MANY MORE EVENTS ADDED since originally published.
LATEST UPDATE has Wed, Apr 10 events: latest addition Wed, Apr 10, 4:35 pm PDT.
Remember to CHECK NEW LISTINGS in "Ongoing Events," as well as datour ily one-time events, AND "Ticket Alerts" sections, too.
Newly added, April 4...
On this day in 1968, "one man in the name of love" was murdered as an assassin's "shot rang out in the Memphis skies" and DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING was taken from this Earth.
No person in modern times has had their words, phrases, speeches, and appeals for the brotherhood of all humankind quoted and cited more that Dr. King.
One year before, to the day, he had delivered his "Beyond Vietnam: A Time Break Silence" speech at Riverside Church in New York City, on April 4th.
And 103 years to the day before Dr. King's assassination, President Abraham Lincoln visited Richmond, Virginia on April 4th, the day after the rebel capital was captured by Union forces. Lincoln sat in the office chair of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, and found some Confederate paper money left in the desk when the Southern government had fled. Lincoln placed a Confederate twenty-dollar bill in his famous stovepipe hat, and he still had it with him when he was assassinated ten days later.
The complex legacy of slavery still survived to manifest in violent acts of fear and hatred 103 years later, to the day, on April 4, 1968. And sadly, in derisive words of ridicule, fear, and hate, sick attempts at humor, and acts of violence -- all manifestations of the still-painful, still-tragical legacy displayed in common by the underclass, the law enforcement class, those who believe they were born into an entitled class, and those who need to blame somebody for everything they do not like about themselves, we are not yet rid of the exploitive aspects of the American dream and the American myth.
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream today."
Added April 2...
Quick little "oh, by the way" notation. We cherish our vast, diverse, and loyal INTERNATIONAL READERSHIP every bit as much as our stateside readers. We aren't always sure why you, amidst the joys and challenges of life where you are, enjoy knowing about what we offer. That being: Acoustic Americana music in all its genres; "accessible classical" music ancient and modern; the artists, songwriters, composers, storytellers and poets who create it; and the news of interest to art and music fans, and to those who are engaged in the arts in California, the U.S., Canada, and Pacific and Caribbean island cultures. But we are grateful that you do come here. Beyond acknowledging ALL of our readers and sincerely expressing our gratitude, this is purposeful. Because it brings up two points:
(1) We get hourly numbers of page views, showing dozens of countries where people are reading The Guide during any given hour. BUT we neither get -- NOR DO WE WANT -- any personal data that in any way identifies who you are! We are, and always have been, strong advocates of internet privacy, GLOBALLY, nationally, and locally, wherever you are! That leads directly to our second point.
(2) We note that our entire cadre of readers in China suddenly vanished after we made a joke about Chairman Mao's Little Red Book.
Of course we know the Chinese government blocks sites with which they take issue. We did not expect a simple humorous one-liner to be an issue.
Apparently, it is.
We miss you, dear (former) readers in China. But we stand-up for artistic freedom.
We believe satire is healthy. And we believe open debate and fully informed discussion, and the fundamental right of every citizen in every society to choose their leaders in fair, free, and open elections, without fear of reprisal, are fundamental human rights.
We believe that song, poetry, and prose are vital and vibrant parts of free expression -- that artists and poets and writers and filmmakers must not be censored or oppressed or persecuted because they make social commentary through their art -- and we believe that defending and safeguarding those things, every day, without intimidation, is necessary for a healthy society.
So we will not engage in ideological censorship or play "thought police" to satisfy the government in China, or anybody else's government, in any hemisphere, however that government gains or hangs onto control.
Power to the people. Let's get past petty power plays so that, together, we can face and solve the pressing threats to our very existence. And let us resolve together to reach for the stars with our unique human creativity.
Here's the original opening, and the full edition, with ongoing ADDITIONS of events.
EVENTS EDITION, with a lil' touch of news... we will ADD MORE EVENTS TO THIS EDITION until it's replaced by a new one. So make friends, 'cause this one'll be around a while.
March, whether it's going out like a lion or a lamb, or a koala or a bunny, IS going out tunefully! There's a wonderful AMERICANA music festival on Sunday, bunches of concerts and club gigs, and for good measure, some very fun film screenings and other events this weekend. Of course we have all that for you in this edition.
Now that you know we've gotcha covered as time "Marches" on, we'll getcha started with APRIL. We begin with April's "Arts Orientation 101."
The Guide joins with the organization "Californians for the Arts" to promote this vital campaign to bring more widespread awareness of the importance of ARTS EDUCATION to the state’s economy, culture and future.
Throughout April, we'll feature special profiles and reports on who your potential partners and supporters are, as we all work together and in parallel to support awareness and appreciation of the arts in general, and indie musicians and artists in particular.
Buy the plate!
Proceeds from the "California Arts Plate" help the California Arts Council put arts programs back in California schools — It's obviously a great cause, and now There's a simple way to let the world (and the guy behind you on a gridlocked freeway) know that you are proud to support it!
"Create California"
... is a statewide coalition of arts education advocates formed to ensure that every public school student receives the arts education mandated by the state of California.
They have a nifty poster, eh?
Share their message that
#CreativityIsNotOptional (@create_ca).
The "California Arts Council"
... supports many events and venues across the state, including locally, Grand Vision's "Meet the Music" and "Team Taiko" at the Warner Grand and Grand Annex in San Pedro.
# 1 feature story...
It arrived on Thursday, March 28th. It was the earliest opening day ever. All 30 teams played, which was unusual for an opening day.
Now, if you are reading this thinking, "Sports seasons in all pro sports have gotten too damn long, starting too damn early, going too damn late, and overlapping each other too damn much," you are not alone.
And It's not just baseball.
Around here, we are not ready for baseball until (a) the last snow was at last a month earlier, and (b) basketball is over. Geez, that thing they arbitrarily call the "Final Four" wasn't even down to the final 16 on Thursday.
While we're at it? What's with football in July? We aren't ready for football until it's cold, and we want it to be over on New Year's Day.
Since these ridiculously long seasons now begin so early, they are half-over by the time we're ready for them to start. By then, the paths to the playoffs are fairly determined and the drama is gone before we bought-into any of it. So we actually watch a LOT fewer games in these endless seasons than we did when their seasons were shorter.
Is it just us? We don't think so. With player salaries constantly setting records in the hundreds of millions, and teams owned by bad-boy billionaire oligarchs who push their "officially licensed" hats and t-shirts north of forty bucks apiece, and reward their loyal fans by moving their teams from city to city to make more money and hang fans out to dry, It's just too damn much about greed.
Major League Baseball just became the first pro sport in America to begin a season with NO players who played in the league in the 20th century. That's rather surprising, considering baseball is not a contact sport, and those that are still have players from the previous millennia. That should tell you something about these ridiculously long seasons. Nobody has enough time to rest or heal anymore. They can't, because there are so many games now.
And all those games in that too-long season are necessary to get enough TV revenue and butts-in-seats at the stadium to pay the astronomical salaries everybody gets now. Even if it kills them. Or ends their career so soon that we'll never see any counterparts of those 20th century iron-men players like Cal Ripken or Lou Gehrig.
Every aspect of it is too much about ridiculous amounts of money.
A hot dog and a beer is twenty-five bucks at the ballpark, vs. three bucks (or less) at home. And if that's your cuisine at home instead of the stadium, you have ENOUGH LEFT-OVER TO ATTEND A DELIGHTFUL CONCERT at a cozy, intimate venue with good sound. Or catch a FREE summer concert in the park where you can spread your blanket on the grass and buy your hot dog there. And btw, all those concerts are full.
If you haven't thought of it, a ticket to a MULTI-ACT, MULTI-DAY, music festival costs less than tickets to a SINGLE NBA or NFL game, or a good seat at a baseball game -- where a hot dog and beer is twenty-five bucks.
So we don't believe it's just us.
# 2 feature story...
There are 50.7 million public school students in America today. They are being taught by 3.2 million full-time teachers.
American teachers make an average of 11% less than any other college-educated professional, and that translates into an average of $13,500 a year less income. It's a disgraceful fact that you'll always struggle more financially because you choose to be a teacher.
"That missing $13,500 is a year of mortgage payments, or a year of buying food, or a year of paying student loan debts," says US Senator Kamala Harris (D, CA).
Harris, who is among the gaggle of candidates vying for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, has unveiled a plan for federal participation to raise teacher salaries nationwide. Her plan includes restructuring estate taxes, which were cut during the G.W. Bush administration to give a free ride to those inheriting up to $11 million. "It should reach to a lot less than that," says Harris.
Together with that tax on millionaires, which would contribute 10%, she would provide federal leverage and incentives for states to raise teacher salaries.
Harris is struggling to become a national candidate, being a first-term senator from California who held the obscure office of state Attorney General. Before that, she was a prosecutor in the Bay Area.
Conservative "red" states traditionally oppose "federal interference" in education, still riding the dead horse "states' rights" argument made obsolete by the Civil War. Of course, while demanding "state's rights," they always have their hands out for federal funding. It is red states that have the lowest teacher pay in America. And it is red states that receive the highest shares per capita of revenue sharing of federal tax dollars. Taxpayers in blue states pay for everything in red states from road maintenance to disaster relief to subsidizing whatever education curriculums are determined to be by red state's religionista-dominated local school boards.
The Guide has always been a steadfast advocate of fully-funded quality arts and music education in ALL public schools, not just magnet schools. All elementary school students must receive both arts and music as integral parts of the curriculum, and every junior high/middle school and high school student must have ready access to arts and music classes among their choices of accredited course offerings. Political "budget hawks" who have assassinated quality education must be told that austerity is a bankrupt philosophy that diminishes our society, and they should be shown the exit in the next election.
# 3 feature story...
Announced Friday, March 22, sign-ups are in progress for The Music Center's 2019 "Summer Arts Studio for Educators" (SASE). It's a program developed by The Music Center's education team as part of "The Music Center Arts" (TMC Arts) program, from the Los Angeles Music Center's newly-created Arts Division.
SASE focuses on arts integration for Pre-K-12 educators. The Music Center will offer three training sessions this summer as part of SASE; see below.
Registrants are welcome to sign-up for one or multiple training sessions. Discounts available for multiple sessions.
Session dates are:
* Arts Integration Symposium, July 17-19.
* Arts Integration Retreat, July 23-25.
* Arts Integration Camp, July 29 - August 2.
- - -
- - -
* More info: Ebony Ruffin, Manager of Professional Development, at: sase@musiccenter.org or 213-972-3308.
* Register now, before all spaces are gone, at: https://themusiccenter.typeform.com/to/Iq88eR
# 4 feature story...
24th Annual "USA Songwriting Competition" offers "early entry" bonus through March 31stThe first 1,000 entries registered by March 31st or earlier will each receive a free, one-year subscription to Acoustic Guitar magazine, worth $23.97. This special offer ends Sunday, and Karen Randle, Artist Relations, USA Songwriting Competition, just notified us about it, very early Saturday morning.
She tells us that a past winner of the contest won a Grammy last month, and their current winner has his winning song on radio, while another winner has the #1 hit on the Billboard Charts and is going Double Platinum. Her message didn't name any of these artists, but the contest website is filled with winning artist and band names in all the many categories.
The top prize is $50,000 worth of cash and merchandise from sponsors D'Addario Strings, Godin Guitars, Acoustic Guitar Magazine, New Music Weekly, Loggins Promotion, Airplay Access, Audio-Technica, FL Software, Sonoma Wireworks, DiscMakers, CD Baby, AudioBlocks, School of Rock, Final Mix Software, SongTrust, Berklee College of Music, and more.
Randle tells us their winners have come from Australia, Japan, Canada, UK, Germany, Brazil, South Africa, USA, and additional countries. She says, "Past winners have gotten recording contracts, getting their songs on film, TV as well as getting cuts with major artists. The 2013 winner was signed to Island records and hit #1 on the Billboard charts! The 2007 winner hit Top 10 on the Billboard charts with his winning song. The 2005 Winner of the Country category had his winning song cut by Country Superstar Faith Hill. The 2005 winner of the Pop category was signed by Interscope Records. Our 2008 winner appeared on David Letterman TV show and got signed to a record label!"
More info, and online contest entry before the "special bonus" deadline, are all at: https://online.songwriting.net
# 5 feature (referral) story...
A "CLICK-to-READ" -- the best music story you'll read outside-the-Guide all week
Okay, so we're acoustic and it's electric. Don't be a snob. The guy can write, and it's a goooood story.
by Mark McDermott, in the South Bay newspaper Easy Reader on Sat, Mar 30. Here's the link. Enjoy!
TOP ITEM is newly-added on April 4...
THE EAGLES in their only North American show of the year-long tour, two nights, Sep 26 & 27 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
TIX GO ON SALE Fri, Apr 12, 10 am PDT, @ Ticketmaster, and will sell-out in minutes.
_ _ _
JUDY COLLINS, the legendary and award-winning singer-songwriter plays THREE shows at separate Southern California venues in November.
Get tix now, ahead of the herd, with the password “bothsides” for any of these:
* Nov 8 at The Canyon Agoura Hills: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/judy-collins/event/0900566600D36585
* Nov 9 at The Canyon Montclair: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/judy-collins/event/0900566600546566
* Nov 10 at "The Canyon @ The Rose" in Pasadena: https://www1.ticketmaster.com/judy-collins/event/09005666FF236514
_ _ _
BETTY BUCKLEY, plus opening set by TOM SCOTT. Concert is Nov 2 at "The Canyon at The Saban" in Beverly Hills.
Tony Award Winner BETTY BUCKLEY is one of the theater’s most respected leading ladies.
* Get your tickets now, ahead of the herd, with the password “broadway” at:
_ _ _
Wed, May 8:
7:30 pm - BRUCE FORMAN, leader of COW BOP, who jokes about being named "Poet Laureate of North Coast Brewery," plays his critically-acclaimed signature concert, "THE RED GUITAR" at Upstairs at Vitellos, 4349 Tujunga Av, Studio City CA 91604
* He doesn't do this show often. It's a masterwork, based on the theme of "The Red Shoes," wherein a little girl wants to dance like a great ballerina, so she dons the magic red shoes and cannot stop -- until she dances herself to death. Forman's reimagining is a twist on Robert Johnson at the infamous crossroads -- here, the wanna-be-the-greatest character is Forman, who wants to play like all the great jazz guitarists. And when he picks up the red guitar, he does. Seriously, he DOES. The guy has the chops to do it, replicating all the moves, all the licks, of all the greats, nonstop -- which is why this show is a must-see. In addition to the dazzling guitar playing, there are his on-stage "interactions" with Faust and Freud during the can't-stop-playing performance.
* BRUCE tells us it's "A performance of my updated one-man show at Vitello's... Please get your tickets early, they are really tough there and are liable to raise the ticket prices for walk-ins... This is a great venue for the show, and rumor has it that there will be some jazz intervention at the end..."
* THEN HE ADDS THIS: "I'll be just getting back from playing at JAZZ AT LINCOLN CENTER... so I'll be inna Broadway kinda mood..."
* We told you he has the chops to do it! If you're reading far enough in advance, you can also catch him with COW BOP, his Western swing band, at an event for the "Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival" on Fri, Apr 12; see listing.
* More at: www.bruceforman.com
* TIX for "The Red Guitar" at Vitello's: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bruce-forman-red-guitar-tickets-59085915564
Ongoing Events...
Sat & Sun, Mar 30 & 31:
10:30 am-6:30 pm - LAST CHANCE to see "DIAMOND IN A RHINESTONE WORLD: THE COSTUMES OF DOLLY PARTON" at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl (entrance around the corner on Figueroa), Los Angeles CA 90015; 213-765-6800.
* This exhibit closes end-of-day Sunday, March 31.
* It captures the spirit of DOLLY PARTON through some of her most cherished outfits, which include costumes from her most memorable album covers, music videos, and live performances.
* More at: #DollysCostumes
* Regular museum admission includes this and all exhibits.
* HOURS: 10 am-8 pm Sat; 10:30 am-6:30 pm Sun.
* TIX: https://29105.blackbaudhosting.com/29105/sslpage.aspx
* More at: #DollysCostumes
* Regular museum admission includes this and all exhibits.
* HOURS: 10 am-8 pm Sat; 10:30 am-6:30 pm Sun.
* TIX: https://29105.blackbaudhosting.com/29105/sslpage.aspx
ENDS Mar 31 :
Annual "WINTER MUSIC SERIES" at Boston Court Theatre, 70 N Mentor Av, Pasadena, CA 91106.
* The venue's Winter Music Series features 17 eclectic concerts, including two semi-staged operas in concert, a tribute to Scottish composer THEA MUSGRAVE, son jarocho band LOS CAMBALACHE, and jazz with LAO TIZER.
* Whether you enjoy being the first to experience brand-new music or appreciate the classics, this 2019 music season has fine offerings.
* Series info & tix: BOX OFFICE, 626-683-6801, 11 am-5 pm, Tue-Fri, or online at: www.bostoncourt.com
ONGOING, through March:
"WESTERN FRONTIERS: STORIES OF FACT AND FICTION," exhibition, plus, "MASTERS OF THE AMERICAN WEST" annual art exhibition and sale, at the Autry Museum of the American West, 4700 Western Heritage Way, Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA 90027; 323-667-2000; www.theautry.org
* We've told you about the annual Western art exhibition, now running, and let you know about the big event when it first opened.
* The new "Western Frontiers" exhibition has just opened. It, says the museum's website, "illuminates the sweep of American Western history through its definitive artifact: the firearm."
* The museum's regular galleries make for an immersive day all by themselves.
* IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN AWHILE... in the most significant renovation since its founding, the Autry Museum opened nearly 20,000 square feet of redesigned indoor and outdoor spaces in Oct, 2016. That brought new temporary and core galleries, an ethnobotanical teaching garden, and an immersive media projection room. The new "California Continued" space explores the ongoing and interdependent relationships between people and the California environment. Drawing on a combination of Native cultural materials, firsthand perspectives, and contemporary artwork, this project connects Native Californian history, traditional ecological knowledge, and cultural practice to address environmental issues facing Californians today.
___10 am-5 pm - 27th annual "ART OF MOTION PICTURE COSTUME DESIGN EXHIBITION" (runs Tue-Sat weekly) at the Fashion Institute's FIDM Museum, 919 S Grand Av, Los Angeles, CA 90015
* FIDM Museum’s annual costume design exhibition is a tradition for L.A. locals and movie lovers alike. It features a variety of film genres that represent outstanding achievement in costume design.
* There are fan favorites, along with Academy Award® nominees on display in celebration of the dedication and creativity of costume designers and their teams.
* Modern technology has been applied to creating period costumes, with 3-D printed and laser-cut costumes, and all are explained and interpreted.
* Admission is FREE.
ONGOING, through Sat, Apr 20:
"CHEECH & CHONG: STILL ROLLIN' — CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF 'UP IN SMOKE'" is a special exhibition at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl, Ste. A245 (entrance on Figueroa), L.A., CA; 213-765-6800.
* The exhibit looks at "what made the world fall in love with East L.A. native Richard "Cheech" Marin and Canadian Tommy Chong, while chronicling the development and success of their first feature-length film, 'Up In Smoke.' Items on display will include the original marked-up script from 'Up In Smoke,' the master tape for the soundtrack album, comedy sketches, and selections from Marin's 'Blazing Chicano Guitars' collection, among other items. The selections from Marin's guiar-art collection include Chaz Bojorquez' 'Lester William Polsfus'; Jaime 'GERMS' Zacarias' 'Germtar' and John Valadez' 'Sombrero Hormigas.'" - Do LA.
* Special exhibit included with regular museum admission ticket.
___Ongoing, through April 21:
"LACKAWANNA BLUES" presented by Center Theatre Group at the Mark Taper Forum, L.A. Music Center, 135 N Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012
* LIVE BLUES MUSIC by composer Bill Sims Jr., performed by Grammy Award-winning blues guitarist-composer-actor Chris Thomas Kin, brings the essential musical dimensionality to Tony Award winner Ruben Santiago-Hudson's original work, as he returns to his roots in this tour de force performance.
* A magical, musical, and deeply personal work written and performed by Santiago-Hudson, "Lackawanna Blues" is a reminiscence of his 1950s childhood in a small town on the banks of Lake Erie.
* Santiago-Hudson takes on more than 20 colorful characters — from would-be philosophers and petty hustlers to lost souls and abandoned lovers — in a brilliant celebration of the eccentric boardinghouse where he grew up.
* "STAGE TALKS" ARE AN ADDITIONAL EVENT for ticket holders, happening at the Apr 7 matinee, and the Apr 9 evening performance.
* You can take the Metro Red or Purple Line subway to Civic Center/Grand Park Station and exit towards Temple Street.
* DAYS & TIMES: Tue-Fri at 8 pm, Sat at 2:30 pm & 8 pm, Sun at 1 pm & 8 pm except closing day Sun, Apr 21, which has only one show at 6:30 pm.
* TIX: Call Audience Services at 213-628-2772, or go to https://www.centertheatregroup.org/tickets/mark-taper-forum/2018-19/lackawanna-blues/
10 am-5 pm - "POMPEII: THE EXHIBITION" at the Reagan Library, 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley, CA, 93065
* Go back in time with this spectacular exhibit to relive the lost world of Ancient Rome. Pompeii was a playground, the Las Vegas of its time. Until the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius encased all of it -- including its people -- in a deep layer of volcanic ash that fell from the sky like a deadly blizzard.
* When rediscovery of Pompeii came accidentally in the digging of a well, a period ensued of raiding the buried city for treasure. Then, in large measure because of the greedy raiding, much of what became modern archaeology developed to document, understand, and protect the integrity of the lost civilization.
* This awe-inspiring exhibition features nearly 200 artifacts hidden from view and forgotten for centuries until rediscovered over 250 years ago. "Pompeii: The Exhibition" includes frescoes, mosaics, gladiator helmets, armor, weapons, plates, furniture, jewelry, statues, and more.
* Plaster casts of people who were buried alive in the ash are included -- the ash encased them, and their presence literally left a void that could be reclaimed by wet plaster.
* A "4-D eruption theater" is a key interpretive element, allowing visitors to experience the deathly impact Mount Vesuvius had on this ancient city.
* Make plans to see this while it's here.
* The Reagan library offers over 125,000 square feet of exhibits, so allow a minimum of three to four hours to enjoy all of the galleries and grounds; yes, they do have food.
* TIX to the library through Apr 21 INCLUDE "Pompeii." Save the box office waiting line by buying online -- but you must select the date and time you would like to visit.
General Admission $29; Seniors (age 62+) $26; Youth (age 11-17) $22; Child (age 3-10) $19; Children under age 2 are free; add-on audio tour rental $7; Active US Military service member free with valid Military ID, walk-ups get in without timed ticket.
* Adv Ticket purchase at:
* Free parking; NOTE: GPS / smartphone map users: entrance is off Madera Road, NOT off Tierra Rejada, which does not go through.
"PROTECTING MOTHER EARTH" gallery exhibition at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 W Malvern Av, Fullerton, CA 92833; 714-738-6595; www.TheMuck.org
* SPECIAL GALLERY TOUR on Thu, Mar 28, 6:30 pm, Free Admission.
* Presented from the perspective of Native Americans, who, as the original human inhabitants of the western hemisphere, continue to have a unique relationship with the land, and curated by artist Rowan Harrison, "Protecting Mother Earth" is an exhibition about the protection and conservation of our natural environment.
* It brings together works by over a dozen artists from the Native American community, including Corey Stein, Corina Roberts, Maree Cheatham, Gail Werner, Terry Glad Flores, C. M. Scott, Valena Dismukes, Eric Tippeconnic, Rowan Harrison, Nadia Reed, Peggy Fontenot, Laurie Steelink, Nadia LittleWarrior, Zoë Marieh Urness, Randy Kemp, and Sheridan Macknight.
* Open during GALLERY HOURS: Tuesday-Sunday, 12-4 pm. Free Admission, donations welcomed.
ONGOING, through May 12:
"40 YEARS OF ALIEN: 40th ANNIVERSARY EXHIBIT AND FILM SCREENINGS" in the George Lucas Building Lobby, on the University Park Campus of USC, Los Angeles, CA
* Multiple events in a series; Admission to each is free, but require free reservations. Check for schedule of events and reservation information (not yet posted at our press time), at:
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of 20th Century Fox’s Alien (1979), directed by Ridley Scott, the USC School of Cinematic Arts will host an exhibit of props, costumes, models, artwork, designs, merchandise, comics, and ephemera from the Alien franchise. In conjunction with the exhibition, Alien films will be screened throughout the Spring 2019 semester.
___OPENING May 15...
MUSEUM OF DREAM SPACE (MODS) grand opening is May 15, 2019.
* Advance tix at a 25% discount are available now.
* MODS is the first museum in the US that's focused on exhibiting digital art.
* The design concept of MODS is illuminated by art design from Yayoi Kusama (famous for "infinite rooms") and the global development of digital art.
* The aim of MODS is to provide an immersive, magical and unique art experience to visitors.
* DISCOUNT TIX at: https://modsla.com/
"LOST AT SEA: THE EXPLORATIONS OF DR. ROBERT BALLARD" is an exhibition aboard the BATTLESHIP IOWA, docked as a museum in San Pedro, at 250 S Harbor Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90731
* “Everyone is an explorer. How could you possibly live your life looking at a door and not open it?” – Dr. Robert Ballard, discoverer of the wreck of RMS TITANIC.
* The exhibit opened Oct 31, 2018 after previews during "Fleet Week."
* It includes the "Lost at Sea" gallery, "Alpha Romeo Tango (ART)" art gallery, and ship tour expansion that now includes the USS Iowa's capability as a floating city, with a look at the ship's on-board laundry, barbershop, and brig.
* Battleship IOWA Museum was chosen to launch “Lost at Sea: The Explorations of Dr. Robert Ballard” before it goes elsewhere. Ballard is known the world over for his discovery of the final resting place of the Titanic; yet, he has quested for and found many more vessels whose origins date over the past 2,000 years. Their common fate was that they have been claimed by our oceans and seas. Many lie undisturbed as what Ballard calls “undersea museums,” and these are revealed to visitors aboard the historic USS IOWA.
* This retrospective is a showcase for the Iowa to highlight many of the world’s most historically noted underwater wrecks, found by the explorer.
* “Lost at Sea: The Explorations of Dr. Robert Ballard” was made possible by a generous grant from the Confidence Foundation and is jointly sponsored by Dr. Robert Ballard, the Port of Los Angeles, Ocean Exploration Trust, and AltaSea.
* The "Lost at Sea" exhibit is included with General Admission to the Battleship IOWA. Museum ticket office opens daily at 10 am and the last tour ticket is sold at 4 pm. Ticket prices at the box office are $19.95 for ages 12–61. Youth tickets, age 5 – 11, are $11.95. Senior admission (age 62 and over) are $9.95. Children under age 5 are free. General admission for the military (active, retired and U.S. armed forces) on all days other than Nov. 11 are $14.95.
