Whoa up, thar', pard! While You'll find good stuff here, this is NO LONGER THE LATEST edition.
Last UPDATE here at 12:42 pm, March 11; with breaking news feature and added select events through the week of March 8th through March 15th. (A "First look" at next weekend's dates... more to follow.)
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BREAKING NEWS March 11, 10:50 am (updated 1:09 pm):
As the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 Coronavirus a "Global Pandemic," this morning, Washington Governor Jay Inslee was announcing the state of Washington had imposed maximum size limits on public gatherings in three counties, and that includes King County and the City of Seattle. Immediately, that changed the March 9 announcement by the Northwest Folklife organization in which they had said, "we plan on moving forward with our upcoming events." Those included two large annual events, one of them the second-largest free music festival in North America. They are:
• "MOVIN’ AROUND THE WORLD: SPRING," set for April 13-19, which they had intended to "reassess" and communicate any changes on Monday, March 16, and
• "NORTHWEST FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL," set for May 22-25, which they had intended to reassess with communications forthcoming in early April.
With the Washington State government's public health announcement this morning, both spring events are effectively cancelled.
• This follows announcements earlier this week that "COACHELLA" and "STAGECOACH" in Indio, CA, two massive music festivals set for April, are rescheduled to October.
• The first cancellation of a major US music festival due to COVID-19 was "SXSW" ("SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST") in Austin, Texas, announced last week.
■ MORE CANCELLATIONS as of Wednesday noon, Pacific time:
• The EILEEN IVERS concert, co-sponsored by Pasadena Folk Music Society with Caltech this coming Sunday, March 15, is cancelled.
• The Pasadena Folk Music Society's MARI BLACK concert on April 18 is cancelled.
• The two above event cancellations are in conjunction with ALL of the "CALTECH PUBLIC EVENTS" series being cancelled through April 6th, and that's subject to indefinite extension.
• "ARTNIGHT PASADENA," scheduled for March 13, has been postponed, possibly cancelled.
• The "LOS ANGELES TIMES FESTIVAL OF BOOKS," scheduled in April, has now been rescheduled for October 3 & 4 at USC.
• The "TOPANGA BANJO FIDDLE CONTEST & FOLK FESTIVAL" set for May 17 has NOT announced a postponement, but that could change.
As our friends at the Pasadena Folk Music Society have expressed, "In the midst of all of this disruption, we can only hope that no crisis occurs."
■ It's just part of what's anticipated in The Guide's detailed feature story, published February 29th at the very beginning of the onset of Coronavirus, and still available for you to read. Its list of PRACTICAL PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS remains the best you'll find anywhere. It's right here:
Here's the weekend edition news published Sunday, March 8, 2020, followed by our UPDATED EVENTS...
Sunday is "International Women's Day" and we have a freshly-added feature with two delightfully enjoyable links.
REMEMBER to set your clocks ahead one hour before Sunday morning -- we resume the wonderfully civilized phenomenon called Daylight Savings Time and get back to a world of sunlight after work.
Late addition, added up-top...
Full original content is below.
"International Women's Day"
Sunday, March 8 UPDATE
Today is "International Women's Day."
Proclaimed by most of the governments of the world -- but, disgracefully, the US is NOT among them. (Hey, the US has never been able to pass the Equal Rights Amendment, so what do you expect?)
Today is "a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women."
The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. The 2020 theme is "Each for Equality" (#EachforEqual and #IWD2020).
More at: https://www.internationalwomensday.com
Delight in a surprise today. Even the conservative state of Utah is very much on board with a stunningly beautiful, must-see video. Click here.
Today will mean many things to many people.
In celebration, The Guide presents this gallery of images.
Can we get together on something today? How about, let's make that hundred-and-some-year-old sign's proclamation of "indomitable race" (by a visionary 19th century Irish poet) about the whole human race. And let's bring the message fully into the needs of OUR time. Just as ALL men must accept and embrace that they are not alone in running the human world, ALL of us together -- all people -- must accept and embrace that humans are not the only living things on this fragile blue planet. Expansive thinking and acceptance have a long way to go.
After seeing an abundant 2019 field of women candidates for President of the United States suddenly vanish in 2020? It appears things are headed for two old white men who will, through a maybe honest, maybe inside job, leave us with one old white guy: either an establishment corporatist who will keep health care as a private-for-profit pillar of capitalism, or a democratic socialist who will bring back FDR's New Deal, if he is given the chance. And one of those old guys will become the only viable alternative, to go up against a more-orange-than-white, pink-eyed self-absorbed, obsessed-with-his-own-voice, mansplaining old man who has an utterly terrible life-record with women. But a woman candidate will come only from a third party, if even from there, in 2020.
As we just said, expansive thinking and acceptance have a long way to go.
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We considered several obvious choices for music to accompany this: Melissa Etheridge, Joan Baez, Carly Simon, Emmylou Harris, Etta James, and more.
We decided to go with an old rock anthem that many of readers probably have never heard. And all who do know this song -- regardless of gender -- will rejoice at the chance to experience it again.
It's called "Fight the Good Fight," by the Canadian band TRIUMPH, from their album, "Allied Forces."
Read the lyrics, then punch the link.
The days grow shorter and the nights are getting long
Feels like we're running out of time
Every day it seems much harder tellin' right from wrong
You got to read between the lines
Don't get discouraged girl, don't be afraid, we can
Make it through another day
Make it worth the price we pay
The Good Book says it's better to give than to receive
I do my best to do my part
Nothin' in my pockets I got nothin' up my sleeve
I keep my magic in my heart
Keep up your spirit, keep up your faith, baby
I am counting on you
You know what you've got to do
Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
It's your only way
All your life you've been waiting for your chance
Where you'll fit into the plan
You're the master of your own destiny
So give and take the best that you can
You think a little more money will buy your soul some rest
You'd better think of something else instead
You're so afraid of being honest with yourself
You'd better take a look inside your head
Nothing is easy, nothing good is free
But I can tell you where to start
Take a look inside your heart
There's an answer in your heart
Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
Make it worth the price we pay
Every moment of your lifetime
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
Make it worth the price we pay
~ Triumph
Listen to Triumph's original recording with on-screen lyrics:
Go forth and be empowered. Let's ALL be each for equal.
(Here's the original opening of this edition, as published late Friday night for Saturday morning. Some additions also appear.)
Today is Saturday, March 7, 2020. Plenty is happening all weekend in Southern California, from concerts and club gigs to a couple of delightful smallish festivals. We've got all that for you, plus recommendations for theatre productions and our catalog of continuing events (things still happening this weekend, many of them ending soon).
Of course, all is tempered by the damn little virus that's all over the news. So we open with the latest news as an update to our thorough story on Coronavirus, published last Saturday.
Breaking news...
SXSW CANCELLED. As we first reported late yesterday (Friday, March 6, 4 pm Pacific time), Austin, Texas has cancelled the 2020 "South By Southwest Festival and Conference" due to concerns over the COVID-19 Coronavirus. The related events draw over 400,000 people per year from throughout the world. Local officials and event producers believe the risk to area residents and visitors alike cannot be justified given the rapid rate of spread and absence of effective treatment drugs.
There are now over 100,000 cases of COVID-19 Coronavirus worldwide, over 300 of them in the US, and the virus has spread to more than 90 countries, all as of March 7, 2020 at 1:38 am Pacific.
Starting with the outlook for 2020's MUSIC FESTIVAL season, The Guide has published a detailed evaluation of the Coronavirus outbreaks and known and likely effects of its spread. There are plenty of open questions to answer.
On March 5, Russia cancelled the "SPIEF 2020" economic conference over coronavirus concerns. The annual SPIEF -- "St Petersburg Economic Forum" -- is one of the biggest business events in Russia. With an attendance that exceeds 10,000 from around the globe, it is small by music fest standards. But it includes heads of state along with entrepreneurs, investors, top economists, and others. Earlier, the annual "RIF" -- the "Russian Investment Forum" -- scheduled to take place in February in Sochi (which hosted a recent Olympics) was also postponed due to the risk of coronavirus.
The Guide's feature story on Coronavirus goes beyond effects on music -- present and likely -- and includes a section on WHAT YOU CAN DO to stay healthy, and what fad measures are just bunk. Read that FULL STORY in last Saturday's edition at the click link.
Read the PERSONAL PRACTICAL PRECAUTIONS you can take -- excerpted from that feature story -- right here, republished below:
Newly added:
• Make your own hand sanitizer if the stores are out. Formula, from a doctor who makes it with her kids: two parts isopropyl alcohol (drugstore alcohol, at least 70% alcohol), one part aloe vera gel, a dash of any essential oil. Works just ss well as store bought stuff.
(good for avoiding the "regular" flu & colds, too)
• Coronavirus lives on inorganic surfaces anywhere from two hours to NINE DAYS; it all seems dependent on temperature, unless it is killed by disinfectant. When tests revealed that, even health care workers were surprised. It brings more emphasis to many of the following points.
• Get the flu vaccine -- ordinary flu will likely mimic Coronavirus, so avoid being ostracized and quarantined.
• Wash your hands, a lot: scrub for 20 seconds and wash them often.
• Stop shaking hands. Don't do "fist bumps" because that's still hand-to-hand contact. And don't become a mad elbow-bumper, because of the next point.
• Cough into the inside of your elbow, ANY TIME you cough.
• Stop shaking hands. Don't do "fist bumps" because that's still hand-to-hand contact. And don't become a mad elbow-bumper, because of the next point.
• Cough into the inside of your elbow, ANY TIME you cough.
• Keep your hands away from your face -- touching your nostrils, eyes, or mouth brings-in every germ your hands picked-up.
• Get a little bottle of hand sanitizer on a miniature carabiner. Clip it to your belt loop or purse strap and use it frequently. (Be sure you snap the lid shut, or it'll drain all over your clothes.) You can refill it from the pump bottle by the sink.
