Additions for MONDAY, April 13th, AND an advance look at TUESDAY, April 14th, have been added after the weekend chronology.
Late additions:
(1) a Sunday cyber music festival, Noon to 4 pm, Pacific;
(2) additional SUNDAY cyber events;
(3) more, for & about Sunday.
See listings!
Weekend BULLETIN -- we started out with the idea of limiting this to just a report on online performances. Then we had an Easter/ Passover thought to include. And along came a cartoon, and one quick comedic story by our editor that's getting picked-up by numerous outlets nationwide, so we just had to feature it here for you. And pretty soon, there is a lot more than that in here, too.
Still, this go-'round is not a complete edition. It may grow to cover even more live performances happening online at some point during Easter / Passover weekend, and may be even more things you'll want to bookmark this coming week.
As for saying, "Easter / Passover weekend" content, it's not that we're "going religious" on you or anything like that... though there is an item on Marianne Williamson in here to cover that base.
Our usual attention to spacers, pictures, and other "publishing niceties" doesn't get as much attention this time. But it is a quite serviceable, if rather utilitarian, very useable NEWS BULLETIN of stuff you wanna know. And it might even grow with added delights and wonderfulness. 😁
FOR MUCH MORE, you can explore anything in our archive -- and the editions since late February provide plenty to explore, listen to, watch, and hold the interest of both deep divers and surface skimmers.
That said...
Let's get started!
We saw where someone had observed, "Dammit! For the first time in years, I can afford to buy a full tank of gas -- and there's no place open to go there!"
Our Easter/ Passover / Post-rain weekend message
If we tell you it's time to Celebrate, you might want to kick our butts up around our shoulderblades. But hang on a moment, okay? Compared to the alternative, there really IS reason to celebrate -- that we're all still here, we've made it this far.
Together, by living through this time, we have learned, and are learning, that our society's predisposition to make heroes out of celebrities and warfighters isn't necessarily such a great idea.
We've learned that medical professionals don't just make a lot of money and play a lot of golf or tennis, and that cops don't just write tickets, and that firefighters don't just take-up six parking spaces when they ride the big red engine to the coffee shop. They have, and do, and will, take to the trenches without the gear they know they need, just to save the rest of our sorry asses.
Thanks to all this, we're becoming aware of the locomotive engineers and conductors -- passenger and freight -- the bus drivers, the subway and light rail motormen (and women). And the truck drivers, the ones who soldier-on along the deserted highways to get the goods to the stores -- where the shelf-stockers and checkout clerks can deal with the ignorant hoarders who push one cart and pull another and clear the shelves before the rest of us can get there to get just one of something.
We've all become acutely aware of the struggles of musicians and sound and light and tech and venue staff and everyone else who eeks-out an existence in the gig economy, and how political foot-dragging and self-centered egomaniacal grandstanding delays needed aid. And suddenly -- perhaps more than ever before -- it all comes together as an epiphany to allow us to appreciate those who stand-up, in and out of government, in and out of the press, to call-out the obstructionist "austerity" types, the scabs on the ass of progress. We now know to appreciate those who chip-away at the the brick wall, and too often must beat their heads against it. For they are the ones speaking truth to bloated, arrogant, out-of-touch, "let-them-eat-cake" swaggerers and pampered scions who believe themselves too superior to read anything and have declared themselves entitled to power. But it's those who annoy, those who ask, those who investigate, those who refuse to accept stories thst don't add-up... those with skill sets honed by battling oligarchs and plutocrats and the rooted kakistocracy... who are suddenly seen as urgently needed by the rest of us. So celebrate that, and celebrate them, too.
Mailing-in our ballots in November (assuming the GOPper power elite doesn't sabotage that) will be the most cherished, meaningful act of participatory democracy that most of us have ever had. Because of what we are experiencing now.
Just as the coming nights of music being sent skyward under the stars -- at the Hollywood Bowl, the John Anson Ford, the Greek Theatre, the Libbey Bowl, the Starlight Bowl, Red Rocks Amphitheater, Wolf Trap, Doheny Beach, the Coachella polo fields, the lawns of Seattle Center, the Levitt Pavilions, and dozens of other cherished places -- will bring sweet night air and the fresh scent of untrampled grass (greener than ever, since it got its break). Just imagine -- the heartfelt excited gratitude for the joy of being, and being there, once again. Whenever that day comes.
All coming, all possible because of all each of us is doing... all we are, together at a distance, sacrificing for each other... all we should be celebrating about ourselves, right now, that will get us there.