* Tix and more info: https://pacificbattleship.com
Wednesday, Mar 27
Wednesday, Mar 27
Wed, Mar 27:
7 pm - MIA & JONAH and ANNA VOGELZANG play the "WINE & SONG" Concert Series in South Pasadena.
* TIX & info: www.wineandsong.com
Thursday, Mar 28
Ongoing, through Apr 28, FREE:
"PROTECTING MOTHER EARTH" gallery exhibition at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 W Malvern Av, Fullerton, CA 92833; 714-738-6595; www.TheMuck.org
* SPECIAL GALLERY TOUR on Thu, Mar 28, 6:30 pm, Free Admission.
* Presented from the perspective of Native Americans, who, as the original human inhabitants of the western hemisphere, continue to have a unique relationship with the land, and curated by artist Rowan Harrison, "Protecting Mother Earth" is an exhibition about the protection and conservation of our natural environment.
* It brings together works by over a dozen artists from the Native American community, including Corey Stein, Corina Roberts, Maree Cheatham, Gail Werner, Terry Glad Flores, C. M. Scott, Valena Dismukes, Eric Tippeconnic, Rowan Harrison, Nadia Reed, Peggy Fontenot, Laurie Steelink, Nadia LittleWarrior, Zoë Marieh Urness, Randy Kemp, and Sheridan Macknight.
* Open during GALLERY HOURS: Tuesday-Sunday, 12-4 pm. Free Admission, donations welcomed.
Friday, Mar 29
Fri-Sun, Mar 29-31, FESTIVAL, in Nor Cal:
"TAHOE WINTERWONDERGRASS FESTIVAL" in Squaw Valley (Lake Tahoe area of the Sierra Nevada), 1960 Squaw Valley, Olympic Valley, CA 96146
* Featured artists & bands include:
Greensky Bluegrass, Trampled by Turtles, Leftover Salmon, Sam Bush, Fruition, Alo, Billy Strings, Travelin' McCourys, Dead Winter Carpenters, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, Jeff Austin Band, Lindsay Lou, Upstate, Driftwood, Pickin' on the Dead, Pixie and the Partygrass Boys, Vince & Silas Herman, Bridget Law, One Grass Two Grass, Jack Cloonan Band, Jenni & Jesse Dunn and Local Company.
* Full info: https://winterwondergrass.com/squawlineup/
Thu-Sun, Mar 28-31:
"THE OTHER ART FAIR" at the Magic Box at The Reef, 1933 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90007
* HOURS & DAYS: 6 pm-10 pm Thu "preview"; 3 pm-10 pm Fri tix, or 6 pm-10 pm Fri tix; 11 am-8 pm Sat; 11 am-6 pm Sun.
* Saatchi Art, otherwise an online art gallery, is bringing "The Other Art Fair" back to Los Angeles for an extended weekend.
* The event allows you to discover over 140 independent artists in one place.
* You can peruse new work and, if you like, purchase a piece to start your collection.
* Tickets range from $15-$60, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-other-art-fair-los-angeles-tickets-54748736946
Fri, Mar 29:
8 pm - ROBBIE FULKS plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe's Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; tix at www.mccabes.com or credit card order by phone at 310-828-4497; $3 per tkt svc chg, web or phone
* Singer, recording artist, instrumentalist, composer, and songwriter, his 2017 "Upland Stories" earned Grammy nominations for "Folk Album" and "American Roots Song," as well as that "year's-best" recognition from both NPR and Rolling Stone (among many others).
* A fixture in the Chicago music scene, he joined Greg Cahill’s SPECIAL CONSENSUS Bluegrass Band in 1983 and taught music at Old Town School of Folk Music.
* His early solo work helped define the "alternative country," aka "alt country" movement of the 1990s, even taking this pursuit to Nashville where he worked as a staff songwriter on Music Row.
* Ranging from Country to Folk to Americana, Fulks' is as versatile as he is talented.
* On the McCabe's site, through Friday, you can check out one of his previous shows at McCabe's, his "Chicago Reader" interview with collaborator Steve Albini, or listen to "I Just Lived A Country Song" from his 2018 album "Wild!Wild!Wild!" with Linda Gail Lewis.
* In 2010 Fulks' began a month-long residency at The Hideout in Chicago, that ran for seven years. An ever-surprising, always popular residency, it has only recently come to a close.
* BTW, McCabes says rumor has it that Fulks' and his wife are spending some time in L.A.
* TIX, $25.
Fri, Mar 29:
8 pm - THE JANGLE BROTHERS, the ensemble of JOHN YORK, BILLY DARNELL, & CHAD WATSON, play "The best music this side of Bob Dylan and the Band," at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA; Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
* Venue impresario BOB STANE calls it "Guitar heaven with former members of the BYRDS."
* JOHN YORK is a former member of the legendary Byrds, and he's been out there touring with Barry McGuire. He has played with P.F. Sloan, The Mamas and the Papas, Dr. John, Johnny Rivers, Rick Danko, Richard Manuel, The Sir Douglas Quintet, Nicky Hopkins, and Blues legend Lightnin' Hopkins.
* BILLY DARNELL played guitar for the Gene Clark Byrds, The Everly Brothers, Dr. John, Doug Kershaw, and Roger McGuinn,
* CHAD WATSON, amazing bass player for Janis Ian, Delaney Bramlett, Charlie Rich, Freddy Fender and countless other artists.
Fri, Mar 29:
8 pm - PET SHARK plays the Arcadia Blues Club, 29 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA.
* Venue has two stages, so the music is continuous.
* THE BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND with various special guests is also on hand to kick off the concerts and perform between sets every Fri and Sat night.
* COMING UP at the ABC:
⊙ Sat 3/30, Celso Salim, plus The Motion
☆ - ⊙ Sat 4/6, Artur Menezes - 2018 Winner, "Blues Guitarist of the Year"
⊙ Sat 4/13, Beano Mojohand, plus Kyle Taylor & The Bad Dogs
⊙ Sat 4/27, James Intveld
* TIX: discount advance tickets available for all their concerts at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Fri & Sat, Mar 29 & 30, FILM SCREENING:
8 pm - "BEACH BUM" opening events at ArcLight Hollywood hosts two Q&As both featuring actor MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY and director HARMONY KORINE following the 8 pm screenings both nights.
* Be sure to check out the two different exhibits they will have on display, one in the lobby, one in the courtyard.
* TIX: click the "Hollywood" tab at: https://www.arclightcinemas.com/movie/beach-bum
7 pm - MIA & JONAH and ANNA VOGELZANG play the "WINE & SONG" Concert Series in South Pasadena.
* TIX & info: www.wineandsong.com
Thursday, Mar 28
Ongoing, through Apr 28, FREE:
"PROTECTING MOTHER EARTH" gallery exhibition at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 W Malvern Av, Fullerton, CA 92833; 714-738-6595; www.TheMuck.org
* SPECIAL GALLERY TOUR on Thu, Mar 28, 6:30 pm, Free Admission.
* Presented from the perspective of Native Americans, who, as the original human inhabitants of the western hemisphere, continue to have a unique relationship with the land, and curated by artist Rowan Harrison, "Protecting Mother Earth" is an exhibition about the protection and conservation of our natural environment.
* It brings together works by over a dozen artists from the Native American community, including Corey Stein, Corina Roberts, Maree Cheatham, Gail Werner, Terry Glad Flores, C. M. Scott, Valena Dismukes, Eric Tippeconnic, Rowan Harrison, Nadia Reed, Peggy Fontenot, Laurie Steelink, Nadia LittleWarrior, Zoë Marieh Urness, Randy Kemp, and Sheridan Macknight.
* Open during GALLERY HOURS: Tuesday-Sunday, 12-4 pm. Free Admission, donations welcomed.
Friday, Mar 29
Fri-Sun, Mar 29-31, FESTIVAL, in Nor Cal:
"TAHOE WINTERWONDERGRASS FESTIVAL" in Squaw Valley (Lake Tahoe area of the Sierra Nevada), 1960 Squaw Valley, Olympic Valley, CA 96146
* Featured artists & bands include:
Greensky Bluegrass, Trampled by Turtles, Leftover Salmon, Sam Bush, Fruition, Alo, Billy Strings, Travelin' McCourys, Dead Winter Carpenters, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, Jeff Austin Band, Lindsay Lou, Upstate, Driftwood, Pickin' on the Dead, Pixie and the Partygrass Boys, Vince & Silas Herman, Bridget Law, One Grass Two Grass, Jack Cloonan Band, Jenni & Jesse Dunn and Local Company.
* Full info: https://winterwondergrass.com/squawlineup/
Thu-Sun, Mar 28-31:
"THE OTHER ART FAIR" at the Magic Box at The Reef, 1933 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90007
* HOURS & DAYS: 6 pm-10 pm Thu "preview"; 3 pm-10 pm Fri tix, or 6 pm-10 pm Fri tix; 11 am-8 pm Sat; 11 am-6 pm Sun.
* Saatchi Art, otherwise an online art gallery, is bringing "The Other Art Fair" back to Los Angeles for an extended weekend.
* The event allows you to discover over 140 independent artists in one place.
* You can peruse new work and, if you like, purchase a piece to start your collection.
* Tickets range from $15-$60, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-other-art-fair-los-angeles-tickets-54748736946
Fri, Mar 29:
8 pm - ROBBIE FULKS plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe's Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; tix at www.mccabes.com or credit card order by phone at 310-828-4497; $3 per tkt svc chg, web or phone
* Singer, recording artist, instrumentalist, composer, and songwriter, his 2017 "Upland Stories" earned Grammy nominations for "Folk Album" and "American Roots Song," as well as that "year's-best" recognition from both NPR and Rolling Stone (among many others).
* A fixture in the Chicago music scene, he joined Greg Cahill’s SPECIAL CONSENSUS Bluegrass Band in 1983 and taught music at Old Town School of Folk Music.
* His early solo work helped define the "alternative country," aka "alt country" movement of the 1990s, even taking this pursuit to Nashville where he worked as a staff songwriter on Music Row.
* Ranging from Country to Folk to Americana, Fulks' is as versatile as he is talented.
* On the McCabe's site, through Friday, you can check out one of his previous shows at McCabe's, his "Chicago Reader" interview with collaborator Steve Albini, or listen to "I Just Lived A Country Song" from his 2018 album "Wild!Wild!Wild!" with Linda Gail Lewis.
* In 2010 Fulks' began a month-long residency at The Hideout in Chicago, that ran for seven years. An ever-surprising, always popular residency, it has only recently come to a close.
* BTW, McCabes says rumor has it that Fulks' and his wife are spending some time in L.A.
* TIX, $25.
Fri, Mar 29:
8 pm - THE JANGLE BROTHERS, the ensemble of JOHN YORK, BILLY DARNELL, & CHAD WATSON, play "The best music this side of Bob Dylan and the Band," at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA; Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
* Venue impresario BOB STANE calls it "Guitar heaven with former members of the BYRDS."
* JOHN YORK is a former member of the legendary Byrds, and he's been out there touring with Barry McGuire. He has played with P.F. Sloan, The Mamas and the Papas, Dr. John, Johnny Rivers, Rick Danko, Richard Manuel, The Sir Douglas Quintet, Nicky Hopkins, and Blues legend Lightnin' Hopkins.
* BILLY DARNELL played guitar for the Gene Clark Byrds, The Everly Brothers, Dr. John, Doug Kershaw, and Roger McGuinn,
* CHAD WATSON, amazing bass player for Janis Ian, Delaney Bramlett, Charlie Rich, Freddy Fender and countless other artists.
Fri, Mar 29:
8 pm - PET SHARK plays the Arcadia Blues Club, 29 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA.
* Venue has two stages, so the music is continuous.
* THE BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND with various special guests is also on hand to kick off the concerts and perform between sets every Fri and Sat night.
* COMING UP at the ABC:
⊙ Sat 3/30, Celso Salim, plus The Motion
☆ - ⊙ Sat 4/6, Artur Menezes - 2018 Winner, "Blues Guitarist of the Year"
⊙ Sat 4/13, Beano Mojohand, plus Kyle Taylor & The Bad Dogs
⊙ Sat 4/27, James Intveld
* TIX: discount advance tickets available for all their concerts at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Fri & Sat, Mar 29 & 30, FILM SCREENING:
8 pm - "BEACH BUM" opening events at ArcLight Hollywood hosts two Q&As both featuring actor MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY and director HARMONY KORINE following the 8 pm screenings both nights.
* Be sure to check out the two different exhibits they will have on display, one in the lobby, one in the courtyard.
* TIX: click the "Hollywood" tab at: https://www.arclightcinemas.com/movie/beach-bum
Saturday, Mar 30
Saturday, Mar 30
FESTIVALS first...
Sat, Mar 30, de facto FREE FESTIVAL:
11 am-6 pm - ZORTHIAN RANCH "OPEN BARN SOCIAL" at Zorthian Ranch, in the mountains above Pasadena in Altadena, CA 91001-3911
* FREE event with "hand stemmed music" and a variety of activities.
* The ranch tells us, "We have so much stuff planned, and we are so excited to have you all up here to learn and hang out in the sun with the sheep and the piglets. Everything planned is offered completely free, however we do ask $5 per car for parking."
♡ Schedule of Events:
• 11 am: doors open
• 11 - 11:30 - Ambient music by Maxmax
• 12 - Foraged cooking class with Josh: nettle and mallow spanikopita + edible plant walkthrough
• 1:30 - Succulent propagation with Chris Martinez
• 2:30 - Slunk Publishing with Joe Holiday
• 3:30 - Mushroom Workshop with Dakota Rambin - Learn all about mushrooms, what they're good for, why, and especially how to grow them!
• 4:30 - Begin gathering at the barn to hike to the top ranch for SUNSET TOUR of the Upper Ranch
♡ Occurring throughout the Day:
• Community Quilt Making with Christine Zirbel
• Invitation to jam - instruments laid out by the back of the barn courtesy of Zorthian Ranch, please treat them kindly!
• Lending Library- Free books, please feel free to bring books to add, or take any books you want.
♡ Vendors:
Little Mouse Tea House
Gina - herbs and tinctures
Handmade ceramics by Julia Zorthian
Exotic plants by David Apodaca
Morgan - woodworking & textiles
Zorth merch - tote bags, shirts, honey, smudge bundles
♡ PLEASE "Byob!" -- Bring your own Bowl/ cup -- the ranch "is trying to make this as close to a zero-waste event as possible, and each of you can help by providing your own cups to use for drinks!"
• Califia Farms is sponsoring the event with coffee and vegan drinks of all sorts
• The ranch will also have food available for purchase from Chef's Rotation, "a super delicious food truck."
* GETTING THERE: go N up Fair Oaks Av; pas under Z Ranch sign and turn right onto North Fair Oaks. Look for signs into one of the parking lots (parking is $5). It's a short walk to the barn.
"TAHOE WINTERWONDERGRASS FESTIVAL" in Squaw Valley (Lake Tahoe area of the Sierra Nevada), 1960 Squaw Valley, Olympic Valley, CA 96146
* Featured artists & bands include:
Greensky Bluegrass, Trampled by Turtles, Leftover Salmon, Sam Bush, Fruition, Alo, Billy Strings, Travelin' McCourys, Dead Winter Carpenters, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, Jeff Austin Band, Lindsay Lou, Upstate, Driftwood, Pickin' on the Dead, Pixie and the Partygrass Boys, Vince & Silas Herman, Bridget Law, One Grass Two Grass, Jack Cloonan Band, Jenni & Jesse Dunn and Local Company.
* Full info: https://winterwondergrass.com/squawlineup/
6 am-8 am - Mary Katherine Aldin's "ALIVE AND PICKING" show makes its inscrutably scheduled occasional return as part of "Roots Music and Beyond" on KPFK, 90.7 FM in Southern California, online worldwide at: www.kpfk.org
* The show will be available for the following 2 weeks in the KPFK Audio Archives, at: www.kpfk.org/archives
Sat, Mar 30:
9 am-noon - LOS ANGELES COLLEGE OF MUSIC is a beneficiary of today's "ON ART RUN" 5K from the Hauser & Wirth Gallery in the DTLA Arts District, at
If you still have the running bug from last week's LA Marathon, join the folks at the Hauser & Wirth gallery in the Arts District for their On Art Run this Saturday. In collaboration with On sneakers, the organization is holding a 5K run supporting Blacklist LA and the Los Angeles College of Music. Hauser & Wirth's event is an excellent way to discover downtown, support local artists, and spend some time with your community.
* Registration is $10.
* CELEBRATION, 10:45 am-noon at Hauser & Wirth features:
- Brunch and refreshing drinks "on them"
- Live music, art, and friends
* Info: https://dola.com/events/2019/3/30/on-art-run
Sat & Sun, Mar 30 & 31:
10 am-8 pm - LAST CHANCE to see "DIAMOND IN A RHINESTONE WORLD: THE COSTUMES OF DOLLY PARTON" at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl (entrance around the corner on Figueroa), Los Angeles CA 90015; 213-765-6800.
* This exhibit closes end-of-day Sunday, March 31.
* It captures the spirit of DOLLY PARTON through some of her most cherished outfits, which include costumes from her most memorable album covers, music videos, and live performances.
* More at: #DollysCostumes
* Regular museum admission includes this and all exhibits.
* HOURS: 10 am-8 pm Sat; 10:30 am-6:30 pm Sun.
* TIX: https://29105.blackbaudhosting.com/29105/sslpage.aspx
Thu-Sun, Mar 28-31:
11 am-8 pm - "THE OTHER ART FAIR" at the Magic Box at The Reef, 1933 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90007
* HOURS & DAYS: 6 pm-10 pm Thu "preview"; 3 pm-10 pm Fri tix, or 6 pm-10 pm Fri tix; 11 am-8 pm Sat; 11 am-6 pm Sun.
* Saatchi Art, otherwise an online art gallery, is bringing "The Other Art Fair" back to Los Angeles for an extended weekend.
* The event allows you to discover over 140 independent artists in one place.
* You can peruse new work and, if you like, purchase a piece to start your collection.
* Tickets range from $15-$60, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-other-art-fair-los-angeles-tickets-54748736946
Sat, Mar 30, FREE EVENT:
2 pm-8 pm - "THE ROW DTLA" has a "WELCOME TO SPRING / SPRING MARKET" celebration with live music, outdoor shopping, and more at the community complex, at Row LA, 777 Alameda St, Los Angeles CA 90021; www.springmarketla.com
* Spring Market brings musicians, artists, speakers, and (inevitably) "brands," to offer everything from a custom floral arrangement to getting "a mini mani" (whatever the hell that is), and of course rhey want you to "do a little shopping." The event is free to attend.
Sat, Mar 30:
2 pm & 7 pm - DAVE STAMEY, the cowboy entertainer who has won every Western Music award and honor there is, plays two shows today for the "Fiddler's Crossing" concert series at the BeeKay Theatre, 110 S Green St, Tehachapi, CA 93561
Sat, Mar 30:
2 pm matinee - SALTY SUITES with THE ROSE VALLEY THORNS at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA; Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
* TIX: $20
Sat, Mar 30:
4 pm - RICHIE AND ROSIE play the "Deep End Sessions" in Santa Paula, CA 93060
* Reservations get directions, at: deependsessions@gmail.com
6 pm - "STREET FOOD CINEMA" series presents "GREASE" at the Million Dollar Theatre, 307 S Broadway St, Los Angeles CA 90013
* Special guest JAMIE DONNELLY (“Jan” in the film) will stop by to celebrate the film's 40th anniversary.
* Street Food Cinema is more than just an outdoor movie. It brings together pop culture films, gourmet street food, and "progressive new" music.
* TIX: https://wl.seetickets.us/event/Grease/380454
Sat, Mar 30:
6 pm - MASANGA MARIMBA plays the Write-off Room, 21791 Ventura Bl, Woodland Hills CA 91364; 818-610-8308.
Sat, Mar 30:
7 pm - The SWING RIOTS Quirktette plays the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA; Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
* They perform traditional jazz from early 20th century Paris & New Orleans, as well as swing re-workings of Klezmer, Greek, Romanian, Russian and other eastern European folk music on a dizzying array of acoustic instruments.
* Venue impresario BOB STANE says, "this is an amazing show. We have not been able to get them back for at least 3 years. Grab them now. Who knows when they will be back."
* The SWING RIOTS are a Los Angeles based acoustic quirktette performing an irreverent gumbo of Romany "Gypsy" Jazz, Romanian Horas, New Orleans Funeral Marches, Parisian Bal Musette, Russian Cabaret, Klezmer Freylekhs, Swing Standards & the occasional wild, flying monkey.
* The initial inspiration for The SWING RIOTS Quirktette came from the great Romani (ethnic "Gypsy") guitarist Matelo Ferrét, who played for homesick eastern Europeans in the Caberet Russe nightclubs of Paris alongside Romani bandleaders from Russia, Romania & Bulgaria. The SWING RIOTS Quirktette perform a mix of early, traditional string-based jazz, as well as swinging eastern European traditional dance melodies.
* More at: www.swingriots.com
* TIX: $20
Sat, Mar 30:
7 pm - DYLAN EARL plays the "TINY PORCH CONCERTS" series at Cornell Winery in Agoura.
* TIX & info: www.tinyporchconcerts.com
Sat, Mar 30:
7 pm - ACOUSTIC EIDOLON plays one of three shows in different OC venues for the "Lord Of The Strings" Concert Series, this one at the Mission Viejo Civic Center, 100 Civic Center Dr, Mission Viejo, CA 92691.
* TIX for any of the three shows, at: 949-244-6656
Sat, Mar 30:
7 pm - ADRIAN LEGG plays an acoustic show at the Museum of Making Music, 5790 Armada Dr, Carlsbad CA 92008; 760-438-5996.
Sat, Mar 30:
7 pm - DAVE STAMEY, the cowboy entertainer who has won every Western Music award and honor there is, plays the 2nd of two shows today for the "Fiddler's Crossing" concert series at the BeeKay Theatre, 110 S Green St, Tehachapi, CA 93561
Sat, Mar 30:
7 pm - ALESSANDRA BELLONI with ROWAN STORM plays the "Black Madonna Book Presentation and Concert" series at Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir #A, Irvine, CA 17905; 714-392-0558
Sat, Mar 30:
7:30 pm-10:30 pm - ANDY & RENEE, the duo who leads multiple-award-winning band HARD RAIN, play the Avenue A Bar & Grill, 800 S Pacific Coast Hwy, Redondo Beach CA 90277
* They are founders and still hosts of the acclaimed annual "DYLANFEST."
* 2019 "Dylanfest" tix available now. Venue is the Torrance Cultural Arts Center, on Sunday, May 5th, 2019. Join Andy & Renee and Hard Rain plus 50 other great musicians for eight hours of Bob Dylan's classic music, with no repeats, in this family-friendly setting. Get tickets ($5 discount, if you hurry) and more info, at: www.andyandrenee.com
Sat, Mar 30:
7:30 pm - SAM ‘N’ ASH play the "Wooden Hall Concerts" series at the Alhecama Theatre, 914 Santa Barbara St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - SCOTT MULVAHILL plays the famous concert hall in back of McCabe's Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; tix at www.mccabes.com or credit card order by phone at 310-828-4497; $3 per tkt svc chg, web or phone
* Bassist for Grammy winning, American music icon, RICKY SKAGGS and his band KENTUCKY THUNDER.
* Mulvahill toured with Ricky for over five years, and in that time, first started writing songs on his upright bass.
* Scott’s songs have received honors or been featured in NPR’S "Tiny Desk Concert," the "International Songwriting Competition," the "John Lennon Songwriting Contest," and "American Songwriter" Magazine’s "30th Anniversary Contest."
* Last year, Scott was a showcased performer at the 2018 "Americana Music Festival," and he was featured on "Lightning 100" radio’s "Nashville Sunday Night" series.
* McCabe's booker tells us, "I'm a big fan of Scott Mulvahill. I hear a lot of music, and Mulvahill manages to carve out a very specific sound... a great singer accompanied by a very well played bass, culminating in a blend that is so full, you don't really miss the band. I like his NPR 'Tiny Desk' because the three songs played with three levels of accompaniment show how versatile he is."
* Scott is currently touring in support of his September release, "Himalayas."
* TIX, $20.
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - KATHY MATTEA performs at the Irvine Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Dr, Irvine, CA 92697; 949-854-4646
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - NANO STERN plays the "CAP UCLA" series in Royce Hall on the UCLA Campus in Westwood, CA 90095; 310-825-4401.
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - AL STEWART plus THE EMPTY POCKETS play the Rose Theatre, 300 E Colorado Bl, Pasadena, CA 91129; 818-879-5016
* Al Stewart is still touring, many years after "The Year of the Cat" and "Time Passages" topped the charts. Still two damn fine songs.
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - CORRINA CARTER plus JEANNIE WILLETS in a double-bill at the Fret House, 309 N Citrus, Covina, CA 91723; 626-339-7020
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - JOHN PIZZARELLI, GRAMMY-nominated guitar and vocal virtuoso, plays the Lancaster Performing Arts Center, 750 W Lancaster Bl, Lancaster, CA 93534
* John Pizzarelli has been breathing new life into the Great American Songbook for more than 40 years.
* The diversity of his performances includes works by George Gershwin, Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, James Taylor, Natalie Cole, Paul McCartney, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young and the Beatles.
* John has performed on America’s most popular television shows, including The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, David Letterman, Conan, and at the broadcast of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
* TIX: www.lpac.org/event.php?id=2408
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - CELSO SALIM, plus THE MOTION play the Arcadia Blues Club, 29 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA.
* Venue has two stages, so the music is continuous.
* THE BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND with various special guests is also on hand to kick off the concerts and perform between sets every Fri and Sat night.
* COMING UP at the ABC:
☆ - ⊙ Sat 4/6, Artur Menezes - 2018 Winner, "Blues Guitarist of the Year"
⊙ Sat 4/13, Beano Mojohand, plus Kyle Taylor & The Bad Dogs
⊙ Sat 4/27, James Intveld
* TIX: discount advance tickets available for all their concerts at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Sat, Mar 30:
8 pm - LAITH AL-SAADI plays an acoustic evening for the "Brogden Bay Presents" series at Four Friends Gallery, 1414 E Thousand Oaks Bl, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
* Tix: 805-358-4970 or steve@brogdenbaypresents.com
Fri & Sat, Mar 29 & 30, FILM SCREENING:
8 pm - "BEACH BUM" opening events at ArcLight Hollywood hosts two Q&As both featuring actor MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY and director HARMONY KORINE following the 8 pm screenings both nights.