• Make your own hand sanitizer if the stores are out. Formula, from a doctor who makes it with her kids: two parts isopropyl alcohol (drugstore alcohol, at least 70% alcohol), one part aloe vera gel, a dash of any essential oil. Works just ss well as store bought stuff.
• Make your own hand sanitizer if the stores are out. Formula, from a doctor who makes it with her kids: two parts isopropyl alcohol (drugstore alcohol, at least 70% alcohol), one part aloe vera gel, a dash of any essential oil. Works just ss well as store bought stuff.
• Stay home if you're sick -- even if you don't get paid, DON'T be the "Typhoid Mary" that brings a pandemic of this or ANYTHING contagious. If you're "taking one for the team," make it the big team -- ALL of us.
• Don't be a transporter. Immediately remove shoes inside your front door and change clothes when you get home. Don't plunk-down on the couch until you shed what you were wearing at work or in the store or on the bus or in the coffee bar. Stop tracking everything from the sidewalk onto your kitchen and bathroom floors and your rug.
• Be mindful of your car. Everything you touch, everywhere, is on your steering wheel. Everywhere you sit is on your car seat. Keep 'em disinfected -- Clorox wipe the wheel, Lysol spray the seats, often.
• Don't be a transporter. Immediately remove shoes inside your front door and change clothes when you get home. Don't plunk-down on the couch until you shed what you were wearing at work or in the store or on the bus or in the coffee bar. Stop tracking everything from the sidewalk onto your kitchen and bathroom floors and your rug.
• Be mindful of your car. Everything you touch, everywhere, is on your steering wheel. Everywhere you sit is on your car seat. Keep 'em disinfected -- Clorox wipe the wheel, Lysol spray the seats, often.
• Everything you wear goes in the hamper. No multi-day wearings between washings.
• Keep track of where Coronavirus and other flus are headed, the latest ways to avoid contagion, and what symptoms go with what disease, by putting the CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL in your favorites: www.cdc.gov
• Call your doctor or public health officials if you become symptomatic, and DON'T "just go" to the doctor or urgent care or ER; everybody else in the waiting room does not have what you have, and vice-versa.
• Don't buy-up all tbe masks that medical responders need. Nearly all the masks in the stores are Dust Masks, made to keep carpenters and other tradesmen from inhaling sawdust. Expecting those to protect you from tiny viruses is like trying to filter water with a tennis racket. Plus, wearing masks everywhere is not a good idea -- without training and lots of practice, you'll contaminate the thing and then breathe a stewpot of microorganisms up-close and personal.
• Get proper nutrition and plenty of sleep to support your immune system. THAT is THE best way to stay healthy.
• REALLY IMPORTANT: Think about what you routinely ignore:
~ your phone or tablet, which you constantly handle while you're touching everything else in the big, wide world, then keep handling when you're eating (keep your devices disinfected).
~ the Kleenex or cloth hankie you pull out of your pocket -- this time your nose or eye gets the side your dirty finger got last time (yeah, duh!)
~ door handles & knobs, especially "pull-to-exit" on the restroom door, and all door handles you grab or push.
~ gas pump handles -- whatever was deposited on them is now on your steering wheel, and marinading on your hands as you snack while driving.
~ gas pump handles -- whatever was deposited on them is now on your steering wheel, and marinading on your hands as you snack while driving.
~ restaurant menus, salt and pepper shakers, ketchup and mustard and hot sauce bottles that every unwashed hand touches. Same goes for bins of packaged condiments at fast foodies or convenience store / gas stations (Use 'em, then use your hand sanitizer.)
~ lunch buffet serving spoons, spatulas, tongs that every unwashed hand uses in the food bins (your freshly-washed hands just got contaminated). And if sneeze guard glass panes aren't at the right height or aren't clean, demand a refund and leave.
~ coins in change and money, in general -- coins and folding money are germ transit systems. (Back to your little bottle of hand sanitizer.)
~ airline & train tray tables -- who knows when they were last cleaned and to what extent? When we saw a baby being changed on one... (bring a little plastic box of Clorox wipes when you travel).
~ bring your own food on the airplane -- you're probably doing that, anyway, since they stopped feeding you back when they started charging for carry-on luggage and made you ride with your knees in your armpits. Flight attendants have tested positive -- their hands pour drinks, dispense snacks, and pick-up everybody's garbage.
~ airline & train tray tables -- who knows when they were last cleaned and to what extent? When we saw a baby being changed on one... (bring a little plastic box of Clorox wipes when you travel).
~ bring your own food on the airplane -- you're probably doing that, anyway, since they stopped feeding you back when they started charging for carry-on luggage and made you ride with your knees in your armpits. Flight attendants have tested positive -- their hands pour drinks, dispense snacks, and pick-up everybody's garbage.
~ remember to think and act consciously. There is an acute need to be mindful of others, so neither be paranoid reactive nor obliviously ignorant. There was great advice in the old cop show at the end of every briefing: "Be careful out there."
Read AND SHARE The Guide's complete feature story on the COVID-19 Coronavirus in the edition at: https://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2020/02/leap-day-weekend-leaping-into.html
We open our observance by sharing this cartoon.
It has indeed been a long and winding road.
This weekend...
Thoughts for today from one born on this date...
"Those who would legislate against the teaching of evolution should also legislate against gravity, electricity and the unreasonable velocity of light, and also should introduce a clause to prevent the use of the telescope, the microscope and the spectroscope or any other instrument of precision which may in the future be invented, constructed or used for the discovery of truth."
"The integrity of one's own mind is of infinitely more value than adherence to any creed or system. We must choose between a dead faith belonging to the past and a living, growing ever-advancing science belonging to the future."
"Every child should have mud pies, grasshoppers, water bugs, tadpoles, frogs, mud turtles, elderberries, wild strawberries, acorns, chestnuts, trees to climb. Brooks to wade, water lilies, woodchucks, bats, bees, butterflies, various animals to pet, hayfields, pine-cones, rocks to roll, sand, snakes, huckleberries and hornets; and any child who has been deprived of these has been deprived of the best part of education."
"Science . . . has opened our eyes to the vastness of the universe and given us light, truth and freedom from fear where once was darkness, ignorance and superstition. There is no personal salvation, except through science."
~ Luther Burbank (born March 7, 1849, died 1926), American botanist, horticulturist and pioneer in agricultural science.He developed more than 800 strains and varieties of plants over his 55-year career. A Southern California city -- filled with movie and tv studios -- is named for him.
On this day...
Free speech & music...
Today in 1994 the US Supreme Court ruled that parody is protected by the "Fair Use" clause of the Copyright Act of 1976, and therefore is not subject to being silenced by the copyright holder of the source of what is being parodied.
Bloodstained civil rights...
Though the commemorative anniversary march was held last weekend, today is the actual anniversary of the 1965 civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama that became "Bloody Sunday." Demonstrating for African-American voting rights guaranteed by passage of the Voting Rights Act the year before -- rights that were still being denied throughout the South -- six hundred civil rights activists left Selma to march the 54 miles to the state capitol. They marched a mere six blocks before Alabama State Troopers and local lawmen attacked them with billy clubs and tear gas as they crossed the Edmund Pettis Bridge, where their escape route was cut off.
In a poignantly ironic comment on crimes of the past confronting crimrs of the present, ABC News interrupted a Nazi war crimes documentary to show live coverage of the violence. "In the blink of a television set, national public opinion about civil rights shifted. Demonstrations broke out across the country," writes Garrison Keillor.
Two weeks later, the march from Selma made it to Montgomery, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, federal court protection, and these words from President Lyndon Johnson: "There is no issue of States rights or national rights. There is only the struggle for human rights." When they got to Montgomery, the marchers numbered 25,000 strong.
In memorium to a musician born on this date...
We celebrate just one birthday today, because we didn't have time for all our usual research. In fact, this comes to us from Garrison Keillor's "Writer's Almanac," hence the quotes:
"It's the birthday of one of the great Texas troubadours and a legend in songwriting circles, Townes Van Zandt, born in Fort Worth (1944). He was born into wealthy oil family, and they moved around quite a bit when he was a young kid – to Minnesota, Colorado, and Illinois-- but he abandoned wealth for poetry and singing and living couch to couch.
"His friend Steve Earle famously said he was "the best songwriter in the whole world," adding, 'I'll stand on Bob Dylan's coffee table in my cowboy boots and say that.' To which Van Zandt was said to have replied: 'I've met Bob Dylan and his bodyguards, and I don't think Steve could get anywhere near his coffee table.'
Years later, Earle recanted. He said, 'When somebody's as good as Townes Van Zandt was and more people don't know about it, it's Townes's fault. Part of him didn't consider himself worthy of anything.' Van Zandt died in 1997, at age 53."
Today's events...
Sat, Mar 7, on tv:
5 am-6 am - "THE KATE" airs a 2019 edition (s4, ep3) with Irish brothers & singers OWEN & MICHEAL "MOLEY" O SUILLEABHAIN.
* On KLCS.
Sat, Mar 7:
Noon-7 pm - Annual "HIGHLAND PARK FOLK FESTIVAL" with performances by Severin Browne, Ryan Pollie, Quinn Deveaux, Eva B. Ross, Grave Flowers Bongo Band, Wil Fox, Teddy Grossman, Sharon Silva, Steven Van Betten, Gracie Gray, Cardillo, Rob Dobson, and others, Plus an outdoor flea market with food, coffee, clothes, pinball, books, & more, in Tierra de la Culebra Park, 240 S Ave 57, Highland Park / Los Angeles CA 90042
Sat, Mar 7; Fri-Sun, Mar 6-8; FESTIVAL:
50th Anniversary "LAGUNA FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL" at Clubhouse 2, 24112 Moulton Pkwy, Laguna Woods CA 92637
* Live dance music by 3 bands. One gives you an idea what to expect: SANS FRONTIÈRES (Without Borders) has Barbara Gershman on accordion, hammered dulcimer, & keyboard; Brian Cwik on saxophone; Lance Gucwa on bass; Lee Otterholt on vocals, violin, percussion, mandolin; Marcella Lawson on vocals, percussion; Mindy Belli on recorders, percussion; Sebastian Otterholt on violin; Terry Gucwa on guitar, fretted dulcimer, cello, trombone, vocals.
