everywhere who are devoted to protecting our oceans, rivers, animals, and wild places. *- In San Diego, it's on Oct 26.
* REGISTER HERE to take part.
* A paddle board maker gives you a primer about heading-out for ths year's event, at:
* Read about last year's first-ever event:
* Questions? Email: PandaPaddle@wwfus.org
* Peruse the WWF site and be impressed by all they're doing: https://www.worldwildlife.org/
Sat, Aug 24, FREE concert & film screening:
5 pm - "HERMOSA BEACH SUMMER SERIES" is a two-weekend affair, and this is the weekend that features Americana music, as well as movies; on the beach adjacent to Parking Lot A (which will be the beer garden), Hermosa Beach CA
* Sat, Aug 24, THE WHITE BUFFALO headlines with comedy by STEVE BYRNE. Additional music by POUNDED BY THE SURF, and TRAPDOOR SOCIAL. Movie is TBD, presented by "Hermosa Beach Friends of the Parks."
* Sun, Aug 25, L.A. rockabilly faves GAMBLERS MARK play, and headliners are MARIACHI EL BRONX (alter ego of indie rock band THE BRONX), with additional music by WAILING SOULS (celebrating that band’s 50th anniversary).
* The other weekend of the series, Aug 17 & 18, is all pop-rock.
* The Aug 24 headliner is Los Angeles' THE WHITE BUFFALO (the stage name of musician and singer-songwriter JAKE SMITH). He's performed at numerous music festivals around the world, including Bonnaroo, as well as on stages with the likes of Jack Johnson, Ziggy Marley, and Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, among others. Over the years, his music has been featured on "Sons Of Anarchy," NPR, and "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Steve Byrne, performing standup, is a comedy favorite ("Sullivan & Son", Comedy Central, "Chappelle's Show"). There's "additional music" from instrumental alternative surf group POUNDED BY THE SURF and L.A.'s TRAPDOOR SOCIAL. The evening concludes with a surfside showing of "another classic movie" via Hermosa Beach Friends of the Parks, as voted-on by Hermosa Beach locals.
* Closing out this year's series on Sun, Aug 25 is headliner MARIACHI EL BRONX (the popular alter ego of indie rock band The Bronx) who have worked festival stages from Coachella, Shaky Knees, Driftwood, Riotfest, and Punk Rock Bowling, to Reading, Leeds, and more. Also on the bill are three-time Grammy-nominated roots reggae band WAILING SOULS celebrating their 50th anniversary, and L.A. rockabilly faves GAMBLERS MARK.
* Beginning this year in August, global music management and events company "5B Artists + Media" was signed as exclusive producer of the series, and for the first time in the concert series' history, there will be beer.
* TO GET INVOLVED, email Chris@SIX18Media.com
* More on the series, including the film titles when announced, at: www.HermosaSummerSeries.com
Sat, Aug 24, FREE concert:
6 pm-9 pm - "OFF THE 405" concert series at the Getty Center presents singer-songwriter SAN CHA, at the Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr, Los Angeles CA 90049; 310-440-7300
* Known for her powerful, emotional renditions of traditional Mexican rancheras, SAN CHA takes to the stage in the Getty's courtyard to perform a theatrical concert complete with a romance, wedding, and betrayal. The night opens with "Special guests and DJs."
* Free, but parking costs, or ride the Metro bus.
Sat, Aug 24, FREE concert:
6 pm-8 pm - THE MORNING YELLS bring their "West Coast Folk Rock" to the "2019 SUMMER OF MUSIC" series at the Redondo Beach Pier, 100 Fisherman’s Wharf, Redondo Beach CA 90277
* Bring a low-back chair or blanket and enjoy the sunset over the Pacific during the concert.
* Info, http://www.redondopier.com/events/
Sat, Aug 24:
7 pm - THE BEATUNES play the "Stardust House Concerts" in North Hills CA (SFV); www.stardustconcerts.com
* Doors at 6:15 pm for potluck drinks and sides.
* Reservations get directions at: stardustconcerts@gmail.com
* $20 at the door, all receipts go the artists.
Sat, Aug 24:
7:30 pm - SARA WATKINS (of NICKEL CREEK) plays the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza in Thousand Oaks CA; www.civicartsplaza.com
Sat, Aug 24:
7:30 pm - CLINTON DAVIS TRIO plays the "San Diego Folk Heritage" concert series at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2020 Chestnut Av, Carlsbad CA 92008
Sat, Aug 24:
7:30 pm - "CAMARILLO CAFÉ CONCERT SERIES" brings mega-accomplished musician GARY STOCKDALE plus a "special guest" tba, to the monthly series at Camarillo Community Center, 1605 E Burnley St, Camarillo CA 93010
* GARY STOCKDALE is a 2-time EMMY-nominated composer. He has composed music for television shows, including "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," "To Tell the Truth," Comedy Central’s "Last Laugh," "Cowboy U," "The Independent Spirit Awards," "A Home for the Holidays" (CBS), and 8 seasons of Showtime’s award-winning "PENN & TELLER: BULLSH*T!" Gary’s well-known theme for the latter show garnered him an EMMY nomination. He also wrote music for "THE ARISTOCRATS," by Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza.
* Fresh out of college, Gary met Oscar-winning composer HENRY MANCINI, under whose mentorship Gary learned the craft of film music composition. In addition, he sang in many of Mancini’s movies.
* Gary began his film-music composing career working for the legendary director/producer ROGER CORMAN, scoring Corman’s first “art” film (entered in the 1989 Los Angeles Film Festival), "Dance of the Damned." Around this time, he started working side-by-side with famed film and television composer LALO SCHIFRIN, arranging and composing cues for his various projects, including "Sudden Impact," "FX2," and SAM PECKINPAH’s last film, "The Osterman Weekend."
* Along with his film and television composition, Gary has been a busy singer and performer.
* Gary's latest CD, "Sure Of Mice Elf," has become an indy favorite, and he’s been playing various comedy and music venues all over California.
* Check out a video of his 2015 Camarillo Cafe performance of "Daughter":
* Read more about Gary at: http://garystockdale.com/
* Volunteers are sought to help; email: camarillocafeconcerts@gmail.com
* TIX, $25 at the door. No advance ticket sales, arrive early for preferred seating.
Sat, Aug 24:
8 pm - DOUG MACLEOD, the Louisiana blues master endorsed by National Steel Guitar, plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* He also plays Covina Fri, Aug 23, 8 pm; see listing.
Sat, Aug 24:
8 pm - MICHAEL GULEZIAN plays the Namba Performing Arts Space in Ventura CA; www.nambaarts.com
Annual "FIESTA LA BALLONA" in Veterans Park, 4117 Overland Av, Culver City CA 90230; http://www.fiestalaballona.org
* FREE admission & entertainment includes live music stages. Food, drinks, rides are there, and those cost.
* Noon-1 pm - JESSICA FICHOT (quintet) brings her French chanson, international folk, and Shanghai jazz , with Jonathan Ahrens (upright bass), Sylvain Carton (clarinet, sax), Adrien Prévost (guitar), Brian Carmody (drums), Jessica Fichot (vocals, accordion, toy piano).
Sun, Aug 25:
10:30 am - A FAERY HUNT plays the "SUNDAY MORNING KIDS CONCERT" series, performing "THE FAIRY & THE PIRATE," in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Aug 25:
3 pm - CHRISTIE BELANGER plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Aug 25:
6 pm-7:15 pm - JESSICA FICHOT (quartet) brings her charming French chanson, international folk, and Shanghai jazz, at Storrier-Stearns Japanese Garden, 270 Arlington Dr, Pasadena CA 91105; http://www.japanesegardenpasadena.com
* Musicians: Jonathan Ahrens (upright bass), Sylvain Carton (clarinet, sax), Adrien Prévost (guitar), Jessica Fichot (vocals, accordion, toy piano).
* Online reservations encouraged.
* TIX, $7.50 online advance / $10 at the gate / free for Garden members and children under age 12.
Sun, Aug 25:
6:30 pm - SARA WATKINS (Nickel Creek) plays the Poway Center for Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Rd, Poway, CA 92064; 858-668-4797
Sun, Aug 25:
7:30 pm - GOV'T MULE, plus opener NIKKI LANE, plays the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* Show presented by Live Nation.
* Gates 5:30, doors 6 pm, show 7:30 pm; no alcohol allowed in for this show.
* TIX, https://www.fordtheatres.org/calendar/govt-mule
Sun, Aug 25:
8 pm - SEAN WHEELER plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Mon, Aug 26, FREE concert:
6 pm - LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS play the "MEMORIAL PARK CONCERT / LIVE AT THE SCOTT THEATRE'" series, 85 E Holly St, Pasadena, CA 91103Check days/dates of each listing. Individual day titles not yet in place.
Mon, Aug 19:
9 pm - DON McLEAN, '70s singer-songwriter star who broke-through radio's "3-minute rule" with his acoustic original story-songs "American Pie" and "Vincent," plays the Rose Theatre, 300 E Colorado Bl, Pasadena CA 91129; 818-879-5016
Wed, Aug 21, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- DRIFTAWAY plays "Soulful Sixties" at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Wed, Aug 21:
7 pm - NATHAN McEUEN plays the "Wine & Song Concert Series" at the Arroyo Seco Golf Clubhouse (The Blue Guitar) in South Pasadena CA; www.wineandsong.com
Wed, Aug 21:
8 pm - SZLACHETKA & friends play the Hotel Cafe, Los Angeles, CA
* Schedule:
• 8 pm, Jacob Jeffries
• 10:30 pm, Manda Mosher
• 11:30 pm, Joe Bourdet
* Adv tix, $12 + $3.59 svc chg; door price not specified.
Thu, Aug 22:
7:30 pm - Accordion King RAMON AYALA with SPECIAL GUEST BANDA MACHOS, play their RESCHEDULED DATE at Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626
* Ramon Ayala, known as the “King of the Accordion,” has been a master accordionist/vocalist/songwriter for more than 40 years, defining norteño music with signature songs and definitive instrumental stylings that have made him a superstar on both sides of the El Rio Grande.
* Ayala has received four Grammy Awards including two Latin Grammys for the albums Quemame Los Ojos and El Numero Cien. As a solo artist and as a member of groups such as Los Relampagos del Norte, he has recorded classic songs like “Ya No Llores,” “El Disgusto,” “Devolucion,” “Un Rinconcito en el Cielo” and “Chaparra de Mi Amor.”
* Banda Machos, from Jalisco, Mexico, performs a combination of Banda music, Quebradita and Ranchera. The band has been together for more than 20 years and has recorded 22 albums that include the hits “Casimira,” “Al Gato y Al Ratón” and “Un Indio Quiere Llorar.”
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/ramon-ayala-with-special-guest-banda-machos/
Thu, Aug 22:
8 pm - THE AVETT BROTHERS plus LAKE STREET DIVE presented by Goldenvoice at the Greek Theatre, 2700 N Vermont Av, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA 90027; 213-480-3232
Fri, Aug 23:
5:30 pm-10 pm - "SUNSET DINNER: ROCK N’ ROLL TRIBUTE TO FLEETWOOD MAC AND JOURNEY" at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley CA 93065
* The Reagan Library closes-out their summer "Sunset Dinner Series" with an evening of epic rock n’ roll featuring two top tribute acts.
* MIRAGE continues to be the most requested FLEETWOOD MAC tribute bands in the US. In an as-good-as-it-gets experience for a tribute act, STEVIE NICKS herself praised them after she heard a live performance by singer MICHELLE TYLER and the band, thus giving the group one of their highest honors.
* DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’ is the second band, delivering a performance true to the legacy of the band JOURNEY. Their world-class musicians and dedication to a signature sound makes them one of the top JOURNEY tribute bands.
* TIX: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/programs-events/events-calendar/sunset-dinner-rock-n-roll-tribute-to-fleetwood-mac-and-journey-2019/
Fri, Aug 23:
Time tba - DENNIS ROGER REED returns to Alta Coffee, 506 31st St, Newport Beach CA 90814; 949-675-0233
Fri, Aug 23:
7 pm - THE FIRE brings their "Blazing Scottish Music" to the Fiddler's Crossing concert series in its large venue, the BeeKay Theatre, 110 South Green St, Tehachapi CA 93561
Fri, Aug 23:
7 pm - SUNNY WAR plays Gold Diggers, 5632 Santa Monica Bl, Los Angeles CA 90038
Fri, Aug 23:
7:30 pm– 9:30 pm - DENNIS ROGER REED and DON SEGIEN play Alta Coffee Warehouse & Restaurant, 506 31st St, Newport Beach CA; 949-675-0233; http://www.alta-coffee-co.com/
* Coffee and art. Great folks. Good food. And coffee.
* More: www.dennisrogerreed.com
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - THE STORYTELLERS return to Bon Vivant Market & Café, 3155 Glendale Bl, Los Angeles CA 90039; 323-284-8013
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - JOHN JORGENSON QUINTET, easily one of the best and hardest-working Djangostyle gypsy jazz outfits in the world, plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - DOUG MACLEOD, the Louisiana blues master endorsed by National Steel Guitar, plays the Fret House, 309 N Citrus Av, Covina CA 91723; 626-339-7020
* He also plays Santa Monica tomorrow night at 8 pm; see listing.
Fri, Aug 23:
8 pm - SOURDOUGH SLIM, with ROBERT ARMSTRONG, plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 Lake Av, Altadena CA
* More at: www.coffeegallery.com
* Yippee Kai Yea, the one and only SOURDOUGH is touring his new CD, “Old Time Cowboy Songs.” Tellin' ya pardner, ya gotta love this guy.
* A throwback of a singularly charming kind, He's a cross between vaudeville and a singing cowboy from those 1930s westerns. Plus the accordion. None of those movie cowboys could play accordion.
* Here is a YouTube video from last fall’s show at the "Ojai Concert Series":
* Sourdough’s new CD “Old Time Cowboy Songs” features some great traditional classics, accented by some cool original instrumental tunes. Check it out at: www.sourdoughslim.com
* Make a reservation. He usually sells-out here.
Sat, Aug 24:
All day - "PANDA PADDLE" on a body of water near you, and/or do it online virtually, globally.
* Why? Because every year, eight million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans and rivers. Every day, there are forces destroying our forests, climate, and wildlife with reckless abandon.
* Our planet deserves better. So...
* Enter "PANDA PADDLE," a real-world and virtual event that organizers at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are calling, "The best standup paddle board (SUP) event on the planet -- because it protects the planet."
* In-parallel, standup paddle boarders, on the water globally the same day, raise funds and awareness to help fight against the biggest environmental threats of today.
* On Aug 24*, paddle on your favorite body of water, symbolically joining together with nature lovers everywhere who are devoted to protecting our oceans, rivers, animals, and wild places. *- In San Diego, it's on Oct 26.