* Be sure to check out the two different exhibits they will have on display, one in the lobby, one in the courtyard.
* TIX: click the "Hollywood" tab at: https://www.arclightcinemas.com/movie/beach-bum
Sunday, Mar 31
Festivals first...
3 pm - "ROOTS ROADHOUSE 2019" at The Echo & Echoplex, 1822 E Sunset Bl (near the Glendale Bl underpass), L.A. CA 90026
* Starting at 3 pm and surely running late, this one has a fine lineup:
* TIX and full info: http://www.spacelandpresents.com/event/1804431-roots-roadhouse-2019-doug-los-angeles/
Fri-Sun, Mar 29-31, FESTIVAL, in Nor Cal:
"TAHOE WINTERWONDERGRASS FESTIVAL" in Squaw Valley (Lake Tahoe area of the Sierra Nevada), 1960 Squaw Valley, Olympic Valley, CA 96146
* Featured artists & bands include:
Greensky Bluegrass, Trampled by Turtles, Leftover Salmon, Sam Bush, Fruition, Alo, Billy Strings, Travelin' McCourys, Dead Winter Carpenters, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, Jeff Austin Band, Lindsay Lou, Upstate, Driftwood, Pickin' on the Dead, Pixie and the Partygrass Boys, Vince & Silas Herman, Bridget Law, One Grass Two Grass, Jack Cloonan Band, Jenni & Jesse Dunn and Local Company.
* Full info: https://winterwondergrass.com/squawlineup/
Sat & Sun, Mar 30 & 31:
10:30 am-6:30 pm - LAST CHANCE to see "DIAMOND IN A RHINESTONE WORLD: THE COSTUMES OF DOLLY PARTON" at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl (entrance around the corner on Figueroa), Los Angeles CA 90015; 213-765-6800.
* This exhibit closes end-of-day Sunday, March 31.
* It captures the spirit of DOLLY PARTON through some of her most cherished outfits, which include costumes from her most memorable album covers, music videos, and live performances.
* More at: #DollysCostumes
* Regular museum admission includes this and all exhibits.
* HOURS: 10 am-8 pm Sat; 10:30 am-6:30 pm Sun.
* TIX: https://29105.blackbaudhosting.com/29105/sslpage.aspx
Thu-Sun, Mar 28-31:
11 am-6 pm - "THE OTHER ART FAIR" at the Magic Box at The Reef, 1933 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90007
* HOURS & DAYS: 6 pm-10 pm Thu "preview"; 3 pm-10 pm Fri tix, or 6 pm-10 pm Fri tix; 11 am-8 pm Sat; 11 am-6 pm Sun.
* Saatchi Art, otherwise an online art gallery, is bringing "The Other Art Fair" back to Los Angeles for an extended weekend.
* The event allows you to discover over 140 independent artists in one place.
* You can peruse new work and, if you like, purchase a piece to start your collection.
* Tickets range from $15-$60, at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-other-art-fair-los-angeles-tickets-54748736946
Sun, Mar 31:
1:30 pm - MUDBUG BRASS BAND brings Louisiana music to the Old Ranch Country Club, 3901 Lampson Av, Seal Beach, CA 90740
Sun, Mar 31:
2 pm matinee - BOBBY MASON, known in Colorado as Aspen’s “Mayor of Music,” plays a mix of his original songs, blues and standards, at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA; Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
* After leaving L.A. where he was well established, Bobby played for many years with all the major acts that came through Aspen: John Denver, The Eagles, Jimmy Buffett, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, The New Grass Revival, Jerry Jeff Walker, Bonnie Raitt, John McEuen and many more.
* His inimitable voice lends a unique sound to all the songs he sings, and he has some stories to tell as well.
* For the last year, Bobby and his wife have been traveling the country in a vintage Airstream playing gigs along the way. Catch him while you can.
* TIX: $18
2 pm - MARINA V performs another installment of her live streaming THE MARINA V SHOW, her online concert series on:
twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic (details below)
* The mega-talented Marina is taking time off her global concert touring, and you'll see why if you keep reading. She says of her live-on-line concerts, "I will perform your song requests (live from my living room), read your comments in the chatroom, answer questions and will probably share more about what's going on in my life (34 weeks pregnant) than you wanted to know:)) But seriously, these concerts make me SO happy. I absolutely love performing and sharing my music and myself with you!"
("THE MARINA V SHOW"): at www.twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic
Sun, Mar 31 @ 2 pm
Wed, Apr 3 @ 4 pm
Sun, Apr 7 @ 2 pm
Wed, Apr 10 @ 4 pm
Sat, Apr 13 @ 2 pm: ONLINE BABY SHOWER (+ Concert) details at marinav.com/onlinebabyshower
* All times are US Pacific (Los Angeles). Need a Time Zone converter?
* How to request songs, how to participate, etc: MarinaV.com/the-marina-v-show
Sun, Mar 31:
3 pm - SCHUBERT & CHOPIN is today's edition of the "SUNDAYS AT SOKA" concert series presented by PACIFIC SYMPHONY at the Soka Performing Arts Center, 1 University Dr, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656; www.PerformingArts.Soka.edu
* The venue: Soka University's beautiful new 1,000-seat Soka Performing Arts Center and Wangari Maathai Hall add approximately 95,000 square feet to the SUA Campus.
* The program: A continuation of his exploration of the works of Schubert and Chopin from February, Maestro CARL ST. CLAIR leads PACIFIC SYMPHONY through another exciting afternoon of music, starting with Schubert's "Unfinished" Symphony. Then, audience favorite CONRAD TAO joins the orchestra in Chopin's "First Piano Concerto."
* TIX: Box Office, 714-755-5799; https://mpv.tickets.com/?agency=SOKV_PLAGENCY_MPV&orgid=43729&pid=8580349#/event/8580349/seatmap/
Sun, Mar 31:
3 pm - NOEL PAUL STOOKEY of Peter, Paul & Mary, plays Dizzy's, 4275 Mission Bay Dr, Pacific Beach (San Diego), CA 92109; 858-270-7467
Sun, Mar 31:
3 pm - ACOUSTIC EIDOLON plays one of three shows in different OC venues for the "Lord Of The Strings" Concert Series, this one at LCA Wine at SOCO Center, 3303 Hyland Av, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
* TIX for any of the three shows, at: 949-244-6656
Sun, Mar 31, WORKSHOP:
3 pm - ALESSANDRA BELLONI with ROWAN STORM play a "Tammorriata Drumming & Dance Workshop" at Goddess Temple of Orange County, 17905 Sky Park Cir #A, Irvine, CA 17905; 714-392-0558
Sun, Mar 31:
4 pm - SALTY SUITES plays Grapes and Hops, 54 E Main St, Ventura, CA 93001; 805-641-0053
Sun, Mar 31:
5 pm - SIMON LYNGE & JANNA MARIT perform a rare Southern California gig, a Topanga Canyon house concert.
* SIMON performs globally, sometimes with Janna, but since moving first to London and then to Washington State, they don't often return to L.A. except to do studio sessions.
* SIMON has a new album, "Deep Snow." He grew-up in Greenland and Denmark, and while he has a considerable fan base throughout Europe, his lyrical composing is all in English.
* Both artists play acoustic guitar and other acoustic instruments.
* The Guide highly recommends that you discover them and attend this concert.
* LYRIC VIDEO for "Deep Snow" with very impressive lighting on a frozen landscape, at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lZqR2M3uop8
* They will "perform songs up close and personal at the beautiful home of Erik Keegan."
* RESERVATIONS GET DIRECTIONS. Email jannamarit@gmail.com to reserve a seat or for more information.
6 pm-8 pm - "FOLKSCENE" features a vintage STEVE EARLE performance-interview, along with live airplay of Folk-Americana new and old, on the long-running weekly broadcast/web simulcast from KPFK, 90.7 FM in Southern Cal, online worldwide at: www.kpfk.org
* The show will be available for the following 2 weeks in the KPFK Audio Archives, at: www.kpfk.org/archives
* A recently-recorded show with John McEuen is due up, probably in April.
Sun, Mar 31:
6:30 pm - RICHIE STEARNS & ROSIE NEWTON play the "Southern Pacific Sessions" at Kalabash School of Music, 5725 La Jolla Bl, La Jolla, CA 92037
Sun, Mar 31:
7 pm - HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN plus DUSTBOWL REVIVAL play their "ACROSS THE GREAT DIVIDE" tour, with its 50th Anniversary Tribute to THE BAND, at the Sunset Cultural Center, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
* The Guide ran a feature events listing including this show in the short list of local-ish stops on their national tour, waaay back in February. THIS show is your 2nd-to-last last chance; final local tour stop is UCSB, Apr 2; see listing.
* JUST RELEASED for the tour is the new album "Crossing the Great Divide." In celebration of the 50th anniversary of THE BAND'S first two albums "Music From Big Pink" and "The Band," Texas trio HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN revisits its Americana roots and re-imagines these seven masterpieces in its own, unique style.
* TIX for all shows in the tour: https://www.hotclubofcowtown.com/tour/
Sun, Mar 31:
7 pm - "The BIFFLE & SHOOSTER Benny Biffle Birthday Bash!” at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena CA; Reservations by phone only, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
* So, it seems March 31st is Benny Biffle’s birthday. We're told, "He never celebrated it before, because he only just now found his birth certificate. Science presumed he was born, but now we have proof!"
* Hang on a minute, there. Before you roll your eyes and think, "Schlock!" we assure you this is NOT.
* Special Guests include legendary guitar and banjo maestro JOHN “PRESTO” REYNOLDS (forget the fake hype about seeing him on the cover of January’s "Guitar Mania" magazine. He is a real musician, and one who's toured the globe. And he's just a guest player!)
* In case you hadn't figured it out yet, this is the latest incarnation of one of WILL RYAN's amazing ensembles. Every one of them has been world-class. One of them played all the music, live, in the Motion Picture Academy Theatre, for the restoration of an early, 3-hour-long silent film classic, and got a standing ovation.
* You can read the crazy-charming fiction on them at www.coffeegallery.com -- but you don't need to, unless you like crazy fiction.
* So, just GO already, and you'll be delighted. We promise.
Sun, Mar 31:
7:30 pm - ADRIAN LEGG plays SOHo Restaurant & Music Club, 1221 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; 805-962-7776
Sun, Mar 31:
7:30 pm - SCOTT MULVAHILL plays the "AMSD Concerts" series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902; 619-201-0520
* Bassist for Grammy winning, American music icon, RICKY SKAGGS and his band KENTUCKY THUNDER.
* Mulvahill toured with Ricky for over five years, and in that time, first started writing songs on his upright bass.
* Scott’s songs have received honors or been featured in NPR’S "Tiny Desk Concert," the "International Songwriting Competition," the "John Lennon Songwriting Contest," and "American Songwriter" Magazine’s "30th Anniversary Contest."
* Last year, Scott was a showcased performer at the 2018 "Americana Music Festival," and he was featured on "Lightning 100" radio’s "Nashville Sunday Night" series.
* He played McCabe's last night, and their booker told us, "I'm a big fan of Scott Mulvahill. I hear a lot of music, and Mulvahill manages to carve out a very specific sound... a great singer accompanied by a very well played bass, culminating in a blend that is so full, you don't really miss the band. I like his NPR 'Tiny Desk' because the three songs played with three levels of accompaniment show how versatile he is."
* Scott is currently touring in support of his September release, "Himalayas."
Sun, Mar 31:
7:30 pm - SCHMALTZ Klezmer Band plays the Pacific Resident Theater, 703 Venice Bl, Venice, CA 90291; 310-822-8392
Sun, Mar 31:
8 pm - TIM BLUHM plus special guest THE COFFIS BROTHERS play the famous concert hall in back of McCabe's Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; tix at www.mccabes.com or credit card order by phone at 310-828-4497; $3 per tkt svc chg, web or phone
* Frontman of the iconic band, THE MOTHER HIPS, a collaboration called, “one of the Bay Area’s most beloved live outfits” (SF Chronicle), “divinely inspired” (Rolling Stone), and praised for their ability to “sing it sweet and play it dirty” (The New Yorker).
* Tim Bluhm is not one to rest on the success of just one band. Bluhm has simultaneously released a slew of his own solo and collaborative projects on the side.
* He toured with NICKI BLUHM & THE GRAMBLERS, teamed up with The Grateful Dead’s MICKEY HART and BILL KREUTZMANN, and opened up Mission Bells Studio with JACKIE GREENE and DAVE SIMON-BAKER. There, he produced albums for everyone from the Hips and Greene to Hot Buttered Rum and Little Wings and hosted Phil Lesh, Josh Ritter, Rogue Wave, Los Lobos, Jonathan Richman, and more.
* Bluhm lends his unique voice and signature songwriting to his solo work, blending Country and Americana on his new album, "Sorta Surviving," due out Friday, March 29.
* McCabe's booker tells us, "I can't emphasize enough how Bluhm is TRULY a creative force to be reckoned with. Not only has he not stopped working since the '90s, he helped found the 'Hipnic Music Festival' in 2007. In 2015, he managed to recover from a severe speed-flying accident that nearly severed his foot, only to immediately go into the studio. Then last year, days after having an emergency appendectomy and having to call in Grahame Lesh as a replacement, Bluhm managed to join THE MOTHER HIPS on stage at McCabe's in an inspiring show."
* Plus, special guests, THE COFFIS BROTHERS & THE MOUNTAIN MEN, a rootsy rock n’ roll rock n’ roll band born and raised in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Influenced by those early surroundings, songwriters Jamie and Kellen Coffis’ blend folk, blues, R&B and straight-ahead rock.
* TIX, $25
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* Coming to McCabe's -- GET TIX NOW at www.mccabes.com or credit card order by phone at 310-828-4497; $3 per tkt svc chg, web or phone
◇ First, three new shows, just announced...
⊙ DAVID LINDLEY, May 4, 10 pm show added.
⊙ TOM RUSH with MATT NAKOA, May 11, 10 pm show added.
⊙ JOHN HAMMOND, May 17, 10 pm show added.
◇ Already announced...
⊙ Fri 3/29, ROBBIE FULKS, 8 pm, $25
⊙ Sat, 3/30, SCOTT MULVAHILL, 8 pm, $20
⊙ Sun, 3/31, TIM BLUHM plus special guest THE COFFIS BROTHERS, 8 pm, $25
⊙ Fri, 4/5, PETER CASE plus special guest DEAD ROCK WEST, 8 pm, $25, already SOLD OUT.
⊙ Sat, 4/6, AMILIA K. SPICER, 8 pm, $20
⊙ Sun, 4/7, LISA LOEB plays a Matinee Kids Show, 10:30 am, $18; Kids under age 2 get in free
⊙ Fri, 4/12, JANE SIBERRY, 8 pm, $32.50
⊙ Sat, 4/13, CHELY WRIGHT, 8 pm, $26.50
⊙ Sun, 4/14, SEAMUS EGAN, 8 pm, $25
⊙ Sat, 4/20, THE HAWT-THORNS plus ASHLEIGH FLYNN & THE RIVERS, 8 pm, $18
⊙ Fri, 4/26, SMOKEY HORMEL, 8 pm, $20
⊙ Sat, 4/27, ALBERT LEE, 8 pm, $28.50
⊙ Sun, 4/28, THE HOLLOW TREES play a Matinee Kids Show, 10:30 am, $10; Kids under age 2 get in free
⊙ Sun, 4/28, GURF MORLIX, 8 pm, $18
⊙ Sat, 5/4, DAVID LINDLEY, 8 pm & 10 pm, $26.50
⊙ Sun, 5/5, MARSHALL CRENSHAW, 8 pm, $32.50
(We skip most of their May sched for now; see below)
☆ Wed, 5/22, RIDERS IN THE SKY, 8 pm, $50
☆ Fri, 5/24, NOEL PAUL STOOKEY, 8 pm, $30
◇ FULL SCHEDULE at McCabe's covers much more beyond early May; see their additional concerts at: https://www.mccabes.com/concerts/
Sun, Mar 31:
8 pm - RICK RUSKIN plays Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro, CA 90732; 310-519-1314
* The venue invites you to bring your own food and NON-alcoholic beverages; people bring multi-course dinners to shows here.
Here's an obscure calendar fact, worthy of a guffaw. April 1st, is, of course, APRIL FOOL'S DAY. There are other dates in April, like Tax Day on April 15th... which happens to be the day the Titanic sank (1912) and the day Abraham Lincoln died after being shot by an assassin (1865). The month ends on April 30th, which is "LAW DAY." The latter is even celebrated with free events, guest speakers and public programs at the downtown L.A. Law Library. That's because April is "Law Month." You know, the time when we're all supposed to feel awe and esteem for American Juris Prudence -- represented by that statue weighing the scales. Except the statue is blind and can't see a damn thing. So, in an age of corporate, for-profit, privately-operated jails and prisons -- and a record number of people who are locked-up without ever being convicted of anything, just because they can't pay the cash bail to get out before trial -- it only seems fitting that our month of esteem for the legal system starts on April Fool's Day.
Monday, Apr 1
Mon, Apr 1, ON TV:
5 pm-8:45 am - "A FULL NIGHT OF EARLY SILENT FILMS" on Turner Classic Movies (TCM).
* Included are nearly ALL of GRETA GARBO's silent films, six in a row.
* Two of CHARLEY CHAPLIN's films conclude things early Tuesday morning: a 4-star classic from 1925, and his early role as as writer-director-actor from 1919.
* There are nine silent films in a row.
* As we always point-out, these movies were not "silent" at all. Each of them choreographs every action, every mood, every emotion, to a MUSICAL SOUNTRACK.
* At the time, it was rare for any film to arrive at a theatre with ALL the sheet music needed for a full soundtrack. Instead, films came with "lead sheets," from which the theatre musicians improvised between the places where the film composer supplied the musical "leads."
* Having studied this, we at The Guide believe this played a huge role in the contemporary development of "improvisation" as the key characteristic in jazz performance.
* Small town theatres usually had only a piano player to add the musical dimension to a feature film. Large city theatres employed a cast of vaudeville music-makers, which we would recognize as an early acoustic jazz swing combo. Major film events featured more instruments, up to a complete symphony.
* Modern restorations of old silent films are rarely successful in unearthing old lead sheets. Sometimes, research yields the melody lines of all-but-lost iconic themes, but most often, modern composers who specialize in scoring silent films using music familiar to the 1920s audience are brought-in, and happily rise to the occasion.
* The result? Experiencing an old silent film with a masterfully-done soundtrack is one of the most delicious and delightful experiences a music lover can have. For a composer or songwriter, these films offer a master class. Dive-in tonight and see if you agree!
* The lineup:
■ "TORRENT (1926) Greta Garbo and Ricardo Cortez (5 pm-6:45 pm) GREAT MUSIC!
□ "THE TEMPTRESS" (1926) Greta Garbo and Antonio Moreno (6:45 pm-8:45 pm)
■ "MYSTERIOUS LADY" (1928) Greta Garbo and Conrad Nagel (8:45 pm-10:30 pm)
□ "THE KISS" (1929) Greta Garbo and Conrad Nagel (10:30 pm-11:45 pm)
■ "THE SINGLE STANDARD" (1929) Greta Garbo and Nils Asther (11:45 pm-1:15 am)
□ "WILD ORCHIDS" (1929) Greta Garbo and Lewis Stone (1:15 am-3 am)
■ "GOSTA BERLINGS SAGA" (1924) Mona Martenson and Lars Hanson (3 am-6:15 am)
□ "THE GOLD RUSH" (1925) Charles Chaplin and Mack Swain ☆☆☆☆ (6:15 am-8 am)
■ "SUNNY SIDE" (1919) Charles Chaplin and Edna Purviance (8 am-8:45 am)
Mon, Apr 1:
7:30 pm - "HEADSPACE: CELEBRATING MUSIC AND MINDFULNESS" a USC "Visions and Voices" event in Bovard Auditorium (ADM), on the USC University Park Campus, 3551 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles CA 90089
* 7:15 pm - Pre-event Performance in front of Bovard Auditorium.
* 7:30 pm - Performance indoor performance / program.
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* Witness and experience music-driven mindfulness in a concert of meditative music performed by the USC THORNTON PERCUSSION GROUP.
* The concert opens with a group meditation led by MARK MILLER of "Mindful USC."
* This transcendent event encourages mindful listening and living, and will be followed by a discussion and Q&A on meditation, music, sound, and being present to the world around us.
* In the week leading up to the concert, a series of pop-up performances around campus featured Thornton musicians performing a musical walking meditation by USC composer VERONIKA KRAUSAS, a professor in the USC THORNTON SCHOOL OF MUSIC.
* The musicians play and move within individual pods, like floating sculptural sound objects. Short mindful statements written by MOLLY BENDALL’s poetry writing class are offered to the public as the musicians pass by.
* The pods that enclose each musician were originally conceived and designed by FLORIAN IDENBURG of SO-IL architects and artist Ana Prvački for the 2017 "Chicago Architecture Biennial" and refabricated by Matthew Gilpin and students Peter Eusebio, Chentao Yu, and Alexander Candelaria-Fouse from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
* Of composer VERONIKA KRAUSAS, the Globe and Mail writes, “her works, whose organic, lyrical sense of storytelling are supported by a rigid formal elegance, give her audiences a sense that nature’s frozen objects are springing to life." Her commissions and performances include The Los Angeles Philharmonic, The Industry, New York City Opera, and many others.
* The USC THORNTON PERCUSSION GROUP, directed by JOSEPH PEREIRA, focuses on music of our time and music by early percussion pioneers John Cage and Lou Harrison. The ensemble has premiered many new works and has worked with composers and performers from the local new-music scene, including appearing in the L.A. PHILHARMONIC’s "Green Umbrella" series.
* MOLLY BENDALL is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently "Watchful" from Omnidawn Press. She has won the Eunice Tietjens Prize from Poetry magazine, the Lynda Hull Award from Denver Quarterly, and two Pushcart Prizes.
* MATTHEW GILPIN is a full-time lecturer in Aerospace & Mechanical Engingeering at USC. His projects include optimizing solid rocket ignition, designing airfoils for Mars UAVs, and a kinetic energy recovery system for a recumbent bicycle.
"Headspace" preview from premiere in Chicago (music video):
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* Our thoughts, here at the Guide: We've all seen imagery of the dystopian future that surely awaits us, given the greed, hubris, and self-protectionist denial of those in charge. So, is what is depicted in this video -- and at tonight's event -- a rebelliously humanistic response to all those things, while there's still time for a wake-up call? Or is it merely a prescient prediction of what will be necessary to live on this planet at all? (These are not April Fool comments.)
Mon, Apr 1:
7:30 pm-10:30 pm - THE BROMBIES play their every-Monay
BLUEGRASS residency at Viva Rancho Cantina, 900 Riverside Dr, Burbank, CA 91506; 818-845-2425
Tuesday, Apr 2
Tue, Apr 2:
8 pm - HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN plus DUSTBOWL REVIVAL play their "ACROSS THE GREAT DIVIDE" tour, with its 50th Anniversary Tribute to THE BAND, at Campbell Hall at UCSB, 574 Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara CA 93106; 805-893-3535
* THIS show is your last chance to see 'em in Southern Cal.
* The Guide ran a feature events listing including this show in the short list of local-ish stops on their national tour, waaay back in February.
* JUST RELEASED for the tour is the new album "Crossing the Great Divide." In celebration of the 50th anniversary of THE BAND'S first two albums "Music From Big Pink" and "The Band," Texas trio HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN revisits its Americana roots and re-imagines these seven masterpieces in its own, unique style.
* TIX for all shows on the tour: https://www.hotclubofcowtown.com/tour/
Tue, Apr 2:
8 pm - MICHAEL BUBLE in Concert at Staples Center, Los Angeles.
* TIX: https://www.ticketmaster.com/michael-buble-tickets/artist/869115
Wednesday, Apr 3
4 pm - MARINA V performs another installment of her live streaming THE MARINA V SHOW, her online concert series on:
twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic (details below)
* The mega-talented Marina is taking time off her global concert touring, and you'll see why if you keep reading. She says of her live-on-line concerts, "I will perform your song requests (live from my living room), read your comments in the chatroom, answer questions and will probably share more about what's going on in my life (34 weeks pregnant) than you wanted to know:)) But seriously, these concerts make me SO happy. I absolutely love performing and sharing my music and myself with you!"
("THE MARINA V SHOW"): at www.twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic
Wed, Apr 3 @ 4 pm
Sun, Apr 7 @ 2 pm
Wed, Apr 10 @ 4 pm
Sat, Apr 13 @ 2 pm: ONLINE BABY SHOWER (+ Concert) details at marinav.com/onlinebabyshower
* All times are US Pacific (Los Angeles). Need a Time Zone converter?
* How to request songs, how to participate, etc: MarinaV.com/the-marina-v-show
Wed, Apr 3:
7 pm - MISSY ANDERSEN plus GINGER COWGIRL play the "WINE & SONG" Concert Series in the Blue Guitar room at Arroyo Seco Golf Course, 1055 Lohman Ln, South Pasadena CA
* The Guide's editor caught the featured set by GINGER COWGIRL on the "Museum of Making Music" stage at NAMM in January. They're a good band with fun material, and front-woman Stacy Antonel is someone you should see and hear.
* Here's the producer's skinny on the night:
⊙ STACY ANTONEL, front-woman of Ginger Cowgirl, has a taste for many musical styles, although her band’s sound is firmly rooted in classic country. Her vocal ability is remarkable. In 2013 she beat out hundreds of singers to win the $10,000 grand prize on Fox Television’s “3 Minutes to Stardom”. She’s a classically trained pianist from the age of 7, holds a degree from UC Berkeley, and got her start in the music industry singing jingles while living in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
⊙ San Diego artist (via Detroit and New York) MISSY ANDERSEN loves a good story song. As a child, she was exposed to her parent’s extensive music collection that included soul, R&B, blues, jazz, and gospel. Her favorite songs were always the ones that told a story. Now, along with her guitarist/husband Heine Andersen, they create songs that are the soundtrack to their lives, and to the lives of a lot of fans they’ve earned along the way.
* Adjacent to the Blue Guitar is the Arroyo Seco Grill offering food, wine, and full bar. You can bring your own bottle for a $10 corkage fee. The restaurant is open until 8:30 pm.
* Blue Guitar Room doors open 30 minutes prior to showtime.
* TIX & info: www.wineandsong.com
Thursday, Apr 4
Thu & Fri, Apr 4 & 5:
9 am - "CLIMATE FORWARD: NAVIGATING THE POLITICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE" conference presented by USC's Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, with principal events and the keynote address in Bovard Auditorium, 3551 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* On THURSDAY, former U.S. Secretary of State and 2004 Dem Presidential Nominee JOHN KERRY, an architect of the Paris Climate Accord, will share his experience negotiating global action on this issue and his vision for future progress as the keynote address between 9 am and 10:30 am.