* Questions and gate access: Terry Gucwa, 714-283-2052 or or Miriam Kahn, 949-770-7026
• Fri, 7:15 pm-11:40 pm
• Sat, 9 am-11:40 pm
• Sun, 9:30 am-4:30 pm
* Festival website: https://www.lagunainternationaldancers.com/laguna-folk-dance-festival-2020/
2 pm - KAMAKA BROWN & KIMO WILLIAMS play a matinee at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 7 days, 10 am-10 pm, at: 626-798-6236
Sat, Mar 7:
7 pm - BUDDY GUY, JIMMIE VAUGHAN, & CHARLIE MUSSELWHITE play an absolute wowsa of a blues legends show in the Arlington Theater at UC Santa Barbara, 1317 State St, Santa Barbara CA 93101; 805-963-4408
Sat, Mar 7:
7:30 pm - Vocalist / guitarist BROTHER YUSEF calls his multifaceted “fatback blues” that draw from Delta, Chicago, and Texas blues, and Louisiana stomp, to the George Nakano Theatre, 3330 Civic Center Dr, Torrance CA
* Fingerpicking and slide guitar with a touch of urban blues, rock, and funk.
* TIX, 310-781-7171 or www.TorranceArts.org; two options: $50 if you want to include dinner (Southwest salad, chicken enchiladas, and chava rice); $33 without the chow.
Sat, Mar 7:
8 pm - ROSANNE CASH w/ JOHN LEVENTHAL plays the Poway Center for Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Rd, Poway CA 92064; 858-668-4797
Sat, Mar 7:
8 pm - PARABLE OF THE SOWER, created By Toshi Reagon and Bernice Johnson Reagon, performs at the CAP UCLA series in Royce Hall on the UCLA Campus in Westwood / Los Angeles CA 90095; 310-825-4401
Sat, Mar 7:
8 pm - CHRIS WEBSTER & NINA GERBER play Russ & Julie’s House Concerts series in Oak Park (Agoura Hills/Westlake Village area) CA
* This is a dazzling duo, festival faves, global credits.Splendid opportunity to see them in an intimate setting.
* It's a return performance at the series for singer-songwriter Chris Webster and master guitarist Nina Gerber -- they sold-out last time.
* Individually and together, music fans know Chris Webster & Nina Gerber. They've played all the major folk festivals for more than a decade and they are two of the most skilled and artful musical talents from the Bay Area.
* As Russ & Julie say, "Webster’s voice is uniquely compelling while Gerber’s guitar is beautiful and powerful. Together they are magical."
* Chris Webster is a soul singer. Her voice conveys a passion that connects with the longings of her audience. She expresses sometimes-troubled feelings that everyone understands. Performing live, her intensity brings a hush to every room she plays.
* Guitarist Nina Gerber first earned recognition for her accompaniment of Kate Wolf. Since then, her acute skills as performer, producer and arranger have continued to deepen. She has accompanied and/or recorded with Karla Bonoff, Peter Rowan, Eliza Gilkyson, Nanci Griffith, Greg Brown, Lucy Kaplansky, Mollie O’Brien, Rosalie Sorrels, Laurie Lewis, and many others.
* Chris Webster & Nina Gerber perform a delightful mix of originals, tasteful covers, soulful ballads, jazzy tunes and sweet folk... a great show.
* LISTEN & WATCH: Chris Webster & Nina Gerber - "Wild Ride"
* NOTE: Russ & Julie have ended their monthly house concert series and will now be occasional presenters. That tells us their shows will selk-out QUICKLY, so don't dawdle.
* Hosts have their usual “potluck” style coffee and dessert buffet. Doors at 7:30 pm.
* TIX: "suggested donation" $20 per person, payable in cash at the door. All the money goes to the performers.
* Reservations get directions at: rsvp@houseconcerts.us
Sat, Mar 7, live theatre:
8 pm - "RUMORS" a Neil Simon play, presented by Surf City Theatre this weekend at Second Story Theater, 710 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach CA
* Runs Fri & Sat at 8 pm, plus Sat & Sun matinees at 2 pm.
* Directed by Katie Kirkpatrick.
* TIX, $28, at 424-241-8040 or www.surfcitytheatre.com
Sat, Mar 7:
8 pm - JEFFREY FOUCAULT plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe's Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Mar 7:
8 pm - SWING RIOTS plus MIKE LIVINGSTON play 1881, 1881 E Washington Bl, Pasadena CA 91104
Sat, Mar 7:
8 pm - PATRICK BALL plays the Pasadena Folk Music Society concert series in Beckman Institute Auditorium aka "Little Beckman," on the Caltech campus, 400 S Wilson Av, Pasadena CA 91106; 626-395-4652
* Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan Av, off Del Mar, and ignore the "reserved" signs at night.
Sat, Mar 7, on tv:
9 pm-11 pm - "JOHN SEBASTIAN: FOLK REWIND" (2010) is one of those marvelous PBS music shows packed with performances from stars of yesteryear, and it always shows-up during pledge drive (as in, now) becaused music shows are a cash cow for PBS affiliates. Just don't look for shows like this any other time on PBS, because you only see them at pledge drive. On KOCE, aka PBS SoCal.
Time change
REMEMBER to set your clocks ahead one hour before Sunday morning -- we resume the wonderfully civilized phenomenon called Daylight Savings Time and get back to a world of sunlight after work.
Today is Sunday, March 8, the first day of Daylight Savings Time in 2020. It is "International Women's Day, " and The Guide has a special feature at the top of this edition.
Thought for today from one born on this date...
"God always has another custard pie up his sleeve."
~ Lynn Redgrave (born March 8, 1943, died 2010), English-American actress and singer.
On this day...
Women's History Month...
French aviator Raymonde de Laroche becomes the first woman to receive a pilot's license, today in 1910.
Today in 1917, International Women's Day protests in St. Petersburg mark the beginning of the February Revolution (February 23rd in the Julian calendar).
Music tech...
Today in 1979, the Philips company demonstrates compact disc (CD) capabilities for the first time to the public.
Black slave owner and double shameful ironies...
John Casor -- a black man owned by a black man -- becomes the first legally-recognized slave in England's North American colonies to be enslaved for life where no crime was committed by the person held in bondage, today in 1655. The court ruled Casor become the first person of African descent in England's Thirteen Colonies to be declared as a slave for life as a result of a civil suit brought by Anthony Johnson, a free black, to whom Casor had served an apprenticeship. (In an earlier case, John Punch, a black man, was the first person documented as a slave in the Virginia Colony, after he was sentenced to life in servitude for attempting to escape his indentured servitude.)
Another irony? On this same day in 1775, an anonymous writer, thought by some to be Thomas Paine, publishes "African Slavery in America", the first article in the American colonies calling for the emancipation of slaves and the abolition of slavery. It would take 90 more years. Plus... see the next item.
Civil Rights vs institutionalized racism...
Today in 1957, the US state of Georgia asked the US Congress to declare the 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution null and void, because they were adopted by post-Civil War Reconstruction state governments with newly-elected freed black slaves in Congress. "The 1957 Georgia Memorial to Congress" is a disgraceful document in a free country.
Birth of the Banksters...
The New York Stock Exchange is founded today in 1817.
Deadly scapegoating...
Ninety-six Native Americans in Gnadenhutten, Ohio, who had converted to Christianity, are killed by Pennsylvania militiamen in retaliation for raids carried out by other Indian tribes, today in the 1782 "Gnadenhutten massacre."
It's still the world's only place with paralyzing bloviation...
The US Senate votes to limit filibusters by adopting the cloture rule today in 1917. (Cloture allows a majority of Senators to vote to make a colleague sit down and shut up. Otherwise he can talk and talk and talk -- filibuster -- and prevent any business from being done 'til hell freezes over.)
Syrian independence...
Today in 1920, the Arab Kingdom of Syria was established as the first modern Arab state.
Today in 1963, the Ba'ath Party comes to power in Syria in a coup d'état by a clique of quasi-leftist Syrian Army officers calling themselves the National Council of the Revolutionary Command.
Happy Birthday today, March 8th, to...
Micky Dolenz, American singer-songwriter, drummer, and actor.
Randy Meisner, American singer-songwriter and bass player, known for his time with The Eagles, Poco, and Rick Nelson's Stone Canyon Band.
Shawn Mullins, American singer-songwriter.
Suzie Jagger Richards, American musician and public defender.
George Coleman, American saxophonist, composer, and bandleader.
William Edward Childs, American pianist and composer.
Andy Ross, American singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Sue Ane Langdon, American actress and singer.
Carole Bayer Sager, American singer-songwriter and painter.
Gary Numan, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer.
Tom Chaplin, English singer-songwriter.
Gaz Coombes, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer.
Peggy March, American pop singer.
Dick Allen, American baseball player and tenor.
Sergey Nikitin, Russian singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Vladimír Mišík, Czech singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Anneke van Giersbergen, Dutch singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Isak Strand, Norwegian drummer, composer, and producer.
Miriam Bryant, Swedish-Finnish singer-songwriter.
Uki Satake, Japanese singer, actress, and radio host.
In memorium to musicians and influencers born on this date...
Clive Burr, English rock drummer (1957-2013).
Hebe Camargo, Brazilian actress and singer (1929-2012).
Robert Tear, Welsh tenor and conductor (1939-2011).
Lynn Redgrave, English-American actress and singer (1943-2010).
Cyd Charisse, American actress and dancer (1922-2008).
Mel Galley, English rock singer-songwriter and guitarist (1948-2008).
Timothy Jordan II, American guitarist and songwriter (1981-2005).
Alan Hovhaness, Armenian-American pianist and composer (1911-2000).
Gábor Szabó, Hungarian guitarist and composer (1936-1982).
Sahir Ludhianvi, Indian poet and songwriter (1921-1980).