* REGISTER HERE to take part.
* A paddle board maker gives you a primer about heading-out for ths year's event, at:
* Read about last year's first-ever event:
* Questions? Email: PandaPaddle@wwfus.org
* Peruse the WWF site and be impressed by all they're doing: https://www.worldwildlife.org/
Sat, Aug 24, FREE concert & film screening:
5 pm - "HERMOSA BEACH SUMMER SERIES" is a two-weekend affair, and this is the weekend that features Americana music, as well as movies; on the beach adjacent to Parking Lot A (which will be the beer garden), Hermosa Beach CA
* Sat, Aug 24, THE WHITE BUFFALO headlines with comedy by STEVE BYRNE. Additional music by POUNDED BY THE SURF, and TRAPDOOR SOCIAL. Movie is TBD, presented by "Hermosa Beach Friends of the Parks."
* Sun, Aug 25, L.A. rockabilly faves GAMBLERS MARK play, and headliners are MARIACHI EL BRONX (alter ego of indie rock band THE BRONX), with additional music by WAILING SOULS (celebrating that band’s 50th anniversary).
* The other weekend of the series, Aug 17 & 18, is all pop-rock.
* The Aug 24 headliner is Los Angeles' THE WHITE BUFFALO (the stage name of musician and singer-songwriter JAKE SMITH). He's performed at numerous music festivals around the world, including Bonnaroo, as well as on stages with the likes of Jack Johnson, Ziggy Marley, and Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, among others. Over the years, his music has been featured on "Sons Of Anarchy," NPR, and "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" Steve Byrne, performing standup, is a comedy favorite ("Sullivan & Son", Comedy Central, "Chappelle's Show"). There's "additional music" from instrumental alternative surf group POUNDED BY THE SURF and L.A.'s TRAPDOOR SOCIAL. The evening concludes with a surfside showing of "another classic movie" via Hermosa Beach Friends of the Parks, as voted-on by Hermosa Beach locals.
* Closing out this year's series on Sun, Aug 25 is headliner MARIACHI EL BRONX (the popular alter ego of indie rock band The Bronx) who have worked festival stages from Coachella, Shaky Knees, Driftwood, Riotfest, and Punk Rock Bowling, to Reading, Leeds, and more. Also on the bill are three-time Grammy-nominated roots reggae band WAILING SOULS celebrating their 50th anniversary, and L.A. rockabilly faves GAMBLERS MARK.
* Beginning this year in August, global music management and events company "5B Artists + Media" was signed as exclusive producer of the series, and for the first time in the concert series' history, there will be beer.
* TO GET INVOLVED, email Chris@SIX18Media.com
* More on the series, including the film titles when announced, at: www.HermosaSummerSeries.com
Sat, Aug 24, FREE concert:
6 pm-9 pm - "OFF THE 405" concert series at the Getty Center presents singer-songwriter SAN CHA, at the Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr, Los Angeles CA 90049; 310-440-7300
* Known for her powerful, emotional renditions of traditional Mexican rancheras, SAN CHA takes to the stage in the Getty's courtyard to perform a theatrical concert complete with a romance, wedding, and betrayal. The night opens with "Special guests and DJs."
* Free, but parking costs, or ride the Metro bus.
Sat, Aug 24, FREE concert:
6 pm-8 pm - THE MORNING YELLS bring their "West Coast Folk Rock" to the "2019 SUMMER OF MUSIC" series at the Redondo Beach Pier, 100 Fisherman’s Wharf, Redondo Beach CA 90277
* Bring a low-back chair or blanket and enjoy the sunset over the Pacific during the concert.
* Info, http://www.redondopier.com/events/
Sat, Aug 24:
7 pm - THE BEATUNES play the "Stardust House Concerts" in North Hills CA (SFV); www.stardustconcerts.com
* Doors at 6:15 pm for potluck drinks and sides.
* Reservations get directions at: stardustconcerts@gmail.com
* $20 at the door, all receipts go the artists.
Sat, Aug 24:
7:30 pm - SARA WATKINS (of NICKEL CREEK) plays the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza in Thousand Oaks CA; www.civicartsplaza.com
Sat, Aug 24:
7:30 pm - CLINTON DAVIS TRIO plays the "San Diego Folk Heritage" concert series at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2020 Chestnut Av, Carlsbad CA 92008
Sat, Aug 24:
7:30 pm - "CAMARILLO CAFÉ CONCERT SERIES" brings mega-accomplished musician GARY STOCKDALE plus a "special guest" tba, to the monthly series at Camarillo Community Center, 1605 E Burnley St, Camarillo CA 93010
* GARY STOCKDALE is a 2-time EMMY-nominated composer. He has composed music for television shows, including "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," "To Tell the Truth," Comedy Central’s "Last Laugh," "Cowboy U," "The Independent Spirit Awards," "A Home for the Holidays" (CBS), and 8 seasons of Showtime’s award-winning "PENN & TELLER: BULLSH*T!" Gary’s well-known theme for the latter show garnered him an EMMY nomination. He also wrote music for "THE ARISTOCRATS," by Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza.
* Fresh out of college, Gary met Oscar-winning composer HENRY MANCINI, under whose mentorship Gary learned the craft of film music composition. In addition, he sang in many of Mancini’s movies.
* Gary began his film-music composing career working for the legendary director/producer ROGER CORMAN, scoring Corman’s first “art” film (entered in the 1989 Los Angeles Film Festival), "Dance of the Damned." Around this time, he started working side-by-side with famed film and television composer LALO SCHIFRIN, arranging and composing cues for his various projects, including "Sudden Impact," "FX2," and SAM PECKINPAH’s last film, "The Osterman Weekend."
* Along with his film and television composition, Gary has been a busy singer and performer.
* Gary's latest CD, "Sure Of Mice Elf," has become an indy favorite, and he’s been playing various comedy and music venues all over California.
* Check out a video of his 2015 Camarillo Cafe performance of "Daughter":
* Read more about Gary at: http://garystockdale.com/
* Volunteers are sought to help; email: camarillocafeconcerts@gmail.com
* TIX, $25 at the door. No advance ticket sales, arrive early for preferred seating.
Sat, Aug 24:
8 pm - DOUG MACLEOD, the Louisiana blues master endorsed by National Steel Guitar, plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* He also plays Covina Fri, Aug 23, 8 pm; see listing.
Sat, Aug 24:
8 pm - MICHAEL GULEZIAN plays the Namba Performing Arts Space in Ventura CA; www.nambaarts.com
Annual "FIESTA LA BALLONA" in Veterans Park, 4117 Overland Av, Culver City CA 90230; http://www.fiestalaballona.org
* FREE admission & entertainment includes live music stages. Food, drinks, rides are there, and those cost.
* Noon-1 pm - JESSICA FICHOT (quintet) brings her French chanson, international folk, and Shanghai jazz , with Jonathan Ahrens (upright bass), Sylvain Carton (clarinet, sax), Adrien Prévost (guitar), Brian Carmody (drums), Jessica Fichot (vocals, accordion, toy piano).
Sun, Aug 25:
10:30 am - A FAERY HUNT plays the "SUNDAY MORNING KIDS CONCERT" series, performing "THE FAIRY & THE PIRATE," in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Aug 25:
3 pm - CHRISTIE BELANGER plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Aug 25:
6 pm-7:15 pm - JESSICA FICHOT (quartet) brings her charming French chanson, international folk, and Shanghai jazz, at Storrier-Stearns Japanese Garden, 270 Arlington Dr, Pasadena CA 91105; http://www.japanesegardenpasadena.com
* Musicians: Jonathan Ahrens (upright bass), Sylvain Carton (clarinet, sax), Adrien Prévost (guitar), Jessica Fichot (vocals, accordion, toy piano).
* Online reservations encouraged.
* TIX, $7.50 online advance / $10 at the gate / free for Garden members and children under age 12.
Sun, Aug 25:
6:30 pm - SARA WATKINS (Nickel Creek) plays the Poway Center for Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Rd, Poway, CA 92064; 858-668-4797
Sun, Aug 25:
7:30 pm - GOV'T MULE, plus opener NIKKI LANE, plays the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* Show presented by Live Nation.
* Gates 5:30, doors 6 pm, show 7:30 pm; no alcohol allowed in for this show.
* TIX, https://www.fordtheatres.org/calendar/govt-mule
Sun, Aug 25:
8 pm - SEAN WHEELER plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Mon, Aug 26, FREE concert:
* THIS SERIES moves indoors this year, with a wood dance floor.
* The outdoor venue here was, for several years, "Levitt Pavilion Pasadena."
* Info, https://www.pasadenaseniorcenter.org/events/live-music-at-the-scott
Tue, Aug 27, film event:
8:30 pm - "HOLLYWOOD SHORTS" monthly event at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* This monthly screening series (films to be announced) celebrates award-winning short films and animation, shining a light on exciting emerging voices. It returns for three outdoor summer screenings on "The Zev" as part of its 20th season in Los Angeles.
* Attendees can grab free popcorn or something heartier at the Ford Terrace Café before enjoying an evening of the best short films under the Hollywood stars.
* Stay after the screenings for a brief Q&A with the filmmakers.
* This event is part of "IGNITE @ the FORD!," a series comprised of world-renowned contemporary artists whose work is thought-provoking and reflects the world in which we live.
* Proceeds benefit the Ford Theatre Foundation.
* Schedule:
• 7 pm - Filmmaker Happy Hour
• 8:30 pm - Film Screenings
• 9:30 pm - Filmmaker Q&A
* TIX, $12, include free stacked parking / free shuttles from the Red Line subway's Universal City/Studio City station, and free popcorn for this series.
Wed, Aug 28, FREE concert:
6:30 pm-7:30 pm -- THE CODY BRYANT SHOW plays country & Honky Tonk to close the season at the "MALAGA COVE SUMMER CONCERT SERIES" at Farnham Martin Park / Malaga Cove Library Park, 2400 Via Campesina, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274
* Besides fronting the Cody Show, CODY BRYANT is the longtime leader of legendary forties western quintet THE RIDERS of THE PURPLE SAGE and he has fronted symphony performances (most often with every part for every instrument written by Evan Marshall of that legendary band) all while taking music to kids in schools for Disney Hall’s community outreach program.
* He's been at it a long time. Cody was a featured musical guest on the WB Network’s highly rated "7th Heaven" television show where his original music provided the soundtrack for the show’s story.
* Cody's bands claim to "keep even the worst ADD sufferer in their seat," by delivering music "From true life originals to tender ballads to burning warp speed steroidal bluegrass to Haggard honky tonk to swingin’ Bob Wills to Croonin’ cowboy classics to classic rock and oldies and surf music and back again."
* Bring a blanket to “save a spot” (as early as 3 pm, but no earlier). No dogs allowed.
* More on the show and the series at: https://malagacoveconcerts.org/
Thu, Aug 29:
8 pm - SUITCASE JOHNNIE, PHIL HAWKINS, TIM HORRIGAN, MARTY McPHEE, REED BROS (DON & DENNIS ROGER REED), STEVE ZOERNER, plus opening act SAVOY BROWN, at the Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano CA; 949-496-8930; https://thecoachhouse.com/
* Phone number above for dinner reservations & ticket sales; 949-496-8927 is their concert hot line.
* Doors open at 6:30 pm dinner for 8 pm show.
* Tickets $20; discount $15 tickets available from DENNIS ROGER REED by email at his site: www.dennisrogerreed.com
8 pm - SUITCASE JOHNNIE, PHIL HAWKINS, TIM HORRIGAN, MARTY McPHEE, REED BROS (DON & DENNIS ROGER REED), STEVE ZOERNER, plus opening act SAVOY BROWN, at the Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano CA; 949-496-8930; https://thecoachhouse.com/
* Phone number above for dinner reservations & ticket sales; 949-496-8927 is their concert hot line.
* Doors open at 6:30 pm dinner for 8 pm show.
* Tickets $20; discount $15 tickets available from DENNIS ROGER REED by email at his site: www.dennisrogerreed.com
Thu-Sun, Aug 30-Sep 2, LABOR DAY WEEKEND, pseudo-FESTIVAL:
Annual "L.A. FLEET WEEK®" returns to the L.A. Waterfront in San Pedro CA.
* With brass bands from individual ships and locally-based musicians on stages in several venues, it's a combination of opportunity to see how today's US Navy and US Coast Guard spend your money, historical re-enactments, entertainment, hoopla, and yes, interactive recruitment of those of military service age.
* Visitors are welcomed aboard active vessels that enter the harbor for those purposes.
* Historic museum ships that live here -- the WW II battleship USS Iowa (pictured) (www.pacificbattleship.com) and SS Lane Victory (https://thelanevictory.org) famed WWII Merchant Marine Ship, both take part with period music and entertainment as well as living history programs.
* New highlights include live U.S. Navy parachute demos, obstacle course competitions, and more things to watch or do.
* The multi-day celebration of our nation’s Sea Services is spearheaded by the "LA Fleet Week Foundation" and the Port of Los Angeles.
* A high school robotics competition returns for its second year.
* Events include the "Galley Wars" culinary competition presented by Princess Cruises; a kids’ STEM Expo sponsored by Boeing; a "First Responders Village"; a "Veteran’s Village" sponsored by Wells Fargo; and "other family-friendly exhibitions."
* Sign-ups for the 11th Annual 5.3-mile “Conquer the Bridge” Labor Day morning race over the Vincent Thomas Bridge -- the only time each year pedestrians are allowed on the bridge -- are available at: https://conquerthebridge.com/
* Live entertainment is presented on the Main Stage throughout the four-day event. "Popular big-name bands and evening headline acts" are slated to be announced in late July.
* Dockside, there are aerial flyovers and many military displays and demonstrations.
* The Battleship Iowa Museum takes a central role, and is open all year. It is owned and operated by Pacific Battleship Center - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Not a government agency, it does not receive any government funding for operations, relying entirely on contributions from individuals and philanthropic corporations and organizations. Their educational programs serve more than 250,000 visitors annually including veterans and students of all ages.
* Tours of active vessels require reservations and all available spaces go immediately. You'll need to monitor the event's site to act in time for that aspect: https://www.lafleetweek.com/
Annual "L.A. FLEET WEEK®" returns to the L.A. Waterfront in San Pedro CA.
* With brass bands from individual ships and locally-based musicians on stages in several venues, it's a combination of opportunity to see how today's US Navy and US Coast Guard spend your money, historical re-enactments, entertainment, hoopla, and yes, interactive recruitment of those of military service age.
* Visitors are welcomed aboard active vessels that enter the harbor for those purposes.