The rains are over. Tonight the sky will be filled with stars. The Moon is still near its Supermoon closest-point to us.
Go outside -- properly distanced -- and look up.
Physically and figuratively.
Astronomically and philosophically.
Escape the claustrophobic confinement.
Behold the wonder of the wider, the illumination of the incomprehensible.
And see if you don't hear the soundtrack for it all, playing inside your head. Rediscover what's already in you. And celebrate that.
Happy spiritual connection with the infinite.
Our quick comedic relatable-shared-experience story...
Safari of Necessity
So, yesterday, for only the third time since lockdown, I went out shopping for necessities. These times require all of us to compromise. I loathe and despise Wal-Mart for the way its do-nothing rich inheritors mistreat their corporate empire's employees. But with everything closed, and reports that my usual grocery store was still unable to stock much of anything, it was clear the empire of non-durable consumerism would be one of the destinations.
I found the local Wal-Mart to be a Petri dish of clods hocking-up lugees and crowding you as they argue among themselves over God-knows-what. That was in the line outdoors, where the freshly-painted six-foot markers and explanatory distancing captions were only partially effective. I wanted a spray can of Lysol before I got in the door.
Of course any Wal-Mart on any given day is an exceedingly odd place in many ways. Like the grotesquely obese old white men in pajama bottoms pushing oxygen carts, their unkempt offspring forming a procession, wherein the oldest (or at least the largest) child is distributing slaps and kicks to her sibling brood because they attempt to alter course or sneak unauthorized items into her cart.
The local Coronaville Wal-Mart essentially conformed to convention. But add-in the Spanish-speakers in freshly dirtied work clothes wearing stagecoach-hold-up bandanas, quietly obtaining dinner items to take home. The man waiting in front of me to enter one section of the store obviously had to work at something where his job stirred-up a lot of dust, but did not supply him a construction-grade dust mask. Those masks that stop tiny viruses with the effectiveness of a tennis racket filtering muddy water. You know. The dust masks the rest of us are wearing without having dusty jobs, after going to extraordinary lengths to procure them as the only masks we can get.
A real standout in the Wal-Mart tableau was a large loud young man grandstanding about how he ain't gonna wear no mask, apparently trying to impress the young woman staying six feet from him, wearing her dust mask, and displaying (with the visible portions of her face) the look of long-suffering, there-he-goes-again, humiliation.
Footnote: If you have any foreign visitors when this is over, take them anywhere but Wal-Mart. They would surely go home to India or Australia, Botswana or Belgium, and organize foreign aid for deprived America.
Back to the present -- well, yesterday's present -- at Wal-Mart. One thing I wanted to buy came out of a glass-wall case. It being a package of underwear. Yes, a necessity, that portion of my current wardrobe having picked the past couple of weeks to go threadbare and develop more holes than the regulation pair for the legs. Of course it required someone with a key to get anything from behind glass. Seems packs of underwear are way-up on the shoplifters' agenda. So a Wal-Mart "associate," carrying my underwear, became my six-foot-distant mascot until I got to the check-out scanner.
She was very nice. Even waited patiently while I got in line at the stockroom door for the one-to-a-customer package of toilet paper. She told me she was taking a drive to the Wal-Mart in the next town when she got off work, because THEY put their toilet paper out on the shelves, and she could get paper towels there, too. I asked if she didn't have connections to avoid the in-store line in her own workplace, and got the response, "Are you kidding?" So we had found some rapport. Which is only reasonable when someone is carrying your underwear.
It didn't last. The moment my underwear beeped across the checkout scanner, she vanished like a hummingbird. I'm sure I'll never see her again. But these socially distant times are like that.
Next came the 99-Cent store, after waiting on the duct-tape spacers delineating their outdoor line. As I suspected, they proved a treasure trove of fresh produce, bar soap -- and mouthwash for one-fifth what it costs at the drugstore. If you were expecting a continuation of the pseudo-refugee scene from Wal-Mart, nope.
Finally to the main event. It's somewhat of a specialty grocery store, but seemed a better bet than the stripped-shelf usual supermarket. In line to go in -- at Aldi's -- some a-hole showed up smoking, blowing clouds in several directions many feet from his person. The urge for confrontation gave way to simply escaping the damn smoke. So it was back to the car for a start-over in line, after he and his toxicity had migrated elsewhere. A hundred and three bucks later, and with some splendid victuals, it all arrived home to be Lysoled. (I think that's a new verb.)
I do hope it's more civilized where you are.