Richard Fariña, American singer-songwriter and author (1937-1966).
Louise Beavers, American actress and singer (1902-1962).
LaMarcus Adna Thompson, American engineer and businessman, developed the roller coaster (1848-1917).
Ignacy Łukasiewicz, Polish inventor and businessman, invented the Kerosene lamp (1822-1882).
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, German pianist and composer (1714-1788).
Carlo Gesualdo, Italian lute player and composer (1566-1613).
Today's events...
Sun, Mar 8; Fri-Sun, Mar 6-8; FESTIVAL:
50th Anniversary "LAGUNA FOLK DANCE FESTIVAL" concludes today at Clubhouse 2, 24112 Moulton Pkwy, Laguna Woods CA 92637
* See Saturday for all the info.___
Sun, Mar 8:
3 pm - JAZZY ASH & THE LEAPING LIZARDS play the Soka Performing Arts Center, 1 University Dr, Aliso Viejo CA 92656; 949-480-4278
Sun, Mar 8:
3 pm - TIM KLIPHUIS & JIMMY GRANT bring Gypsy Jazz to the David Naiditch House Concerts series in Altadena, CA
* Reservations get directions via: davidnaiditch@charter.net
Sun, Mar 8:
7 pm - JIMMIE VAUGHAN plus TINSLEY ELLIS play the Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano CA 92675; 949-496-8927
Sun, Mar 8:
7 pm - "BIFFLE AND SHOOSTER ARE ON THE AIR!" is one of the uber-talented WILL RYAN's manifestations with his all-star band, at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA 91001
* Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at: 626-798-6236
Sun, Mar 8:
7:30 pm - NINA GERBER & CHRIS WEBSTER play the SOHo Restaurant & Music Club, 1221 State St, Santa Barbara CA 93101; 805-962-7776
* This is a dazzling duo, festival faves, global credits.
Sun, Mar 8:
8 pm - TWANGUERO plays Alva’s Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-519-1314
Sun, Mar 8:
8 pm - "REVEREND TALL TREE'S BLUES OPERA" plays the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St, San Pedro CA 90731; 310-833-6362
Sun, Mar 8:
9 pm - BUDDY GUY & TOM HAMBRIDGE play the Canyon at The Saban, 8440 Wilshire Bl, Beverly Hills CA 90211; 888-645-5006
Today is Tuesday, March 10, 2020.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY from one born on this date...
"All that separates, whether of race, class, creed, or sex, is inhuman, and must be overcome."
~ Kate Sheppard, suffragist (born March 10, 1847, died 1934)
(thanks to A.Word.A.Day)
On this day...
Two landmarks in technology, and America's Moses
First, today in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made the first successful telephone call. He spoke only as far as the wires reached, which was to anothrr room in the same building. There, his assistant, electrical designer Thomas Watson, heard him say, "Mr. Watson — come here — I want to see you."
Garrison Keillor tells us, "Later that day, he [Bell] wrote an excited letter to his father. He wrote, "The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water and gas — and friends converse with each other without leaving home." (Good thing he didn't envision car crashes while texting. - ed.)
Keillor's exploration of the topic yields more: "'Hello' is, of course, the standard greeting when most English-speaking people answer the phone, but this was not Bell's preferred greeting, and it was some time before the protocol was sorted out. In The First Telephone Book, author Ammon Shea tells us that Bell favored 'Ahoy!' and stubbornly used it for the rest of his life. His competitor Thomas Edison, on the other hand, preferred 'Hello.' Shea posits that 'hello' caught on in part due to the 'How To' section in early phone books, which recommended 'a hearty "hulloa"' as a proper greeting. The phone book's recommended sign-off — 'That is all!' — never took root."
E.T., phone home...
Second, today in 2006, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reached Mars. The purpose of the robotic craft that did not land -- to study the Red Planet's land formations, weather patterns, minerals, and ice.
The Moses of America...
Harriet Tubman, "The woman called Moses," died on this day in 1913, in her nineties. She was born around 1820 to slave parents Benjamin Ross and Harriet Green, in Dorchester County, Maryland. The exact year of her birth is uncertain.
Again we turn to Garrison Keillor's retelling: "Harriet was christened Araminta by her parents, and soon became known as 'Minty,' though she eventually renamed herself Harriet, after her mother. When she was about five or six, the slave-owner hired-her-out as a child-minder. She was whipped if the baby cried and woke its mother, and one day she received five whippings before breakfast.
"When the 15-year-old Harriet refused one day to help an overseer restrain a runaway slave, she was hit in the head with a two-pound weight and was left unconscious without medical care for two days. Although she recovered, she began suffering from seizures, and narcolepsy, and also began to have visions and prophetic dreams. Deeply religious, she viewed these as messages from God.
"Harriet escaped, when the plantation owner died in 1849, and she made it to Philadelphia and enjoyed a brief period as a free woman, until passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 made her a runaway slave once again. The thought of her family left behind in Maryland haunted her, and she worked odd jobs and saved her money, so that a year later, she might return to help her niece's family escape.
"Over 10 years and at least 13 trips, Harriet Tubman is believed to have led some 300 souls out of slavery into freedom in Canada. On one of her last trips, she brought out her parents, who were by that time around 70 years old. At one point, the price on her head was as high as $40,000 [more than a quarter-million in today's money], but she was never betrayed. She was never captured and neither were the slaves she led. Years later, she told an audience, 'I was conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can't say — I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.'"
Highball that train, Harriet. The world needs you today.
We couldn't get to today's birthdays. If it's your day, Happy birthday to you!
Today's select music event...
Tue, Mar 10:
8 pm - "ST. PATRICKS DAY IN IRELAND" at the Yucaipa Performing Arts Center, Indoor Theater, 12062 California St, Yucaipa CA
* With dancers Connor Reider and Carrie Malloy and musicians Ryan McKasson (fiddle), Colin Cotter (guitar, vocals), Christa Burch (vocals, bodhrán) and Preston Howard-Wilde (uilleann pipes and flutes).
Today is Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY from one born on this date...
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated, and well supported in logic and argument than others."
~ Douglas Adams, author (born Mar 11, 1952, died 2001)
On this day...
Deadliest flu pandemic ever...
The Great Influenza Pandemic's first cases were reported in the US today in 1918 when 107 soldiers got sick at Fort Riley, Kansas. At the time called "The Spanish Flu" (because the government of Spain was the only nation reporting facts and statistics in the midst of World War I, when warring nations accused each other of being behind it), that flu became the deadliest pandemic in world history. That year, the flu killed only 2.5% of its victims (a LOWER percentage than Coronavirus, so far), but more than a fifth of the world's entire population caught it. Estimates are between 50 million and 100 million people died of it in just a few months. That's far more than the death toll in the carnage of trench warfare and poison gas attacks and U-boats and everything else, on all sides, in all of WWI. Historians believe at least 500,000 people died in the US alone. So the next time some wag (or bloviating politician with an agenda) says "Coronavirus is a hoax," tell them THAT.
Before Mel Brooks said, "It's Fronk-en-steen"...
"Frankenstein," Mary Shelley's genre-creating novel, was first published today in 1818. Garrison Keillor says of it, "Two years before, she had spent the summer in a cabin on Lake Geneva with her lover, Percy Bysshe Shelley, her sister Claire, and Claire's lover, the poet Lord Byron. It rained a lot that summer, and one night, Byron suggested they all write ghost stories. At first Mary had trouble coming up with a story, but while lying in bed, reported having a waking nightmare, seeing a vision of a man reanimating a creature. She wrote: 'I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half vital motion.' So she set to work on Frankenstein."
When news was revolutionary...
"The Daily Courant," England's first national daily newspaper is published for the first time today in 1702.
Native Americans have always been shafted...
The Bureau of Indian Affairs was created as part of the US Department of War today in 1824. Today, BIA is part of the Department of the Interior, along with the Bureau of Land Management. It's not part of Health and Human Services. Which tells you all you need to know.
Show biz...
The first performance of Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi takes place in Venice today in 1851.
Today in 1927 in New York City, Samuel Roxy Rothafel opens the Roxy Theatre.
Copying your competitor...
Today in 1861, The Constitution of the Confederate States of America is adopted. It is heavily based on the US Constitution, with added protections for slavery.
Wild weather...
The Great Blizzard of 1888 began today along the eastern seaboard of the United States, shutting down commerce and killing more than 400. Climate Change Deniers like to point to it. They can't cope that it was the freak event of that era, but each year now brings record weather events, and each month is hotter than its counterpart a year earlier, consistently, year after year.
Power to the People, student edition...
Hundreds of students protest in the University of Pristina in Kosovo, then part of Yugoslavia, to give their province more political rights, today in 1981. The protests then became a nationwide movement.
Remember that "Peace Dividend" we never got?
Mikhail Gorbachev is elected to the position of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union making him the USSR's de facto, and last, head of state, today in 1985. He went on to preside over the dismemberment of the Soviet Empire and creation of many independent nations, including the Russian Federation. It was supposed to be the end of the Cold War. But the militarists and weapons salesmen and merchants of death foisted their warconomy on the world, and nobody ever got our promised "Peace Dividend" that would enable us to benefit mankind.
Coincidentally, this same day in 1990, Lithuania declares itself independent from the Soviet Union amidst the fast fragmentation.
Earthquake day...
Today in 2010, three earthquakes, the strongest measuring magnitude 6.9 and all centered next to Pichilemu, capital of Cardenal Caro province, hit central Chile during the inauguration ceremony for economist and businessman Sebastián Piñera being sworn-in as President of Chile.
One year later, today in 2011, an earthquake measuring 9.0 in magnitude strikes 130 km (81 mi) east of Sendai, Japan, triggering a tsunami killing thousands of people. This event also triggered the second largest nuclear accident in history, and one of only two events to be classified as a Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
Today in 1989, Sir Tim Berners-Lee submitted his proposal to CERN for an information management system which would be developed into the world wide web.