* Historic museum ships that live here -- the WW II battleship USS Iowa (pictured) (www.pacificbattleship.com) and SS Lane Victory (https://thelanevictory.org) famed WWII Merchant Marine Ship, both take part with period music and entertainment as well as living history programs.
* New highlights include live U.S. Navy parachute demos, obstacle course competitions, and more things to watch or do.
* The multi-day celebration of our nation’s Sea Services is spearheaded by the "LA Fleet Week Foundation" and the Port of Los Angeles.
* A high school robotics competition returns for its second year.
* Events include the "Galley Wars" culinary competition presented by Princess Cruises; a kids’ STEM Expo sponsored by Boeing; a "First Responders Village"; a "Veteran’s Village" sponsored by Wells Fargo; and "other family-friendly exhibitions."
* Sign-ups for the 11th Annual 5.3-mile “Conquer the Bridge” Labor Day morning race over the Vincent Thomas Bridge -- the only time each year pedestrians are allowed on the bridge -- are available at: https://conquerthebridge.com/
* Live entertainment is presented on the Main Stage throughout the four-day event. "Popular big-name bands and evening headline acts" are slated to be announced in late July.
* Dockside, there are aerial flyovers and many military displays and demonstrations.
* The Battleship Iowa Museum takes a central role, and is open all year. It is owned and operated by Pacific Battleship Center - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Not a government agency, it does not receive any government funding for operations, relying entirely on contributions from individuals and philanthropic corporations and organizations. Their educational programs serve more than 250,000 visitors annually including veterans and students of all ages.
* Tours of active vessels require reservations and all available spaces go immediately. You'll need to monitor the event's site to act in time for that aspect: https://www.lafleetweek.com/
Aug 30-Sep 1, FESTIVAL in Nor Cal:
Annual "PLUMAS HOMEGROWN AMERICANA FESTIVAL" at the Plumas County Fairgrounds, 204 Fairground Rd, Quincy CA 95971
* It's a spectrum of AMERICANA MUSIC, from bluegrass and cowboy to blues and folk, for a music-packed Labor Day weekend.
* Featured artists include:
* Friday's acts include Now & Then, Sparky & the Ancient Mariner, Short People, Zinger Phillips Band, and Peter Rowan.
* Saturday brings Cowboy Poet Tony Argento, Sparky & the Ancient Mariner, Wildcat Mountain Ramblers, CW Bayer & Dr. Spitmore, Sourdough Slim, Johnny Walker, Short People, North County Blue, and Wendy Burch Steel & Redwood.
* Sunday's closing-day acts are The Wildcat Mountain Ramblers, Lilah Washburn & The Quincy Pickers, Cowboy Poet Tony Argento, CW Bayer & Dr. Spitmore, North Country Blue, Wildcat Mountain Ramblers, and The Newport Nightingales.
* There's also SQUARE DANCING with top notch callers, wrapped-up with a BBQ.* If you go, catch the 4:30 pm Aug 31 set by SOURDOUGH SLIM, with ROBERT ARMSTRONG
* Festival info, www.plumasamericana.com
Special feature on this year's best festival...
Fri-Sun, Aug 30-Sep 1, FESTIVAL, elsewhere:
22nd annual "RHYTHM & ROOTS FESTIVAL" on Labor Day weekend in Ninigret Park, Charlestown, R.I.
Fri-Sun, Aug 30-Sep 1, FESTIVAL, elsewhere:
22nd annual "RHYTHM & ROOTS FESTIVAL" on Labor Day weekend in Ninigret Park, Charlestown, R.I.
* If you're looking to escape end-of-summer heat by heading north, this could be just the excuse you need.
* It may be the best Cajun-Zydeco festival anywhere, plus it has a whoooole lot more music than .
* THIS sthateaside festival features 30 bands on four stages, along with nearly 5,000 square feet of dance floor, international food, artisans, and children’s activities on the grassy fields of Ninigret Park. Which is the best kinda park.
* About 1,500 of the festival attendees either rough-it camping, or take the luxury route by “glamping” (a mashup of glamorous and camping).
* The park offers its own entertainment in the form of nature trails, a playground, swimming, tennis and basketball. You can bring your kids, and your lawn chair, blanket and sunscreen.
* It features "Cross-Genre Upstarts, Band Mashups, Zydeco Junkies and Longtime Favorites."
* Part of the magic of Rhythm & Roots is not only the diversity of musical genres but also the energy and creative inspiration that flows among the musicians. That's not PR hype, because...
* Performers here routinely sub in and out of other bands on stage and lucky roots music fans may even run across a late-night jam in the campground. This festival prides itself on featuring more collaborations than most. Keep reading.
* DUSTBOWL REVIVAL and HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN are merging to celebrate the music of THE BAND. A mix of three acts, PETER ROWAN and FREE MEXICAN AIRFORCE with LOS TEXMANIACS, will combine Rowan’s five decades of singing and songwriting with his frequent rocker companions Free Mexican Airforce. Los Texmaniacs will add their authentic Tex-Mex flair.
* Two other acts, JOE CRAVEN & THE SOMETIMERS and RAILROAD EARTH, will apply their own originality and inventiveness to celebrate two late icons, in the music of JERRY GARCIA and the lyrics of JOHN DENVER, respectively.
* Producer CHUCK WENTWORTH says he has invested heavily in the lineup this year, and it shows. Headliners are: the folk, blues and political protest musicians SON VOLT on Fri, Aug 30; the danceable fusion of styles from THE MAVERICKS the next night, and acoustic rockers RAILROAD EARTH on Sun, Sep 1.
* Here’s a look at some of the roots musicians, covering Zydeco, blues, bluegrass, Cajun and more who are making their first appearances at Rhythm & Roots:
• Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band is a Grammy-winning, high-energy Zydeco band from Lafayette, La.
• Erin Harpe & The Delta Swingers, who won the 2018 Boston Blues Challenge, bring their dynamic rocking-roots-blues to the festival.
• Providence’s own Jabbawaukee, a quintet formed in 2017, is “beyond honored” to perform its blend of psychedelic/progressive rock and funk at Rhythm & Roots for the first time.
• Victor Wainwright and the Train, who earned a 2019 Grammy nomination for best contemporary blues album, perform their “boogie-woogie, pedal-to-the-medal blues.
• The Travelin’ McCourys, who won the Grammy for best bluegrass album in 2018, are constantly innovating the traditional, and they're performing.
• The Lustre Kings, with their modern take on early rock, country, blues and R&B, rock-out and play 150 gigs a year.
* Popular returnees are:
+ With a sound born from the Louisiana Delta, three-time, Grammy-nominated Roddie Romero & the Hub City All Stars have been performing worldwide at the most prestigious festivals and venues for 20 years.
+ Hat Fitz & Cara, the married blues duo who performed at Rhythm & Roots a few years ago, return by popular demand.
+ BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet, the Grammy-winning Cajun band described by The New York Times as “bon temps, every time they play,” are back after an absence of about 10 years.
+ Nashville-based string band Della Mae is comprised of some of the finest players in bluegrass, Americana and beyond, and is another fan favorite.
+ Last year saw the Rhythm & Roots debut of Veronica Lewis, a teenage blues piano player and vocalist from Massachusetts who has been wowing blues fans at festivals throughout New England and beyond.
+ Every-other-year brings popular Marcia Ball back to the festival.
+ Vocalist and songwriter Sarah Potenza, a Providence native, was called “a Janis Joplin-Aretha Franklin hybrid” by Rolling Stone.
+ Jeffery Broussard and The Creole Cowboys bring back their traditional Zydeco sound and accordion magic.
+ Christine Ohlman, aka The Beehive Queen, brings her distinctive stage presence to her songs, guitar playing and amazing vocals.
+ The Pine Leaf Boys entertain with their rockin’ brand of Cajun dance music.
+ Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys, named “Best Cajun Band” at the 2019 Offbeat Magazine "Best of the Beat Awards," has played every Rhythm & Roots festival since Day One.
+ The Knickerbocker All-Stars, Rhode Island’s own, also return, swinging all the way.
+ Artists-in-residence are fiddler David Greely, blues guitarist Johnny Nicholas, and Creole musicians Ed Poullard on fiddle and Preston Frank on accordion.
* TIX at: www.rhythmandroots.com or call 401-783-3926 or 800-901-7173 for more info on music or "glamping." Tickets go fast, so save money before prices go up Aug 23, and plan ahead by purchasing tickets before options are all sold-out.
4 pm-7:15 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION" featuring LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE's "BIG SING 2019" is the culmination of grand re-opening festivities for the newly (and hugely expensive) renovated Music Center Plaza as downtown's centerpiece for outdoor arts events, at 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles CA 90012
* Participants can create artwork on-site, intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at the Music Center Plaza.
* The annual "BIG SING," a giant community sing-along, and itself a big deal, is being held in conjunction, and is a large part of why a 3-1/4-hour event qualifies as a festival.
* Schedule:
• 4 pm - Event begins at Grand Park
• 5 pm - Procession from Grand Park to Plaza
• 6 pm-7:15 pm - "Big Sing 2019"
* Food will be available for purchase from local food trucks.
* More at: https://www.musiccenter.org/plazacelebration
* Expectations are high for the expensive, months-long renovation of the plaza, which may be losing some of its favorite features, but happily seems to be keeping the fountains in a new form. But it may be "function" triumphing over "form;" we'll see.
* FREE event. Parking is always difficult in the area. Ride the Metro Red/Purple subway to Civic Center/Grand Park Station and save yourself a lot of frustration.
Sat, Aug 31, FREE concert:
6 pm-8 pm - DARK DESERT HIGHWAY Eagles tribute band plays the season closer of the "2019 SUMMER OF MUSIC" series at the Redondo Beach Pier, 100 Fisherman’s Wharf, Redondo Beach CA 90277
* Bring a low-back chair or blanket and enjoy the sunset over the Pacific during the concert.
* Info, http://www.redondopier.com/events/
* It may be the best Cajun-Zydeco festival anywhere, plus it has a whoooole lot more music than .
* THIS sthateaside festival features 30 bands on four stages, along with nearly 5,000 square feet of dance floor, international food, artisans, and children’s activities on the grassy fields of Ninigret Park. Which is the best kinda park.
* About 1,500 of the festival attendees either rough-it camping, or take the luxury route by “glamping” (a mashup of glamorous and camping).
* The park offers its own entertainment in the form of nature trails, a playground, swimming, tennis and basketball. You can bring your kids, and your lawn chair, blanket and sunscreen.
* It features "Cross-Genre Upstarts, Band Mashups, Zydeco Junkies and Longtime Favorites."
* Part of the magic of Rhythm & Roots is not only the diversity of musical genres but also the energy and creative inspiration that flows among the musicians. That's not PR hype, because...
* Performers here routinely sub in and out of other bands on stage and lucky roots music fans may even run across a late-night jam in the campground. This festival prides itself on featuring more collaborations than most. Keep reading.
* DUSTBOWL REVIVAL and HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN are merging to celebrate the music of THE BAND. A mix of three acts, PETER ROWAN and FREE MEXICAN AIRFORCE with LOS TEXMANIACS, will combine Rowan’s five decades of singing and songwriting with his frequent rocker companions Free Mexican Airforce. Los Texmaniacs will add their authentic Tex-Mex flair.
* Two other acts, JOE CRAVEN & THE SOMETIMERS and RAILROAD EARTH, will apply their own originality and inventiveness to celebrate two late icons, in the music of JERRY GARCIA and the lyrics of JOHN DENVER, respectively.
* Producer CHUCK WENTWORTH says he has invested heavily in the lineup this year, and it shows. Headliners are: the folk, blues and political protest musicians SON VOLT on Fri, Aug 30; the danceable fusion of styles from THE MAVERICKS the next night, and acoustic rockers RAILROAD EARTH on Sun, Sep 1.
* Here’s a look at some of the roots musicians, covering Zydeco, blues, bluegrass, Cajun and more who are making their first appearances at Rhythm & Roots:
• Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band is a Grammy-winning, high-energy Zydeco band from Lafayette, La.
• Erin Harpe & The Delta Swingers, who won the 2018 Boston Blues Challenge, bring their dynamic rocking-roots-blues to the festival.
• Providence’s own Jabbawaukee, a quintet formed in 2017, is “beyond honored” to perform its blend of psychedelic/progressive rock and funk at Rhythm & Roots for the first time.
• Victor Wainwright and the Train, who earned a 2019 Grammy nomination for best contemporary blues album, perform their “boogie-woogie, pedal-to-the-medal blues.
• The Travelin’ McCourys, who won the Grammy for best bluegrass album in 2018, are constantly innovating the traditional, and they're performing.
• The Lustre Kings, with their modern take on early rock, country, blues and R&B, rock-out and play 150 gigs a year.
* Popular returnees are:
+ With a sound born from the Louisiana Delta, three-time, Grammy-nominated Roddie Romero & the Hub City All Stars have been performing worldwide at the most prestigious festivals and venues for 20 years.
+ Hat Fitz & Cara, the married blues duo who performed at Rhythm & Roots a few years ago, return by popular demand.
+ BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet, the Grammy-winning Cajun band described by The New York Times as “bon temps, every time they play,” are back after an absence of about 10 years.
+ Nashville-based string band Della Mae is comprised of some of the finest players in bluegrass, Americana and beyond, and is another fan favorite.
+ Last year saw the Rhythm & Roots debut of Veronica Lewis, a teenage blues piano player and vocalist from Massachusetts who has been wowing blues fans at festivals throughout New England and beyond.
+ Every-other-year brings popular Marcia Ball back to the festival.
+ Vocalist and songwriter Sarah Potenza, a Providence native, was called “a Janis Joplin-Aretha Franklin hybrid” by Rolling Stone.
+ Jeffery Broussard and The Creole Cowboys bring back their traditional Zydeco sound and accordion magic.
+ Christine Ohlman, aka The Beehive Queen, brings her distinctive stage presence to her songs, guitar playing and amazing vocals.
+ The Pine Leaf Boys entertain with their rockin’ brand of Cajun dance music.
+ Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys, named “Best Cajun Band” at the 2019 Offbeat Magazine "Best of the Beat Awards," has played every Rhythm & Roots festival since Day One.
+ The Knickerbocker All-Stars, Rhode Island’s own, also return, swinging all the way.
+ Artists-in-residence are fiddler David Greely, blues guitarist Johnny Nicholas, and Creole musicians Ed Poullard on fiddle and Preston Frank on accordion.
* TIX at: www.rhythmandroots.com or call 401-783-3926 or 800-901-7173 for more info on music or "glamping." Tickets go fast, so save money before prices go up Aug 23, and plan ahead by purchasing tickets before options are all sold-out.