Postscript: while out of the line and marooned back in the car to avoid the billowing clouds of toxic gas, the radio was playing a splendid set of old rockabilly. It centered on Gram Parsons from his days in the Byrds and Flying Burrito Brothers. Not sumpin' ya hear everyday. And the timing -- the world having just lost John Prine to the pandemic -- listenable music going-out to the masses. A fine surprise indeed. Along with celebrating, and being truly humbled by, the brave tenacity of doctors and nurses, at least there are some simple happy moments to be found in this masked and isolated quasi-quarantined world.
~ Larry Wines, editor
Filed from the redneck part of Southern California.
Online live concerts & events this weekend
Not chronological this time -- note as you read -- which day, what time, and what TIME ZONE.
Sat, Apr 11:
5 pm Pacific --
Watch the Grand Ole Opry - Live on Circle
featuring Trace Adkins, Jason Crabb, T. Graham Brown
This Saturday The Opry rocks the empty house as Trace Adkins, Jason Crabb, and T. Graham Brown take the world-famous Grand Ole Opry stage. The show is coming to you live on Circle and WSM Radio, plus many additional ways to connect.
Ways to Tune In:
- Watch the live stream on the Circle All Access Facebook or YouTube Page. Tune in early at 6:30pm/c for a special pre-show featuring Maddie & Tae!
- Watch on the Circle TV Network, Sling TV, or Dish Network (visit CirclePlus.com to check your local listings)
- Listen on 650 AM, WSMonline.com, or the WSM app
Sat, Apr 11:
6 pm Pacific --
WSM Remembers John Prine: Tribute Show
Remember John Prine , "the Mark Twain of American folk music," with a special episode of the radio show "Route 650" on WSM. We brought you the sad news of his passing in the last edition. They'll share memories and music from his incredible career. It went-out live earlier in the day. Catch this replay tonight at 6 pm Pacific, following the Opry broadcast.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The Fascinating History of the Easter Holiday
Garrison Keillor covers it concisely in his daily e-missive:
"Easter is a moveable feast; in other words, it's one of the few floating holidays in the calendar year, because it's based on the cycles of the moon. Jesus was said to have risen from the dead on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring. For that reason, Easter can fall as early as March 22nd and as late as April 25th. Easter also marks the end of the 40-day period of Lent and the beginning of Eastertide; the week before Easter is known as Holy Week and includes the religious holidays Maundy Thursday and Good Friday."
Here in the Guide, we have discussed before how the early Catholic Church was brilliant at hijacking pagan holidays and rebranding them into Christian holy days, as was the case with the Feast of Mithra becoming Christmas, and All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day hijacking Celtic celebratory days. It all combined to bring acceptance of the upstart religion because it didn't deprive anyone of their cherished annual feast-and-revelry hoopla. So would you be surprised that Easter is in there, too? And here, Garrison Keillor continues:
"The word 'Easter' and most of the secular celebrations of the holiday come from pagan traditions. Anglo Saxons worshipped Eostre, the goddess of springtime and the return of the sun after the long winter. According to legend, Eostre once saved a bird whose wings had frozen during the winter by turning it into a rabbit. Because the rabbit had once been a bird, it could still lay eggs, and that rabbit became our Easter Bunny. Eggs were a symbol of fertility in part because they used to be so scarce during the winter. There are records of people giving each other decorated eggs at Easter as far back as the 11th century."
Garrison Keillor can still surprise us. And ya gotta give a guy credit for not surrendering the day to the religiosos' interpretations / exploitations. Garrison also shares this:
"It was on this day in 1633 that Galileo Galilei was put on trial by the Inquisition, for supporting the theory that the Earth revolves around the sun. In late April 1633, Galileo agreed to plead guilty and was sentenced to an unlimited period of house arrest in his home in Florence. He gradually went blind and died in 1641. It wasn’t until 1992 that the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system are correct."
On this day... April 12th...
On this day in 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, longest-serving President in US history (elected four times) died in office shortly after beginning his fourth term. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage at his resort for polio victims in Warm Springs, Georgia. Vice President Harry S Truman took the oath of office thst evening. But Eleanor Roosevelt had already summoned Truman to the White House with the news of her husband’s death. Immediately, Truman asked her, “Is there anything I can do for you?” Eleanor Roosevelt's amazing reply was, “Is there anything we can do for you? For you are the one in trouble now.”
That evening, Truman took the oath of office, with World War II still raging in both Europe and the Pacific.
Truman had never been briefed about the existence of the supersecret Manhattan Project that was soon to produce the Atomic Bomb. In fact he wasn't aware of much, having been a rather conservative Democratic US Senator from Missouri who rose to prominence exposing war profiteers.