Ten years later, today in 1999, Infosys becomes the first Indian company listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
Happy Birthday today, March 11th, to...
Mary Gauthier, American folksinger-songwriter and guitarist
Lisa Loeb, American singer-songwriter, guitarist and actress
Bobby McFerrin, American singer-songwriter, producer, and conductor
David Newman, American composer and conductor
Jimmy Iovine, American record producer and businessman, co-founded Interscope Records and Beats Electronics
Mark Stein, American singer-songwriter and keyboard player
Harvey Mandel, American guitarist
Benji Madden, American singer-songwriter and guitarist
Joel Madden, American singer-songwriter and producer
LeToya Luckett, American singer-songwriter and actress
John Barrowman, Scottish-American actor and singer
Bruce Watson, Canadian-Scottish guitarist
Bernie LaBarge, Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist
Jan Schelhaas, English keyboard player
Luke Johnson, English drummer and songwriter
Tristan Murail, French composer and educator
Nina Hagen, German singer and actress
Allan Vainola, Estonian singer-songwriter and guitarist
Alberto Cortez, Argentinian-Spanish singer-songwriter
Keren Peles, Israeli singer-songwriter and pianist
Tetsurō Oda, Japanese singer-songwriter and producer
Mariko Shinoda, Japanese singer and actress
Sam Donaldson, American journalist
In memorium to musicians and influencers born on this date...
Lawrence Welk, American accordion player and bandleader with a long-running tv show aimed at the Geritol set ("Ah-one-an-a-two-an-ah") (1903-1992)
Vinnie Paul, American drummer, songwriter and producer (1964-2018)
Marisa Del Frate, Italian actress and singer (1931-2015)
Joseph Brooks, American director, producer, screenwriter, and composer (1938-2011)
Leroy Jenkins, American violinist and composer (Revolutionary Ensemble) (1932-2007)
Soraya, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (1969-2006)
Douglas Adams, author; source of today's quote (1952-2001)
Astor Piazzolla, Argentine tango composer and bandoneon player (1921-1992)
Ralph Abernathy, American minister and civil rights activist (1926-1990)
Hanna Bergas, German teacher who contributed to the rescue of Jewish children during WWII (1900-1987)
Jessie Matthews, English actress, singer, and dancer (1907-1981)
Raoul Walsh, American actor and director (1887-1980)
Lewi Pethrus, Swedish minister and hymn-writer (1884-1974)
Carl Ruggles, American pianist and composer (1876-1971)
Henry Cowell, American pianist and composer (1897-1965)
Shemp Howard, American actor, one of the "Three Stooges" (1895-1955)
David Horsley, English-American film producer, co-founded Universal Studios (1873-1933)
Anna Bochkoltz, German operatic soprano, voice teacher and composer (1815-1879)
Torquato Tasso, Italian poet and educator who said, "Any time not spent on love is wasted." (1544-1595)
Marisa Del Frate, Italian actress and singer (1931-2015)
Joseph Brooks, American director, producer, screenwriter, and composer (1938-2011)
Leroy Jenkins, American violinist and composer (Revolutionary Ensemble) (1932-2007)
Soraya, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (1969-2006)
Douglas Adams, author; source of today's quote (1952-2001)
Astor Piazzolla, Argentine tango composer and bandoneon player (1921-1992)
Ralph Abernathy, American minister and civil rights activist (1926-1990)
Hanna Bergas, German teacher who contributed to the rescue of Jewish children during WWII (1900-1987)
Jessie Matthews, English actress, singer, and dancer (1907-1981)
Raoul Walsh, American actor and director (1887-1980)
Lewi Pethrus, Swedish minister and hymn-writer (1884-1974)
Carl Ruggles, American pianist and composer (1876-1971)
Henry Cowell, American pianist and composer (1897-1965)
Shemp Howard, American actor, one of the "Three Stooges" (1895-1955)
David Horsley, English-American film producer, co-founded Universal Studios (1873-1933)
Anna Bochkoltz, German operatic soprano, voice teacher and composer (1815-1879)
Torquato Tasso, Italian poet and educator who said, "Any time not spent on love is wasted." (1544-1595)
Today's select music event...
Wed, Mar 11:
9 pm - BUDDY GUY plus TOM HAMBRIDGE play The Canyon – Montclair at Montclair Plaza, 5060 E Montclair Plaza, Space #2020, Montclair CA 91764
Thu, Mar 12:
10 am-11 am - LEGACY BAND plays an "Irish House Party Show" at Advanced Rehab Center, 2210 E First St, Santa Ana CA 92705
* Patty McCollom-banjo, whistle, bodhran, vocals
* Barbara Gershman-hammered dulcimer, accordion
* Marianne Scanlon-guitar, hammered dulcimer, vocals
* Rob McCollom-U-bass
* Info: 714-267-4567 or mccollomp@sbcglobal.net
Thu, Mar 12:
2 pm & 7:30 pm - WAIPUNA plays the Ruth Shannon Center for the Performing Arts, on the campus of Whittier College, 6760 Painter Av, Whittier CA 90601; 562-907-4203
Thu, Mar 12:
7 pm - JOEL RAFAEL, SARAH LEE GUTHRIE, & ANDY & RENEE team-up for a house concert worthy of a big venue, hosted By Andy Hill in Torrance CA 90504.
* Reservations get directions.
* SARAH LEE GUTHRIE's lineage is undeniable: granddaughter of Woody, daughter of Arlo. But if you close your eyes and forget that her last name is synonymous with the river-legacy of a widening current of American folk music, you’d still be drawn to the clarity and soul behind her voice.
* There is a gentle urgency to Sarah Lee's interpretations of the songs she sings and the classic music of her heritage. It flows from the continuity of her family, her vital artistic life today and the river of songs that have guided her to where she now stands.
* Over the last two decades on the road and in the studio, she and her husband JOHNNY IRION have created a signature pop-fused folk-rock sound that is appealing and engaging through a series of critically-acclaimed albums: "Exploration," "Folksong," "Bright Examples," and "Wassiac Way."
* On 2009’s "Go Waggaloo" she created a family album of original songs (and a few with Woody’s lyrics) that won a "Golden Medallion" from "The Parents' Choice Foundation."
* Sarah Lee Guthrie now ventures on a road that leads back to the rich culture of her family running through the warmth of her own bloodlines. This is a rare opportunity to witness the growth of one of America's finest young folk singers.
* JOEL RAFAEL, as a solo performer and with his band, has opened shows and shared stages with artists who include Emmylou Harris, Jackson Browne, Joan Baez, John Lee Hooker, Arlo Guthrie, Bonnie Raitt, John Trudell, Laura Nyro, Kris Kristofferson, Dar Williams, Ramblin’ Jack Elliot, Odetta, and Taj Mahal.
* "Rose Avenue" (2019), Joel Rafael’s latest work, gracefully defines him and his contribution to the American canon. The ten-song masterpiece includes nine originals that reflect the honest accounting of a man in his 70th year, with a lifetime’s insight into the songs he writes; as well as a full measure of gratitude for what has been, and what lies ahead.
* ANDY & RENEE are the longtime leaders of Aaard-winning band HARD RAIN, and performing hosts of the annual "DYLANFEST." They've toured internationally, and always come back to small Southern Cal venues to play for a loyal fanbase.
* Doors at 6 pm, show at 7 pm.
* BYOB & Pot Luck.
* TIX, $25 ("donation," It's a house concert.) Space is limited....Get tickets for this gig AND FOR DYLANFEST, at: http://www.andyandrenee.com/store.php
Thu, Mar 12:
7:30 pm - WAIPUNA plays their second show today at the Ruth Shannon Center for the Performing Arts, on the campus of Whittier College, 6760 Painter Av, Whittier CA 90601; 562-907-4203
Thu, Mar 12:
7:30 pm - "ST. PATRICKS DAY IN IRELAND" at the Janet and Ray Scherr Forum Theatre, Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Center, 2100 Thousand Oaks Bl, Thousand Oaks CA 91362; 805-449-2787
* With dancers Connor Reider and Carrie Malloy and musicians Ryan McKasson (fiddle), Colin Cotter (guitar, vocals), Christa Burch (vocals, bodhrán) and Preston Howard-Wilde (uilleann pipes and flutes).
Thu, Mar 12:
7:30 pm - WAIPUNA plays their second show today at the Ruth Shannon Center for the Performing Arts, on the campus of Whittier College, 6760 Painter Av, Whittier CA 90601; 562-907-4203
Thu, Mar 12:
7:30 pm - "ST. PATRICKS DAY IN IRELAND" at the Janet and Ray Scherr Forum Theatre, Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Center, 2100 Thousand Oaks Bl, Thousand Oaks CA 91362; 805-449-2787
* With dancers Connor Reider and Carrie Malloy and musicians Ryan McKasson (fiddle), Colin Cotter (guitar, vocals), Christa Burch (vocals, bodhrán) and Preston Howard-Wilde (uilleann pipes and flutes).
Sat, Mar 14:
Noon-2 pm - LEO KRETZNER with THE OLD GREY CATS bring Celtic Tunes and Songs to the Last Name Brewery, 2120 Porterfield Way, Upland CA 91786 (Just off Foothill/Route 66); 909-579-0032; http://lastnamebrewing.com
* Pre-Saint Patrick’s Day Irish fest all day at this fine local brewery/pub.
* No cover charge.
* Brew connoisseurs: Last Name Brewery, Claremont Craft Ales, and
Rok House Brewing -- all within 1/2 mile of each other, all hosting live music today.
Sat, Mar 14:
"SHAMROCK 'n' ROLL" aboard the RMS Queen Mary, permanently docked at 1126 Queens Hwy, Long Beach CA 90802
* The Queen Mary presents a party that hosts claim "would make St. Paddy proud: Shamrock 'N' Roll!"
* Celebrate the revelry, tradition, and spirit of Ireland with a rocking event unlike any other.
* This features a lineup of live entertainment "sure to make you dance a jig all night long, with music perfect for fans of the 70's and 80's, Ska, punk, folk, soul, and of course, Irish rock," says the promo.