4 pm-7:15 pm - "PLAZA FOR ALL CELEBRATION" featuring LOS ANGELES MASTER CHORALE's "BIG SING 2019" is the culmination of grand re-opening festivities for the newly (and hugely expensive) renovated Music Center Plaza as downtown's centerpiece for outdoor arts events, at 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles CA 90012
* Participants can create artwork on-site, intended to reflect community pride, love for Los Angeles, and hopes and dreams for future experiences at the Music Center Plaza.
* The annual "BIG SING," a giant community sing-along, and itself a big deal, is being held in conjunction, and is a large part of why a 3-1/4-hour event qualifies as a festival.
* Schedule:
• 4 pm - Event begins at Grand Park
• 5 pm - Procession from Grand Park to Plaza
• 6 pm-7:15 pm - "Big Sing 2019"
* Food will be available for purchase from local food trucks.
* More at: https://www.musiccenter.org/plazacelebration
* Expectations are high for the expensive, months-long renovation of the plaza, which may be losing some of its favorite features, but happily seems to be keeping the fountains in a new form. But it may be "function" triumphing over "form;" we'll see.
* FREE event. Parking is always difficult in the area. Ride the Metro Red/Purple subway to Civic Center/Grand Park Station and save yourself a lot of frustration.
Sat, Aug 31, FREE concert:
6 pm-8 pm - DARK DESERT HIGHWAY Eagles tribute band plays the season closer of the "2019 SUMMER OF MUSIC" series at the Redondo Beach Pier, 100 Fisherman’s Wharf, Redondo Beach CA 90277
* Bring a low-back chair or blanket and enjoy the sunset over the Pacific during the concert.
* Info, http://www.redondopier.com/events/
E gads, FALL! Septober, Octember, Nowonder...
Be sure to look back at the last few days of August for all the multi-day FESTIVALS that continue today. We do not re-list them each day.
2 pm-7 pm - "BROAD FEST" kicks-off the theatre / concert venue's season with a celebration of the performing arts indoors and out at the Broad Stage and The Edye, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica CA 90401
* This community festival brings an afternoon of live music performances, dance lessons, "interactive entertainment," and other activities for the whole family.
* Performance lineup...
⊙ BOOGALOO ASSASSINS (LA County Arts' Musicians Roster) are a Los Angeles-based 12-piece Latin band with a sound and style inspired by Latin Boogaloo, Latin Soul, Salsa, and Latin Funk records of the '60s and '70s. The group’s self-released 2013 vinyl debut “OLD LOVE DIES HARD” spawned a 7” underground cross-over single that was a club and radio airplay hit around the globe, from BBC Radio 6’s Gilles Peterson to Santa Monica’s KCRW 88.9 to NYC.
⊙ VIVER BRASIL honors Brazil's African legacy through bold contemporary dance theater. It increases awareness of the rich history of Afro-Brazilian dance and music through performances, arts education, community engagement and an annual cultural immersion program to Salvador, Bahia, that engages communities from youth to adults and seniors. Through rigorous research and continuous dialogue with living masters, virtuoso musicians, and choreographers in Bahia, Viver Brasil drives contemporary representations of Brazilian dance in the US.
⊙ SHE SINGS SHE SWINGS is a young swing band influenced by French guitarist Django Reinhardt and American singers that include The Andrews Sisters and Ella Fitzgerald. In 2016, they met at a coffee shop in Long Beach, CA. Since then, they've performed at fundraising events, private events, wineries and venues including The House of Blues, The Grand Annex, and Downtown Disney. With an eager desire to grow as musicians, they have traveled to Django festivals across America, attending formal workshops and concerts. Together, they create a dynamic group to take you back to the mid 1900s.
■ THE EDYE stage:
⊙ ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE CENTER is the leading premier, ballroom and social dance studio in Santa Monica. With their catalog of expert and award-winning dance instructors, they teach people of all ages, interests, and ability. As an active member of the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce, Arthur Murray Dance Center is dedicated to educating our community with the love of dance in all its forms.
⊙ FAMILY DANCE JAM is an inter-generational movement workshop for families. Part open play, part directed experience, families move in a playful environment across the dance floor, making deeper connections with each other and their bodies. Facilitators guide families at the jams but each participant adds to the direction of the experience by their own explorations and interests. It is a wonderfully creative way to spend time together as a family.
⊙ SMC MUSIC DEPARTMENT programs and curriculum at Santa Monica College are exhibuted to show educational opportunities "designed to cultivate a musical, expressive, and artistic community, and to meet the needs of students who wish to explore and expand their knowledge, performance skills, and experience of music."
⊙ ELEMENTAL MUSIC was created by a SMMUSD teacher to engage young players through ensembles from an early age, helping develop both technical and musical skills that prepare them for continued study at the middle and high school levels.
⊙ Include "PAINT : LAB" walk-in art studio and more.
⊙ reDISCOVER CENTER is a nexus for environmental sustainability and creativity using recycled materials. They tell us, "We achieve our mission and vision through strategic initiatives at our center with the reuse warehouse, gallery and event space, at schools and in the community."
⊙ DJ ANTHONY VALADEZ hosts Monday nights on KCRW in Los Angeles. He was voted "Best DJ in L.A." by the LA Weekly Readers Poll in 2016.
* FULL INFO, and reserve your free admission, at: https://thebroadstage.org/broadfest.php
Fri-Sun, Sep 6-8, FESTIVAL:
23rd annual "LONG BEACH LOBSTER FESTIVAL" at Rainbow Lagoon Events Park, Long Beach CA
E gads, FALL! Septober, Octember, Nowonder...
Be sure to look back at the last few days of August for all the multi-day FESTIVALS that continue today. We do not re-list them each day.
2 pm-7 pm - "BROAD FEST" kicks-off the theatre / concert venue's season with a celebration of the performing arts indoors and out at the Broad Stage and The Edye, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica CA 90401
* This community festival brings an afternoon of live music performances, dance lessons, "interactive entertainment," and other activities for the whole family.
* Performance lineup...
⊙ BOOGALOO ASSASSINS (LA County Arts' Musicians Roster) are a Los Angeles-based 12-piece Latin band with a sound and style inspired by Latin Boogaloo, Latin Soul, Salsa, and Latin Funk records of the '60s and '70s. The group’s self-released 2013 vinyl debut “OLD LOVE DIES HARD” spawned a 7” underground cross-over single that was a club and radio airplay hit around the globe, from BBC Radio 6’s Gilles Peterson to Santa Monica’s KCRW 88.9 to NYC.
⊙ VIVER BRASIL honors Brazil's African legacy through bold contemporary dance theater. It increases awareness of the rich history of Afro-Brazilian dance and music through performances, arts education, community engagement and an annual cultural immersion program to Salvador, Bahia, that engages communities from youth to adults and seniors. Through rigorous research and continuous dialogue with living masters, virtuoso musicians, and choreographers in Bahia, Viver Brasil drives contemporary representations of Brazilian dance in the US.
⊙ SHE SINGS SHE SWINGS is a young swing band influenced by French guitarist Django Reinhardt and American singers that include The Andrews Sisters and Ella Fitzgerald. In 2016, they met at a coffee shop in Long Beach, CA. Since then, they've performed at fundraising events, private events, wineries and venues including The House of Blues, The Grand Annex, and Downtown Disney. With an eager desire to grow as musicians, they have traveled to Django festivals across America, attending formal workshops and concerts. Together, they create a dynamic group to take you back to the mid 1900s.
■ THE EDYE stage:
⊙ ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE CENTER is the leading premier, ballroom and social dance studio in Santa Monica. With their catalog of expert and award-winning dance instructors, they teach people of all ages, interests, and ability. As an active member of the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce, Arthur Murray Dance Center is dedicated to educating our community with the love of dance in all its forms.
⊙ FAMILY DANCE JAM is an inter-generational movement workshop for families. Part open play, part directed experience, families move in a playful environment across the dance floor, making deeper connections with each other and their bodies. Facilitators guide families at the jams but each participant adds to the direction of the experience by their own explorations and interests. It is a wonderfully creative way to spend time together as a family.
⊙ SMC MUSIC DEPARTMENT programs and curriculum at Santa Monica College are exhibuted to show educational opportunities "designed to cultivate a musical, expressive, and artistic community, and to meet the needs of students who wish to explore and expand their knowledge, performance skills, and experience of music."
⊙ ELEMENTAL MUSIC was created by a SMMUSD teacher to engage young players through ensembles from an early age, helping develop both technical and musical skills that prepare them for continued study at the middle and high school levels.
⊙ Include "PAINT : LAB" walk-in art studio and more.
⊙ reDISCOVER CENTER is a nexus for environmental sustainability and creativity using recycled materials. They tell us, "We achieve our mission and vision through strategic initiatives at our center with the reuse warehouse, gallery and event space, at schools and in the community."
⊙ DJ ANTHONY VALADEZ hosts Monday nights on KCRW in Los Angeles. He was voted "Best DJ in L.A." by the LA Weekly Readers Poll in 2016.
* FULL INFO, and reserve your free admission, at: https://thebroadstage.org/broadfest.php
Fri-Sun, Sep 6-8, FESTIVAL:
23rd annual "LONG BEACH LOBSTER FESTIVAL" at Rainbow Lagoon Events Park, Long Beach CA
* Runs Fri 5-10 pm, Sat & Sun noon-10 pm.
* The focus is "Fresh Live Maine Lobster," the "World’s Largest Cooker," and live music.
* For kids, there's the Magic Show (as seen on "America's Got Talent"), Face Painting, Games and Inflatable Bounces.
* Discount online tix available through 9 am Sep 6.
* Gen'l admission (no food) is $5 Fri, $13 Sat or Sun; Lobster Feast & General Admission Bundle is $30 + tax ($45 at gate); Jumbo Feast & General Admission Bundle is $58 + tax ($65 at gate); Children age 12 and under get FREE admission; food, drinks, and VIP Lounge not included.
* TIX & info, https://www.originallobsterfestival.com/
Fri, Sep 6:
8 pm - LAWRENCE LEBO plus NATHAN JAMES play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Sep 7:
8 pm - MINDY SMITH plays her first of two nights in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* The focus is "Fresh Live Maine Lobster," the "World’s Largest Cooker," and live music.
* For kids, there's the Magic Show (as seen on "America's Got Talent"), Face Painting, Games and Inflatable Bounces.
* Discount online tix available through 9 am Sep 6.
* Gen'l admission (no food) is $5 Fri, $13 Sat or Sun; Lobster Feast & General Admission Bundle is $30 + tax ($45 at gate); Jumbo Feast & General Admission Bundle is $58 + tax ($65 at gate); Children age 12 and under get FREE admission; food, drinks, and VIP Lounge not included.
* TIX & info, https://www.originallobsterfestival.com/
Fri, Sep 6:
8 pm - LAWRENCE LEBO plus NATHAN JAMES play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Sep 7:
8 pm - MINDY SMITH plays her first of two nights in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Sep 7:
8 pm - "TCHAIKOVSKY SPECTACULAR (with fireworks)" with CARL ST. CLAIR, conductor; BENJAMIN BEILMAN, violin; & PACIFIC SYMPHONY, at Pacific Amphitheatre, OC Fair & Events Center, Costa Mesa CA
* Celebrate the summer’s end with Tchaikovsky’s “1812” overture, as well as the composer’s greatest hits.
* Celebrate the summer’s end with Tchaikovsky’s “1812” overture, as well as the composer’s greatest hits.
* Southern Californians are incredibly fortunate to have the Hollywood Bowl, the Greek Theatre, the Ford Amphitheatre, and the OC Amphitheatre all available as splendid outdoor concert venues. Be sure to catch a symphonic treasure beneath the OC skies.
• KHACHATURIAN: “Sabre Dance”
• TCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto
• RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: “Capriccio Espagnol”
• TCHAIKOVSKY: “1812” Overture
* Complete with live cannons and brilliant fireworks, no SummerFest is complete without Pacific Symphony performing Tchaikovsky’s thrilling “1812” overture.
* The evening features this famous romantic composer’s greatest hits, including his memorable Violin Concerto, performed by the first-prize winner of the 2010 "Montréal International Musical Competition," Benjamin Beilman. “The Times” has praised Beilman’s “handsome technique, burnished sound, and quiet confidence,” and “The Strad” described his playing as “pure poetry.”
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/pacific-symphony-tchaikovsky-fireworks-spectacular/
Sun, Sep 8:
7:30 pm - PACIFIC SYMPHONY – HAIL TO THE HEROES, with guest LEE GREENWOOD, at Pacific Amphitheatre, 88 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa CA 92626
* It's a program of patriotic anthems both traditional, including Souza, and contemporary, like the Reagan-era Greenwood song, "God Bless the USA," aimed at honoring those who have done military service (including in one of America's endless wars for the control of oil).
* TIX, 714-708-1500, or: https://pacamp.com/entertainment/pacific-symphony-hail-to-the-heroes/
Sun, Sep 8:
8 pm - MINDY SMITH plays her 2nd of two nights in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Wed & Thu, Sep 11 & 12:
SHERYL CROW plays two nights, Sep 11 & 12 (2nd show added on Jul 11) at the Theatre at Ace Hotel in L.A.
* 2nd show, just announced, July 11; the Guide brought you the password for advance tix presale on that day.
Fri-Sun Sep 13-15, FESTIVAL:
5th annual "KAABOO FESTIVAL DEL MAR" at the Del Mar Racetrack + Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Bl, Del Mar (San Diego), CA 92014
* This one is hyped big-time, calling itself a "no-dirt, adult festival with gourmet food and plenty of opportunities to sit down." Beyond that, it is a train wreck of conflicting musical genres.
* TRUST US, THE ONLY DAY YOU WANT TO GO IS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, and you can get a one-day pass. You do NOT want to be there the other two days.
* Kaaboo runs Fri, Sep 13, 2 pm-12:30 am; Sat, Sep 14, 1 pm-12:30 am; Sun, Sep 15, 1 pm-9 pm.
* SUNDAY, while it's the shortest day, brings much more of an AMERICANA music fest.
* FRIDAY & SATURDAY do have some acts you'd go see in concert, BUT, they are surrounded by rap, hip-hop, electronica, and soundalike modern pop. You simply cannot conceive of such a "soup-to-nuts" assortment of bookings until you read their list.
* KAABOO was the 2017 Pollstar-nominated festival of the year, and in 2018, it sold-out all three days for the first time. But many months of their advance for this year had us ready to scream.
* Festival producers have played this coyly. The "lineup" was just one big mashup list until July 15th, when each day's acts were finally spelled-out. That mattered, because...