FDR had replaced his solid "New-Deal" veep, Henry Wallace, with Truman at the 1944 Democratic Convention, and no one quite knew why. At the time, talk was that Truman was the least-qualified and least-prepared person ever to become President. Of course, history tells us that he rapidly rose to the occasion as a strong leader and became famous for his White House desk sign, "The buck stops here."
As for least-qualified person to reach the Oval Office? It seems incredible, given the current resident, that anyone could have thought that of Harry Truman, doesn't it?
Sun, Apr 12:
5 am Pacific --
5 am Pacific --
Sun, Apr 12:
Noon to 4 pm Pacific --
"FLEMING FEST" is an online festival
of various artists who are part of The Fleming Agency. Our old pal FREEBO -- who got word to us just in time -- says, "Please tune in Sunday at 2 pm Pacific, 5 pm Eastern, for an hour of ALICE HOWE & ME as part of FlemingFest. Alice will play her 30 minute set first as I support her on bass and vocals, and I will follow with a 30 minute set of my own as Alice sings duets, harmonies, and an occasional bass part with me. Both Alice and I are proud to be represented by Jim Fleming who has been doing this with dignity, honor, grace, and professionalism for the past 40 years."
The Sunday Online Festival begins at 3 pm Eastern, noon Pacific, with 30 minute sets from each artist.
Freebo and Alice Howe, who take part with Christine Lavin, the Southern Gothic, and others, in Sunday's cyber festival. |
2 pm -- ALICE HOWE with Freebo
2:30 pm -- FREEBO with Alice Howe
Watch the show at this link:
Sun, Apr 12:
Noon Pacific --
"LOCKDOWN LOWDOWN," a "series of online chats and demos with MUSICIANS FROM AROUND THE WORLD"
* Latest chapter is today from LONDON (8 pm there), Noon in Los Angeles.
* WATCH LIVE on either of these formats:
■ their YouTube channel, at:
■ the "Blastcult UK" Facebook page, at:
* More info at:
www.blastcult.co.uk and their email: studio@blastcultuk.com
Sun, Apr 12:
12:30 pm Pacific --
Sun, Apr 12:
2 pm Pacific --
Ken O'Malley, a master of traditional and original Irish music and fine acoustic multi-instrumentalist, presents a live performance from his home, singing and playing classic Irish favorites with an emphasis upon the 1916 Easter Rising and the heroes who turned the tide toward Irish independence.
* Direct link: https://www.facebook.com/kenomalleyirishmusic/live.
* If it's too busy to connect, use this variant: https://www.facebook.com/kenomalleyirishmusic/ (scroll down to see and enlarge).
* The show will last approximately 45 minutes and is free of charge. Last Sunday's show brought viewers from various parts of the US, Canada, Ireland, the UK, Finland and Mexico -- and those were just the people who let Ken know where they were.
* Tip jar: use Venmo: @kenomalley, or PayPal, at: paypal.me/twlord
* MORE: the 2016 "EASTER RISING CENTENARY COMMEMORATION" video is FREE to watch on Ken's WEBSITE. This event, which took place at St. Cornelius Catholic Church in Long Beach CA on April 24, 2016, honors the memory of those who lost their lives in the cause of Irish freedom in 1916. Running time: 75 minutes.
Sun, Apr 12:
2 pm Pacific --
ANDY & RENEE return with a live concert on Facebook Live -- anyone can watch & hear, no need to have your device infested with the FB spyware that arrives if you sign-up to get an FB page of your own.
Watch the show at: www.facebook.com/ReneeSafier
Tips -- send funds to reneesafier@hotmail.com via PayPal or Venmo or go to http://www.andyandrenee.com/store.php to donate. There’s also an option in Facebook Messenger to send a tip by clicking the $ icon when you send a message to Renee Safier.
Their new CD, "Fuse 32" is available for purchase, Go the "Music" page at their website to buy yours now.
* Listen to their podcast, "Talkin' Bob Dylan"
* Andy Hill & Renee Safier and their award-winning band Hard Rain are named "Best Of The Beach" again in the 2020 "Easy Reader" poll.
* They're included in a new European CSNY Tribute CD, "Music Is Love"...Get more info at their website, and buy the CD here.
Andy & Renee, along with their band Hard Rain, have taken their unique sound and multi-instrumental skills to venues large and small all over the world. Their eleven independent CD releases have won them countless awards, including: LA Music Awards “Americana Group of the Year” and “Best Duo/Group” for the International Acoustic Music Awards. In 2005, Renee Safier won the Telluride Blues Festival Acoustic Blues Competition, receiving a rousing response from the 12,000-plus festival crowd. In addition to all this, Andy and Renee are about to celebrate their 25th year hosting their own "Dylanfest," an all-day music festival showcasing the music of Bob Dylan, featuring many of L.A.’s top musicians, including the Bardance's own Marty Rifkin.