* Four diverse bands perform throughout the evening: YACHTLEY CREW, HOIST THE COLORS, THE UNTOUCHABLES, and DIRTY OLD TOWN.
* TIX, $30, at: https://www.seetickets.us/event/Shamrock-N-Roll/407629
Sat, Mar 14:
1 pm-4 pm - PADDY'S PIG brings their energetic trad Irish music to the Bella Terra Beer Garden, 7777 Edinger Av, Huntington Beach CA 92647
* The St. Pat's weekend fest in Laughlin is on hiatus for the first time in several years. That freed-up the band to do this and several more Southern Cal gigs.
Sat, Mar 14:
9 pm - LOONEY’S FORTUNE, a Trad. Irish Music Band, plus several other bands performing, at the Beach Hut Deli, 19025 Beach Bl, Beach Bl/ Garfield Av, Huntington Beach CA 92648; https://beachhutdeli.com/store/huntington-beach/
* Info: patti@pattiamelotte.com
Sat, Mar 14:
1 pm-4 pm - PADDY'S PIG brings their energetic trad Irish music to the Bella Terra Beer Garden, 7777 Edinger Av, Huntington Beach CA 92647
* The St. Pat's weekend fest in Laughlin is on hiatus for the first time in several years. That freed-up the band to do this and several more Southern Cal gigs.
Sat, Mar 14:
9 pm - LOONEY’S FORTUNE, a Trad. Irish Music Band, plus several other bands performing, at the Beach Hut Deli, 19025 Beach Bl, Beach Bl/ Garfield Av, Huntington Beach CA 92648; https://beachhutdeli.com/store/huntington-beach/
* Info: patti@pattiamelotte.com
Click image to enlarge to read |
Sun, Mar 15; FREE EVENT:
2 pm-4 pm - "RAGTIME, JAZZ, & SWING: EARLY 20th CENTURY DANCE & SOCIETY" at the Homestead Museum, 15415 E Don Julian Rd, City of Industry CA 91745
* In the first half of the 20th century, dancing was central to almost any occasion when men and women came together. Restaurants and night clubs featured dance floors and live bands.
* Big cities like Los Angeles were home to multiple mega-ballrooms with rooms for thousands; and in taxi dance halls, lonely men paid women for anonymous foxtrots.
* Join Walter Nelson as he describes this era and its popular dances using contemporary writings, images, and film clips.
* The presentation is followed by an optional 45-minute Jazz age foxtrot introductory class.
* Free, free parking; reservations are recommended:
Sun, Mar 15:
5:30 pm-9:30 pm - "SPECIAL PADDY'S PIG ST. PAT'S CELEBRATION EVENT" at Bexx Secret Garden, N. Hollywood
* Paid Reservations Required!
* Enjoy traditional Irish Dishes as well as some Irish-inspired and plant-based cuisine. All handcrafted by Bexx & her talented team. An assortment of beers, wines and specialty cocktails available for a small donation.
* Reservation includes entertainment, food, 1 alcoholic beverage, music by PADDY'S PIG and "fun, fun, fun!"
* PADDY'S PIG is an energetic trad Irish-Celtic band. The St. Pat's weekend fest in Laughlin is on hiatus for the first time in several years. That freed-up the band to do this and several more Southern Cal gigs.
* TIX, $42, at: https://checkout.square.site/buy/EAILKWCPR6VOUSWSOPPNYIQO
______________________Sun, Mar 15:
5:30 pm-9:30 pm - "SPECIAL PADDY'S PIG ST. PAT'S CELEBRATION EVENT" at Bexx Secret Garden, N. Hollywood
* Paid Reservations Required!
* Enjoy traditional Irish Dishes as well as some Irish-inspired and plant-based cuisine. All handcrafted by Bexx & her talented team. An assortment of beers, wines and specialty cocktails available for a small donation.
* Reservation includes entertainment, food, 1 alcoholic beverage, music by PADDY'S PIG and "fun, fun, fun!"
* PADDY'S PIG is an energetic trad Irish-Celtic band. The St. Pat's weekend fest in Laughlin is on hiatus for the first time in several years. That freed-up the band to do this and several more Southern Cal gigs.
* TIX, $42, at: https://checkout.square.site/buy/EAILKWCPR6VOUSWSOPPNYIQO
events just received
Mar 15 event poster:
Sat, Mar 21:
11 am-5 pm - ZORTHIAN RANCH SEASONAL "BLOOMIN' BARN SOCIAL" at Zorthian Ranch, 3990 Fair Oaks Av, Altadena CA 91001
* The ranch is legendary. The event is "a merry opportunity to open our doors and create a space for the things we love and bring in opportunities to support people doing things we love as well. We'll have a variety of musical performances along with beautiful handmade wares and consumables from people we love."
* Parking is at the bottom of the hill, and part of the experience is the walk up the hill to the ranch.
* More info, for those whose devices are infested with Facebook spyware: https://m.facebook.com/events/190645955604608/
Continuing Events
(UPDATES ADDED, as needed)
(UPDATES ADDED, as needed)
Thu, Feb 27-Mar 8:
THE ANDREWS BROTHERS play multiple shows in the Beverly O'Neill Theater at Long Beach Convention Center, 300 E Ocean Bl, Long Beach CA 90802
* TIX, https://longbeachca.eventticketscenter.com/long-beach-convention-center-long-beach-tickets/30884/e
See it now; ART EXHIBITION, unknown duration:
"UNTITLED (QUESTIONS)," by artist BARBARA KRUGER at Los Angeles Union Station, Alameda Av, downtown Los Angeles CA
* This exhibition, part of "FRIEZE WEEK 2020," is still up. Everything else from the big frieze officially ended after the advertised Feb 10-16 run.
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Barbara Kruger, ’WHO BUYS THE CON’ mural, on the façade of NeueHouse Hollywood. Photo, Fredrik Nilsen |
* "Untitled (Questions)" features large-scale queries, alternating between English and Spanish, created by the artist.
* This project brings Kruger’s provocations/interrogations, which "are indeterminate and open to subjective interpretation," into physical proximity with the public. It's part of "Frieze Week Los Angeles," presented at sites throughout the greater L.A. area.
* "Wallpaper" says, "Graphically bold and politically audacious, Barbara Kruger is known for plastering her unmissable slogans all over the place – an assimilation of mass media imagery and words reassembled and thrown back in the face of passive spectatorship. Sex, society and politics are Kruger’s primary materials – three topics that are as hot in the US today as they were when she started making work in the 1980s."
* "Untitled (Questions)" debuted in its original form, 1990-2018 at MOCA. At Union Station, it's co-presented by "Metro Art" and "Frieze Los Angeles."
* Beyond the iconic train station, a series of 20 questions composed by Kruger such as ‘IS THERE LIFE WITHOUT PAIN?‘ or ‘WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?‘ will be installed outside a number of prominent art spaces, civic landmarks and public centers across the city, on digital billboards, light pole banners, murals, print and digital media.
* Frieze partnered with multiple venues, including Metro (at Union Station), the West Hollywood Design District, L.A. Tourism & Convention Bureau, NeueHouse, The Forum, The Standard, and Banc of California Stadium.
* Tip: avoid traffic and expensive parking by taking Metro to downtown events, aboard the Red / Purple Subway, Gold Line light rail, or Silver Line express bus, all direct to Union Station. The Orange Line from Chatsworth / West SFV connects at NoHo; Blue and Expo light rail connects at Metro Center, 7th and Figueroa, DTLA. Plus, Foothill Transit's Silver Streak from points east gets you there.
* Riding a bus or train, getting out of the individual encapsulation of your car, helps you "get" the point of this exhibition. Transcendent point -- Transit: try it, you'll liiiike it.
ONGOING, multiple dates:
1 pm-6 pm - "CALLE CARONA FARMS AND VINES MUSIC JAM" at the farm, 39813 Calle Carona, Green Valley CA 91390
* For people interested in sustainable organic farming in a beautiful country setting, to the accompaniment of music.
* Bring your instruments to play, and seeds to plant, grow, sing and enjoy the harvest.
* Dates: Sat, Mar 14; Sat, Jun 13; more.
ONGOING, multiple dates:
1 pm-6 pm - "CALLE CARONA FARMS AND VINES MUSIC JAM" at the farm, 39813 Calle Carona, Green Valley CA 91390
* For people interested in sustainable organic farming in a beautiful country setting, to the accompaniment of music.
* Bring your instruments to play, and seeds to plant, grow, sing and enjoy the harvest.
* Dates: Sat, Mar 14; Sat, Jun 13; more.
ONGOING, Feb 14-Mar 15; MUSICAL:
"LAW AND ORDER: THE MUSICAL!" in its world premiere at Broadwater Second Stage, 6320 Santa Monica Bl, Hollywood CA 90038.
* A parody in accordance with fair use law.
* This musical by Ilyse Mimoun and Jeremy Adelman spoofs the popular TV series.
* Runs Fridays & Saturdays at 8 pm, Sundays at 7 pm. Ends March 15.
ONGOING, Feb 19-Mar 29; MUSICAL:
8 pm - “THE BOOK OF MORMON,” the big musical comedy, returns, opening Feb 19 in the Ahmanson Theatre at the L.A. Music Center, 135 N Grand Av, downtown Los Angeles CA
* TIX start at $45, at 213-972-4400 or www.CenterTheatreGroup.org
ONGOING, Thu, Mar 12-Sat, Mar 21; MUSICAL:
"HAMILTON" touring cast plays the Hollywood Pantages theatre, Hollywood CA
* TIX, $253-$1,250 each (gasp), at ticketmaster.
ONGOING, Feb 27-Mar 22; stage play:
8 pm - “DEAD MAN’S CELL PHONE” opens at the Little Fish Theatre, 777 S Centre St, San Pedro CA* Sarah Ruhl’s play, "mysterious and mesmerizing, explores the need for real life connection in a technologically obsessed world." -- Easy Reader News.