* A cross-section of 2019's three days shows those playing include Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews Band, Duran Duran, Sheryl Crow, Mark Ronson, REO Speedwagon, Maren Morris, The Bangles, Squeeze, The Cult, Silversun Pickups, Black Eyed Peas, Boyz II Men, "a special collaboration" between Snoop Dogg and Wu-Tang Clan, OneRepublic, The Revivalists, Sublime with Rome, Lifehouse, Blind Melon, Plain White T’s, Cheat Codes, Switchfoot, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderneess, Des Rocs, Con Brio, Mix Master Mike (of the Beastie Boys), and the tbd winner of "American Idol." (See what we mean?)
* At last (as of Jul 15) we know who plays which days.
and the rest of the day's lineup is:
* There's also the "Humor Me" stage, with Sunday's cast from among booked comedians Pete Holmes, Bert Kreischer, Wayne Brady, Kevin Smith, Bob Saget, Tig Notaro, Tom Green, Cameron Esposito, and more.
* In addition to food vendors, you can wander through "ARTWORK," KAABOO’s Contemporary Arts Fair, with opportunities to purchase what you see, and or, you can spend more and treat yourself to INDULGENCES, the festival's spa services, or go for a ticket that lets you hang at the bluff-top pool.
* Now, Friday DOES include SILVERSUN PICKUPS, MAREN MORRIS, and LITTLE STEVEN & THE DISCIPLES OF SOUL, and Saturday includes BRYAN ADAMS, and SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY & THE ASBURY JUKES -- and a lot of rap and hiphop.
* TIX: Starting Thu, July 18 at 7 am PST, single-day passes sell for the temporarily discounted rate of $115 for the "Hang Loose" option and $319 for "Hang Five." Prices jump to $129 and $359, respectively, after Sun, Jul 28 at midnight, "or sooner if supplies sell-out."
* TIX and more info: https://www.kaaboodelmar.com/
Fri, Sep 13:
8 pm - LEE CAMP, creator & host of "REDACTED TONIGHT" plays two Southern Cal shows:
* Tonight in Los Angeles, at The Dojo at the Sycamore Tavern, 7038 Sunset Bl, Hollywood CA 90028. Special guest ELEANOR GOLDFIELD. Only 100 tickets available. Show is 21+.
* Sun, Sep 15, 7 pm, in Ventura, at the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, 1559 Spinnaker Dr, Ste 205, Ventura CA 93001. Special guest GRAHAM ELWOOD. Show is 18+.
* Lee says, "I'll be doing a full hour of stand-up comedy (mixed with calls for revolution) on each show. Come hang out with me and let's fix the world!"
* Lee Camp is the head writer and host of the hit comedy news TV show "Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp" weekly on ST America, and online on YouTube and other sites.
* Acclaimed by the Guide, Lee brings a perspective to keep us sane in these tragically ridiculous times.
* He is reliably hilarious and quick witted. He connects everything, skewers those who desperately deserve it -- from the political class to the corporations that own them, to the corporate Big Media that spins things to cover for them -- no hypocrite or exploiter or liar with their nose in the public trough escapes Lee Camp.
* Lee is a former contributor to "The Onion" and former staff humor writer for the "Huffington Post."
* His ongoing his web series “Moment of Clarity” has been viewed by millions.
* He’s toured the country and the world with his fierce brand of standup comedy.
* ENDORSEMENTS? How about these: George Carlin’s daughter Kelly said he’s one of the few comics keeping her father’s torch lit. Bill Hicks’s brother Steve said Lee is one of only a handful with Bill’s “message and passion.”
* TIX will go quickly. Grab 'em while you can (for either show) at: https://leecamp.com/schedule/?mc_cid=d0b7fc70f2&mc_eid=6d00b36e5a
Sat, Sep 14, FESTIVAL:
11 am - Annual "TRAIN SONG FESTIVAL" presented by San Diego Folk Heritage returns for 2019 in Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd, Poway CA 92064; 858-566-4040
* Headliners include Nena Anderson, The Swamp Critters, Kevin Roth, Judy Taylor, Prairie Sky, and the Clay Colton Duo.
* Wear your pinstripe overalls and highball your beach chair!
Sat, Sep 14:
7 pm - DANA HUBBARD brings singer-songwriter goodness to Fiddler's Crossing, 206 East F St, Tehachapi CA 93561; 661-823-9994
Sat, Sep 14:
8 pm - THE SALTY SUITES plus PHIL SALAZAR & THE KIN FOLK team-up for a multigenerational tableau of fast 'n furious acoustic rootsy string music in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
SHERYL CROW plays two nights, Sep 11 & 12 (2nd show added on Jul 11) at the Theatre at Ace Hotel in L.A.
* 2nd show, just announced, July 11; the Guide brought you the password for advance tix presale on that day.
Fri-Sun Sep 13-15, FESTIVAL:
5th annual "KAABOO FESTIVAL DEL MAR" at the Del Mar Racetrack + Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Bl, Del Mar (San Diego), CA 92014
* This one is hyped big-time, calling itself a "no-dirt, adult festival with gourmet food and plenty of opportunities to sit down." Beyond that, it is a train wreck of conflicting musical genres.
* TRUST US, THE ONLY DAY YOU WANT TO GO IS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, and you can get a one-day pass. You do NOT want to be there the other two days.
* Kaaboo runs Fri, Sep 13, 2 pm-12:30 am; Sat, Sep 14, 1 pm-12:30 am; Sun, Sep 15, 1 pm-9 pm.
* SUNDAY, while it's the shortest day, brings much more of an AMERICANA music fest.
* FRIDAY & SATURDAY do have some acts you'd go see in concert, BUT, they are surrounded by rap, hip-hop, electronica, and soundalike modern pop. You simply cannot conceive of such a "soup-to-nuts" assortment of bookings until you read their list.
* KAABOO was the 2017 Pollstar-nominated festival of the year, and in 2018, it sold-out all three days for the first time. But many months of their advance for this year had us ready to scream.
* Festival producers have played this coyly. The "lineup" was just one big mashup list until July 15th, when each day's acts were finally spelled-out. That mattered, because...
* A cross-section of 2019's three days shows those playing include Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews Band, Duran Duran, Sheryl Crow, Mark Ronson, REO Speedwagon, Maren Morris, The Bangles, Squeeze, The Cult, Silversun Pickups, Black Eyed Peas, Boyz II Men, "a special collaboration" between Snoop Dogg and Wu-Tang Clan, OneRepublic, The Revivalists, Sublime with Rome, Lifehouse, Blind Melon, Plain White T’s, Cheat Codes, Switchfoot, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderneess, Des Rocs, Con Brio, Mix Master Mike (of the Beastie Boys), and the tbd winner of "American Idol." (See what we mean?)
* At last (as of Jul 15) we know who plays which days.
and the rest of the day's lineup is:
* There's also the "Humor Me" stage, with Sunday's cast from among booked comedians Pete Holmes, Bert Kreischer, Wayne Brady, Kevin Smith, Bob Saget, Tig Notaro, Tom Green, Cameron Esposito, and more.
* In addition to food vendors, you can wander through "ARTWORK," KAABOO’s Contemporary Arts Fair, with opportunities to purchase what you see, and or, you can spend more and treat yourself to INDULGENCES, the festival's spa services, or go for a ticket that lets you hang at the bluff-top pool.
* Now, Friday DOES include SILVERSUN PICKUPS, MAREN MORRIS, and LITTLE STEVEN & THE DISCIPLES OF SOUL, and Saturday includes BRYAN ADAMS, and SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY & THE ASBURY JUKES -- and a lot of rap and hiphop.
* TIX: Starting Thu, July 18 at 7 am PST, single-day passes sell for the temporarily discounted rate of $115 for the "Hang Loose" option and $319 for "Hang Five." Prices jump to $129 and $359, respectively, after Sun, Jul 28 at midnight, "or sooner if supplies sell-out."
* TIX and more info: https://www.kaaboodelmar.com/
Fri, Sep 13:
8 pm - LEE CAMP, creator & host of "REDACTED TONIGHT" plays two Southern Cal shows:
* Tonight in Los Angeles, at The Dojo at the Sycamore Tavern, 7038 Sunset Bl, Hollywood CA 90028. Special guest ELEANOR GOLDFIELD. Only 100 tickets available. Show is 21+.
* Sun, Sep 15, 7 pm, in Ventura, at the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, 1559 Spinnaker Dr, Ste 205, Ventura CA 93001. Special guest GRAHAM ELWOOD. Show is 18+.
* Lee says, "I'll be doing a full hour of stand-up comedy (mixed with calls for revolution) on each show. Come hang out with me and let's fix the world!"
* Lee Camp is the head writer and host of the hit comedy news TV show "Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp" weekly on ST America, and online on YouTube and other sites.
* Acclaimed by the Guide, Lee brings a perspective to keep us sane in these tragically ridiculous times.
* He is reliably hilarious and quick witted. He connects everything, skewers those who desperately deserve it -- from the political class to the corporations that own them, to the corporate Big Media that spins things to cover for them -- no hypocrite or exploiter or liar with their nose in the public trough escapes Lee Camp.
* Lee is a former contributor to "The Onion" and former staff humor writer for the "Huffington Post."
* His ongoing his web series “Moment of Clarity” has been viewed by millions.
* He’s toured the country and the world with his fierce brand of standup comedy.
* ENDORSEMENTS? How about these: George Carlin’s daughter Kelly said he’s one of the few comics keeping her father’s torch lit. Bill Hicks’s brother Steve said Lee is one of only a handful with Bill’s “message and passion.”
* TIX will go quickly. Grab 'em while you can (for either show) at: https://leecamp.com/schedule/?mc_cid=d0b7fc70f2&mc_eid=6d00b36e5a
Sat, Sep 14, FESTIVAL:
11 am - Annual "TRAIN SONG FESTIVAL" presented by San Diego Folk Heritage returns for 2019 in Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd, Poway CA 92064; 858-566-4040
* Headliners include Nena Anderson, The Swamp Critters, Kevin Roth, Judy Taylor, Prairie Sky, and the Clay Colton Duo.
* Wear your pinstripe overalls and highball your beach chair!
Sat, Sep 14:
7 pm - DANA HUBBARD brings singer-songwriter goodness to Fiddler's Crossing, 206 East F St, Tehachapi CA 93561; 661-823-9994
Sat, Sep 14:
8 pm - THE SALTY SUITES plus PHIL SALAZAR & THE KIN FOLK team-up for a multigenerational tableau of fast 'n furious acoustic rootsy string music in the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Sep 15:
7 pm - LEE CAMP, creator & host of "REDACTED TONIGHT" plays two Southern Cal shows:
* Tonight in Ventura, at the Ventura Harbor Comedy Club, 1559 Spinnaker Dr, Ste 205, Ventura CA 93001. Special guest GRAHAM ELWOOD. Show is 18+.
* He's also in Los Angeles, Sep 13, 8 pm. See that listing for our write-up on why you really want to see him.
* TIX will go quickly. Grab 'em while you can (for either show) at: https://leecamp.com/schedule/?mc_cid=d0b7fc70f2&mc_eid=6d00b36e5a
Tue, Sep 17, in many communities:
Wed-Sun, Sep 18-22, coolness elsewhere:
48th annual "WALNUT VALLEY FESTIVAL" with its bunches of national championship competitions for trad acoustic stringed instrument players, in Winfield, KS
* Info, https://www.wvfest.com/
Sat, Sep 21, FESTIVAL:
9 am-6 pm - 25th annual "HARVEST FESTIVAL OF DULCIMERS" presented by Southern California Dulcimer Heritage at its new site in Redondo Beach, at Riviera United Methodist Church, 375 Palos Verdes Blvd., Redondo Beach, CA 90277
* EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION discounts if postmarked by Aug 1.
* This music festival is NOT JUST FOR DULCIMERS -- read on.
* CONCERTS FEATURING much-requested master artists MARK ALAN WADE on Hammered Dulcimer and DAVE HAAS on Mountain Dulcimer
• FULL SCHEDULE features 27 workshops, with a FREE last hour of 8 workshops and/or activities to choose from.
* Workshops 9am - 3:30 pm / lunch - 11:45/ 12:30 pm-SCDH 25th / Reception 3:30 pm/ Concert - 4-6 pm
- Autoharp
- Bodhran (Irish Drum)
- Bowed Psaltery
- Drums & Native Flutes
- Go Outside the Melody
- Harmonica
- Shape-Note Singing
- Sing-Along
- Storytelling
- Ukulele
• WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS/ INSTRUCTORS - meet your teachers and read their plans for you
• All Day JAMMING + workshop on how to jam; drum & native flute circle; community jam
• Super CONCERT for FEE- with Dave Haas and Mark Alan Wade
• Lunch on site for purchase.
• $5 daytime entrance fee if not registering for workshops.
1) 3 INSTRUMENTS- 2 new/ 1 vintage (You don’t need to be present for the instrument drawings)
2) OPPORTUNITY DRAWINGS on what YOU BRING TO DONATE -- music related or gently-used items
• The "infamous paper bag drawings" -- Each attendee is encouraged to bring "something suitable."
• CONSIGNMENT BOOTH - Re-sell your unwanted music gear or donate to SCDH to sell - or get some great bargains
• DISCOVERY BOOTH - try-out some instruments
• VENDORS - Artists’ Products, Banjo-mers, SCDH Booth, WAYback When Creations
* FOCUS WORKSHOPS are on Sunday, Sep 22, following Saturday's main festival:
• MARK ALAN WADE - 10 am-2 pm - Hammered Dulcimer & Mixed Instruments - “Learn a Swedish Polska and Irish Tunes for Mixed Ensembles” (at a private home in Fullerton)
• DAVE HAAS - 11 am-3 pm - Mountain Dulcimer - “Fancy It Up! and The Music of Turlough O'Carolan” (at a private home in Long Beach).
• All fees go to instructors. Pre-registration required.
* New site has lots of parking and activity space.
* VOLUNTEER to HELP: Contact Bobbi at arnmiraadler@sbcglobal.net
* You can register in advance to speed-up your check-in and get you to your workshops on time.
* LODGING & TOURIST INFO: the festival days, "one option - Best Western Plus Redondo Beach Inn."
* Festival contact: dulcimer@scdh.org
* ADVANCE TIX & more details:
Sat, Sep 21:
7 pm - CHRIS HILLMAN & HERB PEDERSEN, true legends of folk-rock from the '60s and ever since, play the Smothers Theatre at the Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts, at Pepperdine University, 24255 PCH, Malibu CA 90265; 310-506-4522
Sat, Sep 21:
7 pm - ELIZA GILKYSON plays the "Stardust House Concerts" in North Hills CA (SFV); www.stardustconcerts.com
* Doors at 6:15 pm for potluck drinks and sides.
* Reservations get directions at: stardustconcerts@gmail.com
* $25 at the door w/reservation, $30 No reservation, all receipts go the artist.