* Events continue throughout the day.
* FREE, but you must register, at: https://dornsife.usc.edu/climate-forward/register/
* Other knowledgeable speakers will follow.
* The event can be reached by the Expo Line light rail trains.
Thu, Apr 4:
8 pm - R.J. CHESNEY plays his album release show for the critically acclaimed "Amateur Revolution" in a full evening of music from multiple bands at El Cid, 4212 Sunset Bl, W Sunset Bl, Los Angeles CA 90029
* Reviews of the CD being released tonight...
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“Rich, loamy and infused with the spirit of good old country rock and good vibes….All in all an excellent album which adds more colour to the palette of current country music as it kicks against the homogenisation of Nashville pop”—Americana UK
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“Good album this. To my ears it is less Folk or Americana and more modern country in sound, particularly with the pedal steel to the fore on most tracks, but there is also a lot of other textures in there that make it hard to pigeon hole. Country music is a very broad church these days, particularly when you think of acts like Chris Stapleton and Sturgill Simpson, so it's great to get others coming along to push the boundaries further. Solid songs, great performances from the band and crisp production make Amateur Revolution a fine record indeed.” — Paul Jackson, Fatea
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“This "ramble on the highway" is pure Deep South + vocal echoes of Willie Nelson & Bob Wills' playboy sound. The title track is a winner." - Mark Watkins
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“A rough hewn roots guy comfortable with genre splicing, he sounds nothing like that other guy with the same last name and makes music that’s at home not being with the masses. Check it out.”
—Midwest Record
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“A very good album..an infectious invitation to dance, to be happy.” —Mike Penard, ISA Radio
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“(Amateur Revolution) features a dozen tracks that carry a classic country vibe as displayed in the two opening songs, "Splendors Of The Earth" and "Pull Down The Moon.”’— JP’s Music Log
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“It is really worthwhile to add this contender to your collection on the title of "country record of the year 2019”— Rootstime.be
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“No doubt that with this album, interesting mix of rock, folk and country, RJ Chesney, with his very particular voice, will come to position itself in the top group of Americana performers”—Cri du Coyote
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“The material is some good solid country and folk music, and RJ Chesney has some talented musicians joining him…’A Place Just For Me is a mellower, pretty tune, featuring some really nice, intimate vocal work. This song becomes more beautiful as the female vocals are added. This is one of my favorite songs of the album.”—Michael’s Music Log
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* More at: https://www.rjchesney.com/
Friday, Apr 5
Monday, Apr 1
Mon, Apr 1, ON TV:
5 pm-8:45 am - "A FULL NIGHT OF EARLY SILENT FILMS" on Turner Classic Movies (TCM).
* Included are nearly ALL of GRETA GARBO's silent films, six in a row.
* Two of CHARLEY CHAPLIN's films conclude things early Tuesday morning: a 4-star classic from 1925, and his early role as as writer-director-actor from 1919.
* There are nine silent films in a row.
* As we always point-out, these movies were not "silent" at all. Each of them choreographs every action, every mood, every emotion, to a MUSICAL SOUNTRACK.
* At the time, it was rare for any film to arrive at a theatre with ALL the sheet music needed for a full soundtrack. Instead, films came with "lead sheets," from which the theatre musicians improvised between the places where the film composer supplied the musical "leads."
* Having studied this, we at The Guide believe this played a huge role in the contemporary development of "improvisation" as the key characteristic in jazz performance.
* Small town theatres usually had only a piano player to add the musical dimension to a feature film. Large city theatres employed a cast of vaudeville music-makers, which we would recognize as an early acoustic jazz swing combo. Major film events featured more instruments, up to a complete symphony.
* Modern restorations of old silent films are rarely successful in unearthing old lead sheets. Sometimes, research yields the melody lines of all-but-lost iconic themes, but most often, modern composers who specialize in scoring silent films using music familiar to the 1920s audience are brought-in, and happily rise to the occasion.
* The result? Experiencing an old silent film with a masterfully-done soundtrack is one of the most delicious and delightful experiences a music lover can have. For a composer or songwriter, these films offer a master class. Dive-in tonight and see if you agree!
* The lineup:
■ "TORRENT (1926) Greta Garbo and Ricardo Cortez (5 pm-6:45 pm) GREAT MUSIC!
□ "THE TEMPTRESS" (1926) Greta Garbo and Antonio Moreno (6:45 pm-8:45 pm)
■ "MYSTERIOUS LADY" (1928) Greta Garbo and Conrad Nagel (8:45 pm-10:30 pm)
□ "THE KISS" (1929) Greta Garbo and Conrad Nagel (10:30 pm-11:45 pm)
■ "THE SINGLE STANDARD" (1929) Greta Garbo and Nils Asther (11:45 pm-1:15 am)
□ "WILD ORCHIDS" (1929) Greta Garbo and Lewis Stone (1:15 am-3 am)
■ "GOSTA BERLINGS SAGA" (1924) Mona Martenson and Lars Hanson (3 am-6:15 am)
□ "THE GOLD RUSH" (1925) Charles Chaplin and Mack Swain ☆☆☆☆ (6:15 am-8 am)
■ "SUNNY SIDE" (1919) Charles Chaplin and Edna Purviance (8 am-8:45 am)
Mon, Apr 1:
7:30 pm - "HEADSPACE: CELEBRATING MUSIC AND MINDFULNESS" a USC "Visions and Voices" event in Bovard Auditorium (ADM), on the USC University Park Campus, 3551 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles CA 90089
* 7:15 pm - Pre-event Performance in front of Bovard Auditorium.
* 7:30 pm - Performance indoor performance / program.
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* Witness and experience music-driven mindfulness in a concert of meditative music performed by the USC THORNTON PERCUSSION GROUP.
* The concert opens with a group meditation led by MARK MILLER of "Mindful USC."
* This transcendent event encourages mindful listening and living, and will be followed by a discussion and Q&A on meditation, music, sound, and being present to the world around us.
* In the week leading up to the concert, a series of pop-up performances around campus featured Thornton musicians performing a musical walking meditation by USC composer VERONIKA KRAUSAS, a professor in the USC THORNTON SCHOOL OF MUSIC.
* The musicians play and move within individual pods, like floating sculptural sound objects. Short mindful statements written by MOLLY BENDALL’s poetry writing class are offered to the public as the musicians pass by.
* The pods that enclose each musician were originally conceived and designed by FLORIAN IDENBURG of SO-IL architects and artist Ana Prvački for the 2017 "Chicago Architecture Biennial" and refabricated by Matthew Gilpin and students Peter Eusebio, Chentao Yu, and Alexander Candelaria-Fouse from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering.
* Of composer VERONIKA KRAUSAS, the Globe and Mail writes, “her works, whose organic, lyrical sense of storytelling are supported by a rigid formal elegance, give her audiences a sense that nature’s frozen objects are springing to life." Her commissions and performances include The Los Angeles Philharmonic, The Industry, New York City Opera, and many others.
* The USC THORNTON PERCUSSION GROUP, directed by JOSEPH PEREIRA, focuses on music of our time and music by early percussion pioneers John Cage and Lou Harrison. The ensemble has premiered many new works and has worked with composers and performers from the local new-music scene, including appearing in the L.A. PHILHARMONIC’s "Green Umbrella" series.
* MOLLY BENDALL is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently "Watchful" from Omnidawn Press. She has won the Eunice Tietjens Prize from Poetry magazine, the Lynda Hull Award from Denver Quarterly, and two Pushcart Prizes.
* MATTHEW GILPIN is a full-time lecturer in Aerospace & Mechanical Engingeering at USC. His projects include optimizing solid rocket ignition, designing airfoils for Mars UAVs, and a kinetic energy recovery system for a recumbent bicycle.
"Headspace" preview from premiere in Chicago (music video):
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* Our thoughts, here at the Guide: We've all seen imagery of the dystopian future that surely awaits us, given the greed, hubris, and self-protectionist denial of those in charge. So, is what is depicted in this video -- and at tonight's event -- a rebelliously humanistic response to all those things, while there's still time for a wake-up call? Or is it merely a prescient prediction of what will be necessary to live on this planet at all? (These are not April Fool comments.)
Mon, Apr 1:
7:30 pm-10:30 pm - THE BROMBIES play their every-Monay
BLUEGRASS residency at Viva Rancho Cantina, 900 Riverside Dr, Burbank, CA 91506; 818-845-2425
Tuesday, Apr 2
Tue, Apr 2:
8 pm - HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN plus DUSTBOWL REVIVAL play their "ACROSS THE GREAT DIVIDE" tour, with its 50th Anniversary Tribute to THE BAND, at Campbell Hall at UCSB, 574 Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara CA 93106; 805-893-3535
* THIS show is your last chance to see 'em in Southern Cal.
* The Guide ran a feature events listing including this show in the short list of local-ish stops on their national tour, waaay back in February.
* JUST RELEASED for the tour is the new album "Crossing the Great Divide." In celebration of the 50th anniversary of THE BAND'S first two albums "Music From Big Pink" and "The Band," Texas trio HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN revisits its Americana roots and re-imagines these seven masterpieces in its own, unique style.
* TIX for all shows on the tour: https://www.hotclubofcowtown.com/tour/
Tue, Apr 2:
8 pm - MICHAEL BUBLE in Concert at Staples Center, Los Angeles.
* TIX: https://www.ticketmaster.com/michael-buble-tickets/artist/869115
Wednesday, Apr 3
4 pm - MARINA V performs another installment of her live streaming THE MARINA V SHOW, her online concert series on:
twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic (details below)
* The mega-talented Marina is taking time off her global concert touring, and you'll see why if you keep reading. She says of her live-on-line concerts, "I will perform your song requests (live from my living room), read your comments in the chatroom, answer questions and will probably share more about what's going on in my life (34 weeks pregnant) than you wanted to know:)) But seriously, these concerts make me SO happy. I absolutely love performing and sharing my music and myself with you!"
("THE MARINA V SHOW"): at www.twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic
Wed, Apr 3 @ 4 pm
Sun, Apr 7 @ 2 pm
Wed, Apr 10 @ 4 pm
Sat, Apr 13 @ 2 pm: ONLINE BABY SHOWER (+ Concert) details at marinav.com/onlinebabyshower
* All times are US Pacific (Los Angeles). Need a Time Zone converter?
* How to request songs, how to participate, etc: MarinaV.com/the-marina-v-show
7 pm - MISSY ANDERSEN plus GINGER COWGIRL play the "WINE & SONG" Concert Series in the Blue Guitar room at Arroyo Seco Golf Course, 1055 Lohman Ln, South Pasadena CA
* The Guide's editor caught the featured set by GINGER COWGIRL on the "Museum of Making Music" stage at NAMM in January. They're a good band with fun material, and front-woman Stacy Antonel is someone you should see and hear.
* Here's the producer's skinny on the night:
⊙ STACY ANTONEL, front-woman of Ginger Cowgirl, has a taste for many musical styles, although her band’s sound is firmly rooted in classic country. Her vocal ability is remarkable. In 2013 she beat out hundreds of singers to win the $10,000 grand prize on Fox Television’s “3 Minutes to Stardom”. She’s a classically trained pianist from the age of 7, holds a degree from UC Berkeley, and got her start in the music industry singing jingles while living in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
⊙ San Diego artist (via Detroit and New York) MISSY ANDERSEN loves a good story song. As a child, she was exposed to her parent’s extensive music collection that included soul, R&B, blues, jazz, and gospel. Her favorite songs were always the ones that told a story. Now, along with her guitarist/husband Heine Andersen, they create songs that are the soundtrack to their lives, and to the lives of a lot of fans they’ve earned along the way.
* Adjacent to the Blue Guitar is the Arroyo Seco Grill offering food, wine, and full bar. You can bring your own bottle for a $10 corkage fee. The restaurant is open until 8:30 pm.
* Blue Guitar Room doors open 30 minutes prior to showtime.
* TIX & info: www.wineandsong.com
Thursday, Apr 4
Thu & Fri, Apr 4 & 5:
9 am - "CLIMATE FORWARD: NAVIGATING THE POLITICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE" conference presented by USC's Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, with principal events and the keynote address in Bovard Auditorium, 3551 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* On THURSDAY, former U.S. Secretary of State and 2004 Dem Presidential Nominee JOHN KERRY, an architect of the Paris Climate Accord, will share his experience negotiating global action on this issue and his vision for future progress as the keynote address between 9 am and 10:30 am.
* Events continue throughout the day.
* FREE, but you must register, at: https://dornsife.usc.edu/climate-forward/register/
* Other knowledgeable speakers will follow.
* The event can be reached by the Expo Line light rail trains.
Thu, Apr 4:
8 pm - R.J. CHESNEY plays his album release show for the critically acclaimed "Amateur Revolution" in a full evening of music from multiple bands at El Cid, 4212 Sunset Bl, W Sunset Bl, Los Angeles CA 90029
* Reviews of the CD being released tonight...
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“Rich, loamy and infused with the spirit of good old country rock and good vibes….All in all an excellent album which adds more colour to the palette of current country music as it kicks against the homogenisation of Nashville pop”—Americana UK
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“Good album this. To my ears it is less Folk or Americana and more modern country in sound, particularly with the pedal steel to the fore on most tracks, but there is also a lot of other textures in there that make it hard to pigeon hole. Country music is a very broad church these days, particularly when you think of acts like Chris Stapleton and Sturgill Simpson, so it's great to get others coming along to push the boundaries further. Solid songs, great performances from the band and crisp production make Amateur Revolution a fine record indeed.” — Paul Jackson, Fatea
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“This "ramble on the highway" is pure Deep South + vocal echoes of Willie Nelson & Bob Wills' playboy sound. The title track is a winner." - Mark Watkins
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“A rough hewn roots guy comfortable with genre splicing, he sounds nothing like that other guy with the same last name and makes music that’s at home not being with the masses. Check it out.”
—Midwest Record
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“A very good album..an infectious invitation to dance, to be happy.” —Mike Penard, ISA Radio
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“(Amateur Revolution) features a dozen tracks that carry a classic country vibe as displayed in the two opening songs, "Splendors Of The Earth" and "Pull Down The Moon.”’— JP’s Music Log
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“It is really worthwhile to add this contender to your collection on the title of "country record of the year 2019”— Rootstime.be
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“No doubt that with this album, interesting mix of rock, folk and country, RJ Chesney, with his very particular voice, will come to position itself in the top group of Americana performers”—Cri du Coyote
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“The material is some good solid country and folk music, and RJ Chesney has some talented musicians joining him…’A Place Just For Me is a mellower, pretty tune, featuring some really nice, intimate vocal work. This song becomes more beautiful as the female vocals are added. This is one of my favorite songs of the album.”—Michael’s Music Log
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* More at: https://www.rjchesney.com/
Friday, Apr 5
Fri, Apr 5; live webcast:
* It's an award given once every four years.
* It goes to the winner at the conclusion of a unique 13-month competition process.
* It's the prestigious "COLE PORTER FELLOWSHIP" of the 2019 "American Pianists Awards."
* The five finalists are Kenny Banks, Jr., Emmet Cohen, Keelan Dimick, Dave Meder, and Bill Test.
☆ The "Club Finals" features two sets of trio performances on Friday and the finals on Saturday, all with online simulcasts from Indianapolis.
☆ Friday, April 5 at 3:30 pm and 6 pm (Pacific) each pianist competes in two performances from The Jazz Kitchen.
☆ Saturday, April 6, the "Gala Finals" start at Hilbert Circle Theatre in Indianapolis at 5 pm (Pacific). Grammy® Award-winning vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater hosts the event. Each finalist performs with the Buselli-Wallarab Jazz Orchestra and GRAMMY® Award-winning vocalist Kurt Elling.
☆ Both nights streamed live at: www.AmericanPianists.org/live
7:30 pm - “WASTED! THE STORY OF FOOD WASTE” is presented by the Topanga Peace Alliance as its 168th consecutive "First Friday Film Night," at the Topanga Library, 122 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga 90290; info, call Julie at 310-463-3016.
* FILM SYNOPSIS: 800 million people are starving on our planet, while 1.3 billion pounds of food are wasted every year. The documentary “WASTED! The Story of Food Waste,” features the late ANTHONY BOURDAIN. It reveals that, right now, 40% of the food in America is wasted. This documentary aims to change the way people buy, cook, recycle, and eat food. Through the eyes of its chef-heroes -- like Bourdain, Dan Barber, Mario Batali, Massimo Bottura, and Danny Bowien -- "WASTED!" exposes the criminality of food waste and shows how each of us can make small changes – all of them delicious – to make the most of every kind of food.
* It's a fine opportunity to learn how to rethink how we use food.
* FOLLOWING THE FILM is a discussion including other ways to cut down waste in our daily lives and move towards a zero-waste culture.
* Doors at 7 pm.
* COME EARLY: "Veggie Snack Pot Luck" is at 7:15 pm. Bring your own bowl and cloth napkin, so the event can reduce waste created by the event. If you can, bring a non-alcoholic beverage or vegetarian potluck snack to share.
* Before the film, there are announcements regarding upcoming events and actions for peace and social justice.
* Movie starts at 7:30 pm.
* Event is ADA compliant with plenty of easy parking and elevator access; headphones for those who need extra volume. Event is in the meeting room, across the patio from the elevator and the top of the stairs.
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - THE UKULELE ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN plays the Cerritos Performing Arts Center in the Lyric Theatre, 12700 Center Court Dr, Cerritos, CA 90703; 562-916-8501 or 800-300-4345
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - ADAM LEVY plus RICH HINMAN play the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St, San Pedro, CA 90731; 310-833-6362
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - PETER CASE plus DEAD ROCK WEST play the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - I SEE HAWKS IN L.A. make a rare return to emphasize their acoustic sounds at the intimate Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001
* This'll sell-out. Make reservations by phone, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - "THE HILLBENDERS PRESENT THE WHO'S TOMMY, A BLUEGRASS OPRY," at Lancaster Performing Arts Center (LPAC), 750 W Lancaster Bl, Lancaster, CA 93534
* Originally composed by guitarist Pete Townshend as a rock opera, "Tommy" tells the story of a deaf, dumb and blind boy, including his experiences with life, pinball, and the relationship with his family.
* "Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball…" While not a standard bluegrass lyric, this line is known by all from the biggest rock opera of all time.
* Forty-five years after its original release, this rock classic has now been realized as a full-length bluegrass tribute featuring Springfield, Missouri’s The HillBenders.
* With a perfect mix of virtuoso musicianship and rock star vocals, the audience hears banjo, dobro, mandolin, bass and guitar played with the same energy and vision as The Who performed with a full rock band and orchestra.
* TIX: www.lpac.org/event.php?id=2430
7:30 pm - “WASTED! THE STORY OF FOOD WASTE” is presented by the Topanga Peace Alliance as its 168th consecutive "First Friday Film Night," at the Topanga Library, 122 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga 90290; info, call Julie at 310-463-3016.
* FILM SYNOPSIS: 800 million people are starving on our planet, while 1.3 billion pounds of food are wasted every year. The documentary “WASTED! The Story of Food Waste,” features the late ANTHONY BOURDAIN. It reveals that, right now, 40% of the food in America is wasted. This documentary aims to change the way people buy, cook, recycle, and eat food. Through the eyes of its chef-heroes -- like Bourdain, Dan Barber, Mario Batali, Massimo Bottura, and Danny Bowien -- "WASTED!" exposes the criminality of food waste and shows how each of us can make small changes – all of them delicious – to make the most of every kind of food.
* It's a fine opportunity to learn how to rethink how we use food.
* FOLLOWING THE FILM is a discussion including other ways to cut down waste in our daily lives and move towards a zero-waste culture.
* Doors at 7 pm.
* COME EARLY: "Veggie Snack Pot Luck" is at 7:15 pm. Bring your own bowl and cloth napkin, so the event can reduce waste created by the event. If you can, bring a non-alcoholic beverage or vegetarian potluck snack to share.
* Before the film, there are announcements regarding upcoming events and actions for peace and social justice.
* Movie starts at 7:30 pm.
* Event is ADA compliant with plenty of easy parking and elevator access; headphones for those who need extra volume. Event is in the meeting room, across the patio from the elevator and the top of the stairs.
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - THE UKULELE ORCHESTRA OF GREAT BRITAIN plays the Cerritos Performing Arts Center in the Lyric Theatre, 12700 Center Court Dr, Cerritos, CA 90703; 562-916-8501 or 800-300-4345
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - ADAM LEVY plus RICH HINMAN play the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St, San Pedro, CA 90731; 310-833-6362
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - PETER CASE plus DEAD ROCK WEST play the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - I SEE HAWKS IN L.A. make a rare return to emphasize their acoustic sounds at the intimate Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001
* This'll sell-out. Make reservations by phone, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
Fri, Apr 5:
8 pm - "THE HILLBENDERS PRESENT THE WHO'S TOMMY, A BLUEGRASS OPRY," at Lancaster Performing Arts Center (LPAC), 750 W Lancaster Bl, Lancaster, CA 93534
* Originally composed by guitarist Pete Townshend as a rock opera, "Tommy" tells the story of a deaf, dumb and blind boy, including his experiences with life, pinball, and the relationship with his family.
* "Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball…" While not a standard bluegrass lyric, this line is known by all from the biggest rock opera of all time.
* Forty-five years after its original release, this rock classic has now been realized as a full-length bluegrass tribute featuring Springfield, Missouri’s The HillBenders.
* With a perfect mix of virtuoso musicianship and rock star vocals, the audience hears banjo, dobro, mandolin, bass and guitar played with the same energy and vision as The Who performed with a full rock band and orchestra.
* TIX: www.lpac.org/event.php?id=2430
Saturday, Apr 6
Sat, Apr 6, FESTIVAL:
11 am-9 pm - "RAGIN' CAJUN CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" at Seaside Lagoon, 200 Portofino Way, Redondo Beach CA 90277
* Features Live Music, Crawfish, Shrimp Boils, Family Fun.
* Music performances by:
⊙ and a Dixieland Band
* FOOD from Ragin' Cajun, plus food trucks, and beer & wine.
* Live Crawfish and Shrimp shipped in from Louisiana and sold as meals.
* Long time South Bay restaurant The Ragin Cajun Cafe will have Traditional Cajun Favorites along with other food vendors and food trucks. (You might remember the days of Ragin' Cajun's own food truck, from TV's "Great Food Truck Race." They know everybody that has a good food truck.)
* Kids age 12 & under get in free with ticketed paid adult.
* Kids activities include a kids stage, bouncy castles, crawfish races, giant slide, magician, a sing-a-long, balloon art, and games.
* Tix types include general adm, VIP, and cabanas tix.
* Save 20%-30% on General Admission and Meal tickets if you buy before April 1.
* More at: https://www.ragincajuncrawfishjamboree.com/
* TIX available at Ragin' Cajun Cafe, 525 PCH, Redondo Beach, or at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ragin-cajun-crawfish-jamboree-tickets-54309115025
Saturday, Apr 6
Sat, Apr 6, FESTIVAL:
11 am-9 pm - "RAGIN' CAJUN CRAWFISH FESTIVAL" at Seaside Lagoon, 200 Portofino Way, Redondo Beach CA 90277
* Features Live Music, Crawfish, Shrimp Boils, Family Fun.
* Music performances by:
⊙ and a Dixieland Band
* FOOD from Ragin' Cajun, plus food trucks, and beer & wine.
* Live Crawfish and Shrimp shipped in from Louisiana and sold as meals.
* Long time South Bay restaurant The Ragin Cajun Cafe will have Traditional Cajun Favorites along with other food vendors and food trucks. (You might remember the days of Ragin' Cajun's own food truck, from TV's "Great Food Truck Race." They know everybody that has a good food truck.)
* Kids age 12 & under get in free with ticketed paid adult.
* Kids activities include a kids stage, bouncy castles, crawfish races, giant slide, magician, a sing-a-long, balloon art, and games.
* Tix types include general adm, VIP, and cabanas tix.
* Save 20%-30% on General Admission and Meal tickets if you buy before April 1.
* More at: https://www.ragincajuncrawfishjamboree.com/
* TIX available at Ragin' Cajun Cafe, 525 PCH, Redondo Beach, or at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ragin-cajun-crawfish-jamboree-tickets-54309115025
Annual "EXPLORE JPL" will be held at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, on May 18 & 19 from 8:30 am to 4 pm.
* TODAY ONLY, Tickets are available to the public online, at 8 am PDT. All will be gone promptly.
* WHY IS THIS A BIG DEAL? The long-running "NASA/JPL Open House" drew more traffic and visitors than the facility could handle. It is gone forever, replaced by this online ticket rush, and there are NO OTHER options for the public to see the center of the world of robotic planetary exploration.
* Visitors will have the opportunity to see, among other things, full-sized models of Mars rovers, and to view the "Mars 2020" rover that is being constructed in the Spacecraft Assembly Facility. Attendees can also see mission control and the machine shop, where precise parts are made for spacecraft.
* Tickets are FREE BUT VERY LIMITED and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, with a maximum of five tickets per requestor. Orders for more than five tickets may be subject to cancellation.
* Tickets will be provided for specific time slots and must be reserved for specific names.
* To attend, visitors must have their tickets in hand -- nobody will be admitted without a ticket -- and anyone age 18 or over must show a matching legal ID.
* Tickets are not transferable and cannot be sold.
* Although children under two do not require a ticket, experiences at the event are not intended for very young guests.
* Vehicles entering NASA/JPL property are subject to inspection. Visitors cannot bring these items to NASA/JPL: weapons, explosives, incendiary devices, dangerous instruments, alcohol, illegal drugs, pets and all types of skates, skateboards and Segways. Bicycling to NASA/JPL is welcomed, but not inside the event, as the venues are crowded with pedestrians. Bike racks will be provided near the main entrance.
* No bags, backpacks or ice chests are allowed, except small purses and diaper bags.
* Drones are not allowed to fly over NASA/JPL under any circumstances.
* FULL INFO at: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/events/special-events.php
Annual "EXPLORE JPL" will be held at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, on May 18 & 19 from 8:30 am to 4 pm.
* TODAY ONLY, Tickets are available to the public online, at 8 am PDT. All will be gone promptly.
* WHY IS THIS A BIG DEAL? The long-running "NASA/JPL Open House" drew more traffic and visitors than the facility could handle. It is gone forever, replaced by this online ticket rush, and there are NO OTHER options for the public to see the center of the world of robotic planetary exploration.
* Visitors will have the opportunity to see, among other things, full-sized models of Mars rovers, and to view the "Mars 2020" rover that is being constructed in the Spacecraft Assembly Facility. Attendees can also see mission control and the machine shop, where precise parts are made for spacecraft.
* Tickets are FREE BUT VERY LIMITED and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, with a maximum of five tickets per requestor. Orders for more than five tickets may be subject to cancellation.