Sun, Apr 12:
9:10 am Pacific --
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON has two things for the weekend, one live Sunday, the other on-demand.
* Remember her? The Democratic Presidential candidate who always made so much sense in the debates? She built quite a following outside her usual gig as a spiritual guru. So we thought you might like to catch up with her again, and see if she still makes sense.
* Her on-demand piece is about how to "create possibilities for miraculous breakthroughs":
Sun, Apr 12:
5 pm-6:30 pm Pacific --
LISA HALEY & THE ZYDEKATS in a TWO-BAND performance webcast presented by Laguna Beach Cultural Arts Center and "Alert the Globe"
* This Easter Sunday Premier episode of "Alert the Globe" features Interviews and video performances by two GRAMMY-nominated Artists:
• Cajun/Zydeco fiddler LISA HALEY & The Zydekats
• Reggae legend PATO BANTON
* Lisa says, "We can't wait to give you all a hug again -- Until then, please enjoy this special Easter Gift -- from Us to You!"
* TUNE IN at: http://lbculturalartscenter.org/TV/
Sat, Apr 11 & Sun, Apr 12:
Times at links...
"The Alternate Root" features new music from the world of Roots music and hybrids of Americana, Blues, Soul, Folk, Bluegrass, Classic Rock, Classic Country, Zydeco, Funk, and more.
This week they feature lots of stuff we'll delve into for our mix over the next few days.
For this weekend, their "Touring in Place" live series brings you "At Home with Farm Aid"
and more. Check out their live-online lineup:
Date: Saturday April 11
Time: 5 pm Pacific
Format: website
Also, part of it it is available with added content here:
Willie Nelson's "At Home with Farm Aid" live stream featuring himself, his sons Lukas & Micah Nelson and Neil Young
Time: 5 pm Pacific
Format: website
Also, part of it it is available with added content here:
Willie Nelson's "At Home with Farm Aid" live stream featuring himself, his sons Lukas & Micah Nelson and Neil Young
The War and Treaty
Date: Sunday, April 12
Time: 10:30 am Pacific
Format: Rounder's YouTube Channel:
"Easter Sunday Blues Against Hunger Telethon"
Date: Sunday April 12
Time: 10 am-6 pm Pacific
Format: website
DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE'S Ben Gibbard has announced his daily entry in from-home entertainment with performances livestreamed from his home studio.
* Tune in (several sites / formats available) to see Gibbard stream daily, starting Friday (yesterday) at 4 pm Pacific:
Monday, April 13th...
Tonight on the Cyber Stage
Mon, Apr 13, & every Monday:
6 pm Pacific --
ALBERT & GAGE from the grand piano in the safety and comfort of their Austin, Texas home, present
"Monday Night Not at Donn's Depot"
* Streaming on their own website at:
* And streaming on Facebook at:
* They share your donations with the idled Monday bartenders at Donn's Depot and the homebound boys in their band.
* Make donations in return for the live music, at:
PayPal: mail@chrisgage.biz
or via Venmo: @Chris-Gage-10
Tonight on the Cyber Stage
Mon, Apr 13, & every Monday:
6 pm Pacific --
ALBERT & GAGE from the grand piano in the safety and comfort of their Austin, Texas home, present
"Monday Night Not at Donn's Depot"
* Streaming on their own website at:
* And streaming on Facebook at:
* They share your donations with the idled Monday bartenders at Donn's Depot and the homebound boys in their band.
* Make donations in return for the live music, at:
PayPal: mail@chrisgage.biz
or via Venmo: @Chris-Gage-10
Tonight on the Tee-Vee
5-7 pm - "Garth Brooks: The Road I'm On" Part 2 (2019)
7-9 pm - "Dolly Parton" (2020)
9-11 pm - "Kenny Rogers" (2020)
11 pm-midnight - "Merle Haggard: Salute to a Country Legend" (2020)
Midnight-2 am - "Kenny Rogers" (2020) repeat
2-3 am - "Merle Haggard: Salute to a Country Legend" (2020) repeat
3-5 am - "Dolly Parton" (2020) repeat
11:34 pm-12:37 am - "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" has a new show with SF-6home performances by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani. On NBC.
Tuesday, April 14th...