Sat, Sep 21:
7:30 pm - SMITH, STEPHAN & HOFFMAN play the Wooden Hall Concerts series at Alhecama Theatre, 914 Santa Barbara St, Santa Barbara CA 93101
Sat, Sep 21:
7:30 pm - THE DAVID BROMBERG QUINTET plays the AMSD Concerts series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902; 619-201-0520
Sat, Sep 21:
7:30 pm - BERKLEY HART, many time winner as San Diego's best vocal duo, plays the O'Connell House Concert series in
San Diego CA
* Reservations get directions at: oconpb@sbcglobal.net
Sat, Sep 21, FREE concert:
7:30 pm - "PERLA BATALLA IN THE HOUSE OF COHEN" is "A Visions and Voices Signature Event" in Bovard Auditorium on the USC main campus in University Park, 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Thu, Aug 15, 9 am) at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30275511558180
* Performed on the late Leonard Cohen’s birthday, multiple award-winning singer Perla Batalla pays tribute to her friend and mentor with selected songs and personal anecdotes.
* Since his former back-up singer launched her solo career with Cohen’s encouragement, Perla Batalla has consistently earned critical acclaim for her unique voice and culture-merging compositions.
* The GRAMMY-nominated singer-songwriter’s mission of honoring her roots and exposing young audiences to the beauty of music and the Spanish language has earned her the "United Nations’ Earth Charter Award" for “extraordinary devotion to social and economic justice” and the "Premio Fronterizo Award" for “healing work in the world.”
* “Onstage, offstage, digital or analog, I love Perla Batalla.” — Leonard Cohen.
* Batalla’s first CD of Cohen covers, "Bird on the Wire," was produced with his blessing. He attended the recording session, weighed-in on the selections and arrangements, and uncharacteristically participated in a photo session at his Los Angeles home to promote the project.
* Cohen’s passing in November 2016 reaffirmed Batalla’s mission of sharing his lesser-known songs with a younger audience and demonstrating the lighter side of the “Godfather of Gloom.”
* In this conceet, she reveals the timelessness of Cohen’s art and shares her deep respect and love for his music, his poetry, and, most of all, the man, her dear friend.
* Act promptly on Aug 15 when the free tix become available, because this will be gone in a flash.
Sat, Sep 21, world music:
8 pm - NEVENKA, an Eastern European world-music women's vocal ensemble that has for years been highly acclaimed, plays the "Pasadena Folk Music Society" concert series in Ramo Auditorium on the Caltech campus in Pasadena CA 91106
* Park free (ignore the "reserved" signs at night) in either lot at the south end of Michigan Av, off Del Mar.
Sat, Sep 21:
8 pm - ANDY RAU plays the Fret House, 309 N Citrus Av, Covina CA 91723; 626-339-7020
Sat, Sep 21:
8 pm - JAKE LA BOTZ plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Thu, Sep 26, FREE event:
7 pm - "SELL/BUY/DATE: A PERFORMANCE BY SARAH JONES" in the Bing Theatre (BIT), 3500 Watt Way, on the USC main campus in University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Thu, Aug 29, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30281785859276
* Tony and Obie Award–winning playwright and performer Sarah Jones portrays a dazzling medley of characters inspired by the real-life experiences of people affected by the sex industry. Brimming with Jones’s masterful, multicultural characterizations, this exuberant show presents an honest, moving, and humorous look at a complex and fascinating subject—all while preserving the full humanity of voices seldom heard in the theatre.
* The acclaimed show will be followed by a discussion with Jones and Q&A with the audience.
Fri-Sun, Sep 27-29, FESTIVAL:
11 am-10:30 pm - "HUCK FINN JUBILEE" a legendary BLUEGRASS-and-more festival that took a hiatus, returns to Cucamonga Guasti Regional Park, 800 N Archibald Av, Ontario CA 91764
* Featured headliners include:
⊙ Steep Canyon Rangers
⊙ Railroad Earth
⊙ California Honeydrops
⊙ Dustbowl Revival
⊙ The Get Down Boys
⊙ and more
* Runs all 3 days, 11 am-10:30 pm.
Fri, Sep 27:
7 pm - THE LISA SANDERS BAND, a singer-songwriter duo, plays Fiddler's Crossing, 206 East F St, Tehachapi CA 93561; 661-823-9994
Sep 28, environmental activism:
8 am - "HIKE L.A. FOR CLEAN AIR" is a first-ever City Hike fundraising event to support local environments.
* Southern California is back to having the nation's dirtiest air, and bad air days due to ozone pollution have ticked up, triggering asthma attacks and other serious health problems.
* This can force the corporate media to take notice. Our health is at risk from breathing dangerous levels of pollution, and to protect your city and our shared planet.
* This special city hike takes participants on a 3.8 mile or 7.7 mile trek through Koreatown, DTLA, and other various neighborhoods.
* Prizes, food and beverages, are provided along the way.
* Entertainment is provided along the way, plus participants can join the rooftop patio party in Koreatown.
* The route visits some of L.A.'s most famous parks, including Grand Park, Vista Hermosa, Pershing Square, and MacArthur Park.
* For some (and maybe you), the situation has only strengthened the commitment to:
☆ Advocate for stronger smog protections and safer air quality standards
☆ Fight big oil's hold on the EPA to push back Clean Air regulations
☆ Challenge City Councils in Southern California to implement stronger measures and PHASE-OUT OIL PRODUCTION in the city
☆ Join the fight to create a team with friends and family, or just join-in to "Hike L.A. for Clean Air" on September 28th.
☆ Take action and raise money to transition Los Angeles -- and your city -- to 100% CLEAN ENERGY.
* It IS a fund-raiser; signing-up obligates you to get sponsors for your walk (they assign you a coach to help).
* Get the route and event schedule from the Sierra Club, at:
Sat, Sep 28:
7:30 pm - GEOFF MULDAUR plays the AMSD Concerts series in Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita CA 91902; 619-201-0520
* He also plays Santa Monica Sunday at 8 pm; see listing.
Sat, Sep 28:
8 pm - ELLIS PAUL plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Sep 29:
8 pm - GEOFF MULDAUR plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* He also plays Bonita (San Diego) Saturday at 7:30 pm; see listing.
* Southern California is back to having the nation's dirtiest air, and bad air days due to ozone pollution have ticked up, triggering asthma attacks and other serious health problems.
* This can force the corporate media to take notice. Our health is at risk from breathing dangerous levels of pollution, and to protect your city and our shared planet.
* This special city hike takes participants on a 3.8 mile or 7.7 mile trek through Koreatown, DTLA, and other various neighborhoods.
* Prizes, food and beverages, are provided along the way.
* Entertainment is provided along the way, plus participants can join the rooftop patio party in Koreatown.
* The route visits some of L.A.'s most famous parks, including Grand Park, Vista Hermosa, Pershing Square, and MacArthur Park.
* For some (and maybe you), the situation has only strengthened the commitment to:
☆ Advocate for stronger smog protections and safer air quality standards
☆ Fight big oil's hold on the EPA to push back Clean Air regulations
☆ Challenge City Councils in Southern California to implement stronger measures and PHASE-OUT OIL PRODUCTION in the city
☆ Join the fight to create a team with friends and family, or just join-in to "Hike L.A. for Clean Air" on September 28th.
☆ Take action and raise money to transition Los Angeles -- and your city -- to 100% CLEAN ENERGY.
* It IS a fund-raiser; signing-up obligates you to get sponsors for your walk (they assign you a coach to help).
* Get the route and event schedule from the Sierra Club, at:
Sat, Sep 28:
7:30 pm - GEOFF MULDAUR plays the AMSD Concerts series in Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita CA 91902; 619-201-0520
* He also plays Santa Monica Sunday at 8 pm; see listing.
Sat, Sep 28:
8 pm - ELLIS PAUL plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Sep 29:
8 pm - GEOFF MULDAUR plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* He also plays Bonita (San Diego) Saturday at 7:30 pm; see listing.
Tue, Oct 1:
8 pm - JOHN PRINE arrives with "The Tree of Forgiveness World Tour" presented by Goldenvoice and Emporium, at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; 323-461-3673; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* One of America's greatest living folk-Americana songwriters, he's in the midst of "THE TREE OF FORGIVENESS WORLD TOUR."
* TIX (reserved seats) $89.50; $99.50; $125.50; $150.00; at: https://www.fordtheatres.org/calendar/goldenvoice-and-emporium-present-john-prine
Thu, Oct 3:
7:30 pm - JAKE SHIMABUKURO, multi-instrumentalist and uke master, plays the Broad Stage – Main Stage, at the Santa Monica College Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica CA 90401; 310-434-3200
Sat, Oct 5, FESTIVAL, in Nor Cal:
10 am-4 pm - Annual "TARANTULA FEST" at Henry W. Coe State Park, with jug band music, interaction with live, friendly tarantulas, and more, at the park's headquarters, 13 miles from US Hwy 101 on E Dunne Av, east of Morgan Hill, CA
* Enjoy live music by the SADA SPRINGS JUG BAND made up of musical Coe Park volunteers and friends. (When Huell Howser was there, the TARANTULA JUG BAND held sway.)
* At the Coe Park Tarantula Fest, you rub elbows (so to speak) with some of their resident fuzzy, friendly, eight-legged guests of honor. Female tarantulas live 20-30 years, and are borrowed from their dens to take part in the festival. (Male tarantulas are there, too, and are not aggressive either, but they only live 7-8 years.)
* Enjoy breathtaking views across the ridges and canyons of the backcountry -- and the festivities, music, food -- and tarantulas.
* Take a leisurely nature walk with a volunteer naturalist and search for tarantulas, or go on a geocaching hike.
* Coe Park is the largest state park in northern California, with over 87,000 acres of wild open spaces. The terrain of the park is rugged, varied, and beautiful, with lofty ridges and steep canyons.
* At the festival, there's a kids' activities area where young 'uns create Tarantula Fest keepsakes.
* Festival goers can talk to volunteers from the Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center and meet their wonderful ambassador animals.
* With a meal ticket you can sit down and enjoy great home-cooked food at the barbecue.
* TIX: it's just an $8 per car parking fee for day-use, plus food if you buy it.
* There's another Tarantula Fest in the Mother Lode town of Coarsegold, CA, the Saturday before Halloween. Theirs might have more hoopla, but it doesn't come with jug band music.
Fri-Sun, Oct 11-13, FESTIVAL:
2nd annual "WORLD PEACE & JUSTICE WEEKEND" returns for the rescheduled event in Laguna Beach, at Neighborhood Congregational Church Laguna Beach, 340 St Anns Dr, Laguna Beach, California 92651
* Details tba, since the re-scheduling.
* VENUE info: 949-494-8061; office@ncclaguna.org
Annual "KALEIDOSCOPE ART & MUSIC FESTIVAL" in the park and amphitheatre at 2723 Rancho Vista Bl, Palmdale, CA 93551
* Roots-Americana music is always featured, including the return this year of LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS.
* This is easily the best thing in the High Desert that's worth the drive from L.A. Especially since neighboring Lancaster bulldozed the charming old tree-lined fairgrounds and moved the entire Antelope Valley Fair into a pair of ugly-ass Butler buildings that bake on the alkali flat. (While on that subject, avoid Lancaster's Metrolink Station with its sharpened-spike prison-stockade walls; use Palmdale's charming and air-conditioned mission-revival-style Metrolink Station.)
Tue, Oct 1:
8 pm - JOHN PRINE arrives with "The Tree of Forgiveness World Tour" presented by Goldenvoice and Emporium, at the Ford Amphitheatre, 2580 Cahuenga Bl East, Hollywood CA 90068; 323-461-3673; https://www.fordtheatres.org/
* One of America's greatest living folk-Americana songwriters, he's in the midst of "THE TREE OF FORGIVENESS WORLD TOUR."
* TIX (reserved seats) $89.50; $99.50; $125.50; $150.00; at: https://www.fordtheatres.org/calendar/goldenvoice-and-emporium-present-john-prine
Thu, Oct 3:
7:30 pm - JAKE SHIMABUKURO, multi-instrumentalist and uke master, plays the Broad Stage – Main Stage, at the Santa Monica College Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica CA 90401; 310-434-3200
Sat, Oct 5, FESTIVAL, in Nor Cal:
10 am-4 pm - Annual "TARANTULA FEST" at Henry W. Coe State Park, with jug band music, interaction with live, friendly tarantulas, and more, at the park's headquarters, 13 miles from US Hwy 101 on E Dunne Av, east of Morgan Hill, CA
* Enjoy live music by the SADA SPRINGS JUG BAND made up of musical Coe Park volunteers and friends. (When Huell Howser was there, the TARANTULA JUG BAND held sway.)
* At the Coe Park Tarantula Fest, you rub elbows (so to speak) with some of their resident fuzzy, friendly, eight-legged guests of honor. Female tarantulas live 20-30 years, and are borrowed from their dens to take part in the festival. (Male tarantulas are there, too, and are not aggressive either, but they only live 7-8 years.)
* Enjoy breathtaking views across the ridges and canyons of the backcountry -- and the festivities, music, food -- and tarantulas.
* Take a leisurely nature walk with a volunteer naturalist and search for tarantulas, or go on a geocaching hike.
* Coe Park is the largest state park in northern California, with over 87,000 acres of wild open spaces. The terrain of the park is rugged, varied, and beautiful, with lofty ridges and steep canyons.
* At the festival, there's a kids' activities area where young 'uns create Tarantula Fest keepsakes.
* Festival goers can talk to volunteers from the Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center and meet their wonderful ambassador animals.
* With a meal ticket you can sit down and enjoy great home-cooked food at the barbecue.
* TIX: it's just an $8 per car parking fee for day-use, plus food if you buy it.
* There's another Tarantula Fest in the Mother Lode town of Coarsegold, CA, the Saturday before Halloween. Theirs might have more hoopla, but it doesn't come with jug band music.
Fri-Sun, Oct 11-13, FESTIVAL:
2nd annual "WORLD PEACE & JUSTICE WEEKEND" returns for the rescheduled event in Laguna Beach, at Neighborhood Congregational Church Laguna Beach, 340 St Anns Dr, Laguna Beach, California 92651
* Details tba, since the re-scheduling.
* VENUE info: 949-494-8061; office@ncclaguna.org
Annual "KALEIDOSCOPE ART & MUSIC FESTIVAL" in the park and amphitheatre at 2723 Rancho Vista Bl, Palmdale, CA 93551
* Roots-Americana music is always featured, including the return this year of LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS.
* This is easily the best thing in the High Desert that's worth the drive from L.A. Especially since neighboring Lancaster bulldozed the charming old tree-lined fairgrounds and moved the entire Antelope Valley Fair into a pair of ugly-ass Butler buildings that bake on the alkali flat. (While on that subject, avoid Lancaster's Metrolink Station with its sharpened-spike prison-stockade walls; use Palmdale's charming and air-conditioned mission-revival-style Metrolink Station.)