* Tickets will be provided for specific time slots and must be reserved for specific names.
* To attend, visitors must have their tickets in hand -- nobody will be admitted without a ticket -- and anyone age 18 or over must show a matching legal ID.
* Tickets are not transferable and cannot be sold.
* Although children under two do not require a ticket, experiences at the event are not intended for very young guests.
* Vehicles entering NASA/JPL property are subject to inspection. Visitors cannot bring these items to NASA/JPL: weapons, explosives, incendiary devices, dangerous instruments, alcohol, illegal drugs, pets and all types of skates, skateboards and Segways. Bicycling to NASA/JPL is welcomed, but not inside the event, as the venues are crowded with pedestrians. Bike racks will be provided near the main entrance.
* No bags, backpacks or ice chests are allowed, except small purses and diaper bags.
* Drones are not allowed to fly over NASA/JPL under any circumstances.
* FULL INFO at: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/events/special-events.php
Sat Apr 6:
1 pm - "CENTENIAL CELEBRATION 2019: THE RE-PETE SEEGER CONCERT" celebration of Pete's 100th birthday, with The Geer Family Singers, Ellen Geer, Peter Alsop, Melora Marshall, EMMA'S REVOLUTION, Marshall McDaniel, Earnestine Phillips, Gerald C. Rivers, with Michele Brourman, Elizabeth Tobias, Ross Altman, and more, at the beautiful Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga CA
* Tickets -- adult $25; Seniors-Students $15; Youth 6-17 $10; Kids under age 6 are free.
* TIX at: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=97203
Sat, Apr 6; live webcast:
5 pm (PDT) - 2019 "AMERICAN PIANISTS AWARDS" present their "Gala Finals" live from the Hilbert Circle Theatre in Indianapolis, Indiana.
* It's an award given once every four years.
* It goes to the winner at the conclusion of a unique 13-month competition process.
* It's the prestigious "COLE PORTER FELLOWSHIP" of the 2019 "American Pianists Awards."
* The five finalists are Kenny Banks, Jr., Emmet Cohen, Keelan Dimick, Dave Meder, and Bill Test.
☆ The "Club Finals" features two sets of trio performances on Friday and the finals on Saturday, all with online simulcasts from Indianapolis.
☆ Friday, April 5 at 3:30 pm and 6 pm (Pacific) each pianist competes in two performances from The Jazz Kitchen.
☆ Saturday, April 6, the "Gala Finals" start at Hilbert Circle Theatre in Indianapolis at 5 pm (Pacific). Grammy® Award-winning vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater hosts the event. Each finalist performs with the Buselli-Wallarab Jazz Orchestra and GRAMMY® Award-winning vocalist Kurt Elling.
☆ Both nights streamed live at: www.AmericanPianists.org/live
Sat, Apr 6:
7 pm - DANIEL HO TRIO plays the Museum of Making Music, 5790 Armada Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008; 760-438-5996
* Hawai'ian music, masterful ukulele, and beyond.
Sat, Apr 6:
7:30 pm - BERKLEY HART, the many-times-named best acoustic performing songwriter duo in San Diego, comes up the coast to play the monthly "Camarillo Cafe" concert series at Camarillo Community Center, 1605 E Burnley St, Camarillo, CA 93010; 805-814-9366
Sat, Apr 6:
7 pm - DANIEL HO TRIO plays the Museum of Making Music, 5790 Armada Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008; 760-438-5996
* Hawai'ian music, masterful ukulele, and beyond.
Sat, Apr 6:
7:30 pm - BERKLEY HART, the many-times-named best acoustic performing songwriter duo in San Diego, comes up the coast to play the monthly "Camarillo Cafe" concert series at Camarillo Community Center, 1605 E Burnley St, Camarillo, CA 93010; 805-814-9366
Sat, Apr 6:
* Annmarie tells us, "We will plant seeds of intentions and prayers setting our energy for this new season of growth and expansion. We are also making a beautiful organic veggie dinner for you!"
* Schedule:
7:30 pm, Dinner
8:45 pm, Heart Medicine Concert
10:30 pm-midnight, Social
* Info & tix: It's trapped inside Facebook. If your device is infested with FB spyware, you can get the info at: https://m.facebook.com/events/374655220043828/
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - JAYME STONE'S FOLKLIFE, also featuring MOIRA SMILEY, SUMAIA JACKSON & JOE PHILLIPS, play the Pasadena Folk Music Society concert series in Beckman Institute Auditorium (aka "Little Beckman") on the Caltech campus in Pasadena, CA. Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan, S off Del Mar, and ignore "reserved" signs at night.
* This outstanding quartet features Jayme, winner of two Juno Awards (the Canadian Grammy) and three Canadian Folk Music Awards (banjo and vocals), plus Moira Smiley (accordion and vocals), Sumaia Jackson (fiddle & vocals), and Joe Phillips (upright bass & vocals). They are touring the country, winding up in New York’s Carnegie Hall in June.
* They performed at this series three years ago with "The Lomax Project," starting with live interpretations of field recordings and notes taken by American folklorist John Lomax during the first half of the 20th Century. They re-interpreted and re-introduced these songs to the present generations.
* Their second album, nominated for a 2018 Juno Award as "Traditional Roots Album of the Year," is "Jayme Stone's Folklife." Released in 2017, it includes Sea Island spirituals, Creole calypsos, and stomp-down Appalachian dance tunes.
* Jayme is an extraordinary and revered banjo player, and Folklife is very much a team approach, with Jayme getting lots of creative input from the others for this music. There is a lot of great singing with full harmonies and excellent musicianship.
* Jayme Stone's Folklife treats old field recordings from the Library of Congress not as time capsules, but as heirloom seeds passed down from a bygone generation. For fans of trad folk and Old Time, this show is a must.
* Jayme's "Africa to Appalachia" was celebrated by the BBC as "A brilliant synthesis of music from two different cultures."
* Moira Smiley, much-missed in L.A. since she is now living in Vermont, is familiar to many from her previous appearances at Caltech, on radio's long-lost "Tied to the Tracks," and many prestigious venues with her group, VOCO. She is also known for her parts in feature films, BBC & PBS television programs, NPR, and her parts on more than 60 albums. Noted for her gorgeous voice, she is also known for her compositions, singing and song leading, featured in appearances with the Los Angeles Master Chorale.
* The Bay Area's Sumaia Jackson, classically trained in violin early on, went to Berklee College of Music in the American Roots Music department. She has continued to seek-out roots communities, including Scottish, Appalachian, Bluegrass, and Jazz.
* Joe Phillps, born and raised in Toronto, is classically trained on the double bass, and equally comfortable playing with orchestras or in bars and pubs with a host of performers.
* TIX $20 for adults, $5 for children and Caltech students, at:
626-395-4652, single service charge applies to all tickets purchased in the transaction, including for multiple shows. Remaining tix at the door for cash or check (no credit cards at door.)
* Coming up next, in this series, just 2 weeks later, are ROBIN AND LINDA WILLIAMS on Fri, Apr 26. Those tix also available now.
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - ARTUR MENEZES, 2018 Winner, "Blues Guitarist of the Year," plays the Arcadia Blues Club, 29 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA.
* Venue has two stages, so the music is continuous.
* THE BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND with various special guests is also on hand to kick off the concerts and perform between sets every Fri and Sat night.
* COMING UP at the ABC:
⊙ Sat 4/13, Beano Mojohand, plus Kyle Taylor & The Bad Dogs
⊙ Sat 4/27, James Intveld
* TIX: discount advance tickets available for all their concerts at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - I SEE HAWKS IN L.A. plus PRETTY POLLY play a double-bill at the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St, San Pedro, CA 90731; 310-833-6362.
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - GRAMMY-winning guitarist LAURENCE JUBER plays Russ and Julie’s House Concerts in Oak Park (Agoura Hills/Westlake Village area)
* Reservations get directions, at 818-707-2179 or by email at rsvp@houseconcerts.us
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - AMILIA K. SPICER plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* We haven't seen this talented performing songwriter in a long time. Back when, she was a listening audience fave playing live on the long, lost, L.A.-based "Tied to the Tracks broadcast radio show.
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - MARIZA plays the Center for the Art of Performance (CAP) series in Royce Hall on the UCLA Campus in Westwood, CA 90095; 310-825-4401
Sunday, Apr 7
Sun, Apr 7, FREE:
9 am-noon - CLIFF LATIMER & LAURA OSBORN play acoustic trad folk, raucous old-time and trad Irish strings in their monthly "First Sundays" al fresco show at the Atwater Village Farmers Market, 3250 Glendale Bl, Los Angeles, CA
* Head out early, grab a farm-fresh breakfast and enjoy the free tunage.
2 pm - MARINA V performs another installment of her live streaming THE MARINA V SHOW, her online concert series on:
twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic (details below)
* The mega-talented Marina is taking time off her global concert touring, and you'll see why if you keep reading. She says of her live-on-line concerts, "I will perform your song requests (live from my living room), read your comments in the chatroom, answer questions and will probably share more about what's going on in my life (34 weeks pregnant) than you wanted to know:)) But seriously, these concerts make me SO happy. I absolutely love performing and sharing my music and myself with you!"
("THE MARINA V SHOW"): at www.twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic
Sun, Apr 7 @ 2 pm
Wed, Apr 10 @ 4 pm
Sat, Apr 13 @ 2 pm: ONLINE BABY SHOWER (+ Concert) details at marinav.com/onlinebabyshower
* All times are US Pacific (Los Angeles). Need a Time Zone converter?
* How to request songs, how to participate, etc: MarinaV.com/the-marina-v-show
* Annmarie tells us, "We will plant seeds of intentions and prayers setting our energy for this new season of growth and expansion. We are also making a beautiful organic veggie dinner for you!"
* Schedule:
7:30 pm, Dinner
8:45 pm, Heart Medicine Concert
10:30 pm-midnight, Social
* Info & tix: It's trapped inside Facebook. If your device is infested with FB spyware, you can get the info at: https://m.facebook.com/events/374655220043828/
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - JAYME STONE'S FOLKLIFE, also featuring MOIRA SMILEY, SUMAIA JACKSON & JOE PHILLIPS, play the Pasadena Folk Music Society concert series in Beckman Institute Auditorium (aka "Little Beckman") on the Caltech campus in Pasadena, CA. Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan, S off Del Mar, and ignore "reserved" signs at night.
* This outstanding quartet features Jayme, winner of two Juno Awards (the Canadian Grammy) and three Canadian Folk Music Awards (banjo and vocals), plus Moira Smiley (accordion and vocals), Sumaia Jackson (fiddle & vocals), and Joe Phillips (upright bass & vocals). They are touring the country, winding up in New York’s Carnegie Hall in June.
* They performed at this series three years ago with "The Lomax Project," starting with live interpretations of field recordings and notes taken by American folklorist John Lomax during the first half of the 20th Century. They re-interpreted and re-introduced these songs to the present generations.
* Their second album, nominated for a 2018 Juno Award as "Traditional Roots Album of the Year," is "Jayme Stone's Folklife." Released in 2017, it includes Sea Island spirituals, Creole calypsos, and stomp-down Appalachian dance tunes.
* Jayme is an extraordinary and revered banjo player, and Folklife is very much a team approach, with Jayme getting lots of creative input from the others for this music. There is a lot of great singing with full harmonies and excellent musicianship.
* Jayme Stone's Folklife treats old field recordings from the Library of Congress not as time capsules, but as heirloom seeds passed down from a bygone generation. For fans of trad folk and Old Time, this show is a must.
* Jayme's "Africa to Appalachia" was celebrated by the BBC as "A brilliant synthesis of music from two different cultures."
* Moira Smiley, much-missed in L.A. since she is now living in Vermont, is familiar to many from her previous appearances at Caltech, on radio's long-lost "Tied to the Tracks," and many prestigious venues with her group, VOCO. She is also known for her parts in feature films, BBC & PBS television programs, NPR, and her parts on more than 60 albums. Noted for her gorgeous voice, she is also known for her compositions, singing and song leading, featured in appearances with the Los Angeles Master Chorale.
* The Bay Area's Sumaia Jackson, classically trained in violin early on, went to Berklee College of Music in the American Roots Music department. She has continued to seek-out roots communities, including Scottish, Appalachian, Bluegrass, and Jazz.
* Joe Phillps, born and raised in Toronto, is classically trained on the double bass, and equally comfortable playing with orchestras or in bars and pubs with a host of performers.
* TIX $20 for adults, $5 for children and Caltech students, at:
626-395-4652, single service charge applies to all tickets purchased in the transaction, including for multiple shows. Remaining tix at the door for cash or check (no credit cards at door.)
* Coming up next, in this series, just 2 weeks later, are ROBIN AND LINDA WILLIAMS on Fri, Apr 26. Those tix also available now.
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - ARTUR MENEZES, 2018 Winner, "Blues Guitarist of the Year," plays the Arcadia Blues Club, 29 E Huntington Dr, Arcadia CA.
* Venue has two stages, so the music is continuous.
* THE BOBBY BLUEHOUSE BAND with various special guests is also on hand to kick off the concerts and perform between sets every Fri and Sat night.
* COMING UP at the ABC:
⊙ Sat 4/13, Beano Mojohand, plus Kyle Taylor & The Bad Dogs
⊙ Sat 4/27, James Intveld
* TIX: discount advance tickets available for all their concerts at: http://arcadiabluesclub.eventbrite.com
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - I SEE HAWKS IN L.A. plus PRETTY POLLY play a double-bill at the Grand Annex, 434 W 6th St, San Pedro, CA 90731; 310-833-6362.
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - GRAMMY-winning guitarist LAURENCE JUBER plays Russ and Julie’s House Concerts in Oak Park (Agoura Hills/Westlake Village area)
* Reservations get directions, at 818-707-2179 or by email at rsvp@houseconcerts.us
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - AMILIA K. SPICER plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
* We haven't seen this talented performing songwriter in a long time. Back when, she was a listening audience fave playing live on the long, lost, L.A.-based "Tied to the Tracks broadcast radio show.
Sat, Apr 6:
8 pm - MARIZA plays the Center for the Art of Performance (CAP) series in Royce Hall on the UCLA Campus in Westwood, CA 90095; 310-825-4401
Sunday, Apr 7
Sun, Apr 7, FREE:
9 am-noon - CLIFF LATIMER & LAURA OSBORN play acoustic trad folk, raucous old-time and trad Irish strings in their monthly "First Sundays" al fresco show at the Atwater Village Farmers Market, 3250 Glendale Bl, Los Angeles, CA
* Head out early, grab a farm-fresh breakfast and enjoy the free tunage.
2 pm - MARINA V performs another installment of her live streaming THE MARINA V SHOW, her online concert series on:
twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic (details below)
* The mega-talented Marina is taking time off her global concert touring, and you'll see why if you keep reading. She says of her live-on-line concerts, "I will perform your song requests (live from my living room), read your comments in the chatroom, answer questions and will probably share more about what's going on in my life (34 weeks pregnant) than you wanted to know:)) But seriously, these concerts make me SO happy. I absolutely love performing and sharing my music and myself with you!"
("THE MARINA V SHOW"): at www.twitch.tv/MarinaVmusic
Sun, Apr 7 @ 2 pm
Wed, Apr 10 @ 4 pm
Sat, Apr 13 @ 2 pm: ONLINE BABY SHOWER (+ Concert) details at marinav.com/onlinebabyshower
* All times are US Pacific (Los Angeles). Need a Time Zone converter?
* How to request songs, how to participate, etc: MarinaV.com/the-marina-v-show
Sun Apr 7 Topanga CA:
Time tba - "LOVE & PEACE & SEX & WAR, GENDER, JUSTICE & LOTS MORE!" concert with PETER ALSOP and EMMA'S REVOLUTION, at the Corazon Performing Arts Center, 125 S Topanga Canyon Bl, Topanga, CA
* TIX: $20 General Admission; $15 Students/Seniors/Military.
* Tickets at the door (first come, first served) or adv at: https://emmasrevolution.com/sun-april-7th-topanga-emmasrev-peter-alsop
Sun, Apr 7:
7 pm - CAETANO VELOSO plays an off-campus show presented by CAP-UCLA at the Theatre at Ace Hotel, 929 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015; 213- 623-3233
Sun, Apr 7:
7:30 pm - RANKY TANKY plays the Main Stage at the Broad Stage, Santa Monica College Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica, CA 90401; 310-434-3200
Sun, Apr 7:
7:30 pm - JACK WILLIAMS plays the "Dark Thirty" House Concerts series in Lakeside, CA 92040
* Reservations get directions, at: 619-443-9622
* Seeing Jack Williams in an intimate house concert? Don't dawdle, or this'll be full-up.
Sun, Apr 7:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY, the great rockin' blues man, plays the Belly Up Tavern, 143 S Cedros Av, Solana Beach (San Diego) CA 92075; 858-481-9022
* He's also in San Juan Capistrano, Apr 9 at 8 pm; see listing.
Sun, Apr 7, on TV:
8-11 pm (Pacific) - 54th annual "COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS" (CMAs) on CBS.
After the weekend...
Tue, Apr 9:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY, the great rockin' blues man, plays the Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675; 949-496-8927
* He's also in San Diego, Apr 7 at 8 pm; see listing.
Sun, Apr 7:
7 pm - CAETANO VELOSO plays an off-campus show presented by CAP-UCLA at the Theatre at Ace Hotel, 929 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015; 213- 623-3233
Sun, Apr 7:
7:30 pm - RANKY TANKY plays the Main Stage at the Broad Stage, Santa Monica College Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th St, Santa Monica, CA 90401; 310-434-3200
Sun, Apr 7:
7:30 pm - JACK WILLIAMS plays the "Dark Thirty" House Concerts series in Lakeside, CA 92040
* Reservations get directions, at: 619-443-9622
* Seeing Jack Williams in an intimate house concert? Don't dawdle, or this'll be full-up.
Sun, Apr 7:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY, the great rockin' blues man, plays the Belly Up Tavern, 143 S Cedros Av, Solana Beach (San Diego) CA 92075; 858-481-9022
* He's also in San Juan Capistrano, Apr 9 at 8 pm; see listing.
Sun, Apr 7, on TV:
8-11 pm (Pacific) - 54th annual "COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS" (CMAs) on CBS.
After the weekend...
Tue, Apr 9:
8 pm - BUDDY GUY, the great rockin' blues man, plays the Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675; 949-496-8927
* He's also in San Diego, Apr 7 at 8 pm; see listing.
Later in April...
SCRUBBED due to high altitude winds; rescheduled for tomorrow at 3:15 pm PDT.
3:35 pm (PDT) -- LAUNCH OF SPACE X' s "FALCON HEAVY," live from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (URL to watch it live is at the bottom.)
* The Falcon Heavy, the world’s most powerful rocket currently in operation, is about to fly again TODAY.
* SpaceX’s triple-core behemoth delivers more than five million pounds of thrust at liftoff. The long-lost Saturn V Apollo moon rocket produced six-and-a-half-million pounds of thrust, so all these decades later, we are almost able to go back to the future.
* Falcon Heavy is making its first commercial flight. It previously flew on a test mission over a year ago.
* Space X advertises "The rocket offers high power at low launch prices, and could help fund future missions to Mars and beyond."
* The secret to more affordable launch costs is Space X's capability to return rocket stages to Earth with rocket-powered landings, enabling undamaged recovery and reuse on future flights.
* Launch is set for Wednesday, after 3:35 pm Pacific time, from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, using the original Apollo moon Launch Complex 39A.
* This flight of the Falcon Heavy will deliver Lockheed Martin’s Arabsat-6A satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit. It is designed to offer television and cellular services for the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
* SpaceX is set to save all three cores of the Falcon Heavy for this mission. The first two will land at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, while the third will land a little while later on the Of Course I Still Love You drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the same general plan as used for the previous mission, but while the first two boosters landed safely, the third central core crashed into the ocean at 300 mph, missing its target by 300 feet.
* THE "ART" OF FALCON HEAVY'S BRIEF HISTORY IS REALLY FUN. This is the first mission since Falcon Heavy's first flight on February 6, 2018. During that mission, the rocket took Elon Musk’s red Tesla Roadster into a huge elliptical orbit of the sun, on a trajectory approaching Mars. The car contained a test dummy wearing SpaceX’s spacesuit, seated in the driver’s seat. The in-car sound system played David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” on loop as long as the batteries lasted. The dashboard has a reference to the sci-fi novel series "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy," with a “Don’t Panic” sticker recalling the advice given by the guide in the novel. It also contains a “5D quartz laser storage device” holding a digital version of Isaac Asimov’s "Foundation" book trilogy.
* About the Launch time...
The primary launch window is set to OPEN at 6:35 pm Eastern / 3:35 pm Pacific time and CLOSE around two hours later at 8:32 pm EDT / 5:32 PDT.
* The satellite is set to deploy around 34 minutes after launch. The three cores will then complete their landing back on terra firma.
* A backup launch window, if needed, is set to open Thu, Apr 11, at 6:35 pm Eastern, running until around two hours later at 8:31 pm Eastern, same day.
* URL to Watch live:
The webcast is set to start 20 minutes before the launch. It can be viewed at the bottom of the page at: https://www.inverse.com/article/54758-falcon-heavy-how-to-watch-spacex-launch
Wed, Apr 10:
6:30 pm-8:30 pm - ANDY & RENEE, leaders of the multiple award-winning band HARD RAIN and producers and musical hosts of the annual "DYLANFEST," play the Bottle Inn Riviera, 1700 S Catalina Av (entrance on Ave I), Redondo Beach, CA 90277; 310-543-6800.
* Get early bird discount tix now for the 2019 "DYLANFEST," happening May 5; TIX & info at: http://www.andyandrenee.com/store.php
Thu, Apr 11, FREE WEBINAR:
11 am-noon (PDT) - "WHAT'S NEW IN CONSTANT CONTACT" is a FREE online webinar presented by "HUT Dogs," a San Gabriel Valley-based company that works with local economic development organizations and the City of Pasadena.
* Many musicians, artists, venues, and concert series presenters use the "Constant Contact" email service to notify large fan lists.
* HUT Dogs tell us, "Join us for a live Webinar and find out what's new in Constant Contact. We will look at new features/tools that can help improve your audience engagement and save you time. We'll show you real-world examples to give you plenty of ideas for your next campaigns. No fee to attend."
* Info contact: David Finstrom, HUTdogs, at: 310-821-1936
* Registration offers a free trial option to sign-up to use Constant Contact; decline/accept option.
* REGISTER FOR THE FREE WEBINAR at: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=fyx7upcab&oeidk=a07eg5pum6946ba899f
3:15 pm (PDT) -- LAUNCH OF SPACE X' s "FALCON HEAVY," live from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (URL to watch it live is at the bottom.)
* Live webcast begins about 3:15 pm; see below.
* Rescheduled after being scrubbed yesterday due to high winds.
* The Falcon Heavy, the world’s most powerful rocket currently in operation, is about to fly again TODAY.
* SpaceX’s triple-core behemoth delivers more than five million pounds of thrust at liftoff. The long-lost Saturn V Apollo moon rocket produced six-and-a-half-million pounds of thrust, so all these decades later, we are almost able to go back to the future.
* Falcon Heavy is making its first commercial flight. It previously flew on a test mission over a year ago.
* Space X advertises "The rocket offers high power at low launch prices, and could help fund future missions to Mars and beyond."
* The secret to more affordable launch costs is Space X's capability to return rocket stages to Earth with rocket-powered landings, enabling undamaged recovery and reuse on future flights.
* Launching from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, using the original Apollo moon Launch Complex 39A.
* This flight of the Falcon Heavy will deliver Lockheed Martin’s Arabsat-6A satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit. It is designed to offer television and cellular services for the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.
* SpaceX is set to save all three cores of the Falcon Heavy for this mission. The first two will land at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, while the third will land a little while later on the Of Course I Still Love You drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the same general plan as used for the previous mission, but while the first two boosters landed safely, the third central core crashed into the ocean at 300 mph, missing its target by 300 feet.
* THE "ART" OF FALCON HEAVY'S BRIEF HISTORY IS REALLY FUN. This is the first mission since Falcon Heavy's first flight on February 6, 2018. During that mission, the rocket took Elon Musk’s red Tesla Roadster into a huge elliptical orbit of the sun, on a trajectory approaching Mars. The car contained a test dummy wearing SpaceX’s spacesuit, seated in the driver’s seat. The in-car sound system played David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” on loop as long as the batteries lasted. The dashboard has a reference to the sci-fi novel series "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy," with a “Don’t Panic” sticker recalling the advice given by the guide in the novel. It also contains a “5D quartz laser storage device” holding a digital version of Isaac Asimov’s "Foundation" book trilogy.
* About the Launch time...
The launch window is about two hours long. If it doesn't launch right away, it still might go.
* The satellite is set to deploy around 34 minutes after launch. The three cores will then complete their landing back on terra firma.
* Today's launch window opens Thu, Apr 11, at 6:35 pm Eastern, running until around two hours later at 8:31 pm Eastern.
* URL to Watch live:
The webcast is set to start 20 minutes before the launch. It can be viewed at the bottom of the page at: https://www.inverse.com/article/54758-falcon-heavy-how-to-watch-spacex-launch
THURSDAY, multiple days...
Thursday through SATURDAY or SUNDAY, Apr 11 through Apr 13 (or 14)
Thu-Sun, Apr 11-14, MUSIC CAMP:
Annual "JULIAN FAMILY FIDDLE CAMP" at Camp Cedar Glen, 743 Farmer Rd, Julian, CA 92036
* The Guide lists this TODAY ONLY, since a music camp experience is generally a case of "in for a penny, in for a pound." If you're a fiddle player at any level, you should seriously think about escaping for four days to do this.
* Registration and full info, 760-522-8458 or info@familyfiddlecamp.com
Thu-Sun, Apr 11-14, FESTIVAL:
5 pm - Annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL" kicks-off Thursday on the downtown Newhall "WALK OF WESTERN STARS" with unveiling of the markers for the newest honorees.
* This event begins on Main Street, Old Town Newhall, CA 91321
* The action moves a short walk away for the 6 pm Induction Ceremony of honorees in Hart Hall, in William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Av, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
* Evening concerts happen nightly in several area theatres.
* SEE SEPARATE LISTINGS FOR FRIDAY AND SAT & SUN for specific events at different venues.
* THE SCENE, in general: the all-day Sat & Sun main festival in Hart Park is filled with performances, re-enactments, both trad and contemporary Western Music ("cowboy, not country"), Cowboy Poetry, visual art, sculpture, kids activities, historic building tours, exhibits, food, vendors, and more. Get the trail dust brushed offa yer hat, polish-up those boots, and get ready to yee-haw. Yes, this is a very different event than in the old days, when it was held at Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studios, but don't let some city-slicker fool ya -- it's still a mighty fine good time.