Tue, Apr 14 - Webinar
9 am Pacific --
"The New Normal: Let's take a look at Podcasting" presented by San Gabriel Valley California-based HutDogs. Free with free registration (below).
* They will talk with Philip Kim, a "passionate podcaster" who helps produce events for the City of Arcadia, and is a tennis pro and coach. One of the ways he shares his tennis passion is through a podcast called "TennisPAL Chronicles."
* As a audio engineer and record producer, Phillip brings a wealth of technical nerdiness to the podcast recording process and is ready to answer your questions on format, tech, distribution, and marketing.
* You can let Philip know more about your interest in podcasts via his Google docs survey.
* Join in on Tuesday, April 14, at 9am Pacific, below.
Register here for Tuesday's New Normal
Tue, Apr 14 - new DAILY
2 pm Pacific --
"The Paste Happiest Hour," a new livestream video series from Paste magazine, every weekday.
* The link is the name, just above.
* They'll be "taking questions from... viewers to try to truly make it the happiest hour in these tough times," and featuring live performances from one or more different musicians each day.
* This launched MONDAY, and that show is archived. It featured Josh Ritter, and Joe Henry. Watch it on-demand at: PasteMagazine.com
* If you're subscribed to their YouTube channel, you'll get reminders about new episodes.
More coming...
April 16 at 6:15 pm Pacific
Dallas Burrow
"Americana Highways"
April 17 at 5:30 pm Pacific
Alice Wallace
April 16 at 6:15 pm Pacific
Dallas Burrow
"Americana Highways"
April 17 at 5:30 pm Pacific
Alice Wallace
(A Guide favorite!)
"Americana Highways"
April 18 at 5:30 pm Pacific
The HawtThorns
"Americana Highways"
"Americana Highways"
April 18 at 5:30 pm Pacific
The HawtThorns
"Americana Highways"
Podcasts, audio & video, 'n such...
- Hiss Golden Messenger's MC Taylor is the latest guest on The Working Songwriter podcast, discussing his creative process and more. Listen here
- Logan Ledger dropped by NPR Music's World Cafe to talk about his self-titled debut, which was produced by T Bone Burnett, and to perform LP highlights like "Imagining Raindrops" and "Invisible Blue." Listen here
- "I like writing music in an environment where I can sit and focus and have some self-reflection." - Orville Peck has found silver linings during quarantine, including writing his follow-up to last year's Pony, FaceTiming his friends and tackling DIY home projects. Read more
- Aubrie Sellers stopped by the Surviving the Music Industry podcast to talk about her signature "garage country" sound and the road bumps that come with some of today's record label deals. Listen here
- Our music world is devastated over the loss of John Prine who passed away on Tuesday at age 73 following complications relating to COVID-19. Forever an enduring pillar in the Americana music world, it's safe to say there will never be another John Prine. His indelible songbook lives on in our hearts.
- "If the artist’s job is to hold a mirror up to society, John had the cleanest, clearest mirror of anyone." - Jason Isbell penned an op-ed on how Prine taught him how to stay vulnerable. Read more
- "Knowing him has been an honor of my lifetime. He was the most humble, kind, funny and real soul on the planet." - Our Executive Director Jed Hilly reflected on Prine's passing while sharing clips from the Americana Honors & Awards including last year's performance of him and Bonnie Raitt singing "Angel From Montgomery." Watch + read here
New tracks...
- Ana Cristina Cash lays her heart bare on "Fixed to Fall," a tender chapter from Shine (out April 24). Listen here
- John Craigie shares the tale of a 1900s traveler on "Vallecito," an ominous acoustic narrative slated to appear on Asterisk the Universe (out June 12). Listen here
- Jeff Crosby expresses gratitude for blind faith on "My Mother's God," a promising roots offering from North Star (out April 24). Listen here
- The Harmed Brothers contemplate holding onto hope with "Skyline Over...," a rockin' cut from Across the Waves (out June 5). Listen here
- Liz Longley is reeling from being separated from a loved one on "Torture," a sauntering number from Funeral for My Past (out in May). Listen here
- Julian Taylor looks back on his childhood summers throughout "The Ridge," the roots-leaning title track from his upcoming album (out June 19). Listen here
- Umphrey's McGee pen a relevant ode with "Easter in Quarantine," a meditative sign of today's times. Listen here
Tee-Vee and other videoed performances...
Thanks to our friends at the Americana Music Association for this content. | |
We have lots of MUSIC NEWS
features in the works, and they'll
be along as we get them dressed,
shoes tied, cowlicks combed down,
bowties cranked straight,
and strings tuned.