Sat & Sun, Oct 12 & 13:
CINDY KALLET & GREY LARSEN play a pair of rare West Coast gigs at the "Santa Monica House Concerts" series in Santa Monica, CA
* Details will be posted closer to the dates, at:
Tue, Oct 15, FREE event:
7 pm - "ARCHITECTURES OF LIGHT: THE DRONE PHOTOGRAPHY OF REUBEN WU" in the USC Brain and Creativity Institute's Joyce J. Cammilleri Hall (BCI), on the USC main campus in University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Tue, Sep 17, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30281927115800
* It's an artist’s talk by Reuben Wu, who uses light-carrying drones to create sublime and otherworldly photographic landscapes. Wu’s photographs evoke conventions of Romantic painting and the wonder of planetary discovery in vintage sci-fi films, and draw on his unique understanding of time and memory as a musician and co-founder of the British electronic band Ladytron.
* In conversation with author and BLDGBLOG creator Geoff Manaugh, Wu will present pieces from his photo series "Lux Noctis and Aeroglyphs," as well as new artworks inspired by drawings and models in the USC Libraries’ architectural collections and featuring landmarks of the USC campus.
Sat, Oct 19:
8 pm - "PERLA BATALLA: A TRIBUTE TO LEONARD COHEN" is the 2019-2020 "CaltechLive!" Series Season Opener in Beckman Auditorium on the Caltech campus in Pasadena CA
* Grammy nominated singer-songwriter Perla Batalla consistently earns critical acclaim for her unique voice and culture-merging compositions.
* Formerly a Leonard Cohen back-up singer, the Los Angeles–born vocalist launched her solo career with Cohen’s encouragement.
* Before he died, singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen told his old friend Perla Batalla that he was afraid his music would die with him. She says that’s not going to happen if she can help it. And she can. Hear Perla sing what is possibly THE most moving version of this song, simply accompanied by five string players and a pianist: Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," sung by Perla, here.
* Perla has recorded seven albums, been featured in films and television, and taken her unique sound on tour to some of the most prestigious venues around the world.
* Perla was born in Los Angeles to a family immersed in music; her father, a Mexican singer and radio personality, and an Argentine mother who ran a bustling record store called Discoteca Batalla.
* "She can reach the back row of the balcony without raising her heart beat and she can bring real tears with ballads so sweet they make your heart ache. The purity and power of Perla's pipes is rare and wonderful to behold." — L.A. Magazine.
* TIX for this show: by phone at 626-395-4652, or online: https://events.caltech.edu/series/pa/perla
* COMBO DEALS available on season tix, multi-shows, more.
* FULL SEASON BROCHURE -- pdf download -- for "Caltech Live!" is here.
* TIX NOW ON SALE for folk music, chamber music, theatre, and more through CaltechLive!, important partner Pasadena Folk Music Society, and others, offering "top-flight events" at multiple locations on campus. At press time, here are the next Pasadena Folk Music Society shows (tix by phone at 626-395-4652):
• NEVENKA performs Sat, Sep 21, 8 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play Sat, Oct 26, 8 pm in Beckman Institute Auditorium.
* In Caltech's "Signature Lecture" Series, speakers from the Caltech campus and JPL present cutting-edge research to the local community. These lectures are FREE and open to the public. Coming up:
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "Small Worlds, Big Science," Fri, Aug 9, 7 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "It Broke! Stories Of How We Fixed It," Fri, Sepr 20, 7 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
• Watson Lecture (first of the new season) "Causality: From Aristotle to Zebrafish," Wed, Oct 16, 8 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
7 pm - "ARCHITECTURES OF LIGHT: THE DRONE PHOTOGRAPHY OF REUBEN WU" in the USC Brain and Creativity Institute's Joyce J. Cammilleri Hall (BCI), on the USC main campus in University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Tue, Sep 17, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30281927115800
* It's an artist’s talk by Reuben Wu, who uses light-carrying drones to create sublime and otherworldly photographic landscapes. Wu’s photographs evoke conventions of Romantic painting and the wonder of planetary discovery in vintage sci-fi films, and draw on his unique understanding of time and memory as a musician and co-founder of the British electronic band Ladytron.
* In conversation with author and BLDGBLOG creator Geoff Manaugh, Wu will present pieces from his photo series "Lux Noctis and Aeroglyphs," as well as new artworks inspired by drawings and models in the USC Libraries’ architectural collections and featuring landmarks of the USC campus.
Sat, Oct 19:
8 pm - "PERLA BATALLA: A TRIBUTE TO LEONARD COHEN" is the 2019-2020 "CaltechLive!" Series Season Opener in Beckman Auditorium on the Caltech campus in Pasadena CA
* Grammy nominated singer-songwriter Perla Batalla consistently earns critical acclaim for her unique voice and culture-merging compositions.
* Formerly a Leonard Cohen back-up singer, the Los Angeles–born vocalist launched her solo career with Cohen’s encouragement.
* Before he died, singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen told his old friend Perla Batalla that he was afraid his music would die with him. She says that’s not going to happen if she can help it. And she can. Hear Perla sing what is possibly THE most moving version of this song, simply accompanied by five string players and a pianist: Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," sung by Perla, here.
* Perla has recorded seven albums, been featured in films and television, and taken her unique sound on tour to some of the most prestigious venues around the world.
* Perla was born in Los Angeles to a family immersed in music; her father, a Mexican singer and radio personality, and an Argentine mother who ran a bustling record store called Discoteca Batalla.
* "She can reach the back row of the balcony without raising her heart beat and she can bring real tears with ballads so sweet they make your heart ache. The purity and power of Perla's pipes is rare and wonderful to behold." — L.A. Magazine.
* TIX for this show: by phone at 626-395-4652, or online: https://events.caltech.edu/series/pa/perla
* COMBO DEALS available on season tix, multi-shows, more.
* FULL SEASON BROCHURE -- pdf download -- for "Caltech Live!" is here.
* TIX NOW ON SALE for folk music, chamber music, theatre, and more through CaltechLive!, important partner Pasadena Folk Music Society, and others, offering "top-flight events" at multiple locations on campus. At press time, here are the next Pasadena Folk Music Society shows (tix by phone at 626-395-4652):
• NEVENKA performs Sat, Sep 21, 8 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play Sat, Oct 26, 8 pm in Beckman Institute Auditorium.
* In Caltech's "Signature Lecture" Series, speakers from the Caltech campus and JPL present cutting-edge research to the local community. These lectures are FREE and open to the public. Coming up:
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "Small Worlds, Big Science," Fri, Aug 9, 7 pm in Ramo Auditorium.
• Theodore von Kármán Lecture presents "It Broke! Stories Of How We Fixed It," Fri, Sepr 20, 7 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
• Watson Lecture (first of the new season) "Causality: From Aristotle to Zebrafish," Wed, Oct 16, 8 pm in Beckman Auditorium.
Wed, Oct 23, FREE event:
7 pm - "AN EVENING WITH DOUG AITKEN" is "A Visions and Voices" series event in Bovard Auditorium on the USC main campus in University Park, 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Wed, Sep 18, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30282390978394
* Doug Aitken defies definitions of genre and explores every medium, from film and installations to architectural interventions. The Los Angeles–based artist and filmmaker’s career-spanning, multimedia presentation will touch on architecture, art, public space, the environment, and more.
* His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions around the world, in such institutions as the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Museum of Modern Art, the Vienna Secession, the Serpentine Gallery in London, and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. He participated in the 1997 and 2000 Whitney Biennials, and earned the "International Prize" at the Venice Biennale in 1999 for his installation, "Electric Earth." Aitken received the 2012 "Nam June Paik Art Center Prize," and the 2013 "Smithsonian Magazine American Ingenuity Award for Visual Arts." In 2016, he received the "Americans for the Arts National Arts Award" for "Outstanding Contributions to the Arts." In 2017, Aitken became the inaugural recipient of the "Frontier Art Prize," a new contemporary art award that supports an artist to pursue bold projects that challenge the boundaries of knowledge and experience to reimagine the future of humanity.
7 pm - "AN EVENING WITH DOUG AITKEN" is "A Visions and Voices" series event in Bovard Auditorium on the USC main campus in University Park, 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Wed, Sep 18, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30282390978394
* Doug Aitken defies definitions of genre and explores every medium, from film and installations to architectural interventions. The Los Angeles–based artist and filmmaker’s career-spanning, multimedia presentation will touch on architecture, art, public space, the environment, and more.
* His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions around the world, in such institutions as the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Museum of Modern Art, the Vienna Secession, the Serpentine Gallery in London, and the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. He participated in the 1997 and 2000 Whitney Biennials, and earned the "International Prize" at the Venice Biennale in 1999 for his installation, "Electric Earth." Aitken received the 2012 "Nam June Paik Art Center Prize," and the 2013 "Smithsonian Magazine American Ingenuity Award for Visual Arts." In 2016, he received the "Americans for the Arts National Arts Award" for "Outstanding Contributions to the Arts." In 2017, Aitken became the inaugural recipient of the "Frontier Art Prize," a new contemporary art award that supports an artist to pursue bold projects that challenge the boundaries of knowledge and experience to reimagine the future of humanity.
Oct 25-Nov 3, FESTIVAL:
"L.A. FALL FAIR" at La Prada Event Plaza in Whittier Narrows Regional Park, South El Monte CA
* This one brings unlimited carnival rides for adults and kids, live music on weekends, circus shows, and free parking, all for a $15 admission; Children under 36" tall are FREE. Pony rides extra.
Oct 26:
All day -annual "PANDA PADDLE" in San Diego Bay, San Diego CA
* This is a return to the site of last year's first annual participatory event.
* It follows this year's August 24th global and online virtual call to take to a body of water near you, and/or do it online virtually, for more than just fun.
* Why? Because every year, eight million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans and rivers. Every day, there are forces destroying our forests, climate, and wildlife with reckless abandon.
* Our planet deserves better. So...
* Enter "PANDA PADDLE," a real-world and virtual event that organizers at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are calling, "The best standup paddle board (SUP) event on the planet -- because it protects the planet."
* In-parallel, standup paddle boarders, on the water globally the same day, raised funds and awareness on August 24 to help fight against the biggest environmental threats of today.
* Today, you can sign-up, then paddle in San Diego Bay, joining together with nature lovers from everywhere who are devoted to protecting our oceans, rivers, animals, and wild places. Yep, in San Diego, it's a mass organized affair.
* REGISTER HERE to take part.
* A paddle board maker gives you a primer about heading-out for ths year's event, at:
* Read about last year's first-ever event:
* Questions? Email: PandaPaddle@wwfus.org
* Peruse the WWF site and be impressed by all they're doing: https://www.worldwildlife.org/
Sat, Oct 26:
7 pm - HARDLY SISTERS with special guest Jaynee Thorne, at the "Stardust House Concerts" in North Hills CA (SFV); www.stardustconcerts.com
* HARDLY SISTERS is a Los Angeles-based original acoustic folk band with Bluegrass, R & B, Country and Rock influences.
* They've been together since 1995, when band organizer and vocalist/keyboard player Leslie Barker called her brother Tim (vocals/guitar), and lifetime friends Lisa Vig (vocalist/mandolin) and Moss Reynolds (vocalist/guitar). One hour later they showed up at an open mike at a Los Angeles coffee house and spontaneously played a song together for the first time. Seems they clicked.
* Doors at 6:15 pm for potluck drinks and sides.
* Reservations get directions at: stardustconcerts@gmail.com
* $20 at the door, all receipts go the artists.
Sat, Oct 26:
7 pm - HARDLY SISTERS with special guest Jaynee Thorne, at the "Stardust House Concerts" in North Hills CA (SFV); www.stardustconcerts.com
* HARDLY SISTERS is a Los Angeles-based original acoustic folk band with Bluegrass, R & B, Country and Rock influences.
* They've been together since 1995, when band organizer and vocalist/keyboard player Leslie Barker called her brother Tim (vocals/guitar), and lifetime friends Lisa Vig (vocalist/mandolin) and Moss Reynolds (vocalist/guitar). One hour later they showed up at an open mike at a Los Angeles coffee house and spontaneously played a song together for the first time. Seems they clicked.
* Doors at 6:15 pm for potluck drinks and sides.
* Reservations get directions at: stardustconcerts@gmail.com
* $20 at the door, all receipts go the artists.
Mon, Nov 11, FREE event:
7:30 pm - "BLACK GRACE," a "Visions and Voices Signature Event" in Bovard Auditorium on the USC main campus in University Park, 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Mon, Oct 7, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30282565866038
* New Zealand–based contemporary dance company BLACK GRACE draws from Samoan and Pacific Islander roots to create stunning and innovative performances that reach across social, cultural, and generational barriers.
7:30 pm - "BLACK GRACE," a "Visions and Voices Signature Event" in Bovard Auditorium on the USC main campus in University Park, 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Mon, Oct 7, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30282565866038
* New Zealand–based contemporary dance company BLACK GRACE draws from Samoan and Pacific Islander roots to create stunning and innovative performances that reach across social, cultural, and generational barriers.
Mon, Dec 2, FREE event:
7 pm - "TURNING LIMITATIONS INTO OPPORTUNITIES: AN EVENING WITH ALI STROKER" is a "Visions and Voices Signature Event" in the Bing Theatre (BIT) on the USC main campus in University Park, 3500 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Mon, Nov 4, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30636231473158
* Ali Stroker is the Tony Award–winning actor and first wheelchair user to star in a Broadway production. She will discuss her life, career, and the importance of inclusion, representation, and ending a culture that assumes "ableism" as an unspoken qualification.
* A co-chair of "Women Who Care," which supports United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, and founding member of "Be More Heroic," an anti-bullying campaign that tours the country, Stroker works to improve the lives of others—whether disabled or not—through advocacy as well as the arts.
* She became the first wheelchair user to star in a Broadway production when she originated the role of Anna in Deaf West’s acclaimed 2015 revival of "Spring Awakening." In 2019, she made history again by winning a Tony Award for "Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical" for her portrayal of Ado Annie in the smash Broadway revival of "Oklahoma!"
* On television, Stroker starred in 12 episodes of Oxygen’s "The Glee Project." She placed second in the competition and won a guest role on Fox’s "Glee." She also starred in the Kyra Sedgwick ABC series, "Ten Days in the Valley."
Mon, Dec 2, FREE event:
7 pm - "TURNING LIMITATIONS INTO OPPORTUNITIES: AN EVENING WITH ALI STROKER" is a "Visions and Voices Signature Event" in the Bing Theatre (BIT) on the USC main campus in University Park, 3500 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* Admission is free, but reservations are required (beginning Mon, Nov 4, 9 am), at: http://visionsandvoices.usc.edu/events/listing.php?event_id=30636231473158
* Ali Stroker is the Tony Award–winning actor and first wheelchair user to star in a Broadway production. She will discuss her life, career, and the importance of inclusion, representation, and ending a culture that assumes "ableism" as an unspoken qualification.