* SEE THE GUIDE'S DAILY LISTINGS for Cowboy Festival events, Thursday through Sunday.
* Info, 661-250-3735, or cowboy@santa-clarita.com
Thu-Sat, Apr 11-13:
8 pm - PACIFIC SYMPHONY's 40th anniversary season presents "A SPACE ODYSSEY" for three performances at Segerstrom Concert Hall, OC Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, CA.
* Made famous as part of the soundtrack to "2001: A Space Odyssey," STRAUSS’ "Also Sprach Zarathustra" still elicits wonder about our vast universe. That's just part of this program.
* MICHAEL DAUGHERTY presents the World Premiere of his new work, "To the New World" (2019), celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing.
* MOZART's "Piano Concerto No. 23," with Finnish pianist JUHO POHJONEN, is the sublime centerpiece.
* Enjoy image magnification on the big screens during the concert for a closer look at the artists.
* GO EARLY for the Preview Talk with ALAN CHAPMAN at 7 pm. Doors open at 6:45 pm.
* TIX: Box Office, 714-755-5799; https://www.pacificsymphony.org/tickets/concert/space_odyssey
* Note that this is the first of two "space" themed programs by PACIFIC SYMPHONY. Also see "Intergalactic Adventures," Apr 13, 10 am & 11:30 am.
Fri-Sun, Apr 12-14, FESTIVAL:
2 pm-10 pm - Annual "TEMECULA VALLEY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" gets underway Friday at the TCR Ranch, 39560 E Benton Rd, Temecula, CA 92592
* It's no longer a city-sponsored free event on the streets of Temecula. Now you need to pay, and in return you get a rustic setting, camping, plenty of featured bands into the night, and jamming under the trees.
* TIX & info, 442-444-0068 or tim@temeculabluegrass.com
Fri, Apr 12; Thu-Sun, Apr 11-14; FESTIVAL:
Annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL" has events today in two places, 1st at 11 am, then at 6:30 pm.
* 11 am is the "CALIFORNIO FIESTA DE RANCHO CAMULOS" with a concert by NEW WEST followed by a Tribute to the great DON EDWARDS, at Rancho Camulos Museum, 5164 E Telegraph Rd (Hw. 126), Piru CA 93040
* 6:30 pm is the "COWBOY DANCE" with COW BOP in Hart Hall at William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Av, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
* SEE THE GUIDE'S DAILY LISTINGS for Cowboy Festival events, Thursday through Sunday.
* Evening concerts happen nightly in several area theatres.
* THE SCENE, in general: the all-day Sat & Sun main festival in Hart Park is filled with performances, re-enactments, both trad and contemporary Western Music ("cowboy, not country"), Cowboy Poetry, visual art, sculpture, kids activities, historic building tours, exhibits, food, vendors, and more. Get the trail dust brushed offa yer hat, polish-up those boots, and get ready to yee-haw. Yes, this is a very different event than in the old days, when it was held at Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studios, but don't let some city-slicker fool ya -- it's still a mighty fine good time.
* Info, 661-250-3735, or cowboy@santa-clarita.com
Fri, Apr 12, FESTIVAL:
6:30 pm - "COWBOY DANCE" at the annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL," Thu-Sun, Apr 11-14. See festival write-up at the beginning of the day for lots of details.
* Tonight's dance is a mere $10 at the door!
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - THE GLOAMING, presented by CAP-UCLA "off campus" at the Theatre at Ace Hotel, 929 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015; 213-623-3233
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - JANE SIBERRY plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - DON ROSS & DONOVAN RAITT play Alvas Showroom, 1413 W 8th St, San Pedro, CA 90732; 310-833-3281
* The venue doesn't have food, so they invite you to bring your food and beverage of your choice. Many bring a full-course indoor picnic dinner, so don't be bashful.
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - BERKLEY HART plus SELIS TWANG with EVE SELUS, at Java Joe's Coffee House, 3536 Adams Av, San Diego, CA 92116; 619-354-5637
* BERKLEY HART has repeatedly been named the best acoustic performing songwriter duo in San Diego.
* EVE SELIS, their fellow San Diegan, doesn't play L.A. near enough, so make the trek South to catch both acts.
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - SOURDOUGH SLIM, the incomparable 1930s style cowboy musician and full-spectrum entertainer, plays hookey from the big festival to present an entire evening at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations a must, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
Fri, Apr 12:
9:30 pm - LAS CAFETERAS plays the Music Box, 1337 India St, San Diego, CA 92101
Thu-Sun, Apr 11-14, FESTIVAL:
"BENDER JAMBOREE" in Las Vegas, Nv
* Lineup features the phenomenal BILLY STRINGS Apr 11 & 12. He and his band were the 2018 fall season openers on "Bluegrass Underground." Their instrumental wizardry is phenomenal.
FRIDAYFri-Sun, Apr 12-14, FESTIVAL:
2 pm-10 pm - Annual "TEMECULA VALLEY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" gets underway Friday at the TCR Ranch, 39560 E Benton Rd, Temecula, CA 92592
* It's no longer a city-sponsored free event on the streets of Temecula. Now you need to pay, and in return you get a rustic setting, camping, plenty of featured bands into the night, and jamming under the trees.
* TIX & info, 442-444-0068 or tim@temeculabluegrass.com
Fri, Apr 12; Thu-Sun, Apr 11-14; FESTIVAL:
Annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL" has events today in two places, 1st at 11 am, then at 6:30 pm.
* 11 am is the "CALIFORNIO FIESTA DE RANCHO CAMULOS" with a concert by NEW WEST followed by a Tribute to the great DON EDWARDS, at Rancho Camulos Museum, 5164 E Telegraph Rd (Hw. 126), Piru CA 93040
* 6:30 pm is the "COWBOY DANCE" with COW BOP in Hart Hall at William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Av, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
* SEE THE GUIDE'S DAILY LISTINGS for Cowboy Festival events, Thursday through Sunday.
* Evening concerts happen nightly in several area theatres.
* THE SCENE, in general: the all-day Sat & Sun main festival in Hart Park is filled with performances, re-enactments, both trad and contemporary Western Music ("cowboy, not country"), Cowboy Poetry, visual art, sculpture, kids activities, historic building tours, exhibits, food, vendors, and more. Get the trail dust brushed offa yer hat, polish-up those boots, and get ready to yee-haw. Yes, this is a very different event than in the old days, when it was held at Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studios, but don't let some city-slicker fool ya -- it's still a mighty fine good time.
* Info, 661-250-3735, or cowboy@santa-clarita.com
Fri, Apr 12, FESTIVAL:
6:30 pm - "COWBOY DANCE" at the annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL," Thu-Sun, Apr 11-14. See festival write-up at the beginning of the day for lots of details.
* Tonight's dance is a mere $10 at the door!
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - THE GLOAMING, presented by CAP-UCLA "off campus" at the Theatre at Ace Hotel, 929 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90015; 213-623-3233
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - JANE SIBERRY plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - DON ROSS & DONOVAN RAITT play Alvas Showroom, 1413 W 8th St, San Pedro, CA 90732; 310-833-3281
* The venue doesn't have food, so they invite you to bring your food and beverage of your choice. Many bring a full-course indoor picnic dinner, so don't be bashful.
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - BERKLEY HART plus SELIS TWANG with EVE SELUS, at Java Joe's Coffee House, 3536 Adams Av, San Diego, CA 92116; 619-354-5637
* BERKLEY HART has repeatedly been named the best acoustic performing songwriter duo in San Diego.
* EVE SELIS, their fellow San Diegan, doesn't play L.A. near enough, so make the trek South to catch both acts.
Fri, Apr 12:
8 pm - SOURDOUGH SLIM, the incomparable 1930s style cowboy musician and full-spectrum entertainer, plays hookey from the big festival to present an entire evening at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations a must, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236.
Fri, Apr 12:
9:30 pm - LAS CAFETERAS plays the Music Box, 1337 India St, San Diego, CA 92101
Annual "RECORD STORE DAY," when musicians and music fans join in celebrating the vital role of the brick-and-mortar record store, and the IN-STORE-ONLY deals on limited releases are, well, amazing. Many independent stores and some labels offer special releases only for this day. Plus, live performances happen in some shops, where audiences will crowd-in around the racks of vinyl for performances and signings of special limited releases.
* Rhino Records has one-day special offerings at participating stores, and they tell us, Since you'll be wading in the deep end on April 13th, we thought we'd take this time to highlight a few 'Record Store Day' titles that are limited to just 3,000 copies or less. Don't miss out..."
* Miss out on what? They've got 33 titles coming to your favorite record store for "RECORD STORE DAY." Those offerings include:
⊙ Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – 4-Way Street (Expanded Edition) – 3-LP set on 180-gram vinyl; Limited edition of 9,000 copies, $49.98
⊙ Aretha Franklin – The Atlantic Singles 1967 – 7-inch boxed set; Limited edition of 4,500 copies, $49.98
⊙ Fleetwood Mac– The Alternate Fleetwood Mac – 1-LP 180-gram black vinyl; Limited edition of 12,500 copies, $24.98
⊙ Todd Rundgren- The Complete U.S. Bearsville & Warner Bros. Singles – 4-LP boxed set on colored vinyl; Limited edition of 4,500 copies, $79.98
⊙ Van Morrison – Astral Weeks Alternate - 10-inch mini album; Limited edition of 9,000 copies, $14.98
⊙ Various Artists – Woodstock – Mono PA Version – 3-LP 180-gram vinyl; Limited edition of 8,500 copies, $59.98
⊙ THREE different Grateful Dead limited editions
⊙ and more!
⊙ Aretha Franklin – The Atlantic Singles 1967 – 7-inch boxed set; Limited edition of 4,500 copies, $49.98
⊙ Fleetwood Mac– The Alternate Fleetwood Mac – 1-LP 180-gram black vinyl; Limited edition of 12,500 copies, $24.98
⊙ Todd Rundgren- The Complete U.S. Bearsville & Warner Bros. Singles – 4-LP boxed set on colored vinyl; Limited edition of 4,500 copies, $79.98
⊙ Van Morrison – Astral Weeks Alternate - 10-inch mini album; Limited edition of 9,000 copies, $14.98
⊙ Various Artists – Woodstock – Mono PA Version – 3-LP 180-gram vinyl; Limited edition of 8,500 copies, $59.98
⊙ THREE different Grateful Dead limited editions
⊙ and more!
* You can "Make your (Rhino) hit list" to see which stores will have what. Use Rhino's online tools, at:
* But first things first. Rhino isn't the only one coming to the party! Find a participating record store near you, and see what THEY'RE doing, at: www.RecordStoreDay.com
Sat, Apr 13:
10 am & 11:30 am - "INTERGALACTIC ADVENTURES" is a special space-themed, youth-oriented program by PACIFIC SYMPHONY, at Segerstrom Concert Hall, OC Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, CA.
* Launch into the wonders of outer space as you tour the Moon, the planets and beyond with music from "Star Wars," "Star Trek," and "2001: A Space Odyssey." Featuring NASA space footage, PACIFIC SYMPHONY is joined by special guests, the PACIFIC SYMPHONY YOUTH ORCHESTRA, on this exciting intergalactic adventure.
* Enjoy this fun and fascinating 45-minute concert designed especially for children 5-11. Join in the fun at the interactive Musical Carnival, where kids can test drive a musical instrument, meet and interact with musicians from Pacific Symphony and Pacific Symphony Youth Ensembles, watch local ensembles perform, create special crafts that connect to each concert’s theme, and participate in learning activities that align with state and national educational standards. The Spotlight Instrument for this concert is the Brass family.
* Activities begin at 9 am for 10 am concertgoers, and follow at 12:15 pm for 11:30 am concertgoers.
* TIX: Box Office, 714-755-5799; https://www.pacificsymphony.org/tickets/concert/intergalactic_adventures
* Note that this is one of two "space" themed programs by PACIFIC SYMPHONY this weekend. Also see " A SPACE ODYSSEY, " Apr 11, 12, & 13, 8 pm.
Sat, Apr 13, FESTIVAL:
10 am-10 pm - 2nd Annual "FOLKWORKS FOLK ROOTS FESTIVAL" at St. John's Presbyterian Church, 11000 National Bl, Los Angeles CA 90064
* TICKET options & purchase info at bottom.
* More than SEVENTY artists perform on two stages (one Indoor, one Outdoor Stage), plus five Workshop Rooms.
* Theme is a hybrid of Roots-Americana and "World" music, like the every-month content of FolkWorks itself; this year, the "world" half of the theme is Africa / African music and dance: "Exploring African Roots from Zimbabwe to Appalachia" (and Louisiana).
* The event is in West Los Angeles, within walking distance of the Expo Line light rail's Westwood/Rancho Park Station.
* Festival headliners also lead WORKSHOPS.
* DOM FLEMONS, GRAMMY winner while a founding member of CAROLINA CHOCOLATE DROPS, leads the daytime workshop, "Discovering Early American Roots Music and Culture"; he performs in the separately-ticketed evening concert.
* ADAAWE performs; members of ADAAWE lead "African Drumming Workshop."
* WILLY SOULY and his group of musicians and dancers perform in the evening concert; choreographer, dancer, drummer, Taekwondo expert, UCLA instructor WILLY SOULY, originally from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in West Africa, leads a "West African Dance Workshop."
* LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS perform, and GRAMMY nom Lisa leads a "Fiddle Workshop."
* Blues greats BERNIE PEARL and BARBARA MORRISON perform together; Bernie leads a "Blues Guitar Workshop."
* The 5-member BANJO PROJECT, "celebrating the connection between African and American music" performs with Walter Spencer, Tom Sauber, Steve Shapiro, Chris Berry, & Monika White; Monika White and Tom Sauber also lead workshops.
* MASANGA MARIMBA performs and leads workshop.
* SAUSAGE GRINDER plays an "Appalachian running set" with James Hutson calling. All are welcome, experienced dancers or not.
* SPENCER & RAINS play their twin fiddle harmony, based on influences of the midwestern Scandinavian fiddlers Tricia heard as a child.
* WORKSHOP LEADERS: Tom Sauber • Chris Berry • David Bragger • Monika White • Roger Goodman • Jim & Amber Mueller • Emil Olguin • Mary Pat Cooney • Nick Smith • Ruth Alpert • Lisa Haley • Ric Alviso • Dom Flemons • Angel Luis Figueroa • Pat Mac Swyney • Suzy Thompson • Eric Thompson • Bernie Pearl • Emile Hassan Dyer • Barbara Morrison • Willy Souly • Gerald Rivers • Members of ADAAWE.
** EVENING CONCERT (separate tix) at 7:30 pm, with:
• DOM FLEMONS - GRAMMY winner while a founding member of CAROLINA CHOCOLATE DROPS, the D.C.-based "American Songster" brings his 100-year repertoire; expert player on Banjo, Fife, Guitar, Harmonica, Percussion, Quills, and Rhythm Bones; also leads daytime workshop.
• THOMPSONIA - "Southern roots music" from Suzy Thompson, Eric Thompson, Allegra Thompson (Folk-Americana icon Suzy, and Eric, also lead daytime workshops).
• SOULY DANCE ARTS - Willy Souly, Aboulacar Kouyate, Gnenomen Soro, Adama Biloro Dembe, Malik Sow.
* FULL SCHEDULE: https://fwfolkrootsfestival.com/schedule
* FULL LINEUP, with profiles, bios, etc: https://fwfolkrootsfestival.com/lineup
* TIX -- three types:
(1) Daytime Events tix (10 am-5 pm)
Includes admission to the WORKSHOPS, FOLK FILMS, and AFTERNOON CONCERTS.
(2) Evening Concert tix (7 pm-10 pm) for entry to THAT concert only; option, +$10, for Limited Reserved seats, Rows 2-4 of seating.
(3) "Everything" tix, all day and evening, 10 am-10 pm, with option of +$10 for Limited Reserved seats at Evening Concert, first three rows of seating.
* Discount adv early-bird tix ended March 25th, and we told you about 'em with time to act, back when.
* TIX: ("official" festival tix are a Brown Paper Tickets link): https://m.bpt.me/event/3918676
Sat & Sun, Apr 13-14, FESTIVAL:
10 am-7 pm (Sat) - Annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL" presents its main events all weekend at both indoor and outdoor venues in William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Av, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
* Evening concerts happen nightly in several area theatres and each requires a separate ticket.
SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT, separately ticket at 8 pm, is "A Night with National Cash -- A Tribute to Johnny Cash" in Hart Hall.
* SEE SEPARATE LISTINGS FOR THU through SUN for specific events at different venues.
* THE SCENE, in general: the all-day Sat & Sun main festival in Hart Park is filled with performances, re-enactments, both trad and contemporary Western Music ("cowboy, not country"), Cowboy Poetry, visual art, sculpture, kids activities, historic building tours, exhibits, food, vendors, and more. Get the trail dust brushed offa yer hat, polish-up those boots, and get ready to yee-haw. Yes, this is a very different event than in the old days, when it was held at Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studios, but don't let some city-slicker fool ya -- it's still a mighty fine good time.
* Info, 661-250-3735, or cowboy@santa-clarita.com
Sat, Apr 13; Fri-Sun, Apr 12-14, FESTIVAL:
11 am-10 pm - (Sat) Annual "TEMECULA VALLEY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" continues at the TCR Ranch, 39560 E Benton Rd, Temecula, CA 92592
* It's no longer a city-sponsored free event on the streets of Temecula. Now you need to pay, and in return you get a rustic setting, camping, plenty of featured bands into the night, and jamming under the trees.
* TIX & info, 442-444-0068 or tim@temeculabluegrass.com
Annual "LOS ANGELES TIMES FESTIVAL OF BOOKS," on the USC main campus in University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089
* This free-admission event is MASSIVE, with a website that takes a long time to load if you're out-and-about on your phone: https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/
* The site allows you to plan your itinerary, which is an especially good idea; many events fill-up, both the FREE ones and the ones that require tickets you either need to reserve or PURCHASE. So get reservations for what interests you.
* It's obvious to report this is a great way to connect with books, people, and ideas.
* It's less obvious that it features plenty of LIVE MUSIC and STORYTELLING PERFORMANCES, along with panels and speakers in a vast array of performances spaces and venues.
* We advise to plan your weekend with good time management, so you can get to the "FolkRoots Festival" on Saturday.
* Beyond that... in past years we have published a Guide to the Festival of Books, navigating you from stage to stage to catch the Fok-Americana music and storytellers. Sorry, but we don't have the four hours available this year to do that.(Yep, it's that big, with that much going on.)
Sat & Sun, Apr 13 & 14, FREE FESTIVAL:
11 am - 15th annual "NEW PLAY READING FESTIVAL" at Boston Court Theatre, 70 Mentor Av, Pasadena CA 91106
* TICKETS ARE FREE, BUT RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED for each day or each play (see below). Schedule:
* Sat, 11 am: "TWO LAKES, TWO RIVERS" by Laura Jacqmin,directed by Lindsay Allbaugh. In a small Midwestern town, college boys are drinking ‘n’ drowning–despite whatever spells the Moms are casting at their 24/7 memorial. Then Peter disappears – without admitting guilt for the terrible thing his ex-girlfriend Bonnie is sure he’s done. Can Bonnie reconcile the version of Peter she knew with the Peter the town is mourning – without disappearing herself?
* Sat, 2 pm: "ALMA" by Benjamin Benne, directed by Michelle Bossy. Working mom Alma has single handedly raised her daughter, Angel, on tough love, home-cooked comida, and lots of prayers. But on the eve of the all-important SAT, Alma discovers her daughter isn’t at home, studying. A schooling and la chancla await Angel at home — but so does a creeping realization that more’s at stake than just a test score. A sacrifice from Alma’s past weighs heavy on their present; now, Alma fears that her worst nightmare may soon be their reality. Will the American Dream cost them a life together?
* Sun, 2 pm: "NORMALER THAN EVERYONE" by Brian Joseph, directed by Dani Bedau. This reading is currently SOLD OUT. If you're interested in joining the wait list, email: boxoffice@bostoncourtpasadena.org.
* Sun, 4:30 pm: "THREE GIRLS NEVER LEARNT THE WAY HOME" by Matthew Paul Olmos, directed by Jessica Kubzansky. After being bused into a newly integrated school, three friends find themselves in the center of a mysterious encounter which ignites a panic throughout the area. With elements of magical realism and visceral theatricality, Three Girls explores what happens to children caught in the middle of complicated adult fears.
* TIX ARE FREE, but adv. reservations are REQUIRED, at: https://ci.ovationtix.com/112/production/1008087 or call the box office,11 am- 5 pm, Tue-Fri, at at 626-683-6801
Sat & Sun, Apr 13 & 14, FREE FESTIVAL:
11 am - 15th annual "NEW PLAY READING FESTIVAL" at Boston Court Theatre, 70 Mentor Av, Pasadena CA 91106
* TICKETS ARE FREE, BUT RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED for each day or each play (see below). Schedule:
* Sat, 11 am: "TWO LAKES, TWO RIVERS" by Laura Jacqmin,directed by Lindsay Allbaugh. In a small Midwestern town, college boys are drinking ‘n’ drowning–despite whatever spells the Moms are casting at their 24/7 memorial. Then Peter disappears – without admitting guilt for the terrible thing his ex-girlfriend Bonnie is sure he’s done. Can Bonnie reconcile the version of Peter she knew with the Peter the town is mourning – without disappearing herself?
* Sat, 2 pm: "ALMA" by Benjamin Benne, directed by Michelle Bossy. Working mom Alma has single handedly raised her daughter, Angel, on tough love, home-cooked comida, and lots of prayers. But on the eve of the all-important SAT, Alma discovers her daughter isn’t at home, studying. A schooling and la chancla await Angel at home — but so does a creeping realization that more’s at stake than just a test score. A sacrifice from Alma’s past weighs heavy on their present; now, Alma fears that her worst nightmare may soon be their reality. Will the American Dream cost them a life together?
* Sun, 2 pm: "NORMALER THAN EVERYONE" by Brian Joseph, directed by Dani Bedau. This reading is currently SOLD OUT. If you're interested in joining the wait list, email: boxoffice@bostoncourtpasadena.org.
* Sun, 4:30 pm: "THREE GIRLS NEVER LEARNT THE WAY HOME" by Matthew Paul Olmos, directed by Jessica Kubzansky. After being bused into a newly integrated school, three friends find themselves in the center of a mysterious encounter which ignites a panic throughout the area. With elements of magical realism and visceral theatricality, Three Girls explores what happens to children caught in the middle of complicated adult fears.
* TIX ARE FREE, but adv. reservations are REQUIRED, at: https://ci.ovationtix.com/112/production/1008087 or call the box office,11 am- 5 pm, Tue-Fri, at at 626-683-6801
1 pm-6 pm - 19th annual "CALTECH JAZZ FESTIVAL" on Gates Annex Patio, just west of Dabney Lounge
in the heart of the Caltech campus, south of Beckman Institute.
* Open to the public and free.
* Performers include Yamaha Performing Artist: The Jimmy Branly Trio featuring Andy Langham & Edwin Livingston; Amanda Hamilton Group, CSUN Award Winning Combo; The Caltech Jazz Band, directed by Barb Catlin.
* Presented by the Caltech Jazz Band.
* Food and beverages available for purchase.
* The audience is welcome to bring a lawn chair or blanket, and your own food and beverages.
* Feature story: http://www.pasadenanow.com/main/the-caltech-jazz-band-presents-its-free-19th-annual-caltech-jazz-festival/
Sat, Apr 13:
6 pm - ERNEST TROOST plays the monthly "Live at the A-Frame" concert series in Kagel Canyon, above Sunland, CA; https://spark.adobe.com/page/kuXWxlrSYnqU5/
* It's an evening of songs & stories from L.A.'s resident Piedmont Blues master, winner of the Telluride Troubadour and music Emmys.
* Includes potluck supper; bring a dish, drink or dessert to share.
* SONG CIRCLE AFTER; bring an instrument, a story, or just your ears.
* Reservations get directions at 818-486-8505 or by email to coddy.nuckols@gmail.com
* $20 - ALL proceeds go to guest artists.
Sat, Apr 13:
7 pm - CHAUNCEY BOWERS & JODI SIEGEL play a double-bill at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 . Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sat, Apr 13:
7 pm - SEAMUS EGAN PROJECT performs at the Museum of Making Music, 5790 Armada Dr, Carlsbad CA 92008; 760-438-5996
Sat, Apr 13:
7 pm - DON ROSS & DONOVAN RAITT play the Canvas Church, 17332 Von Karman Ave, #115, Irvine CA
Sat, Apr 13:
7:30 pm-9:30 pm - ANDY & RENEE, leaders of the multiple award-winning band HARD RAIN and producers and musical hosts of the annual "DYLANFEST," play Orlando's, 1000 Torrance Bl, Ste A, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
* Get early bird discount tix now for the 2019 "DYLANFEST," happening May 5; TIX & info at: http://www.andyandrenee.com/store.php
Sat, Apr 13:
7:30 pm - EVENING CONCERT at the "FOLKWORKS FOLK/ROOTS FESTIVAL" is separately ticketed, and you can get a ticket even if you didn't attend the all-day festival.
* Headliners are Dom Flemons, Thompsonia, and Souly Dance Arts.
* At the same venue as the daytime festival: St John's Presbyterian Church, 11000 National Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90064
* SEE FESTIVAL listing above for tix, etc.
Sat, Apr 13:
7:30 pm - ENSEMBLE ADILEI plus THE CHAMGELIANI SISTERS present "TRADITIONAL GEORGIAN POLYPHONIC SINGING" presented by the "Center for World Music" at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, 3025 Denver St, San Diego, CA 92117
* They also perform Sun at 6 pm in L.A. -- see listing.
Sat, Apr 13:
7:30 pm - JACK TEMPCHIN, songwriter for the EAGLES, plays the AMSD Concerts series at Sweetwater Community Church, 5305 Sweetwater Rd, Bonita, CA 91902; 619-201-0520
Sat, Apr 13:
7:30 pm - SCOTTISH FIDDLERS OF LOS ANGELES plus THE SYNCOPATHS play the Hermosa Beach Community Theatre, 710 Pier Av, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Sat, Apr 13:
8 pm - CHELY WRIGHT, the performing songwriter who made it in the "Country" genre but whose talents and artistry exceed it, plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Apr 13:
8 pm - JOHN YORK, the legendary key member of the BIRDS, plays the Fret House, 309 N Citrus Av, Covina, CA 91723; 626-339-7020
Sat , Apr 13, FESTIVAL concert:
8 pm - SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT, "A NIGHT WITH NATIONAL CASH -- A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY CASH," presented by the annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL." Main daytime events are in William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Av, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
* Evening concerts, separately ticket at 8 pm, happen nightly in several area theatres, separately ticketed.