* Runs: Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, Sun Mar 8 at 2 pm (includes Q&A with crew and cast), Sun Mar 22 at 2 pm. Closes March 22.
* The Guide just attended a production here on Valentine's Day. Nice little venue with comfortable seats.
* TIX, $24 opening night; thereafter $28 regular, $26 seniors, and $15 for those age 25-and-under who can remember to say the word “Hipster.” All tix at 310-512-6030 or www.littlefishtheatre.org
ONGOING, indefinite; FILM:
"EARTH" (Not Rated) 115 mins, is a new documentary film that opens Fri, Feb 7 at the Laemmle, Glendale CA, then moves to other Laemmles as part of the "Culture Vulture" film series.
* This German-English-Spanish-Hungarian-Italian production was filmed at seven locations completely transformed by humans:
(1) mountains being moved in California;
(2) a tunnel being sliced through rock at the Brenner Pass;
(3) an open-cast mine in Hungary;
(4) a marble quarry in Italy;
(5) a copper mine in Spain;
(6) the salt mine used to store radioactive waste in Wolfenbüttel;
(7) a tar sands landscape in Canada.
* Initially shown from above as abstract paintings, the terrain is then explored on the ground.
* The film weaves together footage of machines in operation and conversations with workers.
* Opens today in Glendale. Coming to these other Laemmle Theatres on dates indicated:
• Claremont 5 on 02-10-20
• Town Center 5 on 02-10-20
• Playhouse 7 on 02-10-20
• Royal on 02-10-20
* TIX, and/or watch the trailer for this documentary about protecting Earth:
ONGOING, gallery show, through Mar 8:
“UNSEEN: 35 YEARS OF COLLECTING PHOTOGRAPHS” is on view At the J. Paul Getty Museum / Getty Center, Los Angeles CA
“UNSEEN: 35 YEARS OF COLLECTING PHOTOGRAPHS” is on view At the J. Paul Getty Museum / Getty Center, Los Angeles CA
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“My Things No. 5 – 5,000 Pieces of Rubbish” Chromogenic print (2002), by Hong Gao © Hong Hao; anonymous gift. Courtesy of Chambers Fine Art. |
* Features 200 works selected by the photography department curators. (310) 440-7300 or www.getty.edu
ONGOING, through Jun 13:
1 pm-5 pm - "WATER CHANGES EVERYTHING" exhibit presented by the Historical Society of Long Beach at 4260 Atlantic Av, Long Beach CA
* Runs Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 1 pm-5 pm; Thursdays 1-7 pm; and Saturdays, 11 am-5 pm.
* Free.
* Info: 562-424-2220.
Annual "MASTERS ART EXHIBITION AND SALE" opens Feb 8 at the Autry Museum of the American West, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Griffith Park / Los Angeles CA 90027
* Paintings and sculptures by 64 premier Western artists ate in the exhibition, to see and purchase.
* "Masters" opens with an artists' dinner on Friday evening, and then a full day of festivities on Saturday — including artist talks, an awards presentation, and an evening cocktail reception, where approximately 250 fixed-price works are sold through a drawing.
* Note: All-weekend VIP tickets are SOLD OUT, but Saturday-only tickets are available at the door.
* Proceeds from "Masters" support the "Campaign for the Autry," which helps provide essential support for the Autry’s educational programs, innovative exhibitions, and over 100 public events annually.
* Special events with "Masters" include:
• "TRUNK SHOW AT THE AUTRY STORE" Sat, Feb 8, 10 am-4 pm.
• "GALLERY NIGHT WITH DUBLAB" on Thu, Feb 20, 6:30-9 pm.
* Note that Feb 8 the museum and store both close at 4 pm.
* Opening weekend schedule of all related events: https://theautry.org/exhibitions/masters-art-exhibition-and-sale/masters-opening-weekend-schedule
* PHOTO GALLERY of artists and artwork:
ONGOING, stage play, through Mar 8:
NEIL SIMON'S “RUMORS” stage production by Surf City Theatre, produced at Second Story Theater, 710 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach CA.
* Director Katie Kirkpatrick manages a large cast on a small stage and pulls-off a zinger-filled script that would look slapstick in less capable hands.
NEIL SIMON'S “RUMORS” stage production by Surf City Theatre, produced at Second Story Theater, 710 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach CA.
* Director Katie Kirkpatrick manages a large cast on a small stage and pulls-off a zinger-filled script that would look slapstick in less capable hands.
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Christopher Yearwood as Glenn Cooper, Sabrina Guyll as Cassie Cooper, and Drew Rogers as Ken Gorman. Photo courtesy Surf City Theatre, via Easy Reader News |
* READ THE REVIEW by Bondo Wyszpolski in the South Bay "Easy Reader News," at: https://easyreadernews.com/heard-the-rumors-about-surf-city-theatre/
* Runs Fri & Sat at 8 pm, and Sun at 2 pm, through Mar 8.
* TIX, $28, at 424-241-8040 or www.surfcitytheatre.com
* Runs Fri & Sat at 8 pm, and Sun at 2 pm, through Mar 8.
* TIX, $28, at 424-241-8040 or www.surfcitytheatre.com
ONGOING, gallery show, through Apr 3:
"ORIGINAL PAINTINGS BY OVER 50 LOCAL ARTISTS" get lots of space for lots of pictures, on view at Parkhurst Galleries, 439 W Sixth St, San Pedro CA
* OPENING RECEPTION Fri, Feb 28, 5-8 pm.
* Info, 310-547-3158 or www.parkhurstgalleries.com
* OPENING RECEPTION Fri, Feb 28, 5-8 pm.
* Info, 310-547-3158 or www.parkhurstgalleries.com
(but it's an Equity show):
"THE ADVENTURES OF PETER RABBIT" with book and lyrics by Anthony Gruppuso, who directs. Music by Matt Dahan.
* At Theatre West, 3333 Cahuenga Bl West, Los Angeles CA 90068
* Runs Saturdays at 1 pm.
* Ends March 21.
World Premiere of "LYING WITH BADGERS" presented by "NATIVE VOICES AT THE AUTRY" at the Autry Museum of the American West, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Griffith Park / Los Angeles CA 90027
* This dark comedy — featuring puppets who interact with humans — tells the story of two estranged brothers of the Blackfeet Nation.
* Runs Thursdays and Fridays, 8 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays, 2 pm.
* TIX, $15 non-mbrs / $10 Students, Seniors (60+), & Military (w/ ID), at: https://theautry.org/events/performing-arts/native-voices-presents-world-premiere-lying-badgers-previews
"SWEET LAND" presented by The Industry at L.A. State Historic Park, at 1724 Baker St, Los Angeles CA 90012 (in the NEZ corner of the State Historic Park)
* L.A.’s contemporary opera company brings a performance that disrupts the dominant narrative of American identity.
* The Arrivals wash up on the shore. They make contact with another civilization they call “the Hosts.” And from there, the story splinters, following diverging perspectives. Starting as a procession through the L.A. State Historic Park, "Sweet Land" becomes an opera that erases itself.
* The company that created "Invisible Cities" and "Hopscotch" now brings "a grotesque historical pageant."
* It's the result of a highly collaborative and multi-perspect approach.
* Composer Du Yun is a Chinese immigrant whose recent work originates from what she states “is a lack of understanding and empathy around immigration”. Her last major opera, "Angel’s Bone," won a Pulitzer Prize for music and explores the psychology behind human trafficking.
* Composer Raven Chacon, "United States Artists" fellow and winner of the "Creative Capital Award," is a composer, performer and installation artist from Fort Defiance, Navajo Nation.
* Librettist Douglas Kearney is a poet whose “polyphonic diction pulls history apart, recombining it to reveal an alternative less whitewashed by enfranchised power” (BOMB Magazine).
* Librettist Aja Couchois Duncan is a mixed-race Ojibwe writer who works to advance equity and social justice.
* Cannupa Hanksa Luger is a multidisciplinary artist who interweaves performance and political action to communicate stories about 21st-century Indigeneity. He co-directs "Sweet Land."
* Yuval Sharon, co-director, is the Founder and Artistic Director of The Industry and a 2017 MacArthur Fellow.
* Info: https://theindustryla.org/projects/sweet-land/
* TIX: https://theindustryla.org/sweet-land-tickets/
"NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE," a series of productions filmed live on London's West End, screening at Boston Court Pasadena, 70 N Mentor Av, Pasadena CA 91106; www.bostoncourtpasadena.org
* Boston Court, itself renowned for live theatre, brings these brilliantly filmed plays from across the pond; some have two dates, and the near-term one is sold-out; get tix early:
■ "ALL ABOUT EVE," starring GIllian Anderson:
Wed, Jan 29, 8 pm, get tix now.
■ "HAMLET" (encore), starring Benedict Cumberbatch:
Sun, Feb 2, 1:30 pm, get tix now.
■ "FLEABAG," written & performed by Phoebe Waller-Bridge; two dates:
Thu, Jan 30 - Sold out; Wed, May 20, 8 pm, get tix now.
■ "PRESENT LAUGHTER," starring Andrew Scott; two dates:
Fri, Jan 31, Sold out; Wed, May 27, 7:30 pm, get tix now.
■ "ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS" (encore), starring James Corden; two dates:
Sat, Feb 1, 1:30 pm; Sat, May 16, 7:30 pm; get tix now, either date.
■ "THE AUDIENCE" (encore), starring Helen Mirren:
Sun, May 10, 1:30 pm, get tix now.
■ "HANSARD," starring Alex Jennings and Lyndsey Duncan:
Tues, May 12, 8 pm, get tix now.
■ "CYRANO DE BERGERAC" – New, starring James McAvoy; two dates:
Mon, May 18, 7:30 pm; Fri, May 22, 7:30 pm; get tix now, either date.
* TIX, $20; Box Office, 626-683-6801, 11 am - 5 pm, Tue-Fri.
ONGOING, Feb 26-Mar 12:
“WHAT IS IT ABOUT TREES?” is on view in the El Camino College Art Gallery, 16007 Crenshaw Bl, Torrance CA
* Featuring "a forestful" of artists.