Find a comfortable spot by the
wood stove -- you'll prob'ly need to
grab the cards for solitaire, since you
can't have somebody over for a round
of checkers. But we'll be along...
directly, from a safe social distance.
In Cyberia.
features in the works, and they'll
be along as we get them dressed,
shoes tied, cowlicks combed down,
bowties cranked straight,
and strings tuned.
Find a comfortable spot by the
wood stove -- you'll prob'ly need to
grab the cards for solitaire, since you
can't have somebody over for a round
of checkers. But we'll be along...
directly, from a safe social distance.
In Cyberia.
On to the necessary boilerplate...
Boilerplate? What "boilerplate"? Where's the main pressure gauge? And the firebox? How do you add water so it won't blow-up?
Who came up with that goofy term for the basic essential informational stuff? ...obviously some dumbass...
Alright already, it's right down there...
Direct to the Guide's current editions /
editions load quickly at
Or at
CONTACT US -- Post Comments / Send Questions / say Howdy at:
Tiedtothetracks (at) Hotmail (dot) com
OR USE THE COMMENTS FUNCTION on the Blogspot site.
Entire contents copyright © 2020,
Lawrence Wines & Tied to the Tracks.
All rights reserved.
♪ The ACOUSTIC AMERICANA MUSIC GUIDE endeavors to bring you NEWS – and views of interest to artists everywhere – more specifically to musicians and the creative community and music makers -- and fans of acoustic and Folk-Americana music. That includes both traditional and innovative forms. From the deepest roots to today’s acoustic renaissance, that’s our beat. We provide a wealth of resources, including a HUGE catalog of acoustic-friendly venues (now undergoing a major update), and inside info on FESTIVALS and select performances in Southern California in venues from the monumentally large to the intimately small and cozy. We cover workshops, conferences, and other events for artists and folks in the music industry, and all kinds o’ things in the world of acoustic and Americana and accessible classical music. From washtub bass to musical spoons to oboe to viola to banjo to squeezebox, from Djangostyle to new-fangled-old-time string band music, from sweet Cajun fiddle to bluegrass and pre-bluegrass Appalachian mountain music to all the swamp water roots of the blues and the bright lights of where the music is headed now.
The Acoustic Americana Music Guide. Thanks for sittin' a spell. The cyber porch'll be here anytime you come back from the road.
We'll be back again soon with music news and more "News of the Non-Trumpcentric Universe." (c)
Til we catch ya again on the flip side
in this new decade...
in this new decade...
as Buford the Wonder Dog looks on
and in our best Kathy Baker
"Hee Haw" voice: "THAT's all!"
"Hee Haw" voice: "THAT's all!"
Here's a reprint of important info from one of our February editions:
(good for avoiding the "regular" flu & colds, too)
• Coronavirus lives on inorganic surfaces anywhere from two hours to NINE DAYS; it all seems dependent on temperature, unless it is killed by disinfectant. When tests revealed that, even health care workers were surprised. It brings more emphasis to many of the following points.
• Get the flu vaccine -- ordinary flu will likely mimic Coronavirus, so avoid being ostracized and quarantined.
• Wash your hands, a lot: scrub for 20 seconds and wash them often.
• Stop shaking hands. Don't do "fist bumps" because that's still hand-to-hand contact. And don't become a mad elbow-bumper, because of the next point.
• Cough into the inside of your elbow, ANY TIME you cough.
• Stop shaking hands. Don't do "fist bumps" because that's still hand-to-hand contact. And don't become a mad elbow-bumper, because of the next point.
• Cough into the inside of your elbow, ANY TIME you cough.
• Keep your hands away from your face -- touching your nostrils, eyes, or mouth brings-in every germ your hands picked-up.
• Get a little bottle of hand sanitizer on a miniature carabiner. Clip it to your belt loop or purse strap and use it frequently. (Be sure you snap the lid shut, or it'll drain all over your clothes.) You can refill it from the pump bottle by the sink.
• Make your own hand sanitizer if the stores are out. Formula, from a doctor who makes it with her kids: two parts isopropyl alcohol (drugstore alcohol, at least 70% alcohol), one part aloe vera gel, a dash of any essential oil. Works just ss well as store bought stuff.
• Make your own hand sanitizer if the stores are out. Formula, from a doctor who makes it with her kids: two parts isopropyl alcohol (drugstore alcohol, at least 70% alcohol), one part aloe vera gel, a dash of any essential oil. Works just ss well as store bought stuff.