* SEE The Guide's main Festival listing at the beginning of the day for tix, etc.
Sat, Apr 13:
8 pm - RASPIN STUART and ARIELLE SILVER play the final concert of the winter-spring season for the "ACOUSTIC MUSIC SERIES" at Jeff Gold's West Valley Music Center, 24424 Vanowen St, West Hills, CA 91307
* More info: www.westvalleymusicenter.com
TIX: $20, includes refreshments; available at 818-992-4142 or westvalleymusic@sbcglobal.net
Sun, Apr 14; Fri-Sun, Apr 12-14, FESTIVAL:
9:30 am-4 pm - (Sun) Annual "TEMECULA VALLEY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" concludes at the TCR Ranch, 39560 E Benton Rd, Temecula, CA 92592
* It's no longer a city-sponsored free event on the streets of Temecula. Now you need to pay, and in return you get a rustic setting, camping, plenty of featured bands into the night, and jamming under the trees.
* TIX & info, 442-444-0068 or tim@temeculabluegrass.com
Sun, Apr 14, FESTIVAL:
10 am-6 pm (Sun) - Annual "SANTA CLARITA COWBOY FESTIVAL" wraps-up its main events Sunday at both indoor and outdoor venues in William S. Hart Park, 24151 Newhall Av, Santa Clarita, CA 91321
* Evening concerts happen nightly in several area theatres and each requires a separate ticket.
* SEE SEPARATE DAILY LISTINGS for THU through SUN for specific events at different venues.
* THE SCENE, in general: the all-day Sat & Sun main festival in Hart Park is filled with performances, re-enactments, both trad and contemporary Western Music ("cowboy, not country"), Cowboy Poetry, visual art, sculpture, kids activities, historic building tours, exhibits, food, vendors, and more. Get the trail dust brushed offa yer hat, polish-up those boots, and get ready to yee-haw. Yes, this is a very different event than in the old days, when it was held at Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studios, but don't let some city-slicker fool ya -- it's still a mighty fine good time.
* Info, 661-250-3735, or cowboy@santa-clarita.com
2 pm - 15th annual "NEW PLAY READING FESTIVAL" at Boston Court Theatre, 70 Mentor Av, Pasadena CA 91106
* TICKETS ARE FREE, BUT RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED for each day or each play (see below).
* Began Sat, 11 am; see listing. Here are Sunday's concluding events:
* Sun, 2 pm: "NORMALER THAN EVERYONE" by Brian Joseph, directed by Dani Bedau. This reading is currently SOLD OUT. If you're interested in joining the wait list, email: boxoffice@bostoncourtpasadena.org.
* Sun, 4:30 pm: "THREE GIRLS NEVER LEARNT THE WAY HOME" by Matthew Paul Olmos, directed by Jessica Kubzansky. After being bused into a newly integrated school, three friends find themselves in the center of a mysterious encounter which ignites a panic throughout the area. With elements of magical realism and visceral theatricality, Three Girls explores what happens to children caught in the middle of complicated adult fears.
* TIX ARE FREE, but adv. reservations are REQUIRED, at: https://ci.ovationtix.com/112/production/1008087 or call the box office,11 am- 5 pm, Tue-Fri, at at 626-683-6801
Sun, Apr 14:
2 to 5 pm - ANDRE THIERRY plays The French Quarter Creole Bar & Grill, 16728 Bellflower Bl, Bellflower, CA 90706
* $15 at the door.
Sun, Apr 14:
6 pm - ENSEMBLE ADILEI plus THE CHAMGELIANI SISTERS present "TRADITIONAL GEORGIAN POLYPHONIC SINGING" presented by the "Georgian Cultural and Educational Center of Southern California" at 6468 Santa Monica Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90038
* They also perform Sat, Apr 13, 7:30 pm in San Diego-- see listing.
Sun, Apr 14:
7 pm - THE GLOAMING plays Campbell Hall at UCSB, 574 Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; 805-893-3535
Sun, Apr 14:
7 pm - SEAMUS EGAN PROJECT plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Apr 14:
7 pm - DON ROSS & DONOVAN RAITT play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Apr 14:
8 pm - STEVE POLTZ plus TENDER MERCIES play the "Sings Like Hell" concert serirs at the Lobero Theatre, 33 E Canon Perdido St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; 805-963-0761
Sun, Apr 14:
6 pm - ENSEMBLE ADILEI plus THE CHAMGELIANI SISTERS present "TRADITIONAL GEORGIAN POLYPHONIC SINGING" presented by the "Georgian Cultural and Educational Center of Southern California" at 6468 Santa Monica Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90038
* They also perform Sat, Apr 13, 7:30 pm in San Diego-- see listing.
Sun, Apr 14:
7 pm - THE GLOAMING plays Campbell Hall at UCSB, 574 Mesa Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; 805-893-3535
Sun, Apr 14:
7 pm - SEAMUS EGAN PROJECT plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sun, Apr 14:
7 pm - DON ROSS & DONOVAN RAITT play the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Sun, Apr 14:
8 pm - STEVE POLTZ plus TENDER MERCIES play the "Sings Like Hell" concert serirs at the Lobero Theatre, 33 E Canon Perdido St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; 805-963-0761
Mon, Apr 15 & Wed, Apr 17, FILM SCREENING:
"BEN HUR" the multiple Academy Award winning film starring Charlton Heston, returns to theatres for two days.
* TIX: www.fathomevents.com/tcmbigscreen
Mon, Apr 15 & Wed, Apr 17, FILM SCREENING:
"BEN HUR" the multiple Academy Award winning film starring Charlton Heston, returns to theatres for two days.
* TIX: www.fathomevents.com/tcmbigscreen
Mon, Apr 15:
7:30 pm - "SPOTLIGHT: DOM FLEMONS" in conjunction with the "Americana Music Association," the GRAMMY Museum's live performance-interview series brings this acclaimed banjo master to the Clive Davis Theater at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl (entrance around the corner on Figueroa), Los Angeles, CA 90015
* GRAMMY Award Winner and Two-Time Emmy Nominee DOM FLEMONS is known as "The American Songster," covering nearly 100 years of American folklore, ballads, and tunes.
* In 2018, Flemons released his solo album titled "Dom Flemons Presents Black Cowboys," which was nominated for a GRAMMY Award for "Best Folk Album" and for a "Blues Music Award" for "Best Acoustic Album." The album charted for 34 consecutive weeks on Billboard's "Bluegrass Albums" chart reaching the top five, and it charted on both Folk radio and Traditional Folk radio charts.
* Flemons has performed with leading musicians, including Old Crow Medicine Show, Taj Mahal, Guy Davis, Mike Seeger, Joe Thompson, and Martin Simpson, and he has performed as a soloist at prestigious venues that include Carnegie Hall, Cecil Sharp House, the Grand Ole Opry, and at the Opening Ceremony for the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
* CATCH DOM’s APPEARANCE at the FolkWorks "Folk/Roots Festival" on April 13 at St. John's Presbyterian Church on National Bl. in West L.A. (See the Guide's write-up, or get info at: fwfolkrootsfestival.com ) AND SAVE MONEY ON THIS SHOW.
* Bring your "Folk/Roots Festival" receipt to the GRAMMY Museum to receive a discount on your ticket to this April 15th program with Dom.
* TIX will sell-out promptly, so don't dawdle: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spotlight-dom-flemons-tickets-58024540964
"BEN HUR" the multiple Academy Award winning film starring Charlton Heston, returns to theatres for two days, Mon, Apr 15 & today.
* TIX: www.fathomevents.com/tcmbigscreen
Thu, Apr 18:
8 pm - BILL EVANS, author of "Banjo for Dummies," plays his show, “THE BANJO IN AMERICA,” for the fortunate who get tix in time, at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Thu, Apr 18:
8 pm - "DEFIANT REQUIEM: VERDI AT TEREZÍN" presented by PACIFIC SYMPHONY at Segerstrom Concert Hall, OC Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, CA.
* Experience the story of the courageous Jewish prisoners in the Terezín Concentration Camp during World War II who performed Verdi’s stunning "Requiem Mass."
* Combining Verdi's magnificent music with historical footage and video testimony from survivors, this powerful and dramatic work will surely move you.
* TIX: Box Office, 714-755-5799; https://www.pacificsymphony.org/tickets/concert/defiant_requiem
Sat, Apr 20:
7:30 pm - PHIL SALAZAR & THE KIN FOLK play "The Living Tradition" concert series at the Anaheim Downtown Community Center, 250 E Center St, Anaheim, CA 92805; 714-955-3807 or concerts@thelivingtradition.org
* These VC faves give coasters down south a chance to see and hear why those farther north cancel plans to do other things when they learn THE KIN FOLK are playing.
Mon, Apr 22:
8 pm - CALIFORNIA FEETWARMERS play the "Down at the Yard Music Series" at the YARD Theatre, 4319 Melrose Av, Los Angeles, CA 90029
7:30 pm - "SPOTLIGHT: DOM FLEMONS" in conjunction with the "Americana Music Association," the GRAMMY Museum's live performance-interview series brings this acclaimed banjo master to the Clive Davis Theater at the GRAMMY Museum, 800 W Olympic Bl (entrance around the corner on Figueroa), Los Angeles, CA 90015
* GRAMMY Award Winner and Two-Time Emmy Nominee DOM FLEMONS is known as "The American Songster," covering nearly 100 years of American folklore, ballads, and tunes.
* In 2018, Flemons released his solo album titled "Dom Flemons Presents Black Cowboys," which was nominated for a GRAMMY Award for "Best Folk Album" and for a "Blues Music Award" for "Best Acoustic Album." The album charted for 34 consecutive weeks on Billboard's "Bluegrass Albums" chart reaching the top five, and it charted on both Folk radio and Traditional Folk radio charts.
* Flemons has performed with leading musicians, including Old Crow Medicine Show, Taj Mahal, Guy Davis, Mike Seeger, Joe Thompson, and Martin Simpson, and he has performed as a soloist at prestigious venues that include Carnegie Hall, Cecil Sharp House, the Grand Ole Opry, and at the Opening Ceremony for the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
* CATCH DOM’s APPEARANCE at the FolkWorks "Folk/Roots Festival" on April 13 at St. John's Presbyterian Church on National Bl. in West L.A. (See the Guide's write-up, or get info at: fwfolkrootsfestival.com ) AND SAVE MONEY ON THIS SHOW.
* Bring your "Folk/Roots Festival" receipt to the GRAMMY Museum to receive a discount on your ticket to this April 15th program with Dom.
* TIX will sell-out promptly, so don't dawdle: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spotlight-dom-flemons-tickets-58024540964
"BEN HUR" the multiple Academy Award winning film starring Charlton Heston, returns to theatres for two days, Mon, Apr 15 & today.
* TIX: www.fathomevents.com/tcmbigscreen
Thu, Apr 18:
8 pm - BILL EVANS, author of "Banjo for Dummies," plays his show, “THE BANJO IN AMERICA,” for the fortunate who get tix in time, at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
Thu, Apr 18:
8 pm - "DEFIANT REQUIEM: VERDI AT TEREZÍN" presented by PACIFIC SYMPHONY at Segerstrom Concert Hall, OC Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, CA.
* Experience the story of the courageous Jewish prisoners in the Terezín Concentration Camp during World War II who performed Verdi’s stunning "Requiem Mass."
* Combining Verdi's magnificent music with historical footage and video testimony from survivors, this powerful and dramatic work will surely move you.
* TIX: Box Office, 714-755-5799; https://www.pacificsymphony.org/tickets/concert/defiant_requiem
Sat, Apr 20:
7:30 pm - PHIL SALAZAR & THE KIN FOLK play "The Living Tradition" concert series at the Anaheim Downtown Community Center, 250 E Center St, Anaheim, CA 92805; 714-955-3807 or concerts@thelivingtradition.org
* These VC faves give coasters down south a chance to see and hear why those farther north cancel plans to do other things when they learn THE KIN FOLK are playing.
Mon, Apr 22:
8 pm - CALIFORNIA FEETWARMERS play the "Down at the Yard Music Series" at the YARD Theatre, 4319 Melrose Av, Los Angeles, CA 90029
Fri, Apr 26, FREE:
7 pm - "GREEN NEW DEAL TOUR & TOWN HALL: LOS ANGELES" massive rally at Los Angeles Trade Technical College, 400 W Washington Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90015; exact location on campus TBD.
* The "Sunrise" speaking tour is stopping in nine locations across the U.S. to bring the fight for a "Green New Deal" to every corner of the country. Individual communities are hosting their own large-scale gatherings alongside the tour stops, sharing stories from within the community to bring the "Green New Deal" home.
* Political opposition from entrenched office-holders (both parties) is already formidable, and their chief tactic is to ridicule and marginalize anyone concerned with actually doing something. This tour is being done to force pressure on the corporate political establishment to quit obfuscating, distracting, and making false claims to protect monied interests, and to instead PASS INTO LAW the GREEN NEW DEAL for the health of the planet and the ability of human societies to continue.
* Attend this Town Hall to hear leaders in our community share how the Green New Deal is the biggest opportunity of our lifetime to invest in the American people, and what that looks like for all of us.
* RESERVATIONS (free) to attend, get you ongoing info in the meantime: https://actionnetwork.org/events/la-green-new-deal-town-hall
* Sponsored by "Sunrise Los Angeles": https://actionnetwork.org/groups/sunrise-los-angeles
* L.A. host contact: Timothy Hayes, timothy.hayes@groundgamela.org
You can sign-up to get the FREE "Fossil Free News," at:
• It's got stories and news on climate organizing that matter and inspire, delivered directly to you every 2 weeks.
• Here at The Guide, we have signed-up for this new #FossilFree Newsletter. It's "Digestible climate movement news, every fortnight, straight to your inbox."
* Because you don't need to feel alone with barbarians at the gate.
Fri, Apr 26:
8 pm - ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play the "Pasadena Folk Music Society" concert series in Beckman Institute Auditorium, aka "Little Beckman," on the Caltech campus, 400 S Wilson Av, Pasadena, CA 91106
* Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan Av, S off Del Mar, and ignore the "reserved" signs at night.
* They also play Apr 27, 7:30 pm, in San Diego; see listing.
* TIX for Caltech, 626-395-4652
Fri, Apr 26:
8 pm - SILKROAD ENSEMBLE, that incredible all-star roots-music-and-beyond group with YO YO MA, presents "Heroes Take Their Stands" at the Granada Theatre, 1214 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; 805-899-2222
* They also play Apr 28, 7 pm in the SFV, and Apr 30, 8 pm in Costa Mesa; see listings.
Fri, Apr 26:
8 pm - JOE HALL & THE CANECUTTERS play the first of their two Southern Cal shows in their CD release tour for "Aye Cher Catin," this one at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA
* Call for reservations, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236; Reserve Early; this will sell out.
* Great, intimate concert venue, but no dance floor here.
* More at Joe’s website: https://www.joehallandthecanecutters.com
* TIX, $25.
Fri & Sat, Apr 26 & 27:
8 pm - "MUSIC OF QUEEN" performed by PACIFIC SYMPHONY at Segerstrom Concert Hall, OC Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, CA.
* With the OSCAR-winning feature film "Bohemian Rhapsody," this concert was planned when that decision was prescient.
* "We will, we will rock you!" became the memorably avant garde opening sequence to the 2001 medieval adventure-comedy film, "A Knight's Tale," and multiple generations have experienced the power and passion of Queen from the age of the 8-track to the digital download.
* Now, experience it when a full symphony orchestra and rock band combine to pay tribute to one of the greatest bands of all time.
* Enjoy hits such as “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “We Are the Champions,” “Crazy Little Thing Called Love,” “Another One Bites the Dust,” and many more.
* TIX: Box Office, 714-755-5799; https://www.pacificsymphony.org/tickets/concert/music_of_queen
Sat, Apr 27, FESTIVAL:
"NEW BLUES FESTIVAL" at the Huntington Beach Sports Complex, 18100 Goldenwest St, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
* Features live performances on two stages
MAIN STAGE features:
* Eric Sardinas
* New Blues Revolution
* Guitar Shorty
* James Harman
* Verdoros
* Rhythm Shakers
* The Broughams
* Whiskey & The Wolves
* Deb Taren Band
* The Michael Mills Band
* Union Hobos
Big Top Stage features:
* Papa J & Crosscut Deluxe
* Orange County Six String Showdown (Regional Winner)
* Jason Robert Band
* Beano/Mojohand
* The Sandy Haley Band
* Runson Willis III
* The Motion
* Golden Butter Revue
* Up Jumped The Blues
* The Jim Fisk Jazztet
* Volunteers sought. Deadline to apply is Apr 17. All volunteers receive food, drinks, and two FREE tickets to the show; info : https://www.newbluesfestival.com/volunteer
* MORE INFO: 562-338-4805; https://www.newbluesfestival.com; info@newbluesfestival.com
* TIX (yes, you need the whole huge url): https://tickets.vendini.com/ticket-software.html?e=43ade00ca0c15c4b31bb36b7c42af34e&t=tix&vqitq=aeac8378-9158-47c0-8e44-06e6117b679e&vqitp=99399ce9-9a9d-432e-89e2-3f9dbb9eab75&vqitts=1554564033&vqitc=vendini&vqite=itl&vqitrt
Sat, Apr 27:
7:30 pm - ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play the "San Diego Folk Heritage" concert series at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2020 Chestnut Av, Carlsbad, CA 92008
* They also play Pasadena on Fri, Apr 26; see listing.
* TIX for Carlsbad at: http://sdfolkheritage.org/
Sat, Apr 27:
7:30 pm - NEVENKA plus the SWING RIOTS QUIRKTETTE play the concert series at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City, 12355 Moorpark St., Studio City, CA 91604
Sat, Apr 27:
8 pm - JOE HALL & THE CANE CUTTERS play Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-519-1314
Sat, Apr 27:
8 pm - ALBERT LEE plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Apr 27:
8 pm - JOE HALL AND THE CANECUTTERS play the second of their two Southern Cal shows in their CD release tour for "Aye Cher Catin," this one at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732
* The venue invites you to bring your own food and NON-alcoholic beverages; people bring multi-course dinners to shows here.
* Venue has a dance floor.
* Wynonah of Mardi Gras Doll will be there selling her Mardi Gras-themed treasures.
* TIX: $25, at: https://alvasshowroom.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=1120310
NOTE: If you try to purchase and it’s sold out, contact Karen Redding at 562-708-8946 BEFORE April 19 and she will try to get you into the show.
* More at Joe’s website: https://www.joehallandthecanecutters.com
Sun, Apr 28:
3 pm - THE KINGSTON TRIO plays the Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101; 619-570-1100
Sun, Apr 28:
7 pm - SILKROAD ENSEMBLE, that incredible all-star roots-music-and-beyond group with YO YO MA, presents "Heroes Take Their Stands" at the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts (formerly the Valley Performing Arts Center at CSUN), 18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330; 818-677-3000
* They also play Apr 26, 8 pm in Santa Barbara and Apr 30, 8 pm in Costa Mesa; see listings.
Sun, Apr 28:
8 pm - GURF MORLIX plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Mon, Apr 29:
8 pm - JOYCE WOODSON, KRISTINA OLSEN, & TERESA TUDURY present a show they've dubbed the "Three women song swap," at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations are a must, and do that promptly, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
* This is a real "wow" of a show. If you Don't know all three of the artists in this show, you should.
Tue, Apr 30:
8 pm - SILKROAD ENSEMBLE, that incredible all-star roots-music-and-beyond group with YO YO MA, presents "Heroes Take Their Stands" at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Samueli Theatre, 600 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; 714-556-2787
* They also play Apr 26, 8 pm in Santa Barbara, and Apr 28, 7 pm in the SFV; see listings.
Heads-Up, John Denver fans
"THE JOHN DENVER TRIBUTE SHOW" is routinely selling-out coast to coast and beyond, including plenty of sold-out shows throughout Colorado. The days are 'purt near over that you can see JIM CURRY perform the music of the late John Denver in a small venue. Jim has performed with most of the members of Denver's band, and with symphony orchestras using the long-lost arrangements from Denver's giant concerts and studio sessions. Because his, the definitive tribute shows, routinely sell-out, here's a heads-up of dates and venues in Southern Cal where you can catch a show, if you stay on it before everything is gobbled-up:
* Mon & Tue, May 6 & 7, SOLANA BEACH, CALIFORNIA - at The North Coast Repertory Theatre; tix: https://tickets.northcoastrep.org/TheatreManager/1/online?event=1111
* Sat, Jun 15, NEW - JUST ADDED, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA - at the Lewis Family Playhouse; Ticket Info TBA
* Wed & Thu, Aug 28 & 29, CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA at the Candlelight Pavilion; Ticket Info TBA
* He's also performing April 10 through 23 aboard the Holland America Cruise Ship Ms Volendam, with the Volendam Show Band; info, http://www.jimcurrymusic.com/events/jim-curry-presents-the-music-of-john-denver-on-holland-america-cruise-line/
* Jim Curry's John Denver Tribute Show calendar with ticket links:
(May's FESTIVALS are separate, in the next section.)
Wed, May 8:
7:30 pm - BRUCE FORMAN, leader of COW BOP, and Poet Laureate of North Coast Brewery, plays his critically-acclaimed signature concert, "The Red Guitar," at Upstairs at Vitellos, 4349 Tujunga Av, Studio City CA 91604
* He doesn't do this show often. It's a masterwork, based on the theme of "The Red Shoes," wherein a little girl wants to dance like a great ballerina, and she dons the red shoes and cannot stop -- until she dances herself to death. In Forman's reimagining, he wants to play like all the great jazz guitarists, and when he picks up the red guitar, he does. Seriously, he DOES. The guy has the chops to do it, which is why this show is a must-see. In addition to his interactions with Faust and Freud during the can't-stop-playing performance.
* BRUCE tells us it's "A performance of my updated one-man show at Vitello's... Please get your tickets early, they are really tough there and are liable to raise the ticket prices for walk-ins... This is a great venue for the show, and rumor has it that there will be some jazz intervention at the end..."
* THEN HE ADDS THIS: "I'll be just getting back from playing at JAZZ AT LINCOLN CENTER... so I'll be inna Broadway kinda mood..."
* We told you he has the chops to do it! If you're reading this far enough in advance, you can also catch him with COW BOP, his Western swing band, at an event for the "Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival" on Fri, Apr 12; see listing.
* More at: www.bruceforman.com
* TIX for "The Red Guitar" at Vitello's: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bruce-forman-red-guitar-tickets-59085915564
Fri, May 24; Fri-Sun, May 24-26, LIVE THEATRE:
8 pm - "DAMN YANKEES," the classic musical comedy, returns in a production by Cedar Street Theatre at the Lancaster Performing Arts Center (LPAC), 750 W Lancaster Bl, Lancaster, CA 93534; www.lpac.org
* With a book by GEORGE ABBOTT and DOUGLASS WALLOP, music and lyrics by RICHARD ADLER and JERRY ROSS, "Damn Yankees" debuted on Broadway in 1955 with a '30s-'40s feel and STEPHEN DOUGLASS in the lead role.
* Hollywood made a film version in 1958, giving top billing to TAB HUNTER with GWEN VERDON and RAY WALSTON reprising their Broadway roles.
retaining only two of the Broadway songs and filling in with its own replacements. Still, as imdb notes, "the concept of this musical was the preoccupation of the American public with the national pastime of baseball, and its singular domination (between 1947 and 1962) by the New York Yankees."
* Yes, there is intentional double entendre with the the derisive singularity applied for a hundred years in the former Confederate states to anyone from any other part of the country, but it stops there.
* So, what's it about? Musicians will ses something of a parallel to the tale of bluesman Robert Johnson.
* Here, the lead character is middle-aged baseball fanatic "Joe Boyd," who trades his soul to the Devil to make his hapless favorite team suddenly unstoppable winners -- with himself as the team's new star player. Since, if you want something done right, you should do it yourself.
* The team -- the Washington Senators -- was, twice upon a time, the real American League major league baseball team in DC, long before today's National League Washington Nationals. The period not only determines the tunage, but adds a lot to the sense of compelling cultural phenomena when baseball truly was the national pastime.
* The devil, also known as "Mr. Applegate," takes credit for getting the Senators in the pennant race against the perennial AL champs, the New York Yankees. (Make your own comparisons about the devil tempting senators in our own time.)
* On the field, Joe, the young baseball sensation, transforms the cellar dwellers into a winning team -- only for Joe to realize the true worth of the life that he's left behind.
* When Joe returns to his former life, Applegate demands his soul. Will Joe be able to resist the temptress, Lola, and outsmart the Devil at his own game?
* Obviously, a diamond and outfield won't fit on the stage of a performing arts center, and it is here in the charmingly crafted story, the essential questions of ends vs. means, of "what would YOU do for something you want" -- and of course, in the musical performances -- that the show has remained an enduring hit.
* Light, fast-paced, delightfully tune-filled and devilishly clever, "Damn Yankees" has been a homerun for decades, featuring all-American subject matter and an irreverent sense of humor.
* The production runs three performances:
□ Fri, May 24, 8 pm.
□ Sat, May 25, 8 pm.
□ Sun, May 26, 2 pm matinee.
* Tickets $25; Senior & Youth tix, $22.
TIX: 661-723-5950, or http://www.lpac.org/season.php?type=9
Fri, Apr 26, FREE:
7 pm - "GREEN NEW DEAL TOUR & TOWN HALL: LOS ANGELES" massive rally at Los Angeles Trade Technical College, 400 W Washington Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90015; exact location on campus TBD.
* The "Sunrise" speaking tour is stopping in nine locations across the U.S. to bring the fight for a "Green New Deal" to every corner of the country. Individual communities are hosting their own large-scale gatherings alongside the tour stops, sharing stories from within the community to bring the "Green New Deal" home.
* Political opposition from entrenched office-holders (both parties) is already formidable, and their chief tactic is to ridicule and marginalize anyone concerned with actually doing something. This tour is being done to force pressure on the corporate political establishment to quit obfuscating, distracting, and making false claims to protect monied interests, and to instead PASS INTO LAW the GREEN NEW DEAL for the health of the planet and the ability of human societies to continue.
* Attend this Town Hall to hear leaders in our community share how the Green New Deal is the biggest opportunity of our lifetime to invest in the American people, and what that looks like for all of us.
* RESERVATIONS (free) to attend, get you ongoing info in the meantime: https://actionnetwork.org/events/la-green-new-deal-town-hall
* Sponsored by "Sunrise Los Angeles": https://actionnetwork.org/groups/sunrise-los-angeles
* L.A. host contact: Timothy Hayes, timothy.hayes@groundgamela.org
You can sign-up to get the FREE "Fossil Free News," at:
• It's got stories and news on climate organizing that matter and inspire, delivered directly to you every 2 weeks.