* OPENING RECEPTION is Wed, Feb 27, 7 pm-9 pm.
* Tue, Mar 3, at 1 pm in the gallery, some of the forestful of artists join in the Artists’ talk.
* Info, 310-660-3010. Closes March 12th.
* Pictured, “Blue Ridge Forest, Fiddle Music, Forky Deer 1920,” by Nancy Mooslin.
ONGOING, PODCAST, on-demand:
"RECORDING ARTISTS: RADICAL WOMEN" is a new podcast series from the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. In it, art historian HELEN MOLESWORTH explores the lives and work of six artists — ALICE NEEL, LEE KRASNER, BETYE SAAR, HELEN FRANKENTHALER, YOKO ONO, and EVA HESSE.
* What was it like to be a woman making art during the feminist and civil rights movements? In this season of "Recording Artists," Molesworth delves into their lives and careers, spanning several generations. Hear them describe, in their own words, their work, relationships, and feelings about the ongoing march of feminism. Contemporary artists and art historians join the conversation, offering their own perspectives on the recordings and exploring what it meant—and still means—to be a woman and an artist. Share this with one who'll appreciate it.
* HERE'S THE LINK. The whole series is here in individial episodes so you can pace yourself or binge it. You'll hear rare audiotaped interviews and fresh perspectives on what it meant — and still means — to be a woman making art:
ONGOING, through May 29:
“INCREDIBLE JOURNEY: BUGS” opened mid-Dec at the South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Bl, Palos Verdes Peninsula CA
* Gawd, we love experiential learning. Whichever journey Garden visitors decide to take, they are transformed into that bug – literally (via props).
* This program interactively educates visitors about the butterflies, spiders, ants and bees that can be found in the Garden.
* Full info, 310-544-1948 or www.southcoastbotanicgarden.org
ONGOING, through April 12, daily:
10 am-5 pm - "EGYPT'S LOST CITIES" exhibition at the Reagan Library, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley CA 93065
* Akin to your best fantasies of Atlantis, these are artifacts recovered from beneath the sea.
* One day as the Mediterranean sun beat down on the bay of Aboukir, two bustling cities of ancient Egypt slipped into the sea without a whisper of wind, buried for centuries.
* These cities, before they sank beneath the waves, were known throughout the world as cultural centers of power, of wealth, of trade, and novel artistry.
* Time may have eroded the memory of a civilization, but not the mystery -- or the breathtaking artifacts -- of what it was.
* This exhibition runs Oct 5, 2019–Apr 12, 2020.
* View the holiday tree exhibit (through Jan 5; see our listing) and the Air Force One Pavilion, along with this current special exhibition, all during one visit for the price of museum admission. But allow yourself PLENTY of time.
* Open seven days a week, except Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
* Facility features a nice cafeteria-style cafe.
* TIX include the exhibition and the 125,000 square feet of all the permanent exhibits and displays, including Air Force One; you need to allow three to four hours to enjoy all of the galleries and grounds. Gen'l adm $29.95, discounts for youth, kids, seniors; active US military get in free. Free parking. Tix available in advance or at the door. It's worth adding the $7 "audio tour." Online adv. tix:
"NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE," a series of productions filmed live on London's West End, screening at Boston Court Pasadena, 70 N Mentor Av, Pasadena CA 91106; www.bostoncourtpasadena.org
* Boston Court, itself renowned for live theatre, brings these brilliantly filmed plays from across the pond; some have two dates, and the near-term one is sold-out; get tix early:
■ "ALL ABOUT EVE," starring GIllian Anderson:
Wed, Jan 29, 8 pm, get tix now.
■ "HAMLET" (encore), starring Benedict Cumberbatch:
Sun, Feb 2, 1:30 pm, get tix now.
Thu, Jan 30 - Sold out; Wed, May 20, 8 pm, get tix now.
■ "PRESENT LAUGHTER," starring Andrew Scott; two dates:
Fri, Jan 31, Sold out; Wed, May 27, 7:30 pm, get tix now.
■ "ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS" (encore), starring James Corden; two dates:
Sat, Feb 1, 1:30 pm; Sat, May 16, 7:30 pm; get tix now, either date.
■ "THE AUDIENCE" (encore), starring Helen Mirren:
Sun, May 10, 1:30 pm, get tix now.
■ "HANSARD," starring Alex Jennings and Lyndsey Duncan:
Tues, May 12, 8 pm, get tix now.
■ "CYRANO DE BERGERAC" – New, starring James McAvoy; two dates:
Mon, May 18, 7:30 pm; Fri, May 22, 7:30 pm; get tix now, either date.
* TIX, $20; Box Office, 626-683-6801, 11 am - 5 pm, Tue-Fri.
ONGOING, Feb 26-Mar 12:
“WHAT IS IT ABOUT TREES?” is on view in the El Camino College Art Gallery, 16007 Crenshaw Bl, Torrance CA
* Featuring "a forestful" of artists.
* OPENING RECEPTION is Wed, Feb 27, 7 pm-9 pm.
* Tue, Mar 3, at 1 pm in the gallery, some of the forestful of artists join in the Artists’ talk.
* Info, 310-660-3010. Closes March 12th.
* Pictured, “Blue Ridge Forest, Fiddle Music, Forky Deer 1920,” by Nancy Mooslin.
ONGOING, PODCAST, on-demand:
"RECORDING ARTISTS: RADICAL WOMEN" is a new podcast series from the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. In it, art historian HELEN MOLESWORTH explores the lives and work of six artists — ALICE NEEL, LEE KRASNER, BETYE SAAR, HELEN FRANKENTHALER, YOKO ONO, and EVA HESSE.
* What was it like to be a woman making art during the feminist and civil rights movements? In this season of "Recording Artists," Molesworth delves into their lives and careers, spanning several generations. Hear them describe, in their own words, their work, relationships, and feelings about the ongoing march of feminism. Contemporary artists and art historians join the conversation, offering their own perspectives on the recordings and exploring what it meant—and still means—to be a woman and an artist. Share this with one who'll appreciate it.
* HERE'S THE LINK. The whole series is here in individial episodes so you can pace yourself or binge it. You'll hear rare audiotaped interviews and fresh perspectives on what it meant — and still means — to be a woman making art:
ONGOING, through May 29:
“INCREDIBLE JOURNEY: BUGS” opened mid-Dec at the South Coast Botanic Garden, 26300 Crenshaw Bl, Palos Verdes Peninsula CA
* Gawd, we love experiential learning. Whichever journey Garden visitors decide to take, they are transformed into that bug – literally (via props).
* This program interactively educates visitors about the butterflies, spiders, ants and bees that can be found in the Garden.
* Full info, 310-544-1948 or www.southcoastbotanicgarden.org
ONGOING, through April 12, daily:
10 am-5 pm - "EGYPT'S LOST CITIES" exhibition at the Reagan Library, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley CA 93065
* Akin to your best fantasies of Atlantis, these are artifacts recovered from beneath the sea.
* One day as the Mediterranean sun beat down on the bay of Aboukir, two bustling cities of ancient Egypt slipped into the sea without a whisper of wind, buried for centuries.
* These cities, before they sank beneath the waves, were known throughout the world as cultural centers of power, of wealth, of trade, and novel artistry.
* Time may have eroded the memory of a civilization, but not the mystery -- or the breathtaking artifacts -- of what it was.
* This exhibition runs Oct 5, 2019–Apr 12, 2020.
* View the holiday tree exhibit (through Jan 5; see our listing) and the Air Force One Pavilion, along with this current special exhibition, all during one visit for the price of museum admission. But allow yourself PLENTY of time.
* Open seven days a week, except Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
* Facility features a nice cafeteria-style cafe.
* TIX include the exhibition and the 125,000 square feet of all the permanent exhibits and displays, including Air Force One; you need to allow three to four hours to enjoy all of the galleries and grounds. Gen'l adm $29.95, discounts for youth, kids, seniors; active US military get in free. Free parking. Tix available in advance or at the door. It's worth adding the $7 "audio tour." Online adv. tix:
THERE'S PLENTY MORE HAPPENING. And with the Guide in our new topical news feature story format, we can get to things and get them out to you without bogging-down in endless tail-chasing exercises, trying to complete everything for inclusion in a calendar-driven format.
=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=÷=More soon, as we get to and through it. Which is pretty much the way it is for all of us these days.
See ya soon. Stay Tuneful!
☆ THE ENTIRE CATALOGUE of all past editions of The Guide is available (and searchable!) FREE, in our archive. If you don't see the navigation pane on the left side of your screen, just click "view web version" and it'll magically appear (along with the correct photo, art, and page formats that you've been missing if you don't see that left-sidebar.)
We have lots of MUSIC NEWS
features in the works, and they'll
be along as we get them dressed,
shoes tied, cowlicks combed down,
bowties cranked straight,
and strings tuned.
Find a comfortable spot by the
wood stove, play a round or two
of checkers, and we'll be along...
features in the works, and they'll
be along as we get them dressed,
shoes tied, cowlicks combed down,
bowties cranked straight,
and strings tuned.
Find a comfortable spot by the
wood stove, play a round or two
of checkers, and we'll be along...
On to the necessary boilerplate...
Boilerplate? What "boilerplate"? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox? How do you add water so it won't blow-up?
Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff? ...obviously some dumbass...
Alright already, it's right down there...
Direct to the Guide's current editions /
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CONTACT US -- Post Comments / Send Questions / say Howdy at:
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OR USE THE COMMENTS FUNCTION on the Blogspot site.
Entire contents copyright © 2020,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers -- and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.
We'll be back again soon with music news and more "News of the Non-Trumpcentric Universe." (c)
Til we catch ya again on the flip side
in this new decade...
in this new decade...
as Buford the Wonder Dog looks on
and in our best Kathy Baker
"Hee Haw" voice: "THAT's all!"
"Hee Haw" voice: "THAT's all!"
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