* A co-chair of "Women Who Care," which supports United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, and founding member of "Be More Heroic," an anti-bullying campaign that tours the country, Stroker works to improve the lives of others—whether disabled or not—through advocacy as well as the arts.
* She became the first wheelchair user to star in a Broadway production when she originated the role of Anna in Deaf West’s acclaimed 2015 revival of "Spring Awakening." In 2019, she made history again by winning a Tony Award for "Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical" for her portrayal of Ado Annie in the smash Broadway revival of "Oklahoma!"
* On television, Stroker starred in 12 episodes of Oxygen’s "The Glee Project." She placed second in the competition and won a guest role on Fox’s "Glee." She also starred in the Kyra Sedgwick ABC series, "Ten Days in the Valley."
Fri, Dec 20:
THE BRIAN SETZER ORCHESTRA plays their only Southern Cal date for the 16th Annual "Christmas Rocks! Tour" on Fri, Dec 20 at the lovely McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, CA.
* TIX, EARLIEST SALE: Wed, Jul 24 at 10 am (local time, in all US markets) through Thu, Jul 25 at 10 pm (local time). Or wait for regular sales to arrive Fri, Jul 26 at 10 am (local time), after the good seats are gone. (It was in the Guide's "Ticket Alerts" in July.)
* Iconic guitarist, songwriter, vocalist and three-time Grammy-Award winner BRIAN SETZER and his 19-piece ORCHESTRA will tour the country on their 16th annual "Christmas Rocks! Tour," presented for the fifth consecutive year by SiriusXM.
* Featuring music from their three best-selling holiday albums and Brian's numerous hits.
* The over 20-city annual, critically-acclaimed, holiday extravaganza launches Nov 15 at the State Theatre in Minneapolis, MN, and wraps-up at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, CA on Dec 20.
* TIX (starting at time above) and more info at: www.briansetzer.com
GET TIX NOW, inaugural season opens Sep 13:
P3 THEATRE COMPANY debuts this year in its home venue, the Ernest Borgnine Theatre, in Long Beach, CA
* The venue is that city's premier medium-sized theatre, constructed in Renaissance style and housed within the Long Beach Scottish Rite Event Center. Its décor is both timeless and elegant, and there's plenty of onsite parking.
* Season One 2019/2020 will feature:
■ "Evita" - September 13-29, 2019
■ "Steel Magnolias" - November 8-17, 2019
■ "Sordid Lives" - February 7-16, 2020
■ "Gypsy" - March 27-Apri 12, 2020
■ "A Chorus Line" - June 5-21, 2020
* Through Monday, July 8th, get a 25% discount off "EVITA" tickets, using discount code P3REDWHITEBLUE
* Ongoing, receive a 25% "Build Your Own Season" subscription discount on all 5 shows. Also, short-term offers for specific show discounts come and go at their website.
* TIX, details, and special offers, at: https://www.p3theatre.biz/
Series runs Sun, Oct 6, 2019, through Sun, Jun 6, 2020.
"LE SALON DE MUSIQUES: MASTERS REDISCOVERED" is the series' just-announced 10th anniversary season of nine concerts, all at the Los Angeles Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Fifth Floor, 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles, CA 90012; Self parking at the Music Center Garage on Grand Avenue.
* "Le Salon de Musiques" is a chamber music series performed in an intimate space without any stage or separation between the audience and the artists. It allows you to feel the purity and quintessence of the music associated with the vibrations of each instrument and the connection to each artist.
* A "Tresor de France Champagne" reception with a high tea buffet catered by Patina follows the performance and the Q & A between the artists and the audience.
* TENTH ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM, 2019-2020, introduced by musicologists Dr. Kristi BROWN-MONTESANO & Julius REDER CARLSON.
* Season "GRAND OPENING" - CONCERT ONE: Sun, Oct 6, 4 pm:
- W. MOZART: "Divertimento" in D Major for String Quartet
- G. HAENDEL: Sonata in G minor Op 2 for two violins & piano - J. HAYDN: String Quartet No.5 Op 64 in D Major "The Lark"
- L. BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op 37 (Arranged for String Quintet)
- Featured artists: Jessica GUIDERI & Aubree OLIVERSON, Violins; Rob BROPHY, Viola, Yoshika MASUDA, Cello; Peter LLOYD, Bass; Vijay VENKATESH, Piano.
* TIX for individual dates are available following season tix sales. The nine-concert season runs through Sunday, June 7, sponsored by Steinway & Sons, The French & German Consulates of Los Angeles, Champagne "Tresor de France," Performing Arts Live, and Eufloria. Buy the season now at the early bird price, saving 20%: $684 for all nine concerrs, instead of the regular full-season price of $855. Season tix get other perqs. Info and tix purchase at: 310-498 0257.
Relocated here on August 1 -- unabridged -- the following was a stand-alone special edition for Tuesday, July 30, 2019, titled, "A Debate Primer: Spin, Agendas, & Who Decides Which Ones Get (What Kind of) Attention. Special edition, July 30, 2019."
As we said at the time: "THIS is a special, single-feature news edition. After Thursday, August 1st, this will be added to the bottom of the latest events edition, preserving the entire content but making this separate edition go away."
Tonight, the first half of twenty Democratic Party contenders for the 2020 nomination for President will take the stage in Detroit. Tomorrow, the other ten get their shot.
This time around, CNN is the host. But many reading this are planning to switch-over to MSNBC for the post-debate analysis. Before you do that, read this.
A new report from the media watch group Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) graphically documented that MSNBC’s bias against Bernie Sanders is so pronounced that it seems to undermine the channel’s ability to do basic math when Sanders and polls are discussed.
Flurries of stat swipes on looming large screens seem designed to impress the screaming apes like the monolith in "2001: A Space Odyssey." Meanwhile, the big bells-and-whistles presence replaces mathematical relevancy and veracity. MSNBC's penchant for stacked-deck gerrymandering of stats and audience responses produces numbers that could "prove" anything. In one key result, Bernie Sanders goes from second to “fourth” place.
The old adage holds that statistics don't lie, statisticians do. But unless you know how the stats are gathered, shucked, husked, carved and cooked, you can't even believe that.
And it looks to be a full-court press. Statistical "numbers" propel "analysis" to produce "conclusions" that are little more than assertive bloviations, followed by self-congratulatory asides by the same talking heads who smugly assured us Hillary would win.
Consistently, MSNBC's on-air analysts make flippant remarks or go to obfuscating extremes to counteract any numbers favorable to Sanders. No, we are not talking about Fox News. We said MSNBC. While you would expect THAT network to have planeloads of progressive analysts ready to jump in saying, "Hey, wait a minute," and to counteract errors that are subtly slipped-in or even excessively harangued, that does not happen.
MSNBC has intentionally cultivated the largest viewership of "progressives" and "liberals" and it is betraying one group and deluding the other. They fail even to examine the fact that those two groups are NOT the same, content that most of both factions are registered as Democrats and can be, not served, but co-opted, as such. That's demonstrated daily on-air, as Comcast-owned MSNBC, with its bevy of pundits and hosts inclusive of disaffected, Trump-opposing Republicans, exhibits a clear bias against, and penchant for ridicule of, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.
Segment after segment features contributors and pundits who are clearly allied with establishment, corporate Democrats — who, as (a) friends of the corporatocracy, (b) advocates for retaining a for-profit health care system, and (c) supporters of evermore blood money for weapons manufacturers of the warconomy — are indistinguishable from old-line Republican supporters of the exact same things.
Snide remarks and asides about "fantasyland leftists" damaging "a consensus nominee," and how "they need to get on board with a moderate who can win" come awfully close to endorsing corporate protecter Joe Biden.
Openly flippant ridicule of true progressives is frequent, including that of an MSNBC legal analyst who recently proclaimed that “Bernie Sanders makes my skin crawl!” -- though she couldn’t and didn’t explain why, and somehow that Fox-esque moment went out without the host calling her to account. The viewer was left, therefore, to supposed it should be regarded not as slander, but as news. That moment was especially outrageous, but it is consistent with the pattern.
And with "so many candidates" and "the need to be fair," it becomes a simple matter to let the verbal bombs fall in an air raid as targeted by somebody's bomb sight, then quickly and nebulously move on to some other candidate distractively talking about something entirely different. The impression has already been made and it must be true because it was left unchallenged.
RootsAction, who is currently making some of these same points, says:
"MSNBC and other mainstream outlets readily acknowledge the divide among Democrats between the establishment and progressive wings of the party. But MSNBC gives continuous voice to one side of that divide and rarely features contributors or analysts who support the party’s progressive side — represented by such leaders as Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
A July 25th commentary by former MNSBC host Krystal Ball persuasively criticized her ex-employer for hurting Democratic chances against Trump by devoting months and months of coverage to “pushing 'Conspiracy Theories' for ratings” while marginalizing “stories that a broad swath of people might actually care about -- healthcare, wages, the teachers movement, whether we’re going to war with Iran.” Watch the clip, six epic minutes, at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XuYO7OIYB2c
If reading thst last paragraph or experiencing the video sounds like an echo, indeed you have heard it before. Many times, in fact, from "Young Turks" anchor / ex-MSNBC host Cenk Uygur. And you heard earlier manifestations of the same thing from the late distinguished newsman Ed Schultz after he left MSNBC to host the US evening news broadcast on RT America.
Often, it's as simple as subtle nuances. When Republicans do it, Democrats call it "dog whistles." But It's been going unnoticed when corporate establishment Dems and their corporate media allies do it, and they're doing it all the time. Back in April, journalist Jeff Cohen wrote, "Word choice is revealing," as when one considers "an indisputable fact: U.S. oligarchs have done far more to undermine U.S. democracy than any Russian ever could."
Yet where does Big Media turn all their spotlights, relegating all else to shadows, if not darkness? Their paradigm -- updated with lots of fancy digital graphics -- is an old one. It used to be called K.I.S.S. -- Keep It Simple, Stupid (or stupidly simple), combined with If It Bleeds, It Leads, and, If There Are Salacious and Titilating Dimensions, Go With Those.
Oh, and above all, remember which side your bread is buttered on. You really can't expect the news division of Gobble-Everything-Global to report any news that might hurt sales of all their other divisions, can you? Yet mega-mergers continue, unabated. The public interest be damned, and truth becomes truthiness, and spin masters who can cultivate unearned trust get cable shows and are paid millions. Because they know what side of the bread gets the butter. Or the caviar.
All of it, when you pause to comprehend it, has already become a critical point in this earliest-ever campaign. It is actively determining how perceptions are formed to propel the supposed "people's choice" for the "front-runner" -- and how any given cable division of the corporatocracy makes its viewers feel they are backing a winner. Cult-of-personality talking-heads voice carefully crafted "casual" comments and emphatically voice "facts" that "you won't hear anywhere else!" to drive all-important polls that determine who can attract enough campaign cash to continue to beg for attention for their message.
In fact, already at this ridiculously early date, it's gotten so bad that RootsAction.org has a new online petition to "Tell MSNBC management to balance its coverage by adding unapologetic progressives to its panels."
Take a look at the petition at: https://act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=13732
Who is "RootsAction"-? It's an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.
Whether or not you are inclined to sign the petition at the link, you can check out and share some background articles from us and from them:
¤ John Broich, Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University, The Conversation, July 30, 2019: "The difference between ‘left’ and ‘liberal’ – and why voters need to know."
¤ Katie Halper, FAIR, July 26, 2019: “MSNBC’s Anti-Sanders Bias Makes It Forget How to Do Math.” https://fair.org/home/msnbcs-anti-sanders-bias-makes-it-forget-how-to-do-math/
¤ Maxwell Tani, Daily Beast, July 26, 2019: “Ex-Host Krystal Ball: MSNBC’s Russia ‘Conspiracies’ Have Done ‘Immeasurable Harm’ to the Left.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/ex-msnbc-host-krystal-ball-msnbcs-russia-conspiracies-have-done-immeasurable-harm-to-the-left
¤ (a prescient early piece) Jeff Cohen, Common Dreams, Jan 14, 2019: “Corporate Media Bias on 2020 Democratic Race Already in High Gear.” https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/01/14/corporate-media-bias-2020-democratic-race-already-high-gear
¤ Jeff Cohen, Common Dreams, April 10, 2019: “Do U.S. Oligarchs Exist? Not in Mainstream Media.” https://www.commondreams.org/views/2018/04/10/do-us-oligarchs-exist-not-mainstream-media
If we've influenced how you listen or what you see, from candidates moderators, pundits and analysts, we make no apology. It's not supposed to be about passing the popcorn, playing buzzword bingo, and rating "gotcha" moments.
ADDITIONS TO THIS EDITION are made frequently until it's time for a full replacement to take over.
In a special single-feature satirical edition July 9, we offered a simple history for a simpleton Commander-in-Tweet: "Before Capturing an Airport, There Needs to Be One There."
In a special single-feature satirical edition July 9, we offered a simple history for a simpleton Commander-in-Tweet: "Before Capturing an Airport, There Needs to Be One There."
We examined the implications for the arts in the relentless propaganda machines of our time in, "The Custer Myth: History, Music & the Arts Can, and Should, Inform Our Perspectives." Our June 26, 2019 special feature edition, at:
We published a single-topic edition titled "Dishonoring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ 70th Anniversary -- prepare to be furious," on June 24. It's at:
THE GUIDE published an important special edition calling on you, our readers, to take a simple action to STOP the build-up to yet another war, this time with Iran. That edition has been read by many thousands, all around the world. "Time (just barely enough time) to stop the next war, and help suffering victims of the last one" was published June 20, 2019. Read it at:
The Guide's special edition for the 75th anniversary of D-Day and its meaning in our world today, has been read by many thousands of people in over 30 countries (so far); it is still available, at:
The most recent 'uge, 2-volume NEWS FEATURES edition was a while back, but it's still available. You can find it at:
As always, we have lots of MUSIC NEWS features in the works, and they'll be along as we get them dressed, shoes tied, cowlicks combed down, bowties cranked straight, and strings tuned
'Til we catch ya on the flip side,
as Buford the Wonder Dog looks on,
and in our best Kathy Baker
"Hee Haw" voice: "THAT's all!"
"Hee Haw" voice: "THAT's all!"
Stay tuneful!
We'll be back again soon with music news and more "News of the Non-Trumpcentric Universe." (c)
Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?
What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...
Direct to the Guide's current editions /
editions load quickly at
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Entire contents copyright © 2019,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers -- and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.