• Stay home if you're sick -- even if you don't get paid, DON'T be the "Typhoid Mary" that brings a pandemic of this or ANYTHING contagious. If you're "taking one for the team," make it the big team -- ALL of us.
• Don't be a transporter. Immediately remove shoes inside your front door and change clothes when you get home. Don't plunk-down on the couch until you shed what you were wearing at work or in the store or on the bus or in the coffee bar. Stop tracking everything from the sidewalk onto your kitchen and bathroom floors and your rug.
• Be mindful of your car. Everything you touch, everywhere, is on your steering wheel. Everywhere you sit is on your car seat. Keep 'em disinfected -- Clorox wipe the wheel, Lysol spray the seats, often.
• Don't be a transporter. Immediately remove shoes inside your front door and change clothes when you get home. Don't plunk-down on the couch until you shed what you were wearing at work or in the store or on the bus or in the coffee bar. Stop tracking everything from the sidewalk onto your kitchen and bathroom floors and your rug.
• Be mindful of your car. Everything you touch, everywhere, is on your steering wheel. Everywhere you sit is on your car seat. Keep 'em disinfected -- Clorox wipe the wheel, Lysol spray the seats, often.
• Everything you wear goes in the hamper. No multi-day wearings between washings.
• Keep track of where Coronavirus and other flus are headed, the latest ways to avoid contagion, and what symptoms go with what disease, by putting the CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL in your favorites: www.cdc.gov
• Call your doctor or public health officials if you become symptomatic, and DON'T "just go" to the doctor or urgent care or ER; everybody else in the waiting room does not have what you have, and vice-versa.
• Don't buy-up all tbe masks that medical responders need. Nearly all the masks in the stores are Dust Masks, made to keep carpenters and other tradesmen from inhaling sawdust. Expecting those to protect you from tiny viruses is like trying to filter water with a tennis racket. Plus, wearing masks everywhere is not a good idea -- without training and lots of practice, you'll contaminate the thing and then breathe a stewpot of microorganisms up-close and personal.
• Get proper nutrition and plenty of sleep to support your immune system. THAT is THE best way to stay healthy.
• REALLY IMPORTANT: Think about what you routinely ignore:
~ your phone or tablet, which you constantly handle while you're touching everything else in the big, wide world, then keep handling when you're eating (keep your devices disinfected).
~ the Kleenex or cloth hankie you pull out of your pocket -- this time your nose or eye gets the side your dirty finger got last time (yeah, duh!)
~ door handles & knobs, especially "pull-to-exit" on the restroom door, and all door handles you grab or push.
~ gas pump handles -- whatever was deposited on them is now on your steering wheel, and marinading on your hands as you snack while driving.
~ gas pump handles -- whatever was deposited on them is now on your steering wheel, and marinading on your hands as you snack while driving.
~ restaurant menus, salt and pepper shakers, ketchup and mustard and hot sauce bottles that every unwashed hand touches. Same goes for bins of packaged condiments at fast foodies or convenience store / gas stations (Use 'em, then use your hand sanitizer.)
~ lunch buffet serving spoons, spatulas, tongs that every unwashed hand uses in the food bins (your freshly-washed hands just got contaminated). And if sneeze guard glass panes aren't at the right height or aren't clean, demand a refund and leave.
~ coins in change and money, in general -- coins and folding money are germ transit systems. (Back to your little bottle of hand sanitizer.)
~ airline & train tray tables -- who knows when they were last cleaned and to what extent? When we saw a baby being changed on one... (bring a little plastic box of Clorox wipes when you travel).
~ bring your own food on the airplane -- you're probably doing that, anyway, since they stopped feeding you back when they started charging for carry-on luggage and made you ride with your knees in your armpits. Flight attendants have tested positive -- their hands pour drinks, dispense snacks, and pick-up everybody's garbage.
~ airline & train tray tables -- who knows when they were last cleaned and to what extent? When we saw a baby being changed on one... (bring a little plastic box of Clorox wipes when you travel).
~ bring your own food on the airplane -- you're probably doing that, anyway, since they stopped feeding you back when they started charging for carry-on luggage and made you ride with your knees in your armpits. Flight attendants have tested positive -- their hands pour drinks, dispense snacks, and pick-up everybody's garbage.
~ remember to think and act consciously. There is an acute need to be mindful of others, so neither be paranoid reactive nor obliviously ignorant. There was great advice in the old cop show at the end of every briefing: "Be careful out there."
Read AND SHARE The Guide's complete feature story on the COVID-19 Coronavirus in the edition at: https://acousticamericana.blogspot.com/2020/02/leap-day-weekend-leaping-into.html
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