• Here at The Guide, we have signed-up for this new #FossilFree Newsletter. It's "Digestible climate movement news, every fortnight, straight to your inbox."
* Because you don't need to feel alone with barbarians at the gate.
Fri, Apr 26:
8 pm - ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play the "Pasadena Folk Music Society" concert series in Beckman Institute Auditorium, aka "Little Beckman," on the Caltech campus, 400 S Wilson Av, Pasadena, CA 91106
* Park free in either lot at the S end of Michigan Av, S off Del Mar, and ignore the "reserved" signs at night.
* They also play Apr 27, 7:30 pm, in San Diego; see listing.
* TIX for Caltech, 626-395-4652
Fri, Apr 26:
8 pm - SILKROAD ENSEMBLE, that incredible all-star roots-music-and-beyond group with YO YO MA, presents "Heroes Take Their Stands" at the Granada Theatre, 1214 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; 805-899-2222
* They also play Apr 28, 7 pm in the SFV, and Apr 30, 8 pm in Costa Mesa; see listings.
Fri, Apr 26:
8 pm - JOE HALL & THE CANECUTTERS play the first of their two Southern Cal shows in their CD release tour for "Aye Cher Catin," this one at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA
* Call for reservations, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236; Reserve Early; this will sell out.
* Great, intimate concert venue, but no dance floor here.
* More at Joe’s website: https://www.joehallandthecanecutters.com
* TIX, $25.
Fri & Sat, Apr 26 & 27:
8 pm - "MUSIC OF QUEEN" performed by PACIFIC SYMPHONY at Segerstrom Concert Hall, OC Performing Arts Center, Costa Mesa, CA.
* With the OSCAR-winning feature film "Bohemian Rhapsody," this concert was planned when that decision was prescient.
* "We will, we will rock you!" became the memorably avant garde opening sequence to the 2001 medieval adventure-comedy film, "A Knight's Tale," and multiple generations have experienced the power and passion of Queen from the age of the 8-track to the digital download.
* Now, experience it when a full symphony orchestra and rock band combine to pay tribute to one of the greatest bands of all time.
* Enjoy hits such as “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “We Are the Champions,” “Crazy Little Thing Called Love,” “Another One Bites the Dust,” and many more.
* TIX: Box Office, 714-755-5799; https://www.pacificsymphony.org/tickets/concert/music_of_queen
Sat, Apr 27, FESTIVAL:
"NEW BLUES FESTIVAL" at the Huntington Beach Sports Complex, 18100 Goldenwest St, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
* Features live performances on two stages
MAIN STAGE features:
* Eric Sardinas
* New Blues Revolution
* Guitar Shorty
* James Harman
* Verdoros
* Rhythm Shakers
* The Broughams
* Whiskey & The Wolves
* Deb Taren Band
* The Michael Mills Band
* Union Hobos
Big Top Stage features:
* Papa J & Crosscut Deluxe
* Orange County Six String Showdown (Regional Winner)
* Jason Robert Band
* Beano/Mojohand
* The Sandy Haley Band
* Runson Willis III
* The Motion
* Golden Butter Revue
* Up Jumped The Blues
* The Jim Fisk Jazztet
* Volunteers sought. Deadline to apply is Apr 17. All volunteers receive food, drinks, and two FREE tickets to the show; info : https://www.newbluesfestival.com/volunteer
* MORE INFO: 562-338-4805; https://www.newbluesfestival.com; info@newbluesfestival.com
* TIX (yes, you need the whole huge url): https://tickets.vendini.com/ticket-software.html?e=43ade00ca0c15c4b31bb36b7c42af34e&t=tix&vqitq=aeac8378-9158-47c0-8e44-06e6117b679e&vqitp=99399ce9-9a9d-432e-89e2-3f9dbb9eab75&vqitts=1554564033&vqitc=vendini&vqite=itl&vqitrt
Sat, Apr 27:
7:30 pm - ROBIN & LINDA WILLIAMS play the "San Diego Folk Heritage" concert series at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2020 Chestnut Av, Carlsbad, CA 92008
* They also play Pasadena on Fri, Apr 26; see listing.
* TIX for Carlsbad at: http://sdfolkheritage.org/
Sat, Apr 27:
7:30 pm - NEVENKA plus the SWING RIOTS QUIRKTETTE play the concert series at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City, 12355 Moorpark St., Studio City, CA 91604
Sat, Apr 27:
8 pm - JOE HALL & THE CANE CUTTERS play Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732; 310-519-1314
Sat, Apr 27:
8 pm - ALBERT LEE plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Sat, Apr 27:
8 pm - JOE HALL AND THE CANECUTTERS play the second of their two Southern Cal shows in their CD release tour for "Aye Cher Catin," this one at Alvas Showroom, 1417 W 8th St, San Pedro CA 90732
* The venue invites you to bring your own food and NON-alcoholic beverages; people bring multi-course dinners to shows here.
* Venue has a dance floor.
* Wynonah of Mardi Gras Doll will be there selling her Mardi Gras-themed treasures.
* TIX: $25, at: https://alvasshowroom.tix.com/Event.aspx?EventCode=1120310
NOTE: If you try to purchase and it’s sold out, contact Karen Redding at 562-708-8946 BEFORE April 19 and she will try to get you into the show.
* More at Joe’s website: https://www.joehallandthecanecutters.com
Sun, Apr 28:
3 pm - THE KINGSTON TRIO plays the Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101; 619-570-1100
Sun, Apr 28:
7 pm - SILKROAD ENSEMBLE, that incredible all-star roots-music-and-beyond group with YO YO MA, presents "Heroes Take Their Stands" at the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts (formerly the Valley Performing Arts Center at CSUN), 18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330; 818-677-3000
* They also play Apr 26, 8 pm in Santa Barbara and Apr 30, 8 pm in Costa Mesa; see listings.
Sun, Apr 28:
8 pm - GURF MORLIX plays the famous music hall in back of McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Bl, Santa Monica, CA 90405; 310-828-4497
Mon, Apr 29:
8 pm - JOYCE WOODSON, KRISTINA OLSEN, & TERESA TUDURY present a show they've dubbed the "Three women song swap," at the Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N Lake Av, Altadena, CA 91001; reservations are a must, and do that promptly, 10 am-10 pm, 7 days, at 626-798-6236
* This is a real "wow" of a show. If you Don't know all three of the artists in this show, you should.
Tue, Apr 30:
8 pm - SILKROAD ENSEMBLE, that incredible all-star roots-music-and-beyond group with YO YO MA, presents "Heroes Take Their Stands" at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Samueli Theatre, 600 Town Center Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; 714-556-2787
* They also play Apr 26, 8 pm in Santa Barbara, and Apr 28, 7 pm in the SFV; see listings.
Heads-Up, John Denver fans
"THE JOHN DENVER TRIBUTE SHOW" is routinely selling-out coast to coast and beyond, including plenty of sold-out shows throughout Colorado. The days are 'purt near over that you can see JIM CURRY perform the music of the late John Denver in a small venue. Jim has performed with most of the members of Denver's band, and with symphony orchestras using the long-lost arrangements from Denver's giant concerts and studio sessions. Because his, the definitive tribute shows, routinely sell-out, here's a heads-up of dates and venues in Southern Cal where you can catch a show, if you stay on it before everything is gobbled-up:
* Mon & Tue, May 6 & 7, SOLANA BEACH, CALIFORNIA - at The North Coast Repertory Theatre; tix: https://tickets.northcoastrep.org/TheatreManager/1/online?event=1111
* Sat, Jun 15, NEW - JUST ADDED, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA - at the Lewis Family Playhouse; Ticket Info TBA
* Wed & Thu, Aug 28 & 29, CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA at the Candlelight Pavilion; Ticket Info TBA
* He's also performing April 10 through 23 aboard the Holland America Cruise Ship Ms Volendam, with the Volendam Show Band; info, http://www.jimcurrymusic.com/events/jim-curry-presents-the-music-of-john-denver-on-holland-america-cruise-line/
* Jim Curry's John Denver Tribute Show calendar with ticket links:
A bit of May -- first look at
_________________________the CONCERTS & SHOWS
(May's FESTIVALS are separate, in the next section.)
Wed, May 8:
7:30 pm - BRUCE FORMAN, leader of COW BOP, and Poet Laureate of North Coast Brewery, plays his critically-acclaimed signature concert, "The Red Guitar," at Upstairs at Vitellos, 4349 Tujunga Av, Studio City CA 91604
* He doesn't do this show often. It's a masterwork, based on the theme of "The Red Shoes," wherein a little girl wants to dance like a great ballerina, and she dons the red shoes and cannot stop -- until she dances herself to death. In Forman's reimagining, he wants to play like all the great jazz guitarists, and when he picks up the red guitar, he does. Seriously, he DOES. The guy has the chops to do it, which is why this show is a must-see. In addition to his interactions with Faust and Freud during the can't-stop-playing performance.
* BRUCE tells us it's "A performance of my updated one-man show at Vitello's... Please get your tickets early, they are really tough there and are liable to raise the ticket prices for walk-ins... This is a great venue for the show, and rumor has it that there will be some jazz intervention at the end..."
* THEN HE ADDS THIS: "I'll be just getting back from playing at JAZZ AT LINCOLN CENTER... so I'll be inna Broadway kinda mood..."
* We told you he has the chops to do it! If you're reading this far enough in advance, you can also catch him with COW BOP, his Western swing band, at an event for the "Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival" on Fri, Apr 12; see listing.
* More at: www.bruceforman.com
* TIX for "The Red Guitar" at Vitello's: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bruce-forman-red-guitar-tickets-59085915564
Fri, May 24; Fri-Sun, May 24-26, LIVE THEATRE:
8 pm - "DAMN YANKEES," the classic musical comedy, returns in a production by Cedar Street Theatre at the Lancaster Performing Arts Center (LPAC), 750 W Lancaster Bl, Lancaster, CA 93534; www.lpac.org
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The original Broadway cast album still sells on CD. |
* Hollywood made a film version in 1958, giving top billing to TAB HUNTER with GWEN VERDON and RAY WALSTON reprising their Broadway roles.
retaining only two of the Broadway songs and filling in with its own replacements. Still, as imdb notes, "the concept of this musical was the preoccupation of the American public with the national pastime of baseball, and its singular domination (between 1947 and 1962) by the New York Yankees."
* Yes, there is intentional double entendre with the the derisive singularity applied for a hundred years in the former Confederate states to anyone from any other part of the country, but it stops there.
* So, what's it about? Musicians will ses something of a parallel to the tale of bluesman Robert Johnson.
* Here, the lead character is middle-aged baseball fanatic "Joe Boyd," who trades his soul to the Devil to make his hapless favorite team suddenly unstoppable winners -- with himself as the team's new star player. Since, if you want something done right, you should do it yourself.
* The team -- the Washington Senators -- was, twice upon a time, the real American League major league baseball team in DC, long before today's National League Washington Nationals. The period not only determines the tunage, but adds a lot to the sense of compelling cultural phenomena when baseball truly was the national pastime.
* The devil, also known as "Mr. Applegate," takes credit for getting the Senators in the pennant race against the perennial AL champs, the New York Yankees. (Make your own comparisons about the devil tempting senators in our own time.)
* On the field, Joe, the young baseball sensation, transforms the cellar dwellers into a winning team -- only for Joe to realize the true worth of the life that he's left behind.
* When Joe returns to his former life, Applegate demands his soul. Will Joe be able to resist the temptress, Lola, and outsmart the Devil at his own game?
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Art for the new production. |
* Light, fast-paced, delightfully tune-filled and devilishly clever, "Damn Yankees" has been a homerun for decades, featuring all-American subject matter and an irreverent sense of humor.
* The production runs three performances:
□ Fri, May 24, 8 pm.
□ Sat, May 25, 8 pm.
□ Sun, May 26, 2 pm matinee.
* Tickets $25; Senior & Youth tix, $22.
TIX: 661-723-5950, or http://www.lpac.org/season.php?type=9
A bit of May -- first look at
Sun, May 5, FESTIVAL:
"DYLANFEST" (number 29) happens at the Torrance Cultural Arts Center, Torino Plaza, 3330 Civic Center Dr, Torrance, CA 90503.
* THIS IS A delightful day of Dylan classics performed by a vast variety of artists, including GRAMMY winners and nominees. Some bring their own fresh arrangements, others are classic Dylan from whatever period the original recording made the song immortal. Go once, and you'll return every year.
* TIX at: http://www.andyandrenee.com/store.php
Thu-Sun, May 9-12, FESTIVAL:
11 am-11 pm (Thu) Annual "PARKFIELD BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL" returns for its traditional stretched Mother's Day Weekend, this year with headliners Special Consensus, The Cache Valley Drifters, The Slocan Ramblers, Rebekah Long, Phil Salazar and the Kin Folk, Snap Jackson and the Knock on Wood Players, Blue Summit, The Littlest Birds, Have More Fun Stringband, Amber Cross, North Country Blue, SLO County Stumblers, Robin Fischer, Gerry Higbies "Kids on Stage," and more, at V6 Ranch, 1st St & Oak St, Parkfield, CA 93451
* TIX: https://parkfieldbluegrass.org/
Thu-Sun, May 9-12, FESTIVAL:
6 pm-10:30 pm (Thu) Annual "GATOR BY THE BAY FESTIVAL" presented by San Diego’s "Bon Temps Social Club" returns to Spanish Landing Park (across from the San Diego Airport), 2326 India St, San Diego, CA 92101; 619-234-8612; gator@gatorbythebay.com
* Things get underway THURSDAY with a separately-ticketed concert, with:
* This is four big days of live music and dance.
* It is NOT all Cajun-zydeco-blues. Just like the "Telluride Bluegrass Festival" is not all bluegrass. We decided to list the full lineup, as that's the only way you'll see what we mean.
* FRIDAY through SUNDAY, things get into high gear with 100+ performances on 7 stages, a dazzling array of listening, serious Louisiana dancing to Cajun and Zydeco bands, blues artists and bands, AND an impressive stable of Americana artists from everywhere. Here's the lineup:
⊙ Grammy-nominated Geno Delafose and French Rockin’ Boogie
⊙ Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band
⊙ Kevin Naquin & the Ossun Playboys (“Best Cajun Album” in Offbeat 2019)
⊙ Swedish jazz musician, singer, and songwriter Gunhild Carling
⊙ Aki Kumar, aka “The Only Bombay Blues Man”
⊙ Rick Estrin & The Nightcats (Blues Music Awards 2018 Band of the Year)
⊙ Roy Rogers, blues slide guitar
⊙ John Németh, blues
⊙ "Johnny V" Vernazza (multiple Gold recording artist)
⊙ The Rhythm Shakers
⊙ The Farmers
⊙ Sons of Soul Revivers, Gospel
⊙ Lil ‘A’ & the Alnighters
⊙ BB & the Blues Shacks (from Germany)
⊙ Anson Funderburgh & The Rockets (Texas)
⊙ Alabama Mike, AKA Michael A Benjamin (Chicago blues)
⊙ Chase Walker, blues
⊙ Anthony Cullins, blues
⊙ Benji Davis, blues
⊙ Whitney Shay (she is “Artist of the Year,” 2019 San Diego Music Awards)
⊙ Sue Palmer & Her Motel Swing Orchestra, Boogie Woogie
⊙ Mercedes Moore Band, blues
⊙ Casey Hensley (2019 San Diego Music Awards Best Blues Artist)
⊙ Three Chord Justice, country-Americana
⊙ PHT Patrick Howard Trampus Band
⊙ Whiskey Ridge
⊙ Sara Petite (2nd prize, 2012 Merlefest songwriting contest, 2016 finalist, Americana category, International Songwriting Contest)
⊙ The Chris Fast Band, blues
⊙ The Sleepwalkers, Americana & Roots Rock
⊙ Blue Largo, jump blues
⊙ Lenny Fuzzy Rankins, storyteller, jazz, blues
⊙ Michele Lundeen, blues
⊙ The 44s, blues
⊙ The Fremonts, Gulf Coast R&B
⊙ “Harmonica John” Frazer, blues
⊙ The Sea Monks, trad rock
⊙ Lady Dottie & the Diamonds, blues
⊙ Liz Grace & the Swing Thing, swing
⊙ The Tourmaliners, surf rock
⊙ Nathan & Jessie, jazzy folk duo
⊙ Sarah Rogo, Americana
⊙ Bobby Sanchez Combo, rockabilly, swing
⊙ Euphoria Brass Band, New Orleans brass
⊙ Tomcat Courtney, 90-yr-old Delta bluesman; California Blues Hall of Fame inductee; Best Blues Artist, San Diego Music Awards
⊙ Chickenbone Slim (aka Larry Teves), blues
⊙ Bill Magee Blues Band, named “Best Blues Band in San Diego,” by both San Diego Music Association and The Reader newspaper
⊙ Flipside Burners, rockabilly
⊙ Theo & the Zydeco Patrol
⊙ Bayou Brothers
⊙ Billy Lee & the Swamp Critters, Cajun, zydeco, Texas swing
⊙ San Diego Cajun Playboys
⊙ Abby Girl & The Real Deal, 50s rhythm & blues
⊙ The Stilettos, trad rock, swing
⊙ Fontenot, Pappion & Plauché, Creole
⊙ High Life Cajun Band
⊙ Gypsy Swing Cats
⊙ Blitz Brothers, electric blues
⊙ Manny Cepeda Orchestra, “caliente” Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Bachata, and Cuban
⊙ Ass Pocket Whiskey Fellas, Irish, folk, rock
⊙ Tim “Steelbone” Cook, trombone
⊙ David Sousa & the Zydeco Mudbugs
⊙ Crew D’Etat Brass Band, New Orleans funk
⊙ Crown Point Junior Music Academy
⊙ Clinton Davis Trio, old-time Americana banjo
⊙ Zzymzzy Quartet, jazz
⊙ Gregory Page, folksinger-songwriter
⊙ Robin Henkel, blues, jazz, Hawai'ian, swing
• Judy Seid, rubboard player “Sista Judy” with the Bayou Brothers
• Suzanne Chaillot Breaux, creator of Mardi Gras costumes
• Ms J7, hula hooping, fire eating, stilts, tightrope walking
• “Sleeveless” Steve Sloan, magician
• "and many more to be announced."
* Early Bird Discounted Single Day and Multi-day Passes On Sale Now (as of March 31).
* TIX and full info: https://www.gatorbythebay.com/
Sun, May 19; FESTIVAL:
Annual "TOPANGA BANJO FIDDLE CONTEST & FOLK FESTIVAL" will, indeed, happen this year at Paramount Ranch, Santa Monica Mtns Nat'l Recreation Area, About a Hills, CA.
* The National Park Service has given the go-ahead for the use of the longtime venue, which suffered fire damage in the 2018 Woolsey Fire. Despite the loss of most of the buildings, the show will go on with some adaptive measures.
* Musicians -- start polishing your act now, with a chance to win prize money and the opportunity to perform before a big crowd! And you prob'ly already know the jamming is amazing!
* Info on registering at:
* Children can compete too, and you will be amazed at the talent.
* Non musicians make this a must-do to enjoy the contestants, the stage acts, and the whole scene.
* Professional acoustic roots bands and individuals delight on the stages, though not yet announced after the delay from the gov't shut down.
* For the presenters, there will be challenges, but all are committed to again bring an outstanding event! -- including the Guide's editor, who emcees a stage here every year.
* "We hope to be able to witness some of nature's resilience. It could include some blooming lupine and other early fire followers. It may be a bit early, but recovery will be starting, even if subtle," says one nature-lover.
* OFFICIAL website is adding more all the time, at:
* ENTRIES NOW OPEN for all competitions, at: http://www.topangabanjofiddle.org/contestant_register_2018.html#faq
* ENTRIES NOW OPEN for all competitions, at: http://www.topangabanjofiddle.org/contestant_register_2018.html#faq
More festivals are still being added -- May and June are FILLED with 'em, and they're most of the year's VERY BEST!
Sat, Sep 7:
8 pm - "TCHAIKOVSKY SPECTACULAR (with fireworks)" with CARL ST. CLAIR, conductor; BENJAMIN BEILMAN, violin; & PACIFIC SYMPHONY, at Pacific Amphitheatre, OC Fair & Events Center, Costa Mesa CA
* Southern Californians are incredibly fortunate to have the Hollywood Bowl, the Greek Theatre, the Ford Amphitheatre, and the OC Amphitheatre all available as splendid outdoor concert venues. Be sure to catch a symphonic treasure beneath the OC skies.
• TCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto
• RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: “Capriccio Espagnol”
• TCHAIKOVSKY: “1812” Overture
* Complete with live cannons and brilliant fireworks, no SummerFest is complete without Pacific Symphony performing Tchaikovsky’s thrilling “1812” overture.
* The evening features this famous romantic composer’s greatest hits, including his memorable Violin Concerto, performed by the first-prize winner of the 2010 "Montréal International Musical Competition," Benjamin Beilman. “The Times” has praised Beilman’s “handsome technique, burnished sound, and quiet confidence,” and “The Strad” described his playing as “pure poetry.”
* TIX and full info at: 714-755-5799 or www.PacificSymphony.org
More festivals are still being added -- May and June are FILLED with 'em, and they're most of the year's VERY BEST!
Sat, Sep 7:
8 pm - "TCHAIKOVSKY SPECTACULAR (with fireworks)" with CARL ST. CLAIR, conductor; BENJAMIN BEILMAN, violin; & PACIFIC SYMPHONY, at Pacific Amphitheatre, OC Fair & Events Center, Costa Mesa CA
* Southern Californians are incredibly fortunate to have the Hollywood Bowl, the Greek Theatre, the Ford Amphitheatre, and the OC Amphitheatre all available as splendid outdoor concert venues. Be sure to catch a symphonic treasure beneath the OC skies.
• KHACHATURIAN: “Sabre Dance”• TCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto
• RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: “Capriccio Espagnol”
• TCHAIKOVSKY: “1812” Overture
* Complete with live cannons and brilliant fireworks, no SummerFest is complete without Pacific Symphony performing Tchaikovsky’s thrilling “1812” overture.
* The evening features this famous romantic composer’s greatest hits, including his memorable Violin Concerto, performed by the first-prize winner of the 2010 "Montréal International Musical Competition," Benjamin Beilman. “The Times” has praised Beilman’s “handsome technique, burnished sound, and quiet confidence,” and “The Strad” described his playing as “pure poetry.”
* TIX and full info at: 714-755-5799 or www.PacificSymphony.org
Runs Sun, Oct 6, 2019, through Sun, Jun 6, 2020.
"LE SALON DE MUSIQUES: MASTERS REDISCOVERED" is the series' just-announced 10th anniversary season of nine concerts, all at the Los Angeles Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Fifth Floor, 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles, CA 90012; Self parking at the Music Center Garage on Grand Avenue.
* "Le Salon de Musiques" is a chamber music series performed in an intimate space without any stage or separation between the audience and the artists. It allows you to feel the purity and quintessence of the music associated with the vibrations of each instrument and the connection to each artist.
* A "Tresor de France Champagne" reception with a high tea buffet catered by Patina follows the performance and the Q & A between the artists and the audience.
* TENTH ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM, 2019-2020, introduced by musicologists Dr. Kristi BROWN-MONTESANO & Julius REDER CARLSON.
* Season "GRAND OPENING" - CONCERT ONE: Sun, Oct 6, 4 pm:
- W. MOZART: "Divertimento" in D Major for String Quartet
- G. HAENDEL: Sonata in G minor Op 2 for two violins & piano - J. HAYDN: String Quartet No.5 Op 64 in D Major "The Lark"
- L. BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op 37 (Arranged for String Quintet)
- Featured artists: Jessica GUIDERI & Aubree OLIVERSON, Violins; Rob BROPHY, Viola, Yoshika MASUDA, Cello; Peter LLOYD, Bass; Vijay VENKATESH, Piano.
* TIX for individual dates are available following season tix sales. The nine-concert season runs through Sunday, June 7, sponsored by Steinway & Sons, The French & German Consulates of Los Angeles, Champagne "Tresor de France," Performing Arts Live, and Eufloria. Buy the season now at the early bird price, saving 20%: $684 for all nine concerrs, instead of the regular full-season price of $855. Season tix get other perqs. Info and tix purchase at: 310-498 0257.
Runs Sun, Oct 6, 2019, through Sun, Jun 6, 2020.
"LE SALON DE MUSIQUES: MASTERS REDISCOVERED" is the series' just-announced 10th anniversary season of nine concerts, all at the Los Angeles Music Center's Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Fifth Floor, 135 N Grand Av, Los Angeles, CA 90012; Self parking at the Music Center Garage on Grand Avenue.
* "Le Salon de Musiques" is a chamber music series performed in an intimate space without any stage or separation between the audience and the artists. It allows you to feel the purity and quintessence of the music associated with the vibrations of each instrument and the connection to each artist.
* A "Tresor de France Champagne" reception with a high tea buffet catered by Patina follows the performance and the Q & A between the artists and the audience.
* TENTH ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM, 2019-2020, introduced by musicologists Dr. Kristi BROWN-MONTESANO & Julius REDER CARLSON.
* Season "GRAND OPENING" - CONCERT ONE: Sun, Oct 6, 4 pm:
- W. MOZART: "Divertimento" in D Major for String Quartet
- G. HAENDEL: Sonata in G minor Op 2 for two violins & piano - J. HAYDN: String Quartet No.5 Op 64 in D Major "The Lark"
- L. BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op 37 (Arranged for String Quintet)
- Featured artists: Jessica GUIDERI & Aubree OLIVERSON, Violins; Rob BROPHY, Viola, Yoshika MASUDA, Cello; Peter LLOYD, Bass; Vijay VENKATESH, Piano.
* TIX for individual dates are available following season tix sales. The nine-concert season runs through Sunday, June 7, sponsored by Steinway & Sons, The French & German Consulates of Los Angeles, Champagne "Tresor de France," Performing Arts Live, and Eufloria. Buy the season now at the early bird price, saving 20%: $684 for all nine concerrs, instead of the regular full-season price of $855. Season tix get other perqs. Info and tix purchase at: 310-498 0257.
ADDITIONS TO THIS EDITION will be made regularly until it's time for a full replacement to take over.
As always, we have lots of MUSIC NEWS features in the works, and they'll be along as we get them dressed, shoes tied, cowlicks combed down, bowties cranked straight, and strings tuned.
'Til we catch ya on the flip side, stay tuneful!
That's all for this edition.
Stay tuneful!
We'll be back again soon with music news and more "News of the Non-Trumpcentric Universe." (c)
Boilerplate? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox?
What "boilerplate"? Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff...
Direct to the Guide's current editions /
editions load quickly at
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Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com
OR USE THE COMMENTS FUNCTION on the Blogspot site.
Entire contents copyright © 2019,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.
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